Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 23

Episode 23 February 19, 2021 00:45:28
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 23
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 23

Feb 19 2021 | 00:45:28


Show Notes

Norm Nathan’s Vault of Silliness will soon to be broadcasting from some new digs but for now we’re still comfy and cozy in the old ones.

Today I grabbed a cassette from October 9th, 1994.

Another version of the DBG where Norm had to dig into the week to play the game. Oct. 10th, 11th AND 12th!

There was the thought one time where we should do a DBG with only dead people.

“How old would they have been if they were alive?

Brian McKinley is producing.

He mentions that it was his niece’s 3rd birthday! Kayla Alice McKinley.

Brian was a best bud from college. We worked on many projects together and had back-to-back radio shows on the college radio station. We would sit in on each other’s shows and had just so darn much fun every week. Somewhere in the Vault resides evidence of these shows.

DBG Players

Richard from Salem

John from parts unknown?

Erin in Worcester

Rina from Sharon

June in Wellesley

Brian McKinley

Ken Newman in traffic

Side note: Brian and Ken sound very much alike.



Sean Ono Lennon

Jackson Browne

Ben Vereen

David Lee Roth

Tanya Tucker

Daryl Hall

Dick Gregory

Luciano Pavorotti


Is that a 73-car accident being reported on Ken Newman’s scanners?

The Game is much more important and thankfully, Ken has his priorities in order.

Rina was so honored to play the game she wants to send Norm a prize

and that starts some silliness that includes some saucy French talk.

And Norm makes the ladies swoon (and Brian too)!


[email protected]






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