Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 187

Episode 187 June 11, 2024 00:49:08
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 187
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 187

Jun 11 2024 | 00:49:08


Show Notes

Today’s show begins with technical difficulties and even though I was home and not in the studio it was probably my fault.

There’s a special pre-game intro by WBZ Sports Guy, Tom Cuddy that leads into a DBG from May 18th, 1996.

The title: Hats, Coats and Tolls, Oh my.



Tony on the phone

Mike from Marshfield

Irene in CT – And we just may have figured out why her calls sound so bad

Don from Billerica

Marie in Boston

Jack Harte



Perry Como

Pope John Paul II

Bill Macy

Pernell Roberts

Dwayne Hickman

Brooks Robinson

Reggie Jackson


Ep 187, Hats, Coats and Tolls, Oh my, tosses its way to your ears in 3,2 and 1.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Today's show begins with technical difficulties. And even though I was home and not in the studio, it was probably my fault. There's a special pre game intro by WBZ sports guy Tom Cuddy that leads into a dumb birthday game for May 18, 1996. The title, hats, coats and tolls. Oh, my. The players. I'm on the phone. We have Mike from Marshfield, Irene in Connecticut, and we just may have figured out why her calls sound so bad. Dawn from Billreca Marie in Boston and Jack Hart. The Perry Como, Pope, John Paul II, Bill Macy, Purnell Roberts, Dwayne Hickman, Brooks Robinson and Reggie Jackson. Episode 187 hats, coats and tolls oh, my. Tosses its way to your ears because you can own, you can toss a hat and toss a coat. And in the old days, when you paid with coins, you toss your tolls into the basket. Okay, in three, two and one. [00:01:09] Speaker B: Okay. Hey, hey. [00:01:10] Speaker C: Hello? [00:01:11] Speaker B: Hello, Tony? [00:01:12] Speaker C: Hello. I'm sorry. I was listening to you on the air. [00:01:15] Speaker B: Yes. [00:01:16] Speaker C: And I thought I'd pick up the phone and, you know, there you are, beckoning my name, calling me. [00:01:22] Speaker B: I'm calling your name. Actually, we're having a little computer trouble here, and so I kind of picked you up in another source, and we're seeing if we can. Oh, this is so stupid. What's wrong? The computer. [00:01:39] Speaker C: I know no one else will know what you're talking about, but come on, talk to me. [00:01:42] Speaker B: No, I know it. No, it. Bless me, father. It seems to be moving. Wait a minute. Hold on just a minute. Let me say. Now, the thing is for people listening, and they don't know what I'm talking about, but we pick up all these kinds of things on computer. On the computers. And I think people who work in offices that depend upon that know the horrible cry like, hey, the computer is down. Which means everything comes to a grinding hall. I think people understand that part of it. [00:02:13] Speaker C: And then it's back to the old way of, like, writing things down. [00:02:18] Speaker B: Well, and not only that, but is the screen on? [00:02:21] Speaker C: Is it. Is it just blank right now? [00:02:22] Speaker B: No, it's not. It's. It's totally on. But, but, uh, when you hit it. [00:02:28] Speaker C: When you touch it, you can't hear anything. [00:02:30] Speaker B: Nothing happens. No, nothing happens. But the time. We will be. We've rebooted it a couple of times, and it's reading the time and everything is coming out okay. [00:02:40] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:02:41] Speaker B: So what. Which is. You want to. You're in. You're in East Boston now, right? [00:02:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:46] Speaker B: You could be here in about three minutes if you really put your mind to it. [00:02:50] Speaker C: I might be able to walk Tom through some steps. I don't know. He might already. He may have already tried him. [00:02:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:02:57] Speaker C: Now, how did you bring me up? By punching me up on the board? [00:02:59] Speaker B: Yes, I did punch everybody else up on the board, too. No, I can do that. That's okay. I tell you. Why don't I do that, then? Okay. Hello, this is. And who is this, please? [00:03:11] Speaker D: This is Mike from Marshfield. [00:03:13] Speaker B: Oh, Mike. [00:03:15] Speaker D: Hello, Tony. [00:03:16] Speaker B: Thank you. Thank you for coming to our aid in times of extreme distress. Mike from Marshfield. We'll be playing the dumb breathing game in just a moment, but meanwhile, the trouble is in your set. Pennsylvania. Who's with us now? Hi, Eileen. [00:03:33] Speaker E: I'm not in Pennsylvania. I'm in Connecticut. [00:03:36] Speaker B: Oh, this is Eileen. This is. Oh, this is Irene, the one with the phone that you can't understand. The bad voice, who talks a lot. Yeah, see, there you go again. No, I don't want to hear any more of that. Just. Just sit there and relax, okay, Irene? While we talk with some Crowley. All right. Tell me about that Crowley, then I'll shut up. [00:03:56] Speaker E: She made her debut in the picture moon. The moon is blue. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:04:01] Speaker E: Which was considered a very naughty type of picture. [00:04:05] Speaker B: Yes. [00:04:05] Speaker E: Today it would be rated gift, you might say. But she never went on to. She went on to do this part, but she never got to be a big star. She didn't have it, really. She was small, dark. She wasn't sexy. She wasn't beautiful, and she didn't reach her heart, really. [00:04:27] Speaker B: She's kind of a little like you, I guess, huh? [00:04:30] Speaker E: No, I'm. I'm 411, so I'm smaller than she is. [00:04:34] Speaker B: But you're sexy and beautiful. [00:04:37] Speaker E: Oh, that's right. Well, I agree with you on that. [00:04:40] Speaker B: Okay. Let me call in Don. Who's in? Bill Ricca. [00:04:44] Speaker F: How you doing? [00:04:45] Speaker B: I'm doing pretty good, Don. Nice to have you with us. [00:04:47] Speaker F: Heck, Crowley was always the lady in distress in the, like, Maverick and Cheyenne. So she's in that age bracket with Quinn, Walker, and James on that. Yeah. James Garner. [00:05:03] Speaker B: Yeah. You're mister kind of mister Showbiz. You know, all that kind of stuff. I think that's really nice. [00:05:11] Speaker F: Yeah. Remember Gil Davis? [00:05:14] Speaker B: No. [00:05:15] Speaker F: Gil Davis would be like, uh, have a bit pod and those type of pictures. [00:05:22] Speaker B: Oh, I see. Gail Davis. [00:05:25] Speaker F: You know, be like a neighbor or whatever. Yeah, the ranch's wife. [00:05:32] Speaker B: Okay. It's kind of funny when you say she'd be the best friend or something like that. I remember they used to kid Ronald Reagan, about that, he said, somebody else will be president. He would be the best president's best friend. He was always that. That had always had that kind of role in movies. You know who else is with us? Marie in Boston. Marie in Boston. Hello, Marie. [00:05:58] Speaker G: Hello. I called about 45 minutes ago to weigh in on the Pat Crowley night. I ended up having to hold on so long. They said, well, you can play the dumb birthday game if you like. So I said, sure, but everyone else is weighed in on Pat Crowley. So I just thought I'd add my two cent, if you don't mind. She used to be on a sitcom. Please don't eat the daisies. She was a sitcom tv star, and I wasn't sure if she played the wife on my mother the car. Pat Crowley. [00:06:31] Speaker B: You know, the wife or the wife on my mother the car. [00:06:33] Speaker G: I'm not sure, but I. [00:06:34] Speaker B: Okay, because the mother was. No, you're not the mother, but yeah, the mother was. What was her name? She was an old, old actress. [00:06:42] Speaker F: And southern. [00:06:42] Speaker B: And southern. That's right. [00:06:45] Speaker G: And the wife was that Crowley? [00:06:47] Speaker B: You, between the two of you, you know all about. [00:06:51] Speaker G: Not quite. [00:06:51] Speaker B: So bus. What we're doing now is rebooting the computer screen so we can get a lot of things happening. But one of the people we cannot get until we get this thing straightened out is Jack Hart, who's going to be playing the game with us if we can get things. Pardon me, Norm. Yeah? [00:07:10] Speaker C: You can hear me? Okay. Yes, actually, you can. You can't bring him up in there, but Tom can bring him up on the board. [00:07:17] Speaker B: Okay. Tom, would you bring up a check? I think. I think Tom. Where's Tom? Oh, Tom is right. [00:07:24] Speaker C: Tom is right behind you. [00:07:27] Speaker B: Tom just went home. He said, I can't bear the stress of this kind of a job. I'm going home. [00:07:33] Speaker C: From what I understand, Norm, you pressed the wrong button. [00:07:37] Speaker B: Wait a minute. Something is happening right this very moment. Okay, wait a minute. One moment, please. The trouble is, in my set. [00:07:47] Speaker C: Who else was playing the game? We got Mike, and then I was taking. I was talking to Tom for a moment. [00:07:51] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:07:52] Speaker B: We have Mike from Marshfield. [00:07:53] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:54] Speaker B: Irene with a bad phone connection. I think it's her voice, actually, that. That has the static on it. [00:08:00] Speaker C: Yes. [00:08:01] Speaker B: From Connecticut. Don and Bill. Rick at Marie in Boston, and you, Tony Nesbitt. [00:08:07] Speaker C: And then momentarily, Jack. [00:08:09] Speaker B: And now we have Jack. Hi, Jack. [00:08:11] Speaker H: Hello. [00:08:12] Speaker B: Hello. [00:08:13] Speaker C: Hello. [00:08:14] Speaker B: Hello. How are you? Okay, thank you. We never even did the theme song to the dumb birthday game, did we? No. So hold on a minute. We'll do something like that. It's week 16 of a dumb birthday game season. A season of competition we will not soon forget. As we approach the final games. 16 of the league's 2017 still have playoff aspirations. And now your host for the dumb birthday game pregame show, Norm Nathan. Birthday game. [00:08:56] Speaker E: You don't need skill. [00:08:58] Speaker H: You don't have to be a brain. [00:09:00] Speaker E: You just call Norm to play the dumb birthday game. [00:09:04] Speaker H: Play the dumb dumb. [00:09:11] Speaker B: That's what we'll be doing. Now, the only problem is I have all of you on the line. And I think that's wonderful. I like that. The only thing we can't do, and of course, it's not anywhere near as important as. We can't play the commercials. Well, Tom can play them out of his studio. Tom can play the commercials out of his studio. He's on the phone now. I think he's calling the police. [00:09:34] Speaker C: Yes, he's. He's calling a computer genius. [00:09:40] Speaker B: This is kind of norm. [00:09:42] Speaker C: Now, you played the theme and Tom Cuddy with his, you know, week 16 of the birthday game on a nice little machine in front of you. It's got a tape. You put in it and you press it and you play it. And in our all new, fantastically ultra modern, state of the art studios, you won't have any tape to play. [00:10:00] Speaker B: And what is. Now, what does that mean exactly? [00:10:02] Speaker C: It's all going to be on. It'll all be digital. It'll all be in the computer. [00:10:07] Speaker B: You know what I think? I think radio's getting a little too complicated for me. So if that computer goes down, then. [00:10:13] Speaker C: You can't play anything at all because we won't have anything as a backup to play on tape. [00:10:18] Speaker B: I see. [00:10:18] Speaker C: So that'll be a lot of fun. [00:10:19] Speaker B: Yeah, that'll be nice. [00:10:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:21] Speaker B: Hey, listen, let's play the birthday game now anyway. And the heck with the commercials. They're nothing but car commercials anyway. Who cares? [00:10:27] Speaker C: It's spectacular. [00:10:29] Speaker B: Well, that. That guy, too. Okay, today. Now, what we do is we guess the ages of people who were born on this date. And that's. That kind of pales into insignificance compared to the drama that's going on here right now. Terry Como. Today's Terry Como's birthday, did you know that? [00:10:46] Speaker H: Perry Como, the sleepiest singer alive. [00:10:49] Speaker B: That's right. Yes, sir. And I love you so nobody really know anyway. He was born. I didn't. I thought his real name was Pierrino. Well, that's okay. Perrio's gone short for that Pierino. Ronald Roland Como in Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania. As big as hit round and round in 1940. 