Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 206

Episode 206 October 23, 2024 00:52:29
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 206
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 206

Oct 23 2024 | 00:52:29


Show Notes

Right at the top here I’d like to say, “Shalom, Ma Neesh-ma” Israel? The worldwide phenomena (I wish. Soon? Maybe?) known as NNVoS is now broadcasting in Tel Aviv!

If you’re enjoying this as it puts a much-needed smile onto the world’s face, please consider supporting the show through Buy Me a Coffee, Patreon and Castos. Convenient links to all are below.

Oh, and one more thing…the very first episode, which will celebrate it’s 4th anniversary next Tuesday, just achieved more than 1000 views. I’m just so darn thankful!

Today brings us a DBG from the way back machine, October 26th, 1991. I may have stated this before but boy, do I wish I had more of these shows from back then. Great records of the madness that was the show.

We shall call this one: Overstaying Your Welcome (and you be the judge as to whom I could be referring to)!

We begin with two, count’em, two show opens!




Paul in Malden


Mike Epstein

Jack Harte

And I’m producing and playing in studio


Bdays with all the sfx AND the dates used exactly match with this year’s calendar:

Bob Hoskins

Pat Sajak

Jacklyn Smith

Francois Mitterrand, oui!


Tues 10/29

Richard Dreyfuss


Wed 10/30

Henry Winkler


Thurs 10/31

Jane Pauley

John Candy

Dan Rather


And back to Tues 10/29

For Kate Jackson


Ep 206, Overstaying Your Welcome, talks incessantly to your ears…now.


