Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 218 - The Prescription is Laughter

Episode 218 January 15, 2025 01:40:47
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 218 - The Prescription is Laughter
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 218 - The Prescription is Laughter

Jan 15 2025 | 01:40:47


Show Notes

Based on the dates scrawled on the cassette we have a Norm Nathan Show from January 2, 1994, with a dash of January 28th thrown in for good measure. Our title is: The Prescription is Laughter

Loads of calls are heard throughout. Please hold your applause until I introduce the entire head table:

An old friend Rob – talking Red Sox


Peggy in Dorchester

Jim ‘Bartholomew Chauncy’ from Boston – was this the first time Norm gave him the Chauncy nick name?

Andrew on a car phone

I appear to join in for the laughs

Vivian who’s feeling good

Phil from Ontario, Canada with some Quiz show-like jokes


The adorable Addie in Everett







Fred from NJ

Edward from Everett


Denise in Brookline

Jean from Somerville

Eddie but it sounds like Jimmy from Winthrop or Mike in Marshfield

And Walter who has lots of phones but nobody calls


We get a few traffic reports from both Jack Harte and Aaron Sawyer too.

One more note before we begin, here’s my requisite request, if you are able, to support this Island of Silly in a mad world. Fred kept me caffeinated again by using Buy Me A Coffee. He’s a great human BEAN…

Your other options are joining Patreon and subscribing on Castos. I’ve simplified that process by including links in the description box.

Ep 218, The Prescription is Laughter, guffaws its way to your ears, now.


