Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 210

Episode 210 November 20, 2024 01:39:46
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 210
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 210

Nov 20 2024 | 01:39:46


Show Notes

Let us venture back to November 20th, 1992, for a really, super fun SMQ. This one goes so far back that it wasn’t even called the SMQ yet! It’s simply referred to as the Music Quiz, The Wild Music Quiz Game, The Dumb Music Game and The Wild Music Thang.

That last one gives us our title too.

Ric Duarte was producing


Once the game gets rolling the questions from the callers are excellent

The Panel:

Norm Nathan

Tony Nesbitt

Ed Mullen

Jack Harte

And two special guests for hour 2 that you’ll just have to stay tuned for to find out!


Ed explains the rules.




Jazz and Big Bands


Please hold your applause until I’ve completed the list of Callers:

Ted from Norton

Arnold in Winthrop

John from Milton

Mary in Quincy

Bill from Plymouth

Barry in Boston

Joe the Baker

Jim in his car

Patrick from Lexington, VA

Bill in PA

Kevin from Swampscott or maybe not

Bob in Fitchburg

Jason in NH

Bill from Raynham

Kevin in Swampscott

Frank from Winthrop

Evelyn in PA

Claire from Natick

Fred in ME

Andrew from NH

April on the Cape

Tammy in Toronto Canada…or not

Tom from Stoneham

Rich in Avon

Helen….no its Frank from Brockton

Al in Worcester

Pat from Middletown, OH

Jodie in MD

Tracy from Worcester

Jack in Natick

Paul from Haverhill

Jack in Framingham

John from Bradford

Maryann in Philly

Bob from Peabody

Jerry in Batavia, IL

Marion from Lexington

And Joan in Melrose


Partial Commercials sprinkled throughout:

Hilltop Steakhouse with Tommy Heinsohn

WBZ News Promo voiced by Gary Lapierre

Staples Super Bowl Moments voiced by Gil Santos


Gold Bond

And Baby Gold Bond

Ep 210, The Wild Music Thang, spins its way to your ears…now.