Buy Me a Coffee




Castos Donation*12szy98*_gcl_au*NDc3NDU0Mzc1LjE3MjI4Nzc4ODk

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Right at the top here, I'd like to say shalom, Manishma, Israel. The worldwide phenomena I wish soon, maybe. While the phenomenon known as Norm Nathan's vault of silliness is now broadcasting in Tel Aviv, if you're enjoying this, as it puts a much needed smile onto the world's face, please consider supporting the show through buy me a coffee, Patreon and castos. Convenient links to all are below. Oh, one more thing. The very first episode, which will celebrate its fourth anniversary next Tuesday, just achieved more than 1000 views. I am just so darn thankful. Today brings us a dumb birthday game from the wayback machine, October 26, 1991. I may have stated this before, but boy, do I wish I had more of these shows from back then. Great records of the madness that was the show. We shall call this one overstaying your welcome. You be the judge as to whom I could be referring to. We begin with two, count em, two. Show opens. The players Jenny, Fred, Paul and Malden, and Mike Epstein on the phone from parts unknown, Jack Hart. And I'm producing and playing in studio. The birthdays with all the sound effects and the dates used exactly match with this year's calendar. Bob Hoskins, Pat Sajak, Jacqueline Smith, Francois Mitterrand. We moved to Tuesday, October 29, for Richard Dreyfus. Then Wednesday, October 30, for Henry Winkler and then Thursday, October 31, for Jane Pauley, John Candy and Dan Rather. And then we go back to Tuesday for Kate Jackson. Episode 206 overstaying your welcome talks incessantly to your ears. Now. [00:02:04] Speaker B: Norm Nathan, he's the talk of the town. Lift you up when you're down. Norm. Nathaniel or WBZ in Boston. Here's Norm. He is the practically perfect choice. Yes, indeed. Play the dum dum dum dum dum birthday game. You don't need skill, you don't have to be a brain. You just call Norm to play the dumb birthday game. Play the dumb birthday game. And that's what we're about to do now. And what we do is I name for you people who are born either on this date or during the coming week. There's some interesting people born on the, on various dates throughout the end of October. And we'll, we'll try to guess their age. And I think that would be just a darn sweet. Okay, let me introduce you to people who play in the dumb birthday game with us. First, there's Jenny, who's down in Plymouth. Hi, Jenny. [00:03:12] Speaker C: Hi, mom. [00:03:13] Speaker B: Listen. [00:03:14] Speaker C: Yes, I'm wondering what happens if you get those powders mixed up? [00:03:18] Speaker B: If I'm sorry if we get. What? Mixed up. [00:03:20] Speaker C: If you get those two powders mixed up. [00:03:22] Speaker B: The two powders. Oh, they. Oh, I see. I. Probably your entire house will explode and your feet will fall off. Maybe something like that. Have you played the dead birthday game with me? No, I haven't. [00:03:35] Speaker C: I've been wanting to. [00:03:36] Speaker B: Oh, son of a gun. I'm glad you got through and everything. That's great. Here's Fred from Roslindale. Hi, Fred. How you doing? Good, thank you. Have you been with us before? No, I haven't played. Hey, another new guy. But I'm already on standard time, though. Oh, you already turned your clocks ahead or back or some back. Oh, I see. So you're going to be way off of everybody else over the next day. [00:03:58] Speaker D: Yep. [00:03:59] Speaker B: That's the only way to do it. I say live your life the way you want to march to some other drummer. I say that. Anyway, I'm glad to have you with us, Fred. [00:04:08] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:04:08] Speaker B: And we have Paul, who I believe is the same Paul who is. He's become a regular on the program. And I'm glad and always adds a certain amount of sex appeal and everything to the program. Right. [00:04:20] Speaker D: And I've been resurrected from the bottom funeral home in Everett, and I'm all ready to play tonight. [00:04:25] Speaker B: I see. I can see that. Your embalming fluid just has such a nice smell to it. [00:04:30] Speaker D: And I'm glad to see Tony back. The best producer in Boston radio. [00:04:34] Speaker B: Yes, he is. The only one who compares to Tony is. There was a producer, Walter Lipschitz, who produced on WMEX in 1937. The only. The only one who can come. [00:04:45] Speaker D: Does Tony resemble Walter? [00:04:47] Speaker B: He looks very much like him. He looks like a young version. Of course, Walter was young then. Might be the same. Maybe his grandson. [00:04:54] Speaker D: Maybe if Tony spikes his hair, he'll look just like. [00:04:57] Speaker B: Well, Tony already does spike his hair. Oh, yeah, yeah. But you don't notice it because of his long, red beard, which kind of. That's what catches your eye originally. [00:05:07] Speaker D: And incidentally, tomorrow night. Now, is the dumb birthday game going to be played at two, which is really three or three, which is really four? [00:05:15] Speaker B: Oh, God, I don't know. Now. I don't know. [00:05:17] Speaker D: Are we going to have two dumb birthday games? [00:05:19] Speaker B: No, no. We'll have. Well, no, no, you see, 02:00. At 02:00 it becomes 01:00. All right, so it'll be. I'm thinking of seeing if we played the game at 02:00. That would be difficult. [00:05:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:05:34] Speaker B: Because then we get back to 01:00 and there'd be 202:00, but there's only. [00:05:38] Speaker D: 103:00 but you're playing 03:00, which is really 02:00, so shouldn't you play at 04:00, which is really 03:00? [00:05:44] Speaker B: You know what I think I'm gonna do? I'm gonna call in sick. I'll stay home and let somebody else figure that. [00:05:52] Speaker D: Well, Tony's there. He'll be able to straighten it out. [00:05:54] Speaker B: Well, he. I don't know. He'll save the day. He's not that bright. Now, don't give him too much credit. Hey, Ann. [00:06:00] Speaker C: Hi, Norman. [00:06:02] Speaker B: Hello, Ann. What a nice, gentle, little soft voice you have. [00:06:05] Speaker C: Yes, it's a sleepy voice. [00:06:06] Speaker B: It is a sleepy voice. Well, it's. This is a good time to have a sleepy voice. 