Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 88

Episode 88 May 27, 2022 00:51:22
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 88
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 88

May 27 2022 | 00:51:22


Show Notes

Crazy 8’s is what we have here as we bring you Ep 88 of Norm Nathan’s Vault of Silliness.

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A DBG from May 25th, 1996 closes out this month and leads us into the long Memorial Day weekend.

Because the Game features many birthdays from the fairer sex, this one is titled: Ladies Night.


We begin with an appreciation for Jack’s traffic advice as well as his summer fashion awareness and then it’s on to the game.


The Players:

Jack Harte

I’m on the phone and looking not to make people laugh (which is very presumptuous of me) but for people to make me laugh.

Call me crazy…and Norm doesn’t hesitate to call me something else!

Mr. Direct, Tom Howie producing and playing in studio

The slow talking, possibly inebriated, Kevin in Jamaica Plain

Kathy in Altoona, PA – a virgin player but requests “no sacrifices.”

And Scott in Wayland


The Bdays:

Karen Valentine – we have a ‘hearty’ time with her. The Lone Ranger and Tonto stop by. Also, Norm recites a ‘poem.’

Leslie Uggams

Dixie Carter

Beverly Sills – and an operatic debate ensues

Connie Sellecca – and I injure myself with whilst reaching for a pun

K.C. Jones

Kitty Kallen

And Hal David


Other highlights include:

Norm sharing observations because he’s a ‘relations expert.’  And the relations discussed should really be re-examined by a trained professional.

I had seen Spy Hard with Leslie Nielsen and give an in-depth review.

We learn that Norm’s mother in-law had no sense of humor.  Nor did Shirley, his date to the prom.

Norm still cleaning out his house to put together prize packages. Maybe a bag of ashes is suggested. Why? Norm had a small fire at his house, “Just in the house, in the walls and things, didn’t amount to anything, the usual type of wall fire.”

I also had recently watched, “The Benny Goodman Story” with Steve Allen on AMC and give another in-depth review that’s not to be missed.

A scoring update could be the beginning of a dirty joke.

We get a nice Sherm Feller history lesson from Uncle Norm.

And there may be some angry letters to the rules committee. 

Episode 88, Ladies Night, begins…now.

Email the show: [email protected]

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