Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 180

Episode 180 March 17, 2024 00:54:24
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 180
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 180

Mar 17 2024 | 00:54:24


Show Notes

It’s your lucky day fans, why? Because it’s St. Patrick’s Day? Maybe. But more so because it’s another DBG from Norm Nathan’s Vault of Silliness! This one is from March 14th, 1992.

I’ve titled it: Norman Go Bragh

We begin with the world famous DBG Theme and then it’s on to the game.


Mark from Harper’s Ferry, W.VA

Mary from Kittery, ME!

Patrick in Arlington

Debbie in Wellesley!

Tony producing and on the phone from MC and sick as a dog but standing steadfast in my radio duties

Jack Harte in Traffic



Les Brown

Quincy Jones

Billy Crystal

Hank Ketcham

Michael Caine

Rita Tushingham

And Kirby Puckett

Events in History:

In what year did Pres. Warren G. Harding become the first Chief Executive to file an income tax report? 

A historical, dead bday to break a tie:

Albert Einstein was born in what year?


We hear one WBZ promo for Accuweather and then Norm gives us the chilly forecast.

He also reads a story about Farm Aid 5.

And we take one call from?



Ep 180, Norman Go Bragh, steps its way to your ears…now. 


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: It's your lucky day, fans. Why? Because it's St. Patrick's Day? Maybe, but more so because it's another dumb birthday game from norm nathan's vault of silliness. This one is from March 14, 1992. I've titled it Norman Gobra. We begin with the world famous dumb birthday game theme, and then it's on to the game. The players. Mark from Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, you, Mary from Kitre, Patrick in Arlington, Debbie in Wellesley. I'm producing and on the phone from master control and sick as a dog, but standing steadfast in my radio duties in jack Hart in traffic. The birthdays. Oh, by the way, the birthdays with all the sound effects. Les Brown, Quincy Jones, Billy Crystal, Hank Ketchum, Michael Caine, Rita Tushingham and Kirby Puggett. We get two, count them, two events in history. In what year did President Warren G. Harding become the first chief executive to file an income tax report? And then a historical dead birthday? To break a tie, Albert Einstein was born in what year? We hear one WBZ promo for Accuweather. And then Norm gives us the chilly forecast. He reads a story about, at the time, what was farmaid? Five. And we take one call from Wolfie. Episode 180, Norman Gobra steps its way to your ears. [00:01:31] Speaker B: Now play the dumb, dumb, dumb dum dum birthday game. You don't need skill, you don't have to be a brain. You just call Norm to play the dumb birthday game. Play the dumb, dumb birthday game. [00:01:53] Speaker C: Okay, thank you very much. That's the game we're about to play. And let me introduce you to members of the panel. This is where we guess the ages of people who are born on this day. We're now into March 14, Saturday the 14th. We have Mark with us, who we talked with a little while ago from West Virginia. Hello. Nice to have you with us, Mark. [00:02:13] Speaker B: Glad to be here. [00:02:14] Speaker C: I imagine you're all excited about seeing how well you do. Eh? [00:02:18] Speaker B: I'm just filled with excitement. [00:02:22] Speaker C: I can just tell by the way that you're just bubbling over. And we also have Mary from Kitri. How are you doing, Mary? [00:02:30] Speaker D: Good. [00:02:31] Speaker C: Okay. We'll be playing the game right now, and we'll also have with us Patrick, who's in Arlington. Hi, Patrick. [00:02:37] Speaker B: Hi, Norm. I'm sorry. When I was talking to you, I never wish you a happy St. Patrick's Day, so I'm doing it now. Dear Norm, happy St. Patrick's day. [00:02:47] Speaker C: Well, thank you. And happy St. Patrick's day to you, too, Patrick. Thank you, Debbie. Hi, Debbie's. Out in Wellesley. [00:02:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:02:56] Speaker C: Is this your first. No. This is not the first time you played with us. [00:02:59] Speaker B: No. [00:02:59] Speaker C: That's right. I remember. Let's see if I remember. Was it your mother who talked you into it the first time? Yeah, that's right. Since then you've been. That's right. And now. Now you're on your own. [00:03:10] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:03:11] Speaker C: Okay. Well, it's very good to have you with us, too, Debbie. And also good to have Tony, who's not doing too well physically. I mean, aside from the body is extremely weak and all that is not feeling too well today. [00:03:28] Speaker B: That's right. [00:03:28] Speaker C: Let's hear your voice as you kind of whimper a little bit with a bad cold. [00:03:33] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm here. [00:03:35] Speaker C: Okay. [00:03:36] Speaker B: Is that okay? Do I sound all right? [00:03:39] Speaker C: I'm sorry. I couldn't understand anything you just said, very much. Okay. We can understand. It's going to be a good game. Jack Hart. Hello. Don't make fun of the sick and disabled. [00:03:54] Speaker B: I'll cough on you. [00:03:55] Speaker C: That's not nice. That's right. They'll cough on you and you'll be out for a month. Well, it's good to have all of you who are with us. And here's a fellow we