Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 183

Episode 183 April 16, 2024 00:50:49
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 183
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 183

Apr 16 2024 | 00:50:49


Show Notes

Howzit Namibia? Let me officially welcome you to Norm Nathan’s Vault of Silliness. Everyone is in for another treat with this broadcast. It’s a DBG from April 5th, 1992.

And this is the most appropriate title I could come up with:

I Am an Innocent Man!



Scott in Peabody

Val from Needham

Barbara in Maynard

Annette from Maynard in studio

Ollie Kopacki from Middleton

Tony producing and on the phone from MC

Russ Gannon from Traffic


Bdays with ALL the SFX:

Gregory Peck

Arthur Haley

Colin Powell

Gail Storm

Max Gail

Frank Gorshin

Michael Moriarty


Get ready for a lot of laughs as Ep 183, I Am an Innocent Man! Pleads its way to your ears in 3, 2 and 1.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: How's it, Namibia? Let me officially welcome you to Norm Nathan's vault of silliness. Everyone is in for another treat with this broadcast. It's a dumb birthday game from April 5, 1992, and this is the most appropriate title I could come up with. I am an innocent man. The players, Scott and Peabody. Val from Needham. Barbara and Maynard. Annette from Maynard. In studio, Ollie Kopacky from Middleton. I'm producing. And on the phone from master control, and Russ Gannon from traffic, the birthdays with all the sound effects. We begin with another Norm Nathan lookalike, Gregory Peck. We move to Arthur Haley. Colin Powell, Gail Storm, Max Gale, Frank Gorshin and Michael Moriarty. Get ready for a lot of laughs as episode 183, I am an innocent man, pleads its way to your ears in three, two, and one. [00:01:03] Speaker B: For such a long time, play the dum num num num. You don't need skill. You don't have to be a brain. You just call Norm to play the dumb birthday game. Play the dumb, dumb birthday game. [00:01:27] Speaker C: Okay, it is time for that. The dumb birthday game. And I'm just a darn excited to play that. Let's see who's on our panel. We have Scott, who's up in Peabody. Hello. [00:01:37] Speaker D: Hi. How you doing, Norm? How are you? [00:01:38] Speaker C: Okay, thank you. I'm doing just fine. And nice to have you with us. Nice to have Val back with us. Who's from Needham. [00:01:44] Speaker B: Hello. [00:01:45] Speaker C: Hello. How are you, Neil? Val. [00:01:48] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. [00:01:50] Speaker C: I'm glad to hear that. I'm glad that you're playing the game with us. What a nice thing to do. But then again, it's. It's. Did you turn your clocks ahead? [00:01:58] Speaker B: Yes, I did. [00:01:59] Speaker C: You're a lovely person. [00:02:00] Speaker B: I know. [00:02:01] Speaker C: Okay. And here's Barbara. [00:02:04] Speaker B: Hello, Norm. [00:02:05] Speaker C: Hello, Barbara. Barbara's out in Maynard. [00:02:07] Speaker B: Yep. [00:02:07] Speaker C: No relation to the Maynard School of Broadcasting or the tours. [00:02:11] Speaker B: That's right. [00:02:12] Speaker C: Okay. It's nice to have you. I have a friend of yours here in the studio. [00:02:15] Speaker B: You probably knew that, so I understand. [00:02:17] Speaker C: Okay. Her name is Annette. That's right. Annette. [00:02:21] Speaker B: Hello, Annette. [00:02:22] Speaker E: How do you do? Hi, Barbara. [00:02:23] Speaker B: How you doing? [00:02:24] Speaker E: I'm doing great. [00:02:25] Speaker B: Good. You gonna play the game together? [00:02:27] Speaker E: Yes, we are. [00:02:28] Speaker B: Who's gonna win? [00:02:30] Speaker E: Probably, uh. [00:02:31] Speaker B: Probably Scott. [00:02:32] Speaker E: Yeah, maybe Tony. [00:02:35] Speaker C: You both sound just sedan. Adorable. And I feel like such a. I. [00:02:38] Speaker B: Hope the next one. Do we have another one? [00:02:41] Speaker C: Is this val? [00:02:41] Speaker B: Yes. [00:02:42] Speaker C: I'm sorry. Do we have another woman? [00:02:44] Speaker B: Another participant? [00:02:46] Speaker C: Oh, yes. Well, yes, we do. We have. [00:02:48] Speaker B: We have Robert. [00:02:49] Speaker C: We do not. We had Robert yesterday. You want him again? [00:02:52] Speaker B: Oh, I can. [00:02:53] Speaker C: We have another woman. We have Ollie. [00:02:55] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:02:55] Speaker C: Ollie Kopaki is the head of the Middleton council on aging, and Middleton is where I live. And Middleton is a. And Ollie is a friend and she's with us. Hi, Ollie. [00:03:06] Speaker B: Hi, Norm. [00:03:07] Speaker C: Hey, this is nice to have you with us. You're supposed to say, thank you very much. It's swell to be with you. [00:03:13] Speaker B: Thank you very much. [00:03:14] Speaker C: I know you. I know you're overwhelmed. [00:03:16] Speaker B: It's wonderful to be on this birthday game. [00:03:19] Speaker C: Okay. It's nice to have you, Ollie. And we also, of course, we have Tony Nesbitt, who's our first class producer, who's with us. [00:03:26] Speaker D: Thank you very much. It's swell to be here. [00:03:28] Speaker C: I imagine it probably is. And something that you look forward to all week. [00:03:32] Speaker D: Oh, definitely. [00:03:33] Speaker C: Okay. [00:03:34] Speaker D: There's a little nepotism tonight, isn't it? [00:03:36] Speaker C: We do. [00:03:36] Speaker D: We have two people from Bz. Two. Three. Friends of yours. [00:03:39] Speaker C: That's right. [00:03:40] Speaker D: Or a friend of a friend of yours. [00:03:41] Speaker C: Friend. Friends of mine. And we also have Russ Gannon, I suppose could be called nepotism in a sense, too. [00:03:47] Speaker D: Is that you, Russia? [00:03:48] Speaker F: It is. Is that you, Tony? [00:03:50] Speaker B: Yes, it is. [00:03:51] Speaker C: And Russ, of course, is our WBC traffic reporter. And for those people who've never heard the dumb birthday game, who've been deprived of that thrill, what we do is mention the names of people who are born on this date. And the idea is to guess how old you think they are. I mean, the premise, again, I must apologize for. It's not. It's not one of the most creative premises, but somehow, sometimes it produces some interesting conversations. [00:04:16] Speaker B: Can I wish Betty a happy birthday wherever she is? [00:04:21] Speaker C: Now, Betty. Betty would be. This is Barbara. [00:04:24] Speaker B: No, Val. [00:04:25] Speaker C: Oh, Val. Now, Betty is. Betty is a friend of yours. [00:04:28] Speaker D: Betty Davis, I believe. [00:04:29] Speaker C: Oh, Betty Davis. Oh, yes, yes, you may certainly may do that. [00:04:34] Speaker B: Happy birthday, dear Betty happy birthday to you wherever you are what a. [00:04:40] Speaker C: What a. What a. What a lovely thing what a lovely, lovely thing to do. Okay. Today's also the birthday of a Norm Nathan lookalike alone. Tremendously much, much older than I am. [00:04:51] Speaker D: Robert Redford. [00:04:52] Speaker C: No, actually, much older than I am. And his name is Gregory Peck, but he has the same kind of distinguished good looks, I think. Ruddy good looks. You noticed that, did you? I want to ask Scott first. Scott up in Peabody there. How old do you think Gregory Peck is today? You're gonna see 50. 