Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: 33 years ago and a day this dumb birthday game filled the airwaves. Hailing from February 18, 1992, we have a show entitled Spongecake and Negligees. And if that doesn't pique your interest, I can't help you. We are misled in the beginning by Norm with an incorrect time check. The pressure on Norm subbing for the vacationing Bob Raleigh may have gotten to him. And if you think I'm serious, again, I can't help you. Links are available in the description box with ways you can support this show. As always, it's appreciated. Thank you. The players. I'm on the phone from parts unknown, Jim in Springfield. Then we have producer Garrett Jernigan. Maybe not the negligee clad. Ruth Clement, Eric from Portland, Maine and Jack Hart in traffic just wearing his BVD's. The birthdays got a lot of them. Jack Palance, Molly Ringwald, Yoko Ono, Cybill Shepherd, Juice Newton, John Travolta, Vanna White, Matt Dillon, Helen Gurley Brown and George Kennedy. Episode 223 sponge cake and Negligees flaunts its way to your ears in 3, A, 2 and 1.
[00:01:16] Speaker B: Okay, it's 11 after 4:00 and it's time to play the stripped down Dumb Birthday game. My name is Norm Nathan. If you're wondering what I'm doing here on the Bob Raleigh program and he's usually here at this time, it's because he's taking an extra day or two off. Just taking the long holiday weekend, which I hope turned out to be a lovely holiday weekend for you. We'll be around till 5 this morning. My name is Norm Nathan and it's good to have you with us, old sport. Let's see who's gonna. It's Tony who's gonna play the dumb birthday game with us. Hi, Tony.
[00:01:48] Speaker C: That was quick. Hi, Norm, how are you?
[00:01:50] Speaker B: I'm doing okay, thank you.
[00:01:52] Speaker C: You know, who could blame Jan for leaving her brother TRO after that, huh?
Yeah, who could blame her?
[00:02:00] Speaker B: I know. I kept thinking, she's not on her way down to Virginia. He hasn't lost track of her. He may have lost track of her, but the reason is she thought she'd go north instead of south and thought the hell with my stupid brother who's just going to get on the on the phone and ramble on and on?
[00:02:16] Speaker C: I mean, just. People sometimes don't understand that there's a technical problem and the phones ring and then they get on and complain and they open their mouth and they don't Know what goes on.
[00:02:24] Speaker B: They don't know what goes on, Tony. And you're absolutely right.
[00:02:27] Speaker C: And you know, I bet you 2 million other people believe me, too.
[00:02:31] Speaker B: Everybody believes you. That's right.
[00:02:32] Speaker C: I'm referring to Tom Scott.
[00:02:34] Speaker B: No, I realize that. No, we had a. One of the reasons a lot of people think because I don't get involved in. This is a good time. Glad you brought this up, big guy. A lot of people must think that I don't care about politics. We don't get involved in political discussion too much, namely because we either get Tom from Maryland, who's a nice man and whose opinions I basically agree with, but who gets so crazy about this thing and starts to scream and yell. And people get so wrapped up that they become really boring and they begin to repeat their theories nine times in the same conversation. And then you get another guy who's screaming and yelling. It just gets a little much.
[00:03:15] Speaker C: The veins are popping out of my head.
[00:03:17] Speaker B: Oh, the veins right out of the neck. The eyeballs bulging, the spittle coming from the corners of the mouth. People scream and yell for their viewpoints. And I understand it's terribly important to care. We must care because that's what keeps our country great. But I mean, enough is enough. Have a little sense of perspective about this. Thank you for allowing me to go on like this, Tony. You're very welcome. Because I wish I was getting kind of hysterical just like Tom there for a while. Okay. We have Jim in Springfield who is playing the game with us, too. Hi, Jim.
[00:03:48] Speaker D: Yeah, hi, Norm.
[00:03:50] Speaker B: How you doing?
[00:03:50] Speaker D: Okay. I want to open my mouth, too, Tony. I've been waiting almost an hour.
[00:03:56] Speaker B: I know. He has been. And he's calling from Springfield, which is also a long distance paid call.
[00:04:02] Speaker D: Yes, and I'm very upset also, just like the guy from Virginia. But I just want to say I'm going to play the Bertha game and this will be the absolute last time I call wbz.
[00:04:16] Speaker B: Oh, I feel so bad, Jim. We've alienated you and you sound like a really nice person and I hate myself for that.
[00:04:24] Speaker C: You know, we take the calls in order and we try to. To take the long distance.
[00:04:28] Speaker D: That's what I was wondering.
[00:04:29] Speaker B: I know. We. We really do. We really do, Jim. We try to be fair, but.
[00:04:33] Speaker D: Right. You don't jockey the calls at all?
[00:04:35] Speaker B: Absolutely not.
[00:04:36] Speaker C: No.
[00:04:38] Speaker D: Okay. I just. Well, I'm upset and I have the right to ask that question.
[00:04:42] Speaker B: No, it's a good question and you certainly have a right to upset. Dash that.
[00:04:46] Speaker C: And I'm sorry. No, I just wanted to say I wasn't referring to, you know, the complaint about waiting so much as the complaint about calling when there's open lines and the phone just rings and rings and rings. Yeah, we, you know, thing a little more than answering the phones. Go on. That. That was my only problem. Everyone has a right to be upset, to be on hold all that time.
[00:05:04] Speaker B: Also, also, when the phone rings and nobody answers, that's a little less phone bill you have to pay sometimes. No, sometimes I think especially Raleigh does that. He allows the phone to ring so that you don't have to, you know, you don't have to pay the freight until you actually pretty much go on the air.
[00:05:21] Speaker D: Yeah, right. Well, I just want to say that, you know, I just am upset and I will never call again.
[00:05:26] Speaker B: Oh, don't. I hope you'll. I hope you'll reconsider because I have a feeling we're gonna have fun with you. You're gonna enjoy this. And it probably, you know, and actually, this time of the night, from Springfield to Boston, I don't think the bill's gonna be all that big, but probably.
[00:05:41] Speaker D: Yeah, it probably will.
[00:05:42] Speaker B: It's. This is the cheapest rates of all right now. And we'll go whoopee, do. And please do call again, Doctor.
[00:05:48] Speaker C: The game, Norm. Give him the answers.
[00:05:50] Speaker B: Okay. That's right.
[00:05:51] Speaker C: We'll pay him off.
[00:05:52] Speaker B: That's right. What we'll do is we'll swing the game in his favor. We have. Our producer for tonight is Garrett.
[00:06:00] Speaker C: Garrett, your voice has changed.
[00:06:02] Speaker B: Hold. Hold on. Hold on a minute. Because apparently we'll cancel that. No, no, don't hang up, Jim.
[00:06:07] Speaker D: No, I didn't. You probably thought I hung up the audience.
[00:06:12] Speaker B: No. Okay, now we have. We have a. We have Walter Lipchitz, who's in production today, and we're not doing.
We are. So it's kind of a makeshift. I mean, it's a new staff and we got some iron. Some things to iron out.
[00:06:28] Speaker D: Yeah. How about my pants?
[00:06:31] Speaker B: Anything to keep you on our good side.
I don't want to lose you, Jim, as a customer. You're a good customer.
[00:06:37] Speaker D: You're doing a good job now, making me feel better.
[00:06:40] Speaker B: Okay. Because of your business, we made a profit last year in our ironing business.
[00:06:45] Speaker D: Our own company. I know.
[00:06:46] Speaker B: Oh, I don't want to make a profit for them. I really don't. I'm not a fan of theirs. Listen, I'll introduce you to a very sensuous lady who's now wearing a kind of dress and everything. Will drive you crazy. And this. This will help you, Jim. A lot. Hey, Ruth.
[00:07:01] Speaker E: Wrong. Oh, hi.
[00:07:03] Speaker B: Hi. Just go along with me, Ruth. Don't fight.
[00:07:06] Speaker E: I'm wearing a negligee.
[00:07:08] Speaker D: Oh, really?
[00:07:09] Speaker B: That's right. What color is it?
[00:07:11] Speaker E: Black.
[00:07:12] Speaker D: Oh. Can I have your phone later? Later.
[00:07:15] Speaker E: No, I'm accidentally.