Buy Me a Coffee





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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Based on the dates scrawled on the cassette, we have a Norm Nathan show from January 2, 1994 with a dash of January 28th thrown in for good measure. Our title is the prescription is Laughter. Loads of calls are heard throughout. Please hold your applause until I introduce the entire head table. An old friend, Rob talking about the Red Sox. Phil, Peggy and Dorchester. Jim Bartholomew, Chauncey from Boston. Was this the first time Norm gave him the Chauncey nickname? Andrew on a car phone. I appear to join in for the laughs. Vivian, who's feeling good. Phil from Ontario, Canada with some quiz show like jokes. Libby, the adorable Addie and Everett. John, Laurie, Bea, Rob, Mike, Judy. Fred from New Jersey. Edward from Everett. Michael. [00:00:54] Speaker B: Nah. [00:00:54] Speaker A: Nope. Denise in Brookline. Jean from Somerville. Eddie, but it sounds like Jimmy from Winthrop. Or Mike in Marshfield. And Walter, who has lots of phones but nobody calls. We get a few traffic reports from Jack Hart and Aaron Sawyer too. One more note before we begin. Here's my requisite request. If you are able to support this island of silly in a mad world. Fred kept me caffeinated again by using Buy me a coffee. He's a great human being. Your other options are joining Patreon and subscribing on Kastos. I've simplified that process by including links in the description box. Episode 218 the prescription is Laughter guffaws its way to your ears now. [00:01:40] Speaker B: Well, thank you, Jay. We are still dealing with some extra volume on the lower deck of Route 93 and the Tobin Bridge heading into the city. Be careful there. As well as the Expressway northbound, Route 93 northbound and Somerville, a disabled vehicle in a reasonably tough spot. So do watch out for it. Do remember, roadways are wet from the. From the melting snow. A little bit later on that could get icy. I'm Jack Hart, WBZ 24 Hour Traffic Network. [00:02:06] Speaker C: And you know, there was a change needed and you know, here he's pretty good and you know, he was, he. He was a Red Sox follower anyway. [00:02:17] Speaker B: Yeah, he's right. He's from Massachusetts. [00:02:19] Speaker C: Anyway, he always wanted to. To be here doing something. So I mean, you know, hey, plus two, the Red Sox making a few trades. So you know, you just have to wait and see with them. But you know, usually it's always going to be the same thing, you know, wait till next year. [00:02:34] Speaker B: Yeah, I hope it's not, but I know one of the. One of the. One of my kids, one of my daughters for Christmas each year, it's kind of a tradition. Gets a whole bunch of red. So tickets yeah, so we have five. Five. I guess we'll be ordering about five games together anyway. Probably more than that, but we have tickets to five games already. And I just. I mean, watching them last year was so frustrating. I was telling you. No, forget about the tickets. Who wants to see them? [00:03:05] Speaker C: Every year that the Red Sox do make an improvement. Like they got Frank Viola and then they had Aaron Sealey. When they do have some, when they do show a spark of life, the other teams just smother them. Just like Toronto, the Red Sox was in it until like I think in the middle of August when Cleveland swept them four games after that, they went straight downhill because I mean, Toronto, that's a team to be reckoned with. I mean, they have awesome team. They repeat. It's a real series. And then too with this year, you got to look at Baltimore. They're going to be good. And the other team is in the league, so, you know, I can't see the Red Sox really winning the real for quite a while. Quite a while. [00:03:51] Speaker B: Well, we'll hang in there. [00:03:53] Speaker C: Hey, Norm stays. Stay as beautiful as you are, your good show and don't never forget who got you there. Like some other talk show. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Hey, Rob, thanks a lot for this show. Bye. Bye. Yeah, but it took it all night to get you. I know, and I'm sorry you had to wait so long. Yeah, that's all right. That fellow from Everett. I worked in Everett Square in the wall art. You remember the wall out there. The what? The Waldorf restaurant. No, I don't. I don't remember that. That was 1929. Oh. So I must be his age. He sent me from the Scully Square over to Everett and I worked 12 hours a night. Yeah, he said he was in his 80s. Yeah, well, I am too. And also I see where you're the moderator, huh? In the. Yeah, in my hometown. Yes. [00:04:39] Speaker C: Okay, see you later. [00:04:41] Speaker B: Okay, Phil, let's go to. That was Phil. Let's see, let's see who we else we'll go to. Let's go to Peggy in Dorchester. Hi, Peggy. Hi. [00:04:50] Speaker D: How are you, Norm? [00:04:51] Speaker B: I'm fine. How are you doing? [00:04:52] Speaker E: Fine, thank you. [00:04:53] Speaker B: Good. [00:04:54] Speaker E: Good to talk to you again. [00:04:57] Speaker B: You got a kick out of the. [00:04:58] Speaker E: 12 days of Christmas. [00:05:00] Speaker B: I did. Thank you very much. You're welcome. [00:05:02] Speaker E: Yeah, I thought you might enjoy that. Earlier in the program you talked about the phrase good ridden to dad. [00:05:09] Speaker C: Rubbish. [00:05:10] Speaker B: Yes. [00:05:10] Speaker E: Yeah, we said that when we were kids. That was the worst thing you could say to somebody. [00:05:15] Speaker B: I know it. I know it. [00:05:16] Speaker E: I know. Okay. How about do you remember the phrase. [00:05:20] Speaker D: When you were playing hide and seek? [00:05:21] Speaker E: Ollie Ollie infrey. [00:05:23] Speaker B: Yes. [00:05:24] Speaker E: What did that mean? [00:05:25] Speaker B: I had no idea. No idea. And we never even. It's funny, we never even thought. What does that mean? We just said it. Just said it. Olly Ollie and Freeway. I think it. [00:05:36] Speaker E: Well, it meant, I guess, that everybody who was in their hiding place came. [00:05:40] Speaker B: Out for whatever reason, they could come in free or something. Yeah, but the. But the original expression sounds like an old British chant of some sort. Maybe. Yeah. I don't know what the original. [00:05:53] Speaker E: Well, it was for an emergency. You had to have an emergency meeting. [00:05:58] Speaker B: So you yelled probably all the. [00:06:00] Speaker E: In prison. [00:06:01] Speaker B: Yeah, I do remember that. You're bringing back some very pleasant memories. Watch yourself. [00:06:07] Speaker E: Yeah. Because you always went out after supper in the summertime and played until dark. [00:06:14] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. You played all these great games. Right. Hide and go hide. And we didn't call it hide and go seek, which is what it really was. We call it hind go Seat. We used Shaw hand. [00:06:28] Speaker E: Didn't you? [00:06:28] Speaker B: Well, I don't think we knew the real. The real words. I want to play hingo seat. [00:06:34] Speaker E: Yeah, right. [00:06:35] Speaker D: And the parents would all be sitting. [00:06:37] Speaker E: Out on the front porch. [00:06:39] Speaker B: There'd be a lot of that going on here. There'd be a lot of that. And then later on, what we would do is we put. We. Somebody would put a radio in their front window and we'd listen to the baseball games. Yeah. Kind of blasting around the neighborhood. That's right. But those were the sounds of summer. That's right. They were. That's right. [00:06:57] Speaker D: Okay, one more question for you. [00:06:59] Speaker E: Have you heard any of those tapes. [00:07:01] Speaker D: Yet by Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. [00:07:06] Speaker E: When they were in Vegas? [00:07:09] Speaker B: No, I have not. [00:07:10] Speaker E: Oh, they are terrific. [00:07:13] Speaker D: They have such a good time doing these tapes. [00:07:17] Speaker E: And they get paid fabulous money. They got paid fabulous money. And they just sound as if they're having a ball. And I know you would enjoy them. [00:07:27] Speaker B: I will enjoy them. And I will listen to them. And I will listen to them and I will enjoy them. And then I will say, oh, they're all right. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Yeah, I guess good riddance to bad rubbish Wouldn't fit quite. [00:07:42] Speaker D: No, not under those circumstances. [00:07:45] Speaker E: But listen, it's so nice to listen to you and to talk with you. [00:07:49] Speaker B: Thanks. One day we'll have to get together, Peggy, and play hingo seat. [00:07:53] Speaker E: Yes. [00:07:54] Speaker B: Take care of yourself. Thank you. [00:07:56] Speaker E: You too. [00:07:57] Speaker B: Bye. Bye. Peggy. That's my friend, Peggy. 2, 5, 4, 10:30 is our phone number. I know you haven't asked me, but I don't know, every now and then I think I ought to mention it. 617 is the area code to Boston. 2, 5, 4, 10 30. Jim in Boston. Hello, Jim. [00:08:16] Speaker C: And good morning, Norman. [00:08:18] Speaker B: Good morning, Jim. [00:08:19] Speaker C: How are you this morning? [00:08:21] Speaker B: I am fine. I think I'm beginning to talk more and more like you. [00:08:25] Speaker C: It's lovely, lovely to hear your voice. [00:08:28] Speaker B: Well, it's lovely to hear on more. [00:08:31] Speaker C: Than one occasion that I certainly don't sound like a Jim. [00:08:35] Speaker B: So you don't. You sound more like, let me see, maybe like a Chauncey. [00:08:41] Speaker C: Well, I. For your approval, I have a new nom de plume and let's call it Bartholomew. How does that sound? [00:08:52] Speaker B: Bartholomew. Like in Bartholomew, you mean? Yeah, okay, that would be very, very nice. And I'm. I'm keeping. I'm pract to make sure that eventually I can talk exactly like you and I may change my name to perhaps. [00:09:09] Speaker C: Bradford before I tell you, if you will listen the tale of reflected Gloria. [00:09:20] Speaker B: Reflected Gloria. Yeah, I shall listen, Jim. Go right ahead. [00:09:25] Speaker C: Well, we spoke of a couple of things other people did of the RKO Boston. And I remember the Sam Kaufman BostonNet line of girls Chorus. [00:09:39] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:09:40] Speaker C: They had wonderful shows there. [00:09:44] Speaker B: Vaudeville shows if you will. [00:09:47] Speaker C: But Sam Kaufman had a line of pretty girls, a chorus and another interesting thing. I treaded the wooden stairs, rather the stage. [00:10:06] Speaker B: I sang from the old gaiety. Oh, really? [00:10:10] Speaker C: I entertained there. [00:10:12] Speaker B: I wasn't a professional, but I remember. [00:10:16] Speaker C: That to this day I was only a boy. [00:10:19] Speaker B: What did you sing? Do you remember the song? [00:10:21] Speaker C: Oh, no, I don't. [00:10:23] Speaker B: Unfortunately I don't because I was going to sing it for you just to bring back some swell memories and getting. [00:10:28] Speaker C: Now to the tale of reflected Gloria. [00:10:32] Speaker B: Ladies, hold on a minute while I get the kids in line. Hey, kids. Kids of the Tin canteen, are you all excited about this? Okay. The tales of reflected glory. The kids are excited. [00:10:44] Speaker C: Well, in Brookline is the town and John FK And I, we both lived the same town in Brookline. [00:10:58] Speaker B: He lived up at Coolidge Corner and. [00:11:00] Speaker C: Off the Harvard street and I lived on Chestnut street in Brookline. And we didn't meet for some time. [00:11:09] Speaker B: Later and I wound up in a. [00:11:14] Speaker C: Private school and I had occasion and two drive up early in the morning up to Holy Cross to serve mass for the scholastics. And as a result I was taken to enjoy the football teams of Holy Cross in 1926, 29. They had very good teams. They used to play at BC then of course too. And I had a chance to sit. [00:11:48] Speaker B: On the right with the coach right there. And the coach is Cleo O'Donnell and that'll strike a name when I tell you later on. But now I met JFK just the one time when I signed his first papers to be nominating for senator. And I didn't see him again until. [00:12:17] Speaker C: I saw him from a distance about 10ft away when I waved at him at the Copley Plaza when he was an open car driving, when he was working for coming for President then President rather. And so I didn't see him after that for some time. [00:12:35] Speaker B: But it's interesting, later on I met. [00:12:40] Speaker C: John, his wife, Ms. Onassis. [00:12:47] Speaker B: I met her when Lenny O'Donnell was buried up in the cemetery in Brookline. And I was there at that funeral. [00:13:01] Speaker C: Kenny O'Tano was of course the assistant and the appointments man for jfk. [00:13:08] Speaker B: And he was the son of that. [00:13:11] Speaker C: Famous coach that I saw as a small boy that sat in a football team. [00:13:17] Speaker B: And I thought this was rather interesting. [00:13:20] Speaker C: These cases that tied in that way. [00:13:24] Speaker B: That I had met. [00:13:26] Speaker C: Of course, later on I met the other Kennedy, Ted. But I never met Bobby. [00:13:33] Speaker B: But I thought it was rather interesting. [00:13:36] Speaker C: How we started back in Brookline. There we were born the same year and so forth. [00:13:43] Speaker B: And so that's the tale, if you found it. [00:13:47] Speaker C: Pretty door. Pretty dull after all. [00:13:50] Speaker B: No, I was just sitting right at the edge of a seat. Beat Jeff. Just gotta break it out in goosebumps. I love your laugh. Now your laugh doesn't go with your. The rest of your speech, for example, you talk this way. Hi, this is Jim. Of course it should be Chauncey. As I said, your name shouldn't be Jim. Not, not the way you talk. And then, then you laugh. You laugh kind of like David Letterman, almost David Letterman. That was more like Santa Claus. [00:14:20] Speaker C: That's a little better. [00:14:21] Speaker B: I suppose that was. Either way, it's okay. [00:14:24] Speaker C: Well, in any way, at least I try to come up with something else to say. [00:14:29] Speaker B: And you do, and I appreciate that. [00:14:31] Speaker C: And it's such a joy to hear you. [00:14:34] Speaker B: It's such a joy to hear you. Good night. Okay, good night, Jim. Because I want to talk like him. I just love the way he talks. Oh, let's get Andrew. He's in his car and that's an expensive phone call. Andrew, hi. [00:14:48] Speaker F: Hi, sir, how are you? [00:14:49] Speaker B: I'm fine. I hope you're okay. [00:14:51] Speaker F: I'm doing fine. This is a first time caller. [00:14:54] Speaker B: Good. Where are you right now? [00:14:56] Speaker F: I'm in Dorchester. I'm almost getting out of work and I'm heading home, so I should be there shortly. [00:15:02] Speaker B: What kind of work do you do? [00:15:03] Speaker F: I work in a restaurant up in Lowell. [00:15:06] Speaker B: And you're open pretty late then? [00:15:08] Speaker F: Yes, sir. It's one of the busiest stores in the chain that we have. [00:15:12] Speaker B: Okay, what chain is that? [00:15:14] Speaker F: The 99 Restaurant. [00:15:16] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah. That's a nice restaurant chain. [00:15:19] Speaker F: Anytime you want to come in, sir. And I'll give you anything you want. