Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 188

Episode 188 June 17, 2024 00:33:25
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 188
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 188

Jun 17 2024 | 00:33:25


Show Notes

Back again for more silliness, are you? I’m just so darn glad!

Today we reached waaaaay back in the Vault to grab a cassette from May 11th, 1991. An original if there ever was one…Classic dry open, the Olympic Theme, Norm’s headphone volume causing feedback and all the sfx


Let’s call this: Forming the Mold with 33-Year-Old Gold


We begin with AccuWeather with Jim Green and Traffic with Jack.

Then on to the game!



Arlene in Braintree

Kenton from Kitchener, ON

Ann from Hobart, NY

Mike from Marshfield

I’m on the phone from Master Control

Jack Harte



Mort Sahl

Foster Brooks

Denver Pyle

Martha Quinn

Robert Jarvik


Dead Bdays:

Irving Berlin


Ep 188, Forming the mold with 33 year-old gold, begins…now.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Back again for more silliness, are you? I'm just so darn glad. Today we reached way back in the vault to grab a cassette from May 11, 1991. An original if there ever was one. Classic dry open. The Olympic theme. Norm's headphone volume causing feedback and all the sound effects. Let's call this forming the mold with 33 year old gold. We begin with Jim Green and Accuweather, and then some traffic with Jack. Then on to the game. The players, Arlene and Braintree. Kenton from Kitchener, Ontario, Ann from Hobart, New York, Mike from Marshfield. I'm on the phone from master Control and Jack Hart. The Mort, Saul Foster Brooks, Denver Pyle, Martha Quinn and Robert Jarvik. The dead birthdays Irving Berlin episode 188 forming the mold with 33 year old gold begins now. [00:01:08] Speaker B: The long range forecast Monday, partly sunny, windy and cooler. High 69. Tuesday will bring clouds and sun. High 69 at the coast and 76 inland. I'm meteorologist Jim Green at the weather station WBZ AM 1030. Temperature is now 47 degrees here in Boston as we check in with Jack Hart, WBZ 24 hours traffic network. Still love you. Still love you. Yeah. Well, thank you. [00:01:36] Speaker C: Thank you very much, editor, right now we're doing just fine in the downtown area at this point. Just some light volume on the lower deck of route 93 and the Tobin bridge heading into the city as well as the expressway. Heading northbound, southbound in the south station tunnel in the left hand lane. Work crews will be installing new pipelines until about 530 30 in the morning. Route 128 heading northbound in Brinetree from route 37 up to route 28. We do have work crews there as well. They will be doing some repaving work and moving around into various lanes. I'm Jack Hart, WBZ 24 hours traffic network. [00:02:12] Speaker B: Okay, you want. Did you say pipelines? [00:02:14] Speaker C: Pipelines. [00:02:15] Speaker B: Not sewer lines. [00:02:16] Speaker C: Well, sewer lines. Well, like sewer pipelines. [00:02:21] Speaker B: Okay. I didn't know whether the word sewer. Suddenly you thought about it and thought, I find that distasteful. I think I'll just call them pipelines. I don't know. [00:02:29] Speaker C: I just got tired of saying sewer. So thankfully, we did have the word pipe that I could substitute. [00:02:35] Speaker B: That's very good. Perhaps some of the other listeners later on tonight, this morning, can give us other maybe synonyms for sewer. [00:02:44] Speaker C: For sewer. [00:02:44] Speaker B: Yes, sewer. Sewer. You want to play? You'll play the game with us, won't you? The birthday game? [00:02:49] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:02:49] Speaker B: You're a lovely person. It's time then, to play the WBZ birthday game. Oh, I'm sorry. We. David. David has an opening first that we must do. I forgot. The norm Nathan show continues on WBZ AM 1030. Yeah, I forgot. Join in the conversation by calling two 5410 30. The area code is 617. Now back to WBZ's norm Nathan. Okay, and it is time now for the birthday game. The birthday game. Oh. In which we salute those people born on this very date, which would be Saturday, May 11. Both people born on May 11, the well known people. And the idea. Here's to guess how old they are on this date. Thank you very much. We have an interesting group of people with us today. We have, first of all, Arlene, who is in