[00:07:16] Speaker B: I think we've. I think we've appeased Jim. Okay.
[00:07:19] Speaker E: May I please write you in President?
[00:07:22] Speaker D: I second that vote.
[00:07:24] Speaker B: I. I'm just so sick of people screaming. People. You know, because I. I really love politics. And I probably screamed, too, but enough is enough.
I'm sick to death of this New Hampshire primary, and it hasn't even been held yet.
[00:07:36] Speaker E: I'm gonna vote for you. And Tony will, too. So you have two votes already, Norm.
[00:07:41] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:07:41] Speaker D: Ruth.
[00:07:42] Speaker E: Yes.
[00:07:42] Speaker D: I have a confession to make.
[00:07:44] Speaker E: Who's this? Jim?
[00:07:45] Speaker D: Yes.
[00:07:46] Speaker E: Yes.
[00:07:46] Speaker D: I'm wearing a black negligee, too.
[00:07:50] Speaker B: You're ready. You're ready for the.
[00:07:52] Speaker E: Sally got him in a good mood.
[00:07:53] Speaker B: You're ready for the. You're ready for the Sally Jesse Raphael Show.
[00:07:57] Speaker D: Yeah, I couldn't resist.
[00:08:01] Speaker E: I'll take your phone number.
[00:08:03] Speaker B: And if you want to make love to a porcupine, then you're ready for the talk show.
We also have with us Eric, who's up in Portland, Maine, by the way. Eric. Hi.
[00:08:14] Speaker F: Hi. How are you?
[00:08:15] Speaker B: Hey, good. Thank you. We finally got in touch with you and everything.
[00:08:18] Speaker F: Yeah. Yeah. Apparently you've been trying to call me.
[00:08:21] Speaker B: Yeah. What is it?
[00:08:22] Speaker F: My phone was.
[00:08:24] Speaker B: Your phone was not ringing.
[00:08:25] Speaker F: No, I called in, but since everyone else is calling long distance, I will as well.
[00:08:30] Speaker B: Okay, I appreciate that. And again, I will put in a good word for the phone company to give you a reduced rate.
[00:08:36] Speaker F: Well, thank you. I'm sorry I started that big political discussion.
[00:08:40] Speaker B: I forgot. That's so long ago. I forgot about that. Okay. We also have with us the very. Let's see. Can I get Jack on the line? I don't seem to have his button here. You. Pardon the expression.
Are you there, Jack? Yeah. Okay.
[00:08:54] Speaker G: And I'm sitting here. Underwear.
[00:08:57] Speaker E: What color?
[00:08:59] Speaker G: It's just your basic white DVDs.
[00:09:02] Speaker B: It's jockey shorts, and it's really sick. And not even that.
[00:09:05] Speaker D: Oh, this is the Fruit of the Loom, guys.
[00:09:07] Speaker G: Pair of dirty socks, my feet up.
[00:09:10] Speaker B: Okay. And of course, the way I'm sitting here, my usual costume with my red. The black cape with a red velvet lining, the plus four pants, the Spanish ruffle. The Spanish ruffle shirt with a green and white cummerbund on my knee socks and my sandals with my pith helmet, with a year's supply of lychee nuts in the sweatband.
[00:09:38] Speaker D: And your riding crop.
[00:09:40] Speaker B: Son of a gun. I was not going to mention the riding crop because that would get kind of kinky.
Okay, well, hold on.
[00:09:48] Speaker C: I just slipped into my silk paisley boxers.
[00:09:50] Speaker B: I don't care to discuss this any further. Okay, I think we're ready now to play. Now, we're all loosened up enough so that we're all going to fall apart in a big crumpled heap. We're going to play the dumbarty. There are tremendous amounts of people who were born on this day, February 18th. I mean, some very well known, exciting people, all of whom promised when we guessed their ages, they also would be in their black negligees, Including Jack Palance or Palance. Jack Palance. I've heard that.
[00:10:21] Speaker G: Yeah.
[00:10:21] Speaker B: Yeah, Jack Palance. Today is his birthday. Jack palace, of course, has been in a thousand movies. The most recent one, of course, would be City Slickers, where he was just absolutely great.
[00:10:32] Speaker D: He was.
[00:10:33] Speaker B: Remember, Billy Crystal said he looked like. He looked like a leather bag with eyes. He. Such rough skin and everything. Really tough old bugger. He was absolutely great in that. That was a lovely movie. Anyway, I really enjoyed that.
[00:10:46] Speaker D: I just saw it over the weekend and I would have to. I don't like Billy Crystal, but I thought it was just going to be a movie about horses and cows. But it was much more. And it was a. You're right, normal. It was a great movie.
[00:10:59] Speaker B: And even if I didn't like it, Jim, just to pacify, I'd say that.
[00:11:03] Speaker D: I have to call up and complain more often.
[00:11:07] Speaker B: I'm going to comb my hair and everything for you, Jim, because I want to keep you as a customer. We depend upon you here at our variety store.
[00:11:15] Speaker D: Thank you.
[00:11:16] Speaker B: Okay, okay. Jack Palance. Now, Tony, how old do you think Jack Palance is today?
[00:11:21] Speaker C: He's 69.
[00:11:24] Speaker B: 69 years old, says Tony, the first guest, as we kick off the dumb birthday game for this February 18th. Jim, what do you think?
[00:11:34] Speaker D: 69. I think he has socks that are older than that.
[00:11:39] Speaker B: We're laughing at your jokes and everything. We want to keep you desperately, Chuck.
[00:11:44] Speaker D: Well, I promise you that I will call on next week. Week already? You've already sold me. Okay, so now you can hang up on me.
[00:11:51] Speaker B: We wouldn't do that, Jim.
[00:11:53] Speaker D: I'll say he's 70.
[00:11:57] Speaker B: God, I hope he wins this first round.
[00:12:01] Speaker D: You have the pencil in hand and you're ready to change the.
[00:12:06] Speaker B: I'm ready to put. To write down the actual number, no matter what you say. I'll say we have the WBZ weather stick ready to go out to you.
[00:12:16] Speaker D: I'll say he's 74 and a half. No, I'll say he's 75.
[00:12:22] Speaker B: 75. Okay. And Eric, up there in the beautiful city of Portland.
[00:12:28] Speaker F: Yeah. I've never heard of him, but I'll say 72.
[00:12:31] Speaker B: You never heard of Jack Palance?
[00:12:32] Speaker F: No.
[00:12:33] Speaker B: Big guy with high cheekbones.
[00:12:35] Speaker F: I'm a youngster, remember?
[00:12:36] Speaker B: No, no, but he was just. He's in City Slickers. That's. That's a new movie.
[00:12:40] Speaker D: Okay, well.
[00:12:43] Speaker F: I'll sleep 72, however.
[00:12:45] Speaker B: Okay. And that's a good young guess.
Okay, Ruth, what do you think?
[00:12:49] Speaker E: I think 73.
[00:12:51] Speaker B: You know, that black negligee is driving me crazy.
[00:12:54] Speaker D: Ruth is. You still have yours on?
[00:12:56] Speaker E: Yeah, well, of course.
[00:12:58] Speaker G: Okay, I still have mine, but her shoulder is exposed under a blank.
[00:13:02] Speaker B: Oh, under a blank.
[00:13:03] Speaker E: But it's getting hot.
[00:13:07] Speaker B: Okay. And Jack, what do you think? Oh, Jack Delaney. Yeah.
[00:13:14] Speaker G: Gee, he could be a number of ages. I understand that for his next movie, he's not going to be playing quite the outdoorsy type. So in order to get him ready for the role, they're going to have to sprinkle him with. With Accent Meat Tenderizer to soften up that leathery skin.
[00:13:28] Speaker B: That's right. They're throwing. They're throwing raw meat into his cage at this very moment.
[00:13:34] Speaker G: He's 74.
[00:13:37] Speaker B: 74. Remember that line Billy Crystal says to him.
I forget what his character name was. And he said, have you killed anybody today? And Jack Palance says, but the day ain't over yet.
That was a great move. Anyway, Jack Palance, his actual age is 72. Eric from Portland, Maine, who Never heard of him and who's a young plum kid. Guessed it right on the butt.