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Really? Free? You mean you're free? [00:15:26] Speaker F: Okay, bring the whole staff in. [00:15:28] Speaker B: I'll bring the whole staff. Look at you. Well, are you the manager up there? [00:15:33] Speaker F: No, no, I'm just one of the little. The little people. [00:15:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. And you're gonna, you're gonna see just a whole bunch of us come in for free. I can see the manager looking at you and saying, hey, Andrew, did you tell these guys to come in for free or what? No, we won't do that, but I've been to 99 restaurants quite a lot. A lot of times. [00:15:54] Speaker F: Anytime you want, sir. Come on up and. [00:15:58] Speaker B: Okay. So you, so you. I know you will. You always do you travel from, from Lowell to, to Northchester? Yeah. [00:16:07] Speaker F: Correct. [00:16:07] Speaker B: I guess that's not too long a trip though, is it? [00:16:09] Speaker F: It's about an hour. [00:16:11] Speaker B: Is it? [00:16:11] Speaker F: So it's not too bad. I have my Dunkin Donuts coffees at night and I'm all set. [00:16:17] Speaker B: Are you. Are you working your way up to be a manager? [00:16:20] Speaker F: I. It. It's a possibility. It's a possibility. [00:16:25] Speaker B: I wish you good luck. I hope so. The restaurant business must be kind of interesting. Is it? [00:16:29] Speaker F: Ah, yes, it is. It's. It's a very high, high paid store that I'm involved with. So it's. You learn a lot. It's fun. It's fun. I like to do it mainly at home, so I enjoy it. [00:16:46] Speaker B: I'm sure you like to do restaurant work mainly at home. [00:16:49] Speaker F: Is that, I mean, cooking and so forth and barbecues. [00:16:52] Speaker B: Oh, I. Oh, you the, Are you the cook up there in Lowell? [00:16:55] Speaker F: Pretty much, yeah. Yeah. [00:16:56] Speaker B: Oh, I. Well, I really admire that. Anybody who can cook, I think, is number one on my list. [00:17:02] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:17:03] Speaker F: In the middle of February, we're gonna have our two year anniversary that we opened up in Lowell and we're gonna have lots of different international nights, different foods and so forth. So if you like, come on up and join us. [00:17:17] Speaker B: Sounds good. [00:17:18] Speaker F: But actually the reason, the reason why I called, I have a couple of points to make. The young lady that just called. First of all, get rid of this guy. [00:17:29] Speaker B: Oh, I would, I would think so. I would think so. The way she talked. Yeah. [00:17:34] Speaker F: Yeah. I was with a girl for three years and I was physically abused. [00:17:40] Speaker C: She. [00:17:40] Speaker F: She. She beat me up, to tell you the truth. [00:17:44] Speaker B: No kidding. How did that happen you physically. She. [00:17:47] Speaker F: Well, she was on pain medications from surgeries and so forth and she liked to overindulge. So I was on the physical end and I never hit a girl in my whole life. [00:17:58] Speaker B: So you had to take her beating you and you, you didn't strike back? [00:18:02] Speaker F: Well, we were engaged and I did not want to lose the engagement because I didn't care for her very much. But I. I took a toll. After a while I'd be driving down the road and she would be punching me in the face because, oh, I did not love her or take her out to dinner as much as that she wanted. [00:18:21] Speaker C: No. [00:18:21] Speaker B: Were these little fantasy things that she made that she envisioned in her mind that you think were not true? [00:18:27] Speaker F: Yep, that's correct. So any, any guy that hits a girl, it's just not right. Or a girl vice versa hitting a. Hey, there's plenty other guys out there that you can do better. [00:18:38] Speaker B: I would think so. That doesn't seem to be the way to express love and affection for each other. [00:18:43] Speaker F: Exactly. [00:18:43] Speaker B: And I go slugging each other out. Boy, that doesn't exactly. Yeah. How long were you engaged? [00:18:49] Speaker F: Three and a half years. [00:18:52] Speaker B: And you finally decided you've had enough and you broke. [00:18:55] Speaker F: Actually, she left me for another guy and that was the end of the story. [00:19:01] Speaker B: So. Okay, but it's kind of interesting. But you didn't get to a point where you said I can't take this anymore. What the heck with it? [00:19:08] Speaker F: I had my ups and downs and I thought about it and so forth, but that was my first engagement and so forth and I was very much in love and wanted a nice future with children and so forth. And I guess that was the all high and mighty what I was looking for. [00:19:24] Speaker B: Yeah. When you sound like a decent, responsible guy, it's hard for me to imagine that. That you can't find a woman who is a little bit more peace loving. [00:19:34] Speaker F: I'm looking, I'm looking. I'd like. [00:19:36] Speaker B: How old are you now? [00:19:37] Speaker F: I'm 26. [00:19:38] Speaker B: Oh, well, okay. You're at a good age to be looking. [00:19:41] Speaker F: I. I would like to get married very shortly. I love children, so I like to have a nice family. [00:19:46] Speaker B: Well, you know, it'll happen very suddenly. Andrew, take it, take it from, from a wise old man. Andrew. One day you'll look at Somebody. And you'll say, and, and, and the whole delights will go on. Y will snap. And you'll say, boy, that's the one I really want. Did it happen with you? With this one? [00:20:05] Speaker F: Yes, exactly. [00:20:06] Speaker C: Yep. [00:20:06] Speaker B: Oh, I'm sorry. And then she started beating you up and somehow the, the luster came off the flower. Yeah. How did you feel when she left you for this other guy? How you feeling? [00:20:16] Speaker F: I was hurt at first, but thank the Lord that she did right now because I. I saw the light afterwards. [00:20:22] Speaker B: Yeah. So now you feel that it was a good thing the way it happened. [00:20:25] Speaker F: Sure, sure. Two more. Quick, quick, quick point. [00:20:28] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:29] Speaker F: Second of all, the other. The last week you had a lady on and she was kind of depressed and you said, let's laugh together. You started laughing. [00:20:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:40] Speaker F: And the both of you guys, you said, come on, let's laugh together right now. [00:20:43] Speaker B: Yes, I remember. [00:20:45] Speaker F: You know what? I'm an alcoholic. I've been sober now for about three years. [00:20:50] Speaker B: Oh, good, good. [00:20:51] Speaker F: And I'm having a hard, hard time with it emotionally and so forth. But Jesus, when you guys started laughing, it's. I started laughing with you. [00:21:00] Speaker B: Well, I'll tell you what. Let's do it again right now. Then I'm gonna bring in Tony Desmond. I want him to laugh with us too. I heard that last week too. Are you ready? I laughed with you at home. Okay. Because I think it's contagious. I think you can't help but continue laughing. [00:21:14] Speaker F: If everyone in the world could do this. [00:21:17] Speaker B: Let's do it right now. You ready, Andrew? [00:21:19] Speaker F: Yes. I want to laugh. [00:21:20] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. Let's all laugh. I don't hear you laughing at. If we can get the whole world to do this. Oh, my goodness. I gotta pull myself together. I can't do the whole program just laughing like that. Okay. I'm okay. I'll be all right. [00:22:02] Speaker F: One other quick point. [00:22:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, one other quick point. [00:22:05] Speaker F: I know you got other calls, but. [00:22:07] Speaker B: I'll try to be serious. [00:22:08] Speaker F: As you know, I travel 93 to get to my employment on the expressway. [00:22:12] Speaker B: Yes. [00:22:13] Speaker F: When you go in the south station tunnel, you get the stupid 68 point. Whatever radio you cannot get now you. [00:22:21] Speaker B: Get tunnel radio if you're 2:00am you. [00:22:25] Speaker F: You got to talk to these people and get rid of it. [00:22:29] Speaker B: It's kind of funny. I know one of the guys who's responsible is Jordan Rich, who's an old friend of mine who is the morning man @Wish Wssh. And I, I, I don't know whether it's his company or now he has a lot to do with it. But it is kind of funny. You go through. Suddenly you're listening to something on BZ or whatever the radio station suddenly hear somebody say, and now we will have a little quiz. And you know, and you think. And if you're going there late at night when you go usually static. Well, by the time you get through the. You know, the quiz hasn't even begun yet. Yes, yes. It counts on people being stuck in traffic so they're there long enough. Or you hear. Or you hear a question. And by the time you're out of the tunnel, oh, you missed the answer. You're hoping the traffic is slow enough so you can hear the answer. Or you don't find a phone number to call if it's a quiz you're supposed to enter. No, I know the tunnel you'd like to hear a traffic report in. [00:23:25] Speaker F: Yes, exactly one of them. Exactly. [00:23:27] Speaker B: Yes. [00:23:28] Speaker F: I'll let you go. This was such a pleasure calling you. I'm glad I did. [00:23:31] Speaker B: I'm glad you. You did, Andrew. Keep in touch with us. And when you. When you find it, when you find a girl who just makes a break out in the goosebumps and you know that's the one I want to hear about it. [00:23:42] Speaker F: You are going to be my best man. [00:23:44] Speaker B: How's that? Okay. [00:23:45] Speaker F: How's that? Thank you for making me laugh anyways, Norman, because you are fabulous. [00:23:48] Speaker B: Oh, thanks a lot, Andy. [00:23:49] Speaker F: All right, take care. [00:23:50] Speaker B: You too. Bye. Bye. Look at that baby's tush. It's the red. [00:24:03] Speaker D: Does your baby suffer from red irritating diaper rash? [00:24:09] Speaker B: Yeah. No. The Friday and Saturday are not cut down, but Sunday is. I used to be at two hours Sunday night and I'm not right now. [00:24:17] Speaker E: Okay, well enough. I don't want to have to come over and sit on the steps of wbc. [00:24:23] Speaker B: Not during the cold weather. Maybe. Maybe they'll hold me on till spring so they. If you're going to do a sit in, it'll be a little more comfortable. No, everything is going fine with me. I have no complaints. As a matter of fact, I'm just so happy, I just skipping around. [00:24:40] Speaker E: You just skipping around? [00:24:41] Speaker B: Just a skipping around and singing my happy songs. [00:24:46] Speaker E: Okay, well, friend's mother told me she heard you were going off and that's what. [00:24:51] Speaker B: No, I haven't. If she's maybe heard something. Maybe she knows somebody in the management. No, I haven't. I. No, I haven't. No, I haven't heard that. No, no, no, I don't think that's I don't see that happening right away. Bound to happen eventually. I've been around for so long, but. But no, nothing like that. But I thank you for showing concern, Vivian. It's very nice of you to care and take care and I hope you're. You're feeling. [00:25:16] Speaker E: I'm feeling very good. [00:25:18] Speaker B: Oh, I'm glad. Oh, you're skipping around singing happy songs too. Yeah, I'm glad. I'm awfully glad. Thanks. Thank you for calling, Vivianne. Thank you, dear. [00:25:28] Speaker C: Bye. [00:25:28] Speaker B: Bye. Okay, temperature. But I'll tell you the temperature. 44 degrees, which is really very nice as we go up to Phil in Canada. Hey, Phil in Canada. Oh, there. [00:25:38] Speaker C: Norman. Boston. [00:25:40] Speaker B: Hey. Oh, Bright. Actually, what's that place? [00:25:43] Speaker C: I think actually in Brighton. [00:25:45] Speaker B: Actually in Brighton, that's correct. Yes. We actually in beautiful Brighton. [00:25:49] Speaker C: I know that, but I bet you don't remember where I'm from. [00:25:53] Speaker B: Let me see where you're from. [00:25:55] Speaker C: You'd asked me the last four weeks. [00:25:58] Speaker B: I know. I've asked you so many times and I keep telling you and you keep telling me and I keep forgetting I. [00:26:03] Speaker C: Cared enough to find out that you were in Brighton. [00:26:05] Speaker B: I know it. You care and. And it shows you. You're a caring, sensitive, honest, decent person. And I'm a lout. Okay, well, we'll leave that point there. Okay. [00:26:16] Speaker C: I wanted to ask you if you would like to play my quiz game. I have a very short quiz game here for you. [00:26:22] Speaker B: Okay, sure. [00:26:22] Speaker C: Okay. This is just like Jeopardy, where I give you the answer and you have to give me what the question was. [00:26:27] Speaker B: Okay. [00:26:28] Speaker C: Okay. You ready? [00:26:30] Speaker B: I'm ready. It's a challenge. Yep. [00:26:32] Speaker C: Okay. The answer is Dan Quayle. [00:26:35] Speaker B: Okay. Dan Quail. [00:26:37] Speaker C: So what was the question? [00:26:38] Speaker B: The question was. I don't. I'd like to listen to your question because I think that's going to be funnier than anything I can come up with. [00:26:46] Speaker C: Name something stupider than the dumb birthday game. [00:26:51] Speaker B: Okay, he's making. He's making threats about running for office again. [00:26:56] Speaker C: Oh, no. Okay, I got another one. Okay, I got a few of these, actually. Okay, here's the answer. Witty, entertaining, intelligent. [00:27:05] Speaker B: Winning. [00:27:06] Speaker C: Witty, witty, entertaining and intelligent. [00:27:10] Speaker B: Entertaining and intelligent. Well, you know what I hope the question would be? How would you describe. Well, need I go further? Winning, entertainment and intelligent. What is the question? [00:27:26] Speaker C: The question was name three things you don't have to be to be on the dumb birthday. [00:27:33] Speaker B: Okay. [00:27:34] Speaker C: Okay. The next one is simple. It's a numerical one. [00:27:37] Speaker B: Okay. [00:27:37] Speaker C: The answer is 15. [00:27:39] Speaker B: 15. Okay, the 15. And I have to think of the question. The question. Okay. The question would be the question. I can't think of that at all. [00:27:53] Speaker C: Okay. Add the IQs of Tony Nesbitt, Mike Epstein and Jack Hurt. And one final one. This is the biggie. [00:28:03] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:04] Speaker C: Okay. The answer is Gold Bond, Ovaltine and Vermont Teddy Bear. [00:28:10] Speaker B: Gold Bond, Ovaltine and Teddy Bear. [00:28:15] Speaker C: Vermont Teddy Bear. [00:28:16] Speaker B: Vermont Teddy Bear. I would think the question would be, what are the three most boring commercials on radio? Am I close? [00:28:25] Speaker C: You're very close, but. But the real answer is, name three sponsors with absolutely no taste. [00:28:31] Speaker B: Okay. I don't know whether I'd put Vermont Teddy Bear in that. I would put Gold Bond. Marazine, maybe. And what was the other one you had? Oh, an Ovaltine. Yeah, maybe that. [00:28:46] Speaker C: Well, what I mean is that they have no taste because they're advertising during the dumb birthday game. [00:28:50] Speaker B: Oh, I see. Okay. [00:28:51] Speaker C: All those questions related to the dumb birthday. [00:28:53] Speaker B: Okay. Good products. [00:28:54] Speaker C: So that was my quiz show. [00:28:56] Speaker B: It was not a bad thing, Phil. [00:28:58] Speaker C: Well, you didn't get any of the answers. [00:28:59] Speaker B: No, I didn't. You know, the reason for that is because I happen to be incredibly stupid. [00:29:05] Speaker C: I heard, actually, that Jack Hart locked. Locked his keys in the car there last week. [00:29:09] Speaker B: Did he do that? [00:29:10] Speaker C: That took him a week to get his family out. Apparently. You know, have you heard any Michael Jackson joke? [00:29:20] Speaker B: Yeah, but I can't think. Have you heard some. [00:29:22] Speaker C: Apparently I've heard one good one, actually. What do Michael Jackson and Kmart have in common? [00:29:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I did. It's funny. Somebody. It's like trying to remember what town you're from in Canada. Somebody. I've heard the answer to that at least five times. [00:29:39] Speaker C: They've made their way down there. Have they? Or maybe they came from down there and made their way up here. [00:29:43] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that. They probably started right here in Boston because we're the hip capital of the world. I can't remember how that goes. [00:29:52] Speaker C: It's a warehouse full of little boys underwear. [00:29:55] Speaker B: Okay. [00:29:56] Speaker C: Okay. Kind of thick, actually. [00:29:58] Speaker B: It's kind of. Yeah, it's kind of. Kind of. [00:30:01] Speaker C: How's your daughter this week? [00:30:04] Speaker B: Oh, both daughters are just fine, thank