Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 173

Episode 173 January 29, 2024 00:51:33
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 173
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 173

Jan 29 2024 | 00:51:33


Show Notes

Today’s episode is titled “Surprise!”

The date on the cassette really, really, really looked like January 30th BUUUUUT it turns out it was July 30th, 1994 the (1 was a 7). January is my least favorite month so why not think about the warmth of summer? So that’s what we are getting here today!


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Brian in Brookline

Ruth from Winthrop

Monica from Nahant

Rose in Wellesley

I'm possibly producing and playing in studio

Jack Harte

And introducing, playing for the first time, the newly minted producer: Brian McKinley



Paul Anka

Anita Hill

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Pat Schroeder

Ed ‘Kookie’ Burns

Peter Bogdanovic

Delta Burke

And David Sanborn


Ep 173, Surprise! Shocks its way to your ears in 3,2 and 1.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Today's episode is titled Surprise. The date on the cassette really, really looked like January 30, so 130. But it turns out it was July 30, 1994. Well, January is my least favorite month, so why not think about the warmth of summer? So that's what we're going to do here today. Please consider supporting the show on Patreon. Your generation would be and is appreciated. You may find the link below. The players Brian and Brookline. A first timer, Ruth from Winthrop. A second timer, Monica from Nahant. It's her first time on the birthday game. Though a regular caller rose in Wellesley. I was producing and playing in studio traffic. Boy Jack Hart. And introducing, playing for the first time the newly minted producer, Brian McKinley. The birthdays, Paul Anka, Anita Hill, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pat Schroeder, Ed Kooky Burns, Pete Bugdanovich, Delta Burke and David Sanborn. Episode 173 surprise shocks its way to your ears in three, two and one. [00:01:13] Speaker B: Brookline. Is this your first crack at this, Brian? Yes, it is. I imagine the old adrenaline is flowing and you're just so darn. Yep, yep. Well, okay. That's good. And I wish you well, and I thank you for joining us along with Ruth in was here. I was just kind of absorbing the lovely sounds of your sensuous voice. [00:01:38] Speaker C: Oh, how are you? [00:01:40] Speaker B: Oh, that was so beautiful the way you asked me that. I'm just fine, thank you. I hope you're okay. Is this your first crack at this? [00:01:47] Speaker C: No, second. [00:01:48] Speaker B: How did you do the last time? [00:01:50] Speaker C: I just met Gladys Knight, 50. Gladys Knight, 50 years old. [00:01:57] Speaker B: Who was 50 years old? [00:01:58] Speaker C: Gladys Knight. [00:02:00] Speaker B: Oh, Gladys Knight. I see. [00:02:01] Speaker C: That was the last time. I was on once. [00:02:03] Speaker B: Oh, so you won one time. Just the one. I didn't win, but I mean, you got just the one correct answer. Yeah, I see. Well, gee, maybe this time I'm looking. [00:02:14] Speaker C: Forward to getting that wonderful prize. [00:02:17] Speaker B: Yeah. You understand it's a worthless, tasteless, tacky prize. Okay. Yeah, it is. You'll be selling it at a flea market within a day, I promise you. [00:02:28] Speaker C: Okay. [00:02:30] Speaker B: Is Monica from the hand. [00:02:32] Speaker C: Hi, Uncle Naomi. How are you? [00:02:35] Speaker B: Good. Well, that's good. Have you ever played a game with. No. This is your first time then, eh? [00:02:42] Speaker C: It is. [00:02:42] Speaker B: Okay, we have Rose, who is in Wellesley. Hello, Rose. [00:02:46] Speaker C: Good morning, Norm. How are you? [00:02:49] Speaker B: Very nicely, thank you. What a nice voice you have. [00:02:52] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:02:53] Speaker B: That's okay. Could you consider working for the Norm Nathan obscene phone call company? [00:02:59] Speaker C: I don't think so. [00:03:01] Speaker B: Okay. I'm so glad that was just the test. I didn't really mean that. I just wanted to see just how high your morals were and see whether you were worthy of this game. And you came through brilliantly, and I'm just so pleased. [00:03:15] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:03:15] Speaker B: Okay, Tony Desmond is playing the game with us also. Tony, hello. Hi, Norman. How are you? I'm awful noise, Tony. I hope you are all right, too. Okay, yeah, that's awful good. We have Jack hat. How are you? How are you doing, Jack? I'm all right. Hey, I was just thinking, in 38 states and beyond, you're affectionately known as Uncle Norm. Now, I was thinking, if you took those initials, then it's you who puts the un back in fun. Oh, that is so sweet. Is that not nice? That is so. What? We have one additional member who's brand new to the WBZ happy family. Why does everybody laugh when I say the WBC happy family? What do they call army intelligence? You know the phrase, I'm trying to think of that when two words, totally opposite. Oxymoron. Oxymoron. Happy family. Happy WBZ family could be considered an oxymoron. But you're not going to get me to say that, man. Speaking of oxymorons. Anyway, this is Brian McKinley. That's right. Is that correct? Because I have your