719 50. 719 76, he received his 15th gold record for and I loved you so. He and his childhood sweetheart, Roselle Bellini, have been married since 1933. Even though I happen to know they can't stand each other, she says, why don't you wake up, Perry, and put a little fire into our romance? And he says, why? What? I love you so. And then he kind of just falls over off his cheek. I interviewed him a few years ago. He's really very nice man. A very. I don't know, very, very obviously, very relaxed, but very nice. And I get quite a nice voice. Anyway, Mike, how old do you think Perry Como is today? May 18 is his birthday. [00:12:14] Speaker D: 83 if it's me, 18th. [00:12:17] Speaker B: He must be 83 if it's May 18. That what you said, Mike? Yes. Why do you say that? [00:12:25] Speaker D: Well, because it saves a lot of time over the way Jack cotton and everybody else figures. [00:12:31] Speaker H: Oh, I use the short method. [00:12:33] Speaker B: Oh, I see. Okay. Irene, what do you think? [00:12:37] Speaker E: I think I'd say 84. [00:12:39] Speaker B: 84, okay. And don't 85. Don says 85. And Marie? [00:12:45] Speaker G: I'll say 82. [00:12:47] Speaker B: Marie says 82. Jack, what do you think? I'll say 84. You'll say 84. And what did you say, Tony? [00:12:55] Speaker C: Well, since yesterday was May 17 and tomorrow is May 19, I'll say 82. [00:13:03] Speaker B: That is an absolute stroke of genius. That really kind of bombed out this time, though. He is 84. So Irene and Jack both hit it right on the butt. [00:13:14] Speaker F: Get the falling star and put it in your pocket. [00:13:18] Speaker B: That's right. He did one on Seattle too, didn't he? [00:13:21] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:13:22] Speaker H: Put Seattle in your pocket. [00:13:23] Speaker B: Let it love Seattle. So what's it? Delaware, Idaho? [00:13:29] Speaker H: Alaska? [00:13:31] Speaker B: Pardon me. Yes, I met him. Nobody cares. [00:13:36] Speaker E: Yes, I did. I was out. [00:13:37] Speaker B: No, nobody cares. Nobody cares. [00:13:40] Speaker E: And I met him, and he was just delightful. [00:13:43] Speaker B: Yes. Okay. [00:13:46] Speaker C: Did you say he kissed? Delightful, huh? Yeah. [00:13:50] Speaker H: I thought just. [00:13:53] Speaker B: Okay. Today is the birthday of John Paul II, the 264th pope of the Roman Catholic Church elected. This is where. This is where we withhold our humor. Nobody dares try to be funny about this. Why? Because he's a pope and stuff. You don't. You don't joke about big clergy guys. You just don't. [00:14:18] Speaker C: Can I make jokes about his hat? [00:14:20] Speaker B: Yes, you could. You can make jokes. You can't make jokes about rabbis, priests, anything like ministers. Anyway, the. Well, we will, we will? [00:14:32] Speaker C: Yes, we will. [00:14:33] Speaker B: We will. Anyway, he was elected October 16, 1978. I mention these days because that could be pertinent to how old. You think he is the first non italian to be elected pope in 456 years? The first polish pope and the first to write a book made into a movie, the jeweler shop with Olivia Hussey, and had underwent colon surgery in 1992. He was also shot at, was he not? He was one. Was that 1981 Pope John Paul II? He was an actor too, was he not? In addition to writing the book that was made into a movie? I think he started out as somebody at least who was interested in acting. [00:15:18] Speaker H: Yeah, I don't think that he was, you know, like a well known stage and screen star in Poland. But I do believe he has a little bit of an acting background. [00:15:27] Speaker C: Okay, let's all the name, you know. [00:15:30] Speaker B: Pardon me? [00:15:31] Speaker C: It's all in the name. [00:15:31] Speaker H: Sure. How big, how much of a bigger draw could you get then, you know, Pope anybody, if you were having a. [00:15:36] Speaker C: Play, was to make movies, people, you know, lining up to see it starring Pope John Paul II. [00:15:44] Speaker H: Yeah, of course, you. [00:15:46] Speaker C: Whatever his real name was, you know. [00:15:49] Speaker B: His name was Carol Watchtila. Yes. [00:15:56] Speaker D: He used to play at the ex. [00:15:58] Speaker B: Cathedral, at the exatheater. People remember the exit of theater. There was such a class theater for all the Back bay people. Kind of the beacon. Beacon Hill socialites used to go to the. And I went too. [00:16:15] Speaker D: I think that went over your head. I meant that to sound like exceed. [00:16:20] Speaker B: Oh, I see. It did go over my head. Yeah, that was kind of hip, but over. [00:16:26] Speaker H: Everybody's a greek symbol for Christ. [00:16:30] Speaker B: What? Oh, what about John Paul II? How old do you think he is, Tony? [00:16:35] Speaker C: Oh, let me see. You know, one of the, you know, Pope hat. Is that just a funny. It's two words, but when you say it, it comes out like one. [00:16:44] Speaker H: Pope at. [00:16:44] Speaker C: Pope at. [00:16:45] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:16:46] Speaker H: By Byron. Go. [00:16:48] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. [00:16:49] Speaker B: It's the pope at Pope hat by Ronco. [00:16:51] Speaker C: Yeah, almost like, you know. What are you having? I'm gonna have a can of peas. [00:16:57] Speaker H: Make up your mind. [00:16:59] Speaker C: Border my pope hat. [00:17:00] Speaker B: I'd like to get past this segment as quickly as possible. [00:17:04] Speaker C: I know he's a holier than thou 70. What is he now? Geez, he's pushing. [00:17:15] Speaker B: Oh, I must confess, he's 777-7760 that you say 76. [00:17:23] Speaker C: 76. Why not, spirit, you know? [00:17:25] Speaker B: Okay. Did you hear that flow of stuff that came in there? Jack, what do you think? [00:17:36] Speaker H: Let me see the pope. How old would the pope be? [00:17:42] Speaker B: The pope would be 78. The pope would be 78. [00:17:49] Speaker C: Sound like a new sitcom. [00:17:51] Speaker B: Ok, Marie, what do you think? [00:17:54] Speaker G: I was thinking 77, 77. [00:17:58] Speaker B: And don't 78, 78 Irene, I'm going. [00:18:04] Speaker E: To go with the rest of 78. [00:18:07] Speaker B: 78. [00:18:08] Speaker D: Mike, I won't genuflect to the masses. I'll say 80. [00:18:13] Speaker B: Why? We got a hotshot group here that are heavily making Pope jokes. 