Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: We close out February 2025 with a dumb birthday game from February 22, 1992. I have so humbly titled it Happy birthday Tony. Because 2:22 is the date of your friendly neighborhood's producer and host. We begin with the full on dumb birthday game theme. Open the players. Rose and Wellesley. Ella from High Point, North Carolina. Loretta in Amesbury. Linda from Saugus, I'm producing. And on the phone from Master Control. And Jack Hart in the world renowned traffic department. The birthdays with all the sound effects. Robert Young, Julius, Irving Sheldon, Leonard, Ted Kennedy, Tony Nesbit, Loretta in Amesbury, Drew Barrymore and Sparky Anderson. We are entertained as well with commercials from Gold Bond, which by the way, is like a best of Gold Bond compilation. Starring Marie Caruso from West Newton, Mass. Lawrence Lanzilli of Hallandale, Florida. And Joan Cantwell from Brockton, Mass. There's a call for action promo. Simon and Sons voiced by Tom bergeron and Ryo Pan 2. Norm also gets romantic with Accuweather from Roy Gallant and his orchestra. And he closes out the hour with a couple of interesting news stories. Episode 224, Happy Birthday Tony sings its way to your ears. Now.
[00:01:31] Speaker B: Birthday game.
[00:01:35] Speaker C: You don't need skill. You don't have to be a brain. You just call Norm to play the dumb birthday game.
[00:01:42] Speaker B: Play the dumb, dumb birthday game.
Okay, the magic moment that you waited all week for is here. And we have a. A cast of almost. In fact, all the contestants who will be playing except for Toni and Jack, are all women.
It's a program strictly on the distaff side, as we used to say. Anyway, Rose and Wellesley is with us. Hi, Rose. Good morning. How are you? Just fine, thank you. I'm glad to have you with us.
[00:02:13] Speaker C: Oh, thank you.
[00:02:14] Speaker B: And we have Ella with us who we just talked with just before the news down In High Point, N.C. married a Newton fella and has never been up this way. And he hasn't been back here since he was a very young man.
That right?
[00:02:30] Speaker C: Yes, but one of these days we're going to get up that way and look you up.
[00:02:35] Speaker B: Hey, do that, Alan.
[00:02:36] Speaker C: That's the promise.
[00:02:37] Speaker B: Okay. And we have Loretta with us from Amesbury. Hi, Loretta.
[00:02:42] Speaker C: Hello, honey.
[00:02:44] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. Oh, I'm getting excited.
Hello, honey. To you too, sweetie. Honey, baby, baby, I've been trying to.
[00:02:51] Speaker C: Get on this for a long time.
[00:02:53] Speaker B: Hey, you see how perseverance pays off? We have Linda with us. She's in Saugus. Hi, Linda.
[00:02:59] Speaker C: Hi, Norman.
[00:03:00] Speaker B: Hello. You called me Norman. That's my formal. Nice name. Thank you. We have Tony with us too, of course. Hi, Tony.
[00:03:07] Speaker D: Hello, Norman.
[00:03:08] Speaker B: Today is Tony's birthday also, besides all the other birthdays of people born on February 22nd.
So you can all say happy birthday, Tony, if you would say it on the count of three. Okay, everybody. One, two, three. Happy birthday, Tony.
[00:03:28] Speaker D: Thank you.
[00:03:29] Speaker B: That was so. That was so beautiful.
[00:03:31] Speaker D: Very nice.
[00:03:32] Speaker B: And now we also have with us Jack Hart. How are you, Nam.
Na Na Man. My name is Nam. And my name is na man. Anyway, WBZ 24 hour traffic person is Jack Hat. Hello, we have the first first name. We're going to the birthday. We're going to guess the age of Robert Young and which we're trying to think of the name of the doctor he played. What was that? Dr. Marcus Welby. Marcus Welby. Oh, yeah. Just forgot about that. Let me start with you, Rose.
Robert Young, who was in a number of movies, including, Let me see, he was. He was in the Enchanted Cottage, a number of movies with Dorothy Maguire, who always was one of my favorites. And of course, he was in Father Knows Best, which is.
I don't know whether that's an oxymoron or what you would call that. Father Knows Best. Probably not. And of course, Marcus Welby. And he used to do a bunch of coffee commercials. So he sort of cashed in as a Dr. Welby and that. And he used to laugh a lot.
Kind of that friendly old timer's laugh when he saw his kids. Oh, look at my son. What a cute thing. Remember that? I thought he was kind of jittery. I think.
That's right.
My knife slipped during the operation.
I thought he was totally obnoxious, but anyway, Rose, what do you think? How old would you say he is?
[00:05:04] Speaker C: I'm going to say 71.
[00:05:07] Speaker B: 71 years old. Okay. Okay, I'll drink to that. Some of the ways of coffee. Anyway, that was acting, what I just did. Kind of sickening at that. Ella, what do you say, about 80? About 80. Okay, let's say 80 years old. And Loretta, I think he's about 75. 75. Is there any way, Jack, you could maybe turn it down just a little bit? Sure. Hang on. Okay, he's gonna turn it down a little bit. I feel like just such a powerful person being able to control that.
[00:05:43] Speaker D: And now something will happen.
[00:05:44] Speaker B: No, no, no. I don't want you to turn it off because you have to listen. I understand that. Okay, that sounds fine. We can't hear it at all and neither can you. That means we're in bad trouble. Should there be? Oh, no, I. You can hear it. Sure. Absolutely. I was just saying that someone just added up to a bazillion.
Headed up to what? A bazillion. You know, the. The volume knob. Oh, I see. Oh, I get you pretty high. That's very high. Brazilian. Yeah. Oh, Linda. Linda, as we say, Linda, how old would you say Robert Young is today?
[00:06:14] Speaker C: 74.
[00:06:16] Speaker B: 74. And, Tony, what do you think?
[00:06:19] Speaker D: It's a good question, Norm.
[00:06:21] Speaker B: It is. It's a very good question. And that's why I was off all week thinking of it.
[00:06:25] Speaker D: And I only wish I knew.
[00:06:29] Speaker B: 78.
That's excellent diction to 78. You pronounced every. Every vowel, every. Every consonant.
And Jack Hart, how old would you say Robert Young is?
Well, we know he's not getting any younger.
I think 78 sounds.
You want to go along with Tony? Sure. If. If. If Robert Young had invented the automobile, it would be called the Young's Mobile, wouldn't it? I. I suppose, yeah.
[00:07:04] Speaker D: What does that mean?
