Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 123

Episode 123 January 28, 2023 00:54:34
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 123
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 123

Jan 28 2023 | 00:54:34


Show Notes

Let’s do a little house cleaning here with a few announcements.


Yet another YT ONLY issue has been plaguing the broadcast with episodes be clipped short during my incredibly well written outros. It’s the hour + shows that are affected. The powers that be have been tinkering with that for a while and hopefully a solution will be attained and the closings can be heard in full!


If you haven’t subscribed on Patreon you’ve missed some just so darn wonderful things. I post little stories & audio clips with more on the way. And the only way to see and hear that stuff is to become a Patron for as little as a dollar a month. The link is below in the description box. Of course, as always, please continue to like and share.


Whilst listening to a local talk show this week there was a first-time caller named Glenn. Didn’t think much of it except when he introduced himself as a, “70-year-old, blind, piano tuner!” That’s right people, it was Glenn from Brighton. He sounds great and is working at a music shop doing his tuning thing. If you know Glenn, please let him know what we’re doing here and have him reach out and get in touch! Or let me know and I will.


All right, house cleansed.

Today brings us a DBG from January, 27th, 1996 the title of which is Regurgitated Reminisces.

It starts with a ‘foo-nay’ impression of Robert from Everett by Norm. And then directly to the game.


Ed LeClair producing and playing in studio

Jack Harte in Traffic

Buzzie from Weymouth

Bob in Boston

Emily from Medway

Jeff in Leesburg, IN


The not dead Mikhail Baryshnikov

The philosophical Troy Donahue

Skitch Henderson

Bridgette Fonda


Tom Selleck

Oprah Winfrey

John Forsythe

Katherine Ross

Claudine Longet


Other things coming up on us:

Norm describes the outfit he wore when he was a Chippendale dancer and it happens to be the very same get-up Jack wears at his second job.

Kissing up to the spouse

Axing Norm’s father in-law for adwice

Froggy throat clearing

Dead colleagues from WESX

Setting your clock by the belch

Riveting conversation about the weather

Getting comfortable and staying limber

Borders Books carries all the DBGs on cassette

Nabisco’s new Cheesey Thespian

Batons and low-cut blouses

Boxford Snots

The Lawrence Eagle Tribune

Vinegar, honey, meat, potatoes, jelly and jam

Robot wives 

Feets too big for the bed

The Mojo Wire

Ski bunnies

And some excellent new phrases to embroider on our doilies:

“Keeping people awake and breathing hard and thinking of you, honey”

 “If ya can’t just be stupid, what can ya be?”


Ep 123, Regurgitated Reminisces, gurgles its way to your ears in 3,2 annnnnnnd 1.

Email the show

[email protected]

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