76 is correct. And that's what Connie said. He is 70. [00:18:23] Speaker C: Thank God I got that one. [00:18:26] Speaker B: Holy mackerel. Today is also the birthday of Bill. [00:18:32] Speaker C: What did I even say? [00:18:34] Speaker E: Marie got that when she got 77. [00:18:37] Speaker B: No, but. No, no, he's 76, and Tony said 76. Okay with you, Irene? [00:18:45] Speaker E: Okay. [00:18:46] Speaker B: Okay. Bill Macy, the actor who was born in Revere, by the way. [00:18:51] Speaker H: No good. [00:18:52] Speaker B: I didn't know that he had one. [00:18:53] Speaker H: Line all those years he was on that sitcom. He had nothing else to say. [00:19:01] Speaker B: That's right. He played Walter. [00:19:02] Speaker H: Shut up, Bermude. [00:19:05] Speaker B: He played the Arthur's husband, Walter on maud. [00:19:09] Speaker F: She was bigger than him. [00:19:11] Speaker B: Yes, she was bigger than most people at one time. He was a cab driver in the film nothing in common. Or he was in a film called nothing in common. [00:19:22] Speaker C: Jackie Gleason and Tom Hanks. [00:19:24] Speaker B: Was that. Were they in there, too? [00:19:26] Speaker C: Right? Yeah. [00:19:28] Speaker B: Bill Macy. [00:19:29] Speaker H: Oh, yeah. [00:19:31] Speaker B: Do that. Do your imitation of him again, would you, Jack? [00:19:36] Speaker H: Shut up, Walter. [00:19:39] Speaker C: What? More. And then there's maud. [00:19:45] Speaker B: Okay, let's start with you, Irene. How old do you think Bill Macy is? [00:19:49] Speaker E: 61. [00:19:50] Speaker B: 61. Okay. Marie? [00:19:54] Speaker G: Um, I was thinking more about 60. 68. [00:20:02] Speaker B: 68. Okay. Mike. [00:20:05] Speaker C: 66. [00:20:07] Speaker B: What do you think, Jack? Hmm. [00:20:10] Speaker H: Just trying to do the math here. Let's see. Lady Godiva was a freedom rider. [00:20:14] Speaker B: She was a. [00:20:19] Speaker H: He's 74. [00:20:21] Speaker B: 74, wow. Okay, Don, what do you say? [00:20:25] Speaker F: 72. [00:20:26] Speaker B: Don says 72. And Tony, won't you come home? [00:20:29] Speaker C: Bill Macy. 71. [00:20:33] Speaker B: 71. His name, I suppose you're gonna say, used to be Bill Jordan. Oh, I didn't know. Bill Mash. Bill Mash at 74 is correct. Jack. Got that worm right on the button. [00:20:46] Speaker H: I know my Bill Macy's, but. [00:20:48] Speaker B: You sure do. And you got two. Two correct answers. [00:20:51] Speaker H: Go ahead, ask me, Conrad Bain. Ask me, Ruma Clanahan. [00:20:55] Speaker B: Okay, you have two, and Irene has one. And that's the way the scoring stands. And I have one. You have one also. That is correct. I'm sorry. My goodness. I left that out. [00:21:07] Speaker C: How's your screen? [00:21:09] Speaker B: It says, sitting there staring at me and doing nothing. Okay, so I think we're gonna have to put the commercials off till after 05:00 this morning. And they'll do 740 of them before they would between each item. Anyhow, this is all kind of local joke stuff. Prunell Roberts also has a birthday. He was born 18th in Waycross, Georgia. Oldest son on the Bonanza tv series. Was he the last survivor? [00:21:39] Speaker F: Yeah. Everybody else has passed on. [00:21:43] Speaker H: Yeah. [00:21:44] Speaker B: Oh, and he. Was he on the doctor John Trapper McIntyre and the trapper John, Md? [00:21:51] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Is that the guy with the beard on that show trapper? [00:21:54] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:21:54] Speaker B: Oh, that's. That's Purnell Roberts. [00:21:56] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:21:57] Speaker B: Okay, because that's still running on rerun. Well, I guess everything runs on reruns. Print. That's Prinel Roberts. This is a rerun right. Now, this program here. Yeah, that's right. This program was originally broadcast, and I think it was July of 1982. The program people are listening to now. That's ignorant. That's right. [00:22:20] Speaker H: Calls, please. [00:22:23] Speaker B: Yeah, this is called Mosey at night or maishy at night, I think, or something at night. I forget what. Anyway, Purnell Roberts, how old would you say Donald? [00:22:38] Speaker F: 68. [00:22:40] Speaker B: 68. Okay. And Jack, what do you think? [00:22:45] Speaker H: Parnell Roberts. [00:22:50] Speaker B: When I was growing up, there were a lot of kids that ever named that Purnell, Purnell. And also lot named Lamont after Lamont crashed in the shadow. Yeah. [00:23:01] Speaker H: In fact, one of them got beat up, huh? [00:23:03] Speaker B: No, they all got beat up regularly. Yeah. There's one guy named Lamont. [00:23:08] Speaker H: Purnell. [00:23:08] Speaker B: As a matter of fact, he really got beat up badly. [00:23:11] Speaker H: He got beat up by the Lamont's and the Purnells. [00:23:15] Speaker B: He couldn't leave his house. He used to put a quarantine sign out on the sidewalk just to keep people away. [00:23:24] Speaker H: Went to school by correspondence. [00:23:26] Speaker B: Oh, Lamar, your mother's calling. Purnell, you be a lot of that kind of talk. He played the violin, wore glasses and had pimples. [00:23:36] Speaker C: Wait a minute. That's you. [00:23:37] Speaker B: I'm sorry. That's right. I knew what sounded. [00:23:40] Speaker H: Well, didn't you know that was Norm's real name? Lamotte Brunell. He changed it for radio. [00:23:47] Speaker B: I thought the norm Nathan, I thought had more of a lustful, exciting, sexual kind of overtone. Yes. [00:23:55] Speaker H: When you say it, it just coos. [00:23:56] Speaker B: Them and hi, I'm Norm Nathan. Oh, how they melt. [00:24:04] Speaker H: Parnell Roberts, you say? [00:24:07] Speaker B: Robert, is it per or par? No, it's per Pernenl. The guy with the beard is on that program we mentioned, the trapper John, Md. Not just trapper John, Md. Would you