[00:14:04] Speaker F: What a guess.
[00:14:05] Speaker C: Hey, wait a minute. I think. Did Jim say that, too? Yeah, I think he did.
[00:14:09] Speaker B: Jim's. Jim said very. Jim is going to win the next round. Okay, but Eric got the. Got the 72. How about Molly Ringwald? Oh, oh, I like Molly Ringwald. Okay, we'll start with Jack.
[00:14:23] Speaker C: I just gave my shots dog. Yeah, I just gave my shots dogs for that. I just gave my dog shots for that.
[00:14:28] Speaker B: For Ringwald. That's right.
Especially in the summertime when the mosquitoes are biting. You have to get Ringwall. That's true. True. Jack, what do you think? How old is Molly Ringwald today?
Molly Ringwald. Molly Ringwald. She.
[00:14:45] Speaker G: Oh, she could be a number of ages, too.
[00:14:48] Speaker B: She could be and, yeah, I'll say she's 26.
26 years. Oh, says Jack. And that goes up on the tote board. And Ruth, what do you think?
[00:15:05] Speaker E: Exactly what I was going to say.
[00:15:07] Speaker B: You want to still.
[00:15:08] Speaker E: You can still say that day with Jack.
[00:15:10] Speaker B: Okay, 26 years old. And Eric, who won our first round, is about ready to guess on the second round. How old is Molly Ringwald?
[00:15:19] Speaker F: I'll say 27.
[00:15:21] Speaker B: 27. Just to keep away a little bit. Make a distance between Ruth and Jack and himself and. Very good. I get your strategy. I like to explain it like sports announcers do when they're watching a football game or something and they say the obvious. Anyway, Jim in Springfield. Good luck to you, Jim, because we're rooting for you. We want you to win this one.
[00:15:42] Speaker D: I know you are, Norm, but can.
[00:15:44] Speaker B: I give you a piece of my sponge cake?
[00:15:48] Speaker D: No, I'll take the whole thing.
[00:15:50] Speaker B: You can have the whole cake. I'll make another one. While you're eating it, I'll make another one with some.
Some java tea.
[00:15:58] Speaker D: You can't believe what just happened. Well, you made me laugh, Norm, with the.
[00:16:03] Speaker B: I'll come out to Springfield and bring it to you. Jim, I want you to stay with us.
[00:16:08] Speaker D: No, I just wanted to tell you that you made me laugh when you're talking about the sponge cake. And I burnt a hole in my negligee. I dropped my cigar.
Oh, what a trap. What a thought.
[00:16:23] Speaker C: Somehow leave that in the sweat now.
[00:16:25] Speaker B: Yeah, I know, somehow.
[00:16:26] Speaker G: Oh, a cigar burning a negligee. Nothing. Nothing more exciting than that.
[00:16:30] Speaker D: They'll love that down at the dry cleaners. I'll say she's 25.
[00:16:35] Speaker B: I forgot what we were talking about.
Okay, Molly Spring. Molly Springwald from ringfield is at 25. Okay. And, Tony, what do you think?
[00:16:49] Speaker C: I'm gonna go with 25 also.
[00:16:51] Speaker B: 25, Tony.
[00:16:52] Speaker C: Something else, but I'll say 25.
[00:16:54] Speaker B: You always say that.
[00:16:55] Speaker C: No, no, I'll give you my reason once you give the answer.
[00:16:57] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:16:58] Speaker G: And she is something else.
[00:17:00] Speaker B: You like? You like Molly Springwald? No, no, no.
[00:17:02] Speaker G: I think he's kind of funny looking, actually.
[00:17:04] Speaker B: Okay, Molly Ringwald, actually. And that's a game we used to play in the streets of Everett while we were jumping rope. Molly. Molly Ringwald had a belly in her jelly.
[00:17:14] Speaker D: Anyway, you better stick to the sponge cake.
[00:17:18] Speaker B: I think so. Molly Ringwald is actually 24 years old.
[00:17:22] Speaker C: Oh, now, now.
[00:17:23] Speaker B: Which means what I was going to say. Wait a minute. It means that. Well, it means that you, Tony, and you, Jim.
[00:17:29] Speaker C: Exactly.
But that's why. That's why I agreed with them, because I didn't want to win by myself.
[00:17:37] Speaker D: I wanted him to win, too.
[00:17:38] Speaker B: Okay, so you both came the closest, saying 25 years old.
[00:17:41] Speaker D: I'm nice, Tony.
[00:17:43] Speaker C: Thank you.
[00:17:44] Speaker B: Tony never sleeps. Because.
That's right. No, it isn't just a question of that. Tony's theory is I'm having a lot of fun. Okay, now Tony's. Tony's theory is life goes by so quickly. Let's grasp. Let's grasp every single moment. Let's grab for the something of that nature. Jim likes it. Hey, Jim likes it. He's okay. And not only that, we're winning him over. Everybody.
[00:18:10] Speaker D: Tony is very perspicacious.
[00:18:13] Speaker B: I like that word, too. I like that word. It fits exactly.
[00:18:16] Speaker E: Jim, if he wins, why don't you give him a gift certificate to Fredericks of Hollywood?
[00:18:21] Speaker B: That's right. That might be fun. That's it. I'd like.
[00:18:25] Speaker D: And Rube, you and I. I'll share it with you.
[00:18:27] Speaker E: Okay. We're going to go on the Geraldo show.
[00:18:29] Speaker B: Okay. Jim, I'd love to see you in your spike heels.
I think I'm getting more sponge cake.
[00:18:37] Speaker D: And I'll show you.
[00:18:39] Speaker B: Okay, how about. Let's see. How about Yoko Ono? Yoko Ono, married to the late John Lennon and a woman who is incredible for her extremely great lack of talent in any direction.
Incredible how she survived. If she hadn't I mentioned earlier, she had not married Jack Lennon. John Lennon.
She probably today would be wandering the streets of Tokyo looking for a handout.
[00:19:08] Speaker D: That was the funniest thing I heard you say, Norm, in a long time. I laughed hilariously when you said that tonight.
[00:19:14] Speaker B: Thank you very much. I once said something funny back in 1932 while making a visit to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, but it never did top that one.
[00:19:22] Speaker E: She got some great reviews on her lp, though. The worst singer in the world, and.
[00:19:28] Speaker B: Rightly so, next to Molly. Ringworm. Ringworm. That's right. Eric, how old do you think Yoko ono is today?
[00:19:36] Speaker F: 59.
[00:19:37] Speaker B: 59. Of course, you're a young guy, so you don't really care and know who she is.
[00:19:41] Speaker F: Oh, oh, certainly the Beatles are my favorite.
[00:19:44] Speaker B: Oh, okay, okay. 59 says, and what do you say, Ruth?
Is that what you say? Eh?
How would that translate into a number?
[00:19:58] Speaker E: 57.
[00:19:59] Speaker B: 57.
Okay. And let's see, Jack, what do you say?
[00:20:07] Speaker G: Oh, the woman with a lovely piercing voice, she.
[00:20:11] Speaker B: 56. 56. And what do you say, Tony?
[00:20:16] Speaker C: Oh, no, me now.
[00:20:18] Speaker B: Huh?
[00:20:18] Speaker D: Oh, no, that's Indian.
[00:20:20] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:20:24] Speaker C: Oh, 56.
[00:20:27] Speaker B: 56.
[00:20:28] Speaker C: I'll be with Jack.
[00:20:29] Speaker D: Yes.
[00:20:29] Speaker B: Okay, with. Same as Jack said in.
[00:20:31] Speaker C: Tag Along With Jack.
[00:20:32] Speaker B: Tag Along With Jack. And that's. That's our theme song.
[00:20:36] Speaker C: That was my first children's book, by the way.
[00:20:38] Speaker B: Tag along with Jack.
[00:20:40] Speaker G: It was all about yoko Ono being 56 years old.
[00:20:43] Speaker B: That's right. That was the main plot line. Jim, what do you say? How old is Yoko?
[00:20:48] Speaker D: I agree with you, Norm. When I see Yoko Ono, I think of her as something like Methuselah, and I'll say she's about 2,500 years old.
