Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 106

Episode 106 October 02, 2022 01:41:51
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 106
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 106

Oct 02 2022 | 01:41:51


Show Notes

Thanks for joining us again as we close out September 2022 with a Norm Nathan Show from September 29th, 1996. This one is titled: BillyBobNorm.

Steven Adams was producing.

Also thank you for sticking with us, listening on your phones and from every other platform where we cast with no damn issues! Still no resolution to our little problem on YT. And with no response from my queries as to what’s goin’ on…I find that YouRUDE.

Before we dive into this episode, I’d like to say, “namaste” to our new listeners in India!

Here we go:

Billy Clyde’s got his dander up in an excited dialogue with Norm about music, then and now! 

Norm teases guest Bob Hernandez who’ll be playing his game Significa!

And, again, Norm is WAAAAY behind in tacky, junk gift mailings.

To DBG or not to DBG, that is the question?

Shayna in traffic…or not…orrrrrrr?

Kevin in Dorchester

Wally in Waltham

With a malfunctioning peepers keyring in need of replacement we have Marge in IN

Jim in Lowell and another subject arises: banned records. Not BAND records but banned records.


We now roll on to Bob Hernandez and the aforementioned game, Significa! Bob will give ask 3 questions. Answer all three and WIN! Significa was 4 pack of small travel games covering varying subjects: History, Geography, Literature and more.


Debbie in Malden

Bill from Lynn

Marian in Easton

Jenny from Plymouth

Joanne in North Reading

Ken from Roslindale

Christopher in Lowell

Christine from Worcester

Bob in Waltham – maybe not

Joe from Melrose

Anne in PA

Kelly from Weymouth

Bob is back!

Dorothy in Bridgewater

Doug from Newton

Michael in Chelmsford


Horace in Brookline

Matt in Weymouth

Laura from PA

Lynne in Malden

Joel from Natick

Ken in Cambridge

Lisa from upstate NY

Bob in Leominster

Bill from Braintree

Bob in Richmond, VA

Geri in Everett

John from Boston (aka Chauncy without the extra accent!)

Heather in Wilmington, MA

Priscilla from Weimar, PA

Fred in Kennebunk, ME

Vivian from Malden

Beth in Boston

Jay from Dorchester

Loose ends…

Callers hearing Norm with an echo and a whoosh! 

Traffic reporters are a happy lot hoping for a big traffic jam. 

Jim says Norm has a nice singing voice and Norm mentions he’ll be singing with a The Bob Bachelder Band to benefit Self Esteem Boston at the Wonderland Ballroom in Revere. He had rewritten all the lyrics to Cole Porter’s “You’re the Top.”

Stay tuned as I will replay that magnificent performance.

And a question is posed, “Where’s the Gong?”

Ep 106, BillyBobNorm, begins in 3, 2 and 1.

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