Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 83

Episode 83 April 22, 2022 01:13:55
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 83
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 83

Apr 22 2022 | 01:13:55


Show Notes

First, thank you all in the Teen Canteen, we did it. Over 100 subscribers on YT. And well before the 100th episode! You guys are the best!

Let’s keep it up and spread that love over all the platforms where Norm Nathan’s Vault of Silliness appears.

April 22nd and 23rd 1994 are the days that re-grace the airwaves for Episode 83.

This one is titled: The Business of the Radio Business.

We begin with something a little different. David Brudnoy speaking with Anthony Silva, who was reporting from Vietnam at the VietnAmerica Expo. There are two reports with David and in between those is a daily check-in Anthony did with Jay McQuaide. These are excellent and informative reports with outstanding phone quality. The culinary delights he talks about with David are a highlight.

The second interview closes with David saying we will be breaking for an ABC Special Report.

It was on the death of former President Richard Nixon. I have included it here as it is also referred to, briefly, during Norm’s Show.

We take a break with a Jack Harte Traffic Report sponsored by Riopan and to the show open and a dire warning from Norm.

Our guest was Zane Parsons from the Museum of Radio & Technology in Huntington, W.VA. Norm and Zane have a great conversation about radios and radio’s influence on products. Details about the museum and take a call from Charles who’s a member of the New England Antique Radio Club.

Jack is back with a quick commercial read for Dunkin Donuts…listen to the bargain price for your coffee and donut fix.

Other callers:

One talking about WBZA in Springfield and crystal radios. 

Michael on a car phone about Nixon

Then we hear from the one and only Golda! She and Norm have a fun conversation filled with memories and ends with plans to go together to Rio de Janeiro for Madi Gras.

Brief calls from the not so shy Josephine and then Dorothy.

Our next caller discusses wrestling bouts on the radio, fish prices and the daily catch.

And we close with Norm and an anonymous lady dancing to some piano.

Ep 83, The Business of the Radio Business, begins broadcasting….now.

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