[00:20:58] Speaker B: Okay, so we round that out to about 54. To about 54. Okay.
[00:21:05] Speaker G: Oh, when I see Yoko Ono, I think of someone shaving a cat with a dull razor.
[00:21:12] Speaker B: I don't even know.
[00:21:13] Speaker D: With a blindfold on.
[00:21:14] Speaker G: With a blindfold.
[00:21:16] Speaker B: Okay. We're going to now check the birth records of Yoko Ono, and her actual age is exactly what Eric said, 59 years old.
[00:21:28] Speaker E: Oh, you're just wonderful.
[00:21:32] Speaker B: That's Garrett. We got a new producer, Garrett Jernigan, and he's contributing to the program in a lustful manner like that. And we thank you very much, Garrett. Now get the hell out of here. I want to see you again.
Okay, Norm. Yes.
[00:21:48] Speaker F: Believe it or not, I wasn't a guess. I knew the answer.
[00:21:51] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Disqualified.
[00:21:53] Speaker B: No, you said it so positively. I kind of guess. And Jack Palance, you guessed right on the button. That I had no idea about. You had no idea about him. Okay, Because I thought when you said, you're just a young guy, how would you know him? I thought maybe you're just fooling us. Okay, so Eric actually has two. You, Jim. Jim has one I'll take. Thanks to me, Tony has won, and Jack and Ruth haven't yet come to bat.
[00:22:19] Speaker E: Jack, we got to go play in the traffic.
[00:22:23] Speaker B: Sybil shepherd is. Was born on February 18, also. Sybil Shepherd.
[00:22:28] Speaker E: Wow.
[00:22:28] Speaker B: Okay, so we'll guess Sybil Shepherd's age. She. She. She's had an interesting career for a while out of the movies, and she made one jazz album, was singing jazz in her hometown of what? Is that Nashville or not Nashville.
[00:22:42] Speaker C: No, Memphis.
[00:22:43] Speaker B: No, Memphis. I think it was Memphis. Yes, I think that's right. I think so. And she put out an album. It wasn't bad. Wasn't a bad album, and I thought she'd stick to that, and suddenly she came up with this TV series she has now.
[00:22:56] Speaker D: Is she the one that was in Texasville? That movie?
[00:23:00] Speaker B: Yes, she was. She was also in another movie.
Well, I'LL think of the title later on.
[00:23:06] Speaker G: Meantime, the Last Picture Show.
[00:23:08] Speaker C: Thank you.
[00:23:09] Speaker B: Last Picture show in Texasville with the sequel.
[00:23:11] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:23:13] Speaker G: She was also in a great movie with Charles Grodin. Must be.
[00:23:17] Speaker B: That's the one I'm trying to think of. That was a great.
No, no, it wasn't. Into the Night.
[00:23:22] Speaker G: He was. He was a newlywed and.
[00:23:24] Speaker B: And he met her on the beach. And he met her. Suddenly this said Amazon. This fantastic looking woman shows up in her bathing suit. Drove me crazy, I tell you.
[00:23:34] Speaker G: Charles Grodin's wife gets big stings and her head swells up and she has to stay.
[00:23:38] Speaker B: Who was his wife? His wife was a well known actress.
The woman who played his wife in that movie.
[00:23:46] Speaker D: That was a movie?
[00:23:47] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:23:48] Speaker D: TV movie.
[00:23:48] Speaker B: No, no, it was a theater movie.
[00:23:50] Speaker D: Because I see every movie made.
[00:23:53] Speaker B: No, civil.
[00:23:54] Speaker G: This is. This must be 1971 at the latest.
[00:23:56] Speaker B: Yeah, it's an old movie. Charles Grodin, one of my very favorite actors, was in that.
[00:24:01] Speaker D: He was good. Midnight Run.
[00:24:02] Speaker B: Oh, he was. That was excellent with the Robert De Niro excellent movie. One of. That's another one of my favorites.
[00:24:08] Speaker D: Yeah, I love that movie too.
[00:24:09] Speaker B: No, is this Jim? Yes, I love that movie too. Jim.
[00:24:14] Speaker D: I'm still waiting for that sponge cake we have.
[00:24:17] Speaker B: A courier is on his way over now. He's. I think right now he's a new negligee. That's right. Right now he's coming down New Salem. He's heading for Amherst and he's on his way to Springfield.
[00:24:29] Speaker G: Well, maybe with that cigar burn hole he gets a little bit of a nice extra breeze.
[00:24:34] Speaker D: Can you smell it? It's getting thick in here.
[00:24:37] Speaker B: Okay, Cybill shepherd, let's start with you, Ruth. How old do you think Cybill shepherd is?
[00:24:41] Speaker E: Thanks a lot.
I think she's older than she is. 48.
[00:24:49] Speaker B: 48. Okay. And let me ask you, Jim, what do you think?
[00:24:55] Speaker D: 48? I'd say 48. I think that's for me, that's a little too old. That's about the time you get your second facelift. And I think she's only on her first, so I'll say she's about 42.
[00:25:11] Speaker B: About 42.
Okay. And let me ask you, Jack, what do you say?
[00:25:17] Speaker G: I'd say she was a Youthful and delightful 47.
[00:25:22] Speaker B: A youthful and delightful 47. Just so darn well put.
[00:25:27] Speaker G: Just seems so full of it.
[00:25:29] Speaker B: Don't you though? Okay, Eric, what do you say?
[00:25:33] Speaker F: 46.
[00:25:34] Speaker B: 46. And Tony, you know, it's amazing that.
[00:25:38] Speaker C: She'S had such a Great career. Having to overcome all those hurdles of those multiple personalities.
[00:25:44] Speaker B: Who was she? Ron?
[00:25:46] Speaker C: Sybil. I'm sorry.
[00:25:47] Speaker B: Cybill Shepherd. Used to. She used to live with. She lived with. What was the name of that movie producer?
What's his name?
[00:25:54] Speaker G: Peter Bogdanovich.
[00:25:55] Speaker D: Norman Jewison.
[00:25:56] Speaker G: No, no, not Peter Bogdanovich.
[00:25:58] Speaker B: Yeah, Bogdanovich. That's right. Peter Bogdanovich. She could today, if things worked out, she could be Sybil Bogdanovich.
But. Oh, no, she just threw that away.
[00:26:08] Speaker G: Well, you know, it's. It's actually fitting that today should be. I believe today is the full moon. And she had that. That. That fine program. Moon lighting.
[00:26:17] Speaker B: That's right. You're right. That's a very good tie in. That's very good.
[00:26:23] Speaker D: Very crisp.
[00:26:25] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:26:25] Speaker G: You know, she. She was well known for making pastry. Shepherd's pie was known all over her neighborhood.
[00:26:31] Speaker C: You can stop now, thank you.
[00:26:33] Speaker B: Jack, you're losing us now. Just back up.
Okay, Tony, how old? 46.
[00:26:38] Speaker F: I'll say.
[00:26:39] Speaker B: 46. 46. Okay.
[00:26:40] Speaker C: Along with Jack again, the sequel to my book.
[00:26:42] Speaker B: Okay, well, I'm pleased to say that the actual age of civil shepherd on this very day, February 18, is the same as Jim, the owner of my wonderful sponge cake. She's 42. That is wild. I did not know that.
40. 42 years old today. That means that I told her she.
[00:27:03] Speaker D: Was only on her first face list.
[00:27:05] Speaker E: She's been around a long time.
[00:27:06] Speaker H: 42.
[00:27:07] Speaker G: She's been 42 for a long time.
[00:27:08] Speaker D: I can't believe it.
[00:27:11] Speaker B: What a bunch of bitter people. On this panel tonight, Jim and Eric both are now tie.
[00:27:17] Speaker D: Well, you would be upset. That too. Norma, if you put a hole in your necklace with a cigar, you're never.
[00:27:22] Speaker B: Going to drop that, are you, Jim?
[00:27:24] Speaker E: I'm taking mine off.
[00:27:26] Speaker B: I think we have to.
[00:27:27] Speaker D: Oh, you are?
Holy Collier just turned from Springfield. Anyway, he's on the way to your house.
