Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 161

Episode 156 October 30, 2023 00:53:41
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 161
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 161

Oct 30 2023 | 00:53:41


Show Notes

At the time of this post it will only be a few hours shy of the time, while working at WBZ, that I received a call from Sarah Nathan with the terrible news that her dad, my friend and mentor, a comforting voice to so many every weekend, had passed away. For those of you keeping track at home, it’s been 27 years. 

On, at least what I hope is a happier note, today marks the 3rd anniversary of NNVoS!

There are SO many tapes remaining! Keep sharing and spreading the word about this silly little show.

Welcome to our new subscribers and listeners. Both numbers are up and here’s hoping that trend continues every week.

This week brings us a DBG from October 28th, 1995.

You will quickly understand why I’ve titled it:

Putting the ‘Talk’ in Talk Radio.



Jack Harte

Ed LeClair

Dorothy in Pleasantville, NY

Russell from Peabody

And the nerve racked Arlene in Woburn



Charlie Daniels

Dodie Goodman

Julia Roberts

Bruce Jenner

Dennis Franz

Jonas Salk



What year was the Statue of Liberty dedicated in NY harbor by President Grover Cleveland?

And Harvard College was founded on this date in what year?


There’s a special, very entertaining post-game caller so stay tuned all the way through!

Ep 161, Putting the ‘Talk’ in Talk Radio, yaps its way to your ears in 3, 2 and 1.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: It at the time of this post. It will only be a few hours shy of the time while working at BZ that I received a call from Sarah Nathan with the terrible news that her dad, my friend and mentor, a comforting voice to so many every weekend, had passed away. It's been 27 years on, at least. What I hope is a happier note, today marks the third anniversary three of the Norm Nathan Vault of Silliness. There are so many tapes remaining. Keep sharing and spreading the word about this silly little show. And welcome to our new subscribers and listeners. Both numbers are up, and here's hoping that trend continues every week. This week brings us a dumb birthday game from October 28, 1995. You will quickly understand why I've titled it putting the Talk in Talk Radio. Norm says hello to Jack. And before the game begins, they discuss their worlds. Our players Jack, ed LeClaire, who's producing and playing in studio. Dorothy in Pleasantville, New York. Russell from Peabody and the nerve racked arlene in Wooburn. The Birthdays charlie Daniels dodi Goodman julia Roberts bruce Jenner dennis Franz jonas Sulk And then we move to some events. What year was the Statue of Liberty? Dedicated in New York Harbor by President Grover Cleveland. And Harvard College was founded on this date? In what year? There's a special, very entertaining postgame, caller. So stay tuned all the way through episode 161, putting the talk in Talk Radio. Yaps its way to your ears in. [00:01:40] Speaker B: Three, two and one and say, hello. [00:01:47] Speaker C: How are you? [00:01:48] Speaker B: Welcome to our world. The people who didn't hear a conversation last week have no idea what we're talking about, but that's okay. [00:02:00] Speaker C: Well, is it sort of a dramatic moment? [00:02:02] Speaker B: It is a dramatic moment. And I think if they don't know everything, I think it makes everything have a little mystery to it. [00:02:11] Speaker C: You know what, however, wouldn't it be kind of fun to make it a catchphrase? All around the world, people would be saying just that. Welcome to my world. [00:02:21] Speaker B: Welcome to our world. That would be nice, too. I think that would bring people just a little bit closer together. I think so. Make them feel a little more comfortable with each other. Welcome to our world. You probably get some wise guys saying, who wants to go to your smelly world, fella? I think it sucks that you probably get somebody like that. But aside from the one or two people, I think most of the people would be happy to be welcomed to your world. [00:02:51] Speaker C: Well, you see, in the event of that grumpy type of person, you see, that would be a whole nother catchphrase. So we could get two catchphrases out of this one thing, and the other catchphrase would be something like you're no longer welcome. [00:03:10] Speaker B: Say that again. That was so nice, the way you did that. [00:03:13] Speaker D: Do that again. [00:03:14] Speaker B: You're no longer let's see if I can imitate that you're no longer welcome. I make it sound like a foreign language. Ed LeClaire is here, too. He's going to play the game. Is that okay with you, Jack? Because I know you like to have the final say on who plays the game and who does not. [00:03:34] Speaker C: Well, I'll jot it down and if there's enough room, then he can play. [00:03:38] Speaker B: Oh, good. I'm glad to be welcome to your world no longer. Oh, get rid of see, we have Dorothy, who's calling from who's on the line from Pleasantville, New York, which is a Reader's Digest Country, isn't it, Dorothy? [00:03:56] Speaker E: As I recall, and right next to the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery where you should be spending Halloween. [00:04:01] Speaker B: Oh, that's right. The Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. [00:04:06] Speaker E: Tell jackets. That's very close to the Tapanzee Bridge. [00:04:10] Speaker C: Is that right? No kidding. [00:04:14] Speaker B: Should Jack know that? I mean, what's the connection between Jack and the Tapancy Bridge? [00:04:19] Speaker E: The Tapanzee Bridge is always oh, speeds. [00:04:22] Speaker C: Matter of fact, speeds are reduced in the Tapanzee Bridge tonight, this very night, as a result of rain and wind. [00:04:28] Speaker E: Absolutely. [00:04:29] Speaker B: Oh, you mentioned that on one of your reports. [00:04:32] Speaker C: You sure I've mentioned the Tapanzee Bridge here and right. [00:04:36] Speaker E: And last week I felt like sending you the front page of the White Plains newspaper because of the big tie up that they had out there for 4 hours. [00:04:45] Speaker B: No kidding. [00:04:46] Speaker E: Yeah. If I can get another copy of that paper, I want to send it to you. Can I send it to you care of Norm? [00:04:51] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:04:52] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:04:52] Speaker B: And he'll get it? Absolutely. The only problem is I must tell you this, Dorothy. [00:04:57] Speaker E: I know before you say it, you need a secretary. Keep you organized because it'll go astray. [00:05:05] Speaker B: No, say that at all. No, I wasn't even thinking. No, no. I mean, if you're going into the psychic trade, I'd give it a second thought. [00:05:14] Speaker E: No, I shouldn't. psychoanalyze. [00:05:17] Speaker B: No, what I was going to say was you're assuming that Jackhardt cares about traffic even when he's not on duty. Fact is, he doesn't give a damn about the whole thing when he's not