[00:07:04] Speaker B: Well, a guy named Otto invented it first. Yeah. Oldsmobile. See? Young's Mobile. There's supposed to be some wild ribald humor.
[00:07:12] Speaker D: We're reaching really early. I like it.
[00:07:14] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, we'll get rid of the real bad stuff right off. I get it. Young and old and. Yeah, I thought it was like a guy named Otto invented the automobile.
[00:07:24] Speaker D: Get.
[00:07:24] Speaker B: Get.
[00:07:24] Speaker D: Let's dump it all now. Anyone else wanna.
[00:07:26] Speaker B: Yeah.
The whole place went silent. Let's. Let's quickly check while. While silence is prevailing, the actual age of Robert Young.
Is this the theme song of Dr. Marcus Welby?
[00:07:42] Speaker D: No, we didn't have that.
[00:07:44] Speaker B: Oh, so this is the theme song of what? That Father Knows Best.
[00:07:47] Speaker D: Oh, wait a minute.
[00:07:48] Speaker B: Is that James Brolin's motorcycle?
[00:07:50] Speaker D: No, this is the thief from medical Center.
[00:07:54] Speaker B: A medical center. I see. A program that he had no connection with. Whatever.
[00:07:59] Speaker D: But he was a doctor.
[00:08:00] Speaker B: That's right, he was a doctor.
[00:08:07] Speaker D: A real hokey late 60s sound doesn't.
[00:08:12] Speaker B: Get that basin here with running through CC and give her an injection of that. And wash the washers behind. Stop it. Yeah. Did I really say that? Did I say that?
[00:08:22] Speaker D: Yes, you did.
[00:08:23] Speaker B: I can't believe I said that.
Well, it is kind of messy. Do watch it anyway. And he didn't listen to his mother.
That's right. His mother's coming in to look soon and she'll be so embarrassed. Anyway, Robert Yost.
Watch his behind.
Robert Young is 85 years old.
85. So let's see. The closest would be Ella Ella from High Point, North Carolina, who said 80 was the close five years off. You all underestimated this, this old cocky's age. But he's. I'm sorry.
[00:09:07] Speaker D: Keep him so violent.
[00:09:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I know it. Oh, I know it. And the laughter. Oh yeah. My son just spilled everything on the floor, set fire to the rug.
Oh yeah. Okay, how about. How about former. The retired basketball player Julius Irving, Mr. J. Julius serving.
[00:09:29] Speaker D: Dr. J.
[00:09:30] Speaker B: Doctor. I'm sorry, Dr. J. That's right. I'm sorry, it's not Mr. J, it's Doctor. You call me by my right title or I'll dunk you.
[00:09:38] Speaker D: We've had two doctors tonight.
[00:09:40] Speaker B: I'll slam dunk you, sweetheart. That's right. This is our second doctor, Dr. Julius Irving. We'll start with Jack Hart. How old is Julius Irving on this very day?
[00:09:54] Speaker D: He's a heavy side.
[00:09:55] Speaker B: Yeah, he's really getting into this, isn't he? This Jack Hard person, I'm thinking. But you can't see me scratching my head so I have to do something.
Yeah, I'd say, oh, 43. 43 years old says Jack Hyde. And Tony, the Birthday boy says 42. 42, okay. And Linda 44. 44.
Okay. Loretta 45. 45. And Ella.
[00:10:36] Speaker C: 37.
[00:10:37] Speaker B: 37 is what you're saying.
Okay. And Rose, I'm gonna say 50. I have no clue who he is. Julia serving him. Great basketball player.
Reminds me very much of myself in a sense. When I look at him, it's like looking in the mirror. Tall, good looking guy, muscular, you know, and about 9ft tall.
[00:10:57] Speaker D: I've seen those pictures when you used to have your afronom.
[00:11:00] Speaker B: That's right, that's right.
Okay. The actual age. What a wise gun. Get rid of him. Huh?
Julius, someone stole the basketball.
[00:11:09] Speaker D: Sound effects.
[00:11:10] Speaker B: Oh, jeez, all we get is excuses. We get the wrong theme.
[00:11:16] Speaker D: Not even the H Gold TR theme can I find. I don't know.
[00:11:19] Speaker B: And Julius Irving. Well, you can make. Okay, well that kid company stuff.
[00:11:24] Speaker D: Okay, here we go.
[00:11:24] Speaker B: Okay, okay, here's something.
Oh, forget it, forget it. Get it. Make it up the next few.
[00:11:33] Speaker D: All right.
[00:11:36] Speaker B: Julia serving is actually 42 years old is exactly what you said. Tony, I.
[00:11:45] Speaker D: I know people. PhD people this day. Except for Robert Young, by the way.
[00:11:50] Speaker B: That's right too. Because. That's right. Because it's important to you who was born on this day. That's right, that's right. Oh, you know, Sheldon Leonard. A couple of clues. Sheldon Leonard. In more recent years, always on. Well, he was always a kind of a racetrack Tout what program was that he used? He'd be hanging along an alley. Was that on Jack Benny? Jack Benny would go someplace, he was going to bet on something. And Sheldon Leonard would say, hey, you, I'll give you arch. And he would be kind of like a racetrack. Tout he was also in It's a Wonderful Life shoes. The bartender. He was the bartender. That's right. Who's I save hard drinks for men who want to get drunk fast. Now, do you want to drink or don' that's right, too. And. And he made fun of the angel who's looking for his wings. Something about that.
Get me? I'm giving out wings. Yeah. Out you two pixies go through the door or through the window. Yeah, that's right. That's Sheldon Leonard. That's very good, Jack. That's very good. That's very good. Loretta, how old do you think Sheldon Leonard is today?
[00:13:00] Speaker C: I think maybe 71.
[00:13:03] Speaker B: 71. Okay. And Ella, what do you say?
79. Did you say 79?
Okay. And Rose, what do you say? 70. 70.
And Linda?
[00:13:21] Speaker C: I say 69.
[00:13:23] Speaker B: 69. No, 60. 69. 60. I'm sorry, you're saying 66. Zero.
[00:13:31] Speaker C: No, six. Nine.
[00:13:33] Speaker B: Oh, 69. Okay. Okay. Do you know, when I go to sleep, I never count sheep. I count all the charms about Linda, you know? And lately it seems in all of my dreams, I walk with my arms around Linda. But Linda never knows me.
She doesn't even know I exist. And I don't even remember the rest of the words.
But one of these days, despite the fact that I don't know the words, one of these days I'm going to make Linda mine. All mine. You hear that, Linda?
