Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 102

Episode 102 September 03, 2022 01:40:27
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 102
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 102

Sep 03 2022 | 01:40:27


Show Notes

Today’s episode in a NNS from September 1st and possibly the 10th, 1994. I have titled it: ‘Radio Hopscotch’ because there’s a lot of skipping from call to call.

It appears to be the last hour of the 9/1 broadcast and then we jump ahead to some other September nights and conclude with what is labelled as 9/10.

Brian McKinley was producing.

I found this whole cassette to be endlessly entertaining. There’s a lot here for me to whet your appetite with.

It all begins with a call from Fred in Medford about WHDH.

Skip to Norm talking about a pianist who seemed to know how to play every song. 36 musicians in some orchestra with I believe Dave McKenna? Norm sat two tables away from Frank Sinatra!

Skip to talking to Robert from Everett! Now we are in for a treat as this is the first of TWO calls from Robert in this episode!

Norm was going to be participating in a charity comedy show at the Comedy Connection.

Skips to a different caller from Maryland (maybe named Irv?) talking about WBZ history and a question for Norm, “Who were the talent known as ‘The Live Five?’” You’ll have to stay tuned for the answers.

Norm had recently spoken to Jess Cain. Norm cites Jess as an inspiration to because of all the wild stuff he would do on WHDH and Norm felt he had to keep up and be wild too.

We hear from Charlie in Abington with some broadcasting advice for Norm

Then Larry who started listening about a year ago when he began a third shift job as a security guard and loves the show.

Norm teases the guest for tomorrow night (kind of) then the kids in the Teen Canteen whoop it up one more time and he sends it to the morning news.

Now on to a Jack traffic report and spot for Store 24

Lovell Dyett makes an appearance! Norm talks to Lovell about Sophia Loren and the temptations that are flaunted at big time radio folks. Norm enlightens us on his most recent one.

Moving on, here’s Norm introducing Rob Floyd in Traffic but no report because we skip to a caller, Kathy.

Fred from NJ talking about a lady who sends him apple pies. The worst he’s ever tasted. He also tells a story about being at a BBQ and overhearing a conversation. The woman, when she was younger, couldn’t go to sleep at night until she checked under the bed. Sparked a conversation where many people there had done the same thing. That prompts Norm to mention a play called ‘Small Wonder’ A very interesting plot that I’m certain you’ll ‘see the point too.’

Norm worries more about walking down a dark city street than living in the woods.

Norm has never seen a UFO.

Let’s Jump to Norm talking with Jim Morley or Morlia, a toll taker on the Tobin Bridge for 20+ years. We get some insight into the big-time broadcasting dollars he was paid when he began his radio career.

Next caller, Tom, says a bad word and apologizes.

Tom also said how sorry he was to hear about Norm’s wife Norma passing. She had been gone for nearly three years. Norm tells a great story about Fr. Dick Schmaruk who gave the eulogy at Norma’s services.

Next caller, Mike, who believes he met Linda Chase and tells the Howard Stern fans to be nice.

Norm teases a guest for the next show and he signs off from another September day.

Here’s the next night with Norm talking to traffic reporter Rob Floyd who needs to call Norm’s brother in-law to fix some stuff.

Norm takes the blame for Adam and Eve being banished from the Garden of Eden.

Suddenly there’s a Jack traffic spot for Exxon and then Jack reports on every work crew in and around Boston.

All I’ll say next is Jack, gawkers and cockpit.

Norm says he’s the ‘throw-away act’ at that upcoming charity comedy show at the Comedy Connection even though he’s prepared to do an entire comedy special in need be. It was to benefit Life House Inc which helps people to find shelter for people who do not have it in the Dorchester Area. In the studio, I believe was Josh Binswanger from WBZ Radio and at the time, WBZ-TV. He tells a naughty Prince Charles joke.

Others appearing that they were sharpening the hook for:

Bruce Schwoelgler

Shelby Scott

Sara Edwards

Michele Michaels

Majorie Claprood

Frank Malicoat

Laura Raposa & Gayle Fee

Joe Stapleton

Jack Harte was going to be in the audience but not performing

Fred Allen and Major Bowes are discussed

Jack broke his headphones. They may have been purchased at The Shoddy Equipment Store.

Norm talks shop with Jack…

Side B

Norm has the story about the Green Day concert at the Hatch Shell and the crowd acting like a bunch of mo-mos. Jack brings Norm to his senses about the whole thing.

Now onto a caller talking about a News Director named Henry Santoro who had a quote regarding the concert. Caller believes, if you’re in a band, Boston is a hard town to make a living in.

Jumps to another swell call from Fred in NJ. He says the show is like Uncle Norm’s General Store. Helps a lot of people make it through the night. And, somehow, we segue to leather fetishes. All I’ll say here is inflatable companions and balloon dolls.

Norm thinks better when he sings. When others hear him, not so much.

Jack joins the conversation with the details on the The Mills Brothers’ song Paper Doll. The infinite knowledge and rigorous testing that it takes to become a traffic reporter is astounding.

Norm comes to a conclusion regarding Fred’s life.

Here comes call #2 with Robert from Everett and it is superb.

Next caller, Russ who’s a truck driver.

An unnamed caller tells quite the joke.

Glenn from Brighton talking about Mary from Kittery’s transformation. He mentions Jack’s alter egos and the WBZ hitmen may have to be deployed.

Out of nowhere we get an extremely brief intro to Jack from Josh Binswanger.

Our sponsors:

Bessie Duprie from St. Petersburg, FL raving about her Ovaltine complete with Norm commentary and a WBZ Farmstand Promo with Dave Maynard. 

We wrap up this marathon with a call from Judy, wife of Ben Farnsworth whom Norm co-hosted the morning news with on WEEI. Ben gets on the phone and away we go! The stories, the memories, the laughter…you’re all going to love this one.

 Episode 102, Radio Hopscotch, begins in eeny meeny miny ‘moww’ let’s start the tape right now.

[email protected]

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