54. [00:05:17] Speaker D: Right. [00:05:17] Speaker C: Okay. And Val, what do you think? [00:05:20] Speaker B: I'll say 64. [00:05:23] Speaker C: 64. He was in one of my favorite old. It wasn't a lot of movies that I like, but especially to kill a mockingbird, I thought was just a fantastic movie. He's a nice man. He was. He was on some. Some quiz show. Not quiz show, some talk show. And he was gonna be the. Featured in the Rose bowl parade. I guess that was last year. And he was. He was showing. He was. Said he's been rehearsing all week, trying to figure out how to wave at the crowd. And he showed a different. Different kinds of waves he was going to do. And he was just so relaxed and so funny. I'd never seen him in that movie tonight show. It probably wasn't funny. So, yeah, he said, do I do it like a windshield wiper, you know, going across? Or do I just keep my hand in one place and just crinkle up the fingers? I mean, he was just great, because I always thought he was a great actor, a guy with a great deal of class. [00:06:14] Speaker B: And that's his real name. [00:06:15] Speaker C: Gregory Peck is his real name. Some people think it was Rudy Walter Lipschitz, but that's not true. Barbara, what do you think? How old do you think Gregory Peck is today? [00:06:26] Speaker B: I'm gonna guess that he's 71. [00:06:28] Speaker C: 71, okay. Ollie, what do you think? [00:06:32] Speaker B: Oh, I'd say about 80. [00:06:34] Speaker C: 80, okay. And, Annette? [00:06:38] Speaker E: I will say 79. [00:06:40] Speaker C: 79, okay. Tony, what do you think? [00:06:44] Speaker D: 78. [00:06:46] Speaker C: 78. Your diction is just sedan precise. [00:06:50] Speaker D: That's what they told me. [00:06:51] Speaker C: It is just beautiful. I understood. I bet you every third word anyway, with hardly an ear strain. [00:06:58] Speaker B: That's because he's a radio person. [00:07:00] Speaker C: That's right. These broadcasters, they talk. Just sit down. [00:07:04] Speaker D: Clearly, we have to hear that all the time. It'll be 71 today. I'm sorry. Turning the station. [00:07:10] Speaker C: Okay, Russ Gannon, what do you think? [00:07:14] Speaker F: Well, Gregory Peck was also in one of my favorite movies of all time. [00:07:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:19] Speaker F: Hitchcock's spellbound. Oh, that's Ingrid Bergman. [00:07:23] Speaker C: That's true. Yes. Yes. [00:07:24] Speaker F: My favorite Hitchcock, I believe, is that one. But I'll agree with. Tony. Is that you, Tony? [00:07:29] Speaker D: Is that you, west? [00:07:30] Speaker F: It sure is, 78. [00:07:32] Speaker C: Thanks for agreeing with me, 78 it will be. Okay, now it is time to find out the actual age as we check the birth record. And Gregory Peck is from California, too, isn't he? So we tracked. I think he was born there. Well, maybe. [00:07:45] Speaker D: What does that have to do with anything? [00:07:46] Speaker C: Has nothing to do with anything, except we tracked down his birth records. And so I was saying that. So you know where we tracked him? [00:07:52] Speaker D: Down? [00:07:52] Speaker C: In California. [00:07:53] Speaker D: Okay. [00:07:54] Speaker F: Little Beach Boys. [00:07:55] Speaker C: Music. [00:07:55] Speaker F: Tony? [00:07:56] Speaker D: No, no, actually, this. [00:08:05] Speaker C: Opec. [00:08:06] Speaker D: Very good. [00:08:08] Speaker C: Chickens pecking. Chickens pecking. I see. I see. [00:08:12] Speaker B: Very clever. Very, very clever. [00:08:16] Speaker D: I want to go out with you. He said, very clever. [00:08:18] Speaker C: I believe that was Val who said that. It's too bad. Oh, Bart. Was it Barbara? [00:08:23] Speaker B: No, no, no. Barbara was going to say that it sounds more like Bob in wherever he was that you hung up on earlier. [00:08:30] Speaker C: I thought. I thought. I thought if you had a record, there used to be a song called I love you, a bushel and a peck. That would have made. That would. Anyway, let's find out the actual age, now that we've gone through this hilarious moment. The actual age of Gregory Peck is 76. 76. So that would mean that. Tony. Who said 78? [00:08:52] Speaker B: Tony, you didn't peek? [00:08:54] Speaker C: No, no, no, he doesn't. No, he's not even in the same room I'm at. And no, he really does not. Now, Rush Gannon said this 78 also, which I know is kind of suspicious since he works here. Also. [00:09:12] Speaker F: I'm not in the same room as Tony. No, I'm not even in the same zip code. [00:09:19] Speaker C: Russ is over in the prudential building. [00:09:21] Speaker D: But he's got his high powered binoculars and he's looking. [00:09:25] Speaker C: At. So, no, nobody can see the answers. [00:09:29] Speaker D: So. [00:09:29] Speaker C: Okay, here's. [00:09:30] Speaker D: How about, are we both the winners, just Russ and myself? [00:09:32] Speaker C: Russ and yourself are the winners. Yeah. Okay. [00:09:39] Speaker F: You realize, of course, this means war. [00:09:43] Speaker C: You cut that out, George Bailey, and just don't come crawling on your hands and ease to me again. [00:09:51] Speaker D: Excuse me. [00:09:52] Speaker C: I think my imitation is growing a little restless. [00:09:54] Speaker D: Excuse me, I have a question, sir. [00:09:55] Speaker C: Yes, sir, go right ahead. [00:09:56] Speaker D: If anyone was watching television the other night, could you tell me why? It's a wonderful life was being shown on vhs. [00:10:01] Speaker C: One, maybe they had during. That's right. Yeah. [00:10:04] Speaker B: Christmas in April. [00:10:06] Speaker C: Yeah. I don't know. Maybe because there's. No. Because the copyright ran out. It cost nothing for a station to run it, and they probably have no money, and that was free. [00:10:16] Speaker D: I mean, it was nice to see it again for the thousands, but on. [00:10:19] Speaker F: A music video station, it's a little odd. [00:10:22] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:10:22] Speaker B: Maybe because it was snowing the other. [00:10:24] Speaker F: Night, but not in California. [00:10:27] Speaker C: No, I don't know what the reason was. George Bailey. [00:10:33] Speaker B: Okay, that's a good imitation. That's good. [00:10:35] Speaker D: Did I. [00:10:35] Speaker B: Very good. [00:10:36] Speaker C: Okay. Did Arthur Haley. Did he die a few days ago? [00:10:39] Speaker D: Yes, he died, Arthur. [00:10:40] Speaker C: Oh, that was Alex Haley. [00:10:42] Speaker D: No, Alex Haley died. [00:10:43] Speaker C: Okay, Arthur Haley, who's also an author. Do you know that? Do you know Arthur Haley? Anybody know Arthur Haley. [00:10:48] Speaker B: Not personally. [00:10:50] Speaker C: No, I mean, not personally. [00:10:51] Speaker B: Did he know that was Arthur treacher that did the butler? No, he makes fish. [00:10:57] Speaker C: That's another author. [00:10:57] Speaker B: He makes fish. [00:10:59] Speaker C: It's also, you know, it's not Arthur Godfrey, either. It's not every. Every Arthur that you ever heard of. [00:11:06] Speaker B: Do you have your ukulele, Arthur? [00:11:07] Speaker C: I have my ukulele. We're in the blue Ridge Mountain. [00:11:11] Speaker B: Tony, will you. Will you wipe the dribble off his chin there, would you? [00:11:17] Speaker C: I wonder if you'd clip my microphone whenever I get into an Arthur