[00:14:03] Speaker C: Yes, I do.
[00:14:04] Speaker B: Well, just pack your little bag there and get. Get ready to run away with me.
[00:14:09] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:14:10] Speaker B: Oh, I'm so exhausted. I think maybe we better put that off for a day or so till I rest.
Tony, what do you say? How old is Sheldon Leonard? 61. 61 years old?
[00:14:24] Speaker D: 80. 81.
[00:14:25] Speaker B: Oh, 81. 81 years old, you say?
Okay, 81 years old. Okay. Anybody want to say anything else? Jack Hart, what do you say? I'll say 80. 80. Okay, let's check the actual age and see what kind of a swell effect Tony has come up with.
[00:14:42] Speaker D: I'm giving out wings.
[00:14:44] Speaker B: Oh, that's right.
You hear that? When the bell rings, it means an angel has just got his wings.
My God, there are wings. Sprinkled spring kind of springing out of my back here. I don't know how I'm gonna put my coat on.
You know, I always thought that they should have done that Jimmy Stewart commercial for the. Hold on, hold on. I'm sprouting wings all over my body.
Hey, anybody got that Gold Bond? Does Gold Bond help with wings springing out all over your body? Okay, I'll be quiet, Jack, while you tell me about. Oh, you know, I always thought that if they. If that soup for the commercial for the soup, they should have used It's a Wonderful Life and had Nick standing there saying, we save huts soup for men who want to eat fast. Now, do you want a bowl or don't? You.
[00:15:33] Speaker D: Then are going to use it and you, you'll have to sue. It'll be a long Toronto day.
[00:15:37] Speaker B: Yes. Okay, the actual age of SHELDON Leonard is 85 years old. That means that Tony, who said 81, was the closest. Again, I figured.
[00:15:48] Speaker D: I mean, if he was in It's a Wonderful Life and Jimmy Stewart is, what, 87 now or something.
[00:15:53] Speaker B: Yeah, I'd say it's probably about the same. I know it's hard to imagine. We've seen Jimmy Stewart get older with more, more and more. Oh, he's somehow I haven't seen Sheldon Leonard lately, so it's hard to imagine that bartender being 85 years old, but he is.
Today is also the birthday of Ted Kennedy and Howie Carr, and the Herald this morning wrote a swell piece about it.
[00:16:12] Speaker D: Oh, what a great.
[00:16:13] Speaker B: Oh, Howie Carr. Yeah, I imagine Ted Kennedy will have that framed.
[00:16:17] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, right.
[00:16:18] Speaker B: One day. One day maybe he'll write a piece about Howie Carr and we'll all step on it.
That's kind of a personal thing there.
I say if you don't know how to write, just get very nasty in your column. That was a nasty comment I just made and I didn't even hear a gasp. Anyway, Ted Kennedy does have a birthday today. And let's start with you, Rose. How old is Ted Kennedy?
[00:16:46] Speaker C: I would say 58.
[00:16:47] Speaker B: 58 years old. And Ella, what do you say?
[00:16:50] Speaker C: 63.
[00:16:52] Speaker B: 63. That what you said? 63. 63. Okay. And Loretta?
[00:16:59] Speaker C: 65.
[00:17:01] Speaker B: 65. And Linda?
[00:17:03] Speaker C: I say 59.
[00:17:05] Speaker B: 59.
Tony 60. 60.
And Jack Hart. I'm going to have to go along with Tony on this one. Okay, good idea, Jack. Okay, let's check the actual age of Ted Kennedy.
[00:17:20] Speaker D: I was going to play Ajax Liquor Store, but I thought it would be.
[00:17:25] Speaker B: Or the too fat Poker, something like that.
[00:17:28] Speaker D: But instead, instead we'll play this.
[00:17:30] Speaker B: I fallen and I can't get up.
Okay, the actual age. Tony and Jack hit It right on the button. And actually, if you read Howie Carr's column, he mentioned his age. He wrote a column about him because he had just reached the age of 60. 60 years old today.
I think now would be a good time. Tony, you will not be eligible for this, but I think we're all going to guess your age.
[00:17:57] Speaker D: Okay?
[00:17:58] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:17:58] Speaker D: All right.
[00:17:59] Speaker B: Okay, we'll guess Tony's age. How old do you think Tony is, Jack? No, hold on a minute. No, because you may. Jack may know, he may be privy to some Stu. So let's start with people who don't know you as well. Like we'll start with Rose again.
[00:18:14] Speaker D: You fooled you. Rose and I go way back.
[00:18:17] Speaker B: How far, how old, how old do you think Tony is? Tony nesbit is today, February 22nd.
[00:18:23] Speaker C: I'd say 28.
[00:18:25] Speaker B: 28, okay. And what do you think, Ella?
[00:18:30] Speaker C: Oh, it's so hard to tell. 33.
[00:18:33] Speaker B: 33, okay. What do you. Loretta?
[00:18:37] Speaker C: I'd say about 38.
[00:18:39] Speaker B: 38.
[00:18:41] Speaker D: And it's a dead end job.
[00:18:44] Speaker B: 38. Well, you make, you make big bucks. You're in a high paying glamour field, a producer.
You must be making big bucks.
And as soon as George Westinghouse finds out about it, then you're out of here. So watch it.
Linda, how old do you think Tony nesbi.
[00:19:02] Speaker C: Tony's about 26.
[00:19:03] Speaker B: About 26. Okay. And Jack? 24. 24. Okay. Tony, you don't mind if we don't have you guess? Oh, wow. Because it'd be embarrassing if you missed. Okay. Do you have any swell sound effect stuff for your age? Sure. Okay.
[00:19:23] Speaker D: Figured, what the heck.
[00:19:29] Speaker B: Formerly a great person, now a great motion picture. Tony Nesbitt in a love affair that shocked six continents and the island of Fiji.
I don't have any idea what any of that means. Tony is actually 25 years old today. And so. Linda, who said 26. And Jack who said 24.
[00:19:55] Speaker D: I think Jack was being great. Were you being gracious with that, Jack?
[00:19:58] Speaker B: Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't want to kick you in the quarter century.
[00:20:03] Speaker D: Who said 38?
[00:20:06] Speaker B: Loretta from Amesbury. And I'll tell you where Amesbury is.
[00:20:09] Speaker D: I take that, Norm, as an insult or as a compliment.
[00:20:12] Speaker C: I said that because it's my son's age.
