Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 138

Episode 138 May 13, 2023 00:49:47
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 138
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 138

May 13 2023 | 00:49:47


Show Notes

Happy Mother’s Day weekend 2023 to all you mom’s out there.

Today’s Vault of Silliness cashes in with a DBG from Mother’s Day 1996. May 12th to be exact.

Title: Mother’s Day Pancake (Make-up) Broadcast

It all begins with a fade in of WBZ sports guy, Tom Cuddy with a DBG Pre-game Show Intro! He also does a nifty disclaimer at the end too. I forgot all about these fun additions to the Show!


The Crew for today:

Tom Howie producing and playing in studio

Peter James in Traffic

Joe from Boston

David in Canandaigua, NY

Rosemarie from Wellesley

And Dennis

Tons of Bdays:

Katharine Hepburn

Yogi Berra

Burt Bacharach

Tom Snyder

George Carlin

Emilio Estevez

Stephen Baldwin

And Felipe Alou


Other extraneous fun:

Soaring into conversation and provocative talk

Norm has gone thru many traffic reporters, producers, program directors and GM’s

Sharone Stone, Michelle Pfeiffer, Alec Baldwin…just some of the folks who started out as traffic reporters on Norm’s show

Minus the pancake make-up, Sharon Stone looks like...

Coughing equals truth in advertising!

Devotion and adoration

The sands of time are running through Norm’s hourglass.

We have a DBG flashing marquee out on Soldiers Field Rd

Mounting Tension

Getting a hold on oneself

Steamy letters from Paula Abdul

We hear yet another one of Norm’s original names

We are graced with some wisdom from Norm’s HGPG

Dueling Benny’s

And Chet, Nat, Burt and Loni


Ep 138, Mother’s Day Pancake (Make-up) Broadcast, brushes its way to your ears, now.

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