working. He's thinking girls. He's thinking of gorging himself with chocolates and ice cream and booze and all kinds of stuff. [00:05:37] Speaker E: No, but there was a little sidebar to this story about the Tapanzi Bridge because they had a photograph of a bridegroom whose wedding was supposed to take place a half an hour after the photograph was taken and the bridge was tied up in both directions for 4 hours. And Jack's got a fiance at a wedding coming up sometime soon. I don't want the same to happen to plan. Don't plan your wedding anywhere near the Tap In. [00:06:13] Speaker C: Well, thank you very much. I'll jot that down in my notes. [00:06:17] Speaker B: Okay, let's go to Russell, for God's sakes. Let's go somewhere. Russell and Peabody. Hi, Russell. [00:06:24] Speaker F: Hi, Norm. [00:06:27] Speaker B: This conversation, you see, is going at a rapid clip, but I sure hope you can keep pace with it. [00:06:33] Speaker F: I'm trying very hard. And I'm your neighbor in Peabody, next door to Middleton. [00:06:41] Speaker B: That's right, you are very close by. [00:06:43] Speaker F: And hold that against me. [00:06:45] Speaker B: No, you just make me feel uncomfortable. You're just breathing, Dominic, all the time there in Peabody. [00:06:50] Speaker F: The last time I called, I think I got the booby prize. [00:06:54] Speaker B: Now, what was that? The main prize is actually a booby prize. [00:06:58] Speaker F: Well, whatever, I was the bottom of the list. [00:07:02] Speaker B: Okay, we'll see how you do tonight. [00:07:03] Speaker F: Russell, because try very hard. [00:07:05] Speaker B: Okay, we have Arlene, who's in Wooburn. Hello, Arlene. [00:07:09] Speaker G: Hello, Norm. How are you? [00:07:11] Speaker B: Oh, I'm just fine, thank you. You sound like you're in good spirits and everything. [00:07:15] Speaker G: Well, I'm kind of nervous. I have been made for this, but my parents grew up in Everett Square area. [00:07:25] Speaker B: Which one? [00:07:26] Speaker G: Glendale Square. Oh, sure, when you were talking about that one night. [00:07:34] Speaker B: We used to go to Glendale Park a lot. That was the big place. That's right, it was a ballpark. And also on Mayday, we would have a Maypole. We dance around the Maypole. It sounds like sissy stuff now, but. [00:07:48] Speaker G: I never get married again and it's not going to be on a bridge. [00:07:54] Speaker B: Are you married now? [00:07:55] Speaker H: No. [00:07:56] Speaker B: You're divorced? [00:07:57] Speaker G: Two divorces. [00:07:59] Speaker B: You've been married twice? [00:08:00] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:08:01] Speaker B: Were you divorced both times for the same reason? [00:08:05] Speaker G: First time for 1, second time for another. [00:08:09] Speaker B: I see. [00:08:10] Speaker G: I'm ready for this game. [00:08:11] Speaker B: So you're ready for this game? At some. [00:08:14] Speaker G: And I've enjoyed this show. And my mother is a very uptight person, but she says she listens to Norm Nathan. [00:08:22] Speaker B: That's very nice. Now, where does she live now? [00:08:24] Speaker G: She lives in Tooksbury. [00:08:26] Speaker B: Okay, so you both moved out Everett. That's how much you love the she. [00:08:30] Speaker G: Goes to Maine, she still gets you the reception. And I say, wow, my mother listens. [00:08:37] Speaker B: To you because you think I'm kind of hip with the younger people. Yeah. See, now that guy called me a little while ago. [00:08:45] Speaker G: That makes my mother hip. She's 62 and I'm 42. [00:08:54] Speaker B: And you both listen to the same guy. [00:08:56] Speaker G: Well, now I'm going to say I've been listening to north. [00:08:59] Speaker B: I think that's great. [00:09:00] Speaker D: Okay. [00:09:00] Speaker B: You know how the gameplay goes, age, the age of the people born in the state. And unfortunately, I left some of my information at home on details of these people. But I'll give you as much of a sketch of them as I can, and I think you'll do well. [00:09:19] Speaker D: Okay. [00:09:20] Speaker C: You're going to sketch them on radio? [00:09:22] Speaker D: Yes. [00:09:22] Speaker B: I'm going. [00:09:25] Speaker D: Yes. [00:09:26] Speaker B: Welcome to my world of sketching. [00:09:29] Speaker H: Wonderful. [00:09:29] Speaker G: You really are. [00:09:32] Speaker B: You know something, Arlene? I want you so badly. [00:09:36] Speaker G: You do? [00:09:36] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:09:37] Speaker G: Well, why aren't you here then? I never thought of that when I want them. [00:09:43] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:09:44] Speaker B: What kind of a guy are you looking for anyway? Let me give you just an older man with a body of well tempered steel boys, grin, crooked smile, care about. [00:09:54] Speaker G: Body size, oh, thank goodness. [00:09:58] Speaker B: Thank goodness for that. How about bigot and a soul? [00:10:04] Speaker D: Okay? [00:10:04] Speaker B: An older guy with a sense of humor and soul. [00:10:08] Speaker C: So he wanted to have good shoes. [00:10:11] Speaker B: Hey, listen, would you please we're getting romantic, and we got to bring up shoes and smelly feet. Does that destroy my sex image right off the bat? [00:10:22] Speaker G: I have smelly feet? [00:10:23] Speaker B: My daughter I don't want to know about that. [00:10:28] Speaker G: You are funny. [00:10:29] Speaker B: Here I am trying to make out with a woman, and she's telling me she has smelly feet. What kind of a romance is this? [00:10:35] Speaker G: Goodness. [00:10:36] Speaker B: My voice is beginning to get kind of sharp. I think maybe that was a good idea. [00:10:41] Speaker D: Okay. [00:10:42] Speaker B: Charlie Daniels. Musician, singer, songwriter. He wrote and saying, Devil went down to Georgia. [00:10:51] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:10:51] Speaker B: Born in Wilmington, North Carolina, on this very day, October 20. [00:10:55] Speaker D: Eigth. [00:10:55] Speaker B: I'm going to ask Dorothy first, though. Dorothy, how old do you think Charlie Daniels is? Devil went down to Georgia hi ho. [00:11:07] Speaker D: 60. Okay. [00:11:11] Speaker B: Russell, what do you think? [00:11:14] Speaker F: 67. [00:11:15] Speaker B: Russell says 67. And Arlene, the lovely Arlene says 58. 58. And what do you say, Jack? You always say that he plays it a lot. Yeah, well, I mean, he always says regular. Yeah, just regular I eat right. Brand flakes, lots of fiber, shape. Yeah, tremendous fiber. In fact, he's in the Guinness Book. [00:11:46] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:11:47] Speaker G: Every morning the same. [00:11:49] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, but I don't get up until two most. He's single. Yes, he is. But he's getting married soon. Are you getting married soon, Jack? [00:11:59] Speaker C: Well, I've got a steady girlfriend, and. [00:12:05] Speaker B: We'Re working along there. Yeah, you're stammering so obviously but you haven't set a date or anything yet. [00:12:12] Speaker C: Well. [00:12:14] Speaker B: Taking. [00:12:17] Speaker D: Easy, fella. [00:12:19] Speaker G: Leave him alone. [00:12:20] Speaker B: Okay, tell us, Jack, how old do you think chuck. No, I know you did. I was asking Jack. [00:12:28] Speaker C: I would say 49. [00:12:32] Speaker B: 49. You sort of did that like Jack Benny. There was no reason for that, was there? [00:12:38] Speaker C: Well, it was 49 instead of 39. [00:12:40] Speaker B: I see. Will you say 49? 