[00:20:15] Speaker B: It's your son's age? Yeah. And you think of Tony as your son?
[00:20:19] Speaker C: I don't know him, guys.
[00:20:24] Speaker B: Both.
[00:20:25] Speaker C: I got a birthday this week too.
[00:20:27] Speaker B: Your birthday is this week, loretta?
[00:20:29] Speaker C: Yeah, the 27th.
[00:20:31] Speaker B: Oh, the 20.
[00:20:32] Speaker C: Want to guess my age?
[00:20:33] Speaker B: Let's see. The 27th. Wait a minute. Let's see. Today's the 20. What day is the 27th?
[00:20:40] Speaker C: On Thursday.
[00:20:40] Speaker B: Oh, next Thursday.
Loretta is going to be what, on the 20? Yeah, we'll guess your age. Sure.
[00:20:49] Speaker C: Wonderful.
[00:20:50] Speaker B: Okay, everybody will guess except you. And you'll tell us afterwards.
[00:20:54] Speaker C: Oh, I will.
[00:20:55] Speaker B: Okay, next Thursday. How old would Loretta be? Let's start with Jack on this one. Oh, I think that was kind of cruel to make you do that, but be kind.
[00:21:07] Speaker D: We didn't give any fanfare for Jack and Linda, so.
[00:21:12] Speaker B: Okay. That's right. Linda and Jack both guessed close to Tony's age. Oh, won that round. Okay, Loretta, how old is Loretta? How old is Loretta? Say a couple of things for us, Loretta. So we'll get a kind of a home in.
[00:21:24] Speaker C: Be kind to me now.
[00:21:25] Speaker B: Oh, 111.
Isn't he cute? Oh, he's just a cute.
I'll say 53. 53.
[00:21:37] Speaker C: Oh, beautiful.
[00:21:40] Speaker B: I guess there's a clue there, Tony.
[00:21:42] Speaker D: Okay, let's see if that was beautiful then. Then you'll love this.
[00:21:48] Speaker B: Go up 40 years and see if she says ouch. And then we can back away from it.
[00:21:53] Speaker D: Let me see. Hold on, hold on.
[00:21:58] Speaker B: Okay, Tony.
[00:21:59] Speaker D: 61.
[00:21:59] Speaker B: 61 says Tony.
And Linda, what do you think is her son?
[00:22:06] Speaker C: That's 38. Is he the oldest son?
[00:22:11] Speaker B: I don't think.
No. Okay. No, you have to. You'll have to guess based just upon that because otherwise.
[00:22:17] Speaker C: Okay, I say about 59.
[00:22:22] Speaker B: 59.
Okay. And Ella, what do you think?
[00:22:32] Speaker C: I'm glad I'm so far away she can't shoot me.
[00:22:37] Speaker B: How much?
[00:22:37] Speaker C: 63.
[00:22:38] Speaker B: 63.
And rose?
[00:22:41] Speaker C: I'll say 52.
[00:22:43] Speaker B: 52.
[00:22:44] Speaker D: Another one looking up.
[00:22:45] Speaker B: Okay, let's check the actual age of Loretta.
[00:22:49] Speaker C: You're all so kind.
[00:22:54] Speaker B: How old are you, Loretta?
[00:22:55] Speaker C: 73. I'll be 73.
[00:22:57] Speaker B: Oh, wow, 73. No kidding.
[00:23:00] Speaker C: Really?
[00:23:01] Speaker B: Son of a gun. Okay. Son of a gun, chicas. That means that Tony. Who said 61? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It was ella.
[00:23:10] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:23:10] Speaker B: Said 63. That's right. So Ella would be the closest.
[00:23:16] Speaker C: That was fun.
[00:23:18] Speaker B: Yeah, that was really nice. You liked that one, huh?
[00:23:20] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:23:23] Speaker B: Okay, let's get back now to our program already in progress, sort of.
You know the actress Drew Barrymore? Do I ever. Sure. Yeah. Oh, do you ever.
[00:23:34] Speaker D: She's nice.
[00:23:35] Speaker B: A lot of.
[00:23:36] Speaker D: A lot of problems, but she's still kind of cute.
[00:23:39] Speaker B: Yeah. The whole Barrymore family always had lots of problems, beginning with John Barrymore.
[00:23:43] Speaker D: What about Lionel Barrymore? Little limitations for us.
[00:23:48] Speaker B: What now? What relationship? What Would the relationship between. Between be between Drew and Delilah? Great, great, maybe great great grandfather, great grand uncle. Are you trying to poke fun at me with what? You say she is one of the nicest little great granddaughters you could ever have. So you get away from here, George Bailey, and you give her one of your houses.
[00:24:24] Speaker D: You can only see what I'm saying.
[00:24:25] Speaker B: It's even funnier. Oh, I had to cough then. I just destroyed my whole throat on that one and for nothing. Didn't even get a laugh. Sure, if you saw me strangling here, then you'd laugh. Oh, sure, that's right. You're really old as drool.
Okay, let's start with.
[00:24:47] Speaker D: Time for a little riot pin.
[00:24:48] Speaker B: Plus, I wonder if you'd send the WBC Westinghouse nurse in. I. My veins are beginning to pop out of my neck.
She'll know what to do.
I want to start.
I want to start with you. L.
How old is Drew Barrymore?
[00:25:13] Speaker C: I think she's about eight. Eighteen. There.
[00:25:15] Speaker B: About 18. Okay. And Linda, what do you say?
[00:25:19] Speaker C: I say she's around 25.
[00:25:21] Speaker B: Around 25. And Loretta?
[00:25:24] Speaker C: 25. I think that's the old man, isn't it?
[00:25:29] Speaker B: No, Drew Barrymore is a girl. Oh, yeah.
[00:25:34] Speaker C: Oh, you were imitating me.
[00:25:36] Speaker B: No, no, I was imitating her grandfather. Great grandfather. Yeah. She took up smoking at an early age.
[00:25:43] Speaker C: 28.
[00:25:44] Speaker B: 28.
Okay. And let's see. Jack, what do you say? I'll say she's 17. 17.
Is that you coughing, Jack? Yes. You okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just a chicken bone.
Because I'm also Dr. Gillespie, you know, and I can help you.
Well, I spit up first.
Wasn't that awful? Tony, Tony, I will.
[00:26:16] Speaker D: But don't forget. Don't forget to. What was the doctor.
[00:26:20] Speaker B: What.
[00:26:20] Speaker D: What was the first comment when you brought the guy into the emergency room? Clean up is.
