Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 81

Episode 81 April 08, 2022 01:16:30
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 81
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 81

Apr 08 2022 | 01:16:30


Show Notes

Ahoy faithful listeners!

We are holding at 95 subscribers on YT. Wouldn’t it be just so darn great to get to 100 by the 100th episode?

If you haven’t already, please subscribe. Let’s get to 100 together!


Today’s episode features Norm in caller free-form mode.

Coming to us from April 6th, 1996 it is titled: ‘Yo-ho-ho and a Bottle of Fun.’

Tom Howie was the producer.


We begin our journey with Norm and I talking everything from guest and scheduling issues to bumper stickers and job dedication.

Norm’s Hungarian Gypsy Princess Grandmother (HGPG) offers up more sage advice that has me on the edge of my seat, only to fall right off the chair in disappointment.

There was a guest problem as Carol Gardner, author of ‘Bumper Sticker Wisdom: America’s Pulpit Above the Tailpipe’ was attending a function that conflicted with our interview time but that doesn’t stop us from having a lively discussion about bumper stickers that Helene from Belmont join in on later.

Marge from Indiana calls in to talk about pirate radio stations.Norm had mentioned that our guest the next night would be Andrew Yoder who wrote ‘Pirate Radio: The Saga of America’s Underground Illegal Broadcasters.’

It was also going to be Game Night on Sunday with Linda Romero and the game ‘Perspectives’ then John J. Moran with ‘Daring Passages: The Boardgame in a Bottle.’

Uncle Norm talks about being the interviewee when he was speaking to Jeff Kaufman of WFAD in Middlebury, VT where Norm and I were going to do our little Old Time Radio Show.

This leads to a list of the upcoming event dates on the Old Time Radio Show World Tour. Peabody, Topsfield, Medford! If any of you had a chance to see us do this or just want to say hi, I’d love to hear from you.

There’s a double date brewing for the Prom with Monica and her daughter Veronica from Nahant.

We learn that one or both of Norms’ daughters were overwhelmed by Boston at Christmastime when their grandmother took them to see Santa at Jordan Marsh.

Peter with a sweet call and Norm is just so grateful he’s sending him quite the gift.

We are now graced with the presence of the lovely and talented Linda Chase. She’s accompanied by the lovely and talented Dick Paris. They promote some upcoming shows and talk to callers including:

The one and only, Robert from Everett. This is another classic Norm and Robert call.

The tape skips to an inquisitive caller asking about Linda’s looks and wishing she would cut an album.

Moving to side B we continue with Linda as we hear from Carrie. She’s a high school student who, at the time, was ranked #2 in the State for drumming.

Lawrence from PA tells us more than you’d ever want to know about Windber, PA.

Mary from PA adds a very important detail Lawrence left out.

Bernie asks about Guy Mainella and Norm lets him know what his own personal goals are.

There’s another very sweet call. This time from Dottie. She sums up how, I believe, we all felt about Norm.

Episode 81, ‘Yo-ho-ho and a Bottle of Fun’ set’s sail in 3, 2, annnd 1.

Email: [email protected]

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