name down here, right next to your health certificate. Have you seen the WBZ doctor, by the way? Because we want all new people to be healthy. I've been tested. Oh, that's good. Yeah. Last time we hired some new producer, he spread disease everywhere and he had no conscience about it. It was really awful. So I'm glad you're okay. Do you understand how you play the Brian? Yeah. Which Brian? No, this is Brian McKinley and you're Brian Berkline. Right. Which is different than McKinley. Barry Burbank, which is a whole phony name, too, isn't it? I don't know. Maybe it's not. Okay, so we're all kind of excited about what is going on. I've lost my place. Okay. Today is the birthday of Paul Anka. Awesome. As Monica in the hand. How would you say his name? Paul. Monica. [00:05:35] Speaker C: Paul Anker. [00:05:36] Speaker B: You did say it exactly that way. I thought you'd say Paul anchor. [00:05:41] Speaker C: Well, I'm sorry, I thought my enunciation was clearly. [00:05:45] Speaker B: It was. Well, if you were using his name in, like, a full sentence, then the next word would have like, Paul Anchor is at the South Shore music circus. You see, you'd stick the arian if it was in a sentence. Oh, yeah. Say that. Can you say, Paul Anchor is at the music circus? Paul Anchor is at. No, not you. No, not you. Not you. No. I want Monica to say that Paul. [00:06:07] Speaker C: Anchor will be performing. [00:06:13] Speaker B: Paul, anchor is at the South Shore music theater. Yeah. [00:06:17] Speaker C: Paul, anchor is at South Shore music Circus. [00:06:19] Speaker B: See? Yeah, that was kind of nice. I don't know whether my sense of taste is deteriorating. But I'm finding that kind of erotic. Look at the time, Norm. This flies when we're having fun. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We're just whipping it up, like, wow. Okay, Paul, ankle. We'll start with you, Brian, and Brookline. How old do you think Paul ank? Well, let me tell you about some things about him that might give you a clue. He's from Canada. You know that. Yeah. His biggest hit, lonely boy, was in 1959. Closely followed by you're having my baby in 1974. With Odia. Is that how you pronounce her name? Odia? Odia Coats. I guess nobody really knows, do they? I wonder if that was controversial back then, a song like that. That's right. It was. As a matter of fact, that's what I was just about to say. Feminists wanted the song changed to having our baby instead of having my baby. Wow. I think we lost somebody. I think we did. Is. Are you still there, Brian? Yes. Okay, so we haven't lost you, Monica? [00:07:21] Speaker C: No, I'm here, Ruth. [00:07:24] Speaker B: Hello. And Rose? [00:07:25] Speaker C: I'm here. [00:07:26] Speaker B: What was that? Everybody's here, then I guess. I don't know. Maybe somebody was on the Extension. Yeah. Oh, that might be. Yeah. He wrote the Tonight show theme city. Boom. Boom. Yeah. Also, the lyrics for my way. I did it my way and she's a lady. And Paul Anka was a millionaire by the time he was 19. What year was that? You almost caught me on that one. You almost got me on that. Okay. How old is Paul anchor right now? Brian from Brooklyn. What do you think? 59. 59, okay. And Ruth? [00:08:07] Speaker C: 60. [00:08:08] Speaker B: And the lovely, beautiful, and somewhat erotic Monica? What do you think? [00:08:13] Speaker C: 50. [00:08:14] Speaker B: 50. I noticed you didn't dispute my adjectives describing you. [00:08:21] Speaker C: No. [00:08:24] Speaker B: I see. Okay. Rose, how old do you think Paul ank is? [00:08:28] Speaker C: I'm going to say 51. [00:08:30] Speaker B: 51, okay. And, Tony, did you give any years for those songs that he wrote? Yes, I did. I said I missed it. Lonely boy was 1959. You're having my baby was 1974. Okay. And tonight's show theme, he wrote in 1812. Let's see. Wait a minute. Right after he wrote the overture? That's right. Okay. It's kind of funny. You sound like you're imitating Emilio Morata now. I'm sorry. I know it started out the other way around. Okay. Yeah. How about 53? 53. Okay. Even after all my figuring, that was my original answer to begin with. Wow. Yes. Well, you proved it. Thank you. Yeah. My math was correct. Jack, what do you think? 50 foa. 50 foa. And Brian. Brian McKinley. His very first shot at this game. It's just kind of an exciting moment. I guess you could say it's anchors away. Well, seeing that all the good ages were taken, I guess. 55. He's starting out rather flip, isn't he? 55, actually. Poor man. You all very close, but Tony Nesbitt had it right on the button. He is 40. 53. 