[00:26:24] Speaker B: Never mind. I don't want to go behind. I was a lot younger then. I. I didn't know what I was saying.
Tony, how old you think he is? Or she is Drew Barry Morris.
[00:26:34] Speaker D: And now I'm confused.
[00:26:35] Speaker B: Who is it?
[00:26:36] Speaker D: 17.
[00:26:37] Speaker B: 17. You want to say the same as Jack said?
[00:26:41] Speaker D: Okay, I'll tag along with my mentor.
[00:26:43] Speaker B: Okay. Rose out there in Wellesley, what do you think? I say 1702. Okay, okay. Let's just check on the actual age of Drew Barrymore.
[00:26:52] Speaker D: The lovely Drew Barrymore.
[00:26:55] Speaker B: The lovely Drew Barrymore is 17 years old.
Jack. Tony. And the. Rose all guessed it right on the butt. You know, she was in that movie about the. About the chickens. Poultry. Geese.
[00:27:12] Speaker D: No, she wasn't.
[00:27:13] Speaker B: Yeah, she was a little girl.
[00:27:14] Speaker D: No, she wasn't, because that little girl is dead.
[00:27:18] Speaker B: No, the. The sister is. Is. Is. Oh, no, she was an et.
[00:27:22] Speaker D: That's right. There you go.
[00:27:24] Speaker B: Sorry. None of you know what you're talking about at all. Do they, George Bailey? Okay, the act. The. Let's see, we have just a running. Running by here. We have. Jack Is one. Has had a couple of rounds. He has won.
[00:27:38] Speaker D: Yeah, he's had a couple of rounds. Sounds like it doesn't.
[00:27:43] Speaker B: Looks to me, Tony, like you've won four in a row. Is that possible?
[00:27:46] Speaker D: I don't know about in a row.
[00:27:48] Speaker B: Yes, it is. It is. Yeah. Son of a gun. Well, you didn't guess Loretta's age, so it's. It's four. But you did win four in a row. You did win. You got four rounds.
Linda has one, Ella has one.
Ella has two. Ella has two, Ella has three. Three.
Now, you guessed. You guessed Robert Young and you guessed Loretta's age. Now, where's the third one? What am I missing?
No, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait. No. Yes. Wait, wait, wait.
Yes. No, no, I'd say. I'd say two.
Yeah, I'd say. No, only two.
Robert Young and.
Wait a minute. Who am I talking to, please?
No. Ella, you guessed Robert Young and Loretta.
[00:28:45] Speaker D: We have a very sophisticated scoring system.
[00:28:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I do.
[00:28:48] Speaker D: Really hard to make mistakes.
[00:28:49] Speaker B: I know. And I just punched you up on the computer here. That's what it says. And Rose has one and Loretta, zero has none. Yeah, it's too bad you couldn't guess your own age. You would at least had one. Unless you lied.
[00:29:03] Speaker C: No, no, no, no.
[00:29:05] Speaker B: Let's. We'll do just one more, okay, kids? Because I can hear a lot of people at home saying, is he ever gonna finish that game? George Bailey make him finish that game.
Come birthday game.
Sparky Anderson.
Who does. Who does what? What team does he manage now? I lost track of him. Sparky Anderson.
You know what? According to this.
[00:29:30] Speaker D: No.
[00:29:30] Speaker B: Is he.
[00:29:30] Speaker D: No, it's not Baltimore.
Is that Frank Robinson or is Robinson out in Sparky's Inn?
[00:29:36] Speaker B: I don't know. I lost track of where he is now. Once the baseball season begins, I'll know all that stuff, but I forgot anyway. You know, his real name was George Lee.
Maybe it's George Lee Anderson, I don't know. Because Sparky couldn't have been born with Sparky. You think his folks said, look, he's so cute, let's go call him a cute Little name like Spike.
[00:29:56] Speaker D: I don't know what they named the dog.
[00:29:57] Speaker B: Yeah, they named the dog George.
They said they switched names because they said. I forget what they said now. Anyway, you should have seen. This is the spot.
That's right.
Sparky Anderson. Let's start with. Let's see. Let's start with you, Rose. How old is big league manager? Baseball manager Sparky Anderson on this very day?
[00:30:23] Speaker C: I'll say 62.
[00:30:24] Speaker B: 62.
And Ella, what do you think?
[00:30:28] Speaker C: I have no idea who he is. Try 58.
[00:30:32] Speaker B: Try 58. Okay, Loretta, I'll try 60.
[00:30:39] Speaker C: Linda, I don't know who he is either. I'll say 56.
[00:30:45] Speaker D: Tony, I'm gonna have to say 60. 63.
Yeah, 63.
[00:30:58] Speaker B: It sounds like a Jimmy Stewart part. I'd say 63. That's what I'll say. Wait a minute. I'll say. Yeah, 63 sounded like. It sounded like Lionel Barrymore imitating Jimmy Stewart.
Maybe it didn't sound like either one of them. And I'm trying to make it worthwhile. Jack, what do you think?
64. 64. Okay, let's get the actual age now of George Sparky Anderson.
[00:31:29] Speaker D: You know, I can't find the baseball sound effects either.
I tell you, it's that Don kid company I think.
[00:31:36] Speaker B: So you think you're gonna do a whole bunch of sound effects on this Saturday program?
[00:31:40] Speaker D: I think things disappear from here and.
[00:31:42] Speaker B: I think they're the culprits.
[00:31:43] Speaker D: We'll get those kids. We'll teach them a lesson.
[00:31:45] Speaker B: Those kids. Midland kids.
[00:31:48] Speaker D: Get out of my backyard, you kid.
Well, we'll use this.
[00:31:51] Speaker B: Okay. They probably. Okay, we have something then.
[00:31:54] Speaker D: Well, you were going to say something.
[00:31:55] Speaker B: No, I just. I was just going to give the age. But if you want to play first, go right ahead.
[00:32:01] Speaker D: That's interesting. It didn't play. Here we go.
[00:32:03] Speaker B: Okay. It is the most over talked over announced game probably in the history of the broadcast media.
That was the typical Howard Cassell understatement.
Okay, Sparky Anderson is actually the. Remember Ella. Ella said, I have no idea who he is. Did you say that? Ella, you said that. I have no idea who he is. But you guessed his age. Right on the button.
Actually, 50. I'm 58 years old. A lot of you came very close. Linda said 56, and she didn't even know who he was either. You know, I think the reoccurring theme here is that people who have not a clue who the people are tend to get the answers right. Why would that be, do you suppose? From What I understand a scientific study is being done and no hypothesis has been reached.
