Episode 20!
Let’s venture back to a frigid January 30th, 1993.
We begin with Norm waxing poetic, in an old Yankee accent, about wintertime and going to school back in the day and then an exciting traffic report from Jack Harte where Emily Barsh from the WBZ Programming Dept and her unwavering dedication to the station has made her Employee of the Month! Frank Murtaugh, from promotions was also helping out Jack’s report by causing some traffic to give him SOMEthing to report on.
There's an award-winning rendition of “Hello Bluebird!”
Norm talks about chocolate frappes from Tony’s Spa with his friend Norm Flaxer then belching as he walked up Washington St in Chelsea.
Norm informs us that when he quit smoking many years-ago he also gave up something else.
Our sponsors for this episode of the Vault of Silliness are:
Gold Bond
Dave Maynard for Dial-A-Mattress
Kid Company promo
Baby Goldbond
And a WBZ StormCenter promo
The contestants:
Rog from Cambridge
John from Boston
Irene speaking on the world’s worst phone
Bill in Chelsea
Tony in Studio
Jack Harte
The Birthdays:
Gene Hackman
Tammy Grimes
Vanessa Redgrave
Dick Cheney
Harold Prince
Dick Martin
Marty Balin
Louis Rukheiser
Ola, Mehico! Welcome and thanks for joining us here at NNVoS! Sorry I’m late with this post. A slow recovery from an Alaskan vacation...
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