53, Marth. Math was exactly right. Anita Hill also has a birthday today. This is her birthday. Testified, of course, at the Senate Judiciary Committee and a nationally televised broadcast that Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas engaged in unwanted, sexually explicit conversations on the job. And maybe. And she didn't say this and never came out in the hearing, but looked like he wanted to goose her. At one point, even after he became Supreme Court justice, was there any of that on tape, or was that something that happened? No, I'm an expert on that. I show up at talk shows a lot. There's a thing about guys who like to goose women. It's a disease, it's a perversion. But it's much more common than you think. And I'm going to be on the Sally Jesse Raphael show as an expert on gooseing next week. Okay. Will you be silhouetted and your voice will be. No, no, I'm coming right out. Full face. I want people to know who it is talking. I'm not trying to hide. However, several of the women who claim to have been goose, they will be in silhouette. And the voice is changed. That's right. And to be wearing thick glasses, it'll be a lot of that kind of stuff. Anyway, let's start with you, Brian. Brian McKinley. You're under the gun now. Anita Hill. Anita Hill. Anita Hill. How old would you say? She's not over the hill yet. No, she's not. She's a very attractive lady, too. Very gooseable. Yeah. No, actually, I'm waiting for her to goose me. Tell you the truth, I'm glad I'm not having lunch now. That really sickens me, that whole thing. I'm going to say 35. 35. Brian McKinley, our new novice. Still wet behind the edge. Producer. Virgin producer. A virgin producer. Well, I thought that was the job specification for all of you producers. Once you've had sex, you're out of here, man. Okay, Jack Hart, what do you say much for me, does it? Five years. I've been around for a long time. No, it doesn't say a lot for you, the truth be known. And I'm sickened by it. What do you think, Jack? Anita Hill. Anita Hill? Anita Hill. You know, she got that Thomas fella in a mesa trouble. No, we didn't know that. No. I see. It's just embarrassing for you when nothing happens and you tell a bad joke and it just goes right down the tubes. It must be really embarrassing. You must be sitting there squirming. Thank God it's radio. I do leave here with my sunglasses on. Actually wear ear muffs so nobody will know. He stoops over a little bit. He kind of sneaks out kind of at a Slinky walk. Yeah, sort of stay close to buildings. Every now and then somebody will say, then, jackhart, from the dumb birthday again. You must like winter a lot more so you can get out before the sunrise is still dark out. Yeah, they don't even do that. They just sort of point and giggle. Yeah, they weren't having fun, are we, folks? So what do you think, Anita Hill? How old is she today? I'll say that she's 40. 40. We'll mark down, Mac, down 40, as we call on Tony Nesbitt, who will have, I'm sure, quite an educated shot at this. I believe so. But my guess is probably not worth the hill of beans. That's very good. That's just the darn good. Everybody hold hands and look at your neighbor and smile and say, I love you. I love you. Excellent. Excellent. Now lick all my hand. Okay. Oh, it's just so soft and so warm. You must use ivory flakes for your undies. I think we going crazy here. Lick all my hand. Okay. I need a hand. That was a couple of years ago, right? You're really going through pain with this thing, aren't you? My goodness. Oh, what the heck. I'll go all out and say, 39. You'll say, 39 for Anita Hill. Mark down, you know. 39. Rose, I'm sorry. 35. I didn't mean to yell. 45. I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I just saw your name here and I got kind of. Just kind of excited about that. Thank you very much. Okay. I always have to remind you, Norm, that that's Rose, Debbie's mother. Oh, that's right. It's Debbie's mother. We haven't heard from either Rose or Debbie for some time now. Son of a gun. Yeah, we were about to send out a search party. [00:15:20] Speaker C: Well, I figured it was about time. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Well, I'm glad. I'm glad you did. That's nice to have you with us again. And you picked a good time when we're all acting like total idiots, which is really good. Monica, what do you think? [00:15:33] Speaker C: Well, I think she was a child genius, so I'll say 33. [00:15:37] Speaker B: Do you always talk like that or are you putting us on? [00:15:41] Speaker C: I don't know. I don't know. How does you want me to talk? [00:15:44] Speaker B: No, I just wanted. I wondered, like when you get up in the morning or whenever you get up after sleeping, the first words, do they come out exactly like that? Is that the way you really come out? I'm not even going to ask you to repeat that. I don't know what you said, but it sounded really obscene. What a way to start every day. I guess she's not a morning person. Not even an evening or an all night person. Ruth, what do you think? How old do you think Anita Hill is? [00:16:20] Speaker C: I'd say she's 33. [00:16:22] Speaker B: 33, okay. And Brian from the Brookline. Brian. I'll say 45. Okay. Anita Hill is 38. I was going to say that. Did I still win? You still win? Yeah. You said 39. Yeah. Nobody said 37. So you were the sole winner of that. And isn't that just nice? I think so. So you have two rounds and Tony Nesbitt came out on top on both of them. And what an exciting moment this is. As we go to bodybuilding expert and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who's apparently got a very big picture, that excellent film, excellent film called true Lies. True lies with Jamie Lee Curtis and Tom Arnold. Oh, that's right. Tom Arnold's getting some great reviews himself. It's like good job. Yeah, it's like he's redeemed himself. Nobody says without Roseanne you're a dead duck fella because he's apparently made it on his own with that. He's getting offers and away from her. I think that's movie ever made. It'd be nice if they both get away from each other because I have a feeling I'm both obnoxious, but that's kind of a lovely dream to be able to do that. I don't know what you said, but it was said so nicely. I wonder if she's talking to someone there. Or maybe. Oh, we'll better investigate this here. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Okay. Born in Austria, he was Mr. Universe five times. Started in films with a documentary called Pumping Iron, then served in, starred rather in the Terminator predator, Conan, Red Heat, twins, Terminator, second Kindergarten cup, the last action hero. And hold on until I introduce. Don't hold your applause till I introduce the entire head table here. And total recall. And of course, the movie we just discussed. Married to a newswoman and Kennedy family member, Maria Shriver and her orchestra. He at one time used thyroids, sometimes known as steroids. They call steroids when they come in a funny package. He was named chairman of the president's council on Physical Fitness in 1990. And in 1991 was found dead drunk in an alleyway in Beverly Hills, California. And I made that part. He's also a partner in that planet Hollywood thing, too. Oh, planet Hollywood. That's right. The whole string of movies of restaurants. That one have just opened in Hollywood itself. And everybody in the world was there. Las Vegas. That's where the new one. Just the new one was. Las Vegas. Okay, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Let's start with you, Rose. How old do you think he is? And his birthday is July 30. [00:19:31] Speaker C: I'll say 48. [00:19:32] Speaker B: The lovely Rose will say the lovely 48. Okay. And Monica, what do you say? [00:19:39] Speaker C: 22? [00:19:39] Speaker B: 22. Brian from Brookline, what do you think? I'll say 47. 47. Okay, Tony? Yeah, 47. 47 also. And Brian McKinley, what do you think? I'll go with 46, Jack. I'll say 46. 46. Alternative. Was that you were imitating Arnold Schwarzenegger or was that Henry Kissinger? They're both are interchangeable, aren't they? We are seeing the light, the muscles at the end of the tunnel. Hey, Ruth, what do you say? How old are you? [00:20:32] Speaker C: 48. [00:20:33] Speaker B: 48, okay. 47 is correct. Was that me again that time? Yes. You know, you know very well you will get. You and Brian from Brookline both said 47. So Brian has got one and you've got three correct answers. My goodness, this is really just getting crazy nice. How about Pat Schroeder was a representative, a congresswoman from Oregon and quite well known. She's not. She's from Colorado, but she was born in Portland, Oregon. Plays a mean piano, too. Is that Schroeder from the little teeny toy piano? Yeah. The sounds that come out of that. Schroeder also is what you do with documents when you're in government. You want anybody to see them run it through the paper. Schroeder. Yeah, that's right. You run it through the Patricia Schroeder. Anyway, let's see. Let's start with you, Monica. How old do you think Pat Schroeder is? Congresswoman from Colorado. [00:21:37] Speaker C: I think she's 50. [00:21:39] Speaker B: 50. Okay. Any dates, Norm, when she was. No, I know. The whole thing is Congresswoman Pat Schroeder is. It mentions her age. Born in Portland, Oregon, and a Democrat from Colorado who doesn't say another word about. What did you say, Jack? She said, do you have any dates for her? And I said, no, she's been alone for months. Glad to help. You are. Thank you. That was very nice. Very nice. Jack showed a quick wit. You were roasted the occasion and you were right there. That was really nice the way you came up with that. Thank you very much. Beta wasn't funny. Yeah, that's the only thing it lagged. But beyond that, it was really nice. Okay, Jack, how about you telling us how old you think Pat Schroeder is today? And if you guess this correctly, you can help us dust out the blackboard. The blackboard erases whatever it is you dust on the red brick wall and you start making letters and stuff with it. Sure. Remember those days? Sure. Spell out nasty things about the teachers. Sure. That was fun. Kind of drying kid off before they come out. Yeah. 52. 52. If the wind was blowing just right, the chalk dust would blow right back on your face. Oh, sure. You could walk back in, look like a ghost. Okay, Ruth, how old do you think Pat Schroeder is? [00:23:09] Speaker C: 49. [00:23:11] Speaker B: Okay. And Brian from Brookline? 56. And Brian McKinley, since I haven't got a clue who she is. 53. You don't know who the congresswoman is? Who is very well known in congressional circles is. But you're hired. Okay. 53 you say. And let's see, she's not still in there. No, she's still congresswoman. She was sort of running for president at one point. I don't think she carried it through as I recall. That's right. I do remember that. What do you think, Tony? I'm going to go with Brian from Brooklyn. 56. 