garden. God, he did. [00:11:24] Speaker B: Do. [00:11:30] Speaker C: We go on with the. With Arthur? Arthur? [00:11:32] Speaker D: What did he written? [00:11:33] Speaker C: It's a mutiny. I don't know which one to skip him. [00:11:35] Speaker B: Who? [00:11:36] Speaker C: Arthur Haley. Oh, okay, we'll skip Arthur. [00:11:41] Speaker D: I would have guessed. [00:11:42] Speaker C: No, he did. He did. Skies not was a skyscraper or, you know, one of the fire in the towering Inferno Hotel. Hotel. [00:11:50] Speaker D: Wait a minute. [00:11:50] Speaker C: We're not also. Yes, that's right. That was out there. Yeah. [00:11:54] Speaker D: Fixation on large buildings or something. [00:11:56] Speaker C: Fixation on large something or other. I'm not sure what. [00:11:59] Speaker D: I would have guessed that he was 74. [00:12:04] Speaker F: Wait for your turn, Tony. [00:12:07] Speaker D: Well, we're not even guessing. [00:12:08] Speaker C: Well, now we will guess him because you said 74. Okay, Russ, Russ, what do you think now that we're guessing him? [00:12:15] Speaker F: Well, Tony went first. [00:12:17] Speaker C: Does that hurt your feelings when the. Boy, does that make you want to throw yourself on the floor and cry? What kind of a classroom do I have here? [00:12:26] Speaker B: Don't hang up for us. [00:12:27] Speaker F: Oh, towering Inferno, huh? [00:12:31] Speaker C: Yeah. Does that help you guess his age? [00:12:34] Speaker F: That was towering Inferno. A writer, eh? [00:12:37] Speaker C: Oh, I see that he must be. Can he write with his left hand or his left. Right hand? [00:12:43] Speaker F: Well, it puts it down. In the days of sensoround, remember when earthquake was released and sensorine and I went to see. Here's. Here's the true story, if I may. I went to see towering Inferno with my parents around 1974, I guess, and earthquake was playing next door. And during the scene where Steve McQueen was climbing through an air shaft, the whole theater started to shake. And gosh darn, if I didn't think. [00:13:08] Speaker C: Steve McQueen was going to plummet to. [00:13:09] Speaker F: His death, I would say 56. [00:13:13] Speaker C: That was such an interesting story. [00:13:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:16] Speaker F: Thank you. Thank you. We call that fireside chat with Russ. [00:13:21] Speaker C: That was so good. Russ, you and I must do a program together awfully soon. You know, I'll play my. Okay, and you tell your story. [00:13:32] Speaker D: Oh, somebody shut his mic. [00:13:34] Speaker C: Okay. That's right. Turn off. Turn off my microphone. Son of a gun. You did. Okay, Annette, what do you think? [00:13:42] Speaker E: Oh, I will say 57. [00:13:45] Speaker C: Oh, I hope you're right, because you said that pretty. Oh. [00:13:47] Speaker D: Did you skip me? [00:13:49] Speaker C: No, you already said. [00:13:50] Speaker D: Well, I didn't know you were going to start with Russ. No, no, I didn't know we were. [00:13:53] Speaker B: Going to get them. [00:13:54] Speaker C: I started with. [00:13:54] Speaker F: You did, too. [00:13:56] Speaker D: I didn't know you were going to get. Now I'm saying 74. [00:13:59] Speaker C: You said 74. [00:14:00] Speaker D: Fine, I'll stick with it. How about that? [00:14:02] Speaker C: Okay, good enough. Now, Ollie, I'm gonna say. [00:14:06] Speaker F: Is that you, Tony? [00:14:08] Speaker C: 61. [00:14:10] Speaker F: Sure. [00:14:10] Speaker C: Okay. Ollie said 61. And you can see there's a great deal of rivalry between members of our staff here. [00:14:19] Speaker F: Is not. Is not. I'll get you at recess. [00:14:25] Speaker C: Okay. I'll carve you up. I tell you what I'll do. That was you up. [00:14:31] Speaker D: Wow, that's kind of strong for us kids. [00:14:33] Speaker C: No, that was the carver and might get the wrong reference. I think I. Never mind. Forget what I said. That's right. I grew up in Everett. We were totally out of touch with everything. That's why he called it Everett. Everett stood for out of touch with Everett thing. Anyway. Barbara. [00:14:53] Speaker B: Yes? [00:14:54] Speaker C: Are you. Are you as. Are you as pretty as your friend Annette? [00:14:58] Speaker B: Oh, no, no, she's prettier. Annette is much prettier. [00:15:02] Speaker C: Oh, my goodness. You'll both have to come here one night and. Yeah, we'll do a part of the expression a program together. [00:15:09] Speaker B: Hey, there's an idea we could each sit on. You sit on one side. [00:15:15] Speaker C: I was hoping you're. I was hoping your lap would be the rest of the sentence, but obviously it's not. Anyway, tell me how old you think Arthur Haley is today. [00:15:26] Speaker B: I'm going to guess 54. [00:15:28] Speaker C: 54. You don't have to guess that. Is there somebody there with a knife at your throat or something? You guessed this or your family won't be able to leave Peru. [00:15:36] Speaker B: No, I've just got two dogs in bed with me. [00:15:39] Speaker F: Oh, I see the correlation. [00:15:44] Speaker C: What an insult for George and Sydney, huh? [00:15:47] Speaker B: Actually, it's Desi and Ralph. [00:15:49] Speaker E: Ralph? [00:15:49] Speaker B: My dog's name is Sydney. [00:15:51] Speaker C: You have a dog named Sydney? [00:15:53] Speaker B: Yes. He's on my bed, but I'm not on. [00:15:55] Speaker D: I have a fish named Sydney. [00:15:57] Speaker B: Don't. You're lying. [00:15:58] Speaker D: You're right. I am. [00:16:00] Speaker C: Val, what do you think? How old is Arthur Haley? [00:16:03] Speaker B: 68. [00:16:04] Speaker C: 68. Okay. And, Scott. [00:16:09] Speaker D: I know. I'm gonna say 68, too. [00:16:11] Speaker C: 60. I think. The FCC says we could use any kind of language between midnight and 06:00 a.m. Is that rule still in effect? [00:16:18] Speaker D: Well, if it isn't, we've broken it. [00:16:21] Speaker C: We'll force it. Okay. The actual age of Arthur Haley is. No, it sounds like a disaster film, though. [00:16:37] Speaker D: It's from a tv program called Fireball xl five. [00:16:43] Speaker C: Excellent. [00:16:44] Speaker D: So I've combined, of course, fire with towering inferno and, of course, his last name being Haley and Fireball, Haley's comet. How do you like that? [00:16:52] Speaker B: Wow. [00:16:53] Speaker E: Clever. [00:16:54] Speaker B: That's really. [00:16:54] Speaker D: Someone else thinks I'm clever. I'm as. [00:16:57] Speaker C: That is very good. Okay. [00:16:59] Speaker D: I'm sick of it. [00:16:59] Speaker C: You just fade that music out of there. That's right. Good. Good job, Arthur. The actual age of Arthur Haley actually is 72. And so Tony. [00:17:08] Speaker B: Tony who, again, I'm suspicious. [00:17:12] Speaker C: Yeah, Tony said 74. That's right. He wins. [00:17:15] Speaker D: I'm apologizing for winning. [00:17:18] Speaker C: Yeah, because you. You were saying you were going to lower the estimate that you wanted to guess again because everybody guessed younger than you. Colin Powell. You've heard about him from the. From the war on the Persian Gulf war. A chief of staff and all that. A chief of staff would be good if it. Well, yeah, he is. He's chairman of us joint. [00:17:39] Speaker D: What are you trying to say, Norm? [00:17:40] Speaker C: I was going to make a political comment, but it didn't seem to