49. Will you hold on, I'm doing you say stick ed, what do you think how old do you think Charlie Daniels is? [00:12:52] Speaker I: I think he's 50. [00:12:54] Speaker B: 50. Okay. He's actually 59. And we had Arlene said 58, and Dorothy said 60. So they both came within a year. So, Dorothy and Arlene, I hope you'll, from this point on, become good friends. [00:13:10] Speaker G: Hi, Dorothy. [00:13:12] Speaker E: I like the pronunciation of wolburn. [00:13:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:17] Speaker E: To an outsider, it looks like wolburn. [00:13:21] Speaker B: It does look like wolburn, and you can tell an outsider when they call it that. [00:13:25] Speaker E: Oh, I know. I mean, an outsider calls LeMonster Leo Minster, too. [00:13:29] Speaker B: Are you from you're from around here? [00:13:31] Speaker E: No. [00:13:31] Speaker C: Well, you know what we say around here, a little bit of woo was better than wool. [00:13:36] Speaker E: Quite right. [00:13:37] Speaker D: Okay. [00:13:38] Speaker B: Dodie Goodman was also born on this date. Dodie Goodman. Let me see what I can find out about what you know about lot of she's an actress, and she used to be on the Jackpar show a lot as one of the regulars, dodi Goodman had a little funny voice. What do you think, Eddie? Ed Leclerc, what do you think? You know Dodie Goodman? [00:14:00] Speaker I: No, I don't know. [00:14:02] Speaker C: He was in the movie Greece, I believe, as the assistant principal. [00:14:06] Speaker D: Oh. [00:14:06] Speaker I: Now I know who she is, and I'm going to say that she is. [00:14:10] Speaker B: 70, 70 years old. [00:14:12] Speaker D: Okay. [00:14:13] Speaker B: And Jack, what do you think? [00:14:19] Speaker C: Ah, I'm just sitting here figuring, doing my gazintas. Do you know what I'm actually doing my gazintas and sums on to figure this out? It's polka time pen. [00:14:32] Speaker B: A polka time pen? Yeah. [00:14:33] Speaker C: That I believe you gave to Joan from. [00:14:39] Speaker B: Pen. Oh, yeah, joan sent me a note. Joan from tooksbury won the dumb birthday game. And I've always maintained that. Is there somebody talking while I'm talking, or am I imagining that? Okay, anyway, I'm imagining it, obviously. Anyway, I often talk about the junkie tasteless, tacky prizes that we give away, the worthless, useless stuff. Joan won a package of this kind of junkie stuff and sent me an entire note analyzing each item and telling where she got rid of every bit of thought. I don't want to know that much. I never make any great claims for these prizes. [00:15:25] Speaker C: Well, I got the polka time pen. [00:15:27] Speaker I: How did you get the polka time pen, Jack? [00:15:30] Speaker B: She obviously, Joan didn't want the polka time pen and sent it to Jack. [00:15:34] Speaker I: Oh, she sent it to Jack. [00:15:35] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:15:35] Speaker B: Is that correct, Jack? [00:15:37] Speaker C: Yes, we have a dumb Birthday Game tacky prize swap meet every couple of weeks. [00:15:43] Speaker B: I see, because I sent her a book on Spike Jones, which I thought was a good book, because he was a very interesting band leader, and it was a very well researched, good book, and she said, I didn't really want that book. It's like somebody, some kind of musician or something. That was the end of that. Anyway, Jack. Oh, you haven't told me daughter Goodman's age yet. [00:16:08] Speaker C: Oh, haven't finished magazine. I would say 73. [00:16:15] Speaker B: 73, okay. Arlene, what do you think? [00:16:18] Speaker H: 68. [00:16:19] Speaker B: Arlene says 68. And Russell 71. 71. And Dorothy. [00:16:27] Speaker E: Let's see. [00:16:28] Speaker B: 6870-7173. [00:16:29] Speaker E: I don't know whether today is 69 or 72. [00:16:39] Speaker B: I don't know how to really don't know. [00:16:40] Speaker C: Both divisible by three. [00:16:44] Speaker B: What's that, please? [00:16:48] Speaker E: 69. [00:16:49] Speaker B: 69. [00:16:50] Speaker D: Okay. [00:16:52] Speaker B: The answer actually, and this is the exciting moment when I tell you what the answer is, is 66. [00:16:58] Speaker D: She's 66. [00:17:00] Speaker B: I think Arlene says 68, and let's see, she'd be the sole winner. That's two out of two. All right. [00:17:09] Speaker D: Okay. [00:17:10] Speaker B: Julia Roberts also has a birthday today. Julia Roberts, steel Magnolia's, pretty Woman, mystic Pizza. Will you be quiet? Would you just be quiet for a minute while I go through my speech here to give people see, the thing is, it doesn't matter whether you know or not. I'm telling it to everybody. [00:17:31] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:17:31] Speaker G: Like my mother used to say okay. [00:17:35] Speaker B: That's what I just I just said that to you. [00:17:37] Speaker E: Okay. [00:17:40] Speaker B: Julia Roberts. Anyway. Born in Smyrna, Georgia, on October 20, eigth. And I can't tell you the year, of course, because that would tell you how old she was. So tell me, Arlene, how old is Julia Roberts today? I think she's, incidentally, one of the most overrated actresses. No, I think there are others who are more gorgeous. I mean, I think she's adorable and all that and she's a pretty fair actress, but I don't think she's both going to talk all the way through this thing. Will you hold on just a minute? You see, we're both talking at the same time and it's like one of those morning TV shows where five or six people talk at the same time and nobody can hear any one of them. Anyway, I thought she's totally overrated and adorable and wait a minute. [00:18:29] Speaker G: Well, you asked me 26. [00:18:31] Speaker B: Well, I know, but see, I was in the middle of saying something at that time. You hold back until that furnished person finishes. Okay, you said 26. [00:18:40] Speaker G: Yes. [00:18:42] Speaker D: Oh, boy. [00:18:44] Speaker B: Okay, Dorothy, what do you think? [00:18:47] Speaker E: Today is the 20 eigth of October, and she's pretty darn young, so I'm going to play a hunch and say 28. [00:18:55] Speaker I: Okay, Ed, I believe that she is 28 years old today. [00:19:02] Speaker B: 28 years old today. Okay, Russell, what do you think? [00:19:06] Speaker F: 31. [00:19:07] Speaker B: 31. And Jack? [00:19:09] Speaker C: 27. [00:19:11] Speaker B: 27 is very close. But 28 does hit it right on the button. [00:19:15] Speaker D: Yeah, she's 28. [00:19:17] Speaker B: That means that Ed and Dorothy both won that round. And that means that Dorothy and Arlene are both tied at two apiece. [00:19:29] Speaker I: Still a close race. [00:19:30] Speaker B: It is a close race, and it's