[00:27:33] Speaker B: Yeah. Ruth, please hold yourself back, for God's sakes. I may be an old guy, but I still have fire in my loins.
[00:27:41] Speaker E: I'm leaving. Deliver the sponge cake.
[00:27:44] Speaker D: There might be snow on the roof, but there's a fire in the stove.
[00:27:47] Speaker B: Oh, God, I haven't heard that since the old Howard closed.
Juice Newton, the singer. Juice Newton.
Yeah. And Juice is an appropriate name. Have you noticed? On those?
[00:27:59] Speaker G: Yeah, because she loves fruit.
[00:28:00] Speaker B: Oh, stop it. In those. What do they call those informational kind of commercial things?
[00:28:07] Speaker D: Infomercials.
[00:28:08] Speaker B: What do they call them?
[00:28:09] Speaker D: Infomercials.
[00:28:10] Speaker B: Infomercials. Yeah. There's a big thing on with juice. Various juicers kind of stuff.
[00:28:15] Speaker D: Yeah. And they're from Newton.
[00:28:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, I suppose if Juice Newton. Wait a minute. I think we're onto something here. If Juice Newton married Wayne Newton, married Wayne Newton, divorced him and married Elton John, and divorced him and married George Newton, would she be Newton?
[00:28:44] Speaker E: Isaac Newton?
[00:28:46] Speaker B: John's Newton. And John's Newton. John. Wait a minute. I think I missed something. You think?
[00:28:52] Speaker C: John Newton.
[00:28:53] Speaker E: Olivia Newton.
[00:28:54] Speaker D: But no, I can't Fig Newton that out.
[00:28:59] Speaker C: I can't figure out.
[00:29:01] Speaker G: It's just a figment of your imagination.
[00:29:03] Speaker E: His brother named Isaac.
[00:29:04] Speaker D: It's an apparition.
[00:29:06] Speaker B: You know that Fig Newton was named after Newton, the city of Newton here. You know that?
[00:29:10] Speaker D: Yes, I do.
[00:29:11] Speaker B: I'm sorry that I brought that up.
[00:29:12] Speaker G: Because where did the fig part come from?
[00:29:16] Speaker B: It is a fig. It's made out of figs, the fruit of fig. Anyway, Juice Newton, I think that's what we're talking about. Let's ask. Let's see. Let's see. Let's ask Jim to take the first shot. Yeah. Because you haven't taken the first shot yet.
[00:29:30] Speaker D: I know. And of all the people, you have to ask, can I take the first one the next time or has to be now.
[00:29:35] Speaker B: Whatever you want, Jim. You're our guest today.
Whatever gets you to close.
[00:29:40] Speaker C: He's got to use his power now.
[00:29:42] Speaker B: No, no, actually, you're. You're. You really, it's your. You have to go first.
[00:29:46] Speaker D: I have to go first.
That's a girl, right?
[00:29:49] Speaker B: It's a girl singer. Yes.
[00:29:51] Speaker D: Oh, brother. I haven't got but a clue, so I'll just say 34.
[00:29:58] Speaker B: 34. You put that in the form of a question, and that's the way we do it on Jeopardy.
Okay. You know what her real name is? This is when I just noticed that figure.
[00:30:08] Speaker E: Isaac.
[00:30:09] Speaker B: No, no, no. Her name is. Her real name is Judy Cohen.
[00:30:13] Speaker D: No kidding.
[00:30:14] Speaker B: That's what it says. It. Judy Cohen.
[00:30:15] Speaker E: We won't hold that against her.
[00:30:17] Speaker B: And she was born in Virginia Beach, Virginia, February 18. I won't tell you the year because that's what we're guessing. Of course. And I will ask you, Ruth, how old you think juice Newton is?
[00:30:30] Speaker E: 32.
[00:30:31] Speaker B: 32. Okay. Tony.
Oh, I say Judy Cohen.
I say Judy Cohen for real names because I have a cousin named Judy Cohen. Oh, I think everybody probably has a cousin named Judy Cohen. I've got three. What's that?
[00:30:47] Speaker E: Maybe Juice Newton's your cousin and you don't know it.
[00:30:50] Speaker B: That could be the same one.
Yeah. I never thought of that. Who's guessing, though? I lost my place.
[00:30:57] Speaker C: I didn't want to interrupt. It was me, Tony.
[00:30:59] Speaker B: Oh, Tony, that's right.
[00:31:00] Speaker C: Okay, 37.
[00:31:03] Speaker B: 37, okay. And Jack.
[00:31:08] Speaker G: Oh, 37 sounds about right.
[00:31:11] Speaker B: 37.
[00:31:12] Speaker F: And Eric, I'm gonna go with Mr. Benny's answer. 39.
[00:31:18] Speaker B: Did you say, you know, 39?
[00:31:21] Speaker F: Yes, that's what I said.
[00:31:25] Speaker B: You know, you're playing the game with this. A man from, you know, Springfield.
A wonderful, wonderful man.
I wonder. I wonder, you know, if he likes sponge cake.
Rochester, make him some sponge cake.
Oh, God, am I overdoing this? I'm getting nauseous.
[00:31:54] Speaker F: That's great.
[00:31:55] Speaker D: You're very good, Norm.
[00:31:56] Speaker B: Thank you very much. I appreciate that.
[00:31:58] Speaker D: From now on, I'm going to call you Jack.
[00:32:01] Speaker B: Well, cut that out. Okay, the actual age of Juice Newton. I think this frivolity has gone on. We must get serious and solemn, just like the talk shows. And I believe, okay, Juice Newton's actual age is 40.
So that means that Tony. Who said 40? No, wait a minute. Wait a minute. No, it's not Tony. It's Eric. Eric.
That's right. He said 39. How can I forget that?
There we go. Okay.
Eric's. Eric says 39. Eric now has three prizes for the zeros.
We should do that, I suppose, for the. For the most stupid, awful answer.
[00:32:41] Speaker E: Well, so far I'm winning.
[00:32:43] Speaker B: That's right. You. You. Well, you and Jack both would share.
[00:32:46] Speaker G: That right up by myself.
[00:32:48] Speaker B: But Eric has three correct answers. Jim has two.
Tony has one.
How about John Travolta? The hits keep coming, huh? John Travolta was born on February 18, also. And let's start with you, Tony.
[00:33:06] Speaker C: John Travolta, eh?
[00:33:08] Speaker B: John Travolta. Yeah. Reminds me of myself when I was younger and used to wear white suits to Hebrew school.
I remember the rabbi saying, oh, one day you'll be a wonderful dancer.
But right now you're a rotten Hebrew student.
[00:33:30] Speaker D: No, never.
[00:33:31] Speaker B: I'm sorry. He never had an accent. He never talked like that. He was born in Methuen.
Oh, he.
[00:33:40] Speaker C: I'll say 41.
[00:33:46] Speaker B: 41 for John Travolta. Do you remember him? On. On. What was that?
[00:33:51] Speaker G: Welcome back, Cotter.
[00:33:52] Speaker B: Yeah, you're welcome back, Barbarino with a big Gabe Kaplan. That was a. That was a funny show. Okay, 41, Jim, what do you say?
[00:34:01] Speaker D: I'll say.
I'll say. I don't think his polyester suits are quite that old.
[00:34:09] Speaker B: Not as old as 41, eh?
[00:34:10] Speaker D: No, I'll say he's 39.
[00:34:17] Speaker B: I don't think I got anything left for that.
Okay, we'll just say 39 years old. Okay, 39.
Oh, Rochester, would you warm up? You know the. Max.
[00:34:36] Speaker D: We gotta bring some sponge cake out.
[00:34:38] Speaker B: To gym with Maxwell House. Coffee and sponge cake.
God, what a treat.
I think I'm getting pretty good at this.
[00:34:49] Speaker D: You are?
[00:34:49] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:34:50] Speaker D: I'm getting real hungry now.
[00:34:51] Speaker B: Okay. If you. If you could work in Arthur Godfrey. I do a swell one, but hardly anybody remembers what he sounded like.
[00:34:58] Speaker G: And as Ukulele.
[00:35:00] Speaker B: And his ukulele. That's all the encouragement I need to go into my imitation.
Eric. Eric is too young. He doesn't even remember Jack Benny, let alone.