Braintree. Hi, Nar. How you doing, Arlene? [00:03:51] Speaker D: Fine, how are you? [00:03:51] Speaker B: Good, thank you. What are you doing up at this hour? [00:03:54] Speaker D: Listening to you. [00:03:55] Speaker B: Hey, that's not a bad thing for me. I appreciate that. We have a fellow from Canada, Kenton. Hi. Hi, Kenton. [00:04:02] Speaker E: Hi, Norm. It's great to be on with you. I love your show. [00:04:05] Speaker B: Well, thanks a million. Now, where. Where in Canada are you? [00:04:07] Speaker E: I'm calling from Kitchener, Ontario. [00:04:09] Speaker B: Oh, Kitchener. Okay. Okay, thanks. We get quite a few calls from up your way. [00:04:15] Speaker E: I think I've been on with you once about three years ago. I make it a habit to give you a ring about every three years. [00:04:21] Speaker B: Well, I appreciate that. And thanks for playing the birthday game, because I know. You're welcome. It can be an expensive phone call for Anna, but not as expensive as the 900 numbers anyway. Okay, here's Ann, who is in New York state. Ann? Hi. [00:04:36] Speaker F: Good morning, Norm. [00:04:37] Speaker B: Good morning. Where in New York are you? [00:04:39] Speaker F: I'm in Hobart, New York, in the Catskill Mountains. [00:04:42] Speaker B: In the what mountains? [00:04:43] Speaker F: The Catskills. [00:04:44] Speaker B: Oh, the Catskills. Hobart, New York. That's right. Yeah. That is. I think I've talked to you, have I not? [00:04:50] Speaker F: Yes. [00:04:51] Speaker B: Yeah. We're talking about how beautiful the countryside was, where you are. [00:04:55] Speaker F: It's really gorgeous. Everything is coming out now. It's really great. [00:05:00] Speaker B: I know. If you could get just a little bit closer and speak up just a little bit, because you're kind of a little bit low. Okay, yeah, that's fine. Thank you. And here's Mike, sort of a regular panel member. Mike of Marsfield. [00:05:13] Speaker G: I was kind of hoping that Tony would be playing something fantastic and you would say, and the returning champion of our game. [00:05:26] Speaker B: Son of a gun. I guess. I guess. I guess Tony is on the same wavelength. That's right. You. You were the champion the last two times. [00:05:35] Speaker G: Three. No. [00:05:37] Speaker B: Oh, the last three times. [00:05:38] Speaker G: Last three. After going eight weeks without a winner. [00:05:43] Speaker B: Okay, now, that's right too. You had not had a winner for a long time. But you get, you're our role model because you showed all of us kids that not to give up. Not to give up because you're losing. Because in the end you can be a mighty victor. [00:05:56] Speaker G: And actually I'm only hanging on for countryside because I want to get some of Warren's personalized tomato sticks, okay? [00:06:05] Speaker B: And he'll be on within less than 2 hours now, so hang in there. Here's Tony, of course, who's calling us all the way from the control room. [00:06:14] Speaker H: And running up a big bill too. [00:06:16] Speaker B: Yeah, okay. Nice to talk with you Tony, and nice to have you on. And of course you always do very, very well. And I know there are people who hold back want to guess after you do because you set the pace. [00:06:28] Speaker H: That's right. Oh look, look, I have a call coming in here for some reason. Would you mind holding on? [00:06:34] Speaker B: A call coming in. [00:06:35] Speaker H: Can you hear the phone? Okay, now it stops ringing because they realized I'm playing the game and they wanted to hang up. [00:06:45] Speaker B: No, I did hear a ring. Now what line rings like that? [00:06:48] Speaker H: Master control. [00:06:49] Speaker B: Oh, this is an important call, this. [00:06:51] Speaker H: Wait a minute, I hear Mike's phone ringing. Did you hear that? One more time. Mike. [00:07:00] Speaker B: Is this an important call coming? [00:07:01] Speaker H: No, no, stop ringing. [00:07:03] Speaker B: I see, I see. Okay. [00:07:04] Speaker H: It may have been Jack. [00:07:04] Speaker B: I don't know. Well, let's talk. Jack Cart is on the line. Well, there's two. The Jack cart, WBZ 24, traffic network reporter. [00:07:12] Speaker C: No, it wasn't me. [00:07:13] Speaker H: Okay, liar. [00:07:15] Speaker C: My line is busy. [00:07:17] Speaker B: That's right too. That's right. Because you're using it for something important. [00:07:20] Speaker C: Yeah, a back scratcher. [00:07:24] Speaker