anybody's ball game. [00:19:33] Speaker I: That's right. [00:19:34] Speaker E: Could you go back and tell me how old Dodie Goodman really is? [00:19:38] Speaker H: 66. [00:19:42] Speaker B: And Bruce Jenner, who's the track athlete from the Olympics, sportscaster and all that and also was kind of the frontman for least the speaker there for Wheaties. [00:19:58] Speaker I: Wasn'T he was on the box. [00:20:00] Speaker B: On the Box of Wheaties. Bruce Jenner built very much like I'm built, as a matter of fact. I look in the mirror, I look at pictures of him. It's like looking in the mirror. I see. [00:20:11] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:20:12] Speaker B: Do you? Okay, russell, how old do you think Bruce Jenner is? Russell, without hesitation, said 43. And what do you say? Without hesitation, jack? [00:20:26] Speaker C: Without hesitation. Do you mind if I hesitate before. [00:20:32] Speaker B: I say no, you can hesitate. [00:20:34] Speaker D: It's okay. Sure. [00:20:38] Speaker C: 46. [00:20:39] Speaker B: 46, because I got a memo from the management here and they said hesitation is okay as long as it produces an exciting climax. Oh, I'm sorry. [00:20:50] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:20:50] Speaker B: I don't know what that means. Let's see. Arlene, what do you think? [00:20:56] Speaker G: Oh, God. I'm thinking about now when you mentioned Bruce Jenner about the you know, they picked up on that, all that talking. And I finally saw him after all these years. [00:21:08] Speaker B: Could you come a little closer to the phone and speak up just a little bit. [00:21:12] Speaker H: Okay. [00:21:12] Speaker G: I'm sorry. Is it my phone? [00:21:14] Speaker D: No. [00:21:15] Speaker B: You sound kind of soft. Just to speak into it and a little bit louder. [00:21:18] Speaker G: Okay. 45. [00:21:20] Speaker B: 45. What does that get to do with OJ. Simpson? [00:21:24] Speaker G: Him and his wife were involved with the trial. [00:21:27] Speaker B: Bruce Jenner was? [00:21:29] Speaker G: Yes. [00:21:30] Speaker B: I don't remember that. In what regard? Was he covering it for somebody? [00:21:34] Speaker G: No, his wife was one of the witnesses to the trial. [00:21:38] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:21:39] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:21:41] Speaker B: I don't remember that witness. On which side? [00:21:45] Speaker G: The prosecution, of course. [00:21:48] Speaker B: Well, she was not with what did she say? That he abused her or something? [00:21:52] Speaker G: Yes. She had seen him do something to Nicole. [00:21:55] Speaker B: Oh, I see. [00:21:58] Speaker G: I remember watching him on the. [00:22:04] Speaker D: He. [00:22:04] Speaker G: Was and that struck me to see him and her standing up against well, you know how all the people, all his friends, turn their backs on him. [00:22:17] Speaker B: On who? On Bruce Jenner or OJ. Simpson? On OJ. [00:22:20] Speaker H: Yeah. [00:22:25] Speaker G: That's just a little aside. [00:22:27] Speaker B: Okay. Ed, what do you think? How old do you think Bruce Jenner is? [00:22:31] Speaker I: 53. [00:22:35] Speaker B: I like the way you said that. Dorothy, how old is Bruce Jenner? Don't forget, you and Arlene are both tied. [00:22:47] Speaker G: All right. [00:22:48] Speaker B: This is a way to I wonder. [00:22:50] Speaker E: If Arlene has Cindy Garvey in mind. [00:22:52] Speaker G: Yes, that, too. Both of them? Both of them, Dorothy. [00:22:56] Speaker E: Okay. [00:22:57] Speaker G: Yes, it was. Steve Garvey's wife also testified. [00:23:05] Speaker E: I'm going to go with Jack's 46. [00:23:08] Speaker B: Jack's 46 is correct. That's exactly how old he is. [00:23:15] Speaker E: I have great faith in Jack. [00:23:18] Speaker I: Well, we all have great faith in Jack. [00:23:21] Speaker E: Yeah, and I apologize if I referred to your female friend as a fiance. [00:23:31] Speaker B: No, just relax, okay? [00:23:36] Speaker E: I don't want to hasten things. [00:23:38] Speaker B: You're not hastening things at all. As a matter of fact, here's a date with the row of the week and is thinking of dumping her. No, I'm sorry. I like to get in the middle of things and ruin things for everybody because life has been ruined for me and it's hopeless, and I don't see why, believe me. [00:23:59] Speaker C: Happy. [00:24:00] Speaker B: That's right. I don't see any reason for anybody to be happy if I'm not. [00:24:04] Speaker E: Well, she played the game with Jack one night on the Dumb birthday game? [00:24:08] Speaker C: No, she called after. [00:24:10] Speaker E: Oh, after. [00:24:11] Speaker C: Yes, she called pardon me. Said, I'm very happy with her. She's a delightful woman. [00:24:15] Speaker E: I know. She sounds great. [00:24:17] Speaker B: I know that Dennis Franz. Who from the Hill Street Blues and NYPD blue. And also, I believe he was in a movie with Michael Caine. And who was that director? Sort of like a junior Arthur Hitchcock. [00:24:42] Speaker I: Brian De Palma. [00:24:43] Speaker B: Brian De Palma did a movie? His wife was in that movie. That blonde lady. Allen is her last name. [00:24:51] Speaker G: Deborah. [00:24:52] Speaker E: How long has it been? [00:24:54] Speaker B: No, it's not either one. No. [00:24:56] Speaker G: Debbie Allen. [00:24:57] Speaker I: Yeah, it is Debbie Allen. [00:24:58] Speaker B: No, not Debbie. No, Debbie Allen is the dancer. Ginger, maybe? No, very attractive blonde lady. [00:25:08] Speaker D: Kate. [00:25:10] Speaker B: No, not Kate. In any event, Dennis Friends was in. [00:25:15] Speaker G: That movie as asking the question. [00:25:18] Speaker B: I'm just talking. I haven't really defined exactly I think. [00:25:23] Speaker G: It was Debbie Allen. [00:25:26] Speaker B: No, it wasn't. No, his wife is not Debbie Allen. [00:25:29] Speaker D: No. [00:25:29] Speaker B: Debbie Allen is the sister of E what is her name? [00:25:37] Speaker G: The mother on the Crosby show. [00:25:40] Speaker B: Are they sisters? Yes. Okay. [00:25:44] Speaker G: And they're married. [00:25:45] Speaker C: Felicia's married to her sister. [00:25:48] Speaker I: I'm really confused. [00:25:50] Speaker B: No is not married to Debbie Allen. I swear to God. She's not. [00:25:55] Speaker D: No. [00:25:56] Speaker B: I would know that if she another it's this is another Allen. I feel like I got two stations on at the same time. Anyway, who cares? The dead is Francis. [00:26:11] Speaker D: Who? [00:26:11] Speaker B: We're guessing. Dorothy, how old do you think he is? I think he's married to, you know. [00:26:23] Speaker E: No, I love him. [00:26:25] Speaker G: He just got married. [00:26:26] Speaker E: But not as much as you. I like the program LAPD blue. [00:26:32] Speaker B: I do, too. I think he's also a good actor. [00:26:35] Speaker E: I always wonder if he's really LAPD Blue. Arthur Friends. [00:26:40] Speaker I: Let it go. [00:26:41] Speaker D: Jack. Yeah. [00:26:43] Speaker B: Sometimes they call it NYPD Blue. It depends on where they have an opening at which studio. [00:26:49] Speaker E: Excuse