56. Okay. And rose from Wellesley. [00:23:58] Speaker C: I'm going to say 56. [00:23:59] Speaker B: 56. Also actually today she's 54. So let's see, Brian McKinley, who never even heard of her, said 53. He got his first one on the game. Yeah, that's right. He's the sole winner of that. Very nice. He's now tied with Brian from Brookline. Sounds like a bad people joke or something. I was really going to say 54, but I thought I'd give Brian a chance. Brian, I know that Tony is breaking you into this big, fast paying glamour field and high paying job. Yeah, he is. But just try to remember that he doesn't always speak the truth. That went nowhere, did that. Anyway, Ed Burns. I don't know if any of you are old enough to remember Ed Burns. Cookie. Ed Burns. That's right. He was Cookie. Cookie Burns. He was on. And they didn't have a brother's side. Yeah. Anyway, he was on 77 Sunset Strip. They had a sister, son. He was always combing his hair. Which led to the hit song Kooky, kooky, lend me your comb we had some great songs back then. Those are the days. They don't write music like that. He's recorded that with Connie Stevens. He holds the record for appearing on more magazine covers in one month than any other person. That he was on 20 magazine covers in October. And here's the clue now. 1960. Covers in October. 1960. Kooky, kooky, lend me your comb that's so beautiful. When you really think of the words and let them kind of waft across your tongue. Isn't that romantic? Oh, it's beautiful. Beautiful. I did that with him and I had a bad case of head license. Kooky, kooky, lend me your comb out of the song. Is that the way the song went? That was a little more. Yeah, it was. Kooky, kooky, lend me your lend me, lend me so I can go home. Sure. Then there was the follow up song that. Okie, okie, lend me your socks. Yeah, that's right. That came along soon after that, too. Yes, that's right. Okay. Ed Byrne, Brian and Brookline. What do you think? 53. 53, okay. And the lovely Ruth and Winthrop. [00:26:41] Speaker C: 63. [00:26:42] Speaker B: 63, okay. And what do you think, Monica? The beautiful Monica from the hand. [00:26:48] Speaker C: 56. [00:26:49] Speaker B: 56, okay. And the magnificent and a real woman in her own mind. Now, that's the way that goes, anyway. The lovely rose. What do you think? [00:27:04] Speaker C: 57. [00:27:05] Speaker B: 57, okay. Tony, I think he's pushing 64. Pushing 64, okay. And Jack, he's so old that he's got dentures on the teeth of his comb. Now. On the teeth of his. In fact, he does. No, I think he doesn't have teeth on his comb at all. His comb has dentures. That's what I meant. I meant to say that. I know you meant. Thanks for the rewrite, Norm. Thank you very much. You're entirely welcome. He's got caps on them. That's what he has. Caps. That's right. He's got the caps. The teeth of his comb are all capped. Excellent. That's Jack. I'm sorry, I forgot. Jack, did you mention how old you thought he was? Well, of course, ultimately, he's lost so much hair these many years. He doesn't need teeth in his comb. I see. That'll be sort of like, hi there, everybody. I'm 68 years old. My hair, however, is only two and a half years old. Thank you. That's what he's singing. I'm just throwing a number that does not relate to his age. Doesn't relate to anybody's age that I'm aware of offhand. 55. 55. Okay. And Brian McKinley, you never heard of Ed Birds, I'll bet you. No, I have actually. Okay, Pat Schrodo. I've never heard of. I'll go with 58. 58. Okay. Ed Byrne. And this is the magic moment, everybody who's new to this game. Burns. I'm sorry, Burns it is with an spyrnes. Okay. Burns, born in Los Angeles, California, is 61 years old. Let me see how we make out with this one. Ruth has 63 and let's see, 63. And the other way would be 59. But nobody guessed that. The closest Brian McKinley said 58. So I think Ruth walks away with this one. That was nice the way you got all excited about this. I love that. Okay, Peter Bogdanovich. Bogdanovich. Bogdanovich. From Kingston, New York, from Texasville, directed the last picture show, which know what's her name was in the shepherd civil shepherd. That's right. And they lived together for a long time. Really? How do you know about that? How do I know? How do I know? I'm not Mr. Showbiz for know. How do I know? Do you imagine that? The nerve. The nerve. That was acting anyway. But they did live together for a long time. Directed the last, because he was in the last picture show. And also he directed Paper Moon, which was a funny movie, remember that was with Ryan O'Neill and his daughter Tatum was just a little kid at the time. Madeleine Khan. That's right. Madeline Khan, who's great. And they were selling bibles, remember? Yeah. Anyway, he wrote the controversial book the Last Unicorn, about playboy Bunny, Dorothy Stratton. He was involved with her when her other boyfriend killed her and himself. He's got an interesting background, that Peter Bogdanovich. I don't think he's made an interesting movie since Paper Moon made several movies since then, but nothing that I could think of that's worth much. 72, wouldn't it? I believe so. I think it goes back then. Paper moon. Sure. 72. 73. 74, something like that. Okay, let's start with you, Brian McKinley. Peter Begdanovich or Bogdanovich? I'll go with 55. Okay. And Jack, let me see. 63. 63, okay. Antony, 60. I'm going to go with what I said the last time? 60 Foa. 60 Foa. Okay. 60 Foa, 60 Foa. And what do you think, Rose? [00:31:49] Speaker C: I'm going to say 67. [00:31:51] Speaker B: 67. Sure. Okay. [00:31:55] Speaker C: And, Monica, can I say 64, too? [00:31:58] Speaker B: Sure. [00:31:59] Speaker C: Okay. [00:32:00] Speaker B: I'm honored. [00:32:01] Speaker C: No, I was going to say that. [00:32:04] Speaker B: And Ruth? [00:32:05] Speaker C: 65. [00:32:06] Speaker B: 65. And Brian? 