Buy Me a Coffee




Castos Donation*12szy98*_gcl_au*NDc3NDU0Mzc1LjE3MjI4Nzc4ODk

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Let us venture back to November 20, 1992 for a really super fun Swell Music Quiz. Now, this one goes so far back that it wasn't even called the Swell Music Quiz yet. It's simply referred to as the Music Quiz, the Wild Music Quiz Game, the Dumb Music Game and the Wild Music Fang. That last one gives us our title. Rick Duart was producing. Once the game gets rolling, the questions from the callers are excellent. The panel, Norm Nathan, I, Tony Nesbitt, Ed Mullen, Jack Hart and two special guests for our two that you'll just have to stay tuned for to find out. Ed explains the rules and God help us. And the outnumbered callers who must face such an inquisition. From this panel, the categories just two Rock, jazz and big bands. Now, please hold your applause until I've completed the list of callers. Ted from Norton, Arnold and Winthrop. John from Milton, Mary and Quincy. Bill from Plymouth, Barry in Boston, Joe the Baker, Jim in his car, Patrick from Lexington, Virginia. Bill in Pennsylvania, Kevin from Swampscott. Maybe not. Bob in Fitchburg, Jason in New Hampshire, Bill from Raynham, Kevin in Swamp, Scott. Frank from Winthrop. Evelyn in Pennsylvania, Claire from Natick. Fred in Maine, Andrew from New Hampshire. April on the Cape, Tammy in Toronto, Canada or not. Tom from Stoneham, Rich and Avon. Helen. No, it's Frank from Brockton. Alan Worcester, Pat from Middletown, Ohio. Jody in Maryland, Tracy from Wista. John and Natick. Paul from Haverhill. Jack in Framingham, John from Bradford. Or is that Bradford from John? No, it's John from Bradford. Marianne in Philadelphia, Bob from Peabody. Jerry in Batavia, Illinois. Marion from Lexington and Joan in Melrose. [00:02:04] Speaker B: Thank you. Thank you. [00:02:09] Speaker A: Partial commercials sprinkled throughout the Hilltop Steakhouse with Tommy Heinsen. A WBZ News promo voiced by Gary lapierre. A Staples super bowl moments commercial voiced by Gil Santos. Ovaltine, Gold Bond and Baby gold bond. Episode 210, the wild music thang spins its way to your ears. [00:02:35] Speaker B: Now use only as directed. [00:02:42] Speaker C: Norm Nathan. [00:02:44] Speaker D: He's the talk of the town. [00:02:46] Speaker B: Lift your up when you're down. [00:02:47] Speaker C: Norm Nathan or W. Busy in Boston. [00:02:58] Speaker B: Here's Norm. Oh, thank you so much, sweetheart. I love you. I just love you just so darn much. Anyway, tonight, here on the Norm Nathan program, we will be playing the music quiz. And let me introduce you to the two panel members who have become regulars on this exciting feature. One is Tony Nesbitt. Hello, Tony. Nice to have you with us. Thank you, Norm. Nice to be here. That's what people always say. Hi, Tony. Nice to have you with us. And Ed Mullen. Who's with us also, Ed, could you go through the rules? Because I always forget them from one game to the next. [00:03:35] Speaker D: The rules are simple. We'll throw out a question first. And if the caller gets the question right, they get the opportunity. I wouldn't say the privilege, but they get the opportunity to ask us a question. If they stump us, we'll hit them with the last question. It's kind of a 1, 2, 1. [00:03:54] Speaker B: In other words, the odds are against them. [00:03:55] Speaker D: Shall we recap? The odds are against them because we have a whole staff and a library of musical knowledge to choose from. And they'll be on the phone in the middle of the night trying to. I can't. What's that again? [00:04:07] Speaker B: What's the question? I forget what I just asked you. Anyway, the idea is to call in 2, 5, 4, 10:30. The usual number, 2, 5, 4, 10 30, area code is 617. And you call in and tell us what category you want. Because we will discuss rock, but we're talking rock from the whole period, from the 50s right through. Now, don't say, give me a rock question about a band that just organized three weeks ago because I just got interested in rock. It has to be that whole period. I may know that one, though. Okay. And also jazz or big bands, whatever you'd like. And after we ask you the question, if you answer that, as Ed said, then you ask us a question. So if we answer the question correctly, then you're done, you're finished, you're out of it? [00:04:55] Speaker D: No, we ask. We ask the final question. [00:04:57] Speaker B: No, no, not if. Not if we get the second question right. [00:05:01] Speaker D: If we get part of the first question right, then they can go on to the second question. [00:05:05] Speaker B: Why don't we play a couple of rounds of this thing and then we can. People get an idea. I'm confused now. If they have to get two, we only have to get one. If we get their question, they're gone. They're out of here. Yeah, that's correct. [00:05:19] Speaker D: It's not like an Oreo cookie. [00:05:20] Speaker B: We have to. Matter of fact, we have to miss the first question for them to get the second question. You're right. Right. No, we asked them the first question. That's right. [00:05:29] Speaker D: If we get the first question right, they're gone. They're ghosts, they're toast. They're history. [00:05:32] Speaker B: Okay. Yesterday's news. Anyway, call us anyway. Tell us what the category is. We're gonna do this for the next couple hours or the next minute, whichever comes first. 2, 5, 4, 10, 30 is our phone number, the area code. What I would suggest is that you call as quickly as you can because once the calls start to roll in. Would you shut up, Tony? We're going to sit here listening. Do you giggle for the whole two hours? Once we start rolling, though, the lines do start to jam up very, very quickly. So this would be a good time to call and we'll start playing the quiz in a moment. Incidentally, if you get through all the stages of it and you win, it probably won't even seem worthwhile to you because we give you this Kakamami diploma which indicates you have beaten us. [00:06:19] Speaker D: They get to be guest conductor on the morning. On the. [00:06:23] Speaker B: That's right. The 3:30am Garbage run through Bellingham Square on Tuesday morning. Thank you so much. Anyway, we'll be back to play the game in just a minute. You know, it's nice to go out for dinner in Boston. People recognize me. [00:06:35] Speaker C: It's. [00:06:35] Speaker B: Good evening, Mr. Hindson. Would you like a table, Mr. Hindson? Would you like two tables, Mr. Hindson? It's also nice to eat, really eat. So sometimes I head for the Hilltop. Hilltop Steakhouse, where I can always find something thick and juicy. And when I leave, both me and my wallet feel pleasantly full. But when I arrive, it's something different. It's Tommy who. Here's your number. [00:07:00] Speaker C: Get in line. [00:07:01] Speaker B: Wide bodies to the left. If you want Boston's best steak, you're gonna have to wait. So, naturally, both me and my appetite were pleased to hear about Hilltop's new way to beat the line. All you do is phone in. [00:07:14] Speaker C: They give you a number, and when. [00:07:15] Speaker B: You arrive, they're ready. Fresh here at home and in Little Rock. Start the day with your first Source for news. WBZ's Morning News on New England station. For News, over to BZ News Radio. 10:30. Okay, I forgot. Jack Hyde is going to be playing the game with us, too. How you doing, Jack? [00:07:31] Speaker C: I'm well. [00:07:32] Speaker B: How are you, Nor. I'm just fine, thank you. Very good. Okay. Your musical knowledge is at its keenest point. And you're ready to play the game, aren't you? Yes. Yes, indeed. Okay. And anybody else ready to play, do give us a call at 254-10-30. Area code 617. Let's go to Ted, who's in Norton, Massachusetts. Hi, Ted. [00:07:48] Speaker C: Yeah. How you doing, Norm? [00:07:50] Speaker B: Pretty good, thanks. [00:07:51] Speaker C: Well, I think I got one for you tonight. [00:07:53] Speaker B: Okay. We're gonna ask you one first, though. [00:07:55] Speaker C: Okay, Go ahead. This is big bands and so forth. [00:08:00] Speaker B: Okay. Big Bands and so Forth. [00:08:01] Speaker C: Well, I mean, jazz. You know, the big bands. [00:08:03] Speaker B: Okay, how about the band that began while the orchestra leader was still in college? He called it the. He went to Duke University. He called it the Duke Blue Devils. Who was that? [00:08:14] Speaker C: The Duke Blue Devils. [00:08:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Became a very well known bandleader after that. But the band itself started when he was still in college and a Duke and called it the Duke Blue Devils. [00:08:25] Speaker C: Oh, you know, I know it, I know it, and I can't think of it. Isn't that ridiculous? [00:08:31] Speaker B: Isn't that a paradox, though, when you say you know it, but you can't think it? [00:08:34] Speaker C: But I can't die. [00:08:35] Speaker B: Are you trying to fool the teacher on this one there, Ted? [00:08:38] Speaker C: But you're gonna. You gotta knock me off right off before I can get you. [00:08:43] Speaker B: You make me feel just so guilty. I think that time is up. Anyway. What we do is when somebody does not get the answer, we kind of leave it hanging there in case anybody else wants to call and answer a question that has not been answered. Tell me what you were gonna ask me anyway. [00:08:58] Speaker C: Well, okay, because I don't think you're gonna get it. It's a big band. In the late 30s, early 40s, they didn't get the ring recognition and played Boston quite a few times. And it went under the thing of Da, da Da and his clouds of joy. Andy Kirk, you son of a guy. I thought I'd catch on that. No, I used to see him at the. They used to play the old Tick Tock a lot. Now. [00:09:28] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Now, where was the Tick Tock? [00:09:31] Speaker C: Across from where the Wang center is now. Upstairs. [00:09:35] Speaker B: Oh, yes, yes. [00:09:36] Speaker C: Yeah, right almost on the corner of Tremont and Boris and right almost next to where Ada Bullocks used to be. They used to have big bands up there. It was great. Frankie Fontaine used to be the house, believe it or not, the house MC. [00:09:51] Speaker B: Okay, you're talking now about what, the 40s. [00:09:55] Speaker C: Yeah, the late, late 30s. The early 40s. The last time I was there, I was in the service. I went up there. I think it was in 42 or 43. They had a guess who was on the bill. Frankie Fontaine was the house mc. Coleman Hawkins was a featured small group. And Louis Prima's big band was there. [00:10:17] Speaker B: Oh, gee, you can't beat that. [00:10:18] Speaker C: Can you imagine that? Yeah, and I think the drinks were a buck. It was great. Well, anyway, I'm going to think about that, probably after I hang up. [00:10:29] Speaker B: Okay, thank you. [00:10:30] Speaker C: Duke University. [00:10:31] Speaker B: Duke University called the Duke Blue Devils. Anybody wants to pick the big band category and wants to and knows the answer to that. They can call us at 254-10-30 and pass the answer along. Okay, thanks for calling Ted. [00:10:45] Speaker C: Talk with you later. [00:10:46] Speaker B: Okay. [00:10:46] Speaker C: All right. [00:10:47] Speaker B: Bye bye now. It's very quiet now. I can't understand that, whether all the lines suddenly went out of service or not. But this is a good time to call anyway. 254-1030, area code 617. We started off with a big band thing, but we can continue with rock if you'd like, or jazz. Ah, the lines are starting to light up now, so let me Hear from you 25 4, 10 30. Again, our panel composed of Tony Nesbitt. Thank you, Norman. Thank you very much. Ed Mullen and of course, Jack Hart. [00:11:18] Speaker C: Hi. [00:11:18] Speaker B: Our traffic reporter who's out there at the traffic headquarters, which, as you know, is conveniently located in downtown Kennesaw, Michigan. Yes, because this way you could be objective about the traffic and not be right there anyway. You know, actually, if people don't have any musical questions about rock, we will take questions on geology. That's hilarious. Is that the way we're going to go for the next two hours? Jack, Arnold and Winthrop. Hi, Arnold. Yeah, yeah. You're on WBZ at this moment. Arnold, what would you like to do? [00:11:50] Speaker C: Wait a second. I'll turn the ring you down. [00:11:52] Speaker B: That's a good idea. Yeah, I'd turn it down. I'd untie my shoelaces, too. That was the first question. You got that right. Do we have one fan? Yeah. [00:12:00] Speaker C: Okay, Arnold, on the question, did the. On the Duke and the Blue Devils. [00:12:08] Speaker B: Yes. Was that Sammy K. No, I'm sorry, it was not. No, sir, it was not. Arnold, thank you very much for calling. Let's go to John in Milton. Hi, John. [00:12:17] Speaker C: Hi, Norm. [00:12:18] Speaker B: Hi. [00:12:19] Speaker C: What was the question there? [00:12:21] Speaker B: Well, the question is anything you want. What category do you want to pick? Music. No, it's all music. But what part of what kind of music you want rock? You want big band? Rap? You want. No, we have rock as a general category. Do you want the rock category? Yeah, rock. [00:12:35] Speaker C: Okay. [00:12:35] Speaker B: Okay. Here's a question from my Ed for you. [00:12:38] Speaker D: In what Beach Boys song do the Beach Boys sing? Rah Rah Sis Boom Ba. [00:12:46] Speaker C: Oh, I have no idea. [00:12:49] Speaker B: Okay, that's another question then. We'll gesture out to anybody who wants to use that as a lead in. I can answer that one. Mary and Quincy. Hi, Mary. Yeah, hi. [00:12:58] Speaker C: Ooh. [00:12:58] Speaker B: Hi, Mary. [00:12:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I think it was Johnny Long and his Big Blue Devils. [00:13:03] Speaker B: No, I'm sorry, it was not Mary. Okay, now, did you know that Johnny Long played the violin left handed? [00:13:09] Speaker C: Yes, I knew him. [00:13:11] Speaker B: You knew him? [00:13:11] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:12] Speaker B: And he called his. [00:13:12] Speaker C: He used to call his band the Duke Blue Devils when he was a student. [00:13:18] Speaker B: Did he go to Duke University? Yeah. You sure? [00:13:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:21] Speaker B: Well, I knew him then. Did you go to Duke? [00:13:24] Speaker C: Yep. [00:13:24] Speaker B: You did? And Johnny Long went to Duke University also. [00:13:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:29] Speaker B: I didn't know that. Now that this is somebody else, though, who did go to. Also went to Duke, apparently. [00:13:34] Speaker C: Well, you learned something every day. [00:13:36] Speaker B: I hope so. Thank you, Mary, Bill and Plymouth. Hi, Bill. You're on wbz. Good, thanks. How about you? Good. [00:13:44] Speaker C: What categories are there? [00:13:46] Speaker B: There's rock, which is a general category that includes rock from the 50s. Right on. That is from the beginning to the. To now. And then there's the big band era kind of stuff, or, you know, our big bands today, and the jazz. And you can pick any category you'd like. [00:14:00] Speaker C: I'll take rock, but could I take a stab at that Duke question? [00:14:05] Speaker B: Sure. [00:14:05] Speaker C: Duke Ellington. [00:14:07] Speaker B: No, I know it sounds like it should be, but it was not Duke Ellington. [00:14:10] Speaker C: Okay. [00:14:11] Speaker B: No, I'm sorry, Bill. Thanks a lot. He said rock and then took the question. And then he took the question. Yeah. Okay. 2, 5, 4, 10, 30, area code 617. And this is Barry in Boston. Hi, Barry. [00:14:24] Speaker C: Hi, Norm. [00:14:25] Speaker B: Hi. [00:14:25] Speaker C: How are you? Good. [00:14:27] Speaker B: How are you doing? [00:14:27] Speaker C: All right. [00:14:28] Speaker B: Good. [00:14:29] Speaker C: I'd like to take rock. [00:14:31] Speaker B: Okay. Here's a question from Ed for you. [00:14:34] Speaker D: Okay. In 1975, Convoy by C.W. mcCall was a number one hit. It was a big rage about CB radios. Can you name two CB phrases from that song? There's so many throughout the whole song. Can you name a couple from that song? [00:14:50] Speaker C: Breaker, breaker. [00:14:52] Speaker D: Okay. That counts as one, I suppose, right? Oh, heck, once you start. Once they start coming out, they'll just come pouring out. There'll be like tons of them. [00:15:14] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Give you about another five or ten seconds. In fact, we'll make a definite ten seconds. [00:15:25] Speaker C: You know, I can't think of another one. [00:15:27] Speaker B: I'm sorry. That's kind of. It's interesting because at one time all those things were very common things where everybody wanted to drive a big. What do they call them? Big rig. 10 wheelers. 