be. It seemed to be inappropriate at this time, so I won't say that. But Colin Powell. Let's start with. Let's see. Let's start with you, Ollie, how old do you think Colin Powell is, who spoke a lot during the. [00:17:56] Speaker B: About 58. [00:17:57] Speaker C: 58. Okay. And, Val, what do you think? [00:18:01] Speaker B: I'll say 53. [00:18:09] Speaker C: 53. I love the way you're saying that. I'll say little baby. [00:18:15] Speaker B: No, just trying to remember, you know, his voice in his. 53. [00:18:21] Speaker C: Okay, nice. No, nice looking man. [00:18:23] Speaker B: Yes. [00:18:23] Speaker C: Okay. And let's see. Let's see. Russ, what do you think? [00:18:34] Speaker F: Is he still in office? [00:18:36] Speaker C: Yes, he is. [00:18:36] Speaker F: Or was. Colon removed. So few and far between are these puns that. Thank you. Thank you. [00:18:47] Speaker D: Thank you very much. Is that you, Russ? [00:18:50] Speaker C: You know it is, Tony, if you just go ahead and guess his age. You see, you know. [00:18:56] Speaker B: Ooh. [00:18:57] Speaker F: Now cut that out. I'll say 61. [00:19:02] Speaker C: 61 years of age. Okay. And what do you think, Scott? [00:19:06] Speaker D: 56. [00:19:08] Speaker C: Scott says 56. And Barbara? [00:19:11] Speaker B: 62. [00:19:12] Speaker C: 62. And friend Annette. [00:19:16] Speaker E: Let's see. I'll say 51. [00:19:19] Speaker C: 51. [00:19:21] Speaker D: She can say anything she wants. [00:19:22] Speaker C: Yeah, she can. [00:19:23] Speaker D: Really? [00:19:23] Speaker C: I'll tell you, because she's very pretty. She's really very pretty. [00:19:27] Speaker E: My face is red. [00:19:29] Speaker C: My face is red. Sounds like the title of a book. My face is red. [00:19:34] Speaker B: I can't wait till opening night to see what else is read by Arthur Haley. [00:19:39] Speaker C: My face is red by Alfonso P. Tony, what do you say? [00:19:44] Speaker D: Oh, that was that Scott. Who said 56? [00:19:48] Speaker C: Scotty. Scotty did say. Scott did say 56. Yes. [00:19:53] Speaker D: That's pretty good. Either that or another age. [00:19:59] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what it boils down to. [00:20:03] Speaker D: The way I look at it. [00:20:07] Speaker B: I'm. [00:20:07] Speaker D: Going to say 55. That was my original guess. [00:20:09] Speaker C: 55 is your original Scott, but I'll say 50. Okay, well, let's check now and just see how close you guys came. Okay. And you women, too. The actual age of cold Powell is. [00:20:19] Speaker D: Hold on, I am playing something and it's not working. Don't worry, I'll see my doctor about it in the morning. [00:20:29] Speaker C: Meantime, just lean over it. Bend over and cough. Would you do something, for God's sake? [00:20:36] Speaker B: What a show. [00:20:38] Speaker D: Hold on, I've got a. This is going to be just so appropriate. [00:20:42] Speaker B: We are having technical difficulties and we'll be with you momentarily. [00:20:49] Speaker D: There we go. Hail to the chief of staff. [00:20:52] Speaker C: Hail to the chief of staff. Is this what we waited for? [00:20:58] Speaker D: This is what you waited for. [00:20:59] Speaker C: I see. [00:21:00] Speaker D: Can I stand up now? [00:21:04] Speaker C: Okay. The actual age of Colin Powell, chief of staff. [00:21:08] Speaker D: When you speak over this music note, I'm telling you, it had such power. [00:21:12] Speaker C: Okay. Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of staff, ladies and gentlemen, Colin Powell. Homer, who lives in home of the free and. Never mind. Anyways, 55, which is what you said, tony. [00:21:26] Speaker B: Come on, come on. I think Tony should not be allowed to play it. [00:21:31] Speaker C: I'm beginning to think the same thing. [00:21:33] Speaker D: Oh, my. [00:21:35] Speaker C: Not because of the way he guesses, but of what he says and his foolishness. I know it. We got, we got. [00:21:43] Speaker D: I want to get rid of the prizes, believe me. [00:21:45] Speaker C: No, I can't, because we've got three rounds played so far. Tony's won everyone and Russ has won one and nobody's won anything else besides these three. These two. [00:21:56] Speaker B: Tony, you should play the numbers this weekend. [00:21:59] Speaker C: No, I really don't give Tony the answers. I swear I don't give him the answers. If he gets them, he gets them from some other source. [00:22:05] Speaker B: No, no, no. He said you don't have to give him the answers. Play the lottery. [00:22:10] Speaker C: What's that? Play the lottery. [00:22:11] Speaker B: I think he should play the lottery this weekend. That's a good sign. [00:22:14] Speaker C: I guess that would be true, yes. [00:22:16] Speaker F: In fact, he should go right now. Yeah, sorry, Todd. [00:22:20] Speaker C: That's right. Go to your nearest store that has the lotteries and stay there. Lock yourself in for the night. How about Gail Storm? Remember the show from the early days of television. Gail Storm, who sounds a little like a burlesque dancer, doesn't she? Yeah. Oh, but she was on. She was on a show called my little Margie. [00:22:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:41] Speaker C: And there was a guy named Farrell. What was his first name? He was from Boston. He'd been a silent movie star. He was her father, King Pharaoh. No, it wasn't King. It was something Pharaoh. And he used to say, that's my little magi. He had a very bad New England accent. That's my little Magi. And Marvin Kaplan, who's a funny actor. Funny looking guy with thick glasses. That sounds like me. Anyway, he was on the show. Gail Storm. Anyway, Gale Storm. Let's start with. Let's see. We'll start with Annette. We'll start with you. [00:23:14] Speaker E: Well, let's see. Gale Storm must be about 75. [00:23:20] Speaker C: About 75 for Gale storm, my little Maggie. Okay. And Tony, what do you think? [00:23:31] Speaker D: 70. My little Margie, huh? 73. [00:23:36] Speaker C: 73 again. [00:23:37] Speaker D: My original first guess. [00:23:40] Speaker C: I see. [00:23:41] Speaker D: I was debating another guess. [00:23:42] Speaker C: I see. [00:23:43] Speaker D: Well, 73. [00:23:44] Speaker C: It's interesting to know your entire thought process. [00:23:46] Speaker D: I have a feeling I'll be wrong on this one. [00:23:48] Speaker C: Somewhat boring. But it's kind of interesting to hear you just ramble on like that. Okay, Val, what do you say? [00:23:56] Speaker B: 58? [00:23:57] Speaker C: 58. Okay. And, Barbara, let's see. [00:24:02] Speaker B: What did Tony say? [00:24:05] Speaker C: Tony said people will say we're in love. [00:24:08] Speaker B: Oh, he did? [00:24:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:24:09] Speaker B: Does he mean. [00:24:11] Speaker C: I hope he meant you and not me. [00:24:16] Speaker B: Well, I'm gonna. I'm gonna guess lucky 77. [00:24:19] Speaker C: Lucky 77. That's right. If it's seven is lucky, then two sevens. [00:24:24] Speaker B: Well, probably unlucky, but. [00:24:26] Speaker C: Okay, let's see. Let's ask you, Scott, what do you think? 