you. [00:30:06] Speaker C: Well, it's just Sarah that I'm really interested in. [00:30:08] Speaker B: Oh, that's right. You were interested in my youngest daughter. [00:30:10] Speaker C: Well, for that. That was one reason, but also because I've heard her voice, so. [00:30:14] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that's right. No, she's a cutie. That. [00:30:17] Speaker C: There's a fella up in Canada that's, you know. [00:30:20] Speaker B: Yes, I did mention the fact that you had called and asked about her. I Think you could get her to. [00:30:25] Speaker C: Call in sometime when I call and we could just kind of, you know. [00:30:28] Speaker B: And if I mingle over the air. Well, yeah, I know when you're going to call. See, but the thing is, it would be kind of cruel for me to call her right this very minute and wake her up at the 17 after four. [00:30:41] Speaker C: But then I would get to know what she's. And it would help me, you know, to decide whether I just wanted to pursue it. [00:30:47] Speaker B: Oh, I see. [00:30:47] Speaker C: Because I mean, if it went far enough, I would find out what she was like at 4 o'clock in the morning anyway. [00:30:52] Speaker B: Okay. What her reaction would be upon being wakened at this time of the morning. [00:30:56] Speaker C: Yeah, just give me, you know, I mean, if she just kind of screams and hangs up. [00:31:00] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, she, she starts to scream and yell, I suppose, and you figure, hey, I'll skip this broad. But if she's pleasant and says, hi dad, I was sleeping, but I'll try to get the sleepy dust out of my eyes and talk to you. And that charming fell up in Canada. [00:31:18] Speaker C: She lived close to you? [00:31:20] Speaker B: Yeah, she doesn't live too far away. She lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and I live in northeastern Massachusetts, which is, it's, it's, it's within about 45 minutes drive time. It's not, it's not far at all. No. I see you quite often. I'm starting to talk Canadian. Did you. I see it quite often. [00:31:40] Speaker C: You say a. A lot. I was actually noticing that last week there that you're saying a. Is that just because you talk to us a lot? [00:31:46] Speaker B: I think so, yeah. I think I'm catching it from you Ontario guys. [00:31:52] Speaker C: I remember hearing that on the birthday game a couple of times last week. I didn't know whether you were doing that inadvertently or on purpose. [00:31:59] Speaker B: No, no, I wasn't doing it. It wasn't really on purpose. It just came out inadvertently. Yeah, it was just coming out that way. It was coming out that way. A. [00:32:09] Speaker C: See? See, I could talk like you guys. Is it like that? [00:32:16] Speaker B: You'd have to, you'd have to say you are from Canada. [00:32:19] Speaker C: Oh, Canada. [00:32:21] Speaker B: Canada. Yeah, Canada. Ontario, Canada. [00:32:24] Speaker C: Do they say the elves like ours and say like Carm and if you're saying you're calm, you say you're calm. [00:32:30] Speaker B: Oh, no, no, no. Elves don't have too much to do with it. [00:32:33] Speaker C: No, Bob Raleigh does that all the time. He'll say like vanilla or kerm or. [00:32:39] Speaker B: Something like that because he's not from New England originally. So that may be. That may Be his original accent from wherever he's from? I'm not quite sure. I know he worked in Washington for some time. I'm not sure. I don't know whether that's his home area or not. No. New Englanders just put ours where they don't belong and don't put ours where they do belong. And the vowels are different. We do the vowels differently. We talk, for example, talk like a. The talk is talk like it's not talk, or talk like in New York. And we have our own way of talking. And I think all the rest of the world actually probably doesn't know how to talk as well as we do. [00:33:27] Speaker C: What do I sound like to you? Do I sound just like kind of like a plain old voice with no accent at all, or is. Does it sound like an accent to you, or. [00:33:34] Speaker B: No, it sounds. It sounds. It sounds like no accent. That's right. Except every now and then you have a little Canadian twist to it. But basically, no, it's not a heavy accent. You're okay. You speak very well, Phil, and. [00:33:49] Speaker C: Yeah, well, we're running out of things to say, so better let you go on to the next. [00:33:53] Speaker B: That's right. What I was going to suggest to you is that since you speak okay, you can teach speech at the Enorm Nathan School of Broadcasting. [00:34:04] Speaker C: Is that like one of those corpses where you send away and you get it back in the mail, like. Yeah, just an Episcopalian bishop or something like that? [00:34:11] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. Like, yeah, you become a minister. [00:34:14] Speaker C: Brain surgery by mail. [00:34:16] Speaker B: That's right. Or become an insurance investigator. Send me lots of money and I'll send you a certificate in any way you want it. [00:34:24] Speaker C: You want some money? [00:34:25] Speaker B: No, that's all right. [00:34:27] Speaker C: I'll send you some. No, I don't have a lot, but, I mean, I can send you a little bit. [00:34:31] Speaker B: Okay. Whatever you can. [00:34:32] Speaker C: You could get something nice for your daughter. Just say that I picked it up. [00:34:36] Speaker B: You got to write me a note, weren't you? That I was going to pass along to you. [00:34:39] Speaker C: You didn't get it. [00:34:40] Speaker B: You never did that. Did you do that? Yeah. [00:34:44] Speaker C: I hope I addressed it correctly. [00:34:46] Speaker B: Well, maybe it's here now. I haven't looked at the mail that came in this week. [00:34:49] Speaker C: I just put Norm Nathan, WBZ Boston, on it. [00:34:52] Speaker B: I should. That should get here. [00:34:54] Speaker C: Sure, I figured it would. I didn't know if there was numbers. [00:34:56] Speaker B: Oh, sure. [00:34:57] Speaker C: Just figured everybody in Boston would know. [00:34:59] Speaker B: That's right. Just Norm Nathan would be enough, right? By itself. Yeah. Well, maybe that. Maybe that wouldn't get. [00:35:09] Speaker C: Maybe somebody else has got this letter, you know. [00:35:11] Speaker B: That's right. Maybe that they're sending you the name of their daughter now. [00:35:15] Speaker C: Maybe they have a poodle or something with the same name they think I'm kind of sick on. [00:35:19] Speaker B: Okay. Hey, take care, you. Bye. Bye, Phil. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. This is a silly job. I sit around and talk really stupid all night and I get paid riches. Anything I want, I just. I can get simply, they said. Here are the job specs, Norm. Sit around all night, talk on the phone and talk really stupid. And we'll pay you. We'll give you bags of money because it's hard to find people with that kind of talent. Thank you so much. Anyway. 2 5, 4, 10:30 area code is 617 daytime here. [00:35:55] Speaker E: Yes, and it's tonight. I can't get anybody to go. Wants to go with me. Why don't you hop down here? [00:36:03] Speaker B: I'd love to see the show. And I'd love to go with you. I wish you were closer. [00:36:07] Speaker E: I just made some beautiful pot of catbalimuts coffee. [00:36:11] Speaker B: Oh, that sounds great. [00:36:12] Speaker E: And Tom Selleck, you know what? [00:36:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:15] Speaker E: I saw him in a very early movie and he also appeared in one that he's not very proud of. One of those soft porn ones. [00:36:27] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:36:28] Speaker E: Yeah, his family teasing him about it at some time. You can see I don't have much of a life. I watch TV all the time. [00:36:35] Speaker B: I see a fair amount of it myself. [00:36:39] Speaker E: You know what? I don't know what I'd do without it. I go nuts. Nutsier than I am. [00:36:44] Speaker B: It's kind of funny because, you know, I grew up without television. Me too. And yet, well, anything that comes along can become a habit just so easily. [00:36:53] Speaker E: And with the channel changer. I've got arthritis in my thumb. [00:36:56] Speaker B: Oh, you don't even have to move. You just lie there. [00:37:00] Speaker E: Is that what they call them, channel surfers? [00:37:03] Speaker B: Something like that, yeah. You just lie there and keep hitting the button. And there you are. [00:37:08] Speaker E: And another little bit of trivia for you. Would you like me to tell through you? [00:37:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:13] Speaker E: Linda Evans appeared on that Bachelor Father show with John Forsyth when she was just 16 years old. They showed a clip of her one time. She was brunette. Cute little pixie thing. [00:37:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:27] Speaker E: Yep. They were teasing each other about how she played his wife, which. She was so obvious, so much younger than me. [00:37:34] Speaker B: She was 16 at the time. [00:37:35] Speaker E: At the time. [00:37:36] Speaker B: And she played John Forsyth's wife? [00:37:38] Speaker E: No, no. His little girl was Noreen Corcoran. Remember those Corcoran kids were a whole bunch of. With the freckles and the very Irish faces. [00:37:46] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:37:47] Speaker E: Okay. It was. I think it was Noreen Linda Evans played the part of her girlfriend or cousin or something. There was one more thing I wanted to tell you. [00:37:57] Speaker B: Okay, I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm right here and I'll hang in there. Yeah. [00:38:01] Speaker E: I think you and I are contemporaries from the way you're talking. [00:38:05] Speaker B: Well, because I mentioned my age on the. On the air quite a lot. Do you want to tell me how old you are? [00:38:11] Speaker E: No, you tell me first. [00:38:12] Speaker B: 68. [00:38:14] Speaker E: Oh, dear. I'm four years older. Three years older. [00:38:16] Speaker B: You're 69. You're. Whatever, 71. Okay, but I don't look at it. [00:38:21] Speaker E: Do you look 68? [00:38:23] Speaker B: I look probably about 83. No, I don't. I don't know. [00:38:28] Speaker E: I get a little hemorrhoid on and it's. Fill in the wrinkles. Yeah, they use that for baggy eyes. [00:38:33] Speaker B: You look a lot younger than 71. Do you? [00:38:35] Speaker E: I really do. I'll send you a picture of me with me and my cat. [00:38:39] Speaker B: Will you do? Well, forget the cat. I don't care. [00:38:41] Speaker E: Oh, he's a pretty cat. [00:38:42] Speaker B: No, I got three cats of my own. [00:38:45] Speaker E: He looks like the cat on the Friskies cat pool. [00:38:48] Speaker B: No, just send me a picture of yourself. Kind of scantily clad in some kind of sexy, provocative. Leave the cat out of it. [00:38:58] Speaker E: With the red strapless bathing suit. I'm standing there behind. [00:39:01] Speaker B: I'm getting excited. Libby, please stop. Stop this. Stop this. [00:39:05] Speaker E: The pompadour hairdo. [00:39:06] Speaker B: Remember? [00:39:06] Speaker E: They used to wear flowers all the time in the hair. [00:39:09] Speaker B: I think I remember that. [00:39:10] Speaker C: During WW2. [00:39:12] Speaker B: I gotta go to the new. [00:39:13] Speaker E: Have a nice weekend. [00:39:14] Speaker B: You, too, Libby. [00:39:15] Speaker E: I'll call you tonight. Bye. [00:39:16] Speaker B: Bye. Bye. That's my friend, Libby. She's going to send me a provocative picture. I don't know. I'm getting silly by the second. Anyway, coming up to news time, and. [00:39:28] Speaker E: You mentioned the chant Olli Ollie entry, and you said it sounded like an old English chant, and you were right. Oh, during the days of Dickens and such, during that time when they were street kids that were very adept at picking pockets and stealing and such, when the town constable would come along, they would all run and hide, and if one of them did get caught, they would yell out, augie. Augie Urchins. Now, the old English spelling of jail is G, A, O, L. And the second part of that chant, I remember when we were kids, it Was any. Anyone around my goal. She'll be it. [00:40:16] Speaker B: That's right. Yes, I remember that. [00:40:18] Speaker E: Yeah, well, it was all ye, all ye urchin. Off to jail it is. Which meant one of them had gotten caught and they were calling all the kids out of hiding to distract the constable so that he would let that kid go, trying to catch the others, and then they would all scatter again. [00:40:40] Speaker B: That's interesting. I did. I didn't know that. How nice of you to. [00:40:44] Speaker C: To. [00:40:44] Speaker B: To update that for us. [00:40:45] Speaker E: Well, I just thought that's one of those stupid things of information I've had in my head for years and now my brain can be a little bit lighter because I just got rid of it. [00:40:54] Speaker B: Okay. I said it was. How nice of you to update that for us. Which was a stupid way to phrase it. How nice of you to clarify. I said clarify was the word, not update. [00:41:03] Speaker E: But it's all ye. All ye urchins is what it was. [00:41:07] Speaker B: All you urgents. [00:41:09] Speaker E: Yeah, you know, all you ally is. [00:41:14] Speaker B: It's kind of funny all the expressions that you had as kids. You never really thought about the same as schools that you went to that had strange names on them, but you never questioned them. That was the name of the school. You never said, who was that person anyway? And why would there be a school named after him? Yeah, but now we're questioning it and we're finding answers and long lessons and look at that. [00:41:37] Speaker E: You just got a little bit of education. See what happens happens when you have a poke bonnet on your head. It holds all this stuff. [00:41:44] Speaker B: That's right, Andy. And you got your little apron on there. [00:41:47] Speaker E: Check it. [00:41:48] Speaker B: Apron. [00:41:48] Speaker E: A mercalico dress. [00:41:49] Speaker B: That's right. And you, you churn in the butter. And as a result, you. You have time to think about all these other things. [00:41:57] Speaker E: Last week when I called you, the water main had broken out in front of our house. Oh, yeah, it took till Thursday. [00:42:05] Speaker B: What was that, like four or five days? Yeah. [00:42:07] Speaker E: Broke Saturday afternoon. We got our water back at 4 in the morning. But while they were doing that, they broke the gas pipe. [00:42:14] Speaker B: Oh, gee. [00:42:17] Speaker E: All week long we've had trucks out there. And then yesterday morning, as they were just about ready to finally finish off the job, the house two doors away from us, their furnace blew up and blew out the side of the house. And silly me, I see, because our fire engines were down at the big fire down on Rich street, you know, where all the men were all covered with ice. [00:42:45] Speaker B: Yeah, I saw the pictures in the paper about that. [00:42:48] Speaker E: Yeah, Well, I look out my door And I see Boston Ladder. I thought, I've never been accused of being real swift. I thought, why are they having. Because I live on a side street, little narrow, one way side street with all these trucks outside that are repairing the street and such. I said, why are they having these. These backup fire engines sit here waiting to go to the fire two, three blocks away? I see Boston Ladder and Medford and Somerville. Are they doing an exercise? Maybe they practice it over here in Everett. Then it dawned to me they were there for a reason. [00:43:31] Speaker B: Son of a gun, you did catch on, Andy. [00:43:33] Speaker E: Yes. It took me a little while, but I actually thought that they were on standby for the big fire down on Rich Street. [00:43:42] Speaker B: And they picked your street. [00:43:44] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah, this wonderful street that had all these dump trucks and everything. This is where they were going to wait. [00:43:51] Speaker B: Hey, you're okay, Eddie. I hope you have a nice day and you'll be able to stay warm