B: You're doing shtick for us again. Do you know that? Today we'll get to the people who are alive and whose birthdays we guess there aren't too many well known people. Except if you follow some soaps and some tv programs. Actors there. You know what? [00:07:40] Speaker H: It's all guessing anyway. [00:07:41] Speaker B: It's all guessing. That's right too. And if you don't know who the persons are that you're guessing, what the heck. [00:07:46] Speaker H: And if Mike wins this time, it's the last time he'll ever play. [00:07:48] Speaker B: That's right too. We'll. We'll abolish him. We'll get rid of him. Dump him right down the sewer on the pipelines. Incidentally, on May 11, 100, let's see. In 1888, Irving Berlin was born. On this very day in 1888, born Israel. Well, you know his name and stuff. Born, died. In 1989. [00:08:10] Speaker C: So I guess that'll make him. 103. [00:08:12] Speaker B: Would make him 103. Well, he didn't do badly in life. He was 100. [00:08:16] Speaker H: Hold on, folks, the line is ringing again. [00:08:18] Speaker B: He was over 100 years old. Can he take. Can't. Can't Tony take calls quietly? [00:08:23] Speaker H: I'm sorry, I don't know who. Someone's cranking me. [00:08:27] Speaker B: Okay, you want to. You want to keep your microphone on while you answer in case it's the boss yelling at us? [00:08:32] Speaker H: It was a dial tone. [00:08:33] Speaker B: I see. Okay. Okay, let's. Anyway, let's play the game. Let me. Let me first mention Mort Saul, more humorist, a political comedian. One of the first. Really? First political comedians around. I remember catching him at Storyville way back in. Boy, back in the fifties sometime. [00:08:58] Speaker H: Yikes. [00:08:58] Speaker B: He was the one who used a comic who used to do jazz clubs. Yeah, he's very much alive. He shows up at. He shows up on tv every now and then, although he's not as big as he used to be at one time. [00:09:11] Speaker H: Don't they have a robotic model of him, the dinosaur thing at the wheelchair? [00:09:16] Speaker B: Hold on a minute while I check. No, they don't. They don't. Arlene in Braintree, what do you think? [00:09:25] Speaker D: I'd rather say 63. [00:09:26] Speaker B: 63. Okay. Kenton, what do you think? Mozzaw? [00:09:31] Speaker E: I'm gonna go for 70. [00:09:33] Speaker B: 70, yeah. Okay. Ann and Hobart in New York. 66. Mike? [00:09:42] Speaker G: 73. [00:09:44] Speaker B: Tony, what do you think? [00:09:45] Speaker H: 71. [00:09:48] Speaker B: For a guy who doesn't even know if he's alive or not, that's not bad. Jack. 68. 68. Arlene, did you look up birthdays ahead of time? Okay, because you're right on the button. [00:10:00] Speaker D: Oh, really? [00:10:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Morzau is 63 years old, just as you said. Yeah. Cause the only closest was Ann from Hobart, who gets 66. Nobody else came terribly close. Yeah. Okay. You member. You know. Do you know the name Foster Brooks? Oh, yeah. Okay, Foster Brooks the comic. And who. Who does the drunk? Does he do the drunk a. Yeah. Okay, Tony, you. You hit us first with that. How old is 71? 71. Okay. Mike, what do you think? 67. Okay. Jack? Yeah. [00:10:45] Speaker C: For some reason, I have a feeling he's up in his eighties. 79. [00:10:52] Speaker B: You think he's up in his eighties, so you're gonna say 79. I see. And that's the kind of logic that made America great. Ann, what do you think? [00:11:04] Speaker F: I was gonna say 79. Can I still say it? [00:11:07] Speaker B: Sure. [00:11:08] Speaker F: I don't know why. [00:11:09] Speaker B: That means you share a prize if you win with Jack hard, and it probably means a very intimate date with him. Would you. Would I would I go on an intimate date with Jack? You're not asking that. [00:11:20] Speaker F: No, I'm asking if you go on intimate date with me. [00:11:23] Speaker B: Oh, Jack, what do you think? [00:11:25] Speaker C: Oh, absolutely. [00:11:27] Speaker B: Ann, is it in Hobart? That's right. And maybe you can bring a picture of some of the sewers just to kind of, you know, break the ice. [00:11:36] Speaker H: Introduce you to the work crews. The wall washers. [00:11:41] Speaker F: Should settle for Ed Norton. [00:11:45] Speaker B: That's right, too. Get a guy who was really there. Anyway, I lost my place here. Ok. Kenton. Kenton, how old is Foster Brooks? [00:11:54] Speaker E: 69. [00:11:55] Speaker B: 69, okay. And what do you think, Arlene? [00:11:58] Speaker D: I would think 68. [00:12:00] Speaker B: 68, you say? Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we're checking now for the exact dates to see who came the closest. And hitting it right on the button was Ann from Hobart, New York, ladies and gentlemen. 79 is correct. That's how old Foster Brooks is today. Oh, Ann, you must just be. You must just be full of goose pimples. [00:12:27] Speaker F: Well, I'm going to put my hippolyte. [00:12:31] Speaker B: There's something appealing about the sewers to you, is there, Anna? You seem to have a fetish along those lines. Okay, now, we come to people who are lesser known, and one is Denver Pyle, who is Uncle Jesse Duke in the dukes of Hazzard that ran. Oh, yes, you know. Do you know Uncle Jesse? [00:12:50] Speaker H: I think so, yeah. [00:12:52] Speaker B: From ran from 79 to 85, and it's still on reruns now. [00:12:55] Speaker H: Same guy who played in grizzly Adams, the old trapper. [00:13:01] Speaker B: I have no idea. [00:13:03] Speaker H: Jack, help me out. [00:13:04] Speaker C: I think. I think it was day one. Wasn't he Andy Griffith's uncle? [00:13:10] Speaker B: I don't know. I don't know. Wasn't he the pile driver? [00:13:15] Speaker H: Wasn't he. [00:13:16] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:16] Speaker B: Wasn't he the beaver? And leave it to beaver. Wasn't he the floorwalker on the Jack Benny show? Okay, this is Denver pile. Anyway, we'll start. [00:13:29] Speaker C: Relation to Gomer? [00:13:31] Speaker B: I don't know. NASA. I looked at that and it's funny you would say Gomer Pyle. And I thought of Ernie Pyle, who was a great writer who followed the troops around during World War Two and wrote their story and died under fire himself. [00:13:46] Speaker C: Which story? [00:13:48] Speaker B: He wrote the stories of the gis in World War Two by following them around. He was in combat with them and he wrote some great pieces. That was Ernie Pyle. And anyway, this is Denver Pile, so I don't know whether he's related to any of these other part of the expression. Piles. Awful name to grow up with. Let's start with Ann this time. Ann, what do you think. How old is this? Is this pile? Oh, man. [00:14:19] Speaker F: Make an educated guess at 771. [00:14:23] Speaker B: 71, you say? Okay, it's an old pile. Eh? [00:14:30] Speaker H: 71 years old. [00:14:31] Speaker B: That's right. And when he's lying down, just be careful. You step over him. Don't step well, never Kenton. What do you think? [00:14:41] Speaker E: 73. [00:14:42] Speaker B: 73. And, Arlene? [00:14:44] Speaker D: I was gonna say 73. I'll say 75 then. [00:14:47] Speaker B: 75. Okay. And let's see. Jack, why don't you hit get. Try the next shot? [00:14:53] Speaker C: I'm gonna. I'll say that he's 79 as well. [00:14:57] Speaker B: 79 as. No, nobody else said 79. [00:15:00] Speaker C: I said 79. The last guy. [00:15:02] Speaker B: Oh, I see. That's right. You had the Foster Brooks at 79, and you were right on that one. Yeah. Oh, you. That's right. You and Ann were both right. I didn't mention you. [00:15:11] Speaker G: Oh. [00:15:11] Speaker B: Mainly because I find you terribly distasteful. That may be. Mike, what do you think? How old is a Denver pile? [00:15:20] Speaker G: 72. [00:15:21] Speaker B: 72. And Tony. [00:15:24] Speaker H: Well, the last couple of. Couple of them, I said 71, so I'm going to say 76. [00:15:30] Speaker B: 76. Okay, that's good. It's kind of interesting that you say this, because. [00:15:35] Speaker H: No kidding, I'm wrong. [00:15:40] Speaker B: Here's Sammy, the crazy drummer. Denver Pyle is 71, exactly as Ann says it, and she's got two in a row. Kendra pile, 71 years old today, May 11. Why? This is getting to be real. [00:16:03] Speaker H: I changed my answer and look what happened. [00:16:06] Speaker B: That's right, too. You were. You were. You could have been right if you just stuck with the 71. That may be the answer to this thing. Pick an age and give it to everybody. [00:16:15] Speaker H: Just stick with it. [00:16:16] Speaker B: Stick with it. [00:16:17] Speaker H: Especially when you talk about piles. [00:16:20] Speaker B: Whatever. [00:16:20] Speaker H: That joke in there somewhere. [00:16:26] Speaker B: Yes. What about Martha Quinn? Do you know that names from MTV? From MTV, yeah, that's right. She's