74? You sound like you're about 8 million mile away. [00:24:35] Speaker B: Yeah, he does. Where'd he go? [00:24:37] Speaker C: Yeah. I don't know. I say. [00:24:38] Speaker B: I can barely hear him. [00:24:39] Speaker C: Yeah, he probably. [00:24:41] Speaker D: Is that you, Scott? That's me. [00:24:44] Speaker C: Okay. And, Ollie, what do you say? [00:24:46] Speaker B: I'll say 73. [00:24:48] Speaker C: No, I'm 73. Okay, hold on. And. Oh, that's the same as Tony. Tony said. Yeah. And what do you say? What do you say, Russ? Hmm? [00:25:01] Speaker F: 76. [00:25:03] Speaker C: 76. And that's the spirit. I know. I know. Jack. Jack hardway here. We would have heard that right off. Okay, let us say you, Tony. Let's. [00:25:15] Speaker B: Hello? [00:25:16] Speaker D: Some people don't know. [00:25:18] Speaker C: What's that? [00:25:19] Speaker D: Some people don't know what that means. [00:25:21] Speaker F: They were lucky enough. [00:25:22] Speaker C: Okay, let's check the. Let's check the actual age of Gale Storm, ladies and gentlemen. Very good. [00:25:31] Speaker F: You saw that one? [00:25:32] Speaker D: Coming. [00:25:32] Speaker B: Very good. Donna. [00:25:37] Speaker C: Yeah. We better bend down the hatches here. Looks like an awful big star coming in overnight. Gale force winds and a heavy star. [00:25:48] Speaker F: We're not in Kansas anymore. Oh, I'll get you. And your little dog too. [00:25:53] Speaker C: Come here, Toto. We're about to dog nap. You little devil. You furry devil. Okay, that was. That was. That was drama. You never. You don't get this kind of stuff on any other program. [00:26:05] Speaker D: Thank God. [00:26:08] Speaker C: Are you excited to be here in that. [00:26:09] Speaker B: Oh, very excited to be part of. [00:26:11] Speaker C: All this action here. I can't say you blame me. I'm kind of excited myself. The only other place I'd rather be. The only other place I'd rather be would be maybe like in Bellingham Square. Chelsea, naked, tied to two wild Clydesdale horses. [00:26:31] Speaker D: If you were in there now, you probably would be. [00:26:33] Speaker C: Yeah. Pulling me through the square while red ants are picking at my body. I might like that better, but I'm not sure. Yeah. [00:26:43] Speaker F: It's quite a visual you've created there. [00:26:45] Speaker C: I try to do good stuff on radio. Okay. The actual age of Gale storm is 70 years old. And so that means that Ollie, who said 73, and I believe. And Tony, also said 73. [00:27:07] Speaker D: I'm sorry. I have no excuse for myself. [00:27:09] Speaker C: Are you cheating? [00:27:10] Speaker D: I am not. [00:27:12] Speaker C: I don't think he is. But it seems like he must be, doesn't it? [00:27:15] Speaker B: He put the show together for you. He just remembers. [00:27:18] Speaker C: Yeah, well, no, no, but I don't. He doesn't see any of the information that I have. He really doesn't. I just don't know whether he sees. [00:27:25] Speaker B: It sealed in Mason jar. [00:27:29] Speaker C: That's right. All the answers are sealed. And I don't understand, you know, what it is? [00:27:33] Speaker D: I'll admit right now Paul is on the other line, and he's calling in. [00:27:38] Speaker C: Oh, I see. [00:27:38] Speaker D: And he's giving me the answer. [00:27:40] Speaker C: He's the other guy we accused of cheating. But I think. I think. I think we accused the wrong man. I think it's you. Because you got four out of four. That's really sick. [00:27:48] Speaker D: And what? Two right on the nose. A one. [00:27:51] Speaker C: Let's see. You had one and. No, just one on the notes. [00:27:56] Speaker D: Okay. What was that? [00:27:59] Speaker F: You're really good. [00:28:03] Speaker C: Okay, everybody know who Max Gale is? Max Gale? [00:28:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:07] Speaker D: Isn't that who Gail's not? [00:28:09] Speaker F: Sergeant. [00:28:11] Speaker C: That's right. Of the Miller. Of Barney Miller. And he's been on a number of other shows as well. Max Gill. He sometimes wears his wig and sometimes not Max Gale. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Okay? [00:28:24] Speaker C: He was the Polish, was he not? The polish office. [00:28:27] Speaker D: Yes. [00:28:31] Speaker C: I'm sorry. You were right. Yes. Okay, let's start with. Let's see. We'll start with Barbara this time. How old do you think. Max? Gail? [00:28:41] Speaker B: Come on. You're not gonna let me hear Tony? [00:28:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:28:44] Speaker F: Let's all guess what Tony is. [00:28:45] Speaker C: Hey, listen, you got. You haven't won yet. [00:28:48] Speaker B: I know. [00:28:48] Speaker C: So. So this way, if you go first without hearing Tony's, you may just very well win. [00:28:52] Speaker B: Oh, dear. Okay, I'll get 46. [00:28:56] Speaker C: 46. Okay. And, Annette. [00:29:00] Speaker E: Hmm? [00:29:01] Speaker C: Were you stealing that line from Russ? [00:29:04] Speaker E: Yes. I'll say 47. [00:29:07] Speaker C: Okay. And, Ollie, how about 51? How about 51? We'll mark that down, and we'll check it against the correct answer and see. Son of a gun. Scott, what do you say? [00:29:20] Speaker D: 45? [00:29:21] Speaker C: 45. Okay, Tony. [00:29:26] Speaker D: 51 sounds good. I don't know. Now I'm gonna say 51. [00:29:33] Speaker C: Okay. That means you and Ollie are engaged. Oh, well, okay. [00:29:41] Speaker D: We have to pick you up after the show, Ollie. Okay. [00:29:43] Speaker B: You got quite a ride. Come home with Norm. [00:29:47] Speaker C: I can show you where Ollie lives. I just happen to know that. And where she works. Okay. Tony says 51. [00:29:54] Speaker F: And Russ says, on advice from council, I refuse to answer. Let's see. 52. [00:30:04] Speaker C: 52. [00:30:05] Speaker F: Oh, thanks, Tony. [00:30:07] Speaker C: No matter what you say, it's always one of his other answers. Don't believe it. Val, what do you say? [00:30:13] Speaker B: I'll say 49. [00:30:15] Speaker C: Okay. 49. Okay, let's check the actual ages now. The actual age of Max gay. [00:30:22] Speaker B: What about Scott? You didn't ask. [00:30:23] Speaker C: Yes, you can. Barbara, you have a crush on Scott, don't you? You wanted to hear his voice again. [00:30:34] Speaker B: I did, yeah. Yeah. [00:30:36] Speaker C: We have a love thing going here. [00:30:38] Speaker B: I'm just so darn glad wonderful things can happen. [00:30:41] Speaker D: That's right. [00:30:41] Speaker C: Oh, if only I could get two of you married, I would be able to retire from this business and feel that I have accomplished what I set out. [00:30:49] Speaker B: Well, let me know how old Scott is, and we'll see what we can work with. [00:30:52] Speaker C: How old are you, Scott? [00:30:53] Speaker D: 32. [00:30:54] Speaker C: And how old are you, Barbara? [00:30:55] Speaker B: Too old. Old enough to know better in the fucking. Okay. [00:31:01] Speaker C: The actual age of Max Gail, since we're dealing in that is. [00:31:08] Speaker B: I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. That's the wrong cape, Tony. [00:31:12] Speaker C: What is that? [00:31:13] Speaker D: That's Dorothy Gail Gale. [00:31:18] Speaker C: I see, I see. In the dog. Toto and stuff. [00:31:21] Speaker B: And Gail and little dog, too. [00:31:23] Speaker D: What's his name? Harvey Gale. What the hell? [00:31:25] Speaker B: Max. [00:31:26] Speaker D: Max Gail. Dorothy Gale and Dorothy Gale. [00:31:29] Speaker B: And her dog Max. [00:31:30] Speaker F: Yeah, that