me. 50. [00:26:53] Speaker B: I'm sorry, I don't remember the question. How old is no, he's okay, I remember the question now. Russell, how old do you think he is? Russell, what was the last guess was? And the only guess is 550. [00:27:12] Speaker F: Now, if I talk a little bit longer, do you suppose I get any credit for that? [00:27:20] Speaker B: No, if you talk less, you get credit for it. Could you come a little closer to the phone also, and just speak up a little bit? [00:27:28] Speaker F: 42. [00:27:29] Speaker D: 42, okay. [00:27:31] Speaker B: And do I need to coax you into taking a guess, Arlene? [00:27:35] Speaker G: No, you don't. 39. [00:27:37] Speaker B: 39. [00:27:38] Speaker D: Okay. [00:27:39] Speaker B: Jack, what do you say? [00:27:42] Speaker C: Let's see. Well, he's one of those people who could be older than he looks, or he could be younger than he looks. Kind of old looking. [00:27:53] Speaker B: He could be exactly the same age as he looks. [00:27:56] Speaker C: Exactly how old he is? [00:27:57] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:27:57] Speaker B: If you can figure out how old he looks. [00:28:00] Speaker C: How old he looks. Now, that is the real trick. [00:28:03] Speaker B: That's the catch. Yeah. [00:28:04] Speaker D: Right there. [00:28:05] Speaker B: Right there. [00:28:05] Speaker D: It's the catch. [00:28:10] Speaker C: I'd say that he's 51. [00:28:16] Speaker B: 51, okay. What do you say, Ed? [00:28:19] Speaker I: I don't think he's changed at all between when he was on Hill Street Blues and now that he's on no, he looks exactly the same. [00:28:26] Speaker C: Pictures of him when he was a kid. Bald, mustang. [00:28:28] Speaker B: He looked the same way. In 20 years, he'll look exactly the same. [00:28:32] Speaker I: But I'm going to go with 53. [00:28:34] Speaker B: 53. [00:28:34] Speaker D: Okay. [00:28:35] Speaker B: Actually, 51 is correct. And so that means Jack hit it right on the button. Wow. And that's how old he looks? Yeah, he looks like 51, doesn't he? That means that Dorothy has three. And Arlene and Jack both have two apiece and one from Ed as we go to jonas Salk. Jonas Edward Salk Immunologist, inventor of the Salt polio vaccine scientist, born at New York in October 20 Eigth, New York City. October 20 eigth. But what year was that? Ed, how old do you think Jonas Sauk is? [00:29:13] Speaker I: 81. [00:29:15] Speaker B: 81. You said that without hesitation at all. [00:29:18] Speaker I: I believe it's 81. I believe in 81. [00:29:22] Speaker B: And Jack, what do you think? I believe in 82. 80. [00:29:28] Speaker D: Okay. [00:29:29] Speaker B: And Arlene, what do you believe in? [00:29:31] Speaker G: I'll go with the 82. [00:29:33] Speaker D: 80. Okay. [00:29:35] Speaker B: See, that was probably an interesting decision. She had to decide between Jack's guess and Ed's guess, and she sided with Jack. It's kind of interesting. [00:29:44] Speaker I: She could have gone either way on that. [00:29:45] Speaker B: Yeah, she could have been, yeah. [00:29:47] Speaker I: Although I feel a little left out, though. Arlene, thank you very much for going with Jack. [00:29:51] Speaker B: Russell, what do you think? [00:29:53] Speaker F: 88? [00:29:57] Speaker B: Just 80. [00:29:58] Speaker D: Okay. [00:29:58] Speaker B: And, Dorothy, Ed said 81. [00:30:02] Speaker E: So authoritatively. I have to match that. [00:30:06] Speaker B: 81. Well, thank you. 81 is wise, because that's exactly how old he is. [00:30:10] Speaker I: Really? [00:30:11] Speaker B: All right, terrific. You all guessed very close, though. I mean, the father stole away you all within one year of it. Except for you two were right on the button. [00:30:19] Speaker G: Someone with polio. That's why it hit me. [00:30:24] Speaker B: Well, Dorothy now leads with four. Yeah, she's four correct answers. Pardon me? [00:30:34] Speaker E: Russell's going to come up with the answer. [00:30:36] Speaker B: I know. We kind of hope Russell will score. [00:30:38] Speaker F: No, Russell is the dumbbell of the year. [00:30:40] Speaker B: No, you're not. You've been very close on a lot of them. [00:30:44] Speaker G: Because I have a big mouth. [00:30:46] Speaker B: Who said that? [00:30:47] Speaker G: Arlene, you kind of gave me impression. [00:30:50] Speaker B: Oh, did I? Yes, you did. Anyway, you have two correct answers. So does Jack and so does Ed, so you're all doing very well. Okay, here's one. The Statue of Liberty has to do with this is a year. I'll give you the event, and you tell me the year it happened. Did I say you had a big mouth? [00:31:12] Speaker E: Yes. [00:31:13] Speaker B: That's OD. I can't imagine where he came up with that. Yeah, I can't imagine why he came up with that one. On October 20 eigth, what year was this? The Statue of Liberty. Maybe if you listen to the question, see, because this is that we're coming near the close of the game, and I want you to win a whole bunch of junk. Oh, God, do I want you to win a whole bunch of junk. On October 20 eigth, the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France, was dedicated in New York Harbor by here's a clue now by President Cleveland, grover Cleveland in the presence of its sculptor, Friedrich Augusta Batoldi, who probably would die all over again if he could hear the way I pronounced his name. But anyway, this was the year that the Statue of Liberty was dedicated what year was that? It did happen on October 20 eigth, but what year? Could you tell us that. Arlene, what do you think? [00:32:13] Speaker G: Well, you hit me first. [00:32:16] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:32:19] Speaker G: And I wonder why. [00:32:20] Speaker B: No, I just picked people at random. No special reason. [00:32:24] Speaker G: Yeah, right. [00:32:25] Speaker B: No, that's true. [00:32:28] Speaker G: 19. [00:32:35] Speaker B: A few years ago, remember? They had an anniversary of the dedication, and they had a whole big thing in New York Harbor, all kinds of stuff. Ellis Island, Welch. Well, yeah, it's near Ellis Island. It's not on Ellis Island. It's on Liberty Island. [00:32:57] Speaker D: Okay. [00:32:58] Speaker B: And, Dorothy, what do you think? [00:33:00] Speaker E: If I don't know that, then I can't be a self respecting New Yorker, right? [00:33:05] Speaker B: I don't know. Well, Jack says that's right, that you can't be. So I'll go along with what he says. [00:33:11] Speaker E: No doubt about that. Do you want to put me last, then? No, I know what it is. [00:33:15] Speaker B: Well, tell us, then. 1880 618 86. Do all New Yorkers know the exact date? [00:33:23] Speaker E: Well, they made such a big thing of it, with fireworks and everything. [00:33:27] Speaker B: That's right, too. And that was the that's right. [00:33:30] Speaker D: Okay. [00:33:31] Speaker B: Ed, what do you think? [00:33:32] Speaker I: I remember seeing David Copperfield make it disappear. I was watching on television. It was the most amazing thing, because they had radar set up so that you would know exactly where the Statue of Liberty was at all times. And