Hutz. [00:16:33] Speaker H: Far. When I was in high school, did you really. Everyone was hot for what was Nina Blackwood. But I. Me and a couple other guys. Martha Quinn was. [00:16:41] Speaker C: Oh, I still hold a warm spot for Martha Quinn. [00:16:43] Speaker B: See it? Yeah. Yeah. Nobody likes downtown Julie Brown. Oh, she uptown Julie Brown. [00:16:49] Speaker H: No, no, the other Julie Brown. The funny one with the red hair. She's kind of nice. [00:16:53] Speaker C: Young. [00:16:54] Speaker H: She's. They're all. They've got a lot of goofs on that station, though. Kind of like here, as a matter of fact. [00:17:00] Speaker B: Hey, watch. [00:17:02] Speaker H: I didn't say on the air, did I? [00:17:03] Speaker B: No, you did. That's right, too. You probably mean the sales department or something. Okay, the program department. [00:17:10] Speaker H: No, that always makes me laugh. [00:17:12] Speaker B: Okay. Anyway, Martha Quinn, I guess we all know who Martha Quinn is. Do you get MTV up in Canada, Kenton? [00:17:18] Speaker E: Uh, no, I don't, but I know. [00:17:21] Speaker B: Oh, you do? [00:17:22] Speaker E: Yeah, I've seen her on, I think, awards shows. [00:17:25] Speaker B: Wait a minute. [00:17:25] Speaker H: What do you think, Kent? Do you think she's kind of cute? [00:17:27] Speaker C: Does she excite you? [00:17:28] Speaker E: Well, she is kind of cute, but she just doesn't do it for me for some reason. [00:17:33] Speaker B: She does. She doesn't to me, either. No, no. [00:17:37] Speaker E: I'm gonna say 34, though. [00:17:39] Speaker H: Well, Jackman, she's all ours. [00:17:40] Speaker C: Oh, man. [00:17:43] Speaker B: Oh, man. Has anybody asked Martha about this? Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Handled her around like soiled merchandise. Oh, sure. [00:17:52] Speaker H: Only get close to the tv when she's on. [00:17:54] Speaker B: Okay. [00:17:55] Speaker C: Confidence is what it is. [00:17:56] Speaker B: Okay. Kenton says 34. What do you think, Arlene? [00:17:59] Speaker D: I have no idea. I don't know who you're talking about. I'll say 25. 27. [00:18:06] Speaker B: 27 will it be? What do you think? 27. Okay. And, uh, Ann? [00:18:12] Speaker F: I have no idea. I've never even heard of her, you know? [00:18:16] Speaker B: You do. You have. Do you have MTV out your. Well, you have cable up there. [00:18:20] Speaker F: I get one channel. [00:18:23] Speaker B: Well, that's good enough. [00:18:24] Speaker F: My tv's connecting. They turn it off 02:00 in the. [00:18:27] Speaker B: Morning until six, so you don't have to. You don't have to sit there pondering and making decisions. [00:18:33] Speaker F: I don't watch too much tv. [00:18:36] Speaker B: You're a good person. You're a good person. You're a real good person. [00:18:40] Speaker F: I know. I know it. [00:18:42] Speaker B: Okay, because you got the last two. You're actually leading in the amount. You got two out of three. Just take a shot then. 30. Okay, Mike, what do you say? 35. Have you seen Martha Quinn? [00:19:01] Speaker G: No. Never. [00:19:02] Speaker B: Never. Okay. Apparently only Tony. Jack. [00:19:08] Speaker H: Kenton. [00:19:09] Speaker B: And Kenton, that's right. Is senior as a guest. [00:19:11] Speaker F: What's Tony doing looking at tv? [00:19:15] Speaker B: I never thought about for a job. What do you say, Tony, how old is Martha? [00:19:22] Speaker H: Oh, for all my fetishes. For her, I'm gonna have to. I think she's about 31 now. [00:19:26] Speaker B: She's about 31 now. For all your fetishes. Fetishes, yeah. Would you care to amplify on that? [00:19:31] Speaker H: No, I'd like to do something. Amplifying had something to do with it. [00:19:34] Speaker B: But, Jack, what do you say? Jack, how old is Martha? [00:19:40] Speaker C: 33. [00:19:41] Speaker B: 33. [00:19:46] Speaker H: The heavenly sound of Martha. [00:19:48] Speaker B: Okay. The actual age of Martha Quinn. This is the actual age. No matter what she tells you she is. She's 32, which means that Tony and. [00:19:58] Speaker H: Jack, hey, we deserve to win that one. [00:20:00] Speaker B: Yeah. Cause Tony said 31 and Jack said 33. And she's right in the middle of both, which is probably where you are. [00:20:13] Speaker C: I'll take the left. [00:20:17] Speaker B: I don't know. I don't know what kind of programs you guys have been working on, but this is class, you know, on David Bredno. You