57. How much? 57. 57. Okay. The actual age is 55. Oh, my goodness. Brian McKinley said 55 when he did. No kidding. I said, he can't be. He would have been 33 back then. I've checked two sources. Both of them say 55. That's right. You checked with Brian McKinley and he said, that's it. Wow. Yeah. Talk about. And even if 72 wasn't, he was still, like, 35. Direct and paper moon. Very good. No wonder he hasn't come up with something. He's all used up, all his talent back then. He's burned out. Yeah. Okay. How about Delta Burke of Orlando, Florida? Western series. She was in the western tv western series the Chisel. And a spoof of Dallas called Filthy Rich. She's been playing the part of Suzanne. What is this you're doing? That song, the helen ready song, delta Flower, you have on. I never heard that. Well, it's Delta dawn, actually. Oh, I see. Anyway, when we have to explain. Jack, she's on designing woman. I think people know her. And that is Suzanne. And she was also on Delta, the series that starred her. That lasted, I think, until the second commercial. And now she's got a new one coming out. Woman of the house, it's called for the. Yeah, yeah. She's married to actor Gerald McGraney, who is major dad. Yes, I do know that. That's interesting. You call yourself Mr. Showbiz. I guess maybe you found me out to be the fraud that am. Maybe I don't know everything about. Sure, sure. Maybe I don't. But maybe I'm a good father to my kids. Anyway. There was a hint of Lionel Barrymore. You should have went through that in that whole thing. Lionel. What's his last Lionel Barrymore? Okay, let's. Bailey, it's almost Christmas time, isn't it? So we can go through that again. Yeah. Christmas in July. Why don't you go through it just for Christmas in July? Just Christmas. That's right. This is for people who are having Christmas in July. Sales. Want to hum jingle bells, Jack in the background? Sure. Okay. You called me a thwarted old man, George Bailey. Now you come crawling in on your stomach, asking me for money where you can go to jail before. I'll give you many. I think that's enough now, everybody. Okay, getting back to Delta Burke. Is it time for recess yet? Okay, I guess I gave you all the clues about Delta Burke. Oh, yeah. She married this major dad in May 28, 1989, if that helps. No, that doesn't help at all. Okay, well, we know that was five years ago or more. Okay, Delta Burke. We're going to start with. I think we'll start with Jack. We haven't started with you, Jack, at all. I don't believe. Let's see. Delta Burke. Delta Burke, Delta Burke. She's always showing up in those chemistry equations. Delta two. Let me see. Nobody here. Most of us are autistic. None of us took anything to do with chemistry or math. So we don't understand your cockamamy joke. Oh, that's why. Thank goodness. If we did, we'd probably laugh ourselves silly. You'd be yucking away. Let's see, she's 44. 44. Okay. And let's see. Rose, what do you think? [00:36:32] Speaker C: I'm going to say 45. [00:36:34] Speaker B: 45. Okay. And Ruth? [00:36:37] Speaker C: 35. [00:36:39] Speaker B: Okay. And Brian? McKinley? 42. 42. Tony? Yeah. 42. 242. Two. Are you playing train? No, I'm dancing. Brian and Brooklyn. What do you think? 38. 38. Okay. And what do you think, Monica? [00:37:03] Speaker C: 33. [00:37:04] Speaker B: 33. Okay. Yes. I'm sorry. What was that? I was just double checking to make sure. Because we want this game to be on the up and up. Absolutely accurate. Because a lot of kids listen, okay? And they use this as a resource, this whole program. So at least we can do is be accurate for them. This is required as a summer course. It is. Schools, especially. If you haven't done too well in the previous year. This can get you to the next grade so you don't have to take it again. You don't stay bad the other way around. If you do the lesson, you do have to repeat the grade. No. I think of this program as an enrichment program. [00:37:52] Speaker C: I'm going to work. [00:37:54] Speaker B: I'm sorry? You going to work, right? [00:37:58] Speaker C: No, I don't work. [00:38:03] Speaker B: Who said they were going to work? Isn't somebody there with you, Monica? I think it's demons. Are you? [00:38:10] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:38:10] Speaker B: Are you talking to yourself? [00:38:12] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:38:13] Speaker B: Okay, well, that's. Hey, another mystery solved. We should have just asked. Yeah. So you don't have a lover there then, do you? [00:38:25] Speaker C: Well, I had my daughter sleeping, so I don't want to wake her up. [00:38:30] Speaker B: That's what you talk to yourself? Yeah. No, but she whispers because she doesn't want to wake her up. I whisper to myself, no, but if. [00:38:40] Speaker C: I put the kettle on the minute it comes to its full steam, you jump up out of bed. So I don't want to wake her up. [00:38:46] Speaker B: So what do you talk to? The kettle don't come to full steam. Yeah. What do you do? Please. It doesn't talk back. Do you talk louder so that she doesn't hear the whistle or something? The kettle. So she. Is that how that works? Okay, Delta Burke is 38. Brian from Brookline. Hit that right in the butt. Have I already said that? No, you didn't. I lost track of my play. Okay, so here's the way the scoring goes. We have one