go to a doctor named Trapper John? No, he's looks so. [00:24:26] Speaker C: No, but if he was my plumber, I would feel much better. [00:24:29] Speaker B: That's right. [00:24:31] Speaker H: John Trapper. He catches them when they're running. [00:24:36] Speaker B: Maybe a furrier. Maybe a furrier or something like that. [00:24:39] Speaker C: Oh, I wouldn't go to a furrier. [00:24:40] Speaker B: I wouldn't go to a furrier either. [00:24:42] Speaker C: Betty White in the show. My God, you're going on about. [00:24:44] Speaker B: I know. I just thought, I don't have any fur coaster, and I don't plan to buy any, so. It's okay. I'm just joking. I did have a rat raccoon coat back in the twenties when I was at Yale. [00:25:04] Speaker H: And how did the raccoon look at it? [00:25:07] Speaker B: Better than I did. [00:25:12] Speaker H: Let's see. Brunell Roberts. [00:25:14] Speaker B: You say straw hat. Yeah. [00:25:18] Speaker H: Pork pie hat. [00:25:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:25:20] Speaker H: Your banner. [00:25:21] Speaker B: Yep. I did all that kind of stuff. And I sang songs, like, all day long. You can always hear me shouting out, hello, bluebird. [00:25:31] Speaker H: Well, he's having a dream. [00:25:34] Speaker C: And you used to do the raccoon, right? Doon. [00:25:36] Speaker D: Doom. [00:25:36] Speaker B: Doom doing the raccoon. That was one of my great ones. Yeah, I love that one, too. [00:25:41] Speaker C: Let's have another cup of coffee and. [00:25:43] Speaker B: Let'S have another piece of pie. Also, Betty coed. Yep, yep. Betty Koed. We used to have a dirty version of Betty co ed, which I'd like to sing for you now, but perhaps not. When I think of it as kind of funny, we thought it was really far out, but the whole business got so far out that it would seem very tame. [00:26:09] Speaker C: You know, you could probably sing it and it'd be fine. [00:26:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, I'll sing the first line. Okay. Yeah. Betty co ed, take off your shoes hand stocking oh, don't come. [00:26:21] Speaker H: Oh, you love your fine line. [00:26:22] Speaker C: Now. [00:26:25] Speaker B: The next line is the funny one, too. But Betty co ed, take off your brassiere and something else, I forget what. And wave them proudly in the air. [00:26:42] Speaker F: These songs will be for my time. [00:26:44] Speaker H: You have cats? Must have been the bee's knees. [00:26:48] Speaker B: I vowed that I would never say that on the air. [00:26:50] Speaker H: What? [00:26:50] Speaker B: What? [00:26:51] Speaker H: What drove me to that bee's knees or brazier, anyway. [00:26:55] Speaker B: Well, listen, we're with Prnel Roberts. Is that you, Jack? And were you the next one to guess on? [00:26:59] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, the first one to get. [00:27:02] Speaker B: No, we have a guy. No, Don said that. [00:27:05] Speaker C: Don? [00:27:06] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, don. [00:27:08] Speaker H: Um. Doo doo doo. Purnell Roberts. Uh, I should have been doing the math all the while. I would say that he is 67. [00:27:18] Speaker B: 67, eh? Okay, and what do you think, Tony? [00:27:23] Speaker C: Oh, perhaps Purnell is 66. [00:27:30] Speaker B: 66. Perhaps he's 66, eh? Okay, and let's see. Irene, what? What do you say? [00:27:39] Speaker E: Well, I was going to go with Mike, but I think I'll go with 68. [00:27:43] Speaker B: 68. [00:27:44] Speaker C: Mike. Mike and Marshall. [00:27:47] Speaker B: No, no. [00:27:51] Speaker C: I was like, what? I don't know what she's talking about. [00:27:53] Speaker B: No, Mike hasn't guessed yet. That was Don and Bill Rico who said 68. Mike, what do you think? [00:28:00] Speaker D: I'll have to say 65. [00:28:02] Speaker B: 65. And, Marie, what do you say? [00:28:06] Speaker G: Well, I'll go with 64. [00:28:09] Speaker B: 64. Actually, he is 66, which Tony said 66. That's amazing. Okay, Jack and Tony are both kind of two apiece. I'm trying to get rid of a lot of clutter in my house. I'm trying to get somebody else to win so I can get rid of some junk in my house. [00:28:27] Speaker C: I'll try to throw the game from here on out. [00:28:28] Speaker H: Well, Robert. So I thought I would. 85. [00:28:33] Speaker B: It's too late. Jack, I appreciate what you're trying to do, and I'm grateful. Today's also the birthday. Let's see if I have a story on him. Dwayne Hickman, it says. [00:28:44] Speaker H: Oh, yeah. [00:28:46] Speaker B: Dolby Gillis, who later went into producer producers and doing all that kind of stuff. Yeah, he's not. [00:28:52] Speaker C: We had him on. Did we have him on the show? We had him on the show. [00:28:55] Speaker B: We had. No. The guy who was on with him. [00:28:58] Speaker C: No, we have to. [00:29:00] Speaker B: But we had Wayne Hickman. I guess we did. [00:29:03] Speaker C: And we had Bob Denver on. [00:29:04] Speaker B: Yep, that's right. That's right. Maynard grabs. That's correct. [00:29:09] Speaker C: Yeah. Because he wrote the book forever, Dolby. [00:29:12] Speaker B: Yes, that was the answer. [00:29:13] Speaker C: We had him on again. [00:29:15] Speaker B: We've had more people on than I even remember. Oh, here's the story. Yes. What? [00:29:22] Speaker E: You misses Joe Warren? [00:29:24] Speaker B: Well, I'm going to tell you that now. I'm about to tell you, because I did find a little story on him here. He played Doby, as we know, in tv series the many loves of Dobie Gillis from 1959 to 1963. [00:29:39] Speaker E: Thank you. You're a good leader. [00:29:43] Speaker B: Okay. And. Okay, Dwayne Hickman, let's start with Marie. What do you say? [00:29:51] Speaker G: Okay, Dwayne Hickman, I'll have to say he's approximately. [00:29:59] Speaker B: You're getting to sound more like Jack and Tony every second. [00:30:04] Speaker G: Too wordy, is that it? [00:30:07] Speaker B: No, no, that's okay. No, as a matter of fact, I was getting excited. I think we got the. We've got the computer screen to work now. That means we can put 72 commercials on right in the wrong, right after this. [00:30:22] Speaker G: Rock sounding like Robin Williams, but 60. [00:30:28] Speaker B: 60. Okay, Tony, what do you say? Dwayne Hickman. That's an interesting name. Dwayne Hickman. Hmm. [00:30:42] Speaker H: Maybe his parents were rural. [00:30:49] Speaker B: Maybe they were. You. You talk funny. You should be a WBZ accuweather meteorologist. A meteorologist. [00:31:00] Speaker C: Or a meteorologist, as Bob Larson likes a meteor. I don't know. He does it. [00:31:06] Speaker B: Are we the only station that pink pokes on it, the people who work here? [00:31:10] Speaker C: There was a great guy on the other day, Norm. [00:31:12] Speaker B: Yeah? [00:31:12] Speaker C: Yeah. Bernie Reyno. [00:31:14] Speaker H: Bernie Reynolds with the weather. Whoosh. And he gave you a snow jab. [00:31:19] Speaker C: I don't know, I just. All right. I. Dude, I don't believe. I don't believe. 