can get away with his smut. Okay. Oh, it's leading up to no good. I don't blame you for not watching television if this is what it does to the human soul. [00:20:35] Speaker H: MTV, it just corrupts the mind. [00:20:38] Speaker B: That's right. If I see one more. One more film of Madonna who's got to be the biggest promoter in the entire world, nobody even knows whether she has talent or not. She's everywhere. She's everywhere. You turn. I turned. You won't believe this. I turned on the cold water faucet in my bathtub the other day. She came pouring out. She's everywhere. [00:21:01] Speaker F: I have never seen her, but those things she wears, they're stabbing me into death. [00:21:09] Speaker B: They stab a man to death. I was at the Middleton town landfill the other day. [00:21:15] Speaker H: They installing pipelines? [00:21:16] Speaker B: No. And I was there. And I was at the area where you turn in your. Your metal cans. She popped out of that too. It's incredible. I think I've milked this one long enough. Okay, let me see if I can find one more. Just one more. How about. Do I hear signs of total distress? What about. There's a soap opera called one day at a time and a guy named Boyd Gaines. Who's in it? I have no idea what character he plays. One day at a time. Oh, no, that's not a. Is that. It's soap. Yeah, one day. [00:21:50] Speaker C: No, that show with Valerie Bertinelli. [00:21:52] Speaker B: That's right. That's right. It is. It is that. It says tv soap. One day at a time. Boy, why don't we forget him? [00:22:00] Speaker H: Who was that? The guy who played the maintenance guy. [00:22:02] Speaker B: No, no, that was Harrington, wasn't it? [00:22:04] Speaker H: Yeah, yeah. [00:22:08] Speaker B: It doesn't say. It says Boyd Gaines, born in Atlanta tv. Let's forget about him. You're right. You're absolutely right. [00:22:15] Speaker C: How about the guess? [00:22:16] Speaker B: How about you can take a guess later on your own time while you're sitting there following the inebriates gone through the sewer line there, Jack, you can. [00:22:25] Speaker H: Look in the centerfold of Martha Quinn. [00:22:28] Speaker B: What about that? Now, here's Robert Jarvik. You know, the inventor of the Jarvik seven artificial heart. Yeah. I know that you're excited about the artificial heart, but you don't have any idea about how old he might be. And well, let's. Let's try him anyway. What the heck. [00:22:47] Speaker H: Sure. [00:22:47] Speaker B: Because we're having. Just sit down. Much fun. It's a shame to end the game. And then we'll guess the age of Walter Lipschitz and we'll keep going on like this. [00:22:55] Speaker H: Lance Cartage. [00:22:56] Speaker B: Lance Cartayne will be a good one. That's right. And my uncle, my cousin Harry Fleet will guess his age. Anyway, you turn out to be a real sore head, you know that? Is that the way they all are for the Catskills? Is that what the Catskills does for you? [00:23:15] Speaker H: Is that they only have one tv channel? [00:23:18] Speaker F: I mean, what more can you do but be me? [00:23:21] Speaker B: Do you grow coffee? Do you grow coffee in the Catskills? Cause they always talking about Folgers is mountain grown. Like that's special. When you grow stuff up in the Catskills, does that come out really better than, say, if we grow it in the valley? [00:23:34] Speaker F: No, I wouldn't tell you what, they're growing up here, but they got police helicopters going over all the time. [00:23:43] Speaker B: Mom, grown marijuana has always been my favorite. [00:23:46] Speaker F: I'm not kidding. [00:23:48] Speaker B: Really. Okay, I tell you what, Ann, since we got you on the line, I don't know why I said that, because we have a few others on the line too. How old you take the first shot. How old is Robert Jarvik? [00:24:01] Speaker F: What the heck? 45. [00:24:03] Speaker B: 45, okay. What, uh. What do you say, Arlene? [00:24:07] Speaker D: 68. [00:24:08] Speaker B: 68. There seems to be somewhat of a discrepancy here. And he guesses. [00:24:13] Speaker D: I don't have no idea who he is. [00:24:16] Speaker B: Mike Mance. Mike from Marshfield. How old would you say Robert Jarvik, inventor, 63. And Jack? [00:24:26] Speaker C: 111. [00:24:31] Speaker B: But he's done a lot in that short lifespan. [00:24:33] Speaker H: And he's using his own heart. [00:24:35] Speaker B: Yes. [00:24:39] Speaker C: He changed