I think you're right.
That shows you how stupid I am, too. But I think you're right. I think maybe not knowing anything and just guessing wildly is probably the way PhDs are born.
[00:33:12] Speaker D: Should we commission a federal investigation and then we can seal the files until.
[00:33:17] Speaker B: 2026, see if there's a conspiracy involved? I think so. I think so. I think, first of all, we should have extensive hearings at which witnesses are subpoenaed.
[00:33:29] Speaker D: Oh, yeah.
[00:33:30] Speaker B: And a situation sit quaking in front of us as we ask penetrating questions.
[00:33:37] Speaker D: It'll be on Court TV.
[00:33:39] Speaker B: On Court TV would be very good. And we could have Mr. Graham, what's his first name, who does the analysis with a little Southern accent.
He used to be with cbs. Anyway, Graham, he can be doing the analysis. Well, the first day in court today, we found that he doesn't talk that way.
[00:34:01] Speaker D: That was a little Southern Maine, I think.
[00:34:04] Speaker B: I don't know where that one came from.
And we could have sound bites and everything. It'll be very nice. And then we'll seal up the information. We won't even give a verdict. We'll seal up everything, including ourselves.
I said the four ladies will seal ourselves all up. And.
Holy smoke.
Anyway, I want to thank all of you for playing. And the winners, actually would be Jack, who got three, and Tony, who got four.
Yeah, four. I deserve to win.
You certainly deserve to win. And I'm giving you.
Giving you a weather stick is the winner.
I saw Bruce Wagley using it on television the other day. He said, let's check the radar map and the weather stick, which was more correct.
He found the weather stick was more accurate than all his cockamamie radar stuff.
[00:35:04] Speaker D: We got that camera outside the building fixed, focused on the weather stick. They go to check in with it.
[00:35:10] Speaker B: Those of you who have never seen a WBC weather stick have no idea what we're talking about. But those of us who have seen it, we don't know what we're talking about either.
[00:35:18] Speaker D: You don't really want to remember what we're talking about.
[00:35:20] Speaker B: Right? Right. Rose, I thank you very much for being a part of this. And I imagine this must be a red lighter day in your life.
I imagine you'll be telling your grandchildren and great grandchildren about this many, many years, all through the wintertime in the Hot Stove League.
Hey, but I appreciate having you with us. Thanks so much.
[00:35:41] Speaker C: It was fun.
[00:35:42] Speaker B: Thank you. Good night now. And we get down to High Point, North Carolina, where Ella who married a Boston guy who's actually born in Newton was very much a welcome addition to all of this. And Ella, I thank you very much for being part of this swirl game.
[00:35:57] Speaker C: Well, you're very nice. Talk about red letter days. Tomorrow's going to be a red letter day for a red eyed day for me.
[00:36:04] Speaker B: I would imagine you'll be telling this to folks in High Point all over the place. They won't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
Some nut program up in Boston and babbling woman put away in High Point.
[00:36:17] Speaker D: I think poor Ella has to be up very early today.
[00:36:20] Speaker B: Say. They'll say that. Yes. Well, what time. What time is it there?
[00:36:25] Speaker C: It's the same time.
[00:36:27] Speaker B: It's eastern standard time.
It's a quarter off now. Were you going to add something else, Ella? No.
[00:36:35] Speaker C: I want to ask you something about Sheldon Leonard.
[00:36:39] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:36:40] Speaker C: How old did you say he was?
[00:36:43] Speaker B: SHELDON Leonard is 85. Tony said 81. So he was the closest is right.
[00:36:50] Speaker C: You know, he also talking about angel and I want to get to him. While ago he left his acting career and became a well known writer.
[00:37:00] Speaker B: That's right. He produced a lot of. A lot of tv. He produced a lot of TV shows, including the Dick Van Dyke show which is in reruns now. That's the show. That's right. I forgot about that. That's a Sheldon Leonard production.
[00:37:13] Speaker D: Carl Leonard had a lot to do with that.
[00:37:15] Speaker B: Yes, he did too. He did do. He had a lot of. Lot of writing. I think there was a production company with several of them in it and they turned out some great shows.
[00:37:23] Speaker C: He's done a lot of number one bestsellers like Band of Angels and oh, writings.
[00:37:33] Speaker B: No, it's Sidney Sheldon. Oh, yeah, you're thinking of Sydney Sheldon. That's right. The writer. Yeah, that's somebody else.
[00:37:38] Speaker C: Okay, so I.
No, you see, you see how. You see how completely out of touch I am with the people you're talking?
[00:37:48] Speaker B: You're okay. You did very well. Ellen, I thank you very much for being a part of it. Take care of yourself.
[00:37:54] Speaker C: And I enjoyed. And we'll be back in front.
[00:37:57] Speaker B: Okay, that's good. Thank you. Thank you very much. Good night. Good night. And Loretta?
[00:38:03] Speaker C: Yes?
[00:38:03] Speaker B: Thank you very much.
[00:38:04] Speaker C: I had fun.
[00:38:06] Speaker B: Well, we had. We had and we enjoyed having you and happy birthday and. That's right. A very happy birthday to you.
[00:38:12] Speaker C: Thank you.
[00:38:13] Speaker B: Next. Next Thursday.
[00:38:14] Speaker C: Next Thursday.
[00:38:15] Speaker B: Okay, bye. Bye. And Linda?
[00:38:18] Speaker C: Yeah, Norm, you should have said how old is George Washington? Not baseball players.
[00:38:25] Speaker B: Oh, that's right. We should have said that. How old would you say he's?
[00:38:28] Speaker C: 260 years old.
[00:38:30] Speaker B: Holy smoke.
[00:38:31] Speaker C: Yeah, he was.
[00:38:33] Speaker B: He's actually very good. He's actually 260. Did you say 260? You did say 260. Yeah.
[00:38:40] Speaker C: That's where you probably got it from.
[00:38:42] Speaker B: No, that's right. He would be 260 years old today and.
Well, that's as funny as anything I can come up with.
And thank you very much for playing the game.
[00:38:58] Speaker C: Okay. Happy, Happy birthday, Tony.
[00:39:00] Speaker D: Thank you. Thank you very much.
[00:39:02] Speaker B: And we say happy birthday to you also, Tony.
[00:39:05] Speaker D: Thank you, Norm.
[00:39:06] Speaker B: Happy birthday. Thank you, Jack. Yeah.