That's right. Hardly remembers, say, Ronald Reagan.
Who remembers Ronald Reagan anyway?
[00:35:24] Speaker E: Can I be a name dropper?
[00:35:26] Speaker B: You want to be a name dropper?
[00:35:28] Speaker E: I went when I worked for the record company. I went to the Kenilworth Hotel in Florida with the Maguire sisters and worked with them for a week. With Arthur Godfrey.
[00:35:39] Speaker B: With Arthur Godfrey.
[00:35:40] Speaker E: Very strict man.
[00:35:42] Speaker B: Well, I tried to. I tried to put my programs together in a worthwhile way.
[00:35:47] Speaker E: Called him Mr. Godfrey.
[00:35:49] Speaker B: Mr. Godfrey.
[00:35:50] Speaker D: I bet you didn't wear a negligee back then.
[00:35:53] Speaker E: No, but the Maguire.
[00:35:54] Speaker D: Neither did I.
[00:35:55] Speaker B: That's right.
What was the name? The one in the middle. Phyllis. Oh, Phyllis. Phyllis. If you want to wear a negligee, it's all right.
[00:36:06] Speaker E: I heard you the other night when you called Vegas out there and they were appearing there also.
[00:36:11] Speaker B: That's right.
[00:36:12] Speaker G: They wear a negligees.
[00:36:13] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:36:13] Speaker E: Well, they live. Phyllis lives out there.
[00:36:16] Speaker B: Joe Williams lives out there, too. There are a number of performers. Do they live right near the golf course and stuff?
[00:36:21] Speaker D: Oh, no, I'm not.
[00:36:22] Speaker B: I don't know why I say that, except that if you don't. If. If you know, who knows whether they really do or not. I made that up.
[00:36:28] Speaker E: She does, though, remember? She went with Sam Giancana.
[00:36:31] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:36:32] Speaker E: And he left her when he departed. He left her his house. And she has a Lear jet. And she has anything she wants.
[00:36:41] Speaker B: I would think so.
[00:36:43] Speaker E: Does, matter of fact, with Frank Sinatra. Came here one time. She flew him here in her private play.
[00:36:49] Speaker B: Oh, my.
[00:36:49] Speaker E: I know a lot of those little. Gossipy.
[00:36:51] Speaker B: That's. That's really swell. Stuffy. You can go on the Joan Rivers Show.
[00:36:55] Speaker E: Gossip, gossip, gossip.
[00:36:57] Speaker B: Yeah. Hey, Eric, how old do you think John Travolta is?
[00:37:00] Speaker F: 42.
[00:37:01] Speaker B: 42. And Ruth?
[00:37:03] Speaker E: I think he's 40.
[00:37:06] Speaker B: And Jack.
[00:37:07] Speaker G: Yeah, I think I'll go with a straight 40.
[00:37:09] Speaker B: 40. Also. Also. Okay. The actual age Of John travolta is actually 38.
That means that Jim. Hey, Jim.
[00:37:20] Speaker G: Love it.
[00:37:21] Speaker E: I want 39.
[00:37:23] Speaker B: Yeah, Jim has. Jim is now leading the package.
[00:37:25] Speaker D: Are you sure he's not changing the ages there?
[00:37:28] Speaker B: No, no. John Travolta is 38. You can check that out. And you said 39. You were the closest.
[00:37:38] Speaker D: I know.
[00:37:38] Speaker B: I'm that.
[00:37:39] Speaker D: No, that reminds me, if I go to Atlantic City and can I call you collect on one of our. On. On.
When you're on one of those shows like on a Sunday or whatever, you do that.
[00:37:55] Speaker B: No, Jim.
I want to be friends with you, Jim. But you know, there's a limit to it. Don't push it too far, Jim. Give me back my. Give me back my spot.
[00:38:07] Speaker G: And while he's away, would you stop in and make sure his dog has food and water the plants?
[00:38:12] Speaker B: That's right.
[00:38:14] Speaker D: You would like that kind of a call from the.
[00:38:17] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. No, no. Oh, sure. If you have an interesting story to tell, work it out with Tony now because Tony's the one who actually accept a call and he's the one who's called into the front office. If there should be a lot of those kind of calls, it doesn't affect me. But Tony's the one who's on the matt.
[00:38:34] Speaker C: You know, if any night applied to. That's what I was going to say for a birthday tonight applies for me.
I was going to say 38 for Travolta, but I said, no, he's got to be 41.
[00:38:44] Speaker E: And I was really going to say 39. But 41, the last one.
[00:38:50] Speaker C: And he was 30. It was 40 and I would have won.
[00:38:53] Speaker B: So say what comes into your mind first, Tony.
[00:38:56] Speaker C: My eyes are starting to bulk. The veins are coming out of my neck.
[00:38:59] Speaker E: Yeah, but Tony, you want to have a Jack and I. Me.
[00:39:01] Speaker C: That's true. I don't feel so bad now. Thank you, Ruth.
[00:39:04] Speaker B: How about. Here's. Here's another good one. A well known person who was born on February 18th was Vanna White.
Vanna White. You talk about Yoko Ono and a lack of anything.
Although she really was nothing in that movie. What was that movie that she made? Remember that movie?
[00:39:24] Speaker G: Virgin Goddess or something?
[00:39:26] Speaker B: I'm the goddess of love.
Awful movie. If you could watch 12 minutes of that without throwing up, you. I'm sorry, I think I'm. I'm overstepping my bounds here.
[00:39:39] Speaker E: Very wealthy.
[00:39:40] Speaker B: She's probably a very nice lady, but she's got really nothing going.
[00:39:44] Speaker G: But boy, can she turn those letters.
[00:39:46] Speaker C: She'S got that wrist action on those.
[00:39:48] Speaker E: And now they have a van of white dolls. You know that.
[00:39:50] Speaker B: Oh, nice.
[00:39:51] Speaker D: I thought she was great in LA Law when the guy was calling her all these names.
[00:39:56] Speaker B: Was she at LA Law?
[00:39:58] Speaker D: I didn't see it, but they said Tourette syndrome.
[00:40:01] Speaker B: Oh, really?
[00:40:02] Speaker E: And I'm gonna bring her back on again because she did a good job.
[00:40:05] Speaker B: No kidding.
[00:40:05] Speaker E: I didn't see it.
[00:40:06] Speaker B: I didn't know that.
[00:40:07] Speaker G: She can reveal a phrase for me anytime.
[00:40:10] Speaker B: Jack, you start out, then you tell me how old Vanna white is today.
34. 34. And what do you think, Ruth?
[00:40:24] Speaker E: I just saw her the other morning on Regis and Kathy. She's got a lot of lines under her eyes. Even this morning. I'd say 32.
[00:40:33] Speaker B: 32.
[00:40:34] Speaker C: She's like counting the rings on a tree.
[00:40:36] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Got the lines under her eyes.
[00:40:38] Speaker E: She was there at the toy show with her doll and her new game.
[00:40:42] Speaker C: There was a. There's really a Vanna White doll.
[00:40:45] Speaker E: There really are still. There is a Vanna White doll. And then they have a new Wheel of Fortune game coming out that she was promoting. And it says featuring Vanna White.
[00:40:58] Speaker B: She's listed here as a TV personality on one sheet. I have on the other game show hostess. When she's brought out with the. What's his name?
[00:41:08] Speaker E: Pat Sajak.
[00:41:08] Speaker B: Pat Sajak as the co hosts on the program. He must simmer. He's the guy that does the whole show. She turns numbers anyway, she's.
[00:41:18] Speaker E: She had to half a billion dollars a year to do that.
[00:41:20] Speaker B: Does she really? She wrote a book that was a flop and a movie that was a flop.
[00:41:25] Speaker E: She's made a hit with Merv Griffin.
[00:41:28] Speaker C: A lot of people seem to have made a hit with me.
[00:41:30] Speaker B: Griffin.
[00:41:31] Speaker E: Yeah, I read that.
[00:41:32] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:41:33] Speaker G: Merv Griffin has made a few hits on a few different people.
[00:41:36] Speaker B: Even likes Pat Sajak a whole lot. But that's a whole other thing.
