Before we begin you may have noticed a bunch of repeat postings of previous episodes. The issue that has been plaguing us has been corrected and, in order to test that, we had to repost. It looks sloppy but I don’t want to delete them as they have received views.
Thanks for your patience. Now everyone should be able to enjoy the shows on their desktops and laptops.
Hopefully it’s the last of the glitches.
Welcome to Norm Nathan’s Vault of Silliness very own October Surprise or should I say ‘Vault-tober Surprise?’
The fam and I have all caught the ‘Vid. For three of us it’s Round 2 for the other two it’s their first time. We all ended up with what amounts to a bad head/chest cold.
That’s not the surprise though. Because of feeling under the weather, we are just going to start this episode and let it fly! I can tell you it’s a NNS/DBG/NNS from October 16th, 1993. As for who’s playing and all those other details…we’re gonna find out together. And, based on the notes on the cassette, the surprise continues after the show!
Ep 108, The Vault-tober Surprise, begins now.
This episode, 184 for those keeping score at home, is an interesting one. It’s a collection of NNS from April 5th and possibly June...
Hola! Quiubo? Colombia! The latest country to appear in this shows analytics as we slowly inch towards conquering the world! And this episode should...
Norm Nathan’s VoS is back for Episode 130. It’s a DBG from March 19th, 1994. Norm gets right to the game so I’ll only...