16 after three in the morning is not bad. You know who else is gonna play the birthday game with us, Ann? [00:06:15] Speaker C: Hello. [00:06:16] Speaker B: The very exciting Mike Epstein, who's also a first class producer here at WBZ, and who's on the line with us now. Hey, Mike. [00:06:22] Speaker E: Good morning, Norm. [00:06:24] Speaker B: Good morning to you. Good morning. [00:06:26] Speaker E: How are you? [00:06:26] Speaker B: I'm just fine, thank you. I'm so pleased that you called. [00:06:29] Speaker E: You know, I'm gonna be running out, right? When I wake up sometime late this morning, I'm gonna pick myself up a greyhound. Hey, all I've heard is you talking about these greyhounds. [00:06:39] Speaker B: I know. [00:06:40] Speaker E: They sound like fascinating animals. I'm gonna definitely check into this. [00:06:43] Speaker B: Yeah. Apparently they're really. They're really sweet dogs, and that would be really nice. You'd be. You're a nice person, and you would like a nice dog and the dog would like you. [00:06:51] Speaker E: Would I be any less of a humanitarian if I want it with four legs as opposed to three? [00:06:56] Speaker B: No, you wouldn't, but I think those people were quite unusual for. For going along with that. Yeah. And let's see. Of course, we have. Tony is with us, too. Hey, Tony, how are you? [00:07:09] Speaker D: Has the swallowing receded, Tony? [00:07:12] Speaker F: It all depends on what you're talking about. [00:07:14] Speaker C: Tony would rather be home. [00:07:18] Speaker B: Well. [00:07:19] Speaker F: Well, she's not listening, so. No, I'm so glad to be here. [00:07:24] Speaker B: No, that's. That's kind of an interesting comment. Yeah, I hope. Well, they. Well, let me. Let me call on Jack Hart that also who's going to be playing the birthday game with us. Hi, Jack. Hello. [00:07:39] Speaker F: Have you fixed your scanner, Jack? [00:07:41] Speaker B: My scanner is fixed. [00:07:42] Speaker F: That's good. [00:07:43] Speaker E: Jack, can I ask you a question? [00:07:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:45] Speaker E: How did you open up your 03:00 report? You said that people weren't on the road. They were doing something on the front. [00:07:51] Speaker B: Oh, they were. They were enjoying the nice air by sitting on their front porch swings doing some snappy necking. As opposed to what? Some lethargic necking. Some lethargic necking. I see. Okay. That wouldn't be bad, as a matter of fact, because it's even right now, outside of our WBZ studios at 61 degrees and it's hot. And that. It's hot. Yes, that's right. It's very hot. And that's not a bad time for people that you could just sit on your porch and do some necking. I don't think there are too many bugs around this time of the year. And the bugs that are around are very lethargic. They're not snappy at all. [00:08:30] Speaker F: Let's see, what now we've got snappy necking. We have necking. And then there's always swapping spit. There's tonsil hocking. There is us sucking face. [00:08:40] Speaker B: I think we're starting to get into the area of bad taste. I'm not sure about that, but. [00:08:45] Speaker F: Well, if you didn't brush your teeth and you're doing some of that, of course it would be. [00:08:48] Speaker D: How about a new product called keep. [00:08:49] Speaker B: It in your mouth. He's sinking worst into the depth. Okay, I think we'll get on with the game now. Now that you've all had a chance to be, uh, stand up comics. [00:08:59] Speaker D: We're sitting down. [00:09:01] Speaker B: Oh, jeez. Oh, is this the way it's gonna be? I better get on with the game. Oh, yeah. I am gonna call in sick Saturday night. Okay, Bob Hoskins. Whatever happened to the rabbit and stuff? And he's been in a number of movies. British. Little short british guy. A fine actor who never studied acting and suddenly got into it at a later age. And I think it's an excellent actor. Bob Hoskins. He will be how old on this today? October 26. Jenny, what do you think? [00:09:35] Speaker C: 38. [00:09:37] Speaker B: 38, you say? Hey, okay. Have you, have you seen Bob Hoskins? [00:09:42] Speaker C: I never. [00:09:43] Speaker B: You never heard of Bob Hoskins? [00:09:46] Speaker D: Roger Rabbit? [00:09:46] Speaker B: Yeah. You don't go to the. Yeah, Roger Rabbit movie? You don't go to the movies much or at all? [00:09:51] Speaker C: No, not much. [00:09:53] Speaker B: Not at all. As a matter of fact, I bet you. What was the last movie that you went to at a theater? [00:09:59] Speaker D: Three students movie festival. [00:10:00] Speaker B: Me too. Oh, okay. Well, that wasn't. That was only about ten years ago or so. Fred, what do you think? I'd say about 58. 58? Okay, Paul, I'm gonna say 44. 44. And Ann, what do you think? [00:10:20] Speaker C: 48. [00:10:21] Speaker B: 48. What do you think, Mike? [00:10:24] Speaker E: I'm gonna go with 60. [00:10:26] Speaker B: 60. Okay. Tony? [00:10:30] Speaker F: 55. [00:10:30] Speaker B: 55. Boy, you guys are all over the lot with this one. Yeah. And Jack? 49. 49. 49. Okay. The Bob Hoskins. The actual age of Bob Hoskins is. Hey, what's up, doc? Hey, that's pretty good. Yeah. [00:10:53] Speaker F: Wrong rabbit. [00:10:54] Speaker E: What the heck? [00:10:55] Speaker B: Whatever happened to Roger Rabbit? I know, I thought that Fitzhe bugs rabbit. Okay. Actually, Bob Hoskins is 49. I'm always suspicious of people who get it right on the button. Did you just happen to really take a guess you knew that or what? [00:11:15] Speaker F: He came over scanning. [00:11:16] Speaker B: I just knew it. Yes. If some guy from the Chelsea police Department on the scanner said that, yes. [00:11:23] Speaker D: Someone from the Barton funeral home just called. [00:11:25] Speaker B: Yeah, bleeped it out. Hey, you guys over there know that Bob Hoskins is 49? Because Ann said 48. She was very, very close. Yeah, very, very good. No seagull. Yeah, that's very close, but no cigar. [00:11:41] Speaker C: A lot of good it didn't. Yeah. [00:11:42] Speaker B: Okay, so Jack has won that round. How about Pat Sajak? Pat Sajak is the wheel of fortune, fella. The thing I don't understand is when he comes out at the beginning of the program with Vanna, and they call them the co hosts, and all she does is turn the numbers from that point on, and I have a feeling, I have a feeling somebody thinks she's so valuable to the program that they're allowing that they're doing that. [00:12:08] Speaker F: Do you get a different show than we do? I see her turning letters most of the time. [00:12:11] Speaker B: No, she comes out at the beginning. They both come out at the very beginning of the show, and they're introduced as your co hosts, Pat Sajak and Vanna White. No, that's the truth. [00:12:21] Speaker F: And I realized that. But you said she turns the numbers, and I just said she turns letters, but that's all. And then you got real serious on. [00:12:29] Speaker B: Me and you, why don't you go back on your honeymoon? Well, maybe she. Maybe she makes a little book on the side. She may make a little book on the side. [00:12:37] Speaker F: Maybe you think they snappy neck before they come out on stage? [00:12:39] Speaker B: Yeah. You think she. Pat and Vanna have a thing going? That's possible. A bouncy neck. Okay, let's start with you, Jack. How old is Pat? Say Jack today? Let me see. My mind is clouded by images of vanna White. Uh, I'd say he was. [00:12:57] Speaker D: Is it a white cloud? [00:12:58] Speaker B: It's a white cloud. Yes. 44. 44. Hey, and what do you think, Tony? [00:13:08] Speaker F: 40. 