was actually quite clever, Tony. [00:31:33] Speaker D: Thank you very much. [00:31:35] Speaker C: Okay. [00:31:36] Speaker B: How old is she? [00:31:37] Speaker C: Oh, the oh, how old is he? Max Gale. Okay, okay, okay. The actual age of Max Gail is 49, which is what the val said. [00:31:47] Speaker B: Oh, right on the busy there, Tony. [00:31:49] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:31:50] Speaker F: It was only two off. Only two off. [00:31:54] Speaker D: And the lovely answer was 50. I would have still lost. So I'll be honest. I would have still lost. [00:31:59] Speaker C: The lovely thing about this, you're right, is that Tony didn't win this one. [00:32:03] Speaker B: That makes me feel better. [00:32:05] Speaker C: It makes you believe. Makes me feel in the almighty. Okay. And warm and tingly and all. Frank Gorshin. Frank Gorshin, the impressionist. Who was the riddler. That's right. In the Batman series on television today. He was born April 5 also. Okay, so let's start with Scott on this one. How old do you think Frank Gorshin is today? [00:32:30] Speaker D: 53. [00:32:31] Speaker C: Okay. And Val? [00:32:35] Speaker B: 48. [00:32:37] Speaker C: And what do you think, Barbara? [00:32:39] Speaker B: I'm gonna guess a little older and say 62. [00:32:41] Speaker C: 62. Ollie? [00:32:44] Speaker B: How about 57? [00:32:46] Speaker C: 57. Annette? [00:32:48] Speaker E: I'm gonna say 52. [00:32:51] Speaker C: Tony? [00:32:55] Speaker B: 50. [00:32:56] Speaker D: 58. [00:32:58] Speaker C: 58. And Russ? [00:33:01] Speaker F: Well, let's see here. Can I throw out a quick Frank Gorshin trivia question? [00:33:06] Speaker C: Okay. [00:33:09] Speaker F: When he retired from the role of the riddler, another actor took over, appeared once, and then Frank Gorshin came back. Who is the actor that played the riddler? For one. Very good, Tony. [00:33:24] Speaker C: Beats me. I was gonna say Colin Powell or Gail storm. Now, who was it? [00:33:30] Speaker F: John Astin. [00:33:31] Speaker C: Oh, John Aston. [00:33:32] Speaker D: That's right. [00:33:33] Speaker C: Son of him. Did he only play it once because he was awful, or that was it. He was awful. [00:33:39] Speaker D: Then he went on to Johnny fame in the Adams family. [00:33:42] Speaker B: Adams family. [00:33:43] Speaker F: And with that, I'll say 57. [00:33:46] Speaker C: 57. Okay, let's check the actual age, then, of Frank Gorsch on the river. Let's go. Atomic batteries to power. [00:33:56] Speaker D: Turbines to speed. [00:33:58] Speaker C: Roger. [00:33:59] Speaker D: Ready to move out. [00:34:06] Speaker B: See, Tony has to know who you're doing, so he looks these up earlier. [00:34:11] Speaker C: No, no, he doesn't know. I don't tell him who I'm doing. I really. [00:34:14] Speaker B: How can he have all the tapes, right? [00:34:16] Speaker C: He doesn't. He has a whole bunch of them and a lot of theme songs, of songs. And he has a lot of time to look them up. [00:34:23] Speaker B: Honorable man. [00:34:25] Speaker C: Well, while we're going through the guessing, it takes us quite a while to get through the whole list. [00:34:29] Speaker D: And sometimes I ask you to stall because I'm still trying to find sound effects and I still can't find them. [00:34:34] Speaker C: Okay. The actual age of Frank Gorsh. And this is gonna. Anybody who's suspicious is gonna be even more suspicious now. Yes, they are. And I don't blame them, because Tony guessed it right on the button. [00:34:46] Speaker B: Oh, no. Oh, I'm gonna hang up. [00:34:50] Speaker C: No, don't. Don't hang up. [00:34:51] Speaker D: We already had that happen last year. [00:34:54] Speaker B: What was the age? [00:34:55] Speaker C: 5758-5858 which is what Tony said. No, I'm just a sickened by this issue. [00:35:01] Speaker B: You play the lottery in the morning. [00:35:03] Speaker D: You're right. [00:35:04] Speaker C: Yeah. He's got five out of. [00:35:06] Speaker D: What am I gonna play, though? Just pick any number and it'll come out. [00:35:08] Speaker B: Yes. Just. It won't work. My mother tried that once. She was having a real lucky streak and decided to play the lottery. She wasted a buck. [00:35:16] Speaker F: But I'll tell you, Tony could guess yesterday's lottery number. [00:35:20] Speaker D: I bet you I'd be right. [00:35:23] Speaker C: I have one more. Yes. It doesn't really matter because Tony's walked away with the whole thing. [00:35:28] Speaker D: Five out of six. Right? [00:35:29] Speaker C: A five out. Yeah. Lord it over us. Sure. [00:35:32] Speaker B: Do I get the booby prize? [00:35:34] Speaker C: Anything? [00:35:36] Speaker B: He didn't get them all along. He's got a tie. [00:35:39] Speaker E: There's three of us. [00:35:40] Speaker C: Well, of course he's got five. And Russ is one, and Holly has. Ollie has won and Val has won, and Scott, Barbara and Annette are all adorable. So we'll just throw this one out just because this game is just so darn much fun. Michael Moriarty, who. He's an actor. Do you remember, did you see the eye of the needle with. You know, he was. He was the. The. The crippled husband who was thrown over the cliff. Do you remember that movie? [00:36:18] Speaker D: Wasn't he in something very recently, though? [00:36:20] Speaker C: Yes, he's been in a whole lot of things, but I can't think of what. But I love the eye of the needle, which was a wild movie. That was. It was Donald Sutherland, and the woman was. Who was the woman? The. The woman, that's the Sutherland character, had the affair with that island off the british coast. Very exciting movie. [00:36:41] Speaker F: Gladys Pritkin, Kathy Ireland. [00:36:47] Speaker C: You both very close. You both are. Anyway, that's Michael Moriarty, and we'll start with you, Russ. How old do you think Michael Moriarty is? [00:36:56] Speaker F: Well, it's interesting because my guess is exactly what Tony's will be. [00:37:01] Speaker E: Mine. [00:37:01] Speaker B: That's mine, too. Why don't you ask Tony first? [00:37:05] Speaker E: Yes, that's right. [00:37:06] Speaker C: We're gonna have. We're gonna have seven winners. [00:37:09] Speaker B: Come on, ask Tony first. [00:37:10] Speaker F: Yeah, go ahead, Tony. [00:37:11] Speaker C: No, no, no. I'm gonna ask Russ first. I'm gonna ask Tony last. Yes, I am. Russ, what do you think? [00:37:20] Speaker F: 52. [00:37:21] Speaker C: 52. You say that with such enthusiasm, because. [00:37:24] Speaker F: I know Tony's gonna win. I've lost all my drive, my determination. [00:37:30] Speaker B: Russ, you can't move your wine. [00:37:37] Speaker C: I'm going to ask Annette what she thinks. How old is Michael Moran? [00:37:41] Speaker B: Sobbing wild guess. 