a little bit longer anyway. [00:43:57] Speaker E: Oh, I know it. [00:43:57] Speaker D: Oh. [00:43:58] Speaker E: Oh, please. I'm ready to go outside. [00:44:00] Speaker B: Well, it's almost. It's almost February. We're starting to get there now. [00:44:03] Speaker E: Oh. [00:44:04] Speaker B: Chin up, chin up. It'll all be over soon. [00:44:06] Speaker E: I'm trying to hang on. [00:44:08] Speaker B: Please do. Please do. If you. If you have any problem, call me and we'll hold hands on the phone. [00:44:13] Speaker E: Oh. Hey there. [00:44:14] Speaker C: Oh. Oh. Oh. [00:44:17] Speaker B: Oh my God. My God. She said she's having some kind of a sexual experience. I am. [00:44:22] Speaker E: I'm having these hot flashes. [00:44:25] Speaker B: Oh, I better. I better. I better go. Take care, Eddie. [00:44:29] Speaker C: Bye. [00:44:29] Speaker B: Bye, dear. Okay, we'll take some more calls after this. 2, 5, 4, 10:30, area code 617. Baldness. [00:44:37] Speaker C: I mean, I go out for breakfast about 6:30, quarter or seven on some bitter cold mornings and Jack Hart gives you those hints about putting on the headlights and that a couple of times. And two weeks ago when I went to get my gas, it dawned on me that Jack had mentioned your windshield wiper fluid. So I told the kid, I'd say, could you check it for me? It was empty. He filled it up and sure than hell I was going to North Redden and I needed it. [00:45:14] Speaker B: I know when that salt starts spraying up on your windshield and you really can't see anything, boy, that's very helpful. And. [00:45:20] Speaker C: And I. I really am grateful to Jack. [00:45:23] Speaker B: What a nice thing to say. I don't know whether Jack is listening right at this moment. If he's not, I'll tell him about it. [00:45:28] Speaker C: Well, no, I don't care if he is listening or not. [00:45:30] Speaker B: No, but you you want to thank him directly though. And I'll see that he gets the message. [00:45:34] Speaker C: Yeah. And another thing. I heard Rob on earlier tonight and I'm glad he called you because I listened to night that he called Mr. Raleigh. And Mr. Raleigh kind of read him out in a nice way. And he tells the truth. I mean, I feel the same way about Mr. Raleigh's show as Rob does. And I was hoping he wasn't blaming you for telling Mr. Raleigh what went on. Oh. [00:46:09] Speaker B: I don't. I don't. I don't think so. I. It doesn't really matter. I mean you. I don't. I don't really. Don't know. I didn't hear that. [00:46:17] Speaker C: Yeah, well, he did. And so I'm glad he calls. And whoever tells us to Raleigh what goes on over the weekend. I don't call him. So I don't have to worry. [00:46:28] Speaker B: Okay. [00:46:29] Speaker C: So that's all I wanted to say. [00:46:31] Speaker B: You're. You're okay, Big John. [00:46:32] Speaker C: I'm still listening. [00:46:34] Speaker B: Okay. Do you go to work very early? [00:46:36] Speaker C: No. [00:46:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:46:38] Speaker C: You and I are the same age. You go to work. I'm retired. [00:46:43] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. [00:46:45] Speaker C: Okay. [00:46:46] Speaker B: Okay. John. Obviously if you're my age, you must be just ripe to a beautiful, beautiful ripe age. And I'm glad to talk with you. And I have no idea what I'm talking about. [00:46:58] Speaker C: I don't either. [00:46:59] Speaker B: That makes two of us. Maybe it happens. I was going to say maybe it happens when we get to our age. Except I. I was talking stupid when I was about 12 also. Anyway, John, thanks for two years. Yeah. Hey, John. Thanks for the call. [00:47:12] Speaker C: Okay. Good talking to you, Norm. [00:47:13] Speaker B: Good talking to you too. Take care. Hey. Is this Laurie? [00:47:18] Speaker E: Hello. [00:47:18] Speaker D: How are you? Norman? [00:47:19] Speaker B: Hello. I'm just fine. I hope you're okay. Oh great. Good. I was listening to you and earlier you were talking about Carl Binns who. [00:47:28] Speaker E: Was a German gentleman who invented a. [00:47:30] Speaker D: Car with a gasoline engine. [00:47:32] Speaker B: Yes. [00:47:32] Speaker D: 1800S. [00:47:33] Speaker E: Yes, this is just a bit of trivia too. [00:47:36] Speaker F: Norman. [00:47:36] Speaker D: Did you know that he named his. [00:47:37] Speaker B: Car the Mercedes Benz after his wife? I did not. Was her name Mercedes, you mean? Yes, her name was Mercedes. [00:47:43] Speaker C: Oh. [00:47:43] Speaker B: I always thought that was another guy named like Carl. Mercedes met Carl Benz and they got together. I didn't realize that. [00:47:50] Speaker D: No, I just heard it recently and. [00:47:52] Speaker B: I. I found it so interesting. [00:47:53] Speaker D: So when I was listening tonight, I thought. [00:47:55] Speaker E: I wonder if Norman knows this little. [00:47:58] Speaker B: That is. And obviously, obviously Norman does not know that. He did not know that at all. I thought I just fill you in. That's kind of nice. To get to a point where you can name a car after your wife or after your husband if you're a woman. [00:48:14] Speaker D: I thought it was a lovely gesture. [00:48:16] Speaker B: I really did. Now, there's a car named after you. [00:48:19] Speaker D: Oh, there is? [00:48:20] Speaker B: A lorry. Oh, I never thought of that till just that moment. Obviously. Obviously somebody who has a great crush on you did that. [00:48:30] Speaker D: Well, I hope someone still has a crush on you. [00:48:33] Speaker B: I had a few balls in my. [00:48:35] Speaker E: Day, but they've sort of faded away. [00:48:38] Speaker B: Oh, you're not married now? No, I'm not. Were you married before? No, I've never been married, really. [00:48:44] Speaker D: I'm what they used to call a maiden lady, but I guess they call me a bachelor gal today. [00:48:50] Speaker B: Whatever they call you. I don't know. But. No, that's true. They were always kind of used cruel terms for women who are not married, but they didn't use that for men, which was that double standard again. [00:49:01] Speaker D: Oh, I guess it was. I never thought about it. [00:49:03] Speaker B: No man was a bachelor. That's right. Which. Which carried no nasty reference and no. No nasty feelings at all. That's right. But a woman was a spinster. Oh, I hated that. Oh, that's an ugly term. It is. [00:49:17] Speaker E: I. I don't mind maiden lady as. [00:49:19] Speaker B: Much as I do spinster, but even maiden lady, that doesn't sound too great. No, that's not too great either. But, you know, why was it. Why was it nastier to be an unmarried woman than an unmarried man? But it always seemed to be that way. [00:49:35] Speaker D: I don't know, Norman, but I think. [00:49:37] Speaker E: We'Re finally catching up with things. [00:49:39] Speaker B: I hope so. I. I hope so. I think. I think we are, too. [00:49:43] Speaker E: Yeah, I think the gales come a long way. Enough said. [00:49:46] Speaker B: Well, you sound like a bumper sticker there, Beatrice. Hey, thanks a lot for the call. [00:49:50] Speaker E: And it's a pleasure to talk to you. Happy holiday, and I hope you have a wonderful year. [00:49:55] Speaker B: I hope you do, too, Beatrice. Thanks a lot. [00:49:57] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:49:58] Speaker B: Bye. Bye. [00:49:58] Speaker E: Bye. Bye. [00:49:58] Speaker B: Bye. Bye. That's my friend, B. Hey. This is my friend Rob. [00:50:03] Speaker C: Hey, how you doing? [00:50:04] Speaker B: Hey, Rob. Did you get out on the first night? [00:50:06] Speaker C: Oh, man, did I ever. I told you I would call you the night after. [00:50:09] Speaker B: Yes, you did, and you did. You. You kept your word, you devil. [00:50:12] Speaker C: Yep. It was totally. I was awesome. [00:50:17] Speaker B: It was awesome. [00:50:19] Speaker C: I mean, first. You know. I mean, the whole. The whole evening was beautiful because, you know, like, I decided to spend it with my mother. So I treated her. We took her to the movies to see Sister Act 2, which was very funny. I enjoyed it immensely. [00:50:33] Speaker B: And what. What a nice son you are. What a nice. And you. You spent New Year's Eve with your mother. That's really nice. No, I know. No reason why not, except most guys would not. I think that's very nice. [00:50:46] Speaker C: Well, I mean, she's a very, you know, attractive woman, and she's, you know, she's not old by no standards, and she's fun to be with. I enjoyed her. [00:50:56] Speaker B: Isn't that nice? To say that about your mom, to say she's fun to be with. What a nice thing. [00:51:01] Speaker C: And then, you know, I took her to a very nice restaurant. Boston Street J.C. hillary's. Oh, that was beautiful. [00:51:06] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, that's nice. [00:51:08] Speaker C: Steak and lobster. And then from there we just walked around. On the first night thing, we seen David Brudnoid and what's that? [00:51:15] Speaker B: Was it just you and your mom? Oh, that's nice. Yeah. Get a date with your mother. I think that's. I think that's really nice. [00:51:22] Speaker C: And then we had a little toast and everything and we walked down to see. The ice sculptures were beautiful on Boston Street. [00:51:29] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:51:30] Speaker C: I mean. I mean, you know, they was illuminated and everything. And I mean, there were so many people, you know, like right after that parade, everyone was, like, marching, just like in the army because it was slippery and icy and people were helping each other that was falling and sliding. I mean, it was a very, very fun, festive night. That's the kind of night where I wish people could be that way every day. Because everybody, everyone was happy, smiling, happy New Year's and, you know, holding the doors for each other and, you know, I mean. And then the first night thing, that was beautiful. The storytellers, then they had the Cambodia dancers. And then, you know, we got on the train at the trolley of Copley and I mean, we had to wait. It took us about maybe 15 minutes to get down on the platform on the trolley. From outside, it was a big line. And once we got on the trolley, you know, it was packed. It only had two trolleys running. [00:52:31] Speaker B: Yeah. Now, what time was this? What time did you say? [00:52:34] Speaker C: About 10. We got the trolley, went into. You know, we walked around the commas, which was fun, too. [00:52:39] Speaker B: Oh, I see. You took the trolley into another part of Boston. Oh, I see. [00:52:43] Speaker C: The funny thing is, when we got on the trolley, you know, it was packed to. You couldn't even put a piece of paper between. And it was funny because half of the people, they were loaded and singing, roll, roll, roll your bones. And almost the damn trolley, almost Tipped over. And then, you know, we got out of posse. They was. Yeah. Oh, man. And here's the weird part. After the thing, after everything was over, me and my mother got the Red Line, you know, because we go to Ashmont Station. Then from there, we made our way home. But when we got on the Red Line at Park street, it was only three people on the whole train. Me, my mother, and another lady, you know, because everyone was coming, not going. And then when we got off the train and got off at Ashmont, it was freezing cold. [00:53:32] Speaker B: Colder than downtown Boston. [00:53:34] Speaker C: I mean, it was freezing cold. You know, I said, gee. And then, you know, we made it home, and, you know, it was fun. You know, she really enjoyed it. Because the funniest thing of it is she hasn't been to the movies. I took her to see the movie, Goldberg's other movie, Made in America, last year. I mean, this year or last year. 93, when that came out. But since then, she hasn't been to the movie in 15 years. [00:54:03] Speaker B: No kidding. [00:54:04] Speaker C: Yeah. She gets such a kick out. [00:54:06] Speaker B: She must have enjoyed being with her son like that. [00:54:08] Speaker C: I think we bought the big thing of popcorn, and she. We was sharing it, and we brought some Cokes. And, you know, she enjoys being out with me, and I enjoy being with her. You know, that's my mother. [00:54:19] Speaker B: I love her. I think that's. I think that's lovely. I like stories like that. Rob, you're okay? Yeah. [00:54:25] Speaker C: So, you know, like. I mean, to me, it's like every son or daughter should think of their parents that way. I mean, if their parents treated them right and they were brought up right. But, I mean, mean, I really didn't really notice it until you had mentioned it about being up with her, because, you know, I enjoyed it so much. [00:54:44] Speaker B: I think that's great. And I. I admire you for having done that, and I admire her for having brought up such a nice son. You're okay, Rob. [00:54:52] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:54:52] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:54:52] Speaker C: I can't wait till next year to do it again. [00:54:54] Speaker B: Well, you don't have to wait till next year. Take her. Well, I mean, for the first night. [00:54:58] Speaker C: Thing, but, I mean, me and her go out quite often to restaurants and, you know, we may just go downtown, walk around, you know, down to the pedestrian. You know, we go everywhere the gallery is. You know, because she really enjoyed it, myself. [00:55:14] Speaker B: Well, that's got to be very, very exciting. And I. I wish you the best. I hope they. [00:55:18] Speaker C: This new year and your daughters and. And may the new year be prosperous and beautiful for you. And, yes, I Did put all my money, like that woman Tiffany says outside of my house. And I brought it in today. And I hope that I become a millionaire this year. [00:55:34] Speaker B: I hope you do too, Rob. [00:55:35] Speaker C: Yeah, take it easy, Norman. God bless everyone. Happy New year. [00:55:39] Speaker B: Happy New Year to you too. Take care, Rob. That's really nice. It's nice. Nice. This mother would just have been. Just sit down through. I think that's great. [00:55:46] Speaker D: Have you ever heard someone say just one more drink and then I'm going to quit? Maybe you've even said it to yourself. [00:55:55] Speaker B: This is by Rickard Strauss. It's a tone poem. Anyway. I forget. I forget what it's from now. It's. I don't know. I was kind of hoping you'd know, but apparently you don't know Aaron Sawyer either. [00:56:10] Speaker C: Well, I try not to step over you, Norm. [00:56:12] Speaker B: You know, I know that's very nice. You know, you. You don't want to talk over my lines, but sometimes it would be a blessing if you did this the way I would have to finish them. That's. I find that to be true when I'm talking with people. For example, I got into a long kind of long, long diatribe and I'm going on and on and what I'm. I just keep going until they walk away in disgust. I don't know how to. I don't know how to end the story anyway. See. So to me that's okay. Anyway, this is the WBC 24 hour traffic network and Aaron Sawyer has the complete report on that. Don't hold nothing back. Okay. Because we're in Nelson. We can take it. Whatever the news might be. I'll just. Again, I'll sit back here. Okay. If you project to the back of the team Cant. Okay. [00:56:55] Speaker C: We're second only in popularity to the weather forecasters as far as job demand. [00:57:00] Speaker B: I would take it. Oh, you. You have one. See, you have won this. This privileged spot. That other guy Bowers there, he's. He's just being considered. [00:57:12] Speaker C: My goodness. Well, we do have the potential for some slipping and sliding later on on air roadways. This traffic update brought to you by Dunkin Donuts. As the snow is melted over the day and temperatures drop overnight, we have the potential for some black ice out there. You may want to give yourself a little extra time if you're on area roadways. That earlier disabled motor vehicle on 128northbound in the Woburn Wilmington area by exit 35 has been removed. 