his batteries last week. I understand. He said what a new pipeline is. [00:24:46] Speaker B: That's right. Well, that's because he saw a picture of Martha Quinn. [00:24:49] Speaker H: That's right. [00:24:51] Speaker C: And he couldn't take the strain. [00:24:52] Speaker B: Yeah, he said, I better get new batteries anyway. Jack. Never mind. How old is Jack Hart? I mean, how old is Jack? How old is. I have Robert. I have Robert Jarvik on the line. He wants to guess how old you are now. How old is Robert Jarvik? [00:25:10] Speaker C: 67. [00:25:11] Speaker B: 67. That is a silly age, isn't it, Kenton? What do you think? [00:25:17] Speaker E: 74. [00:25:18] Speaker B: 74, okay. And Tony? [00:25:23] Speaker H: 73. [00:25:25] Speaker B: 73. [00:25:26] Speaker H: Which is a silly age too. [00:25:28] Speaker B: Yeah, it always makes me laugh. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, the real age of Robert Jarvik. The center of the Jarvik seven artificial heart is 45. He's a relatively young guy. And Ann got that one and hit it right on the button. [00:25:49] Speaker H: I can't believe that. [00:25:50] Speaker B: Yeah, 45 years old, and before somebody. [00:25:53] Speaker F: Thinks I'm doing something strange here. [00:26:02] Speaker B: Oh, I see. That's how you guessed. Okay, because you saw a picture of. [00:26:05] Speaker H: Him hiding from those helicopters in. [00:26:08] Speaker C: We didn't think you were doing anything strange till you brought it up. [00:26:13] Speaker B: Because if you. If you did any. [00:26:15] Speaker F: Leave your number. I'll call you back. [00:26:17] Speaker B: Okay? If you did. If you did anything strange, you would be lost in the weirdness of this entire Westinghouse establishment. I wouldn't worry about that. If you ever been here during the daytime and looked into the program office, you'd see weirdness, man. [00:26:30] Speaker H: In fact, they'd probably hire you in. [00:26:32] Speaker F: I think we get enough word. [00:26:35] Speaker B: Okay, so Robert Javik had invented a. [00:26:38] Speaker G: Hot that you could put batteries in. They could give the traffic report. [00:26:43] Speaker C: Oh, he's trying to make my job. [00:26:47] Speaker B: That's right, too. [00:26:48] Speaker H: More time to spend with Martha, though, Jack. [00:26:50] Speaker B: Okay, so let's see. Let me just run down the score. [00:26:52] Speaker H: What the hell is that score? [00:26:54] Speaker B: What? [00:26:56] Speaker H: Sorry, I'm getting bitter. [00:26:57] Speaker B: Oh, you are bitter. Just because you. You did raunchy all. Well, you didn't do. You didn't do too bad. You did get one round. You got one. Jack got two. That's not bad. Mike from Marshfield, our three time champion, fell right down on his. Fell down the sewer on that one. Not a one, eh? Not a one. Mom. Mike, how does it feel? How does it feel to be floating high for a few days and fall flat on your face today and do terrible, awful, embarrassingly terrible? [00:27:30] Speaker G: If I died in the gunner, they'd probably call it suicide. [00:27:40] Speaker B: Ann has got three. She's did the best of all. And we're gonna keep you on the line for a little bit, Dan, so we take your name and address. [00:27:47] Speaker F: All I can say to Mike is when he falls down the sewer, we'll get Robin Jarvis to put an artificial. [00:27:53] Speaker B: Heart in and be quiet. [00:27:58] Speaker F: Oh, cry. [00:28:00] Speaker B: Because we're going to send you a wonderful. Well, it won't be. It'll be a tacky nothing prize. You'll get it. And you'll say, this is. This is. This is the whole thing. Is this it? Maybe there's be another mailing tomorrow with a real prize. [00:28:10] Speaker F: I will probably. We get RFD here. I will go out and I'll look. [00:28:14] Speaker B: At it and say, okay, we'll give you a good chance to take a good walk to your mailbox. [00:28:18] Speaker F: Well, I need the exit. [00:28:20] Speaker H: Okay, we'll send us some rolling papers. [00:28:22] Speaker B: How far is your mailbox from where you live, your house? [00:28:25] Speaker F: Just out the end of the driveway. [00:28:27] Speaker B: How long is your driveway? [00:28:28] Speaker F: Oh, I don't know. [00:28:29] Speaker H: Not too long. [00:28:31] Speaker B: No, no, because we're on RFD, too, and I just wanted to compare driveways with Ann because whenever you can tell when I'm getting kind of warm