Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 103

Episode 103 September 09, 2022 01:30:50
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 103
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 103

Sep 09 2022 | 01:30:50


Show Notes

Today we have a NNS/DBG/NNS from September 10th, 1993. We get a little pre-game Norm, game-time Norm and then post-game Norm. Titled: Words to Live By

Mike Epstein is producing.

It all begins with a Jack Harte traffic report and then on to the callers.

Chauncy who nominates Norm for some special recognition.

Rich from W Roxbury

Lorriane in Boston who seconds the nomination. Please grab a pen and paper as the call includes a list of doily embroidery phrases. Email us at [email protected] with pictures of those completed projects. My favorite is the advice Norm was given by his alcoholic Uncle.

Jack in Somerville with compliments and a favor to ask.

Beth in MI who accuses another caller, Weldon, of telling fibs!

Heading to 3am we hear the top hour news sounder and then cut to Big Bill Watson introducing Jack in Traffic. Then the Accux forecast with Dave Ryan followed by Norm with the Temp, Lottery, Sports and Intro with full Show Open that leads us to the DBG and that special theme song in its entirety!

It’s one of games where Norm delves into the upcoming week for more dates.

The Players:

Joe in Brockton

Joanne from Fairmont, W. VA

Rich from W. Roxbury

Lorraine in Jamaica Plain

Mike Epstein and Jack Harte

The Bdays:

Brian De Palma

Tom Landry


Jacqueline Bissett

Nell Carter

Mel Torme

On to Side B to finish out that first half of the game before we break for the bottom hour news. Bill Watson, Jack Harte and Dave Ryan do their thing before we return to the game! 

Moving on to 9/16

Lauren Bacall

Ed Begley Jr.

Peter Falk

And then it’s Back to 9/13 for

Claudette Colbert

Before news time we take a call from Paula in Dracut She asks about Norm’s dogs. She is also heading to video a wedding and that starts a conversation that carries over after the top of the hour.

All the usual suspects are back for news and then we finish up with Paula and close with Kevin from Roxbury who continues the talk about video recordings of everything. Norm gives great examples as it’s EXACTLY what’s going on now! Do we tape too much of ourselves? Wow…this was prophetic. It’s definitely a problem. I’ll save that discussion for my other channel, Tony Nesbitt’s Vault of Annoyances.

Other things:

Norm impresses again with his impressions.

Norm inquiring if there are any younger women who prefer older men. Real older men.

Jimmie Walker and Johnny Walker.

And Norm name drops the photographer from his wedding.

We are fully loaded with commercial content!

The rich, chocolaty taste of after school Ovaltine.

WBZ NewsRadio sales spot with Norman Sigorsky of Woodworkers Warehouse and advertising on Monday Night Quarterback

Dunkin Donuts

Baby Gold Bond with Gwendolyn Jones of Ft. Lauderdale FL

Kid Company Promo

Not one. Not two. But a Threequel of very serious commercials for Silver City Ford Hyundai Coachmen and Dodge Toyota bolstered by the legal powerhouse of Odotto, Cascadden and Hoke! They’re going to have “on-site disposal agents.”

Bill Marlowe for Floramo’s!

Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Powder with Michael Cook from Grand Praire, TX and his heat rash

The screechy Bessy Duprie for Classic Ovaltine

WBZ TV Promo

Baby Gold Bond w/Louise Fallon of Brooklyn, NY and her red, irritated baby

Hazel Dew is thankful for her new-found self-confidence because of Marezine

The dry and flaky James Rife of Riverdale, IL for Gold Bond

The Learning Center Live Promo

And a commercial for Bald No-More, oh sorry… the Puig Medical Group

Episode 103, “Words to Live By” emanates to your ears…now.

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