93 is smooth to the lower deck. Watch yourself at the merge with the Tobin traffic northbound Central Artery, moderate volume to the tunnel and out to the upper deck of 93 other area roadways of interest is out in the Route 2 area. We do have another report of a disabled motor vehicle, but that's out in the Lemonster area. That's causing no delays at this time. If you plan to drink this holiday weekend, let someone else do the driving. I'm Aaron Sawyer, WBZ 24 Hour Traffic Network. [00:58:00] Speaker F: Sounds good. [00:58:01] Speaker B: Okay, thanks. [00:58:02] Speaker C: Oh, my night. [00:58:03] Speaker B: My night was great. I watched all the bowl games. You what? They watched all of them. I watched all the. Well, not all of them. [00:58:11] Speaker F: Just, you know, the top bowl games. [00:58:13] Speaker B: Okay. Because there was Irma Bombeck, the humorist said she's quoted as having said anybody who watches like three bowl games should be declared legally dead. Really? Yeah. Did you really sit down and actually watch all that? [00:58:29] Speaker F: Yeah, I did. I just, you know, I flicked back. [00:58:31] Speaker B: And forth between the BC game and. [00:58:35] Speaker F: Tennessee game and all that. [00:58:36] Speaker B: But, you know, I just want to. [00:58:37] Speaker C: Bring up a couple points about the B.C. [00:58:39] Speaker B: Game. They played really, really well. They started off bad. They played a horrible first half. They were up by maybe three points going into the second half. But, you know, Glen Foley turned it. [00:58:51] Speaker F: Around, played a great game, threw over. [00:58:54] Speaker B: 300 yards, threw for three touchdowns. Donnell Campbell had a great game. [00:59:01] Speaker F: Keith Miller made a couple good catches. [00:59:04] Speaker C: Just exciting win for BC. [00:59:06] Speaker B: They won it pretty solidly, too. 31 to 13, as we mentioned. That's great. They had a really good season. [00:59:13] Speaker F: They did. [00:59:14] Speaker B: I. You gotta give a lot of credit to Tom Coughlin. They played great. Yeah, they really did. Was it somebody. Was it Upton Bell or somebody in the Calling all sports program earlier said they're just. Just a little bit away from being about the best team in the. In the country. [00:59:30] Speaker F: Correct. [00:59:30] Speaker B: Correct. Norm, you got it. [00:59:31] Speaker F: You got it. [00:59:32] Speaker B: You hit it right on the spot. [00:59:33] Speaker F: They're going to lose a good quarterback. [00:59:35] Speaker B: And Foley and a running back, Darnell Campbell, but they have a lot of people that are going to come back, like Pete Mitchell. [00:59:42] Speaker F: He's really a top rated tight end that's in, you know, that plays college football. [00:59:49] Speaker C: And he's definitely. [00:59:50] Speaker B: He's prominent to go to the NFL. You know, BC still going to have a good team. I know we're going to lose Foley down EL Campbell, but we're still going to have a good team. But Norman, I want to call you too. How's your new year? Always good. I was here and at home and so I really, really didn't have a big celebration or anything. Yeah. What about yours? Did you have a big, big New Year's Eve? [01:00:15] Speaker F: Well, yes, I did. [01:00:16] Speaker B: I went to first night. Oh, did you? [01:00:18] Speaker F: In Boston. [01:00:19] Speaker B: I saw the fireworks. But I was one of those ones. [01:00:23] Speaker F: That said to myself, I got to. [01:00:25] Speaker B: Get out of there early or I'll get trampled. Yeah, there was a. I know there's huge crowds that go out there. Yeah. It's interesting because Boston was the first city to initiate this whole. It was our idea here at Boston. Not my idea, but the idea of the people who started this first night. And now it's just about everywhere, clear across the country. The first night was very exciting. Fireworks was exciting. [01:00:50] Speaker F: But I didn't stay there till. [01:00:52] Speaker C: Till 12. [01:00:53] Speaker B: I left around like, 10:30. I just stayed for a little stuff, and I came home and I watched the clock show. Oh, yeah, I like the clock show a lot. [01:01:04] Speaker F: They got a lot of good, different bands on. [01:01:06] Speaker B: And Dick Clark's a swell guy. He speaks nicely of you, too, Mike. Well, he's a swell guy. I get that from you, dog. [01:01:16] Speaker C: You always say swell. [01:01:18] Speaker B: I do say swell because that's. Yeah, that's one of the latest expressions to come out, well, in, like, in the 40s, maybe. [01:01:24] Speaker F: Yeah, I, I that every time I. [01:01:26] Speaker B: Talk to my friends, I always say swan. [01:01:29] Speaker F: They go, now, Mike, where'd you get that from? [01:01:31] Speaker B: I go, nathan, and let me give you some other expressions of that same period that are all out of date, like swell. [01:01:38] Speaker C: What do you got? [01:01:39] Speaker B: One was nifty. [01:01:40] Speaker C: Oh, nifty. [01:01:41] Speaker B: Nifty's another. Boy, is that nifty? Or if you're really excited to say things like, hot diggity dog, that's a biggie. [01:01:49] Speaker C: No, that would be a good thing for the listeners. Try to remember. [01:01:52] Speaker B: What's your, like, best slang? Yeah, what was that? What were you. What. Some of the expressions that you use. What about you, now, You're a young guy. Yeah. So what are the expressions now? Now that I brought you up today with the 40s, bring me up today with the 90s. What expression should I know to be a 90s guy? [01:02:07] Speaker C: Oh, 90s. What's up? [01:02:11] Speaker B: Well, what's up has been around for a long time. That was up back. That was around in the 50s and, and 60s, too. [01:02:16] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:02:17] Speaker B: Yeah. What about this one, though, Back, back in the 80s. [01:02:20] Speaker F: What's happening? [01:02:22] Speaker B: Yeah, what's happening, baby? Yeah, if you want to throw. You don't say baby, though, do you? Say baby? Yeah, what's happening, baby? Oh, okay. Well, I'm, I'm caught up to the 80s. Anyway. Now, if you can think of any more, call me back and bring me up to the 90s, all right? That'd be nifty. Hot diggity dog. All right. No. Bye. Bye, Mike. Oh, you gotta straighten these kids out today. Otherwise you just don't know what's have to happen to them. Son of a. God. Judy. Hey. Hi. [01:02:52] Speaker D: Happy New Year. [01:02:53] Speaker B: Thank you. Happy New Year to you, too. [01:02:55] Speaker D: Great. [01:02:57] Speaker B: I got you. I got the newspapers and stuff, and I thank you very much. [01:03:00] Speaker D: Oh, you're quite welcome. What did you think of it? [01:03:05] Speaker B: I thought they were very interesting. I haven't really looked them at them as closely as I. As I would like. And I will look at them more closely. I brought them home so I could, you know, read them. [01:03:16] Speaker D: They're a little bit different than they had been in. In previous years, but I tried to get you one that had the list of things going on in town, you know, that were nice. Well, guess what? I have to tell you great news. [01:03:31] Speaker B: What's. What is that for himself? [01:03:33] Speaker D: No, nothing. Earth shaking. [01:03:35] Speaker C: Really? [01:03:35] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [01:03:36] Speaker D: I became a great ant on the 31st of December. [01:03:41] Speaker B: Well, that is earth shaking. [01:03:42] Speaker D: Isn't that wonderful? [01:03:43] Speaker B: Oh, that's wonderful to be. [01:03:45] Speaker D: My sister Joanie became a grandmother for the first time. [01:03:48] Speaker B: Oh, I'm so envious of both of you. I'll never be either one of those. [01:03:51] Speaker D: Oh, don't say never. [01:03:52] Speaker B: No, I never will. I'll never be a great aunt or. [01:03:55] Speaker D: No, not a great aunt, but. Oh, no, you can still be a grandfather. [01:04:00] Speaker B: Well, you. Yes, I could. Yes, I could. [01:04:02] Speaker D: It was. It was really neat because it took me six years to have three grandchildren. My sister is going to become a grandmother of three within four months. [01:04:16] Speaker B: Yikes. [01:04:17] Speaker D: See, she. She was smart. She had five children and three of them are married and they're. They were all expecting, so the first one came through just in time. Wonderful taxi planning. [01:04:29] Speaker B: Excellent. Yeah, I was. I was thinking, because all this. There were a lot of stories on the wire and stuff about the babies born just after midnight, the earliest New Year's. And I thought, that's great. You know, it's amazing, the news wire, but it's too bad it didn't happen a couple of minutes before midnight. And I could have collected on the 93 taxes. [01:04:48] Speaker D: Well, Joanie said if she would have been born today, you know, New Year's Day, she would have been a horse. I said, what do you mean? Well, all the horses, birthdays, the racehorses, birthdays are all January 1st. [01:05:01] Speaker B: Oh, is that how they. [01:05:02] Speaker D: Yeah. And when she's three, we can run her in the derby. [01:05:06] Speaker B: Well, you are one big wit, you are. [01:05:09] Speaker D: Isn't that really something? [01:05:11] Speaker B: Oh, that's. You're swell. [01:05:13] Speaker D: Swell. Neato. [01:05:15] Speaker B: Neato is another one. [01:05:17] Speaker D: Yeah, that's another one that I remember from grade school. [01:05:20] Speaker B: Was that. Now, where does. Does that go back to the 50s or when. [01:05:23] Speaker D: I don't know. It might have been the 40s. Late 40s. Yeah, early 50s. [01:05:30] Speaker B: Right on. There's another right on. [01:05:32] Speaker D: That's. [01:05:33] Speaker B: That's. [01:05:34] Speaker D: That's not too old. [01:05:35] Speaker B: No, that's. [01:05:35] Speaker D: Maybe that's not even an antique. [01:05:38] Speaker B: Maybe about 15 years old, something like that. 20 maybe at the most. Maybe. Maybe the 80s or late 70s. [01:05:46] Speaker D: Okay, listen, I wanted to say something else. I thought that was so nice of Rob. I will even forgive him for not thinking London was great when I talked about it. But I really think he ought to make arrangements to take his mother to London. Because when I was there and I came back, this was last year, was my first time, and I came back and I was on Tuesday telling you all about London. And then Rob called and said, well, it doesn't sound like there's much nightlife there. London is known for its nightlife. And the thing was, as I am, I am used to getting up, and my cousin, whom I went with, is even earlier. We get up like 5:36am in the morning, and we're off and running. And then we'd run out of steam by evening. I mean, we went everywhere during the day. So I think the next time I go, I'm gonna go the opposite direction. Instead of going west to east, I think I'm gonna go all around, east to west. Then I'll get a different kind of a lag. I'll sleep during the day and I'll be up all night and enjoy all the nightlife. [01:06:58] Speaker B: Now, you'll be going, like, to Hawaii or London? [01:07:01] Speaker D: No, I think maybe I'll just go California. Hawaii. Around the world, the other direction. [01:07:06] Speaker B: Okay. [01:07:07] Speaker D: And then, you know, maybe I'll get the proper kind of jet lag to be up all night long. But I think you better check with. [01:07:16] Speaker B: Your physician before you do this. [01:07:17] Speaker D: Yes, but they really have some terrific nightlife, terrific theater life, and I. You know, it brought me to mind, oh, maybe about five or six years ago, when I very first went to California to visit my son, he took me out on New Year's. We had a wonderful time, except we went to a Grateful Dead concert. [01:07:39] Speaker B: And that didn't appeal to you? [01:07:40] Speaker D: Oh, no, it appealed to me. Very much. [01:07:42] Speaker B: I would think it would. The Grateful Dead is kind of almost traditional and middle of the road almost now. [01:07:48] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Well, I like it because it's a very physical and physically involving kind of an experience to go to a concert. You get up and dance, and it's wonderful. You feel good afterwards. And the other. Oh, about a week ago, I was cleaning out some desk drawers, and I found some unidentified tapes that I had that weren't labeled. So I was playing them all and seeing what they were and labeling them. And then I found one. It was a different color than the rest. And I said, now, where did I get that? I put it on. It was a tape that my son made when I bought my Walkman in California. He says, here, you can listen to this on the plane. And it was just all this wonderful Dead music, including a song called St. Stephen, which they play once in a. Not just a blue moon, but 10 blue moons very, very rarely. And I heard that, and it was just wonderful. I got up from what I was doing and danced around. Marvelous. It's very good exercise. But today I noticed that Penn State won, and I think they will be in the Rose bowl before long. [01:09:03] Speaker B: I predict that, okay, Penn State played. [01:09:07] Speaker D: Penn State was in the Citrus Bowl. [01:09:09] Speaker B: The Citrus. Oh, yeah. They beat Tennessee 31 to 13. [01:09:14] Speaker D: And I think that's quite a feat because I remember my mother died several years ago, and she was a great football fan, and she really knew and understood football. And she would sit at the television and she'd say, joe, don't let him pass. Joe, tell him to do this. And she would direct the game and coach it from her seat. And one time, you know, Penn State lost a game. And this was when they were really in their heyday, winning. See, Joe, you should have listened to me. You didn't do what I told you to do. And Penn State lost. Now, next week, you're gonna listen to me. And this is Joe Paterno we're talking about, the coach of Penn State. So after my mother died, you know, of course we were all very sad because it was very sudden. She hadn't been ill or anything. And we said, what's Joe Paterno going to do? And sure enough, Penn State had a couple of years that were not exemplary. And I said, that's because my mother wasn't there haranguing him. But this year, I think what happened was we finally got things together. And heaven is smiling down kindly. And maybe one of these days we will get to the Rose Bowl. Wouldn't that Be neat. [01:10:34] Speaker B: That would be very. [01:10:35] Speaker D: Because every year I watch that parade. Oh, I'd love it. All the floats and stuff. [01:10:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:10:42] Speaker D: And I'm gonna go. [01:10:44] Speaker B: You bet you are. Even if you don't. I'll be unhappy if you don't. [01:10:48] Speaker D: Okay. [01:10:49] Speaker B: Oh, hey. Hey. Nice to talk to you. I hope 1994 is great for you, Judy. [01:10:53] Speaker D: Thank you. And a good 94 to you, Norm. [01:10:55] Speaker B: Thanks a million. [01:10:56] Speaker E: Right. [01:10:56] Speaker C: Bye. [01:10:56] Speaker B: Bye. [01:10:57] Speaker D: Bye. [01:10:57] Speaker B: Okay, we'll take some more calls right after this. But first, here's a guy who gets off on food. Hi, this is Bill Milo. Hold on a minute. I'm cleaning the microphone. Hello? Okay. Oh, that is spotless. [01:11:10] Speaker C: You never know what you can get over the phone from talking with people. [01:11:14] Speaker B: That's right. What people get from you when you're talking over the radio. I may take this microphone home with me because if I leave it here, other guys will come in and use it and they'll just mess it up. [01:11:24] Speaker C: Yeah. I wanted to ask you about something. New Year's is a very festive and type of holiday that everybody seems to participate in in one way or another, even if it's just talking about it. And I can remember a huge amount of films that have dealt with the subject of Christmas. But I can't think of one film that has anything in it about New Year's. [01:11:53] Speaker B: I can think of one. And a film that doesn't go back too far. I'm so glad you brought that up, Fred. [01:11:58] Speaker C: Which one is that? [01:11:59] Speaker B: The one when