44. [00:13:10] Speaker B: 44. Also. And Mike. [00:13:17] Speaker E: Being the safe side, I'm gonna go with 45. [00:13:20] Speaker B: 45. Okay. What do you think, Ann? [00:13:23] Speaker C: He does fool you, though. He looks so young, doesn't he? [00:13:27] Speaker B: Looks just a darn young. [00:13:28] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna say 42, and he's. [00:13:30] Speaker D: Probably 25, which means he's got a wheel of fortune at ten. [00:13:35] Speaker C: Right. [00:13:36] Speaker B: I wonder, you know, wonder about him. He had two versions, you know, two broadcasts of wheel of fortune, and then he gave up one in order to go for that CB's show. [00:13:46] Speaker C: Which flunked. [00:13:47] Speaker B: Which flunked. And now he ends up without that show and without the other wheel of Fortune show. [00:13:53] Speaker D: Believe me, he makes big bucks. [00:13:54] Speaker B: Yeah, no, but there's. But you kind of feel badly about that. You think, boy, I reach for the gold ring and I didn't get it, and now I'm back and I've lost. Well, I know, but. But if you. [00:14:04] Speaker F: I don't feel badly. [00:14:05] Speaker B: Life just isn't fair. [00:14:06] Speaker E: Well, you have to admire the guy for trying, but. But those are the breaks. If you don't make it, you can't just. [00:14:11] Speaker B: No, I realize. No, I realize all that. [00:14:13] Speaker D: Are you trying to give him a. [00:14:14] Speaker B: Pat on the back for people who don't make it? I certainly commiserate and feel strongly with them and feel a kinship. [00:14:22] Speaker D: Maybe in the future. [00:14:24] Speaker B: But I'm just saying that. Well, never. [00:14:26] Speaker F: Maybe in the future. His letter will turn up. [00:14:30] Speaker B: Let's go along to Paul. What do you think? [00:14:35] Speaker D: I'm going to say 44, since that's the most popular number tonight. [00:14:40] Speaker B: Fred? I was going to say 44, but I'll say 43. Okay, and what do you think, Jenny? [00:14:46] Speaker C: Potty six. [00:14:48] Speaker B: Okay, now let's find out just who has hit it, if anybody. The actual age of pads ajack is. No, that's wrong. Is 62. I made that up. I was just joking. Boy, does he look young. No, he's actually. He's actually 45, which is what Mike said, 45 years old today. You all say he looks young, but the youngest guest was yours, Ann. You said 42. You weren't that far off. Everybody guessed right around his age. You were all very, very close. Okay, how about Jacqueline Smith? You know Jacqueline Smith? Yeah, that's right. One of. One of Charlie's angels. Her birthday is today, too. And let's start with Ann. How old is Jacqueline Smith? [00:15:43] Speaker C: Oh, boy, she looks so good. I mean, she could fool you. [00:15:47] Speaker B: It's almost as good as Pat Sajak does. It is. [00:15:51] Speaker C: Well, I'm just gonna say 42. [00:15:53] Speaker B: Again, 42. [00:15:55] Speaker C: Yeah, if she's 50, I'll slip. [00:15:58] Speaker B: Okay, if she's 50, you'll what? [00:16:01] Speaker C: Flip. [00:16:01] Speaker D: Flip. [00:16:02] Speaker B: Oh, flip. I said okay. What do you think, Paul? This wasn't on television. [00:16:07] Speaker D: I'm gonna say 44 again. [00:16:09] Speaker C: Oh, my. [00:16:10] Speaker B: 44 again, says Paul. Who's guess 44 for everybody taking formula 44 tonight. Okay, pop. Hoskins, Pat Sajak, Jacqueline Smith, all 44. Hmm. Actually, they were all very close to that. That is Pat. Well, anyway. All right. [00:16:26] Speaker D: Are you giving us jackets? [00:16:28] Speaker B: No, no, I was just saying that Bob Hoskins was 49. Pat Sajak, 45. So they were close. Fred, what do you think? Well, when I called her up today. [00:16:36] Speaker E: And wished her happy birthday, she told me she was 44. [00:16:39] Speaker B: She said 44 years old. She said, okay. And Jenny? [00:16:46] Speaker C: 43. [00:16:48] Speaker B: And what do you think, Tony? [00:16:51] Speaker F: I think she's a heavenly 45. [00:16:55] Speaker B: Charlie's angel is heavenly. I get it, Mike. [00:17:00] Speaker E: I'm going to go with Tony's answer, 45. [00:17:03] Speaker B: And, Jack, whose answer would you go with? Oh, I'm not sure, but I'm going to say 47. So you're going with your own answer. [00:17:12] Speaker D: You know, Jacqueline's favorite food is angel cake, especially when Charlie bakes it. [00:17:20] Speaker F: Oh, and I know there's one thing she definitely stays away from. Devil dogs. [00:17:30] Speaker B: Excuse me. I just called in sick. I have to leave now. Okay. Actually, Jacqueline Smith is angel. Charlie's angels. Hallelujah. I get it. Jacqueline Smith is actually today, is 44 years old. That's what Fred said. Fred hit it right on the. And also Paul said it, too. That's right. Paul and Fred both had four. Yeah. [00:18:14] Speaker F: So we have some divine intervention with you guys or something. You guys getting all these right? [00:18:19] Speaker D: That's the first one I got, Tony. [00:18:20] Speaker B: All right, well, so. So four of you have. Have one. One win. Fred, Paul, Mike, and Jack. [00:18:30] Speaker D: And we're just winging it. [00:18:32] Speaker B: Just winging it. Just wing it. Oh, heaven sakes. Well, anyway, here's a. Okay, Tuesday the 29th. We're going out of some other days, although we can guess one other birthday today. The president of France, Francois Mitterrand. Is there an echo there? Who said that? I don't know. Okay, Francois Mitterrand also has a birthday today. Did you happen to notice that, Tony? [00:19:03] Speaker F: The echo? [00:19:03] Speaker B: No. Did you happen to notice how old Francois Mitterrand was? [00:19:07] Speaker F: Notice it when? [00:19:10] Speaker B: Because you gave me a list of. Oh, I gave you the list, but. [00:19:12] Speaker F: I didn't look at it. [00:19:13] Speaker B: You didn't look at it? No. Okay, well, tell me how old, and. [00:19:16] Speaker F: Watch me get this right, and everyone. [00:19:17] Speaker B: Will be like, yeah, because if you. [00:19:19] Speaker F: Get this right, throwing eggs at me. [00:19:20] Speaker B: Or something, and your credibility is down the toilet. [00:19:25] Speaker F: I had credibility to begin with. [00:19:27] Speaker B: How old is Francois Mitterra? [00:19:29] Speaker F: He's, um. He's pushing. He's probably pushing. I'm trying to think of a french joke, and I can't, I. 68. [00:19:37] Speaker D: Jacqueline Smith. [00:19:39] Speaker B: 68. Okay. [00:19:42] Speaker F: Something about kissing. But I. [00:19:44] Speaker B: What do you think, Jack? I see, I'm not sure what he's pushing, but I would say that he was, oh, 64. I think probably half of France probably wouldn't have any idea how old he is, but, Mike, what do you think? I. Francois Mitterra? [00:20:09] Speaker E: I would say that the guy is probably around, I don't know, 67 years old. [00:20:15] Speaker B: Around 67. I think that's Soissons set. It may not be, though. [00:20:23] Speaker F: You're sending shivers up my, well, listen. [00:20:26] Speaker B: I speak French like, like common native who as I. Let me, let me call on Ann next and let me say to you. And here we go. [00:20:46] Speaker F: I think he said your face is like a piece of cheese. [00:20:51] Speaker B: Yeah, but that doesn't matter. It's the spirit. [00:20:54] Speaker D: No, he told her to keep it in her sneaker. [00:20:56] Speaker C: 66. [00:20:58] Speaker B: How much? [00:20:59] Speaker C: 66. [00:20:59] Speaker B: 66. [00:21:01] Speaker F: Say that one in French. [00:21:02] Speaker B: Okay. 60 soissons. Oh, that was funny. Ha ha ha. Paul de moder, how old is Francois midriff? [00:21:14] Speaker D: I think he's 71. [00:21:16] Speaker B: 71, okay. And Fred? I'll say 65. I'll say 65, and I've written that down in longhand. I don't know what that means. Jenny, what do you think? [00:21:28] Speaker C: 63. [00:21:29] Speaker B: 63. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, let us now get the age in check in the Paris birth records. Francois Medaren. There it is. [00:21:41] Speaker F: Now can you get the relationship? [00:21:43] Speaker D: No, Ferrera. Jacques. [00:21:45] Speaker B: No, I do not get this. We have Jacarta. I thought this was Big Ben, which would be English, but no, I was. [00:21:52] Speaker F: Trying to think and exactly. [00:21:54] Speaker D: Jack, are you trying to tell us he's a ding dong? [00:21:57] Speaker B: What? I'm sorry. Please, would you allow. [00:21:59] Speaker F: I tell you, Jack and I must be on the same wavelength, and it's scary. [00:22:02] Speaker B: Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Oh, Notre Dame. Hunchback thereof. That's right. In these, in La Riviere saint, which is where Notre Dame is. [00:22:15] Speaker F: I don't have to wipe this bit off my face. [00:22:20] Speaker B: A french 1 minute run actually is. And let's check. His age is 75 years old. Paul from Malden. Guess 71. And so came the closest. [00:22:32] Speaker F: Wee wee. [00:22:35] Speaker C: He's well preserved. [00:22:37] Speaker B: Well preserved. You don't even know what he looks like. [00:22:40] Speaker D: He just gets a bathroom. [00:22:42] Speaker B: Okay. Okay, let's go. To birthday for next Tuesday. The 29th is the birthday of Richard Dreyfus, the actor. [00:22:52] Speaker F: Is there another one? [00:22:53] Speaker B: Yes, there is. There's a Richard Dreyfus who lives in Methuen. Okay. Yeah. Who's works in the butcher shop. This is the actor we're talking about, although they got ham too. The guy who works in the butcher shop is the same age as the actor, so it doesn't really matter which one you get. Okay, chat. Go lay it on us. How old is Richard? Driver? Where'd you drive us? Hmm? He's. [00:23:21] Speaker F: Waiting for the scanner to come through. [00:23:23] Speaker B: Yeah. 44. 44, sure. You sure of that? Oh, absolutely. Okay. What do you think, Tony? [00:23:35] Speaker F: Oh, sadly to say, he's. He's got to be around 50 now. [00:23:40] Speaker B: Around 50? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. [00:23:43] Speaker F: And close encounters can, you know, really add some years to your life he was taking away. [00:23:51] Speaker B: What do you, what do you think, Mike? [00:23:54] Speaker E: I think Tony's probably got the right answer, but just in case, I'm gonna say 51. [00:24:00] Speaker B: 51, okay. [00:24:02] Speaker C: And 52. [00:24:06] Speaker B: 52. [00:24:06] Speaker C: He was an american graffiti, wasn't Hedden? [00:24:08] Speaker B: I. Yeah. [00:24:09] Speaker E: Yes, he was. [00:24:11] Speaker B: Paul. [00:24:11] Speaker D: Scribbling. [00:24:13] Speaker B: Paul, what do you. [00:24:14] Speaker D: I'm gonna say 49. [00:24:16] Speaker B: Okay. What are you gonna say, Fred? I'll say 48. What are you gonna say, jenny? [00:24:21] Speaker C: I was gonna say 46. [00:24:24] Speaker B: Okay. What, you're still gonna say that? Yep. Okay. Okay. Let's check the age then, of Richard drivers. We check the birth records. Coming soon to a theater near you. Okay. He's actually the age that Jack said he's 44. What? [00:24:52] Speaker F: That's wrong. That is wrong. [00:24:55] Speaker B: I figure he was 24 years old when he did american graffiti in 1971. So you see if you had 20 years to that. [00:25:04] Speaker F: No. [00:25:05] Speaker B: Well, most of you guessed fairly close to that. Jenny said 40. [00:25:09] Speaker D: Did you ever find out how old Adam west was? He wasn't 52. [00:25:14] Speaker B: Oh, that drove me batty. Oh, jeez. [00:25:18] Speaker C: How old was he? [00:25:20] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:25:21] Speaker B: The age I have, Richard Dreyfus is 44 years old. So when I saw that age a. [00:25:28] Speaker F: Year ago, I said he's 49. So that's why I said he's 50. You know, in his dreams. That has something to do with something, doesn't it? [00:25:35] Speaker B: How about. How about Henry Winkler? Let's start with Jenny on that one. How old do you think Henry Winkler? You know who Henry Winkler is? Yeah. [00:25:45] Speaker C: Funny. How about 41? [00:25:48] Speaker B: How about 41? Okay. He's in that ad for Emerson college, that list all their graduates, including Jay Leno, who says he hated going to Emerson College. Ever heard him say that? Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but anyway, Fred, how old do you think Henry Winkler is about? Who is? [00:26:11] Speaker F: Jack, are you drinking coffee? [00:26:13] Speaker B: 46. T. T. I'm sorry. How old, Fred? 46. 46, okay. [00:26:19] Speaker F: Can you hear that, Norm? [00:26:20] Speaker B: Should I. Should I drink it less noisily? [00:26:22] Speaker F: Listen again. Jack, try it again. Let me hear. [00:26:28] Speaker B: A little less noisy would help. Yes, it would. It really would. Paul, what do you say? How old is Henry Winkler? This is next Wednesday, the 30th. [00:26:38] Speaker D: By the way, he was in his thirties when he did. When he was Fonsi. So I'll say 47. [00:26:46] Speaker B: 47, okay. [00:26:48] Speaker C: And 46. Did somebody say 46? [00:26:53] Speaker B: Yes, Fred. Fred said 46. [00:26:55] Speaker C: Well, I'll say 48. Did anybody say 48? [00:26:58] Speaker B: You can say the same thing somebody else said. That's okay. But if you want to say 48. [00:27:01] Speaker C: We'Ll take a copycat. [00:27:03] Speaker B: Okay, 48. Okay. Mike. Oh, Mike. [00:27:11] Speaker E: Something grabbed a hold of you. [00:27:13] Speaker B: I think I'm going through puberty again. [00:27:15] Speaker E: Oh, my. [00:27:15] Speaker B: I didn't even like it the first time. [00:27:18] Speaker E: I hope you enjoyed it. [00:27:20] Speaker F: Just walked in and wanted a snappy neck. [00:27:22] Speaker B: Yeah. Although I do remember Shirley Bornstein. And somehow that impressed me. During puberty. [00:27:29] Speaker F: No more pimples. What? [00:27:32] Speaker B: And from then on, no more pimples. [00:27:33] Speaker F: That's right. He was using gold bond. [00:27:34] Speaker B: Yes. [00:27:37] Speaker E: All right, why don't we say 45? [00:27:41] Speaker B: Why don't we say 45? I can think of no good reason why not to. And, Tony, I could think of a reason. [00:27:49] Speaker F: Because he's 48. [00:27:50] Speaker B: 48, okay, so positive. He was positive, wasn't he? Sounded like he knew what he was talking about. [00:27:56] Speaker D: He didn't even wink an eye. [00:27:58] Speaker B: Didn't even wink an eye on Henry Winkler's age. It was very good. [00:28:04] Speaker D: Henry. Bar there. [00:28:05] Speaker B: Jack, what do you think? He's, you know, 48? Sounds. Sounds a little off. No, it's 47. 48, way off. [00:28:20] Speaker F: You must be out of your mind, Tony. [00:28:21] Speaker B: 48. 48. Get out of here. It's not a day over 47. Okay, here is the age of Henry Winkler. [00:28:31] Speaker F: It's not. It's as close as I could get to a motorcycle sound. [00:28:35] Speaker B: I thought you'd have a happy days kind of thing. [00:28:37] Speaker F: I didn't have a happy. Actually, I could have probably got it up the cv, but I didn't and I apologize. [00:28:43] Speaker B: Okay. Henry Winkler actually is the same age that Fred said. 46. 46? 