[00:41:40] Speaker E: Seriously, when she auditioned, there were 200 people auditioned for that and she was the winner.
[00:41:45] Speaker B: You know what? Somebody said that the reason that what Merv Griffin looked for was somebody with very pronounced extra large features in their face.
Do you feel that? Her mouth is very large and her nose and stuff and eyes, the biggest.
[00:42:01] Speaker G: Nose I've ever seen out of proportion.
[00:42:02] Speaker B: To the rest of her face.
[00:42:03] Speaker D: She has big cheeks.
[00:42:05] Speaker B: I don't know. I think we're getting rid of Caddy and Van.
She's probably big teak in New York.
[00:42:10] Speaker E: She might be listening.
[00:42:12] Speaker B: She could very well hear us, right?
[00:42:13] Speaker D: Hi, Vanna how are you?
[00:42:15] Speaker E: We love you, Vanna, and your dog.
[00:42:17] Speaker B: How about some sponge cake, sweetheart?
Eric, what do you think? How old is Vanna White?
[00:42:23] Speaker F: Oh, I think I'll go with 37.
[00:42:26] Speaker B: 37. Okay. And the.
[00:42:28] Speaker D: Jim, Norm, can you hold on a second? There's somebody at the door.
[00:42:33] Speaker B: Will you stop that? Although yesterday we were playing this, one of the people on the panel had a call on call waiting and had to leave at 3:30 in the morning.
And funny thing, it was me you.
[00:42:50] Speaker D: Were calling yourself, right?
[00:42:52] Speaker B: No, I was calling her because she sounded kind of cute. Okay. Anyway, Jim, how old is Vanna White?
[00:42:58] Speaker D: I think she is a little bit older. I think she's working on her second facelift. And I'll say she is either 41 or 42. I'll say 42. I'll say 40. No, I'm gonna say 40. Okay, 42.
[00:43:16] Speaker B: 42. Okay. And Tony, I'd like to buy a vowel.
[00:43:19] Speaker D: Norm.
[00:43:21] Speaker C: 36.
[00:43:23] Speaker B: 36. I was gonna make a joke about. We'll put the vowel here. No, let's move the vowel there.
Well, I'm glad I didn't say that because it wasn't even funny, let alone tasteless.
Vanna white actually is 35.
[00:43:40] Speaker D: Oh, wow.
[00:43:41] Speaker B: Which means that, let's see, Tony said 36.
Nobody. And Jack said 34.
[00:43:48] Speaker G: Oh, thank God.
[00:43:50] Speaker B: So Jack has broken into the win column. And that leaves Ruth with a zero. With a zero all by herself.
[00:43:57] Speaker E: I know, but look at all the info I'm giving you.
[00:43:59] Speaker B: No, you, you're. You're an entertaining guest. You know, the fact that you're totally inept has nothing whatever to do with that.
That's right.
[00:44:08] Speaker D: Hey, Ruth, how do you.
Never mind.
[00:44:12] Speaker B: Okay, we still have Jim in the lead with three. No, he's not solely in the lead. Eric has three also.
Okay, so maybe this will break the tie. One more. Matt Dillon, the actor. Matt Dillon, same name as the guy on Gunsmoke.
[00:44:26] Speaker C: I was gonna say. I thought I was hitting on him.
[00:44:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm the first guy.
[00:44:29] Speaker E: Young, isn't he?
[00:44:30] Speaker B: I'm not gonna tell you that he's Neil.
[00:44:33] Speaker E: Yeah.
[00:44:34] Speaker B: I'm gonna ask Jack how old Matt Dillon is the actor.
[00:44:37] Speaker G: Oh, 29.
[00:44:41] Speaker B: 29. Okay. And Root.
[00:44:45] Speaker E: 26.
[00:44:47] Speaker B: 26.
And Eric.
[00:44:51] Speaker F: 28.
[00:44:52] Speaker B: 28.
And Jim, now Eric said 28.
[00:44:58] Speaker D: Yeah, you see, I. I have to play strategically now I'm gonna say 28.
[00:45:03] Speaker F: Also to my guest.
[00:45:05] Speaker B: You're gonna say 28 also.
[00:45:06] Speaker C: Very good, Jim.
[00:45:07] Speaker B: That's okay.
[00:45:08] Speaker C: The game. Very good.
[00:45:10] Speaker B: And what would you say, Tony?
[00:45:11] Speaker C: 26.
[00:45:12] Speaker B: 26. Same as what Ruth said.
[00:45:15] Speaker D: I want that sponge cake.
[00:45:17] Speaker B: Okay. Well, thank you anyway. Matt Dillon actually is 28.
[00:45:24] Speaker C: Oh.
[00:45:25] Speaker B: That means Jim and Eric will both tie with three apiece.
[00:45:28] Speaker C: His strategic move paid off.
[00:45:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Now they're both tied with four apiece.
[00:45:34] Speaker E: Boy, one guy was mad and the other guy couldn't get on the phone. And they're the winners.
[00:45:40] Speaker B: Yeah, I know it now.
[00:45:42] Speaker E: That's right loyal fans here who are doing terrible.
[00:45:46] Speaker B: Now we have to. We have to do one to break the tie. And I think maybe just Jim and Eric ought to guess this. What do you think we could all.
[00:45:54] Speaker E: Guess because we're not going to win.
[00:45:55] Speaker D: No, keep everybody else on. I want to share my sponge cake with everybody.
[00:45:59] Speaker C: That's right. Even if someone else gets it. Well, I know they won't tie. We can send them both something, Norm, because they did both call long distance. And we like to bribe our listeners.
[00:46:09] Speaker B: We certainly do, in any way possible. We're willing to give them money under the table, bribes, anything.
[00:46:17] Speaker C: Cake through the mail, anything.
[00:46:18] Speaker B: Okay, how about Helen Gurley Brown, the editor of Cosmopolitan? Talk about facelifts.
[00:46:27] Speaker G: And she bends over, she pulls up her stockings at the same time.
[00:46:31] Speaker D: Oh, that was a good one, though.
[00:46:34] Speaker B: No, it was a Jack said that. Okay, Tony, how about Helen Gurley Brown?
What is she, the editor of Cosmopolitan? We call it Cosmo at our place.
[00:46:45] Speaker C: Yeah, she's.
I don't know, 62.
[00:46:51] Speaker B: 62. And what do you say, Jim?
[00:46:54] Speaker D: Well, she. You're right, Norm. She's working on her about her eighth facelift.
Oh, let me see.
[00:47:01] Speaker B: For a guy sitting around with a black negligee, I wouldn't make comments about anybody, buddy.
[00:47:08] Speaker D: But with the cigar hole with it, I'll say she is.
What was the first answer?
[00:47:14] Speaker B: 62 said Tony. 62 said Tony said Tony or Tony said 62. The whatever. Whatever order you want those words in.
[00:47:24] Speaker D: I'll say 60.
[00:47:28] Speaker B: 60. Okay, Eric, what do you think?
[00:47:31] Speaker F: Well, I'm gonna have to play strategically as well, because I've never even heard of her, and I know re Cosmo, So I'll say 60 as well.
[00:47:38] Speaker B: Okay. Because she's been on a lot of talk shows and stuff. She shows up every now and then and tells about secrets of women and how to get men and stuff.
[00:47:46] Speaker E: She wrote one of the first sex books, you know, but everything I ever wanted to know about sex or something about 100 years ago.
[00:47:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Wow.
[00:47:55] Speaker C: I wouldn't want to know anything about sex 100 years ago.
[00:47:59] Speaker G: She learned to type when she was 10.
[00:48:03] Speaker B: Everything you want to know about sex? Were, but we're afraid to ask. Was written by a man, as I recall. But, yeah, who knows? She might. Might have been her.
[00:48:10] Speaker E: A lot of books.
[00:48:11] Speaker G: This was a few things that you didn't want to know about sex.
[00:48:13] Speaker E: Before she became the publisher of Cosmos. She wrote books.
[00:48:17] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:48:18] Speaker D: That was Dr. Rubin who wrote that book.
[00:48:20] Speaker B: That's right. You're right. Dr. Rubin wrote it.
[00:48:22] Speaker D: He wrote a diet book also. They were great.