18 wheelers. 18 wheelers. Oh, they added some more since that last look. Yeah. We don't idolize the big truck drivers much anymore as we did during that was a big period. The 70s were a very troubling time. [00:15:49] Speaker C: Truck drivers are both the only people that will stop and help you on the road. [00:15:52] Speaker B: Hey, that's A good point to know. If ever I get stuck on the road, I want to wait till a big truck comes by and then jump in front of it. Okay, so there's a question to open also that along with the what? The Radah. The Beach Boys question. The Beach Boys question. The name of the song that had. [00:16:13] Speaker D: Rah rah rah sis boom bah. [00:16:15] Speaker B: Okay, those are the two rock questions still out there. And also the big band one, what band called itself the Duke Blue Devils, who led that band way, way back when the band was beginning, while the orchestra leader still was in college and got to be a huge, huge success. Hello. Hey, how you doing, Joe? [00:16:33] Speaker C: Hi, Uncle Norm. [00:16:34] Speaker B: Nice to talk with you. [00:16:35] Speaker C: I was going to call up for that other Beach Boys question, but I think I'll say that the very last question. How about good buddy? Was that another phrase? 10, 4, and good buddy. [00:16:44] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. Good buddy was a phrase, what I was looking for. I guess I didn't explain it really clearly because breaker, breaker, you know, it's like a code word that meant something, you know, Breaker is a signal. You know, he's signaling something. [00:16:58] Speaker C: But, you know, Smokey the beer. [00:17:00] Speaker D: There you go. Exactly. That's one. You got one. [00:17:03] Speaker C: Okay, you want one more? [00:17:04] Speaker B: Well, he's got breaker, break. Would you call that a second one from before? [00:17:07] Speaker C: From. Yeah. And I said good buddy. I remember they say that, good buddy. [00:17:12] Speaker D: And, you know. What does that mean, though? That's what I. That's kind of the point of the question. I don't know if I explained that clearly, but good buddy. Good buddy is just, you know, it's just a term. You know how there was cb, code words. [00:17:26] Speaker B: Oh, you said breaker, breaker, from before. So the other clue, that makes too. [00:17:31] Speaker C: Smokey the beer or Smokey. [00:17:32] Speaker B: Yeah, but that's too. [00:17:33] Speaker C: Smokey was a cop. [00:17:35] Speaker D: Right? Smokey was a cop. [00:17:36] Speaker B: That's what we want, right? [00:17:37] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah. [00:17:39] Speaker B: All right. [00:17:39] Speaker D: Let me just throw out a couple, just so you know, you get the question right? Like, put the hammer down means accelerate. What's your 20 is the location? [00:17:46] Speaker C: Double nickel would be 55 miles an hour. [00:17:49] Speaker D: Notice how they're all coming out now. You got that question. Ask us a question about rock and roll. [00:17:55] Speaker C: Okay. Rock and roll question in. Let me see here. In David Bowie's song Fame, who was the other singer? [00:18:07] Speaker D: I'm ready. You know, John Lennon. [00:18:10] Speaker C: Great. Yep. [00:18:11] Speaker D: Okay. [00:18:12] Speaker C: Okay. [00:18:12] Speaker B: You didn't stump us, Joe, but you tried awfully hard, and you did well. How's the baby? [00:18:18] Speaker C: Great, Great, Norm. [00:18:19] Speaker B: Everything's going great. [00:18:19] Speaker C: She's big. [00:18:20] Speaker B: Oh, that's good. Thanks for the call. [00:18:22] Speaker C: Okay, bye. Bye. [00:18:22] Speaker B: Bye. Bye now. Okay, let's go to a Jim who's in his car somewhere. Hi, Jim. [00:18:27] Speaker C: How you doing, Norm? [00:18:28] Speaker B: Good, thanks. [00:18:28] Speaker C: Remember we talked to you a few weeks ago on a Sunday night? I was heading back up Vermont on 89. [00:18:33] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:18:34] Speaker C: Then we get to finish our conversation. [00:18:36] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, that's right. [00:18:37] Speaker C: Well, I thought I'd listen, head back up there again. Thought I'd try for a rock question here. [00:18:44] Speaker B: Okay, good. [00:18:45] Speaker D: Okay, the next question is the guitarist in U2 is called the Edge. What's his real name? The guitarist in U2 is called the Edge. What's his real name? [00:19:03] Speaker B: He used to be closer to the middle, but now he's just left of the one on the right. So he still looks like he's in the middle, but it's an optical illusion. Yes. Oh, all done with mirrors. [00:19:16] Speaker C: Yeah, it's all. It's all in the head. I haven't. Can't seem to get it out. I know. I know some of the members from a few years back, but it's been a while since I've had to come up with names. [00:19:26] Speaker B: They're the same members. [00:19:28] Speaker C: Yeah, I know they're the same members. I just can't place them all. I got, you know, I got half. I got three or four other CDs. [00:19:34] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm sorry, Jim. I gotta. I gotta call time on you. [00:19:38] Speaker C: Hey, what are you gonna do? [00:19:39] Speaker B: Hey, listen, I appreciate you taking part anyway. That's the main thing. [00:19:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:19:43] Speaker B: Take care, Jim. Bye. Bye. Thanks for calling. Hey, we go down to Virginia. Patrick. Hi. [00:19:48] Speaker C: Howdy. How you doing up there? [00:19:50] Speaker B: Just fine. How are you doing down there? [00:19:51] Speaker C: Oh, I'm doing fine. I'm enjoying your show. Good. [00:19:54] Speaker B: What category would you like to pick? [00:19:55] Speaker C: Well, I want to do a little rock and roll. Did you get a question? Did you get an answer on the Beach Boy song? [00:20:01] Speaker D: No. Let's hear it. The question was what Beach Boy songs contains the lyrics. Rah, rah, rah. [00:20:07] Speaker C: Yeah. Be true to your school. [00:20:09] Speaker D: That's right. [00:20:09] Speaker C: Yeah. Can I ask you one? [00:20:12] Speaker D: Go right ahead. [00:20:13] Speaker C: Okay, this is a good one. And I can give you a clue. What I want to know is there was a song recorded late 50s, early 60s, called Real Wild Child and it was recorded by a guy, they used the name Ivan. And I want to know who was Ivan. I can give you a clue if. [00:20:37] Speaker B: That'S too the terrible. [00:20:41] Speaker C: This guy is one of the all time great rock and roll drummers from the early. From the early period of rock and roll. [00:20:49] Speaker D: Real wild child. [00:20:50] Speaker C: Yeah, Real wild child. [00:20:52] Speaker D: And it was a hit in the late, late 50s. [00:20:54] Speaker C: Early. Yeah, it was sort of a moderate hit. But he was really, you know, he was using the name Ivan, but he was really famous because he was a drummer for one of the real gurus of rock and roll. [00:21:04] Speaker B: A drummer under a different name. [00:21:05] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah, I see. [00:21:07] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna give you guys five seconds to answer the question at this end. And he played for. [00:21:13] Speaker C: He played when he was. When he was playing drums. He played for one of the great figures of rock and roll. [00:21:18] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna call time on that. Okay, what's the answer? [00:21:22] Speaker C: It's Jerry Allison, who was drummer for Buddy Holly and the Crickets. Oh, yeah. [00:21:28] Speaker B: Okay, now we got one more question to ask you. And if you get this one correct, you win one of our chintzy little certificates, diplomas indicating that you beat us. [00:21:39] Speaker C: Okay? [00:21:40] Speaker B: You can show it at parties down there in Virginia. It'll impress a whole lot of people. [00:21:44] Speaker C: Okay, I'll show it to my folks. [00:21:46] Speaker B: Okay, here's the question. [00:21:47] Speaker D: All right. What group was Sam Cook in before his successful solo career? It was a gospel group, and it was in the early 50s. [00:21:57] Speaker C: Early 50s? Yeah. [00:21:59] Speaker D: It was a gospel group. [00:22:00] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:22:01] Speaker D: Sam Cooke. [00:22:03] Speaker C: No, you're gonna get me. [00:22:06] Speaker B: Oh, I'm sorry, Patrick. [00:22:07] Speaker C: Nope, can't get you, man. [00:22:08] Speaker B: So close. Where in Virginia are you, by the way? [00:22:11] Speaker C: I'm in Lexington, right here. The where? Wait a minute. Hey, I might have the answer for that. Can you give me a try here? [00:22:19] Speaker B: Yeah, take a shot. [00:22:20] Speaker C: Something Cook. Oh, geez. [00:22:24] Speaker B: Can only give you another couple of seconds. [00:22:26] Speaker C: Okay, well, I'm. Yeah, I'm in Lexington, Virginia. We're in the Blue Ridge Mountains here, where we got the Virginia Military Institute here, Washington and Lee. [00:22:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Okay, good enough. Patrick, I'm sorry you didn't get it, but I appreciate the call. [00:22:39] Speaker C: Hey, monitor from Staples. [00:22:41] Speaker B: Start some super moments of your own with super moments in super bowl history only. From Staples, the Office Superstore, and WBZ News Radio 1030. Okay, we're playing the dumb musical quiz game. Anyway, pick your category. Either a big band, rock, jazz, whatever you'd like. Okay. And give us a call at 254-1030, area code 617. We have all lines filled, but we'll try to get to you just as quickly as we can. The only big band question is still out there. Is the band that call itself the Duke Blue Devil Started that way because the orchestra leader was at Duke University at the Time when he began it became very, very well known with a great band for many, many years thereafter. And I think still has the band. However, you don't need to answer that. If you want to get into the big band category, just. And you don't know the answer to that, just ask for another question. However you'd like to. You can ask for one of the questions still hanging, or you can ask for a new one. We'll go to Pennsylvania and. [00:23:35] Speaker C: Bill. [00:23:35] Speaker B: Hi, you're on wbz. [00:23:36] Speaker C: Hi, Norm. [00:23:37] Speaker B: Hi. [00:23:37] Speaker C: I'm a first time caller. [00:23:39] Speaker B: Well, it's nice, nice of you to call. Where are you? York, Pennsylvania. Good to hear from you. [00:23:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I have an answer for that Sam Cook question. [00:23:47] Speaker D: Sam Cook was in a gospel group for six years before a successful, successful solo career. [00:23:53] Speaker B: I know that. [00:23:54] Speaker D: And the group was the Soul Stars. That Soul Service is correct. [00:23:58] Speaker C: Okay, I have a question for you. [00:23:59] Speaker D: Go ahead, sir. [00:24:00] Speaker C: In the. [00:24:02] Speaker B: In 1955, there were five deadly. [00:24:06] Speaker C: I hit record with Bo Diddley. Well, what is his real name? [00:24:09] Speaker B: What's his real name? [00:24:11] Speaker D: Elias McDaniels. [00:24:13] Speaker B: Right. Okay. Hey, we answered your question, so you haven't stopped us, Bill. Okay. Okay, Bill, call again. [00:24:20] Speaker C: Okay, I'll try. [00:24:21] Speaker B: Okay. I wish you would. Bye. Bye now. Kevin in Swampskin. Hi, Kevin. You're on wbc. Hi. [00:24:28] Speaker C: Hello. [00:24:28] Speaker B: Hi. What category would you like? [00:24:32] Speaker C: Norm, I can't hear you at all. Can I call back and get a clearer line? [00:24:36] Speaker B: You can, but the lines have been pretty well filled up, so it might be hard to get through again. Can you hear me at all now? I guess you can't. [00:24:43] Speaker C: I can't hear you. [00:24:43] Speaker B: Okay, call me back, Kevin. Now let's go to Bob in Fitchburg. Hi, Bob. [00:24:48] Speaker C: Hi. The big band category. I could take a shot at that. Duke and Blue Devil. [00:24:56] Speaker B: Yes. [00:24:56] Speaker C: Was that Kaiser? [00:24:58] Speaker B: No, I'm sorry, it was not. It was not. I'm sorry, Bob. It was not. I suppose he thought of that because I used to call Kay Kaiser with a college of musical knowledge. Oh, yeah, in a sense. But that was a fictional college. He was a quiz show he ran on his show. It wasn't accredited. It was not accredited? No. Well, it was accredited, but it only taught courses in air conditioning and refrigeration. Jason in New Hampshire. Hi, Jason. [00:25:24] Speaker C: Hi. How you doing? [00:25:25] Speaker B: Good. Do you get kidded by about that name? [00:25:28] Speaker C: What's that? [00:25:29] Speaker B: You get kidded about your name. Jason. Isn't he in all the horror movies? [00:25:33] Speaker C: Yeah. The guy with the hockey mask? [00:25:35] Speaker B: Yeah. He goes ripping up teenage girls, mostly. Yeah. Anyway, what category would you like to pick? [00:25:42] Speaker C: Oh, how about rock? [00:25:44] Speaker B: Okay, here's a question for you from Ed Muller. [00:25:47] Speaker D: Okay, the question is, where did Jim Morrison go to college? [00:25:57] Speaker C: Stanford. [00:25:59] Speaker D: Wrong. Good guess, but wrong. [00:26:02] Speaker C: Did he actually go to college? [00:26:04] Speaker B: Yes. [00:26:05] Speaker D: Yeah, that's where the Doors kind of form the. [00:26:08] Speaker C: I thought I had a good one for you, though. [00:26:11] Speaker B: You want to ask us anyway? [00:26:12] Speaker C: What? [00:26:13] Speaker B: Because we're so curious. [00:26:15] Speaker D: All right, let's hear it. [00:26:16] Speaker C: What song describes a walk over Bonneket Bridge and Bay? [00:26:23] Speaker B: The Andrew Sisters. I'll be with you at Apple Blossom. I just made that up. I don't have any idea. Do you know. You guys. Do you know Jack? [00:26:32] Speaker C: No. [00:26:33] Speaker B: I can't even think. [00:26:35] Speaker D: What's your owed to Billy Joe? [00:26:37] Speaker C: No, no. [00:26:43] Speaker B: Over Bonica Bay. What is. What is the answer, Jason? [00:26:47] Speaker C: It's My eyes adored you. Frankie Valley. [00:26:49] Speaker B: Oh, my eyes adored you. Oh, yeah. Okay, Jason. Thanks a lot. [00:26:57] Speaker C: Okay. [00:26:57] Speaker B: Thanks a lot. I'm sorry that you didn't get. Get to get all the way. Nobody's won anything, have they? They won a certificate. [00:27:03] Speaker D: Bit tough tonight, Bill. [00:27:06] Speaker B: Who's down in Raynham? Hi, Bill. [00:27:08] Speaker C: Hi, Norm. Hey, can I have a slice of rock? Just the 50s. [00:27:12] Speaker B: Well, okay. Maybe Ed can dig one up. Generally we just sort of pick a rock thing for any period in a rock. But you're an older guy, apparently. [00:27:22] Speaker C: Yeah, that's it. I'd like Big band, but you guys are too tough. So I'll take 50s rock if you got it and give you a big band. [00:27:29] Speaker B: Okay. That's all right. We can switch. [00:27:31] Speaker D: Okay, sure. [00:27:31] Speaker B: That's all right. [00:27:32] Speaker D: This is. It's kind of a tough one. The man's real name is W. Robert Cassotto. C A S S O T T O Robert. W Robert Cassoto. What's his stage name? [00:27:48] Speaker C: Bobby Mack the Knife Darren. [00:27:51] Speaker B: Hey, that's right. I knew that, too. So never again. [00:27:53] Speaker D: Yeah, close, but you threw in a funny middle name, so I'm sorry, we're gonna have to cross you. [00:27:57] Speaker B: You're right, Bill. As a matter of fact, he made an Al with that name on the. On the COVID of. [00:28:02] Speaker C: That's right. [00:28:03] Speaker B: Yeah. And he did. He did unusual songs, sort of folky kind of songs on the album, as I recall. [00:28:08] Speaker D: If I had a. If I Was a Carpenter, he'd. Later on. If I Was a Carpenter, he did that. [00:28:13] Speaker B: Yeah, that might have been in there, but I remember that. But that name was on there. It was like Peggy Lee recorded an album under her real name, Norma Eggstrom, at one point, too. Anyway, what's. What's. What's your question for. [00:28:25] Speaker C: Okay, normally it's name the combo that the following people played in at one time or another. And they are. Jimmy Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey, Myth Mole, Benny Goodman, Joe Venuti and Glenn Miller. [00:28:42] Speaker B: Wow. [00:28:43] Speaker C: They all played for a combo. [00:28:45] Speaker B: A combo, not a full orchestra. Five pieces, a five piece group. And all those guys played. Were they just the five of them were there at one time or. No, no, at different times. They all started out with this guy with