46. This is terrible. [00:28:57] Speaker F: I will use the excuse that I didn't get. I got zero on the day I was supposed to be married. When I played. I played last week and got zero. I was on my honeymoon this week. It's my first night back. I'm entitled to get zero again. [00:29:10] Speaker D: You're batting a thousand. [00:29:12] Speaker B: No, actually, you're not the only one too. Ann, for example, who's a very lovely lady who's not gotten any yet. And neither has Jenny. Still a man's world. Except if you're Tony, because he hasn't gotten any either. [00:29:27] Speaker D: What's the tally so far? [00:29:29] Speaker B: Pardon? The tally so far is, let's see, Freddy two, Paul two, a, Mike one and Jack two. [00:29:43] Speaker D: The three way tie for two. [00:29:45] Speaker B: That's right. Three way. How about Jane Pauley? Her birthday is next Thursday. The what is that the 31 October. [00:29:53] Speaker F: Next one. [00:29:54] Speaker B: Okay. Next Thursday. October 30. October 31st. Yes. Gene Pauley's birthday. Let's start with Paul. How old do you think? Since Paul is close to Paulie and since there's no other. It's totally Pauly structure. That's right. Totally Pauly. [00:30:12] Speaker F: Oh, do I hate that guy. [00:30:15] Speaker D: That's why I said that. [00:30:16] Speaker F: I know. Thank you. Who is totally Polly and then some MTV idiot. [00:30:22] Speaker B: Oh, that's true. Yeah, I know. I saw that song. [00:30:24] Speaker D: Is it because he reminds you of your youth? [00:30:26] Speaker F: No, no. I'm still in my youth. What are you trying to say? Hey, no, he reminds me of the youth I hate. How about that? I'm turning the ugly side. I better shut up. [00:30:35] Speaker B: In other words, you're a square kid. No, I hate MTV. Totally. So that's okay. I don't really hate it. [00:30:41] Speaker D: They should have a big bands, MTV. [00:30:43] Speaker B: You'd be. [00:30:44] Speaker D: You'd fit right into them. [00:30:46] Speaker B: I guess so. Yeah. For old folks barely able to. [00:30:51] Speaker D: Guy Lombardo videos. [00:30:53] Speaker B: Oh, don't tell me Guy Lombardo. I may be old, but I don't have to be a guy Lombardo fan. [00:30:59] Speaker F: Come on, videos. [00:31:00] Speaker B: Give me a break. Hey, let's start with Ann. How old is Jane Pauley? [00:31:04] Speaker C: Oh, I think. I think she's probably 39. [00:31:09] Speaker B: There it is. [00:31:11] Speaker C: Jack Benny's age. Had a fate before he died. [00:31:14] Speaker B: Jack. Jack Benny's. What was that? [00:31:19] Speaker C: That's why I did that. I knew you didn't. [00:31:21] Speaker B: I'm sorry. What was that? You know, I always had a gassy, you know, stomach. Okay. That's the whole thing I'm gonna do on that. Let's. Mike, what do you think? How old will Jane Pauley be next Thursday? [00:31:41] Speaker E: Next Thursday. [00:31:42] Speaker B: Next Thursday I can see the big cake in front of her and her reaching out and dipping her finger into the rich part of it and putting some on the tip of her nose. And look at just sedona door. Holy smoke. [00:31:55] Speaker E: You're getting me excited. [00:31:56] Speaker F: Yeah, me too. [00:31:57] Speaker B: Me too. [00:31:58] Speaker E: I'm gonna say 37. [00:32:01] Speaker B: 37. She slathers the cream deftly. Show mercy. Show mercy, for God's sake. Okay. Let me ask you, Paul. How old will rising? [00:32:12] Speaker D: Among other things, I'm gonna say she's 40. [00:32:17] Speaker B: 40 years? [00:32:18] Speaker D: Just a notch over 39. [00:32:20] Speaker B: And a notch over 39. Okay. My imitation is getting worse. Rather than. [00:32:27] Speaker D: No, it's actually getting better. [00:32:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:32:30] Speaker F: No one ever said you had taste. [00:32:32] Speaker B: Fred, what do you think? [00:32:34] Speaker E: Let's see. [00:32:35] Speaker B: I'm tired with Paul. With two. [00:32:36] Speaker E: Right. [00:32:37] Speaker B: I. Well, you're tied with Paul and you're also tied with the jack. [00:32:41] Speaker F: Bless you. Who was that? [00:32:42] Speaker D: What kind of rope are we using? [00:32:44] Speaker F: Well, that would mean, Fred, you should say the same age as him so you can't lose. [00:32:48] Speaker B: I'm gonna go with 42. Say no, just for not 42. I'm going with 40 also. 40 also like it. Like Paul said. Okay, Jenny. Sweet, wonderful Jenny. [00:33:00] Speaker C: 43. [00:33:02] Speaker B: 43. Okay. And Tony, body 141. And what do you say, Jack? Oh, she caresses the corners of her golden gateau. [00:33:18] Speaker F: Oh, my. [00:33:19] Speaker B: She is. [00:33:21] Speaker D: I thought she was a plain Jane. [00:33:23] Speaker F: Keep going, keep going. I'll give you my credit card number. Jack. [00:33:29] Speaker B: Whipped cream up to her elbows. She sensuously licks it from her fingers, hard. Can't stand it. [00:33:37] Speaker D: She's not that sexy. [00:33:40] Speaker B: I would say that. [00:33:42] Speaker F: But it wasn't real life. Real life with Jane Pauly. That was her show. [00:33:48] Speaker D: It got cancelled. [00:33:50] Speaker F: Yeah, I know. [00:33:51] Speaker B: I would say that she was a tempestuous 43. Oh, God. Yeah. God. Yeah. Okay, let's check the birth records now and see how old chain Pauly actually is. [00:34:06] Speaker F: It's a different show. I know, but it's something to do with tv. [00:34:08] Speaker B: It's newsy, actually. Jane Pauley is on Thursday. At least will be 41. Tony. Tony has gotten one. [00:34:22] Speaker E: Good job. [00:34:22] Speaker C: Jenny and me, we're zero. [00:34:25] Speaker B: How about John Candy? Funny. Funny guy. [00:34:29] Speaker D: Sweet guy. [00:34:30] Speaker F: I beat you to it. [00:34:34] Speaker B: Oh, shit. [00:34:37] Speaker F: Maybe it wasn't that much. [00:34:39] Speaker B: Yeah, that wasn't too good yet. He's now living with Fanny Farmer and they have an indian artifact shop. [00:34:46] Speaker D: His uncle's Russell Stover. [00:34:48] Speaker B: Russell Stover is his uncle? Yes. Okay, draw them all in and let's get him out of the way. He was almost supposed to be the lead in that movie that ended up with Dustin Huffman. He almost had the Tootsie roll. Tootsie roll anymore before you're all thrown off the air and we move on with it. [00:35:07] Speaker D: He's a farmer. [00:35:07] Speaker B: Shmengi schmange. That's right. The Shmengi brothers were great. He and Eugene Levy. I thought Saturday night. That is SCTV, second city live, or whatever the second city tv was. Anyway, let's start with Weathercasters thought to sound like one of the Shman gays at one point. You had mentioned at one point, about a year ago that one of the weather casters sounded an awful lot like a shmangi. Yes, yes, I did. Now, who was I talking? [00:35:38] Speaker F: Take your pick. [00:35:39] Speaker B: Is that Roy galant? [00:35:40] Speaker F: No, it was another one. [00:35:41] Speaker B: Oh, no, no. One of our weather guys. No, no, not Elliot Abrams. He sounds very intelligent. This was a guy who didn't sound intelligent. Now that I said that, I'll be damned if I'm gonna bring his name up. [00:35:55] Speaker F: It wasn't the guy with that alexis. [00:35:59] Speaker B: Now, it could have been. I can't remember what he sounded about that other guy. [00:36:04] Speaker F: 55. I can't remember his name. [00:36:08] Speaker B: Dwayne Julian. [00:36:10] Speaker F: That's right. [00:36:10] Speaker D: Tony, you're going to play a poker on this one. [00:36:13] Speaker F: Why? [00:36:15] Speaker D: John Candy was a Shmani. [00:36:16] Speaker B: Give me. [00:36:17] Speaker F: I'll be right back. [00:36:18] Speaker B: Okay, let's start with. Let's start with you, Fred. How old would you say John Candy is or will be next Thursday? The 31st? I hate say it, but I'm gonna say 39. Oh, you don't have to be too embarrassed to say that. So it's okay. 39. Okay, 39. He's slowing down. Yeah, it's not like I'm putting my jammies on. Going to bed. Good night. It's 639. Time to be in bed, Jeremy. I mean, Jenny. Jenny. I'm sorry, Jenny. [00:36:59] Speaker C: Yuppies tonight. [00:37:01] Speaker B: Oh, yuppies own forties range. Oh, they're all. Yep. He's in the forties range. [00:37:07] Speaker C: Eh, that's about it. How about 42? [00:37:12] Speaker B: How about 42? 