he had the big cloth draped over it, and it was gone. It was absolutely gone. But I think it was 1886. I think Dorothy is correct. But it was amazing. It vanished into thin air. And I don't know how he did. [00:33:57] Speaker B: He did that with elephants and all kinds of things, but the Statue of Liberty. [00:34:00] Speaker I: Statue of Liberty, right. [00:34:02] Speaker B: That's really something. Jack, what do you think? [00:34:06] Speaker C: I'll go with 1886. Okay. [00:34:09] Speaker B: What do you go with? Russell. [00:34:11] Speaker F: 19. Seven. [00:34:13] Speaker B: There's a man with a mind of his own, and I respect that. 1886 is correct. [00:34:20] Speaker C: However, do you know who the Statue of Liberty was? Who the model for? [00:34:24] Speaker B: That was no. [00:34:26] Speaker C: Bartentoldi's mother. [00:34:28] Speaker B: Is that right? Yeah. That's interesting. None of us here obviously, knew that. Okay. Dorothy's way ahead now with five, and Jack has three, and so does Ed. And two from Arlene and Russell russell is the booby. No, you're not a booby. Okay. [00:34:51] Speaker G: How about the I've learned something, though. [00:34:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:34:55] Speaker B: No, you can take this with you. [00:34:56] Speaker G: And my ten year old daughter. With my knowledge yeah. [00:35:00] Speaker B: Harvard College was founded on this date, October 20, eigth. It was called Harvard College, and before it became a university let's see what else I can tell you about Harvard. I could tell you plenty about. Anyway, this is the anniversary of its founding. Founded, of course, at Cambridge. The Master's General Court voted to provide 400 pounds for a school or college. [00:35:27] Speaker C: 400 pounds of what? [00:35:29] Speaker B: 400 pounds of money. I don't know what a pound is today. It's about $2, isn't it? Maybe a little more or less. So it'd be about $800 they gave. [00:35:41] Speaker G: Now you're asking when. It was founded. [00:35:44] Speaker B: Yes, that's the question. [00:35:45] Speaker C: When was it lost? [00:35:49] Speaker B: Who was the I wish I were home in bed now. What seemed to be a swell night has just deteriorated into a nothingness. Okay, let me start with you, Dorothy. What year? Harvard College. What was the founding year? [00:36:09] Speaker E: That is the oldest university in the United States, isn't it? [00:36:12] Speaker B: I don't think so. I think William and Mary is no, William and Mary. [00:36:16] Speaker E: I wondered the same thing. [00:36:19] Speaker C: Latin, I believe, is the oldest public school boston. In Boston. But I think William and Mary is the earliest college. [00:36:27] Speaker D: I think it is. [00:36:28] Speaker B: I think it's older than Harvard, I. [00:36:31] Speaker E: Believe around 1635 or so. [00:36:34] Speaker B: Is that the year you're going to suggest now? [00:36:36] Speaker E: 16, I'm writing down. [00:36:38] Speaker D: Okay. [00:36:39] Speaker B: And Russell. What year do you think Harvard College was? [00:36:47] Speaker D: Okay. [00:36:47] Speaker G: And Arlene, I would say 1780. [00:36:51] Speaker B: 217, 82. [00:36:55] Speaker D: Okay. [00:36:55] Speaker B: Jack? [00:36:56] Speaker C: 1630. [00:36:58] Speaker B: 816, 38. And Ed? [00:37:02] Speaker I: 1680. [00:37:04] Speaker D: 1680. Okay. [00:37:06] Speaker B: 1636 is correct. [00:37:10] Speaker D: Yes. [00:37:11] Speaker B: And Dorothy said 1635. [00:37:13] Speaker E: Wow. [00:37:14] Speaker B: And Jack was not far off with the 30. 816, 38. [00:37:18] Speaker D: I know. [00:37:18] Speaker C: It had, like, a rounded bottom. The last number six. [00:37:24] Speaker D: Eight. [00:37:24] Speaker G: When they came up rock, they just went and started ran around. [00:37:29] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:37:30] Speaker B: It started very quickly after Plymouth, which was 1620, of course. Well, you got to figure that some. [00:37:36] Speaker C: Of the Pilgrims kids were all, like, in their late teens by that point. They needed someplace to go, get out. [00:37:43] Speaker B: Of the parents, build a building. Yeah. Besides, they had a whole lot of Indian and Polynesian restaurants in the area. [00:37:57] Speaker G: We had to spend $34 just to walk on the ship. [00:38:01] Speaker B: Really? [00:38:02] Speaker G: Oh, yeah. $34 to walk on that makeover of. [00:38:07] Speaker B: The Mayflower, the replica. Well, that was the charge for all of you, though, was it? [00:38:13] Speaker H: No. [00:38:14] Speaker B: One person that much apiece. [00:38:16] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:38:17] Speaker B: If you wanted to go let me say this. [00:38:20] Speaker G: If you didn't want to go to the Village, it was $12. [00:38:25] Speaker B: What did you want to say, Russell? [00:38:27] Speaker F: Russ. The name of this game is the Dumb Birthday Game. [00:38:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:38:32] Speaker F: So I wind up as the dumbest person. [00:38:36] Speaker B: No, you don't. Don't say that. [00:38:38] Speaker F: I should get some sort of a. [00:38:40] Speaker G: Prize for being dumb. [00:38:43] Speaker B: No, this is all just in good spirits, as you can tell. [00:38:46] Speaker E: I'm sure however many more there are, Russell, I'll probably make a clean sweep of all of them. Great. [00:38:54] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. [00:38:55] Speaker G: Wow. [00:38:56] Speaker E: I'm trying to instill confidence in you, Russell. [00:38:59] Speaker F: Would you knock off for a little while? I'd like to talk with her. [00:39:02] Speaker E: I'm trying to instill self confidence in you, Russell. [00:39:06] Speaker F: Why have all the self confidence in the world? [00:39:08] Speaker E: Well, I mean, as far as the next few minutes. [00:39:11] Speaker B: Okay, okay. Anyway, Dorothy, hold on. And Ed will talk with just a minute. Take your name and address so we can send a whole lot of worthless stuff. That's the end of the game. Yeah, that's the end of the game. Is that sad that it's the end of the game. [00:39:29] Speaker E: Yeah, I want to thank you for the letter that came in the mail today or yesterday. [00:39:36] Speaker B: I sent you a letter. [00:39:37] Speaker E: Yeah, because I won the prize of the party book. Party theme book. [00:39:42] Speaker B: Oh, you got the book, right. Okay, well, that's good. I'm glad they were delivered. Is that somebody hanging me? [00:39:50] Speaker I: Not me. [00:39:51] Speaker G: Wasn't me. [00:39:52] Speaker I: I can't really hang up, though. [00:39:54] Speaker B: Is that you, Russell? You still there? I guess we know who hung up then, don't we? [00:40:00] Speaker E: Okay, but there's another click. [00:40:02] Speaker B: There's another click. OK, let's see. Russell is not with us. And Arlene, I thank you very much for playing the game. [00:40:09] Speaker G: I appreciate your humor with me. [00:40:13] Speaker B: Okay, thank you very much. You're a good sport. [00:40:17] Speaker G: Just one little question. Not question, just a comment. My mom listens to you every