this combo. Now all I can think of is one of the predecessors, like the Ben Pollock Band or something like that. [00:29:05] Speaker C: But yeah, one of the founders, like Ben, but not Ben. Red Nichols. [00:29:10] Speaker B: Oh, they were all members of the Red Nichols and the Five Pennies at one time. Hey, son of a. No, I did not know that. I did not know that. Okay, so that means we ask you one final question. And if you get this one, you get the big certificate. Now, what category did you want? [00:29:23] Speaker C: I was getting nervous. [00:29:24] Speaker B: Now, I know the pressure's on you, but you'll come through. I know you will. [00:29:28] Speaker C: I will. [00:29:30] Speaker B: What category would you like for this final question for you? [00:29:34] Speaker C: 50S rock. Again. [00:29:36] Speaker D: Okay, well, as you know, you don't get to ask for 50s or, you know the category. It's either rock or big band and jazz. [00:29:47] Speaker B: Well, he's a tough taskmaster, isn't he, this little guy? [00:29:50] Speaker D: I know. I'm just flipping through the thing, trying to help him out, actually. Okay, here's one. [00:29:55] Speaker C: Richard Pennyman is Little Richard. [00:29:59] Speaker B: He's right. Hey, Son of a winner. Okay, we're gonna turn you over to Rick Duart, who'll take your name and address. [00:30:05] Speaker C: I can't believe it. [00:30:06] Speaker B: Son of a gun. If you will not get a certificate that you'll probably want to frame and discovered classic Ovaltine. [00:30:13] Speaker C: Ovaltine tastes great and it's great for you. Ovaltine. [00:30:18] Speaker B: Available at fine stores everywhere. Okay, we're playing the music quiz and our categories, as you know, a rock and just General Rock, that is from the early days in the 50s, right up to now. Or you can pick a big band category. Or you could pick jazz. Whatever you'd like. We ask you, you ask us, we ask you. It goes on like that. And if you get past all three hurdles, then you win a certificate, as our last listener did. We'll go on to Kevin in the Swampskin. Hi, Kevin. [00:30:45] Speaker C: How you doing, Norm? [00:30:46] Speaker B: Good, thank you. [00:30:47] Speaker C: I'd like rock, please. [00:30:48] Speaker B: Okay, here's Ed with a question for you. [00:30:50] Speaker D: Okay. Have you heard a couple of the questions that are still unanswered yet? Like for Instance, the guitarist in U2 is called the Edge. What's his real name? [00:31:01] Speaker C: No, I would rather have another question. [00:31:02] Speaker D: You rather have another one? [00:31:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:31:04] Speaker D: Okay. How about what Beatles songs were recorded in a foreign language? I have three here. So I want to hold your hand. [00:31:17] Speaker C: She loves you and that's the only thing I know. [00:31:26] Speaker D: That's really good. Those are the two tough ones. That's great. [00:31:28] Speaker B: Two out of three. [00:31:29] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:31:29] Speaker D: The remaining one is. What is that? [00:31:32] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:31:32] Speaker D: The remaining one is Michelle. You're right, Michelle. [00:31:36] Speaker B: And what would you like to ask the panel? [00:31:38] Speaker C: All right, I got a Who? The three session musicians that played for the Beatles that weren't actual members of the band. [00:31:48] Speaker D: Billy Preston played the piano. Let's see. George Martin. Did George Martin play a few instruments? [00:32:00] Speaker C: Yeah, he's one of them. But that's up. That's not. He's not included. [00:32:03] Speaker D: Oh, he's not included. So, Billy Preston. [00:32:06] Speaker B: Right. [00:32:07] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:32:11] Speaker D: There's a guy named Klaus Vorman. Does that ring a bell? He was, I think, with John Lennon later on. [00:32:17] Speaker C: Yeah, but I'm talking just for the Beatle. [00:32:18] Speaker D: Okay. [00:32:20] Speaker B: Okay. I'm gonna have to call you guys out of it. Yeah, yeah. You've been. You haven't stopped, you guys. Okay. Yeah. Here's one final question for you. If you get this one correct, I'd. [00:32:29] Speaker D: Like to hear his answer. [00:32:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, yeah. What is the answer? [00:32:31] Speaker C: Nicky Hopkins, Eric Clapton and Billy Preston. [00:32:36] Speaker D: That's right. [00:32:37] Speaker B: Clapton. [00:32:37] Speaker D: I should have guessed that. My guitar gently weeps. [00:32:40] Speaker C: Nikki Hopkins played piano on Sgt. Pepper. [00:32:43] Speaker B: Who else did Nicky Hopkins play for? That could be the. That's the next question. Want to use that? We're getting an answer from Rick. Duh. The Rolling Stones. Is that right? Yes. Oh, we were gonna throw that out as the third question for Kevin, but I guess not. [00:33:00] Speaker D: No, Rick can get a certificate, too. Rick can be A list of your address. [00:33:04] Speaker B: Yeah. Cause he'll wanna have one that's so beautifully framable. Okay. We asked you one final question for the certificate. The diploma. Kevin, you ready? [00:33:12] Speaker C: Yep. [00:33:13] Speaker D: Okay. Can you name the. You're a Beatles fan. Can you name the Beatles wives at one time? [00:33:19] Speaker C: Excuse me? [00:33:20] Speaker D: The Beatles wives. [00:33:22] Speaker C: The Beatles wife. [00:33:24] Speaker D: Wives. They were married. Each one married wives. [00:33:28] Speaker C: Okay. Cynthia Lennon. [00:33:30] Speaker D: Right. [00:33:31] Speaker C: Patty Boyd. [00:33:32] Speaker D: Right. [00:33:33] Speaker C: Linda Eastman. [00:33:34] Speaker B: Right. [00:33:35] Speaker C: And Maureen. Maureen Stocky. That's all I know. [00:33:45] Speaker D: At the last one I have Barbara Bach for Ringo. [00:33:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:33:47] Speaker D: Oh, Maureen. Maureen does sound familiar, though. [00:33:50] Speaker B: May have been a former wife. [00:33:52] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:33:52] Speaker D: Might have been more than one. This guy is great. He definitely gets a certificate. [00:33:56] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. We'll Turn you over to Rick Dort. Also Kevin. [00:33:59] Speaker C: All right. [00:33:59] Speaker B: And congratulations. You have won a diploma which indicates just a darn bright you are. Okay, thank you very much for the call. [00:34:07] Speaker C: Thanks a lot. [00:34:08] Speaker B: Thank you. Here's Rick. And here's Frank in Winthrop. Hi, Frank. [00:34:12] Speaker C: Hey, how you doing? [00:34:13] Speaker B: Good, thanks. [00:34:14] Speaker C: I was going to take Rock unless you're willing to make Broadway a category. [00:34:20] Speaker B: Oh, I suppose we could have, but we were. I'm not really quite prepared for that. [00:34:25] Speaker D: Neither am I. [00:34:26] Speaker B: So let's throw a Rock question at you. Did you hear anything so far that you wanted to answer, or do you want a new question? Yeah, a new one. I haven't heard any of the other. Okay. All right. [00:34:37] Speaker D: Grateful Dead fans are called Deadheads, who are Parrot Heads. [00:34:41] Speaker B: Devoted to Parrot Heads. [00:34:44] Speaker D: Parrot Heads, right. [00:34:46] Speaker C: The Birds. [00:34:49] Speaker D: You would think that would be true. Yeah, you would think that would be the case, but that's not the case. [00:34:54] Speaker B: I'm sorry. Oh, well. Oh, well. Stay tuned and maybe somebody will come up with the answer. [00:34:59] Speaker C: Okay. [00:34:59] Speaker B: Before the two, he had a big. [00:35:00] Speaker D: Question ready for us, too. I'm glad you could just tell. [00:35:04] Speaker B: Okay. 2, 5, 4, 10, 30, if you want to take part in all of this. 2, 5, 4, 10, 30, if you're out of town. Boston's area code is 617. And we're out of town with Pennsylvania and Evelyn, who's out there. Hi, Evelyn. [00:35:16] Speaker C: Hi, Norm. [00:35:18] Speaker B: Hi. [00:35:18] Speaker C: I'm interested in answering the big question, the big band questions. [00:35:22] Speaker B: Sure. [00:35:23] Speaker C: I think it's Les Brown. [00:35:25] Speaker B: That's correct. The Big Blue Devil. Wow. She should just get a certificate for that. [00:35:29] Speaker C: I know. [00:35:30] Speaker B: Les Brown. That's right. [00:35:32] Speaker C: There during 30s. [00:35:33] Speaker B: That's right. [00:35:35] Speaker C: Student at Duke at the time. And I would say the years were probably 19, 35, 36, 37. [00:35:41] Speaker B: You were even telling us more than we care to know. But that's correct. And he. And I suppose, obviously the personnel changed, but Les Brown didn't, and later on just became Les Brown and his band of Ran out, as you know. [00:35:54] Speaker C: And Mary, who called in earlier about Johnny Long, was correct. He also played there at the same time. [00:36:00] Speaker B: No kidding. Had no idea that. [00:36:03] Speaker C: Right. [00:36:03] Speaker B: Okay. You can fire a question at us now. Do you want to. A big band question. Will it be. Or jazz? [00:36:08] Speaker C: No, I have none at all. [00:36:10] Speaker B: Oh, no. Come up with a question, and then we'll ask you another one. And you don't want to lose out. Do you want to just bypass the wonderful certificate we can send to you? [00:36:19] Speaker C: Yes. Yes. I have no question for you. None at all. [00:36:22] Speaker B: Oh, I'm sorry, Evelyn. Jekis. And I was all ready to ask. And obviously no use for the certificate either. Yeah, obviously. Some walls are covered and I know you could because it's only printed on one side. You could use the rest for scrap paper or anything. You could have. [00:36:36] Speaker C: Very interesting. [00:36:36] Speaker B: Yeah, you could use it. A lot of people use them as placemats, but you don't even want it. Okay, Evelyn, thanks a lot for the call. [00:36:42] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:36:43] Speaker B: Thank you. Bye. Bye. Hey, listen, so that's a clue to those of you who calling. Just have a question in mind. Whether it's rock or whatever. As we go to. And 2, 5, 4, 10:30. As we go to Claire in the Natick. Hi, Claire. Hi. [00:36:57] Speaker C: How you doing? [00:36:57] Speaker B: Good. How about you? [00:36:58] Speaker C: Okay. My dad and I were sitting in the car and I couldn't believe that some of the questions hadn't been answered. So I'm calling in. [00:37:04] Speaker B: Okay, you want to answer one of the questions then that has not been answered? [00:37:08] Speaker C: Yeah. Has somebody answered the Sam Cooke question? [00:37:10] Speaker D: Yes, Sam Cooke has been answered. [00:37:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:12] Speaker D: The Solstice. [00:37:13] Speaker C: Did somebody answer the Edge question? [00:37:16] Speaker D: No, not yet. The guitarist for U2 is the Edge. What's his real name? [00:37:20] Speaker C: David Evans. [00:37:21] Speaker B: That's right. [00:37:21] Speaker D: Very good. Now you can ask us a question. [00:37:24] Speaker C: Who was the only white I cat? There was a white I cat tonight. Turner. For those of you who don't know, I Cantina Turner Review. [00:37:37] Speaker B: Male or female? [00:37:40] Speaker C: I can't. I can't. Big clue. Okay. Wow. [00:37:45] Speaker B: Yeah, obviously they actually, I believe our piano. Here's a wall. Sitting here with their mouths agape. Which I would think was a clue that they have no idea what autobiography. I know, I know. I've seen. I've seen the woman. She's a very attractive woman. Now, whose autobiography did you say? [00:38:05] Speaker C: Tina Turner's. [00:38:05] Speaker B: Oh, Tina Turner's. Could you describe her, Jack? Maybe I can. Okay. Okay. If I could over the radio. [00:38:12] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:38:12] Speaker B: What is the answer? Claire? [00:38:14] Speaker C: Remember Delaney and Bonnie? Bonnie Bramlett? [00:38:18] Speaker D: Delaney and Bonnie, Yeah. Clapton played with them. Yeah. [00:38:21] Speaker C: With them for a while. Yeah. So Bonnie, she ran away from home and she became an iquette before she met Delaney. [00:38:27] Speaker B: Wow. [00:38:28] Speaker D: Yeah, wow. How do you like that? [00:38:29] Speaker C: And she used to put, you know, like pan tan on so that people wouldn't get upset, thinking maybe she was a light skinned black person or something. [00:38:37] Speaker B: No kidding. You know, all that stuff. Okay, are you ready for one final question then? If you get this one, then you won one of our famed and fabulous diplomas. Can she pick a question that's still out if she had an. That's just the opening question. Yeah. [00:38:54] Speaker D: All right, here's the question. Elvis Costello, what's his real name? [00:38:58] Speaker C: Declan McManus. [00:38:59] Speaker B: That's right. Son of Me. That's the third correct answer we've had in this hour and all within the past 20 minutes or so. You're okay, Claire. [00:39:08] Speaker C: Okay? [00:39:09] Speaker B: I'm very satisfied with it all over with Gold Bond Powder. [00:39:13] Speaker C: Try Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Powder. [00:39:16] Speaker B: Use only as directed. Available at drugstores and supermarkets everywhere. Okay, we're playing the music quiz. Our phone number is 254-10-30. Our area code is 617. The categories are rock, jazz and the big bands. And you just decide which one. Which category you'd like to pick. We even let you switch in the middle because our rules are very flexible. Ed Mullen, Tony Nesmith, Jack Hart are on the panel. My name is Norm Nathan. I'm sort of on the panel, too. And let's see who. We'll talk with Fred in Maine. Hi, Fred. [00:39:47] Speaker C: Hey, how are you, Norman? [00:39:48] Speaker B: Well, if you say something other than big bands, I can't believe it took. [00:39:52] Speaker C: So long for somebody to remember. Who was the band that I got My Love to Keep Me Warm and A Fine Romance? And the band that used to play for Bob Hope show. [00:40:03] Speaker B: That's right. A Sentimental journey. [00:40:05] Speaker C: Just a few. [00:40:06] Speaker B: Yeah. And remember his theme song, Skyliner, wasn't it? No, that was Charlie Bond. [00:40:11] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, that's right. [00:40:13] Speaker B: Leapfrog. [00:40:14] Speaker C: Leapfrog. [00:40:14] Speaker B: That's not your question. But you would like. [00:40:17] Speaker C: I'd like either big band or jazz, or both. [00:40:20] Speaker B: Okay, we'll give you a big band. Okay, name the three top bands. Helen Forest sang with one of the few vocalists. She was one of the great big band vocalists, as you know, Fred. Yeah, and she sang with three. [00:40:34] Speaker C: Well, Goodman was one. [00:40:35] Speaker B: That's right. [00:40:36] Speaker C: Harry James was one. [00:40:37] Speaker B: Right. [00:40:38] Speaker C: And I don't know, Woody Herman. [00:40:42] Speaker B: No, no, I bet she could have if she wanted to. [00:40:45] Speaker C: She could have sung with anybody. [00:40:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I think two out of three is pretty good. Artie Shaw was the third. [00:40:51] Speaker C: Oh, sure. Of course. [00:40:52] Speaker B: Yeah, of course. [00:40:53] Speaker C: In the old time. [00:40:54] Speaker B: Yeah, well, any old time, I think was Billie Holiday. Billie Holiday, you know, with the Artie Shore Band. [00:41:00] Speaker C: Anyway, I just got a tape of hers when she was over in Germany back in the 60s, which was very good. Anyway. [00:41:09] Speaker B: Well, you know, she was one of the. Probably one of the top big band vocalists. You want to hit me with something? [00:41:16] Speaker C: Sure. Who was the piano player in a small band in which Charlie Shavers played trumpet? Russell Procop. Played alto. Buster Bailey played clarinet. The bass player was John Kirby. John Kirby. The drummer was O'Neill Spencer, who was the pianist? [00:41:38] Speaker B: I thought you'd asked me what the name of the band was back then. I told you. John Kirby. The biggest little band in the world. [00:41:44] Speaker C: You better believe it. [00:41:45] Speaker B: But who played piano? You played piano with the John Kirby? It's got to be one of the most remote questions. [00:41:52] Speaker C: Well, no, that's all right. Great pianist. [00:41:55] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm sure he was. It's just that. Well, scratch your head. Okay. John the Panic and the John Kirby Band with all those guys. [00:42:05] Speaker C: Great band. [00:42:08] Speaker B: We're talking about John Kirby's band now still. [00:42:10] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:42:10] Speaker B: Okay. I thought maybe the pianist formed his own band later on. Did he form a band later on? No, I think you're. I don't. I don't know. I can't think of who that was. [00:42:20] Speaker C: Okay. Billy Kyle. [00:42:22] Speaker B: Billy Kyle. [00:42:24] Speaker C: Yep. [00:42:25] Speaker B: Okay. [00:42:26] Speaker C: And Procop went on to play with Ellington. [00:42:28] Speaker B: Yeah. Russell Procope. [00:42:30] Speaker C: Yep. [00:42:30] Speaker B: Okay. Billy Kyle is in that movie High Society. And that song, Jazz. You know that song? [00:42:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:42:37] Speaker B: Now, who has jam? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, nice. Nice room. [00:42:41] Speaker C: All right, now you swing one back to me. [00:42:43] Speaker B: Okay. [00:42:44] Speaker C: I want a certificate. [00:42:45] Speaker B: Okay. In the late 40s, Woody Herman's band did Four Brothers, as you well know. [00:42:49] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:42:50] Speaker B: Four saxophone players featured on the song were the four Brothers. Who were they? [00:42:54] Speaker C: Damn. [00:42:54] Speaker B: You asked me a tough one. I'm going to ask you. Although this is. This one is not as tough as yours, I don't think, because they had a song named after them. They were an integral part of the Woody Herman band for. For quite some time. Who were the. Who were the four Brothers? [00:43:09] Speaker C: I was never a great fan of Woody Herman's, I'm sorry to say. [00:43:12] Speaker B: Oh, really? I. I just loved his band. [00:43:14] Speaker C: Well, I was a Bob Crosby fan from. Well, from day one. [00:43:18] Speaker B: No, I like Bob Crosby, too. I think he had a good band. [00:43:21] Speaker C: And of course, Lunsford, not to mention. [00:43:23] Speaker B: Well, you got good taste. Those are all. [00:43:25] Speaker C: And then Ellington. And then, you know, Ellington is like Bach after Ellington. Everybody else. [00:43:31] Speaker B: Okay, well, I. It's hard to argue that. Except I was a big. I'm a big. Still a big Basie fan also, But. Hey, are you. You stolen on me, Fred, Listen, have you heard. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. The four brothers, who are they? [00:43:45] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:43:46] Speaker B: You don't know any of them? [00:43:47] Speaker C: No. Let me ask you a question. You see the obit on Toots Mondello? [00:43:53] Speaker B: No, I don't Think I did. [00:43:55] Speaker C: It was in the New York Times on Thursday. [00:43:58] Speaker B: He just. He died this past week. [00:43:59] Speaker C: 81 years old. A great alto player. [00:44:03] Speaker B: Okay. No, I thought. I know that Red Mitchell, the great bass player, just died. Yeah, I didn't realize. Toots Mondello died, too. Yeah. I'm sorry. [00:44:13] Speaker C: He played with goodman back in 35 when he was on the National Biscuit Company show when they had Xavier Cugott Goodman and Al Kavilin with the three bands on the Saturday night dance party. [00:44:27] Speaker B: I don't know. Al Kavalan. [00:44:28] Speaker C: Well, that was just, you know, that was like Richard Himber, that kind of thing. [00:44:32] Speaker B: Oh, a studio. Not a studio or society. [00:44:34] Speaker C: Society band, Ruby Newman, that kind of thing. [00:44:37] Speaker B: Okay. Hey, Fred, I'm sorry. You made it very, very close to the end and you stopped me. Well, you should be just that. Aren't proud. Although stumping me is not the biggest deal. [00:44:46] Speaker C: Well, it's hard to stump you, old boy. You know the stuff. And I remember it. [00:44:50] Speaker B: I'll never forget Billy Kyle played piano with the John Kirby Band. I'll never, ever forget that. Hey, thanks a lot, Fred. [00:44:57] Speaker C: I'll call you again. [00:44:58] Speaker B: I hope you will. [00:44:59] Speaker C: Bye. [00:44:59] Speaker B: Bye, Fred. Okay, we'll go to Andrew in New Hampshire. Hi, Andrew in New Hampshire. [00:45:03] Speaker C: Hi. How you doing? [00:45:04] Speaker B: Just fine, thanks. How about you? [00:45:06] Speaker C: Okay. [00:45:07] Speaker B: Good. You want to take a question that's already been asked, or do you want a new one? And what category? [00:45:14] Speaker C: Rock. But one of the ones that you asked before that didn't get answered. [00:45:18] Speaker B: Okay, which one do you want to pick? [00:45:20] Speaker C: The one about the Doors. [00:45:22] Speaker D: Okay. Where did Jim Morrison go to college? [00:45:24] Speaker C: Ucla. [00:45:25] Speaker D: UCLA is right. [00:45:26] Speaker C: Okay. All right. [00:45:28] Speaker D: Now you ask us a question, please. [00:45:29] Speaker C: Okay. In U2, in the rattle and Hum album, there was a song that the lead singer sang with Bob Dylan. Can you name that song? [00:45:44] Speaker D: Well, all along the Watchtowers. [00:45:46] Speaker C: No, no, no. I'm sorry. It was a duet with Bob Dylan in the Rattle and Hound album. [00:45:53] Speaker D: You're changing it on us, aren't you? [00:45:55] Speaker C: No, I didn't mean to. I just wasn't specific enough. [00:46:00] Speaker B: Good question. [00:46:00] Speaker D: They got some odd titles. Now, let's take a shot at. I didn't mean to ask. [00:46:09] Speaker B: Question part two. [00:46:11] Speaker C: No, it was. [00:46:13] Speaker B: Give up. Was it? It was a Dylan song, right? Yeah. [00:46:16] Speaker C: No, they sang it together. [00:46:18] Speaker B: But it was a Dylan song. [00:46:19] Speaker C: No. [00:46:20] Speaker B: Oh, it wasn't. [00:46:20] Speaker C: No, it was just to do what they sang together. [00:46:23] Speaker B: I guess we. We flunked out on that one. Tell us the answer. [00:46:26] Speaker C: Love, rescue Me Love, rescue Me Yes. [00:46:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Nobody's going. Oh, oh, yeah, Nobody's going. Oh, yeah. [00:46:37] Speaker C: It's the only song that they ever sang at the duet, as far as I know. [00:46:40] Speaker B: Yeah, it would have been on the tip of my tongue, but I never heard of it. Okay, we ask you one final question then. See how you do on this one. [00:46:48] Speaker D: Okay. Okay, the question is, who shot Marvin Gaye? [00:46:53] Speaker C: Oh, gosh, I don't. I don't have any idea. [00:46:59] Speaker D: Okay, we're going to leave that up on the board. If you don't, we'll take another minute or so. How about another 10 seconds? Sorry, sorry. [00:47:06] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't know. That one of them. [00:47:08] Speaker B: Okay, Andrew, thanks for trying anyway. [00:47:10] Speaker C: Okay, thank you. [00:47:11] Speaker B: Take care. Bye. Bye. Andrew from New Hampshire. Yes. Okay, it's a minute before 1:00 here at WBC. [00:47:18] Speaker D: Very generous with the time. [00:47:19] Speaker B: Yeah, and it's a little too late to ask a question right this minute. However, we're going to continue this right after the news, which is coming up in a minute. Shall we review the open questions? Are there any left? Good idea. Yes, good idea. [00:47:31] Speaker D: Grateful Dead fans are called Dead Heads. What a pair. Who are Parrot Heads devoted to? And. [00:47:40] Speaker B: And the one you just gave. Right. Yeah, we have a big panting tool. Oh, yes, the one you're looking at. [00:47:46] Speaker D: Who shot Marvin Gaye is also up on the board. [00:47:48] Speaker B: Okay. And also the four brothers of the Woody Herman band. Who were those four brothers? The four saxophone players that that song was named for. [00:47:58] Speaker D: Groucho Zeppelin. [00:48:01] Speaker B: And Harry Needleman was the fourth player. Okay, we're gonna take a break from the news and then when we come back, we'll take some more of your questions at 2, 5, 4, 10:30, area code 617. Another hour. Listen, it's kind of fun. And if. But when you call, be sure to have a question in mind, because if you get by our first question, you're going to ask us something. So have something in mind, if you would. Norm Nathan here at wb. [00:48:29] Speaker D: Norm Nathan, he's the talk of the town. [00:48:32] Speaker B: Lift you up when you're down. [00:48:34] Speaker C: Norm Nathan. Or WBZ in. [00:48:46] Speaker B: So nice. After all the great songs written about people like Tangerine and all of that kind of stuff, it's nice to have a song named after me. And I call it those Cool and Limpid Green Eyes. Thank you. Anyway, we are playing the dumb birthday game. No, we're not playing. Playing Music Quiz is what we're playing the Wild. That's right. We have an interesting panel. We have Tony Nesbitt, we have Ed Mullen, we have Jack Hardy. You're There, Jack. Oh, yeah. And we have. We have. Daryl Gould is with us now. Did you want to sit in for a while, Daryl? [00:49:22] Speaker C: Oh, you mean this isn't the dumb birthday game? [00:49:24] Speaker B: No, no, that's coming. [00:49:26] Speaker C: Joan Rivers is 106. [00:49:31] Speaker B: That's correct. And you do enterprise. As a result of all that, we also have Sarah Nathan here. Would you. Did you want to say hello at all? Oh, can you say hello? Hi, dad. Hi. Sarah Nathan is related to me, but listen, don't take it seriously. Anyway, let's. Let's. Let's see who else would like to play the music quiz? Wild music. Wild music game. April, who's down on the Cape? Hi, April. [00:49:56] Speaker C: Hi, Norm. [00:49:57] Speaker B: Hi, April. [00:49:57] Speaker C: How long have you guys been doing this? [00:49:59] Speaker B: Well, this is the second hour. We're doing just a couple hours tonight, but we've done it. We're in our fifth year. We're not 50 years, the late 50s. We were established in 1858 in Des Moines, Iowa. No, this is our second. The second hour of this. Would you like to play the quiz with us? [00:50:15] Speaker C: I certainly would. I'd like to take one of the questions about standing in the rock category. [00:50:20] Speaker B: Okay. [00:50:21] Speaker C: Parrotheads are definitely Jimmy Buffett fans. [00:50:25] Speaker D: You are correct, madam. That's right. Yep. Parrot Heads. [00:50:30] Speaker B: Yep. [00:50:31] Speaker D: Jimmy Buffett fans are Parrot Heads from coast to coast. [00:50:33] Speaker C: He's my main man. Okay, well, I've got a. I got a good one for you. [00:50:38] Speaker D: Let's hear it. [00:50:38] Speaker C: Okay, back in 85, there was a huge hit called Some Like It Hot. [00:50:43] Speaker D: Right. [00:50:44] Speaker C: Can you name the group and. Or any. At least one of the people in the group? [00:50:52] Speaker B: Robert Palmer. Power Station Cloud. [00:50:54] Speaker C: Too Easy. Shoot. I knew it should have come first. [00:50:56] Speaker B: John Taylor, right? Andy Taylor. [00:50:58] Speaker C: Oh, oh, yeah. You know, everybody's show off. [00:51:00] Speaker B: Opie Taylor. Opie Taylor. Yeah. Now that's a good question. It's a really good question. [00:51:06] Speaker C: No, it wasn't, because he got it. [00:51:09] Speaker B: B. Taylor. Yeah, actually, I. I enjoyed it because it's actually the only one I got. So wasn't that the theme music? [00:51:15] Speaker C: Wasn't that the theme music for the film of the same name with Marilyn. [00:51:19] Speaker B: Monroe and Jack Lemon? [00:51:21] Speaker C: No, it's a brand new song. [00:51:23] Speaker B: I know. [00:51:25] Speaker C: That's a very old movie. Nice contribution. [00:51:29] Speaker B: Okay, okay, thank you very much, April. Good to hear from you. Bye. Bye. Now let's go to Tammy, who's up in Toronto, Canada. Tammy, you there? And someone else clicked in the line, I think. Oh, I guess Tammy's not there. We'll go to Tom in the Stoneham. Tom, Hi. [00:51:44] Speaker C: Hi. [00:51:45] Speaker B: What Category. Would you like to pick rock? [00:51:48] Speaker C: Please? [00:51:49] Speaker B: Rock. And would you like to have one of the questions that's already been asked or you want a new one? [00:51:53] Speaker C: A new one, I guess. [00:51:54] Speaker B: Okay. [00:51:55] Speaker D: All right. Here's a new one. What country was ABBA from? [00:51:59] Speaker C: Sweden. [00:52:00] Speaker D: That's right. [00:52:01] Speaker B: Very good. Now you get to ask us a question. [00:52:07] Speaker C: Okay. Who named the singer who got her start by winning the TED Mac Amateur Hour? [00:52:17] Speaker B: Oh, there gotta be several of them. Is there one outstanding person who you would know? An awful lot of people appeared on the TED Mac. Is that a fair question? [00:52:25] Speaker C: Is that a rock question? [00:52:27] Speaker B: I know. Yeah, I know. R and B. You know, Jack. Gladys Knight. [00:52:31] Speaker C: Very good. [00:52:32] Speaker B: Hey. All right. [00:52:33] Speaker C: Wow. [00:52:34] Speaker B: I guess that is one of my favorite singers. Yeah. Okay. After a top door stay, there's nothing like a relax and glad his name. Son of a guy. Hey, good going, Jack. Thank you. I'm sorry you didn't get to stop us. [00:52:49] Speaker C: Oh, that's all right. [00:52:50] Speaker B: Thank you, Tom. [00:52:51] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:52:52] Speaker B: Bye bye. Now what chance they've got? About five or six of us compared to one of them. Seems by low. You've given away three certificates so far. That's not bad. We'll go to Rich, who's in the town of Avon. [00:53:06] Speaker C: Hi, everybody. How you doing? [00:53:07] Speaker D: Could this be Avon calling? I'll tell you the lifetime for that joke. [00:53:14] Speaker B: Rich probably gets that every place he goes. [00:53:16] Speaker C: That's true. Leave from somebody from the Cape to get the Parrot Head question. I'll take one of the rock questions you have out already. [00:53:24] Speaker D: Okay, go ahead. Which one? [00:53:25] Speaker C: Who shot Marvin Gaye? [00:53:26] Speaker D: Who shot Marvin Gaye? [00:53:27] Speaker C: His dad. [00:53:28] Speaker B: That's right. [00:53:29] Speaker D: His dad shot. [00:53:30] Speaker B: We have his father. Is the answer that's. You have to answer it exactly the way. Yeah, yeah. [00:53:36] Speaker D: Okay. [00:53:36] Speaker B: What was his middle name? Okay. Ask us something if you would, Rich. [00:53:40] Speaker C: Okay. In the pet, within a year there's been a. There's been a lot of publicity given to the fact that Bruce Springsteen and Guns N Roses both released two albums the same day. Can you gentlemen tell me the group that released four albums the same day? [00:53:56] Speaker D: Kiss. [00:53:57] Speaker C: Very good. [00:53:59] Speaker B: Oh, Rich, thank you very much. That's a good question too, boy. Thank you for calling. Nice to talk with you. You guys are okay? We're going to Helen in Boston. Hi, Helen. Someone different just clicked in. Hello? Oh, hi. Who's this? [00:54:13] Speaker C: Hi, it's not Helen, it's Frank. [00:54:15] Speaker B: Oh, you sure? Are you sure? [00:54:17] Speaker C: Yes, I'm sure. [00:54:18] Speaker B: Okay, Frank, where are you calling from? [00:54:20] Speaker C: I'm calling from Brockden. [00:54:21] Speaker B: Okay, nice to hear from you. Now what Category, Would you like rock? [00:54:24] Speaker C: And I'd like to know if the two questions have been answered that were put out a while ago about the who devoted to the Parrot Heads were devoted to. [00:54:32] Speaker D: Yeah, we got that answer. Jimmy Buffett. Right. [00:54:34] Speaker C: Okay, now, how about the Marvin Gay one? [00:54:36] Speaker D: We just got that answer. [00:54:37] Speaker C: Yeah, I haven't been listening for a while. [00:54:40] Speaker B: We have more. Okay. Yeah, we got the answer just before you called. [00:54:44] Speaker C: I see. [00:54:44] Speaker B: So you want a new rock question? [00:54:46] Speaker C: Yes, sir. [00:54:46] Speaker B: Okay. [00:54:47] Speaker D: All right, the rock question is. Stevie Nicks has sung with all the following except one. I'm going to name four people, okay? Okay. First, Linda Ronstadt. Second, Tom Petty. Third, Don Henley. Fourth, Kenny Loggins. So Stevie Nicks has sung duet with everybody except one of those people. [00:55:11] Speaker C: All right. I'm not really sure. I'm going to take a guess at Linda Ronstadt. [00:55:14] Speaker B: You're right. Very good. [00:55:16] Speaker D: Now, you asked us a question. Okay. [00:55:18] Speaker C: A while ago, a singer back in the 50s, Bobby B. Very popular. [00:55:22] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [00:55:23] Speaker C: Before he just became Bobby B, he had a band which included his brother. Do you know the name of his band? [00:55:32] Speaker B: The Killer V's. Can I. Can I take. Was it the Misfits? [00:55:37] Speaker C: No. [00:55:38] Speaker B: Oh, no. So we missed that. Yeah. Bobby V. Is he related to Sandra D. Peggy Lee? [00:55:46] Speaker C: Not that I know. [00:55:48] Speaker B: There's another one, isn't there, with that name? Anyway, we