[00:39:07] Speaker D: Happy birthday, Tony.
[00:39:08] Speaker B: Thank you, Tony.
[00:39:09] Speaker D: I'd like to thank the Nobel Academy.
[00:39:12] Speaker B: You might clip you off because you're getting sick. That's fine. Okay. And thank you very much also, Jack. Oh, anytime.
How about tomorrow? Okay. You won't even be here tomorrow. Will you stop. Anyway, we'll see you later. And thank you all for playing the dumb birthday game. We'll take regular calls now as we resume our regular programming. 2, 5, 4, 1030, area code 617. And again, as a reward for all those of you as a kind of a booby prize, these pleasant sounds that you've asked for.
[00:39:45] Speaker D: Today, we're talking to people from all across America about their skin problems. Here's Marie Caruso of West Newton, Massachusetts.
[00:39:52] Speaker B: I teach, and I teach at a community college. I just developed a jewelry because I was just breaking out exactly where a necklace would be or a watch would be or a bracelet, something that's on my skin.
[00:40:02] Speaker D: It was just a very annoying itch.
[00:40:04] Speaker B: And it would just itch like anything, and you would scratch till you scrape your skin off your arm.
[00:40:09] Speaker D: And Lawrence Lanzilli of Allendale, Florida, told us about his problem. I'm a bricklayer by trade.
[00:40:15] Speaker B: When I used to go to work, I used to, you know, if I was outside and the sun was beating down on me, used to dry my skin out. And it used to make my arms itchy.
And if I had pants on and if I was sweating, my legs used to be itchy rashes on my arms, my legs.
[00:40:33] Speaker D: And Joan Cantwell of Brockton, Massachusetts, told us this.
[00:40:36] Speaker B: I had developed a skin rash, and the rash was red, itchy, very uncomfortable. At its worst, it was painful. It was very irritating.
[00:40:49] Speaker D: But they all got relief using therapeutic Gold Bond Medicated Powder. Gold Bond's triple action formula is like three great powders in one. It has the absorbing action of powder, the medicating action of a proven itch fighter, and the drying action of zinc oxide. That's Triple Action Gold Bond. Marie Caruso what do you think of Gold Bond Medicated Powder?
[00:41:09] Speaker C: The itch?
[00:41:10] Speaker B: It's gone. You don't expect a powder to do what Gold Bond can do. Gold Bond has made itself part of my life. Gold Bond is terrific.
[00:41:20] Speaker D: Lawrence Lanzilli how did Gold Bond work for you? Gold Bond does a lot.
[00:41:24] Speaker B: Gold Bond's my product.
[00:41:26] Speaker D: And Joan Cantwell what do you have to say about therapeutic Gold Bond Medicated Powder?
[00:41:31] Speaker B: It's gone. Completely gone. The itching in the area of the rash was taken care of. It doesn't itch anymore. I don't use any other powder but Gold Bond.
[00:41:41] Speaker D: Well, you heard it from people all across America. Get Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Powder for your skin problem today. Use only as directed. Available at CVS stores. Should you remortgage or refinance your home? Should you consider a different type of mortgage?
[00:41:56] Speaker B: What should you look for when shopping.
[00:41:58] Speaker D: For a home mortgage? Is the company you want to do business with a good company? WBZ's call for action can answer questions about mortgages. Members of the Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers association will take Your questions Thursday, February 27th from 6 to 9pm Call 787-2300-787-2300. Ask the mortgage expert from WBZ's Call for Action.
[00:42:24] Speaker B: Let's check the five day WBZ AccuWeather forecast from Roy Gallant and his orchestra.
Overnight mostly clear. The wind's diminishing and then during the day on Saturday sunshine at first, then becoming cloudy in the afternoon, a bit of snow or rain late in the day, into the evening. Highs during the day about 39 degrees with lows overnight about 33.
And then on Sunday. Actually it'll get even warmer on Sunday. Cloudy. A bit of drizzle is possible. High temperatures 46 to 40 50.
Monday Mostly cloudy, highs 36 to 40 degrees and on Tuesday there is a chance of snow or rain with highs 36 degrees again. And at the moment the temperature in Boston is a romantic 24 degrees.
Thank you just so darn much. Because of the huge success of last weekend's suit sale, Simon and Sons is.
[00:43:34] Speaker D: Repeating their 20 hour sale with two.
[00:43:36] Speaker B: Great suits for only $199. It's happening tomorrow Saturday at Simon and Sons only at the South Shore Plaza in Braintree. Famous maker wool and wool blend suits with values to $325 will be priced from only 129. Every suit will be reduced. Price is starting from 129. For this 20 hour sale you may purchase two suits for $199. That's right, two great looking suits for $199. All sport coats reduced with prices starting at $99. This clothing event is for 20 hours only at Simon and Sons, the men's store at the South Shore Plaza in Braintree. Saturday, 8:30am to 10pm Sunday noon to 6. These are exceptional savings on fine men's clothing. Don't miss this second opportunity to purchase year round weight suits. Two for $199. Remember, it's happening for 20 hours Saturday from 8:30am to 10pm Sunday noon to 6, Simon and son South Shore Plaza, Braintree.
It is coming up to seven minutes before 4 o'clock and we have open lines and lots of them at 2, 5, 4, 10:30. Our area code is the very lovely and exciting 61 7. And we'd like very much to hear from you because it is that quiet time of day right now.
Let me see a couple of things. I.
There was a, there was a teacher out in. Wait a minute.
I'm sorry, I'm just kind of mumbling along while I'm trying to find the item. Had to do with a.
Oh yeah, this wasn't the story I was looking for. But remember the other day we're talking about some people who were planning an around the world balloon flight.
It was called Earth Winds and they were going to take off from Akron, Ohio.
And preparations apparently are underway for another attempt at the launching. They tried it once before.
They must have near calm conditions and proper trajectory in the jet stream to begin the voyage. And I hope to begin it sometime early this morning.
The trip captained by Scottsdale Arizona airline pilot Larry Newman. And that's a name you'll be hearing about a lot if they take off and if, especially if they complete this around the world balloon flight called Earth Winds. LARRY Newman the Captaining it's an attempt to take an hourglass shaped helium balloon around the world at an altitude of about 35,000ft. If you ever go up in a hot air balloon and this is helium, this is not hot air but a helium balloon.
Usually you're up much more than just barely above the treetops kind of floating along and it's a great sensation. I cannot imagine being up 35,000ft in a balloon which is about the height of.
