Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 26

Episode 26 March 12, 2021 00:44:34
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 26
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 26

Mar 12 2021 | 00:44:34


Show Notes

Thank you for joining us again here at Norm Nathan’s Vault of Silliness.

This very special episode is broadcasting from the all-new, plush, but not overly ostentatious Norch Studios and FuzzyWuzzyProductions.

What is a Norch, you ask? My wife and I were discussing what to call the facility. Is it a nook or a porch? And I said, “It’s a Norch!”

And there you have it. Yes, the PUN never stops.

Please like, subscribe, share and I do so enjoy reading your comments so don’t be shy.

The purveyor’s of Norm’s theme songs, Linda Chase and Dave Currier, were in the studio and joined us for the DBG! The night being January 22nd, 1993

We dig into the upcoming week and have a date in history to comprise the game. 

Other players:

Mike, who has his eye on Linda Chase and by the sound of it has had one too many Ovaltine cocktails.

Dave (DJ) in Greenville, PA

Sid Whittaker – producing and playing and hating on Norm.

Tony on the phone

And Jack Harte in traffic 


John Hurt

Linda Blair

Ann Sothern

Piper Laurie

Date in history:

Laugh-In made its debut

Monday Bdays:

Ernest Borgnine

Anita Baker – Really? Because I need a plumber!

Ray Stevens 

We also will hear what Norm has in mind for both Linda and I to wear when we go to the prom.

Norm reveals he has a date!

He lists off some of her talents as well as where they will be going that evening. Stay tuned. You won’t want to miss those details.


[email protected]






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