Halle. When Harry Met Sally with Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. There is a scene at the very end. See these. These are. These are kind of close friends, in a sense. And he's saying. Anyway, he eventually falls in love with her. It's a very lovely movie. The last. Very last scene is. Is on New Year's Eve. And he. In fact, he says, what is this old lang sign? What does that mean? And he does a little parody on the little takeoff on the lyrics to the song. But it's very much a part of the movie. Yes, that there is that. I'm sure there are others as well. That's the most recent that I can think of. [01:12:38] Speaker C: I never saw that. And I can't remember any other film that I ever watched that had anything to do with New Year's. But I'm glad to hear there was at least one. [01:12:48] Speaker B: One. Yeah. I'm sure there are others. I. They just don't come right to mind. But that one does, and that does. Again, it's a relatively new film in this, you know, in the sense it doesn't go back to the 30s or 40s. It's a. It's a 90s film, if you get a chance to see it, by the way. Aside from that, it is a. It's a. It's a great movie. [01:13:07] Speaker C: On your recommendation? [01:13:09] Speaker B: I recommend it. Take a look at it. Okay. I recommend it highly. Okay. Okay. And maybe some other people can call and tell us. That's kind of interesting. I hadn't thought about that. And I know obviously Christmas is the. The one that people write about and all that, but maybe. Maybe they're a lot about New Year's. We'll see if people call and tell us. [01:13:31] Speaker C: All right, Norman. [01:13:32] Speaker B: Happy. And a happy New Year to you, Fred. I hope it's a great year for you. [01:13:35] Speaker C: Thank you. [01:13:36] Speaker B: Take care. [01:13:36] Speaker C: Bye. [01:13:37] Speaker B: Bye. We'll drink a toast with, you know, Ovaltine funnies and. Carl, I was just about to drink some. I had right my head. I had to cop ovalteith traffic network in our Boston studios. Do you think I'm overdoing this, Aaron? Sometimes, you know, sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and, you know, I say to myself as I look at my reflection, I say, you know, Norm, you are one big jerk. I really. I really do. I. There's no sense in just kind of kidding yourself. You might just as well be realistic. [01:14:12] Speaker C: But if you're gonna be a jerk, you might as well be the best jerk that you possibly can be. [01:14:16] Speaker B: I am the best jerk. I'll bet you on the entire North American continent, I'll bet you I am. [01:14:21] Speaker C: As long as you're good at whatever you are, that's all that matters. [01:14:23] Speaker B: That's right. There was a guy. I must say this, though. Just kind of back away from that. There was a guy in Peoria, Illinois, in 1936 who was a bigger jerk than I was. But I think he's dead now. So I think I captured the title. [01:14:38] Speaker C: You win. [01:14:39] Speaker B: Okay? And if you want to be a traffic reporter, be Aaron Sawyer. The name Aaron Sawyer, synonymous with great traffic reporting. Just ask anybody in the business, say, are you an Aaron Sawyer or what? That means perfection. [01:14:56] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [01:14:57] Speaker B: Just show me your stuff. Don't embarrass me and don't make me look like a liar. After I said that, okay? [01:15:03] Speaker C: Live via Havana, Cuba, this is Aaron Sawyer with a report of a Minor accident. Route 9 eastbound by shoppers World in Framingham. The ceremony of the Changing of the Keys, which has been going on since before 1500. [01:15:17] Speaker B: And it's a. [01:15:18] Speaker C: It's a real exciting thing for people who are historically minor. [01:15:22] Speaker F: It. [01:15:23] Speaker C: And then, of course, there's all of the theaters that are probably premier in. [01:15:31] Speaker B: The world as far as theatre work. Oh, the theatre setup in London is so beautiful. I haven't been to London for some time, but I remember last time I was there, I think we got tickets to, like, about nine different shows in about three minutes. You know, I mean, we just went from one to another, the matinee, the evening and Lovely. You know, it's. It really is the theater town of the entire world. It's something special. I. I do believe so, actually, what I had in mind. Oh, I would. [01:16:01] Speaker C: By the way, last week I was down in Northern Neck, Virginia, where you came in quite well. [01:16:08] Speaker B: But you're battling WBAL Baltimore because they're. [01:16:12] Speaker C: On approximately the same frequency as you are. [01:16:15] Speaker B: And I'm on the water's edge on the Potomac in Northern Neck, Virginia. Oh, yeah, of course. They're right there in Maryland, which is. [01:16:21] Speaker C: Yeah, BZ came in fine, though. [01:16:23] Speaker B: Yeah. Because they're almost a local. Well, they are really a local station in that area. That's correct, yeah. [01:16:29] Speaker C: Now, the one thing that was. I said, if I talk to Norman. [01:16:34] Speaker B: About this, he certainly will know. [01:16:36] Speaker C: I had my car repaired and the other day, and they left a newspaper. [01:16:41] Speaker B: In the car and I picked it up and there was an article on the Lone Ranger. Oh, yeah, you. [01:16:47] Speaker C: And I said, boy, I bet Norman knows Fred Foy. [01:16:52] Speaker B: Yes, I do. I do. His. Matter of fact, he's living. Well, I guess they wrote about him because he lives in that area. [01:16:57] Speaker C: That's right. [01:16:57] Speaker B: He lives in Reading. In Reading. Right next door to Woburn. [01:17:00] Speaker C: And he had a spectacular career, I would say, in the radio broadcast in the 40s. [01:17:06] Speaker B: Yeah, that. That he was. He was. He's from Detroit. Well, that's. I'm sure the article says that the fact that those shows, a lot of the shows in the early days of radio came out of Detroit, I. Somehow you don't think of Detroit as being, you know, the center for feeding top radio shows. But the Lone Ranger, the Green Hornet came from Detroit. That's the one I forget. There may have been some others, but those were the two key ones. [01:17:30] Speaker C: As a matter of fact, he said. [01:17:32] Speaker B: He did the work in Detroit, but. [01:17:34] Speaker C: The program was mailed in and broadcast. [01:17:37] Speaker B: From New York, which was quite a. It was mailed in. [01:17:41] Speaker C: Mailed to New York. [01:17:42] Speaker B: Yeah. That sounds so untechnical, doesn't it? Hi, here's the program. It just got mailed into us. The mail's a little late. That's kind of fun. I didn't realize they did it that way. [01:17:53] Speaker C: Yeah, he was on the XYZ Chicago and he wrote a little book. It's called in the Spring. [01:17:59] Speaker B: XYZ to abc. [01:18:00] Speaker C: When he later came on the return. [01:18:03] Speaker B: Of the show, he did, he did the Cavett Show, Dick Cavett for a while. [01:18:09] Speaker C: He did introductions to that. [01:18:10] Speaker B: Oh, did he? [01:18:11] Speaker C: He was really quite, quite spectacular. And he's, he's a fine looking gentleman. [01:18:18] Speaker B: He is now. His voice sounds exactly the same today. Well, the last time I heard him was maybe about a year ago. And his voice was exactly the same as it was, you know, like 40, 50 years ago. A real booming voice from out of the west comes, you know, and he was on and on. I can't remember how the words go to that, but he, see, he does it every now and then. If I gotta have him as guest one night on the. On the program. [01:18:43] Speaker C: I think that would be interesting. [01:18:44] Speaker B: I think it would be. Maybe I will do that. [01:18:47] Speaker C: His latest address is writing. [01:18:49] Speaker B: I don't have any. [01:18:50] Speaker C: Anything else, but I'm sure I can. [01:18:52] Speaker B: I think I can track him down. Oh, yeah, I'm sure because we have the WBZ investigative I team. They can track anybody down. [01:19:00] Speaker C: Well, I wonder who follows you around where you've been broadcasting from. So many places. [01:19:05] Speaker B: I heard you. No, I've always. [01:19:07] Speaker C: Oh, I know. [01:19:08] Speaker B: It's kind of funny. I always wanted to say that. [01:19:10] Speaker C: Keeping. Keeping it light. Yeah, no, that's a. That's all I have tonight. [01:19:14] Speaker B: Well, I, I appreciate. That was good. That was a good solid bunch of stuff, Ed. And I appreciate it. O. Have a happy New Year. [01:19:20] Speaker C: Thank you. Same to you now. [01:19:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:19:22] Speaker C: Bye. [01:19:22] Speaker B: Bye. Good night. It's interesting. His name is Edward. He was from Everett. Like Edward Everett the statesman. Isn't that interesting? I thought it was interesting. You don't find it interesting, eh? Well, the heck with it. Is Michael, Michael, Michael. Michael was on his car phone. I guess he figured, hey, this is costing me about $8 billion a second to Hank with him, we'll go to Denise in Brookline. Hey, Denise. [01:19:48] Speaker D: Hey, Norm. Happy New Year. [01:19:50] Speaker B: Happy New Year to you and your husband. I hope life treats you particularly well during this coming year. [01:19:55] Speaker D: Oh, thank you so much. You too. Well, the holiday season has just kept us so incredibly. [01:20:00] Speaker B: I know. [01:20:00] Speaker D: It's so darn busy. [01:20:02] Speaker B: Oh, it is. It is a darn busy kind of time of year. [01:20:05] Speaker D: Oh, absolutely. But my primary reason for calling. I also got tapped in by your charming producer today. Hot Playing the dumb birthday game. But my primary reason for calling is not only do I know the movie was a New Year's Eve theme, our evening on New Year's Eve was sort of planned around it. [01:20:24] Speaker B: Okay, now which movie was that? [01:20:26] Speaker D: Holiday with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. [01:20:29] Speaker B: Holiday? I don't remember that one. [01:20:31] Speaker D: Oh, it's, it's excellent. It was, it was an. It's a 1938 film. It was her last Hollywood movie before she was declared box office plays and sent off. Before she came back. The Philadelphia Story. It revolves. She plays sort of the black sheep sister of a very wealthy family, sort of a flaky type. And Cary Grant is this young banker who is engaged to Katharine Hepburn's other sister who is very, very proper and primarily. [01:21:05] Speaker B: And Catherine is kind of the nutty kid. [01:21:07] Speaker D: Exactly. [01:21:08] Speaker B: Oh yeah. Those two as a team were just absolutely superb. Katharine Hepburn and I suppose with anybody, it's a great team. Spencer Tracy and she were so lovely. But. But they're their movies together. Hepburn and Grant. [01:21:22] Speaker D: Oh yeah. [01:21:23] Speaker B: Anyway, anyway, tell me about this. [01:21:25] Speaker D: So what happens is on New Year's Eve the father wants to announce the sisters engagement to Cary Grant and throws this incredible, suave, sophisticated white tie gala at his fifth Avenue mansion in New York to do such. And of course every stuffed shirt in the universe is at this party. So Katharine Hepburn meanwhile was in her little private part of the house that she calls the playroom and decides she's going to throw her own New Year's Eve party. And these friends of Cary Grant played beautifully the husband of this couple who are friends of Cary Grant played beautifully by Edward Everett Horton. He plays a sort of an absent minded professor. [01:22:08] Speaker B: He played the same role in every movie he was ever in. [01:22:11] Speaker D: Exactly, exactly. Wander into the playroom where Katharine Hepburn is and she and this professorial couple, and of course the alcoholic brother, black sheep of the family, are all having a grand all time up in the playroom. So the, the proper sister says to Cary Grant, oh, you must find my sister. She must come down for the party and for the announcement of our engagement. So Cary Grant goes up there and of course he gets into the fun of the playroom too. And that's when he realizes, of course he's engaged to the wrong sister. [01:22:40] Speaker B: Oh, that's so tender. What a terrible moment. But it turns out okay. I'll bet you. [01:22:45] Speaker D: Of course it does. It's a great movie. Plus this whole thing. Cary Grant plays a young banker, an up and coming type, but he's thinking to himself, is that all there is to life. And of course, the father and the proper sister want him to go into the banking business and make lots of money. And he says, is that all there is? I want to do something else. In some ways, it was a very 60s movie. [01:23:06] Speaker B: Yeah, that is kind of a more modern theme now. The holiday they're referring to is New Year's Eve. [01:23:12] Speaker D: No, no, what happens is Carrie, Grandpa. The whole thing's talking about how hard he has been working in the banking biz and how if he closes this next deal and he's going to make a ton of money, he plans to take a holiday. Meaning he's going to quit banking and find out what he wants to do with his life as opposed to just a vacation. So that's where the term holiday comes from. That's what he wants to do with the rest of his life. He wants to turn it into a holiday. [01:23:36] Speaker B: But there is a New Year's Eve thing there. [01:23:38] Speaker D: Yes, that's where about, about a good 30 to 40% of the movie is spent at the contrast between the stuffed shirt New Year's Eve party that the father and the sister are giving and the fun that's going on in Katharine Hepburn's little private party. [01:23:57] Speaker B: Okay, so we now have two movies that will have a holiday, the New Year's theme. [01:24:01] Speaker D: In fact, we rented it last night. We went out with two other couples for a lovely dinner and then came home about quarter to 11, popped the movie in the VCR, drank champagne. [01:24:11] Speaker B: What a nice way to spend the night. That's really nice. You must be getting old, Denise, because that's exactly the way I would love to spend the night. And I'm an old person. [01:24:19] Speaker D: Oh, of course I am. I was talking to. I was talking to a colleague of mine who's 10 years younger than me. He's 25. And I was telling him about this and he was getting this funny look on his face. That's what you're doing. [01:24:33] Speaker B: No, no. The thing that surprised me is that you are very young and that that's, that's appealing to you. But it really is, I think after you've, after you drunk yourself into oblivion a couple of New Year's Eves and stayed up until you and your stomach ached and you couldn't stand life anymore for the next three days, a few of those, and then you're ready to throw in this punch. [01:24:53] Speaker D: Well, we turned it into a 24 hour party. Then our friends stayed overnight. We hosted a brunch today and we've just had a wonderful time. [01:25:01] Speaker B: That Sounds nice. That's the way to do it. You know, you're so. You're so civilized. [01:25:07] Speaker D: Absolutely. But we're fun. [01:25:09] Speaker B: We're not stuff. [01:25:09] Speaker C: Sure. [01:25:10] Speaker B: Oh, no, no, no, no. When I said civilized, I didn't mean that. [01:25:12] Speaker D: Even though the gentlemen last night wore their tuxes and we got all dressed up. [01:25:16] Speaker B: Oh, really? You wore your tuxes watching the. The VCR to go out to dinner first. Oh, I think that's great. [01:25:24] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [01:25:25] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, we did. We did it up right. We had a great time. Hey, by the way, one bit of advice to Judy when she goes to London next time, for nightlife. Besides theater. [01:25:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:25:36] Speaker D: The best. One of the best jazz clubs in the world. Ronnie Scott. [01:25:40] Speaker B: Oh, that's right. That's still in business, then. [01:25:42] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, absolutely. [01:25:45] Speaker B: Oh, that. That's been. That's got to be one of the