That would be the height of a jet plane. Jet plane flight. So that have to have to be sealed in and oxygen and all that kind of stuff.
He's got a crew of Two other guys and they've been waiting for weeks for the right weather to take off. He calls Earth Winds a one time disposable aircraft that cannot be recovered and launched once it's airborne.
A launch attempt last week was scrubbed because winds at ground level were too strong. But once it gets into the air, that's it. You cannot use it ever again. The balloon's flight path probably will take it over the United Kingdom, Northern Europe and Asia and north of Japan.
Just the whole thought of seems like such a wild idea. 35,000ft and you're floating around the entire world.
Armstrong said. Let's see, who is Armstrong? He's one of the guys going up, obviously. No, no, I guess this is a spokesperson.
Yeah, spokesperson. William G. Armstrong Jr. The one who's giving the information.
He said that on Friday the current jet stream trajectory would carry Earth Winds out of US airspace over New York's Long Island.
There are three main parts to Earth Winds. Maybe you've seen it on television, they've had some pictures of it. The upper lifting balloon is filled with more than 1.1 million cubic feet of helium. Suspended between that is the football shaped control capsule, a heated gondola where the crew will live for the 12 to 21 day flight.
Suspended beneath the control capsule is a round anchor balloon filled with compressed air which can be adjusted to keep the craft stable. Earth Winds would be the first balloon to circle the world. So they needed to take off. They were going to take off yesterday Friday, but conditions weren't right. So they may be taking off this morning, but that'd be an interesting flight to watch.
And that's the story on Earth Winds. Thank you just so much. There was also another funny story out of Charleston, West Virginia.
Two top corrections officials resigned under pressure this past day following the escape of three murderers from the West Virginia penitentiary.
They apparently worked in the greenhouse and so they were given picks and shovels for work there. But what they did was to dig a tunnel. And apparently everybody knew that they were digging a tunnel to get out except the officials.
An Inmate said the 32 foot tunnel that led the escapees from the prison greenhouse to freedom was a well known secret among prisoners.
One fellow said, everybody inside here is still laughing. The three escapees are still at large and a state police sergeant says authorities are focusing their search on the immediate vicinity of the prison, which is in Moundsville, West Virginia.
He says he's received numerous reports of sightings of the trio, but they haven't picked up any of the guys at all.
Three Men were last seen headed toward Charleston, West Virginia in a dark green four door sedan. On Thursday, a man matching one of the guy's descriptions broke into a house near the prison and stole a woman's purse and two loaves of bread.
But anyway, they were discovered missing from the prison during a headcount Wednesday. An investigation turned up a sophisticated four foot tall escape route that led from under the dirt floor greenhouse to a road on the other side of a prison wall. But here are these three murderers and they got pickaxes and all that kind of stuff. And I mean just the idea that it just sounds like a, like a really stupid movie. And they're digging a tunnel and everybody knows they're digging a tunnel except the officials. All the other prisoners know that they're giggling and wondering if they're going to make it.
In a telephone call to the news, to the Associated Press, one fellow said other inmates. One of the prisoners said other inmates were well aware of the escape plans. He says it was as plain as day what they were doing.
He added that the trio's escape from the 126 year old prison was possible because prison officials too much, put too much emphasis on petty stuff and they miss all the big stuff.
Anyway, that's the story. I think you'll be hearing about that and earth winds and you can say, hey, Uncle Norm talked about that just this past night. Son of a gun. Anyway, I'm Norm Nathan. We're coming up to news time at 4:00. Tony Nesbit, the birthday boy, is our producer and we'll be here for another hour and I hope we'll have a chance to talk with you about whatever may be on your mind. Our phone number is 254-10-30. Our area code is 617.
Thank you just so darn much. See you after the news.
[00:52:13] Speaker D: You're Never more than 10 minutes away from the latest WBZ AccuWeather forecast, exclusively on New England's news and information station, WBZ Boston.
[00:52:26] Speaker A: Weren't those a couple of terribly interesting news items from Uncle Norm? And speaking of interesting, here's Willard Scott and his good pal, whom I've named Ryopan Dan.
[00:52:37] Speaker B: Hey, Willard Scott here.
[00:52:39] Speaker D: You know how the wind can make the weather feel colder than it really is?
[00:52:43] Speaker B: Well, heartburn can make a stressful situation feel worse too. Especially if you don't know about Riopan plus 2. Just ask Dan from Minneapolis. Well, you know, Willard, changing jobs is a lot harder than I thought it would be all of a sudden. You know, at my age, I Have to prove myself all over again. And I'll tell you, you know what it does to your stomach when you have nerves like that. You know, Dan, it sounds like you could use the antacid. I tell all my friends about Riopan plus 2. I need something that's gonna work fast. You know, Riopan plus 2 is fast. In fact, it starts to fight acid as soon as it hits your stomach. And it's sodium free, just in case you're worried about salt. So I gotta ask you, what does this stuff taste like? It tastes great. You can choose either mint or cherry.
[00:53:32] Speaker D: Flavor, liquid or tablets. And use only as directed. So, Dan, give yourself a break and.
[00:53:37] Speaker B: Get some Ryoban plus two.
[00:53:40] Speaker A: Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it. Four magic moments. The distaff side. Perseverance. Friendly old timer laughs. The caffeine jitters. Excellent diction. The youngsmobile Clean behinds.
Mr. J. Julius Irving whistling An excited Norm who now needs some rest.
Nasty comments.
Dead end producing jobs getting kicked in the quarter century. Lionel Barrymore, the WBZ nurse Coughing the chicken Horror movie poltrygeist.
Wait, yes. No sophisticated scoring systems. George Bailey blaming kid company Scientific studies lacking hypotheses Witness subpoenas, Sealed documents. Cockamamie radar stuff. The woodsman's weather stick. The Hut Stove League red letter days. Marie Caruso, Lawrence Lanzilli and Joan Cantwell. Itchy, sweaty, rashy skin. Therapeutic gold Bond medicated powder Call for action. Simon and Sons Tom Bergeron Mumbling while trying to find the item Earth winds around the world Balloon flight Proper trajectory in the jet stream. Larry Newman Prison escapees Ryo Pandan Jack Hart in the doctor of lathology. Norm Nathan. I'm the birthday boy. Tony Nesbit.
[00:55:17] Speaker B: Get that base in the hair running through ccs and give her an injection of wash the washes behind.
Did I really say that? Did I say that?
[00:55:27] Speaker D: Yes, you did.
[00:55:28] Speaker B: I can't believe I said that.