56. [00:31:32] Speaker B: 56. Okay, Irene, what do you say? [00:31:36] Speaker E: 64? [00:31:37] Speaker B: Irene says 64. Just stance. Sits up straight in her chair and says that directly right out there. And, Mike, what do you say? [00:31:45] Speaker D: I'll say 61. [00:31:47] Speaker B: And Don and O. J. [00:31:52] Speaker H: Yes. [00:31:53] Speaker B: I wonder if you could tell us how old you think Dwayne Hickman is. You know. Well, you know. And don't say 39. Okay. Okay. [00:32:09] Speaker H: Now, what years did you say the. [00:32:12] Speaker B: Years that he did was? 63. 59 to 63. Exactly right. Are you jotting this? Do you jot that stuff down, Tony? [00:32:19] Speaker C: No, I was just paying attention. [00:32:21] Speaker H: Oh, I just got a mind like a. The old trap. [00:32:25] Speaker C: Yes. [00:32:27] Speaker B: What'd you say? It was thinking that, incidentally, I mentioned this earlier. Haven't gotten a response, and maybe it will in the next hour. I was coming over the Tobin bridge. [00:32:43] Speaker C: Yes. [00:32:44] Speaker B: I got to the toll taker. [00:32:45] Speaker C: Yes, yes. [00:32:47] Speaker B: And the toll taker said, as I was handing her my two quarters, yes. 50 cent told. She said, you don't need the fella in the. In the car in front of you. Paid for you. And he said, have a good Friday. I'm wondering who that was. No kidding. How did he know that it was me in the car? [00:33:09] Speaker C: Well, he may have thought an owner was you. He probably just said, I'll pay for the guy behind me. [00:33:13] Speaker H: Maybe it was a random act of kindness. [00:33:16] Speaker C: That's right. [00:33:16] Speaker B: You think he. He would have just paid for anybody? Because I could have thought maybe he knew me or something. He was a gorilla or something. [00:33:22] Speaker C: That's because you're a fathead, dorm. That's why. [00:33:24] Speaker B: I guess that's probably it. [00:33:25] Speaker C: The ego. You're an egomaniac. [00:33:27] Speaker B: The ego has gotten the best of me. I think so. [00:33:29] Speaker H: Maybe he thought you looked indigent and figured you needed. [00:33:31] Speaker B: But there was somebody at the front of that line that was holding the line up. So I was in back of this person for some time, and we're kind of looking out. I'm looking out the window saying, what's holding this thing up? Some guy who maybe had no money with him or something. I don't know. So they had a chance to look in back, and some young people were. [00:33:52] Speaker H: Looking out the rear window. [00:33:54] Speaker B: So I just assumed they knew it was me. And they thought, let's pay for that poor, indigent person. [00:34:00] Speaker C: Well, yeah, that they may have thought. [00:34:02] Speaker B: Whether they knew who exactly it was. [00:34:04] Speaker C: Was the poor indigent person. [00:34:05] Speaker B: But I had, you know, fifty cents, and she would not take it. [00:34:09] Speaker H: Wow. [00:34:09] Speaker B: And I thought, she's an attractive looking young lady. She probably thinks I'm kind of a good looking guy for an old person. You're right, Jack. [00:34:17] Speaker C: A random act of kindness. [00:34:20] Speaker H: She must have been a gorilla of goodness. [00:34:22] Speaker B: A gorilla of goodness. I like that. Oh, God, I like that. Well, if that doesn't indicate I ought to retire liking that. Anyway, Jack, how old is Duane Hickman? [00:34:34] Speaker H: Oh, Duane Hickman. [00:34:36] Speaker B: Dwayne Hickman. Yes. [00:34:37] Speaker H: Let's see. [00:34:38] Speaker B: He would be 55, 55. Okay, Dwayne Hickman is 62. [00:34:44] Speaker C: Oh, really? [00:34:45] Speaker B: Yes, he's 62. And I believe even back then, they. [00:34:48] Speaker C: Had older people playing young people. [00:34:50] Speaker H: So that means when he was supposed to be, like, a late teen, 20 years old, he was like, really, like, 40. [00:34:56] Speaker B: No, in that old time radio talk that we do, that Tony does with me, we talk about Henry Aldrich, who was supposed to be a typical high school teenager. [00:35:07] Speaker C: Radio, though. [00:35:08] Speaker B: That's true. And he actually, he was. He was. He was in his early thirties at that time. [00:35:12] Speaker H: Could say, I've got a headball pimples. And who would know? [00:35:14] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. [00:35:16] Speaker C: But, you know, now you have, like, your Michael J foxes and all that stuff. And they're, you know, 30, and they still look 17. Like Matthew Broderick could still play like a 20 year old or something like that. [00:35:25] Speaker B: That's true. Yeah, he is. [00:35:26] Speaker C: Think of his sixties. That most of those kids were still young getting into it. But, yeah, he was like, what, 20? [00:35:33] Speaker H: He must have been, like, 27 years old. [00:35:39] Speaker B: What's that? [00:35:40] Speaker F: Richard Jacob. He played Billy the kid. He was, like, in his thirties. He was playing young guys. [00:35:49] Speaker H: Well, look at. Look at the show match, Colonel. Corporal Klinger. He must have been 80, playing a corporal. Wrinkles, gray hair. He's bent over in a dress. [00:36:03] Speaker C: Now. Now what? You know, they don't discriminate like that. But back then, no way was he going to get a promotion. [00:36:08] Speaker D: Talk about playing old child has to play. [00:36:10] Speaker B: God, I guess that's about as old as you can