longest running jazz clubs in the world. I bet you. [01:25:49] Speaker D: I think you're right, because they go. [01:25:51] Speaker B: There are some in New York that have been in business for a long time, but I don't. I think most of them have pretty much closed or changed or something. [01:25:58] Speaker D: Well, the Village. The Village Vanguard's still around. [01:26:00] Speaker B: And what's it. What's the one that Woody Allen plays at Michael's Pub? Yeah, that's been around for a while. But Bronnie Scott's, boy, that's been there forever. [01:26:09] Speaker D: Oh, absolutely. So that. She wants nightlife. Hey, that's. [01:26:13] Speaker B: That's a place to go. Hey, man. Yeah, man. [01:26:15] Speaker D: Absolutely. So, Norm, because John sounded like such a sweet guy, and he sounded desperate for players, he talked me into it. So I'll talk to you again. [01:26:23] Speaker B: Oh, that's great. We'll talk to you in an hour and 15 minutes. Okay, that's great, Denise. Thanks a lot. [01:26:28] Speaker D: Take care, Norm. [01:26:29] Speaker B: Bye. Bye. Okay, let me see. Let me see. Let me just see. Gene in Somerville. Hi, Gene. [01:26:36] Speaker E: Hi, Norm. How are you? [01:26:38] Speaker B: I'm just fine. You sound like you're okay. [01:26:40] Speaker E: Happy New Year. [01:26:41] Speaker B: Happy New Year to you, too. [01:26:43] Speaker E: I'm calling about the New Year's Eve movie In the Apartment. [01:26:49] Speaker B: Oh, that was the. Jack lemmon and Fred McMurray and Shirley MacLaine. I love that movie. She was the. She was the elevator operator. Cue Bullet. I thought she was so beautiful. [01:27:01] Speaker E: That was the best movie. [01:27:03] Speaker B: I fell desperately in love with Shirley MacLaine in that movie. I loved that movie. Now, was there. Was there. I forgotten that part of it was there. On New Year's Eve. [01:27:12] Speaker E: Well, at the end, it takes place during the Christmas week, and Fred McMurray's giving Shirley MacLaine the skip and, you know, because of his family and all. And then New Year's Eve, she's in the restaurant with Fred McMurray and she realizes that she really loves Jack Lemmon. And when the lights go out and they say Happy New Year, she disappears and runs back to the apartment to be with Jack Lemon. [01:27:37] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was nice. That was so nice. See, she looked so adorable. [01:27:42] Speaker E: I was so glad. [01:27:43] Speaker B: And he was kind of adorable, too, so. And Fred McMurray is the slick talking guy who. Who. Who borrowed Jack Lemon's keys to his apartment. [01:27:51] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:27:52] Speaker B: Because he was the single guy. [01:27:53] Speaker E: He was the boss. [01:27:54] Speaker B: Yeah. And he. That's right. He was the boss. And he was using Jack Lemon's apartment for his fooling around. [01:28:00] Speaker E: Oh, that's right. When they were in the Chinese. Chinese restaurant when Shirley McLean and Fred Murray in New Year's Eve. And. And Fred McMurray said he wouldn't let him use the key anymore. And he said especially if. If it's Miss Cuba left. [01:28:15] Speaker B: That's right. Because he. He had a crush on her himself. He liked her a lot, and he couldn't. Couldn't imagine giving this gross boss of his the keys to entertain somebody who he loved. [01:28:25] Speaker E: Right. [01:28:26] Speaker B: Oh, that was. That was. That was really nice. Fred McMurray, I always thought, had a great style. There's been no actor quite like him. I suppose you could say that for Jack Lemmon or Spencer Tracy and a whole lot of others, but McMurray had a whole, whole lot of style. He was something. [01:28:43] Speaker E: Well, he played quite a variety of characters. [01:28:46] Speaker B: Yeah. He always seemed very casual, kind of like. I don't know. He always seemed to be the part he was playing more so than others. Not being very clear the way I say that. But anyway, I loved. I. I'm glad you mentioned the movie, because I love that movie. [01:28:59] Speaker E: I hope some more people calling with New Year's about New Year's movies, because I bet there's a slew of them. [01:29:05] Speaker B: They probably are. [01:29:06] Speaker E: Another one other comment was, how about Hubba hubba? [01:29:10] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Oh, that goes back even. Well, that goes back to the same time as. As nifty and hot diggity dog. Yeah. The hubba hubba ding ding was even a hubba ding ding. [01:29:25] Speaker E: You have everything. [01:29:27] Speaker B: Yeah. That's funny. Now that for people who. Who don't know what we're talking about with the hubba hubba, that was kind of like you almost in sexual heat. You look at somebody who really appealed. Wow. [01:29:39] Speaker E: That Was a compliment. [01:29:41] Speaker B: Yeah, that was. That. Yeah. That was really. Show that. Boy, they really turned you on. [01:29:44] Speaker E: Somebody I know. [01:29:45] Speaker B: That seems kind of funny. Of all the. Of all the expressions to indicate that that is about the least sexual is. Hubba hubba. [01:29:53] Speaker E: It sounds ridiculous now, doesn't it? [01:29:55] Speaker B: It really does. You remember zoot suits also? Yeah. Cab Calloway used to wear these ridiculous suits. He was a good musician, but I think he felt he had a. He had to do something to. To make him look different than other people. So he put on these zoot suits with the. With the reed pleats. And I forget. There was a whole song about that. [01:30:15] Speaker E: Big shoulder pads. [01:30:16] Speaker B: Big shoulder pads, yeah. Very wide. And people were about. Even 3 foot tall. People were about 17ft wide in their suits, but. Hubba, hubba. Thank you for remembering that one. [01:30:27] Speaker E: Oh, thanks, Jane. [01:30:29] Speaker B: Jane, the very best to you. [01:30:30] Speaker E: Love the show. [01:30:31] Speaker B: Thanks, Amelia. [01:30:32] Speaker E: So relaxing and just delightful. [01:30:34] Speaker B: Hey, so are you, you little cutie. [01:30:37] Speaker E: Bye now. [01:30:38] Speaker B: Happy New Year. Bye. Bye, dear. [01:30:40] Speaker C: How you doing? Happy New Year. [01:30:41] Speaker B: Happy New Year to you, too. Thank you. [01:30:43] Speaker C: But the reason I called tonight was. I do remember Edward Everett Horton, and he was great in Lost Horizon. [01:30:50] Speaker B: Oh, I don't. I don't think I ever did see that. That was Coleman. I know. That was one of the biggies that everybody should see. I don't think I. I know he was in a play in Boston in later years called. I always loved the title, although I can't remember what the play was about. It was called Springtime for Henry. I don't know, the title sort of struck me funny. [01:31:11] Speaker C: And he was also the voice in Fractured Fairy Tales segment of the Rocky and bowing. [01:31:15] Speaker B: That's right. That's right. He was great on that. I love that whole series. The Bullwinkle thing. [01:31:19] Speaker C: Yeah, he was excellent. But the reason I called, other than to compliment you, is you're usually Great program. [01:31:26] Speaker B: It's okay. [01:31:28] Speaker C: The Megaplex. [01:31:30] Speaker B: Megaplex. What do you think? [01:31:32] Speaker C: My attitude is this. If it's such a good deal, how come private money hasn't, you know, flowed forth? [01:31:39] Speaker B: I must tell you that I totally agree with that. I can't see the taxpayer being shouldered with the burden of providing an arena for a private company. It doesn't make any sense. [01:31:50] Speaker C: And it's like, for example, over Christmas, I was at my brother's up in Andover. We were watching this, the sports shopping channel, for fun. [01:31:59] Speaker B: Yeah. Really? Do you watch that for fun? [01:32:01] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Because you know what I say to myself? If these baseball cards and pitches are such. Are so valuable if they will appreciate so much, what are you doing selling them? Buy them yourself and keep them in your attic until they mature. But you know, it's all this is going to be a winner. And without going to the. Not counting the super bowl, the most games the Patriots could play at a megaplex would be 13 a year. There would be two preseason, eight regular season, and if they went all the way to The Super bowl, three playoffs, that's 13 games. [01:32:40] Speaker B: Now, they'd obviously have to find some other use for it besides, there's a football stadium. [01:32:46] Speaker C: Talked about conventions, but yet I've cooked for years. And I do know that the hospital, hospitals, excuse me, they do too. But the hotels in the city always run at least about 98% capacity, so. [01:32:57] Speaker B: There is a shortage of room. [01:32:58] Speaker C: So even if you have the center, where are we going to build the hotels? And as far as creating jobs? Well, cab driver, cook's helper, fast food franchisor, you know, popcorn salesman. I mean, I don't see a lot of like, good jobs being created by this place. I see a lot of low menial jobs. But on the other hand, if private money wants to build it and staff it, do it. But in other words, I see my tax money to be used in far better things, you know, than this. And I love the Patriots. I hope they don't leave. [01:33:31] Speaker B: No, I agree with you there. I have nothing against the Patriots either. I think it's a plus to the area to have them here. But it is a private business and they pay big salaries and a whole lot of big, big bucks in the whole business. So why, why should we pick up the tab? [01:33:47] Speaker C: Can I, can I say something? [01:33:49] Speaker B: You could do anything you want to do, Eddie. It's your show. Go right ahead. [01:33:53] Speaker C: Do you know that the television package, which was worked out years ago by Pete Roselle, who was that commissioner, was so designed that if you owned a team and did not sell one ticket, you would still make over $8 million that year because the pie is split equally. It isn't that The San Francisco 49ers get a bigger share of the TV money than the Patriots. It isn't judged on standings or athletic prowess. It's simply X number of teams divided into X number of millions of dollars. And so it's not that the Patriots are struggling over floating concern. There's good money bulking them up. But on the other hand, when I think of all the social welfare programs that could be enacted to help people, does a megaplex really sound like the best thing that you could Try to do with your time and money. I don't think so. [01:34:43] Speaker B: I'm gonna vote for you, Ed. [01:34:45] Speaker C: Thanks a lot. [01:34:45] Speaker B: Hey, thanks for YouTube. Bye. Bye. Okay, it's. Let's see. Coming up to about two minutes before 2:00, we'll take some more calls after the news. And again we have lots of open lines. And if you'd like to play the dumb birthday game, talk with John Kelly at 254-1030. He may have. He may have enough people already. I don't know. Okay. 254-1030, area code 617. So we could use some more people at that number or just give me a call and we'll talk. Okay. If you don't want to be on the dumb birthday game, that'll be in an hour after 3:00. But if we can talk to her in the next hour, hey, that would really be just hot. Hot diggity neat. Hubba hubba. You're also. Thank you. [01:35:26] Speaker F: I have never called you before. [01:35:28] Speaker B: Oh, shame. I always go to sleep with you. Okay. In the sense that. [01:35:32] Speaker C: I see, I got my. My. [01:35:34] Speaker B: All my new phones put in. And when I'm. When I go to bed, I turn on the radio and I hear your voice and I always wanted to call. [01:35:44] Speaker C: I have four phones here in this. [01:35:46] Speaker B: This big house here. You know what I'm saying? You have four phones in your. Do you live alone? Yes. And you have four phones? [01:35:52] Speaker E: Well, you see, I'm. It's. [01:35:54] Speaker C: It's a seven room. [01:35:55] Speaker B: It's a three family. Yeah. And I'm the owner. But I mean, I finally put a phone in the. [01:36:00] Speaker C: I re. [01:36:01] Speaker B: Raised the whole apartment in the bedroom. [01:36:02] Speaker E: You know what I'm saying? [01:36:04] Speaker B: The place, anyway, so son of. You can call me often. I get a phone handy. [01:36:08] Speaker F: What's that? [01:36:09] Speaker B: You've got a phone that's awfully handy. You can call me very often then. Well, now I got one right in the bedroom. Son of a gun, I'm. So I hear your voice and I say I should call him. Say hello or Ms. New Year's and all that stuff. And you did. And I finally had the telephone guy up here and I said, rewire this whole place from A to Z. [01:36:26] Speaker E: He gave me six checks. [01:36:29] Speaker B: Wow. And he said there's nothing wrong with your phone. He said no one calls you. Oh, that's so sad. I said the phone doesn't ring. He said no one calls you. Anyway, sorry, Walter. You want me to call you? No, no, I'm only kidding. I tell you what you could do. What? [01:36:48] Speaker C: That was my standard joke, by the way. [01:36:50] Speaker B: Oh, okay. When I listen to radio, I raise right above my head and I said. [01:36:54] Speaker C: Turn the radio on. [01:36:55] Speaker B: You know, I'm divorced now. My wife's in Texas. She's a psychiatrist. And good luck to her. She's with a psychiatrist. Oh, she is the psychiatrist. Oh, she is a psychiatrist. Oh, I see. [01:37:03] Speaker C: Well, I'm not gonna read that one. [01:37:04] Speaker B: Well, she wants to come back to Boston again, but I'm not sure I. [01:37:08] Speaker C: Want this whole thing all over again. So I'm sitting here, I said, I. [01:37:11] Speaker D: Got to give him a call. [01:37:12] Speaker B: I got to test out these new phones and you're testing them out. Do they work? Okay? When the phone rings now, right. It sounds like bells going off everywhere. The whole place required complete. Well, it sounds like a spiffy place. Hey, Spiffy. We were trying to think of old expressions. I forgot about spiffy. Spiffy. Do you ever use that? Spiffy? That means, you know. You know, really nice spiffy. Well, anyway, getting back to the spiffy. Okay, you don't want to talk spiffy. [01:37:47] Speaker A: Then I'll talk about spiffy. This whole show was spiffy. Norm was incorrect when he said he'd never be a great uncle. He was the great Uncle Norm to all of us. By the way, the prescription for laughter has unlimited refills. As long as you keep coming back here to the vault of silliness. Let's close that vault and leave this world a little sillier than we found it for the Boston Red Sox. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Olliolli oxen free Olliolli entry and Augie. Augie urchins off to jail. It is pleasant memories Hine go seek Sitting on the stoop window radios the sounds of summer tales of reflected glory. The 99 Restaurant Lusterless flowers, contagious laughter tunnel radio Jordan Rich Wssh skipping around and singing happy songs. Louts ANSwers and questions IQs our wonderful sponsors suitors for Sarah Canadian and Boston accents. Bags of money for talking stupid Tom Selleck Scantily clad, provocative listener pictures Bonnets, gingham aprons and calico dresses holding hands on the phone Hot flashes Maiden ladies and bachelor gals. JC Hillary's Irma Bombeck calling all sports Boston College bowl games Swell nifty Hot diggity dog. What's happening, baby? Neato. Right on. Hubba hubba, hubba, hubba. Ding ding. And spiffy disinfected microphones Ovaltine toasts overdoing it which is like this credit list. Being the best jerk you can possibly be. The Changing of the Keys. Fred Foy. Charming producers Jack, Fred and Shirley Zoot Suits. Fractured fairy tales. John Kelly, Aaron Sawyer, Jack Hart. And the sometimes stuffy Norm Bradford Nathan. I'm former alumnus and valedictorian from the Norm Nathan School of Broadcasting. Tony Nesbitt. [01:40:11] Speaker B: Look at that baby's tush. It's the red. [01:40:14] Speaker D: Does your baby suffer from red? Irritating diaper rash. [01:40:18] Speaker B: Sa.

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