missed that. So we get a chance to ask you one final question. If you guess the answer to this one, you win one of our snazzy but cheaply reproduced diplomas. [00:56:01] Speaker C: Good. Would you like me to give you the answer to that? [00:56:03] Speaker B: That would be yes, please. [00:56:05] Speaker C: Okay, the answer is the Strangers. [00:56:08] Speaker D: The Strangers? [00:56:09] Speaker C: Yes. [00:56:10] Speaker B: Okay. That's Peggy Lee and Molly B. Was the other one I couldn't take up besides Sandra D. Okay. Anyway, here's a question for you then for the end, try not to be too nervous because one of our chintzy certificates and diplomas is hanging in the balance on this. [00:56:27] Speaker C: Okay? [00:56:28] Speaker B: You can either become very popular in your neighborhood down in Brockton, or you can become a really bum. And especially when we make it out to hell in it if you do. Okay. [00:56:39] Speaker C: Okay. [00:56:39] Speaker D: The question is, what was the theme song for the Donnie and Marie show? [00:56:44] Speaker C: For the Donnie and Marie show? The theme song. Oh, my word. I never ever followed Donnie and Marie at all. [00:56:53] Speaker D: Well, you didn't have to follow them. They were on the TV for a long time. [00:56:56] Speaker C: Never. I was far beyond that in age when they started to be popular. So I'm really sorry. I do not know. [00:57:02] Speaker B: Wow. I'm sorry. Too. I'm sorry. Maybe. [00:57:06] Speaker C: Maybe we should, because he was talking about the Bobby V era. Gosh, he must be as old as I am. Almost. Did you want one from, like, back in the 50s? [00:57:18] Speaker B: Rock and roll? No, I'm sorry, Daryl. You're a nice, kindly person, but we've already asked. [00:57:24] Speaker C: Listen, I was over the hill when Donnie and Marie came along, so I'm sympathizing. I'm racking my brain. How about if I give a wild guess? [00:57:32] Speaker B: Give a wild guess. What the heck? [00:57:34] Speaker C: I believe I'm a little bit country. I'm a little bit rock and roll. [00:57:37] Speaker D: Yeah. And how did that come to you? The tip of your tongue? [00:57:41] Speaker C: I'm just running through this great computer brain of mine. [00:57:44] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm sorry, though, because we already kind of closed the book on that. He never even gave a guess, except he said, well, I know that's kind of. That's kind of wild because you had seemed to have no idea and then suddenly came up with it. I think you're an amazing person. [00:58:00] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:58:01] Speaker B: Hey, thanks for the call. Yeah, that's. That's kind of funny. Yeah. Anyway, 2, 5, 4, 10. Should I give them the diploma after all that, then maybe you're encouraging cheating and we can't have you. [00:58:17] Speaker D: We'll send him Helen, listeners. [00:58:18] Speaker B: Yeah, Anyway, here's Helen. His diploma is Alan Worcester. Hi, Al. [00:58:23] Speaker C: Hi, how you doing? [00:58:24] Speaker B: Fine, thank you. [00:58:25] Speaker C: Yeah, it's good. Yeah. I want a rock question. [00:58:28] Speaker B: Right. [00:58:28] Speaker D: Here's a rock question for you. Don McLean released a song from the American Pie album that started out Starry, Starry Night. Can you name that song and who is it about? [00:58:40] Speaker C: Oh, that's a tough one. That's a little before my time. [00:58:44] Speaker D: A little before your time. [00:58:46] Speaker C: Okay. [00:58:46] Speaker D: It was in the area of 1971, I think. [00:58:49] Speaker C: Yeah, mid-70s, late 80s is early, is better for me. [00:58:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, it was kind of an earful, too. Was really kind of nice. Yeah, an earful was not a bad. [00:59:04] Speaker D: No, yeah, we caught that. We caught that over here. [00:59:07] Speaker B: Okay, I'm sorry, can I ask you guys one? Well, you can anyway, but I'm afraid you've already lost. But not in our. Deep in our souls, because you're a winner with us every time. But ask us something anyway. We're curious as to what you're going to do. [00:59:23] Speaker C: What's the only Beetle song credited to all four Beatles? [00:59:29] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, you know my name. No, thanks, Jack. Sorry. I guess nobody here. Nobody here knows that. What is that? What is the answer? [00:59:41] Speaker C: The song is flying off the magical Mystery Tour album. [00:59:45] Speaker D: It's credited to all four. [00:59:46] Speaker C: It's credit to all four. Women, McCartney, Harrison star. [00:59:51] Speaker B: That's interesting. Yeah, that's good. We must remember that. Use that next time. Yeah. When you're not listening to answer. Call us when you're not listening so we can use the question. I will not credit you. Hey, thanks. We gotta give. [01:00:05] Speaker C: No, no. [01:00:05] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. He already lost. Yeah, that was just a curiosity, kind of. [01:00:09] Speaker C: Okay, thanks. [01:00:10] Speaker B: Thank you. Bye. Bye. [01:00:11] Speaker D: Now, Lauren, let me just say. Jack. Jack, you just mentioned that title, that Beatles song, you Know My Name. That's such an odd song. It's not on any of the albums. It's on the B side of what single? [01:00:25] Speaker B: I forget. I've got it at home, but I don't recall. [01:00:28] Speaker D: It's a really strange song. It's about four or five minutes long. And it's on the flip side, I think. Let It Be or something like that. [01:00:34] Speaker B: I think so. [01:00:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:35] Speaker D: Very strange song. It's kind of like a stream of consciousness song. And it just keeps on going and going. [01:00:40] Speaker B: And then there's the English gentleman at the end. [01:00:44] Speaker D: That's right. [01:00:45] Speaker B: That's the one. [01:00:46] Speaker C: That's the one. That's the only one that wasn't accredited. [01:00:49] Speaker B: To any of the Beatles yet. Ghostwriters. That's right. They deny any connection with it. Okay, let's go to Ohio. Pat is out in Ohio. Where are you in Ohio, Pat? [01:01:01] Speaker C: I'm in Middletown. [01:01:02] Speaker B: Hey, I live in Middletown. Well, isn't that interesting? [01:01:06] Speaker C: That is pretty interesting. [01:01:10] Speaker B: You don't think it's interesting at all. You're just trying to jolly me along. That's what you're saying. [01:01:15] Speaker C: I suck up trying to get one of these diplomas. [01:01:18] Speaker B: Okay, what category would you like? [01:01:19] Speaker C: Let's do Rock and Roll. [01:01:21] Speaker D: Okay, have you heard any questions out on the board? [01:01:23] Speaker B: That. [01:01:23] Speaker C: Yeah, let's skip those. [01:01:26] Speaker D: Well, okay, we'll go to the back. [01:01:28] Speaker B: Of the file here. [01:01:30] Speaker C: These things are getting tougher as the night goes on. [01:01:33] Speaker D: Okay, here's a good one for you. Madonna. [01:01:39] Speaker B: There you go. [01:01:40] Speaker D: He's off to a good start. [01:01:40] Speaker B: Was that a laugh of lust or just a laugh of. [01:01:44] Speaker D: Madonna has appeared in many movies. I have in front of me. I have. I have six with the possible seven that I haven't got verified. Six movies. This two. All right, I just got it confirmed. It's seven. She's been in seven movies. Can you name. How about just two? [01:02:03] Speaker C: Madonna's been in seven movies and you want me to name two? Yeah, she did one with Sean Penn. [01:02:10] Speaker D: Which was Called. [01:02:13] Speaker B: A disaster. Yeah. [01:02:16] Speaker C: Oh, geez. Well, listen, guys, I'm drawing a blank on Madonna. [01:02:24] Speaker B: That's one. Yeah. [01:02:26] Speaker C: Why? Let me switch ears. [01:02:28] Speaker B: How about the romance? [01:02:30] Speaker C: A League of Our Own. The new one. [01:02:32] Speaker D: That's right. [01:02:33] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:02:33] Speaker B: That's right, too. [01:02:35] Speaker C: Just one more thing with Sean. Pan something. China. China something. [01:02:41] Speaker B: Wow. [01:02:42] Speaker C: Gosh. Geez. I'm gonna strike out here, it looks like. But let me ask you a question. [01:02:52] Speaker B: I'm so close. Okay. I'm sorry that you didn't make it, but ask your question. [01:02:56] Speaker C: All right, listen, guys. The Woodstock album. [01:03:02] Speaker D: Okay. [01:03:04] Speaker C: All right. Can you name the drummer who was credited. Received Grammy for coming into the studio and adding a bass drum part in post production. [01:03:23] Speaker B: For the entire album? [01:03:24] Speaker C: Yeah. Got a Grammy for coming in and beating on a bass drum. What happened? Yeah, he performed there, but his band did not appear on that album. But he happened to be around the studio when they discovered that the cuts are cut anyway from 10 years after the microphone failed on the bass drum. And so he dubbed it in in the studio. [01:03:47] Speaker D: That big. Ready for a guess? Keith Moon. The who was there. Yeah. [01:03:52] Speaker C: Wasn't Keith Moon. [01:03:53] Speaker B: They were on the album. Right. Are they on there? [01:03:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:03:56] Speaker B: Ginger Baker. [01:03:57] Speaker C: No. [01:03:59] Speaker D: How many guesses do we get? [01:04:00] Speaker C: Guys can go all night if you want. [01:04:02] Speaker B: No, I think we give up. Who would that have been? [01:04:05] Speaker C: His name was Corky Lang. He was a drummer in Mountain. Oh. [01:04:10] Speaker D: Now Mississippi Queen. [01:04:11] Speaker C: Yeah, Mississippi Queen. That type of thing. Yeah. [01:04:18] Speaker B: That's interesting. That must have been the only time that ever happened. This is my only chance at a Grammy right now. Yeah. A guy who's never. Did not win in the original session, but came in to dub in a part because the original part just was washed away because of that technical problem. Most creative kick in the industry. Hey, that's interesting. Hey, Pat. Thank you. [01:04:39] Speaker C: All right, you guys take care. [01:04:40] Speaker B: You too. Bye. Bye now. It's Pat from way out in Ohio. We're going to Maryland now. Jody is down in Maryland. Hi, Jody. [01:04:46] Speaker C: Hi. How are you doing? [01:04:47] Speaker B: Fine, thank you. You're on WBC in Boston. We're glad to have you with us. [01:04:51] Speaker C: Excellent. [01:04:52] Speaker B: Would you. You would like rock, I assume? [01:04:55] Speaker C: Yes. How'd you guess that? [01:04:57] Speaker B: I guess your voice didn't crank up with age. I have a question. Okay. You have a question? Tony, when Billboard began its new scanning on the records to keep better track of when what comes out and what's number one? What was the first record released with the new scanning procedures to reach number one? It entered at number one. [01:05:26] Speaker C: That's a tough one. I'LL have to say Rope in the Wind by Garth Brooks. [01:05:33] Speaker B: No. [01:05:33] Speaker C: Okay. [01:05:35] Speaker B: Before that, actually. [01:05:37] Speaker C: Okay. I don't get a second chance. [01:05:41] Speaker B: I'm sorry. I hate when you say it that way. I feel just so darn guilty. [01:05:45] Speaker C: I would, however, like to give you all a question. It's been a tradition all night. [01:05:50] Speaker B: Go right ahead. [01:05:51] Speaker C: This one can be classified either as rock or jazz. [01:05:54] Speaker D: This guy's got a copy of the rule book. [01:05:57] Speaker B: At least somebody does. [01:06:00] Speaker C: On the Get Gilberto album. [01:06:03] Speaker B: Yes. By Stan Getz and Student Gilberto. Right. [01:06:10] Speaker C: 1964. [01:06:11] Speaker B: Yes. [01:06:12] Speaker C: Who was the recording engineer who went on to become a very successful producer. [01:06:17] Speaker B: Well, that's interesting. I ought to. Do you know that one? I ought to know that because I've got. I've got business about all that stuff that they recorded together. [01:06:25] Speaker D: Is it Quincy Jones? [01:06:27] Speaker C: No, it's Bill Ramone. [01:06:29] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [01:06:30] Speaker D: Billy Joel's producer. [01:06:31] Speaker C: Right. [01:06:32] Speaker B: Okay. Hey, good. That's a good question. [01:06:34] Speaker D: Among others. [01:06:35] Speaker B: I was. No, I was looking at the Stan get stuff today, as a matter of fact, with Astro Gilberto, because I was dubbing some saxophone players and stuff, and he was one of them that I had picked. Don't feel too bad, Jody. I only. You know. You were only one person with my question, but you stumped six people here, so. [01:06:51] Speaker C: I think I'm the only 25 year. Excuse me. I think I'm the only twenty five year old I know who has that album. Everybody else looks at. The Girl From Ipanema is like a Feelings type song, you know? [01:07:02] Speaker B: Oh, no, no, I think it's. No, I think it's much better than that. I mean, you got a. You got a great solo by Stan Goetz. It has gotten a kind of a commercial feel because it's been played so often, but it's still. It's still a decent song and a decent version of it and, you know, and Stan Getz will never be. Who did. Who did Feelings? [01:07:21] Speaker D: Harry Mars Albert. [01:07:23] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. No, he's. No, He's. He's. No. He's no. Morris Albert. I knew Mars Albert. [01:07:28] Speaker C: What I mean is, it's one of those songs usually done by lounge lizards that. [01:07:33] Speaker D: That's right. It sounds like. On a cheesy organization. I mean, it just sounds right. [01:07:37] Speaker B: I know. Feelings. Feelings is more in the category. Yeah. That would be more of a song like My Mess, My Melancholy Baby, that's another one. That's by the Lounge Lizards. Hey, Jody, it's good to talk with you. I appreciate the call. [01:07:51] Speaker C: All right. Have a good night. [01:07:52] Speaker B: You, too. [01:07:52] Speaker C: Bye. [01:07:53] Speaker B: Bye. [01:07:53] Speaker D: Now, Norm, we've been getting some great questions all night. We've been getting stumped, and people have been sharp on the answers. [01:08:00] Speaker B: And they have been. They have been. And we're getting calls from all over. [01:08:03] Speaker D: The place to mark this occasion. [01:08:05] Speaker B: No one's winning. We're not winning. They're not winning. Not. Not lately. But we have. We have. I have had about three winners so far. Okay, let's. Let's go to Tracy, who's out in Oyster. Hi, Tracy. [01:08:16] Speaker C: Hi. How are you guys? [01:08:18] Speaker B: Just fine, thank you. Rock and roll. Yeah. You want a new question? [01:08:22] Speaker C: Well, I'm still trying to rack my brain with that Madonna one. I have one title, but I can't come up with the second one, so I don't want to say it too well. [01:08:34] Speaker B: No, well, wait a minute now. [01:08:35] Speaker C: One was already given. [01:08:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:08:37] Speaker C: Oh, so if I. [01:08:38] Speaker B: So if you come up with a second one, isn't that true? [01:08:41] Speaker D: I'd say two. [01:08:42] Speaker B: Yeah, we would figure that's two. So all you need is somebody mentioned A League of Their Own. So if you name one more, that's the two. [01:08:51] Speaker C: Who's that girl? [01:08:52] Speaker B: There you go. [01:08:53] Speaker D: Who's that girl? Correct. [01:08:54] Speaker B: Dick Tracy was one. Also. She was in Dick Tracy. Also, remember that Warren Beatty desperately Secret Shanghai Surprise. Also the Romance of Lead Casings, which was an industrial film not too many people know about. [01:09:10] Speaker C: Did you also have that down, that. [01:09:14] Speaker D: Documentary I have Truth to Dare and Vision Quest? [01:09:16] Speaker B: Yeah, that's when I was trying to. [01:09:18] Speaker C: I was racking my brain listening to you guys trying to come up with that one. [01:09:22] Speaker B: Okay, now you can ask. [01:09:23] Speaker D: Rack no longer. [01:09:24] Speaker B: Okay, you passed the first hurdle. Now ask. Ask us a question if we missed. Then you passed the second hurdle. I really wanted that Jimmy Buffett one. [01:09:34] Speaker C: There, but this is a Jimmy Buffett question. About two years ago, he came out with a live album called Feeding Frenzy. What two cities was it recorded in? It was a live album. [01:09:51] Speaker B: My answer doesn't count because I'm not up to date in this category, but I would guess offhand. Findlay, Ohio, and Fondu Locke, Wisconsin, of course. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe Methuen, Massachusetts. Actually, I think it was a. Was an overseas recording from. [01:10:12] Speaker C: It was here in the United States. [01:10:13] Speaker B: What a nice New Jersey. Boston. Great woods. [01:10:17] Speaker C: Nashville. [01:10:17] Speaker B: No, they didn't do one there. Okay. [01:10:18] Speaker C: Probably somewhere in Florida. [01:10:20] Speaker D: Yeah, I think Boca Raton or something like that. [01:10:22] Speaker B: No, Dade County. [01:10:24] Speaker D: No, we haven't named me to give it to you. We haven't named every city in the country yet. [01:10:29] Speaker B: I think you might as well give it to us. [01:10:31] Speaker D: Okay. [01:10:31] Speaker C: Cincinnati, Ohio, and Atlanta, Georgia. [01:10:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, sure. Well, that's the kind of thing you do. Those are two. [01:10:39] Speaker C: Those are two. [01:10:39] Speaker B: You guys ought to know that. I wonder if anybody's going to ask me where Tommy Dorsey recorded Getting Sentimental over you. I'll be in the same boat with you guys. That's really a tough one. Okay. [01:10:50] Speaker D: Yeah, it was. [01:10:51] Speaker B: Now we're going to ask you a question, the final one for the certificate. [01:10:54] Speaker C: Okay? [01:10:55] Speaker D: Okay. The question is, who are Walter Becker and Donald Fagan, better known as. [01:11:03] Speaker C: Daryl hall and John Oak? [01:11:05] Speaker B: Wow. [01:11:06] Speaker D: Sorry. Wrong. No, take that, Tracy. [01:11:09] Speaker B: Oh, that was a tough blow. That's funny. That's one of the few questions I could answer. And it's a great group that they've had through the years. Hey, thanks for calling, Tracy. Okay, thank you. Bye bye. Bye, bye. Let's take a break. We'll have some headlines and traffic. [01:11:23] Speaker C: Fry Baby Gold Bond Medicated Powder. Now at drugstores and supermarkets everywhere. You only as directed. [01:11:31] Speaker B: Okay, we're back with our panel and we haven't just had much fun. I wish you'd join us with this fun, really, because there's no reason we have to absorb all this, our stuff and have all this money. [01:11:43] Speaker C: Oh, what? I don't know what I'm saying. [01:11:46] Speaker B: Anyway, Rick Duart is our producer. Tony Nesbit and Ed Mullen and Daryl Gould, Serena, Jack Hart, Harry Needleman, Ross, Pietro, all members of our panel. That's 963 thousand. Oh, thousands. Yes. And everyone a gem. Okay, 2, 5, 4, 10, 30. We'll play the game right up till 2:00. It's about 26 before 2. Right now as we go to Jack in the Natick. Hi, Jack, you're on wbz. [01:12:15] Speaker C: Hi, Norm. You got the best show on radio. [01:12:18] Speaker B: Thank you very much. Since when you say free for all time? Like since the beginning of broadcasting, the 20s. [01:12:22] Speaker C: Well, back to the 50s. [01:12:24] Speaker B: Okay, good enough. [01:12:25] Speaker C: I think I got a rash listening. [01:12:29] Speaker B: Did you get one under your arms? [01:12:30] Speaker C: Yeah, everywhere. [01:12:32] Speaker B: Oh, everywhere. [01:12:33] Speaker C: Can I take the McLean one? The Don McLean one? Yeah. [01:12:37] Speaker D: The question was. [01:12:38] Speaker C: Yeah, Vincent. Vincent Van Gogh. [01:12:40] Speaker D: Right, right. Just to repeat the question for people just joining us. [01:12:46] Speaker B: Sorry, especially those in the central time zone. [01:12:49] Speaker D: Don McLean released a song on the American Pie album that started Starry, Starry Night, named the song and who is it about? And our caller has just done that. Now for the weather. [01:13:00] Speaker C: Now, this is. This isn't exactly rock and roll, but it's the 50s. Can you name the two number one songs that are on the same record? By the crew cuts. [01:13:11] Speaker D: Oh, here we go. [01:13:13] Speaker B: Darryl Gould. This is Darryl Gould's territory, isn't it? What do you say, Gerald? You know the answer to that. I know one of them. Which one is that, Jack? [01:13:22] Speaker C: Well, I would think Shaboom would be one. That's one, Jack. How come you didn't guess the other one? How come you guessed the same one and the other one was also number one? Yeah. The flip side. Yep. Very unusual. [01:13:36] Speaker B: Boom. Sh. [01:13:39] Speaker D: Played backwards. [01:13:41] Speaker B: Sorry. That's for anybody with dyslexia. Yeah. [01:13:46] Speaker C: You know, I never had that record. I have it. I had it by the other group. [01:13:51] Speaker B: Oh, really? Then can you all listen? [01:13:54] Speaker C: If he stumps us, that's what we'll ask him. What was the other group? [01:13:57] Speaker B: I think. [01:13:58] Speaker C: I think you'll know it when I say it. [01:13:59] Speaker B: I think he's stumping us right now. What is the answer, Earth Angel? [01:14:07] Speaker C: Wait a minute. I. I think you're wrong. I know. I know it may have been on the flip side, but the big hit version of that was by the Penguins. Penguins, yeah, but I think. I think Billboard. I think it did reach number one. I really do. But I. You might be right, but I'm pretty sure I don't think. [01:14:27] Speaker B: I. Tell you what, we're going to ask you a question. [01:14:28] Speaker C: I. [01:14:29] Speaker B: A humdinger? Kind of. Yeah. Just to even things out a little bit. [01:14:33] Speaker C: Well, I put the powder on. [01:14:37] Speaker B: Don't you sound like a cruel mother? Well, looks like she's got rug burns, but the kid doesn't complain. Okay. Don't know what that means. [01:14:46] Speaker C: Give me something in the commercial of the beginning. You want something from the 50s? Yeah. [01:14:49] Speaker B: Okay. Here comes Ed. Ed Mullen has a question for you, Ed. Oh, wait a minute, Ed. [01:14:54] Speaker C: How about our great twist question? [01:14:56] Speaker D: That's a good one. Go ahead. [01:14:59] Speaker C: Okay, okay. We all remember Chubby Checker doing the twist during that era. Is that one good for you? Yep. [01:15:07] Speaker B: Okay. [01:15:09] Speaker C: His was the big hit, but it wasn't the original. Who did the original? And it was a group or an individual and a group, as it goes. That was really big in the very early days of rock and roll, rhythm and blues in the mid-50s. [01:15:33] Speaker B: Did Billy Kyle play the piano on that with the John Kirby Group? [01:15:38] Speaker C: No, he was arrested before that. [01:15:40] Speaker B: Oh, that's right. And they recorded it live in Cincinnati, in Atlanta. That's right. Maxine Sullivan was the vocalist and the Andrew Sisters did a cover record of it. Anyway, I guess you don't. [01:15:50] Speaker C: I'm gonna take a guess and say someone like Eddie Cochran and someone that I don't know. [01:15:56] Speaker B: I'm sorry, Jack. Oh, I'm just so darn sorry. [01:15:59] Speaker C: That's terrible. [01:16:00] Speaker B: Oh, I'm so sorry. Am I overdoing that part? [01:16:03] Speaker C: Very much so. [01:16:05] Speaker B: Thank you for putting me in my place. Hey, thank you, Jack. Good luck with the rash. The one under his arms. Yeah, under his arms. Let's go to Paul in Haverhill, or Wendell Wilkie used to call it. Hi, my friends in Haverhill. Haverhill, that's it. I know him. How you doing, Paul? [01:16:24] Speaker C: Good, good. Long time listener, long time fan. [01:16:27] Speaker B: Well, nice to hear from you. What category would you like listen on? [01:16:31] Speaker C: The Big Band. [01:16:32] Speaker B: Yes. [01:16:32] Speaker C: Did anyone come up with the names of the four brothers? [01:16:36] Speaker B: Nobody did. Nobody even tried. [01:16:38] Speaker C: I'd like to take a shot at it. [01:16:39] Speaker B: Go right ahead. Take three out of four. If you get three out of four, it's. [01:16:42] Speaker C: Oh, I'm pretty sure I can get three out of four. I should be able to get all four. [01:16:46] Speaker B: Okay. [01:16:47] Speaker C: Zoot Sims, right? Al Cohn. [01:16:50] Speaker B: No. [01:16:51] Speaker C: Yes. [01:16:52] Speaker B: No, no. He was not one. I know what you think. And he did play with the Woody Herman Band. And a lot of people think he was one of the four brothers guys, but he was not. [01:17:01] Speaker C: He wasn't really. [01:17:01] Speaker B: No. Name a couple more. And you put Serge Chaloff. Serge Chaloff was one. [01:17:06] Speaker C: Sure. Stan Getz. [01:17:07] Speaker B: And Stan Getz was one. Right. The fourth one was Herbie Stewart. Who. Nobody ever guesses that, but he was the fourth one. Al Cohn did play with the Woody Herman Band, and of course, he and Stan Getz did albums together and all of that. So that was a good guess. But he was not. [01:17:24] Speaker C: What was that name again? [01:17:25] Speaker B: He was not on the four Brothers record. Herbie Stewart. [01:17:29] Speaker C: Herbie Stewart. [01:17:30] Speaker B: Herbie Stewart. Yeah, he played. [01:17:32] Speaker C: I get some misinformation along the way, then. [01:17:34] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that's a common thing. For example, another common mistake about Woody Herman was people say. They. They always say, here's Woody Woodrow Wilson Herman, and his middle name was Charles. It was not. I don't know why I threw that in. Just to show off a little bit. Do you want to give it to him? Because he did get three out of four. No, no, no. You answered the question correctly. You got three out of four, and that's right. So ask us one if you would now. [01:18:00] Speaker C: Okay, I have a good one. It's kind of a trivia type thing for you, Norm. I doubt if anyone else will get it. [01:18:08] Speaker B: Okay. I meant I didn't get it myself, but we'll try. [01:18:10] Speaker C: Well, maybe in the movie based on Benny Goodman's life. Yes, Benny Goodman's story. What brought it to mind? It was just on television here a couple weeks ago. There was a scene. Carnegie hall concert which was, you know, they gave it the Hollywood version featuring Ziggy Yellman. The question is, who actually did the playing trumpet playing for Ziggy Yellman in that movie? He did not play. [01:18:38] Speaker B: You mean a trumpet player did not actually play a trumpet? [01:18:41] Speaker C: Ziggy Elman did not do his own playing in that movie. [01:18:44] Speaker B: Well, he lip sank or trumpet. Whatever you do with a song. Yeah, isn't that funny? [01:18:52] Speaker C: A ghost trumpet player. [01:18:53] Speaker B: Okay, so the song had to be the aim and the angels Sing. [01:18:56] Speaker C: That's right. Which wasn't really in the concert anyway. [01:18:59] Speaker B: No, it really wasn't. No. Sing Sing Sing was one. Of course, the big thing. [01:19:03] Speaker C: Apparently Ziggy wasn't able to play. [01:19:06] Speaker B: Okay, that might have. Maybe his career was pretty much over by. [01:19:09] Speaker C: Well, it wasn't too long after that. If I recall. He died a year or so after that. [01:19:14] Speaker B: Yeah. Let's see now. Who would have played? [01:19:17] Speaker C: Famous trumpet player, well known in the big bands. I'll give you a clue. He had a nickname that was. That meant grand old man of the trumpet section because he played with just about every feature band around. [01:19:34] Speaker B: He had a nickname that meant that. [01:19:36] Speaker C: Yeah, they used to call him Gomots. Grand old man of the trumpet section. That's on the jackets of some of the albums he was featured on. [01:19:45] Speaker B: Yeah, I have no idea who that would be. [01:19:48] Speaker C: I'm sure you'll recognize him. The name is Manny Klein. [01:19:52] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I know Manny Klein. [01:19:53] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, he did the actual playing. [01:19:56] Speaker B: Yeah. No, I never would have guessed that in a thousand years. [01:19:59] Speaker C: You know where I came across? [01:20:00] Speaker B: Because Manny is not a particularly well known guy. He wasn't musical circles at all. No. Yes he was. He played in a lot of recording sessions. One of my favorite all time albums is a thing called Tootie's Trumpets. Are you familiar with that album? Yes, yes. Manny Klein is one of the trumpet players on that. And it's some great stuff on that album. [01:20:18] Speaker C: He did a tune called Louie on that which was a tribute to Armstrong. [01:20:22] Speaker B: That's right, that's right, that's right. He did. [01:20:25] Speaker C: I have a record where he backs. He just mentioned it before. Helen Forrest. [01:20:31] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Okay, let's see now. Did this. No, you have to give him. Oh, now we gotta give you one final one. Okay, okay, let me get. Let me give you something really hip because you are what you call your Basic dislocated hip person. Okay. Okay. Smoke Rings. Who used that as a theme song? Oh, Smoke Rings was the theme. It's kind of a song nobody would ever use as a theme anymore. Now that we're on Smoking Kick, Smoke Rings. Don't try to confuse anyone. [01:21:06] Speaker C: Glenn Gray. [01:21:07] Speaker B: Glen Gray is right. Hey, kind of a wild guess. No, it's a good guess. It's obviously was just lying there, lying fallow in your subconscious. But that's so. You better do something about that, for God's sakes. No, that's absolutely correct. Let me turn you over to Rick and he'll take your name and address and we'll get one of our swell diplomas. [01:21:28] Speaker C: Steve. A lot of fun, hey. [01:21:30] Speaker B: A lot of fun. Where in Haverhill do you live, by the way? Roughly? [01:21:33] Speaker C: Let's see if you're at all familiar with it. [01:21:35] Speaker B: Yeah, I am. [01:21:36] Speaker C: Right off Hilldale. Well, Hilldale Avenue. Brook Street. [01:21:39] Speaker B: See, I know where the Hill is, Like Washington Street. I know. Kenosha Avenue. [01:21:42] Speaker C: Not far from Malafiet Square. [01:21:44] Speaker B: Say, could you swing. [01:21:44] Speaker C: Oh, sure. [01:21:45] Speaker B: Right downtown. Yeah, I was wondering if you could swing down Route 110 and tell me if that accident is still there. [01:21:51] Speaker C: I heard the traffic report. That's two exits down from where I live. [01:21:55] Speaker B: You live not far from the railroad station. Is that right? Is that Lafayette Square there? Or I got the wrong Lafayette Square? [01:22:04] Speaker C: No, that's Lafayette Square. But the railroad station is going down toward the main part of town. [01:22:09] Speaker B: Okay, is that near Canoza Avenue? Is that Lafayette Square? No, no. I tell you what. Let me check the maps because I have a feeling we're boring a whole lot. [01:22:17] Speaker C: No, no, no. Now he gets to ask you one more Haveril question, he wins another certificate. [01:22:24] Speaker B: Okay, you get the key. What's the newest. What's the newest home computer and monitor from Staples? The second runner up will win two tickets to a Patriots home game. No purchase necessary. Contact the WBZ radio promotion department for complete contest rules. Okay, we're playing the dumb birthday game and love to have you. I'm sorry, I just. The microphone goes on and my mouth goes. [01:22:47] Speaker C: Ladies and gentlemen, it's the Dumb Music Game. [01:22:49] Speaker B: That's right. Now it's or as Ed. Ed Mullen has named it, the Wild Music Thing. The Wild Music Thing. Okay. Jack in Framingham. How you doing, Jack? [01:22:59] Speaker C: Hello, everybody. [01:23:00] Speaker B: Hello, everybody. Everybody says hello to you, Jack. [01:23:03] Speaker C: Hello. Just driving home. I'm not a regular listener. Maybe that's likely to change now. This sounds great. I gotta call these guys. Good one. I Already missed the Don McLean question. Did you. Did anybody, while I was absent, get the Donald Fagan question? [01:23:23] Speaker B: No, Nobody did. [01:23:25] Speaker D: It is still open. [01:23:26] Speaker C: Okay. Donald Fagan and Walter Becker are. [01:23:30] Speaker D: That's right. Very good. Okay, now you get to ask us a question. [01:23:34] Speaker C: A question. Okay, actually. And when I was listening to. You guys gave me my question, too. You were talking about the Beatles tune, you Know My Name, right? Look up the number. [01:23:44] Speaker D: That's it. [01:23:46] Speaker C: Okay. The question is, there was another contemporary rock star that plays saxophone on that recording, and I wondered if anyone knew who that was. [01:23:57] Speaker B: I'm sorry, we still with Steely Den? Oh, no, no, no. [01:24:00] Speaker C: Beatles. [01:24:01] Speaker B: Oh, the Beatles. Okay. Temporary rock star who plays saxophone. Well, on the beat on that recording. On that particular recording. Can I take a stab? By all means, sure. Just don't get caught. Oh, okay. Was it David Bowie? [01:24:16] Speaker C: Nope. [01:24:17] Speaker B: Oh, thanks, Jack. Sorry. [01:24:20] Speaker C: No, that was a good guess. [01:24:21] Speaker B: He's a sax