more to go. Yeah. What's the score? We have a. Tony has three correct answers. I've stalled at three. Stalling. Yeah. You let off just with a bang there. Three. And then nothing for little Brian. And let's see, Brian both. Brian's got two apiece and Ruth has one. And nothing by Monica, Rose and Jack. So are we all winners then? Not yet. We have one more to go. No, I mean, everyone has one. No, I have nothing. Oh, you have. You know, he has nothing. Yeah. No, he, Monica and Rose all have nothing. Nothing. Darn it. And lots of it. And lots of somebody who came from some town in Michigan. He said, I come from a town where nothing happens every single minute. David Sanborn, the saxophone player. Hey. Shows up on. You're all dressed for it, too, Norm. What's happening? Tv. And you're all dressed for it. Yes. Somebody I was going to see Jack, who's a musician I'm sure would be thrilled with this. You know the strap that saxophone players wear around their necks? Oh, yeah. And they got the little clip at the end so they hold the saxophone. Sure. Particularly the tenors or the baritones, which get kind of heavy. The big ones. Okay. Well, I had threatened that I was going to buy one of those straps, just go around with it around my neck. Sort of disguising myself as a saxophone player. See, nobody would know. And looking for a gig. I see. Well, what? I got a gig out there, man. I got my axe in the cast and I cleaned out the woman I catch Rosemary clony with. She gave me a gift we were having. I was going to say that, Jeff. I didn't hear what either one of you said. Was it obscene? Because. No, it was very funny. How far did she fall from. Because you said you caught her with. Oh, I seen how far she fall. That is. That is rather funny. That is humorous. That's really humorous. That's funny. Please continue. Okay. So we were having dinner before we went over to see Rosemary Clooney and she gave me this little package and nice. And I put it aside, I'll open it later. And she said, you have to open it now. Anyway, I opened it up. There it is, the saxophone strap. I thought that was a nice for. Do you understand why I adore her? I thought that was a nice thing to think of. And he has not taken it off. No, I took it off only when we went to backstage to talk with Rosemary Clony. That's how you got backstage. They said, excuse me. And you said, hey, I'm with the band. Yeah. I said, hey, man. Hey, man. Well, you know what you got to do? I blow sacks. You know what I'm saying, fella? You got to get yourself a little beret and a little paste on goatee and a set of sunglasses or a set of shades, man. You're kind of mixing me up with Dizzy Gillespie, aren't you? A little bit. That's okay if you're a bop trumpet player, but hey, man, I'm a cool sax player, man. I play the tenor, you know what I'm saying? I see. Okay. So I've been wearing it around my neck and the interesting thing is I pointed out to people when they don't instantly pick it up or they say, why do you have to wear that stuff around your neck? I say, don't you know what this is? Nobody knows what it is. It just looks like a strap from a duffel bag or something. Or figuring you being the dog owner that you are, I figured, I don't know, maybe you had the dog leash with you. That's right, too. I wear it around my neck. Yeah. And it comes down about the slightly. You come to someone and say, hey, you know what this is? It does. It looks like a duffel bag strap. I don't think anyone would particularly pick up on it immediately. I'm just going to wear it around saxophone players. They're my people, they'll know. Yeah, maybe they will. Or maybe they say, we don't use those anymore. What the hell age are you from anyway? David Sandbourne, who was also a saxophone player, has a birthday today. Tied it somewhere. Yeah, I think. Let's start with you, Brian. We'll start from the top of the list again. How old do you think David Sanborn is? Thank you so much. Me or my other brother Brian from Brookline. Brian. Brian. Yeah, I'll say 67, David Sanborn, 67. There's a guy's got to get a new strap. You got to get the geriatric strap, special orthopedic strap. Mine is lightweight because I happen to be an older person also and so doesn't twist around the veins that are sticking out of my neck and cause rashes. Okay. I'm the only one who has very coarse veins in the neck. Ruth, how old do you think David Sandborne is? [00:44:36] Speaker C: I haven't heard of him, but I'll guess 68. [00:44:42] Speaker B: He shows up on David Letterman quite often. [00:44:45] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't watch him. [00:44:48] Speaker B: You don't watch David Letterman? [00:44:50] Speaker C: No, not too often. [00:44:52] Speaker B: Okay. Is it because. It can't be because you go to bed early. Here you are up. [00:44:58] Speaker C: It all depends who's got who on either Jay Leno or David Letterman. I picked the best guest. I picked the best guest for Jay Leno or David Letterman. [00:45:11] Speaker B: So you watch mostly Jay Leno? [00:45:13] Speaker C: Most of the time, yeah. But then I put the talk shows on afterwards. [00:45:20] Speaker B: All the repeats of the Montel and the Jenny Jones and those things. [00:45:23] Speaker C: Oh, the talk shows on the radio. [00:45:25] Speaker B: Oh, the radio. All right. Oh, talk shows on the radio. Jumping from radio to tv to radio magazine. She's a well rounded person. She is. Monica, how old do you think David Sanborn is? [00:45:38] Speaker C: 66. [00:45:39] Speaker B: That's three down. Okay. And, Rose, what do you think? [00:45:45] Speaker C: I don't know who he is either. [00:45:48] Speaker B: You got to say. How much? 50. What? Will you stop? It's like Price is right. If I guess a dollar, I'll win. Well, what'd you guess, Tony? I hope we all get the same. I'll say he's about 47. 