on a lady, I want to know how long her driveway is. I don't think I like the way this conversation is going. Well, we'll work something out here. Okay, you hang. You hang in there for a second. Kenton. Kenton. Be funny if your last name was Stanley, something like that. [00:29:06] Speaker E: Actually, I was named after Stan, Ken. [00:29:08] Speaker B: Were you really? [00:29:09] Speaker E: Yeah, honestly. [00:29:11] Speaker B: Okay, that's great. And you, you are in the same category as Mike Marshfield, which is really embarrassing. [00:29:19] Speaker E: I mean, the thanks for coming out category. [00:29:22] Speaker B: Yeah, no, I appreciate hearing from you all the way from Kitchener. I think it's a buy. [00:29:31] Speaker H: I haven't met Anne yet. [00:29:32] Speaker B: That's right. And Arlene. Arlene got one. And which. So, as we say, Arlene, you. You're up on the board. You came out on the scoreboard anyway. [00:29:43] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:29:43] Speaker B: And it was a pleasure to have you with us. I thank you very much. [00:29:47] Speaker D: Nice to be here. [00:29:47] Speaker B: Thank you. Nice to be had. Did you say that? Hey, I think we got one on a live one here. Hey, I hope to talk to you soon. Thank you, Arlene. Bye bye bye now. And Kenton, thank you very, very much. [00:30:00] Speaker E: Thanks very much, Norm. [00:30:02] Speaker B: Appreciate it. Hope we'll be hearing from you soon. Take care now. And you're going to stay on the line and talk with Tony, who'll take your name and address so he can send you something really tacky. [00:30:11] Speaker F: Bank? [00:30:15] Speaker B: Well, the only. The saving grace is the phone bill. The phone charges are the lowest this time of the day, of any other day. Shouldn't be too much. I enjoy talking to you, too, and hold on and talk to Tony. And, Tony, I thank you very much. [00:30:31] Speaker H: Thank you, Norm. [00:30:32] Speaker G: Don't shut me off, Tony, because I'm hanging off the countryside. [00:30:37] Speaker B: You're gonna. You want to talk to Warren Sheppard, do you? Hey, Mike, always a pleasure. Thank you. [00:30:42] Speaker G: My pleasure, sir. [00:30:43] Speaker B: Take care. Bye bye now. And Jack Hart will be talking with you in a few minutes. And as always, these Saturday mornings are always a great pleasure. [00:30:51] Speaker C: I was named after Jack O'Herlihy, the cab driver who brought me into this world. [00:30:57] Speaker B: Do you know who I was named after? Norman Espovich. No, that's. I think that was his last name. My mother had a crush, which is kind of crazy because she was married to my father at the time, but she had a crush. She had a crush on a judge named Norman Espovich. And that's where the Norman came from. I just haven't. Just a darn much fun. So hang in there, Jack, and we'll get back to you in a few minutes, okay? Jack now has to leave because he's going to compile his traffic report. Okay. Well, we have some open lines now. Lines that, of course, were terribly busy during the dumb birthday game. Incidentally, did I mention this to you? Any rebroadcast or other use of the accounts and descriptions of the dumb birthday game without the express written consent of the American League are prohibited. Thank you. [00:31:55] Speaker A: Wasn't he the lead in night of the living dead? He was very ghoul in that one. Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than you found it. Four pipelines. Whistling feedback. The Catskills. Countryside with Warren shepherd. Crank calls to master control. Work crews. Wall washers and bulb changers. Old trappers in old piles. Sammy the crazy drummer, holding a soft spot for Martha Quinn. Still to this day, goofs in the sales and programming departments. Amplifying fetishes. Classy smut. Norm's amazing. Madonna. Cold water faucet. MTV. Boyd Gaines. Walter Lipschitz. Lance Cartain. Norm's cousin. Harry Fleet. Mountain High and Valley low. The Jarvik seven. Artificial heart. Sewer side. Asking very personal questions like, how long is your driveway? Kitchener, Ontario. Hobart, New York. Long distance phone bills. Stan Kenton. Jack the cab driver. Judge Norman Espovich. Jack Hart. And the most honorable Norman Nathan. I'm Tony Nesbitt. Who, not that anyone cares, was named after the king of deli Meats. Tony Bologna. See you next time.

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