We have another NNS/DBG/NNS from September 21st & 22nd, 1996.
Title: Cruising the Radio Waves
Tom Howie was producing.
We begin with a couple of jokes from a caller, Bruce the skip to Norm talking to Linda about sports talk shows, negativity and talking like an ass.
Now on to caller, Elizabeth, whom Norm hasn’t spoken with in a long time. She was former WBZ producer Eddie LeClair’s fiancé. We learn that’s not the only thing that can be referred to as former.
There’s a caller asking about Norm’s recent trip to Bermuda, his daughters, Sonja and Sarah, glaucoma and a renown eye doctor.
We move to Norm talking about all the wacky National Day of stuff such as: Dear Diary Day, Ice Cream Cone Bday, Long Count Day, National Centenarians Day, National Good Neighbor Day and more.
It’s time for the DBG!
Members of the Panel:
Jim in MI
Elizabeth from Allston
Michael in JP
Michelle and Todd from Salem, MA
Shayna in Traffic? Maybe not.
Tommy Lasorda
Shari Belafonte
Debbie Boone
Joan Jett
Scott Baio
Bob Lemon
There’s some weird noises and other discussions before we get to a date in History question:
When did Fiddler on the Roof open on Broadway?
A ton of fun is had during the game with impressions, great talk about Jack Benny and skit recreations.
Jim in MI was using the GE SuperRadio III and picking WBZ up nicely.
Elizabeth and Norm talk for a while longer after the game. She had spoken to Ed before she played and relates his thoughts to Norm.
Norm mentions that he hosted “A Child’s Guide to Instruments of the Orchestra.”
We Break for news.
He announces what he’s going to do but does it quietly because other stations steal our ideas. He gives out the phone number even though he’s tired of seeing it scrawled on the bathroom walls.
We come back with a caller, Don, complaining about a WBZ promo and a Beatles song.
Joan Jett was a guest star on The Highlander tv show? Sheena Easton too?
There was a concern that the classical audience is getting older and older but that fear is put aside with a call from Robin in Lynn. She and her 8-year-old love classical music and would be going to the Symphony!
Norm expounds on the virtues of musical tastes including mine.
Shirley in MI was so happy that Norm was back from his trip.
Next is Ron who praises Elizabeth and her call.
Then Beatrice in W. Roxbury – Happy to have Norm back from his trip too. Talks about Arthur Fiedler and tells a story of being at Symphony Hall where everyone was waiting for Fiedler to arrive. He was late because he helped fight the Vendome Fire. He was an honorary firefighter and took that very seriously.
Our last caller was Jim who was also in Bermuda but on a different cruise. They talk about the high cost of living on the island.
We end with a classic tag line from Norm.
Episode 105, Cruising the Radio Waves, sets sail to your ear canals…now.
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