night and I said, do you listen to him? Because I used to listen to Larry Glick all the time, and now I'm listening to him going, wow, my mother listens to you and she's so uptight, but she listens to you. [00:40:42] Speaker B: Well, I appreciate that. I appreciate the fact that you listen to Arlene. [00:40:45] Speaker G: Oh, absolutely. [00:40:46] Speaker B: I'm just so darn flattered. [00:40:48] Speaker G: No, you're a lovely man. [00:40:49] Speaker B: Thank you, Arlene. [00:40:50] Speaker G: And you appreciate humans. You're a good guy. You're one of the good guys. [00:40:58] Speaker B: Well, thank you very much. I don't know what to say. [00:41:03] Speaker G: I just want you to cry. [00:41:06] Speaker B: I'm going to cry. No, I mentioned that. I mentioned that the only thing I had never heard on radio was somebody really crying, some talk host breaking down into tears and really sobbing for at least a minute or two or three. And I've never done that. No, I've never heard anybody ever do that because I've done just about everything else in broadcasting, but I've never broken down into real. See, now, these are recreations of tears. They're not the real thing. [00:41:41] Speaker G: You're a good guy. You're a riot. You just make people smile. [00:41:45] Speaker B: Thank you very much, Ellen. I got to get going now, but I appreciate the good comment, but you never heard anybody really cry on radio. I mean, sincerely cry. You heard people acting like they were crying. You heard people laugh. So since I've done everything from broadcasting wrestling bouts to talking to Arlene, there's nothing left for me except I've got to explore new frontiers. [00:42:11] Speaker C: A good weep is what you need. And what you'll be doing is you'll be opening up the fields for more people on the radio to get on there in just plain old weep. [00:42:19] Speaker B: I think that's a good thing. I think we can cleanse our souls by crying. What are we talking about? I don't understand this whole thing. Anyway, Ed, thank you very much for playing the game. And I know you're going to talk to Dorothy. [00:42:33] Speaker E: That's right. May I make a correction with an apology? I gave you some misinformation last week about I can't get started. Yeah, I told you it was Vernon Duke, but I said that the lyrics were by George Gershwin, when in fact. [00:42:52] Speaker B: It was okay, okay, so Vernon Duke wrote the gerstwin wrote the words, the lyrics. [00:43:02] Speaker D: Okay. [00:43:02] Speaker B: I thought Vernon I know that George wrote music, but I thought Vernon I. [00:43:07] Speaker E: Have a great book, and I photocopied some of the pages that I want to mail to you from the complete lyrics of IRA Gershwin with all sorts of variations on the song. I can't get started. [00:43:19] Speaker B: Well, that's very nice you to do that, Dorothy. [00:43:22] Speaker E: And happy Tasty East to you. I learned more about Tasty East than I thought I would ever learn. [00:43:31] Speaker B: Okay, hold on a minute. And Ed will get you. In fact, here he comes right this moment. Thanks for playing the game, Dorothy. [00:43:38] Speaker E: You, too. Goodbye. [00:43:39] Speaker B: Bye bye now. [00:43:40] Speaker D: Okay. [00:43:40] Speaker B: And let's see, who else have I not said goodbye? I haven't said goodbye to you. [00:43:43] Speaker D: Jack? Yeah? [00:43:44] Speaker C: Did you know that I am actually calling you from the new traffic tower? [00:43:48] Speaker B: Oh, you're in a new place? The still in the same building? No, different building. [00:43:54] Speaker C: Different building. [00:43:55] Speaker B: How far from the Pru are you now? [00:43:57] Speaker C: Way crosstown? No, we're at Rover by Government Center. [00:44:03] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [00:44:04] Speaker B: By government center. [00:44:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:44:06] Speaker B: Some building and government center, eh? [00:44:09] Speaker D: Yes. [00:44:10] Speaker B: Can you disclose what building that is? [00:44:13] Speaker C: We're at Bullfinch place. [00:44:15] Speaker B: Oh, you're right. Near channel seven. [00:44:21] Speaker C: Yeah, matter of fact I see. [00:44:24] Speaker B: Because I used to work in that building. [00:44:26] Speaker C: Is that right? [00:44:27] Speaker B: Yeah, I worked for WRKO at one point. Sure. And they were located in that building. And it's a very interesting part of the world. [00:44:37] Speaker C: Yes, it is. Then we're on that very floor. [00:44:42] Speaker B: What very floor is that? [00:44:44] Speaker C: Floor that RKO used to be on. [00:44:45] Speaker B: Oh, I see. That's around the what, 2nd 3rd floor something? Fourth floor. Fourth floor. [00:44:49] Speaker D: Fourth floor. I say. [00:44:52] Speaker B: Well, good luck in your new headquarters. [00:44:55] Speaker C: And do you know that they are not only lush, but they are indeed overly ostentatious? [00:45:01] Speaker B: They were that way. That's why I left the station. Yeah, I remember being there, but it's kind of interesting. It's a lonely place at night because there are no stores or anything, even in the evening. [00:45:15] Speaker C: Well, there is a 24 hours store, but that there's a little bit of a hike, but pretty much, yeah. Everything shuts down tight as a drum, like a little country village. [00:45:25] Speaker B: Well, I hope you're very happy there, and perhaps we can get together one day next week. We'll pick out some furniture, maybe a little rug, a little some curtains. [00:45:35] Speaker C: Anyway, take a recline and chair. [00:45:38] Speaker B: We'll talk to you soon. [00:45:39] Speaker C: Okay. [00:45:41] Speaker H: Although the F word got bantered around quite a bit this morning. [00:45:46] Speaker B: When you say the F word, that scares me. [00:45:49] Speaker H: Dear Lord. My mother and my grandmother, they're having heart attacks. I can hear it now, but you know, Norm, that's not why I called. [00:45:56] Speaker B: You sound so lovely. No wonder Jack is absolutely crazy about you and helps you. Well, I don't get to see Jack too often. [00:46:05] Speaker H: Well, this is the reason that, you know, of all the worthless information that he has, and God knows he has so much of it. And he's busy telling you about his plush, but not overly ostentatious studios there at Channel Seven at Bullfinch Place. And he's busy telling you all these things he neglected to tell you the one important thing that he was supposed to tell you. Norm. [00:46:24] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:46:25] Speaker H: And that is that tomorrow night, which is really tonight at 11:00 saturday tonight. [00:46:30] Speaker B: Saturday night eleven, yes. [00:46:31] Speaker H: Will be the premiere of he and I working together for the first time ever. This is a world broadcast premiere, and he was supposed to shamelessly plug it. And did he do that? [00:46:42] Speaker B: No, he did not even suggest I don't even know what this is. So tell me. [00:46:46] Speaker H: Well, like, twelve people will be listening, but if there's twelve