get, isn't it? [00:36:14] Speaker C: He was younger and playing on a much older part. [00:36:17] Speaker B: Hey, listen, if you hold on just a minute. We'll get caught up in some commercials and be right back. And continue. Okay, back up now and continue this really swell game. [00:36:32] Speaker D: You didn't say who won the last one, Norm. [00:36:34] Speaker B: Oh, I did not. That's right. Dwayne Hickman, we said was 62, Mike said 61 and Don said 63. So those would be the two winners. And that means that Jack and Tony still have two apiece and one apiece from all the rest. Mike, Irene and Don. Except everyone's a winner except Marie. Oh, I'm sorry, Marie. [00:37:06] Speaker H: My heart is breaking. [00:37:07] Speaker B: Marie. The dawn is breaking, Marie. You should be baking. Anyway, Brooks Robinson's birthday is today. Also former Baltimore Orioles third baseman, played in four World Series, was MVP in 1964. Great. One of the really great ball players right next to. Probably almost as good as Menasha Shkulnik. [00:37:34] Speaker H: Pretty good, was he? [00:37:35] Speaker B: That really was a. Menasha's cool nick, but anyway, he was an actor. [00:37:40] Speaker D: Can you spell his name? [00:37:42] Speaker B: No. [00:37:42] Speaker D: M is in Menasha. He is in Menasha. N as in Menasha. That's how, that's the way he used to do it when he had the tv show. [00:37:52] Speaker B: Do you have a tv show? Do you really know who he is? [00:37:56] Speaker D: Yes. Yeah, he had a tv show back in the, I'd say middle fifties. [00:38:01] Speaker B: Yeah, he was a yiddish character. [00:38:03] Speaker D: Yeah. And it was on like 730 at night, 07:00 at night. It was on very early and it was, I'd say 07:00, maybe seven or 715 at night and it was on for half an hour. It was very, very good. [00:38:21] Speaker B: Was that. I don't remember that. He was also on an old radio show called Abys Irish Rose, which was a radio show show adapted from a play that had been on Broadway about a jewish. I forget a jewish person married an irish person. It's kind of funny. Back in those days that was kind of shocking and produced all kinds of humor. I can't remember whether the bride or groom was which, which of them. [00:38:49] Speaker C: I think it would still produce humor. It's just not so shocking. [00:38:52] Speaker B: Maybe it's different now. Menasha Schoolnick was the. With this old uncle with a sweaty voice on the jewish side of the family and then there were also on the irish side. But anyway, that ran for quite some time. [00:39:04] Speaker C: Bring them all back and they can do one of those wacky weddings at. [00:39:06] Speaker B: Some of these restaurants and get all. [00:39:09] Speaker H: The ethnicities are there. [00:39:10] Speaker B: That's right. [00:39:11] Speaker H: Jewish wedding. An irish wedding. [00:39:12] Speaker B: That's right. Well, that's right. We'll have pasta a la knish Georgia, Gracie mirror. Pardon me, Georgie, Gracie. [00:39:22] Speaker F: Irish and jewish and still in the. [00:39:24] Speaker B: Oh, well, I. Well, I know that, but I mean, that happens. It's fairly common now, but it's pretty. [00:39:29] Speaker C: Funny, Norman, Mike mentioned that he was on a tv show, and you said, playing a yiddish part, I'm like, no, he played the pope. [00:39:35] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. [00:39:39] Speaker H: Little irish fella. [00:39:40] Speaker B: It was kind of funny because he never changed his name. He was. He was introduced by his real name. [00:39:47] Speaker H: Preservers, who's hacking on my chainic now. [00:39:51] Speaker C: Would he have gotten his butt kicked in Everett along with Lamont and Purnell? [00:39:56] Speaker B: I'm afraid to think of what might have happened. I don't know. Now, we had a lot of the foreign names were. Okay, it wasn't that. I mean, with the sissy names. Yeah, you know, the sissy names were the ones that Dwayne Hickman would have been kicked, not a Menasha schoolman, because we had a lot of italian, irish, you know, various ethnic groups. Now, people accepted that pretty much. But sissy names like Lamont, Cranston, they would get kicked. Brooks Robinson, a guy named Brooks probably would have got kicked, too, except he's an athlete. He would have just kicked back, I suppose. [00:40:32] Speaker H: Maybe that's why he became an athlete. [00:40:34] Speaker B: That's right. Maybe that was it. Okay, Brooks Robinson, how old is he? The former Baltimore third base, excellent defensive. [00:40:42] Speaker C: He won the MVP. [00:40:44] Speaker B: He won the MVP in 1964. Yeah. Okay. What do you say, Mike? What do you think? How old do you think Brooks Robinson is? [00:40:53] Speaker D: I'd say 64. [00:40:56] Speaker B: 64. And what do you think Irene. [00:41:00] Speaker E: Started on? The Jews Theater on Second Avenue in New York City. [00:41:05] Speaker B: I'm not surprised at that. That's where the yiddish theater was. Yeah, the yiddish theater being it was there. As a matter of fact, Paul Muney was there, Edward G. Robinson. There were a lot of actors. Yeah, many, many, yeah. How old do you think Irene? I'm. Irene is. I mean, Brits. Robinson is, I think 51. [00:41:28] Speaker H: 50. [00:41:28] Speaker B: 51 is that. We say five. Okay. And Don Marie? [00:41:36] Speaker G: I'll say 63. [00:41:40] Speaker B: 63. Jack? I would say 60. 