This month really marched along. A DBG from March 23rd, 1996 closes out the month and is titled:
“The Lady Doth Protest Too Much.”
It starts off with the wit of Jack and Norm always just so happy to speak with each other!
Our players for this fine broadcast are:
Jack Harte
Tom Howie producing and playing
Phyllis from Appleton, WI
Dan from Maryland
And Kevin in Dorchester who has a complaint to file with the DBG Board of Directors
The Bdays:
Marty Allen – and Dan sings the age with a bluegrass flair
Chaka Khan – And just you wait to hear Norm recreate his introduction of
Jerry and the Hay Shakers playing…Nova Scotian music?
Louie Anderson
Ric Ocasek - Norm, believeing Mr. Ocasek is listening has a message for him.
We are momentarily interrupted by Phyllis who refers to the DBG as the Stupid Birthday Game. Norm corrects her, “Please…we have some pride, ya know!”
Amanda Plummer – daughter of Christopher Plummer. The Lone Ranger and Tonto make their first of two cameo appearances during the game here.
We borrow some bdays from March 25th
Elton John – And the Lone Ranger and Tonto return here for some additional hilarity.
Aretha Franklin
And the handsy Gloria Steinem
Other earth-shattering topics discussed are:
Norm thinking about giving a ‘warm-up’ bday for players to get the feel for the game and mere seconds later makes a decision on that.
The ever-expanding DBG Rule Book which is up to 900 pages.
We learn of an old, Colonial New England saying.
Norm just may write a Bluegrass Opera sung with a Wisconsin accent.
Which do you prefer: Beano or Bingo? Beans or Bings?
How about NORMO? Maybe not because of two ‘O’s’’ Maybe NORMY?
There is the sudden realization that this is what is airing on a 50,000 watt radio station.
Jack does some math that pains Norm so greatly that blood stopped flowing to Norm’s fingers.
Most importantly we gain some valuable insight into the prize closet where Norm gathers all the goodies for our winners.
Then the consternation begins:
Contestants suggesting that if Jack wins, he could ‘will’ the prizes to someone else.
The protest continues with sections from the rule book being quoted but alas, Jack doesn’t get anything so there’s nothing to pass down.
But that doesn’t prevent another attempt saying that the prize must go to the contestant calling the longest distance.
And the show closes with what becomes a 50,000-watt Party Line!
It’s madness…and Norm deftly regains control in the smoothest of fashions.
Episode 79 – The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, begins in 3,2 and 1.
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