55. [00:37:43] Speaker C: 55. Okay. And, Ollie, what do you think? [00:37:47] Speaker B: 58. [00:37:48] Speaker C: 58. You're going to go back to all the people in Middleton. You're going to say, our fellow resident, Norm Nathan, town moderator, encourages cheating by his producer? Yes, you are. [00:38:00] Speaker D: They all know. [00:38:00] Speaker B: They all listen to you, anyway. They all know. [00:38:02] Speaker C: Yeah, but I'll never get reelected for anything. [00:38:04] Speaker B: They never will. Don't come with your nomination papers to me anymore. [00:38:08] Speaker C: See what I mean? [00:38:09] Speaker D: Maybe they'll re elect you, and they'll want me to come in. [00:38:13] Speaker C: I never thought of that. Yeah. [00:38:16] Speaker B: Tony, you should come to town meetings. [00:38:18] Speaker C: That's right. [00:38:19] Speaker F: He'll know how many votes. [00:38:20] Speaker D: That's right. [00:38:21] Speaker C: That's right. He'll know in advance. That's right. How many people will vote on this zoning reissue. Okay, Barbara, what do you say? [00:38:30] Speaker B: Oh, geez. I don't even know who he is. [00:38:33] Speaker C: Well, that's. [00:38:33] Speaker D: Well, you have an advantage, then. [00:38:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Okay, I'll guess. Um. Is he an old guy or a young guy? [00:38:41] Speaker C: Oh, sure, sure. Give me. [00:38:42] Speaker B: Give me a hint. I don't even know. [00:38:45] Speaker C: Okay, he's, uh. He's, uh. [00:38:47] Speaker F: He was in the needle. [00:38:49] Speaker C: Yeah, eye of the needle, middle range kind of guy. Not old, not young. [00:38:54] Speaker B: Oh, okay, then I'll guess. [00:38:55] Speaker C: Not tall, not short, not fat, not. [00:38:59] Speaker B: Thin, not a brunette. [00:39:02] Speaker C: True. [00:39:04] Speaker B: Okay, I'll guess. 46. [00:39:07] Speaker C: 46. Okay. And Val? [00:39:10] Speaker B: 50. [00:39:12] Speaker C: 50. And Scott? [00:39:14] Speaker D: 55. It doesn't matter anyway. [00:39:18] Speaker C: I know there's a whole defeatist attitude here due to Tony, who's ruined everything. This used to be fun, but it's nothing now. It's nothing. [00:39:28] Speaker B: This is just a dumb birthday game. [00:39:30] Speaker C: It's really even dumber as a result. I know it's. Tony, what do you think? [00:39:34] Speaker D: Somebody gets 47? [00:39:36] Speaker C: 47. [00:39:37] Speaker D: No. Did somebody guess? That's what I'm asking. [00:39:39] Speaker C: Nobody guessed that. Don't ask me questions like that. Just give. You give your damn answer. [00:39:45] Speaker B: Shut up. Come on, Tony. 40. [00:39:49] Speaker D: Oh, it's between 48 and 49. [00:39:53] Speaker B: 48 and a half probably is. [00:39:58] Speaker D: That's right. The birthdays are wrong. He's on. He's 48 and a half. I'll say 48. [00:40:02] Speaker C: 48. [00:40:03] Speaker F: Can I change mine? [00:40:06] Speaker C: You can if you'd like. No, but don't. [00:40:08] Speaker D: No. [00:40:08] Speaker C: Okay. Here's the. Here's the actual age of Michael Moriarty. First of all, the good news is that Tony did not win this round. [00:40:30] Speaker B: Yay. [00:40:32] Speaker C: He threw it. [00:40:33] Speaker F: He threw it. He knew the age, and he guessed nowhere near it. [00:40:36] Speaker B: Just because he knows we all hate him now. [00:40:38] Speaker D: Well, I was trying to thread through all the. [00:40:43] Speaker C: Okay. There were two winners, however. [00:40:45] Speaker B: Oh, well, that leaves me out, because I'm the only one who guessed 46. [00:40:52] Speaker C: Well, no two winners. No. Neither of these two winners actually guessed the same age. One guessed a year too young, and the other guest a year too old. [00:41:00] Speaker B: All right, Norm. What? [00:41:01] Speaker C: Okay. Michael Moriarty is 51. Val said 50, and Russ said 52. So they are the two winners. [00:41:16] Speaker B: We did it. [00:41:18] Speaker C: You broke. You broke the Tony Nesbitt curse. [00:41:23] Speaker F: I hope that was. [00:41:24] Speaker D: You're right. I did throw that last one, because I really didn't know. [00:41:27] Speaker C: Yeah, sure. [00:41:29] Speaker F: Well, we put him in his place. [00:41:31] Speaker C: Okay, so he is actually still, and I hate to say it, what are. [00:41:35] Speaker B: You gonna give him for a prize? [00:41:37] Speaker C: We get. He gets nothing, man. He gets nothing but dirty looks from me. He gets carried around by the kids and the team cat team, and they're. [00:41:45] Speaker D: Really getting tired of doing it. Thank you. [00:41:55] Speaker B: Thank you so much. [00:41:56] Speaker C: Okay, that's the Saturday morning, April 5 edition of the them birthday game. And I imagine all the kids here in the teen canteen will be leaving the teen canteen with a song on their lips, singing some of the tunes that we've done. And. I don't know what I'm saying. [00:42:11] Speaker D: I can explain why. I won. I won due to the time change. [00:42:15] Speaker C: Oh, thanks. [00:42:19] Speaker B: Happy daylight saving time. [00:42:22] Speaker C: Thank you very, very much. That's Val who said that. [00:42:25] Speaker B: Yes. [00:42:25] Speaker D: Flowers are in the mail. [00:42:27] Speaker C: Okay, Val, I want to thank you very much for playing the game, and I'm sorry. You got. You got two answers. Oh, yes. [00:42:33] Speaker B: I'm very pleased. I expect. I expect a nice little treat in the mailbox. [00:42:39] Speaker C: Do you? [00:42:40] Speaker B: Yes. [00:42:41] Speaker C: And who will be sending? [00:42:44] Speaker B: Tony. [00:42:45] Speaker C: Oh, Tony. Well, he really should. He should. [00:42:47] Speaker D: Maybe we should give everyone something for playing. They were such good sports. [00:42:50] Speaker B: Oh, God. [00:42:51] Speaker C: You know what he's talking about giving because you know. You know what kind of crummy gift we have? He's got this here cockamamie weather stick. [00:43:00] Speaker D: That always arrives at people's homes. Broken. [00:43:02] Speaker C: Yeah, it's in a. It's in a cardboard back thing. [00:43:06] Speaker B: Oh, the thing. If you put it out in. It's raining and it tells it wet. Raining. [00:43:11] Speaker C: It tells you it's raining. Yeah, but we can't tell. [00:43:13] Speaker D: You. Listen to the. [00:43:17] Speaker B: Town meeting. [00:43:18] Speaker F: But it's made of cardboard. [00:43:19] Speaker C: Maybe I'll bring up. I'll bring a couple of hundred. We'll pass them out to everybody. You and Leo, your husband, can pass them out. [00:43:25] Speaker B: Yeah, when we do the checking. [00:43:28] Speaker C: Or maybe. Maybe an election day. Well, because the town meeting is before. [00:43:31] Speaker B: Election day, Annette, you can bring mine home with you. [00:43:35] Speaker C: Okay. Or maybe on election day, I can stand outside the polls and use them on voters. You know, vote for me and have a norm. Nathan Weatherstick, one of the few that's not broken. [00:43:49] Speaker D: Every time the weather's bad, they can look at it and say, why the hell did I vote for Nathan? [00:43:53] Speaker C: That's right, too. They'll be as inaccurate in predicting the weather as I am in suggesting Tom Roberts rules. But in any case, I want to thank you, Scott, for taking part in this. You've been a gentleman and a real loser at the same time. Did he hang up with me? [00:44:10] Speaker D: That was me, Norm, because I want to take everybody's address and send them something. [00:44:13] Speaker C: Oh, do you? [00:44:14] Speaker D: Yeah, I really do. It's one of those lucky days. [00:44:16] Speaker C: Okay, so, Scott, hang. Okay, I won't hang up anybody. Just hold on and talk to. Talk to Tony. He's going to send you stuff so. [00:44:24] Speaker F: We don't kill him. [00:44:25] Speaker C: That's the whole thing. He's going to throw a whole bunch of weather sticks on my desk and. [00:44:30] Speaker B: Tell