more people that will listen this is why I'm talking to you. It's going to be boston Cable. Viewers can listen to the audio portion of the program on A 26. [00:47:01] Speaker B: A 26? [00:47:02] Speaker E: Yes. [00:47:03] Speaker B: 11:00 p.m.. This very night. [00:47:05] Speaker H: This very night, as a matter of fact, we had a research team sort of determine the best programming time to have a show like this, and we determined that it was before the Norm Maven show. So that's why we have the eleven to twelve. [00:47:18] Speaker B: I see. [00:47:19] Speaker D: Okay. [00:47:20] Speaker B: Actually, tonight I come on at eleven, so we're going to be competing for that hour. But I hope a lot of people listen to you because I think that I wish I could listen to you, too. [00:47:30] Speaker H: Well, we'll tape it for you. [00:47:31] Speaker D: Okay? [00:47:32] Speaker B: Would you do that? [00:47:33] Speaker H: Yeah. We've got all kinds of fun things planned. [00:47:35] Speaker D: Okay. [00:47:36] Speaker B: Because even at home I couldn't hear you because I'm not in the Boston cable system. But people who are then tuned to 826. [00:47:44] Speaker H: 826 at 11:00 tonight at eleven. And there'll be drama, comedy, and no doubt with he and I together in the same room. Just a little bit of tragedy. [00:47:56] Speaker B: Come on. Come on, you saucy miss. Isn't that nice? Now, I know he's done this kind of work lots of times before. [00:48:08] Speaker H: Yeah, it's the talking information channel, actually. [00:48:10] Speaker B: Right. And so this time he's doing it with someone he thinks especially wonderful. And also the fact that you have a female and a male, you can do many more varied kinds of exactly. [00:48:22] Speaker H: I get the feeling I'm going to end up being sort of the Julie the cruise director and being the straight gal, and he'll end up being his silly little self. [00:48:32] Speaker B: Well, that may be. That's what George Burns thought when he started working with Gracie Allen and he found that she got more laughs than he did, and that's when they reversed roles. And he said, for 37 years, all I said was, so tell me, Gracie, how's your brother. So then I sat back and she did all the work. It might turn out to be the same kind of thing with you guys. [00:48:54] Speaker H: And, you know, she was the business, and here I am making this programming note to you because he neglected to do so. [00:49:01] Speaker B: So you're the business person. Also, he is so lucky to have. [00:49:04] Speaker H: I'm a pushy broad. [00:49:06] Speaker B: No, you're not a pushy broad. He happens to be a derelict, lazy person who's not fulfilling his duties. [00:49:14] Speaker H: That slacker attitude. [00:49:15] Speaker B: You know what it was, and you're picking up on that because you're a decent human being. How can you like this person? [00:49:22] Speaker H: Well, you know what happened? I think it was. Was it Dorothy from White Plains? [00:49:27] Speaker B: From York. [00:49:29] Speaker H: Oh, okay. She was so sweet. I think she flustered him, so he probably got all undone and distracted. [00:49:38] Speaker B: That may be. Is that your name, monim? That's such a pretty name. [00:49:42] Speaker H: Yes, it's Irish. [00:49:43] Speaker B: Moneem as Irish. [00:49:45] Speaker H: It's Pat Murphy's. [00:49:45] Speaker B: Pig. It's Pat Murphy's. [00:49:48] Speaker D: Pig. [00:49:50] Speaker B: Murphy's pig. [00:49:51] Speaker H: Yeah. That's pretty Irish. [00:49:53] Speaker B: And how do you spell Moneem? [00:49:55] Speaker H: Carefully. M-O-N-E-E-N. [00:49:59] Speaker B: It's written out on a monitor screen exactly like that. But you can tell we don't trust producer Spellings. [00:50:06] Speaker H: I wouldn't either. [00:50:11] Speaker B: I'll trust Ed LeClaire. [00:50:12] Speaker H: From here on out of Shirley MCI. You never know what they're doing. Watch your back, Norm. [00:50:17] Speaker D: Okay. [00:50:18] Speaker B: 826 tonight, 11:00. All America will be listening. [00:50:22] Speaker H: Yeah, well, all of, like, part of Chelsea, maybe, I don't know. Somebody will be listening and we'll have fun. Oh, and here's the other important thing, is we're going to have, for the first time ever, I believe, on that frequency, live calls, so people can call at 1806 96950. [00:50:42] Speaker B: Aren't I shameless? You sneak. [00:50:44] Speaker H: I know. [00:50:45] Speaker B: Okay, what is the number again? [00:50:47] Speaker H: 1806 969505. [00:50:54] Speaker B: Okay, that's sort of we call it. And also, it's interesting you have a toll free number and we don't even have that here. I think it's really nice. They're obviously a little freer with the cash than the Westinghouse people are, so I think that's nice. [00:51:12] Speaker H: But you have the beautiful WBZ commissary and Whirlpool and the farmer and of. [00:51:19] Speaker B: Course, the hall of fame. We have here. We have all kinds of wonderful stuff. The souvenir shop. [00:51:25] Speaker E: Oh, yes. [00:51:26] Speaker H: I bought several things. A nice see through visor there, actually, that has your name on it. [00:51:31] Speaker B: Well, yeah, it's also on the T shirts and the baseball caps. We're being silly now. Hey, Moni. It's a pleasure. I hope you get lots of listeners, and it's always a pleasure to talk with you. [00:51:43] Speaker H: Well, and same to you. And thank you for letting me shamelessly plug. [00:51:48] Speaker B: I'm glad you did. And get on that other guy there. [00:51:51] Speaker H: Make him oh, we're working on it. We're raising the level of professionalism. [00:51:56] Speaker B: Okay, take care. [00:51:58] Speaker H: Okay, Normie. [00:51:59] Speaker B: Bye bye. Monique. [00:52:00] Speaker E: Bye bye. [00:52:01] Speaker A: Wasn't it just so darn nice to hear from Monine at 04:00 a.m.? We overnight. People are a special breed. Let me be the first to wish you a happy Halloween. Have a ghoulishly good time. [00:52:14] Speaker B: You are talking about the nonsensical ravings. [00:52:17] Speaker A: Of a lunatic mind closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it. For traffic news collections gorging oneself while enjoying a harem glendale Square, Everett, Mass. Dancing around the Maypole uptight moms who love Norm being hip by association older guys with good souls smelly feet staying regular stammering outsiders doing your gazintas polka Time pens Jones Prize analyzing letters the Dumb Birthday Game tacky Prize swap Meet readers Digest the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery the Tapanzee Bridge ruined and hopeless lives, forgetting the Question friedrich August Battoldi and his mom the Statue of Liberty david Copperfield bullfinch Place Monin bringing up the F word fiance pat Murphy's Pig the long sought after, toll free number the WBZ. Commissary whirlpool Helicopter Farm and Food Store Hall of Fame and Souvenir Shop ed LeClaire Monine Daley, Jack Hart and one of the riotous Good Guys and weeping, soul cleansing radio hosts, Norm Nathan I'm the very lucky Tony Nesbitt.

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