Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 13

Episode 13 December 26, 2020 00:52:52
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 13
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 13

Dec 26 2020 | 00:52:52


Show Notes

I made a cursory inspection of the cassette stacks to try to find something as close to Christmas as possible.

It would be ideal if I could organize the tapes by date and attempt to coordinate each podcast with the calendar.

And maybe I will someday, but I’m making no promises!

What happens now is when I do come across something dated near or on a holiday, I will try to save it and air it around that time 

We didn’t do too bad here as we enter the Vault and dust off a recording of the Dumb Birthday Game (DBG) from 29 years ago! December 26th, 1991.

The players:

Barbara from Newton

Ruth from Boston (Dave Maynard’s Ruth!)

Tim from Newton – Norm cannot understand him and thinks it’s a put-on so he hangs up on him.

Andrew from Natick

Mike Epstein in the Control Room but on the phone

Tony on the phone

Larry in Boston, who replaces Tim...I detect romance in the air with Barbara. At least from Larry’s point of view.

Jack Harte in Traffi

One of the birthdays is Carlton Fisk and because of this I request Norm do his baseball vendor impression.

Norm also adds his Sherm Feller (former Fenway Park/Red Sox PA guy) impression and it prompts a discussion with Ruth that gets rather testy!


2 from Wachusett Mountain and yes, they sing the song!

The Doctors of the Mass Medical Society promoting the use of seatbelts and no drinking and driving!

Ginsana read by Norm – Norm sings a little about it and cracks himself up.

First Night ’92 promo.

There’s also a tease for who is substituting for Tom Bergeron on the morning show.

Thank you for listening and I hope everyone had a Christmas that was just so darn nice.






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