Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 78

Episode 78 March 18, 2022 01:39:20
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 78
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 78

Mar 18 2022 | 01:39:20


Show Notes

Welcome to Episode 78. Today’s offering dips back to March 17th and 18th, 1996.

Based on birds, callers and guests in this installment, I have titled it: Mystery and Magic

The producers are Mike Cannon and Tom Howie.

We begin with Norm riffing on a few subjects.

I think we have a moment here where Norm is waiting for calls and is just going through news and info. I found it especially comforting just listening to Norm shuffle papers and tell us little stories and factoids from the wires. Simply soothing.

St. Patrick’s Day, birds migrating, the Swallows returning to Capistrano and Motown returning to Detroit are talked about here.

We take some very interesting calls:

Ruth Clennott from Boston gives us her review of “Mr. Holland’s Opus”

Now Norm, you see, has not been able to see many movies as he’s an advisor to the President as well as the State Dept and does a lot of traveling around the world putting things in order.

She talks about Community Auditions where she was the auditioner for 25 years!

Norm helps clears things up when Ruth inquires about someone featured in the movie.

She talks about Riverdance.

Their banter closes with a job offer for Ruth.

The next call is from June in Brookline – Sidewalk game reporter and Observer of the American Scene.

I will not give any more away as this is quite the call and I swear Norm is trying not to break out laughing through most of it.

After the call we only hear the first few words of a commercial but it is so appropriate. Listen closely as it goes by quickly.

We now hear from Sarah, I believe, and learn about schlemiels and schlimazels and more Yiddish expressions.

Marylou from Lowell – 1st time caller and thrilled to talk to Norm.

We learn of Lord Briscoe, the Jewish man with the Irish brogue.

Next up is Don with lots of talk about trains.

We get a great call from John in Allentown, PA – Lover of old-time radio. This being a subject right up Norm’s alley, he dives into it and wishes radio was like that again. John agrees and says it is with the DBG!

That concludes our March 17th broadcast. We now cut to March 18th.

Norm teases the upcoming guests:

Steve Daly author of “Toy Story: The Art and Making of the Animated Film.”

Charles Solomon, animation historian, author of “The Disney That Never Was.”

Before that we are joined by…Lennie Sogoloff from Lennie’s on the Turnpike!

A few great stories are shared. Lennie driving down Morrissey Blvd with an artist heading over to Norm’s show in the early am hours to hang out. Count Basie, The Turnpike Club, Norm’s unpaid bar tab and more.

Lennie, still promoting jazz off and on, had something coming up with Grover Mitchell leading the Count Basie Band. They were going to be appearing at the Temple Emmanuel in Marblehead.

There’ll be Dancing and refreshments – Don’t miss it!

Our next guest who had no problem holding while the jazz talk was going on because he’s a jazz fan was Steve Daly, staff writer for Entertainment Weekly and co-author of “Toy Story: The Art and Making of the Animated Film.”

A book I believe I still have here in the Vault.

Tons of interesting info on the whole process and story!

We then turn to the next guest: Charles Solomon, author of “The Disney That Never Was.”

There’s only about 10 minutes of the interview here and that’s a shame, but it is still worth a listen!

Episode 78: Mystery and Magic begins now.


Email the show: [email protected]

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