42 long would be just right. What. What is the waist size? Paul, what do you think? Let's see. [00:37:25] Speaker D: This is a sugar coated decision. [00:37:28] Speaker B: Oh. [00:37:30] Speaker D: 43. [00:37:31] Speaker B: 43. Okay. And, Anne, what do you say? [00:37:36] Speaker C: 44. [00:37:38] Speaker D: We're really playing it tight when you bat zero. [00:37:41] Speaker B: What's that? [00:37:42] Speaker C: What do you get when you're batting zero? [00:37:46] Speaker B: You get the thanks of us for. For bothering to play the game. Mike. Mike, what do you think? [00:37:55] Speaker E: Pick a number. Any number. I'll say 43. [00:38:01] Speaker B: 43. The same as what Paul said? [00:38:03] Speaker E: That's right. [00:38:04] Speaker B: Okay. And Tony, I don't mean to snicker. [00:38:08] Speaker F: At the rest of you now, but I'm gonna have to go with 40. 45. [00:38:17] Speaker B: 45. And Jack. Well, I might get barred for saying it. Oh, I'll say 42. 42. [00:38:30] Speaker F: Making Charleston chewed out. [00:38:32] Speaker D: Oh, Mike, Tony and Jack, the Three Musketeers. [00:38:36] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Let's find out. Now let's check and see how old John candy actually is. [00:38:46] Speaker D: And here we go, the shming. [00:38:48] Speaker B: Here we go with the Shmeggie brothers. This is the SCTV polka. This is the only one polka that's ever been written. There's only one polka written and it's always had different names. But since they all sound the same, I think it's all written by the same fellow. Walter Lipperschet, sir. Thank you. I shouldn't say it that way. Okay, John Candy, let's check his. Wait a minute. [00:39:20] Speaker F: We gotta wait for this to finish. We can't just talk. [00:39:22] Speaker B: Is there more there? A big finish? No. [00:39:26] Speaker C: Snickers now. [00:39:28] Speaker F: I think this is it. [00:39:29] Speaker D: I'm so excited. I'm on the Milky Way. [00:39:34] Speaker B: Let's drag. Let's, let's fade this out, if you would, Tony, because otherwise we're gonna get a whole bunch of bad jokes. It was almost mounds and mounds of fun. [00:39:44] Speaker F: I'm having almond Joy here. [00:39:45] Speaker B: Oh, I'm glad we were onto something else after this. John Kent is actually 41 years old. Nobody hit a right on the button. A youngster, however, a jack and the Jenny both said 42 and they were the closest. [00:39:57] Speaker C: Right on. [00:39:58] Speaker B: Okay, just one more for you. [00:40:01] Speaker F: Why? It's only ten and four. [00:40:03] Speaker D: Hey, maybe this can be the long birthday game. [00:40:07] Speaker B: I think we. I think it's already been the long birthday game. And I can hear the dolls clicking off everywhere. How about Dan rather? He has the birthday next Thursday. The October 31 is his birthday song is all. Dan. Dan Rather. [00:40:22] Speaker F: I'd rather pass on this. [00:40:23] Speaker B: Oh, oh, oh. Okay, let's start with Mike. Mike Epstein on this one. How old do you think he is? [00:40:31] Speaker E: Mike, didn't this idiot end his newscast by saying something like courage or something like that? [00:40:37] Speaker B: I don't know. He's not, he's not an idiot. I'm not like Dan rather. I think he's okay. Well, then he really is an idiot also. He's also, I think, the top rated network newscast. No. Peter Jennings. No, I don't believe on a national basis. That's true. [00:40:54] Speaker D: I rather dip. [00:40:55] Speaker F: I want to see you outside in the parking lot, actually. [00:40:57] Speaker E: Okay. [00:40:58] Speaker B: Okay. Mike, how old is Dan rather? [00:41:00] Speaker E: Okay, editorializing aside, we'll say the. He's 53. [00:41:06] Speaker B: 53? [00:41:07] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:41:08] Speaker B: Okay. And let me ask you, Ann, how old? [00:41:12] Speaker C: I've got him down at 62. [00:41:15] Speaker B: 60. You have down at 62. [00:41:17] Speaker C: And the way I'm going, at this rate, I'm sure he's not. [00:41:22] Speaker B: That's right. You haven't, you haven't, you haven't got, you haven't gotten a winner yet, have you? You have a cute voice. Are you a cute person, Ann? [00:41:31] Speaker C: Yes. [00:41:32] Speaker B: Are you? Yes. I'm glad to know that. Paul, what do you think? How old is Dan Rather? Or how old will he be next Thursday? [00:41:42] Speaker D: Oh, I'll say he's 59. [00:41:47] Speaker B: Did you say? No, you didn't? [00:41:49] Speaker D: I said 59. [00:41:50] Speaker B: Okay, Jenny, what do you think? [00:41:53] Speaker C: 57. [00:41:54] Speaker B: 57. Okay, Jack? Oh, I'm sure it'll end up being news to me, but I'd say he is 58. 58. And aye aye to you says kind of remote thing. [00:42:11] Speaker D: CB's, 50 minutes on this game. [00:42:14] Speaker F: 60 minutes on the game. [00:42:15] Speaker B: You know, I got that kind of slugging it aside, pretending I didn't hear it. Tony, what do you think? [00:42:21] Speaker F: 57. [00:42:24] Speaker B: 57. And let's see, we have Fred, I would say 59. 59. Okay, he's playing it close. Okay, 59. Let's check now on Dan Rather's real age and let's see what Tony has to play. The. It was appropriate. I don't quite get this, but the electronic teletype. Oh, that's a teletype. Teletype with a very deep rash. That's painful. Okay. The actual, the actual age. They're coming over now. Wait a minute. Oh, it's still coming over. I see. [00:43:12] Speaker F: Norm and Tony, your pink slips over here on Monday. [00:43:17] Speaker B: Here's the result of a man who. Listen to this. This is a man who scientists who was cross breeding. Yeah. He was crossbreeding an ostrich and a turkey in order to get a huge bird for Thanksgiving that had lots of meat on it. Look at that. Look at that. Look at that. He just had a press conference. This is what the newswire says. Just had a press conference about an hour ago and all he came up with was this big, ugly, scrawny bird that kept burying its head in the cranberry sauce. Thank you just so darn much. Ok. Dan rather is actually 60. We'll be 60 years old. We had two guesses of 59. Fred and Paul. Nobody gets 61, so those would be the two winners. Okay, that's the, that's, that's the last one I have. [00:44:19] Speaker D: What's the tally now? [00:44:20] Speaker B: Now the tally is Jenny has. Jenny has one. It's a beautiful one, Jenny. [00:44:29] Speaker F: What a one it is. [00:44:31] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, man. [00:44:32] Speaker D: It's the one and only. [00:44:33] Speaker B: I know people who have three and four, but they're not nearly as nice as your one, Jenny. Fred has three. That Mallon Paul has two. Three also, Ann has. Oh, man. I love you. You're such a loser. [00:44:57] Speaker C: You know what, Storm? Tell the truth. Now, isn't it true that the loser is the winner? [00:45:03] Speaker B: How do you figure that out? [00:45:05] Speaker C: No, I thought. Everybody else thought that