Here we are for the first episode of the last month of 2021.
Oh, mighty Vault of Silliness, what have you for us today?
It’s a DBG from December 5th, 1992.
The title of this bit of radio insanity is “Assumed Names.”
More on that later.
Norm gives a great intro to the game informing us of its worldwide appeal.
In addition to visits from Arthur Godfrey and Lionel Barrymore we are treated to a couple of tales from Norm’s storied career in radio.
One even includes a full-on re-enactment!
Our sponsors:
Classic Ovaltine
Lou Innis of Chicago, IL and his watch allergy for which Gold Bond Medicated Powder provided soothing relief
First Night ’93 Promo
And Norm reads one for WBZ and the National Safety Council
The cast of characters for the game are as follows:
Ron in Bellingham
Barbara from Quebec
Wolfie – loaded with howlingly poor jokes
Debbie in Wellesley back from a date to iHop
I’m in producing and in studio
Jack in Traffic
Wolfie wastes no time saying inane things and Norm says if he wanted that he could have had Robert or Greg the Squirrel Man on.
Then we chat about peak/flow meters, toys from the dentist and Norm regales us with the great prizes he would get from his barber including medical devices.
Other prizes allowed Norm to work magic with his scale model creations.
Little Richard
Calvin Trillin
Morgan Brittany – now if you thought the show wasn’t already off the rails, this birthday is the genesis for the title of the episode.
It also begins a hilarious contestant revolt against Wolfie.
Continuing with the birthdays
Jim Messina
Chad Mitchell…maybe not.
Kim Basinger – this one reveals Debbie’s true motives as to why she has never heard of most of the celebs…and it’s a personal one.
Beau Bridges
And Kirk Douglas
Get ready to laugh. Episode 66, “Assumed Names” begins now.
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