[00:48:25] Speaker B: And he wrote a book on how to make cut glass.
I just said that. No truth to that.
[00:48:31] Speaker D: With your teeth.
[00:48:34] Speaker B: Ruth, what do you think?
[00:48:35] Speaker E: I think she's about 72.
[00:48:38] Speaker B: 72.
[00:48:39] Speaker E: I do. Because she's been around a long time. And she's married to this producer.
I get his name.
[00:48:48] Speaker B: He's known as the old guy. That old guy. Producer.
[00:48:52] Speaker D: Dr. So and so. Dr. Strangelove.
[00:48:55] Speaker B: Jack, what do you think? We're getting up close to news time. This is the longest we've ever dragged. Stupid game. Jack, what do you think? How old is Helen Gurley Brown and.
[00:49:04] Speaker G: Her daughter and her husband, doctor, producer, something or other.
[00:49:07] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:49:07] Speaker G: You know, she's had so many facelifts, when she bats her eyes, her ears wiggle.
[00:49:11] Speaker B: I'm so glad we had a chance for another facelift, Joe. Thank you.
[00:49:16] Speaker G: I'm gonna say 57.
[00:49:18] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Let's check the actual age of Helen Gurley Brown. And it happens to be 70, which means that Ruth.
[00:49:27] Speaker E: Hey, finally.
She's been around a long time.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[00:49:35] Speaker B: You don't have to. You don't have to keep saying she's been around a long time, you know, over and over again.
[00:49:42] Speaker E: No, but I mean, she. Way before Dr. Joyce Brothers and all of those. She was around before she took over Cosmopolitan and made it such a big hit.
[00:49:51] Speaker C: She's trying to tell you, Norm, she's been around.
[00:49:56] Speaker D: She retired three doctors already.
[00:49:58] Speaker E: She's been married. And I don't know his name, but he's a very well known producer. He's produced a lot on Broadway shows. They're always on a lot of talk show.
[00:50:07] Speaker B: I'm running very. I'm very, very, very late with commercials. And we have had hardly this hour, but we've had hardly anything else. Just one. This has got to be a tiebreaker. Just the two. Jim and Eric on this one. Okay? George Kennedy, the actor. You know, George Kennedy. Eric is going to say he never heard of them. And then he'll guess then. Oh, you have heard him.
[00:50:27] Speaker G: Yeah, he was in the Naked Gun movies.
[00:50:29] Speaker B: That's right. He Was.
He's been a ton of movies. Eric, what do you think? How old is George Kennedy today?
[00:50:37] Speaker C: 62.
[00:50:38] Speaker B: And what do you think, Jim?
[00:50:40] Speaker D: I think he is. He said 62. Oh, well, I think he's older, but I don't want to cut my sponge cake before attached so I'll say 63.
[00:50:52] Speaker B: 63. Okay. The actual age of George Kennedy. And this is the tiebreaker, ladies and gentlemen. So it's an exciting moment.
He's actually 67.
[00:51:03] Speaker E: I just said 67 under my breath. I win.
[00:51:07] Speaker B: Actually, Jim is the closest with 63. Jim from Springfield is the glorious winner.
[00:51:14] Speaker D: Yay.
[00:51:15] Speaker F: Okay, it was fixed. Norm, you said he was going to win at the beginning.
[00:51:18] Speaker E: That's right. And now he's going to call you every week.
[00:51:21] Speaker D: Can't get rid of me.
[00:51:22] Speaker B: No, that's right. Yeah. One minute. An enemy is never going to call again. Now I'll never get him off that bat.
[00:51:28] Speaker D: I thought I better call you from Atlantic City.
[00:51:31] Speaker B: Oh, I should have let it go before. We should. We should have been hateful enemies and let it go. I don't need you as a friend, Jim.
[00:51:38] Speaker D: Hate is a strong word.
[00:51:39] Speaker B: Okay. Hey listen, we're coming up to the news. I got to cut out of here. But.
[00:51:43] Speaker E: But you know, we're more entertaining.
[00:51:45] Speaker B: No, no, I understand that certainly. Than the news.
[00:51:48] Speaker D: I don't remember the last time I had this much fun.
[00:51:51] Speaker B: Okay. Hey, Jim. Home along the line and. And Garrett will take your name and address. Would you do that, Garrett? And we'll send you the prize.
[00:51:58] Speaker D: Thank you.
[00:51:59] Speaker B: No, it'll be a chintzy awful one you will hate. But what they're.
[00:52:02] Speaker D: Listen, sponge cake now.
[00:52:03] Speaker B: Okay, you gotta run, Norm.
[00:52:05] Speaker C: Tony, I'll hang up now.
[00:52:06] Speaker B: Okay, Tony, thanks a lot.
[00:52:08] Speaker D: Bye now.
[00:52:09] Speaker B: Bye bye. Bye bye bye Ruth and bye bye Eric.
[00:52:13] Speaker F: Norm, I still think you're brilliant.
[00:52:15] Speaker B: Hey, thanks a lot. Thank you and thank you. Bye bye and thank you very much. Jack. Oh, thank you. And we'll see you a little bit later. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for making this all just so darn possible.
Anyway, it's coming up to news time and then we'll. We'll take some more phone calls after that, okay? On any subject you may need, WBC Boston, it is now 4:00. Bring on.
One moment please. The trouble appears to be in your set. And I do have a brother in law who can fix radios. And we'll get the news. I'm free in a moment. I think what I'd like to do is die. I'll see you later.
[00:52:55] Speaker A: Before we lock up for the night here, let's bring in Willard Scott and hear all about Ryo Pan 2.
[00:53:02] Speaker H: Hey, Willard Scott here. This is the time of year when folks get together to celebrate the holidays. But all that celebrating can lead to heartburn. And that's when it's time to unwrap the Ryapan Plus 2. Just listen to Ellen from Miami.
[00:53:16] Speaker I: You know, Willard, this is one of my favorite times of year. But those parties I eat, all those things I never do. And then, oh boy, the whole season just gets ruined for me. My stomach burns, aches. It's heartburn, you know.
[00:53:32] Speaker H: Sounds like you need the antacid. I tell all my friends about Riopan Plus 2.
[00:53:37] Speaker I: I need one that just works fast.
[00:53:40] Speaker H: Riopan Plus 2 is fast. It starts to fight acid as soon as it hits your stomach. And if you're trying to trying to watch out for salt, you'll be glad to hear that Riopan is sodium free. You even get a choice of flavors, either mint or cherry, liquid or tablets. Use only as directed.
[00:53:57] Speaker I: Oh, Willard, you've been really helpful. Thanks so much.
[00:54:00] Speaker H: So, Ellen, give yourself a holiday present and get some Ryo Pan plus two.
[00:54:05] Speaker A: Available at the WBZ variety store. Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it for. Veins popping out of the neck, eyes bulging, spittle from the corner of the mouth, people screaming, caring sense of perspective, Long distance phone bills, pressed pants. Feeling better, porcupine. Love the WBZ weatherstick. Getting your dog shots to prevent Molly Ringwald sponge cake, java tea and negligees. Dropped cigars burning through a black negligee. Lack of talent in a piercing voice. My children's book tag along with Jack the full moonlighting Fire in the loins infomercials on juicer Newtons, Fig Newtons caller guests of honor, Norm's cousin Judy Cohen, two of Norm's best Jack Benny and Arthur Godfrey impressions. Hands down, what do you think? Serious, solemn frivolity. Wearing white suits to Hebrew school. Methuen born and bred rabbis, Maxwell House coffee gossip the goddess of love bribing listeners everything you want to know about sex a hundred years ago. Facelift jokes, Ryo Pan 2, Willard Scott Garrett dial tone Jernigan, Jack Skivvy's heart and wearing his black cape with the red velvet lining plus four pants, a Spanish ruffled shirt, green and white cummerbund, knee socks and sandals whilst donning a pith helmet with a year's supply of lychee nuts in the sweatband and occasionally a riding crop Norm. Nathan. Lounging here in my paisley print silk boxers.
I'm Tony Nesbit.
[00:55:56] Speaker B: One moment, please. The trouble appears to be in your set. And I do have a brother in law who can fix radios.