me to mail them all prizes that he's won in the past week but he doesn't want anymore. [00:44:35] Speaker C: That's right. [00:44:36] Speaker D: Surplus prizes. [00:44:38] Speaker C: He's got a great book called. Okay, he's got. He's got a great book, a paperback edition I've just been released, called Rinse, please. The story of dentistry in Findlay, Ohio, which it's that kind of caliber of gift. Okay, but thank you. Thanks. Thanks to all of you for playing the game. I guess I can hang up on you, Russ, because I don't know whether he's planning to send you a gift or not. [00:45:03] Speaker F: Oh, it's a. It's a bunch of hooey, Norm, I'll tell you that. [00:45:07] Speaker C: That's great. [00:45:08] Speaker F: What's hooey? [00:45:09] Speaker C: Did you get everybody's address already? [00:45:11] Speaker D: No, no, I just put everybody on hold. [00:45:13] Speaker C: Oh, I see. [00:45:14] Speaker D: Because, of course, this is my special time of the night. I look forward to this time of the night. [00:45:18] Speaker F: But if you were to send me something, Tony, a pizza would be on top of my list. [00:45:24] Speaker C: Noir. [00:45:24] Speaker F: I'll talk to you soon. [00:45:25] Speaker C: Okay, well, in about ten minutes, as a matter of fact. And Tony, thank you very much for cheating on the game. I mean, playing the game. He hung up on me again. I tell you, he gets great pleasure out of that and that. Thank you very much for playing. [00:45:41] Speaker E: I think my mic's off. [00:45:43] Speaker C: No, your mic is on. No, no, the mic is not off at all. What I do. [00:45:48] Speaker E: That's fun. I wish I had won something. I can guarantee there was no cheating. [00:45:52] Speaker C: That's right. You were right here. You could see that. I did not give him the answers. I did not give him the answers in advance. Yeah, they pick on me a lot. [00:46:01] Speaker B: They do. [00:46:01] Speaker C: And they pick on Tony, and I don't know why they do that. Anyways, three minutes before 04:00, you're going to be in a play. You can tell us about that play. That'd be good. Now. [00:46:10] Speaker E: Okay. There's a play in Acton at theater three. We're playing in Gypsy. [00:46:15] Speaker B: Barbara. [00:46:16] Speaker E: Barbara, the other girl that was on from Maynard, she is the lead in this play. [00:46:21] Speaker C: Oh, she's gonna be Mama Robin. [00:46:22] Speaker E: You should have her sing for you. [00:46:23] Speaker C: She sings well. [00:46:24] Speaker E: Unbelievable. Yes. She's going to New York this summer. [00:46:29] Speaker C: No kidding. [00:46:30] Speaker E: She's gonna try, you know, some in Broadway. I don't know if she can hear me right now. I can't hear the same. They all hung up. [00:46:37] Speaker C: No, you know, they're. They're not on the line. You can hear yourself, though, on the phone. [00:46:41] Speaker B: Yes, I can. [00:46:41] Speaker C: Okay. And this will be done in West Acton. [00:46:45] Speaker E: In Acton at theater three the first three weekends in May. And I am also playing this. I'm playing a lady called Mazeppa. [00:46:57] Speaker C: Mazeppa was the trumpet planes stripper. [00:47:00] Speaker B: Yes. [00:47:01] Speaker E: It's a little embarrassing, but I'm going to give it a shot. [00:47:04] Speaker C: No, because that was a great play. And the part you're in is gypsy, for one thing, is one of the great musical. Delightful. I saw it recently with Tyne Daley, who recreated the role. I saw it originally with Ethel Merman way, way back. But you play the trumpet playing stripper in number called. You got to have a gimmick. [00:47:25] Speaker E: Yes. Yes. You got to get a gimmick. But Barbara is going to be the lead and she plays Mama Rose and she does a wonderful job. I like her better than anyone I've ever heard doing it. [00:47:37] Speaker C: Really? [00:47:37] Speaker E: Yes. She's wonderful talent. She's a professional person. She's excellent. [00:47:42] Speaker C: We'll have to talk about this again just when we come up to assuming of the production, which again is what. [00:47:50] Speaker E: Dates May 1 and second, 8th and 9th and 15th and 16th. [00:47:56] Speaker C: Those would be what, Friday and Saturday? [00:47:58] Speaker E: Yes, Friday and Saturday. The first three weekends in May. [00:48:00] Speaker C: And that'll be where? [00:48:02] Speaker E: At theater three in West Acton. [00:48:05] Speaker C: Okay. [00:48:05] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:48:06] Speaker C: There's a lot of awfully good local theater going on throughout the area, throughout our listening area. I know. And it's kind of nice because there's a lot of talent by a lot of. A lot of very interesting people who do some nice stuff. Okay. Oh, Barbara still. Hey, Barbara. [00:48:22] Speaker B: Hi, Norm. [00:48:23] Speaker C: Okay, you're. You're the star of that show. [00:48:26] Speaker B: Well, yes, you are. [00:48:28] Speaker C: What do you crush? [00:48:29] Speaker B: I play Mama Rose. But I think, I tell you, I really think Annette's gonna walk away with it. [00:48:34] Speaker C: You think so? [00:48:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:48:36] Speaker C: Why do you say that? [00:48:36] Speaker B: I never played that trumpet. [00:48:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:48:38] Speaker C: Do you actually play the trumpet? Let me look. Let me look at your embouchure, baby. [00:48:42] Speaker E: I try. [00:48:42] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Hey, good luck to both of you. It's been fun to talk with you both. [00:48:47] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:48:47] Speaker C: Hey, take care, Barbara. [00:48:49] Speaker B: Okay, Norm. Thank you. [00:48:49] Speaker C: Thank you. Bye bye. And thank you very much also. And that you're okay. And thank you, everybody. We're going to go to news. See you in a little bit. WBZ Boston. Get the latest news, weather and traffic when you need it from New England's news and information station, WBZ AM 1030. [00:49:14] Speaker A: Was that Russ? I think it was. Anyway, I have a large thank you list, so let's get to it. Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it. [00:49:24] Speaker D: Four. [00:49:25] Speaker A: The Middleton Council on aging. Bette kill a mockingbird. Spellbound, waving at the crowd. Walter Lipschitz. Excellent diction. Clever sound effects provided by yours truly. VH one. Lionel Barrymore, Arthur Godfrey and Jack Benny for their cameos. The towering inferno. Fixations, hurt feelings and rivalries. Fireside chats with Russ. Sense around growing up in Everett, Mass. Doing a program together, if you know what I'm saying. George, Sidney and Ralph. Apologizing for winning. Hailing the chief of staff while bending over and coughing. My little Margie. Original guesses. Being naked in Bellingham Square. Clydesdale's in fire ants. Barney Miller. Wojo. Getting that warm and tingly feeling. The Riddler. Gladys Pritkin, losing your drive, spirit and determination. The teen canteen. The Woodsman Weatherstick Theater three in West Acton, Massachusetts. Trumpet playing strippers Russ Gannon. And the town moderator of fun and frivolity, Norm Nathan. I'm Tony Nesbitt, or at least I think that's me.

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