60. And Tony? [00:41:46] Speaker C: 58. [00:41:47] Speaker B: 58. Okay, he's 59. I think Jack and Tony both win that because they're both you, Jack. They're both one year off. [00:42:00] Speaker H: Whoosh. [00:42:00] Speaker B: Jack said 60 and Tony said 58. [00:42:03] Speaker H: And I don't even know sporty people. [00:42:06] Speaker B: You are sporty. [00:42:07] Speaker E: 1St may as well pick up their prizes now. [00:42:10] Speaker B: Yeah, they both have three apiece. Sorry, I don't know. How about Reggie Jackson? [00:42:16] Speaker H: How about them? [00:42:17] Speaker B: Do they still have a Reggie Jackson? Bar. Candy Bar. Are they Reggie Bar. Was never. Was never. Was it a Reggie Bar? Reggie Barr. Yeah, Reggie Barr. I haven't heard about that lady. Okay. Reggie Jackson. I don't really have anything. Yeah, here it is. He led the American League in home runs four times, was mvp in 1973, hit five World Series home runs in 1977. His greatest moment came in game six of the 1977 World Series when he, known as Mister October, hit three home runs on three first pitches from three different dodger pitchers, the last one traveling 450ft. Isn't that incredible? [00:43:07] Speaker C: Talk about being immortalized. [00:43:08] Speaker B: Oh, gee, that's something. He was elected to the baseball hall of Fame in 1993. I mean, he was ready something. Reggie Jackson. Wow. How about, uh. How about you, uh, don, what do you think? [00:43:22] Speaker F: 38. [00:43:23] Speaker B: How much? [00:43:24] Speaker F: 38. [00:43:25] Speaker B: 38. Okay. Mike, what do you think? [00:43:28] Speaker D: Uh, 52. [00:43:29] Speaker B: Mike says 52. And Tony, what do you think? [00:43:33] Speaker C: 93. He was elected. [00:43:35] Speaker B: He was elected. How many years is it supposed to be out of baseball? Ten years. [00:43:42] Speaker C: Ten years. [00:43:42] Speaker D: Five years, I think. [00:43:43] Speaker B: Is it five years? [00:43:44] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:43:45] Speaker B: Okay. [00:43:46] Speaker C: Okay. Now, Mike's might try to confuse me, maybe. Is Mike playing a trick? Yeah, sure. Tony, it's three years. Yeah, that's all. [00:43:55] Speaker B: In fact, it's about four months. Something like that. [00:43:58] Speaker H: It's an hour and a half. [00:44:01] Speaker C: Okay, so 93. And it was five years. 88. And he was probably. This is an 88. And that would mean eight years ago. So that would make them 48. [00:44:20] Speaker B: Is that the answer? [00:44:22] Speaker C: 48? [00:44:23] Speaker B: Oh, it sounded like a big trailer truck coming. Trying to come to a stop with bad brakes. 48. Okay. [00:44:30] Speaker H: Gonna have to use longer paper just to write that up. [00:44:35] Speaker B: Yeah. Irene, what do you say? Also 40. [00:44:43] Speaker C: What did she say before she said 48? [00:44:45] Speaker B: I didn't understand. [00:44:48] Speaker H: I don't know if I want to ask about either. [00:44:51] Speaker C: I was doing that in gregorian chant when I did that. [00:44:54] Speaker B: Marie, what do you. What do you think? How old is Reggie Jackson? [00:44:57] Speaker G: I'll say 52. [00:44:59] Speaker B: 52. Okay. And Jack? 54. [00:45:02] Speaker C: Jack in traffic says 54. [00:45:05] Speaker B: 54. Okay. Reggie Jackson actually is 50 years old. How old? 50. So that means that. Let's see. I think we have a couple of winners here, too. The closest would be 52 and 48. Mike said 52, Irene said 48, Tony said 48. And Marie said 52. So actually, we have those four winners. Wow. That means that Tony now has four correct hands. Oh, she's Bradley out of sight. And Jack has three. Marie is in the scoring column now. Yes. She don't. And both have one apiece. Irene and Mike have two a piece. And I think it's about time to say goodbye. Yeah, I think I think not. Yeah, that about has to wind it up because it's about two minutes before 04:00 and I want to thank you all for taking part in this. I'm sorry that one of you. [00:46:14] Speaker C: It was a quick game. [00:46:15] Speaker B: Yeah, it was a quick game. It was mainly because about 45 minutes of that we were diddling with the computer. [00:46:26] Speaker G: Are you going to have a tiebreaker? [00:46:28] Speaker C: There's no ties. [00:46:29] Speaker B: No, there's no tie. No, no. Tony. Tony kind of walked away with it. Although Jack did pretty well, too. And, yes, I just want to say. [00:46:39] Speaker E: I was glad to be part of such a distinguished group. [00:46:44] Speaker B: Leader. You added what? You added to the distinguished. Distinguishedness of the group or something. Listen, I'm gonna have to thank you all because I gotta get going. It's getting kind of like. [00:46:56] Speaker G: One last question. Who's Jack Hart? I know the name Jack Hard. [00:47:00] Speaker B: Is Jack Hard. [00:47:03] Speaker F: He played a long ranger. [00:47:05] Speaker B: That's right. [00:47:06] Speaker H: Yeah, he was married. [00:47:08] Speaker B: He was married to Pat Crowley. [00:47:11] Speaker G: Is he a news person? [00:47:12] Speaker B: No, no, Jack, I didn't mention that is the traffic. He's our traffic reporter, as a matter of fact. Stay tuned. He's going to give a traffic report in a few moments and we're going to dedicate it to you, Marie. Thank you. [00:47:23] Speaker D: Tony Nesbitt. [00:47:25] Speaker B: Tony Nesbitt is a derelict. No. Anyway. Hey, Mike, thank you for playing with us. And Eileen, I'm clipping them off quickly. I'm sorry. Irene from Connecticut. And Tony and Jack, thank you very much both. You always add a great luster and an excitement to the game. [00:47:45] Speaker C: Good night, Norm. [00:47:46] Speaker B: Good night. [00:47:47] Speaker A: Did you catch that burning question asked by Jack Hart? So insightful and inquisitive. No. Let me repeat it for you. What does della wear? Idaho. Alaska. Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it. Though after that, I'm not so sure. Four Pat Crowley, big clergy guys, computer geniuses. Dobie Gillis, the Exeter Theater, Runco, the dirty version of Betty coed, raccoon coats and pork pie hats. 76. That's the Holy Spirit. Pope hats, but Maud Bonanza, trapper John, Md. Jack Benny, mosey at night. Hello. Bluebird doing the raccoon. The bee's knees, random acts of kindness at the Tobin bridge tolls. Old time radio talk. Menasha Skolnik, pasta. Allah Knish, Accuweather's Bernie Reyno, Betty White, whom I believe was interviewed earlier that night. Bob Denver, whom we also interviewed in the past. Tom Howey, Tom Cuddy, Jack Hart. And the lustful, sensual Everett's very own Lamont Purnell. I'm sorry. I mean, Norm. Nathan. I'm the derelict Tony Nesbitt.

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Today we visit February 10th, 1996. I’ll call this one the Norm & Tony Mix Tape. Ed Leclair is producing which allowed me to...


Episode 96

July 22, 2022 00:57:20
Episode Cover

Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 96

The DBG: It’s a concept built from an idea! This concept is from July 23, 1993 and I have titled it: “A Clear Case...