whoever got the most got the prize. But the one that got the least. [00:45:11] Speaker B: I thought was sort of like playing golf. [00:45:13] Speaker C: Huh? [00:45:14] Speaker B: Sort of like playing golf. I never thought of it that way. And that's just so darn nice to think of it that way. [00:45:19] Speaker F: I think I'm calling in sick tomorrow. [00:45:22] Speaker B: Mike has one, Tony has one. Thank you very much. Thank you. And Jack has three. [00:45:33] Speaker D: So it's a three way tie. [00:45:34] Speaker B: So we have a three way tie. Jack and Fred. [00:45:38] Speaker D: So we all get something, right? [00:45:39] Speaker B: And. And Jen. And who's the third? And Jack, Paul, Fred and Jack. That's right. All have three. [00:45:47] Speaker F: Time for tiebreaker. [00:45:48] Speaker B: Okay, let me get. Okay, you want just these three to play this one? [00:45:51] Speaker F: Sure. [00:45:52] Speaker B: Okay. Are you gonna want a 330? Pardon me? Are you gonna want a 300? [00:45:56] Speaker F: 3405? [00:45:57] Speaker B: Okay. Okay, this is the tiebreaker. Now, let me see. Let's get. See if I can get somebody. Okay, let me see who I can get here. Coming up with a birthday. How about Kate Jackson? We guessed the Jacqueline Smith. She was one of my three angels, too, was she not? My three angels or whatever it is. Charlie's angels. Or I'm happy with my three angels. Or happy time angels, something like that. Okay, Kate Jackson has a breath. Her birthday is Tuesday, the 29th, so I'll just ask. First of all, Fred, how old. How old do you think Kate Jackson is? [00:46:40] Speaker E: I would say she is 44. [00:46:44] Speaker B: 44. [00:46:46] Speaker D: Okay, Paul, I'm gonna say 41. [00:46:52] Speaker B: And let's see, the other part of the tie would be Jack. And you say what? Oh, I'd say she's a very well preserved 48. Well preserved 48. [00:47:02] Speaker F: Okay, now, Jack's got this one. [00:47:04] Speaker B: Okay, we're gonna get. We're gonna find out now. Okay, Jackson is. Okay. Frankie needs a pair of shoes. Okay. Jackson is 40, will be 43. And Fred said 44, so he was the closest. So I guess she's not so well preserved. [00:47:29] Speaker F: Who has won now? [00:47:31] Speaker B: Fred has won. Actually, Fred has now has four. [00:47:38] Speaker F: Hold on, Ann. The dancing girls are coming. [00:47:49] Speaker B: Okay, thank you very much, all of you who played the dumb Bertha game, if you'll hold on Fred, you'll talk to Tony. He'll take your name and address, and we'll send you a dumb game for me to win. Well, it is a dumb game and it's a stupid prize. You win. [00:48:02] Speaker F: Also, it was Fred's inaugural visit to us. [00:48:06] Speaker B: That's right, too. First time, and he won. Okay. [00:48:09] Speaker F: I'm really suspicious. [00:48:10] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:48:11] Speaker D: A rookie beat a champ. [00:48:12] Speaker C: It's not really down. [00:48:15] Speaker F: What? I am coming in sick tomorrow. [00:48:17] Speaker B: I'm calling in sick tomorrow. Jenny. Jenny, thank you very much for playing the game. [00:48:21] Speaker C: Thank you. No. [00:48:22] Speaker F: Good night. [00:48:23] Speaker B: Good night, Jenny. Good night. And good, Ann. Thank you very much. Yes. [00:48:27] Speaker C: How old did you say she was? I missed it. [00:48:30] Speaker B: How old who is. [00:48:32] Speaker C: I nodded off for a second. [00:48:36] Speaker B: How could you? He's 43, actually. [00:48:39] Speaker C: 43. And how old was. [00:48:42] Speaker B: Wow. You took a nap. No, Fred. Fred said 44. He was the closest. [00:48:47] Speaker C: And Jacqueline Smith was 44, too. [00:48:49] Speaker B: Jacqueline Smith is 44. Yes. Yes. [00:48:53] Speaker C: So that means that Cheryl Ladd must be in that same area, right? [00:48:56] Speaker B: Should her birthday come up? You have a head start. [00:48:59] Speaker D: I think she's a little younger. [00:49:03] Speaker B: Good night, Anna. Okay. And Paul, thank you very, very. [00:49:07] Speaker D: Oh, it's been swell. I can dethrone. [00:49:09] Speaker B: But you've won about 900 times. Anyway, as I recall, there's hardly anything in anybody's desk drawer anymore, so I don't know what. What I'd get out to you. [00:49:18] Speaker D: Oh, that's okay. [00:49:19] Speaker B: Okay, take it. [00:49:20] Speaker D: It's all in the fun. [00:49:21] Speaker B: That's. [00:49:22] Speaker F: That's true. [00:49:22] Speaker B: Thank you very much. [00:49:23] Speaker D: Jack is attesting to. [00:49:24] Speaker B: Okay, take care, Paul. And the Mike Epstein to have you on your night off. Well, Norm, I'm gonna be working with you the Thanksgiving week. [00:49:35] Speaker E: Oh, excellent. [00:49:36] Speaker B: So just get yourself all geared up and get a new suit. Get ready for that. That'll be fun. [00:49:42] Speaker E: Very good news. [00:49:48] Speaker B: I hope. I hope before then. And then. And we'll have birthday game, dumb birthday games the entire week if I'm not fired. Take care. Bye bye, Mike. And of course, always, ladies and gentlemen, the very lovely Jack hard. Thank you so much. [00:50:05] Speaker F: Behind Jack tonight. [00:50:06] Speaker B: But what's that? [00:50:07] Speaker F: I said the crowd was behind Jack, but now he's gone, so he's gone. [00:50:11] Speaker B: Now, and you're still there. [00:50:12] Speaker F: And I like to go get Fred, and we're going to get out of here. [00:50:14] Speaker B: Okay? Thank you very much, Tony. Take care. Hold on, Fred, and you'll get the answer. Skyrocketing cost of a college education and lack of financial resources have parents wondering how they will provide their children with the education they want and deserve. [00:50:28] Speaker A: That was an appropriate ending to the show. A commercial for skyrocketing college costs. And in keeping with that theme, instead of running out of money, we ran out of tape. [00:50:38] Speaker B: Hi o. [00:50:41] Speaker A: Next week it will be 28 years since Norm has passed. We will remember him fondly with a Halloween themed episode. So do return if you dare. Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it for changing the clocks. The Barton funeral home embalming fluid Walter Lipschitz greyhounds with three or four legs bumbling and babbling. Snappy necking on the porch swing swapping spit. Tonsil hockey sucking face. It's hot. Lethargic insects. Whatever happened to the rabbit? Making a little book on the side Pats Ajak Formula 44 my favorite angel Jacqueline Smith Norm calling in sick Norm speaking French the Methuen butcher shop employee Richard Dreyfus the fawns sipping tea. Shirley Bornstein puberty. Jack Benny's gassy stomach frosting on the tip of her nose. Things that rise. 1900 Jack Hart ye Olde Indian artifact shop outside of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. SC TV cute voices crossbreeding an ostrich and a turkey to only end up with a bird that buries its head in the cranberry sauce. Doing the 330 traffic report at 04:05. My three happy time angelse, Mike Epstein, Jack Hart and his repaired scanner, and the world's foremost shmaggy authority Norm Nathan I'm the former long haired and now white bearded Tony Nesbitt. [00:52:21] Speaker B: I sound like I put in my jamies. I'm going to bed. Good night. It's 639. Time to be in bed.

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