Happy New Year! I thought, “Why not think Spring right away on Jan. 1st?”
We kick it off with a Dumb Birthday Game from April 24th, 1994.
Let me remind you here on the first day of the first month of the two thousand and twenty first year that the majority of these podcasts will be DBG’s. That is what my collection is mostly comprised of and also what my good friend Joan recorded as well. I think that’s great as those games clearly lend credence to this channel’s name: Vault of Silliness!
The makers of Goldbond Powder bring you Goldbond Medicated Anti-itch Cream!
We have Emilio Morrata producing!
Marty from Rockland
Michael from Chelmsford
Michelle from Tyngsboro
Anne Marie from Jamaica Plain
Emilio in studio
The exhausted Rob Floyd in traffic
And Tony on the phone who has a question...
Norm had to use three different dates to compile this game one of which included Carol Burnett. We go through the supporting cast on her iconic show which includes some stars you definitely have forgotten and then the uncontrolled laughter begins!
Let’s start this year off with sharing this show with your friends and getting more of you to subscribe and ring the bell!
I DO thank ya!
Episode 50! I’ve been sitting on this one for a while waiting for the opportune time to return it to the airwaves. That time...
Let me take a moment to inform you that I now, finally, have a Patreon acct. This is something I've been meaning to do...
It would help us a whole bunch if you would click on the like button. That can influence the algorithms on all the platforms...