47. Okay. That was good the way you did. Thank you. Very nice. That was natural. That wasn't acting. No, that wasn't. That's the way you normally talk. I know that. Yes, it is. Jack Hyde. What do you think? Let's see. Well, he does have gray hair, so I guess that might make him look older, even though you may never have seen him, but he's got a lot of it. Yeah, I suppose. 44. 44. And Brian McKinley, what do you think? I'll go right in the middle with 45. Right in the middle with 45. Right in the middle with 45. All right, in the middle with 45. Ever since I put on this saxophone strap, I just feel like I get lots of rhythm. Yeah. Okay. Actually, he's 49. Right in the middle. He's 49. So I believe that Tony is the winner on that, very much. Tony said 47 come back at the end. Yeah. And nobody came any closer than that. So Tony just walks away with this thing with four correct answers. And that is kind of exciting. Nice, triumphant return to the Norm Nathan show. That's right, too. Because you haven't had a chance to produce this big time show for a long time. Yeah. Last Saturday. That's right. Since last Saturday. Oh, my goodness. Well, I want to thank all those of you who took part in the program. For lending us your talent and your knowledge. And the warmth of your own personalities. We enjoyed that very much. Brian, thank you very much for being part. Thank you. Okay. You too, Ruth. It was nice to have you with us. [00:47:57] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:47:58] Speaker B: Okay. And Monica. [00:48:02] Speaker C: Norm. [00:48:03] Speaker B: What? [00:48:03] Speaker C: Did Vanna White have a boy or a girl? [00:48:06] Speaker B: Is this a no? No. Vanna White was pregnant, and she did have a baby. But I don't know. I believe it was a boy. [00:48:12] Speaker C: Was it? Okay. All right. Thank you. [00:48:15] Speaker B: Okay. You're welcome. Thank you for playing the game. Monica, send her a card. Okay. Buy a vowel. That's right. Send a card and buy a vowel. Send a card and buy. Right in the middle with 45 Rose. Thank you very much. [00:48:34] Speaker C: Bye, Tony. [00:48:35] Speaker B: And best wishes to Debbie. Okay. Is she home for the summer? [00:48:40] Speaker C: Is she home for the summer? [00:48:42] Speaker B: Yeah. She hasn't gone to camp or anything like. [00:48:44] Speaker C: No, no, she's home. [00:48:46] Speaker B: Okay. Hey, thanks a lot. Take care of yourself. [00:48:48] Speaker C: Okay. [00:48:49] Speaker B: Bye bye. Isn't that funny how the line was suddenly breaking up at that point? I thought CNN was kicking back in. That's right. That sounded like. Yeah, I was thinking of the movie Frankenstein. Remember every time they mentioned Frau. What's her name? Luca. Luca. The horses would winny, and all kinds of weird sounds would come up. I mentioned Debbie, and the same thing happened. Just perhaps can talk like that. Geez. Anyway, and thank you, Tony and Brian McKinley. Thank you. It was nice of you. This is your first inaugural session here on this program, and I imagine you're kind of thrilled. You probably can't wait to get home and tell all the kids in your neighborhood about this. I can't wait. Did that sound like sarcasm? Did that sound like that to you, Tony? No, I'm sorry. My acting skills are a little rusty. Oh, I can't wait. Is that better? That was more sarcastic. I can't wait to have this guy shut up. Yeah, I can't wait. Norm. Yeah. Hey, Tony. I can't wait. Normally keeps goosing me. I can't wait. Thank you very much. Maybe we'll try another call team in the next hour. See what happens. Why not? What the heck. Do you think it's worth it. Well, it's worth it to us. It's not worth it to the company with their expenditures. But what the heck, let's rack up a bill. What's the sense of being on the air if you can't charge them a lot of money? I agree. [00:50:18] Speaker A: Oh, we did enjoy running up those big phone bills. I hope this episode brought a little sunshine to you during this dreary January. Until next time, kids. Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it. Four prizes suitable for resale at your local flea market. Norm Nathan's obscene phone call company the oxymoron of AWBZ Happy family Paul anchor the 1812 Tonight show. Theme overture Norm Nathan Goose perversion expert virgin producers. Loving thy neighbor. Rose and Debbie from Wellesley. The mysterious, unique voiced Monica from Nahant styroids. Henry Kissinger running important documents through the Patricia Schroeder clapping blackboard erasers. The Burns family kooky side and sun wafting across your tongue, keeping the game accurate for the children. Saxophone lanyards, spit valves, goatees and berets. The virginal Brian McKinley. The head down, wall hugging, dark sunglasses wearing Jack Hart and Mr. Showbiz, Norm Nathan I'm Tony Nesbitt.

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