player now. Who I guess we missed. So tell us the answer. [01:24:25] Speaker C: It was Brian Jones of the Rolling Stone. [01:24:28] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. That's a nice question. Good question. Yeah, very good. Okay, we get to ask you one. If you get the answer to this one, Jack, no, don't say, oh, this is your chance to win a world famous diploma which people would kill for. [01:24:41] Speaker C: It'll go right up on my wall. [01:24:43] Speaker D: All right, here we go. You like this one? Justin Hayward sings lead vocals on almost all of the Moody Blues classic hits. He did not sing on their first hit, however. The first hit was in 1965, and the song was called Go Now. So who's that singer? He played guitar, too, obviously not. Obviously he played guitar, too. He's more famous for his guitar work than his singing. [01:25:18] Speaker B: No, no, no, no. [01:25:22] Speaker C: Lodge. Lodge. [01:25:25] Speaker D: No, he's another guy in the Moody Blues, but it's not the answer that I have here. [01:25:30] Speaker B: I'm sorry you came. Very, very. [01:25:31] Speaker C: Don't know it. [01:25:32] Speaker D: No. Good try. Thank you. [01:25:34] Speaker C: Okay. [01:25:34] Speaker B: Thanks a lot for calling, Jim. [01:25:35] Speaker C: Okay, bye. Bye. [01:25:36] Speaker B: Bye. Bye now. Okay, here's John, who's in Bradford, which, as I recall, is also part of Haverhill. Why do you. You like the guys up who live in Magnolia who don't want to admit they live in Gloucester and. How you doing, John? [01:25:52] Speaker C: Good, thank you. [01:25:53] Speaker D: Good. [01:25:54] Speaker C: By the way, Lafayette Square, that's the. [01:25:56] Speaker B: One where General Lafayette, he's sitting on. [01:25:58] Speaker C: His horse and the horse is rearing up, and the French are all upset because the horse's rear end is aimed towards the old French section of Lafayette. [01:26:10] Speaker B: I didn't know that. [01:26:12] Speaker C: That's the Story there. [01:26:14] Speaker B: Okay, thank you for a little bit of Havril lore. Now that we have a leg up on that subject. Yes, you do. Good thing I go back to the phone in a hurry because I was. [01:26:24] Speaker C: On the throne with the queen at the time. [01:26:30] Speaker B: It's one of those two holders, huh? Yeah, we still hold those out in the country. [01:26:37] Speaker C: Do you have something with a phone company that they get a kick. You get a kick back because you keep people on hold for half an hour. [01:26:46] Speaker B: I know, it. No, it bothers me, too, because I don't really believe in giving them any more money than you have to. At least we don't have a 900 number and pretend that we're doing you a favor. You know, I started calling. [01:26:59] Speaker C: I've been on whole way back since. Since the answer you gave the question. [01:27:03] Speaker B: For Marvin Gaye's assassin. Yeah. Boy, that was in the early 40s. What a phone bill. [01:27:12] Speaker C: Didn't anybody bother to say that his father's last name is not the same as Marvin Gaye's spelling? [01:27:21] Speaker D: No, no, no one bothered to say that. [01:27:23] Speaker B: That wasn't part of the question. But would you like another question? Would you like a new one? Or do you want to tell us how Mario Gay's father spells his name? [01:27:32] Speaker C: Has someone answered the one for Don McLean? Yeah. [01:27:36] Speaker D: Yes. [01:27:36] Speaker C: Vincent. [01:27:37] Speaker D: Yes. Someone got that. Vincent Van Gogh, right? Yeah. We can ask you a fresh one, though. You ready? [01:27:42] Speaker B: All right. [01:27:43] Speaker C: You'll kill me. I know. [01:27:45] Speaker D: I'll give it a try. Here we go. The question is in the Marty Robbins song called El Paso. The whole song is about a beautiful woman. And the question is, what is the beautiful woman's name? [01:28:00] Speaker B: Baskin. I don't even know the Baskin Robbins. [01:28:03] Speaker D: Yeah, no, it was not Baskin. [01:28:08] Speaker B: I just didn't even know the song. [01:28:10] Speaker D: El Paso. [01:28:11] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm sorry. I knew you'd get me. [01:28:14] Speaker D: Okay, we knew also. [01:28:17] Speaker B: No, we weren't. Well, sort of. [01:28:19] Speaker D: Okay. [01:28:19] Speaker B: Hey, John, thanks for calling. Appreciate hearing from you. Okay, 2, 5, 4, 10:30, as we go to Mary Ann, who's in Philadelphia. [01:28:28] Speaker C: Hello, everybody. [01:28:29] Speaker B: Oh, it's this Marianne. That's a cute one. That's right. Marianne is from Philly. We call her Philly Philadelphia. Philly Philadelphia. What category would you like, Marianne? [01:28:40] Speaker C: Well, somebody didn't answer that. Hank Ballard. Wow. Wow. Hey, Marianne. Okay, that was older than you saw. That's the original twist. [01:28:52] Speaker B: The Chubby Checkers did later. But this one, this guy did it before him. Okay, ask the panel a question now, Mary. [01:28:59] Speaker C: See, I just tuned in about one. Now, did anyone or have you asked or have you answered? Marvin Gay recorded songs with four women. Name them. [01:29:10] Speaker D: Wow. Good question. [01:29:12] Speaker B: I know. [01:29:12] Speaker C: And I'll give you a big clue. Okay, two were dead. [01:29:18] Speaker D: So get that cemetery list over here. Kim Weston. [01:29:22] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:29:23] Speaker D: Tammy Terrell. [01:29:24] Speaker B: Jack knows one. I think it was Tammy Terrell. [01:29:28] Speaker D: I'm sorry, Is there Gail. [01:29:33] Speaker B: Is there a Mary Wells? [01:29:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:29:39] Speaker B: We wanted to get all four. Three out of four. [01:29:41] Speaker D: And you say he's an old guy, doesn't know his name? [01:29:44] Speaker B: I have to be honest. Rick Dewart just told me on my earphones. And Diana Ross. [01:29:50] Speaker C: That's not fair. That's not fair. [01:29:52] Speaker B: No. Well, Rick is part of the panel. Yeah. Nobody said we had to keep the panel down under 250 people. [01:29:59] Speaker C: That's true. That's true. [01:30:03] Speaker B: Hey, I'm sorry, Mary Ann. [01:30:04] Speaker C: That's okay. And when I want to quickly be. Well, did you. You never answered that question from last time. Who was seen drinking a pina colada? Trader Vex. [01:30:15] Speaker B: Oh, was that. Was that the last time we played? [01:30:18] Speaker D: From the last time we played that question. Still open. [01:30:20] Speaker C: Werewolf of London. [01:30:21] Speaker D: Right. That's right. [01:30:23] Speaker C: Who? [01:30:23] Speaker B: Yeah, but who was it? That was. [01:30:25] Speaker D: Well, the. It was kind of a tongue in cheek question asking who was seen drinking a pinot colada at Trader Vic. And the answer is Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon. So that was the answer, isn't it? [01:30:39] Speaker B: Lon Chaney? [01:30:40] Speaker C: I don't even know this song. [01:30:42] Speaker D: Werewolves of London. [01:30:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:30:44] Speaker D: Lawn Chains. Shall we sing that? [01:30:47] Speaker C: No. [01:30:47] Speaker B: No. Hey, Mary Ann. [01:30:49] Speaker C: Thanks, Harris. [01:30:50] Speaker B: Where? [01:30:50] Speaker C: You're nice. [01:30:50] Speaker B: Oh, you, too. Thanks for calling. Bye. Bye now. She's a cutie. Bob in Peabody. Hi, Bob. Hi. How you doing? Good, thanks. What can I get tomorrow? Moody Blues. [01:30:59] Speaker C: Answer. [01:31:00] Speaker D: Moody Blues. The question was, who sung Go now, the first hit for the Moody Blues? [01:31:07] Speaker C: Would the guy's name be Roy Thomas? [01:31:10] Speaker D: I don't have Roy Thomas. No. I don't have that for the name. [01:31:13] Speaker C: No. How about on the cantina thing? Rosa. Rosa's Cantina. [01:31:20] Speaker D: Oh. The question you asked is Marty Robbins. El Paso by Marty Robbins. Who's the girl? And that answer is wrong also. [01:31:27] Speaker B: That's $2. Want to go for three. And send you back to the dugout? [01:31:31] Speaker C: I used to. What the hell, Give me one off the board. [01:31:36] Speaker B: No, I'm sorry, Bob. Hey, thanks, Ricardo. You know, we don't keep giving you questions till you answer one. No, we don't do that. We don't do that. I mean, we've been paid under the table to do that. In the case of even if people bribe us enough, maybe. [01:31:52] Speaker C: Oh, you know, I just happened to think of what he. He was. It was Rose's Cantina where that song took place. Yeah, El Paso. Marty. [01:32:02] Speaker B: Marty Robbins. El Paso. [01:32:03] Speaker C: But that's not the name of the girl that he fell in love with there. [01:32:07] Speaker B: Right, That's. That's what. [01:32:08] Speaker C: That's what we're looking for. Right. [01:32:10] Speaker B: Okay, we have. [01:32:11] Speaker C: He was partially. He was on the track. It was Rose's Cantina. [01:32:15] Speaker B: Hey, you were on the track, big guy. [01:32:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:32:17] Speaker B: Jerry in Illinois. Hey, where in Illinois are you, Jerry? [01:32:21] Speaker C: Batavia. [01:32:22] Speaker B: Batavia. That's nice to hear from you. [01:32:24] Speaker C: Yeah, a little. A little further west of Haverhill. The questions that one of your callers post. What three songs are credited to the Beatles? And there were actually three from the. [01:32:40] Speaker D: Let It Be album. [01:32:41] Speaker C: There was Maggie May and Dig It. So that's a total of three. I'd like to take a stab at the Moody Blues question, though. [01:32:48] Speaker D: Okay. [01:32:49] Speaker C: Was that Denny Lane? [01:32:51] Speaker D: Denny Lane is right. Later on, the guitar is for wings and Paul McCartney. And wings. That's why it's kind of unusual. [01:32:58] Speaker B: Good work. Denny Lane. I've got a question. [01:33:02] Speaker C: What Hollywood actress is briefly married to the lead singer of the Jay Scott Band? [01:33:07] Speaker B: Oh, I know that. Sae Dunaway. [01:33:09] Speaker C: Oh, you got it. [01:33:11] Speaker B: They're from Boston. We know that. That's right. That's Sarah Nathan, who answered that question. Hey, thanks very, very much. Good to hear from you. [01:33:19] Speaker C: Great job. [01:33:20] Speaker B: Appreciate the call. All the way from Batavia, Illinois. [01:33:22] Speaker C: All right. [01:33:23] Speaker D: See you later. [01:33:23] Speaker C: Bye. [01:33:23] Speaker B: Bye. Bye. Parents get that, Bill? No, actually, the rates are about at their lowest right now. No, it's great to be young. You make one phone call to one of those 900 numbers, and it costs you 700. Oh, I can tell you stories about those 900. My charge bill. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. And I didn't even like what you said. Marion in Lexington. Hi, Marion. [01:33:46] Speaker C: Oh, hi. I like to have a big band question. And I'm not creaking with H either. [01:33:52] Speaker B: I know you're not. I just. I just made that up. I just made up. I know. That's okay. The Moon Maids vocal group sang with what band? Moon Mates. [01:34:01] Speaker C: I knew all the other ransoms, but I don't know who the moon is. [01:34:05] Speaker B: When you think about it, though, not Kaiser. [01:34:09] Speaker C: No. [01:34:09] Speaker B: A lot of people are guessing Kate Kaiser for everything. And he had a very popular band. No, it was not Kate Kaiser. I'm sorry. I'm just an. I'm sorry. What were you gonna ask me? [01:34:19] Speaker C: Who was a famous girl Singer that sang with a famous band, and she was in love with him. And she later wrote a book about it. [01:34:29] Speaker B: I know Ivy Anderson was in love with Duke Ellington, but. [01:34:32] Speaker C: Oh, there were a lot of cases, but she. This one wrote a special book about it. [01:34:35] Speaker B: I know. Tell me. Did you know the answer? Sarah? [01:34:38] Speaker C: I do. [01:34:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. No, you tell me then. Mary, who was that? [01:34:42] Speaker C: It was Harry James and Helen Forrest. [01:34:45] Speaker B: And Helen Forrest wrote. I didn't realize that she had a thing for Harry James. [01:34:49] Speaker C: Oh, yes. And she wrote a book called I Had a Dream. [01:34:53] Speaker B: I didn't realize that. Yeah. [01:34:55] Speaker C: She was. One night, she was on a special show and she said we had such a love affair going, and she said only the people in the band knew it. [01:35:04] Speaker B: Okay. Son of a gun. I'm sorry you didn't get the first question because I wouldn't have gotten the second one. [01:35:09] Speaker C: Now, I had another question. I call you last Saturday night looking for that song called A Man and His Dream, and someone told me that a man had called. [01:35:17] Speaker B: Yes, that's correct. [01:35:20] Speaker C: Anything I can do about it? [01:35:21] Speaker B: Yes. Send me a note. Okay. And I'll give you the information. Just send me a note and I'll send you all the details. He wants you to call him. And everything. [01:35:27] Speaker D: I'll give. [01:35:28] Speaker B: I want to take one more wonderful. One more person. Bye. Bye. Marianne. Just want to get this last person. Joan of Melrose. Hi, Joan. [01:35:36] Speaker C: Hi. How you doing? [01:35:37] Speaker B: Good, thanks. [01:35:38] Speaker C: Good evening, everybody. [01:35:39] Speaker B: Good evening. [01:35:40] Speaker D: Good evening. [01:35:41] Speaker C: I'll take a new question. I just happened to wake up and heard you guys talking. [01:35:45] Speaker B: What category? Big Bad. Jazz or rock? [01:35:47] Speaker C: Rock. [01:35:48] Speaker B: Okay. [01:35:49] Speaker D: Okay. The question is the song Leaving on a Jet Pin. [01:35:53] Speaker C: Leaving on a Jet Plane. All right. [01:35:55] Speaker D: Yeah, you got that one right. You got the question right. The. The. The question is, who wrote that song? It's sung by Peter Palmer. Who wrote that song? [01:36:06] Speaker C: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. [01:36:14] Speaker B: Two more ohs and you won a door prize. [01:36:19] Speaker C: Joplin. Joplin. [01:36:24] Speaker D: Are you thinking of Janis Joplin? [01:36:26] Speaker C: Yes. [01:36:26] Speaker D: Sorry, you're wrong. I didn't mean to lead you down the wrong track. I was just. Sounded like you were saying that. [01:36:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:36:34] Speaker C: Let me just ask you a question. [01:36:36] Speaker B: Real fast, very quickly, because we have news coming up. [01:36:38] Speaker C: Okay. Who sang Puppy Love? [01:36:43] Speaker B: Oh, Paul Anka. No, who was it? [01:36:47] Speaker C: Johnny Osborne. [01:36:49] Speaker B: Paul Anka sang it first, though. Hey, Joan, I gotta get going. And I'm gonna thank all of you. You're welcome. Thank you over there, Big Jack. Thank you. And Daryl. Darrell Gould. And Ed Mullen and Tony Nesbitt, Sarah Nathan, all of you and myself. Norm Nathan and his RC Blue Bird Recording Orchestra. [01:37:06] Speaker A: I'll finish that for you, big guy. This was a great find pulled from the Ed Mullen shoebox of memories. Thank you, Mr. Ed. Oh, and if you see my sister from another Mr. Sonya Nathan, wish her a happy birthday. Check out the links in the description box to support the show. Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it. Four Loving Sweethearts rules. Slow starts. The Bellingham Square garbage run. The Hilltop Steakhouse. Tommy Heinsen knowing it but not thinking of it. The old tick tock downtown Kennesaw, Michigan. Turning the radio down. Untying your shoelaces left handed. Violin players. CB radios, convoys, truck drivers and rah rah rah sis boom ba. Not explaining your own questions very well. Optical illusions. Chintzy certificates of award. The College of Musical Knowledge not accredited. Jason Voorhees, Apple Blossom time. The pan tanned I kept Harry Needleman those cool, limpid green eyes. Avon calling Bobby V. Sandra D, Peggy Lee and Molly B. Catching and airful late game confusion. The romance of lead castings. Ross Pietro Radio rashes boom sh. Now, was this. Tooties, trumpets, Tooties, trumpets. I can't remember. Lying fallow in your subconscious not playing the dumb birthday game. Lafayette Square in Haverhill, Mass. K. Kaiser for everything. After a tough Doris Day, there's nothing like a relaxing Gladys Knight, Rick Dewart, the nice, kindly Daryl Gould. Ed Taskmaster Mullen, Jack Hart, Sarah Nathan. And the man who would never forget that Billy Kyle played piano in the John Kirby Band. Norm ra da da d diddly doo boo da Nathan. I'm Tony Show Off Nesbitt. [01:39:14] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.

Other Episodes

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