almost had with us, but I don't know, he just didn't seem to be exuberant enough. We're just so gosh darn excited. Yeah. I don't know why I played that little thing that's on some commercial we have here. Anyway, okay, here's the first birthday, then we have to guess. See, how old is a man who's been an orchestra leader, band leader, big swing band leader for a lot of years. He's had a lot of good people. In fact, Doris Day sang with his band and he also toured a number of times with Bob Hope. I think he went overseas with Bob Hope when he played many of the military camps. Les Brown and his band of renowned band of renown. That's right. Mark, how old do you think? Are you familiar with Les Brown? [00:04:56] Speaker B: No, I'm not. I, of course, know who. Bob Hope, fifth. So I'll try and judge it on that. [00:05:02] Speaker C: Okay. [00:05:02] Speaker B: Around that time period, 78. [00:05:06] Speaker C: Okay. And, Mary, what do you think? Are you familiar with Les Brown and his band of renown? And leapfrog, which was his theme song and sentimental journey he did with Doris Day singing. He's done a lot of good things. He had one of the real good bands through the years. [00:05:22] Speaker D: Yes. I'll just take a guess. 71. [00:05:26] Speaker C: 71. Okay, Patrick, what do you say? [00:05:28] Speaker B: 81. [00:05:30] Speaker C: And Debbie? [00:05:32] Speaker D: 81. [00:05:33] Speaker C: 81. You like the way Patrick said that and you figured, hey. [00:05:36] Speaker B: Hi, Debbie. [00:05:37] Speaker D: Hi. [00:05:38] Speaker B: How are you? [00:05:40] Speaker C: I think we have a romance buddy. [00:05:42] Speaker B: Married Debbie. Sorry. [00:05:44] Speaker C: Okay, Tony, what do you say? How old is Les Brown? [00:05:48] Speaker B: Les Brown is 80. 88. [00:05:55] Speaker C: 80. And what do you say, Jack? Sort of like a piano. 88. Yes. Why, yes, I would say that he's 86. 80. Okay, let us check the actual age of Les Brown, leader of the band of Renaissance. Sounds more like Benny Goodman, but is it? But it's a big swing band and it's certainly appropriate. You bet you. The actual age of Les Brown today. He is 80 years old. Patrick said 81. And that would have been also. Debbie said 81. Son of a gun. Son of a gun. So Patrick and Debbie were just one year off and both had won that. What about Quincy Jones? [00:06:51] Speaker B: What about him? [00:06:52] Speaker C: Quincy Jones has won a lot of Grammys. He's done a lot of. Has he worked with Michael Jackson in recent years? He used to work with the Count Basie band. He did some great arrangements for Count Basie and several other big jazz bands at one time. Now, he put together that whole we are the world song. We are the world. Quincy Jones. That's right. And you see him a lot on the award shows and stuff. Let us start with you, Jack. How old is Quincy Jones on this very day? Quincy Jones. Quincy Jones. If he lived around here, he'd be Quincy Jones. Yeah. Or he could be Quincy Adams. 58. 58. Okay. Antony? [00:07:42] Speaker B: 57. [00:07:45] Speaker C: 57. What do you think, Debbie? Winner of co. Winner of the first round. [00:07:53] Speaker D: 56. [00:07:55] Speaker C: 56. I see. 58. 57. 56. Who give us 55. I see. And Patrick? 60. Okay. Mary? [00:08:08] Speaker D: 55. [00:08:08] Speaker C: 55. And what do you say, Mark? [00:08:13] Speaker B: 53. [00:08:15] Speaker C: 53. [00:08:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:17] Speaker C: Okay. Now let us check the actual age of Quincy Jones. Great composer, arranger, orchestra leader. Quincy Jones is. And if he wanted to play drums, probably could play just as good as this. Quincy Jones actually is 59 years old, which means Patrick said 60 and he's the closest. [00:08:52] Speaker B: No, Jack. [00:08:53] Speaker C: Wait a minute. I said 58 tonight. [00:08:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:55] Speaker C: Or is that Tony? Oh, that's right. You did say. [00:08:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:58] Speaker E: No, that's right. [00:08:59] Speaker B: Jack is wrong. I did say it. [00:09:01] Speaker C: No, Tony said 57. Jack said 58. So Jack and Patrick. Well, thank you. Patrick now has two correct answers. And Jack has one. And Debbie has one. And Billy Crystal, one of my favorite. Not only comics, but actors. Billy Crystal. Fun. Of course, the newest movie called City Slickers with Jack Palatz. Anyway, let's start with you, Patrick. How old do you think Billy Crystal is today? [00:09:34] Speaker B: I was waiting for that. You were going to start, Crystal. [00:09:41] Speaker C: Well, you won the first two rounds. Got to start. [00:09:45] Speaker B: Billy Crystal. [00:09:47] Speaker C: Billy Crystal. [00:09:49] Speaker B: I don't know who he is. [00:09:51] Speaker C: You don't know who he is? [00:09:52] Speaker B: No. I think I have a face in front of me, and the face I have, I'm going to throw. [00:09:58] Speaker C: When Harry met Sally, 49. Yeah, he was in. When Harry met Sally. Did you see 47? Okay, that's your guess, is 47. 47. Okay, 47. And Mary, what do you think? [00:10:16] Speaker D: 53. [00:10:17] Speaker C: 53. And Debbie? [00:10:20] Speaker D: 36. [00:10:21] Speaker C: 36. Okay, Jack, what do you say? 41. 41. Okay. Tony? [00:10:30] Speaker B: 41. [00:10:32] Speaker C: 41. [00:10:33] Speaker B: That's the ticket. Okay, Mark, 40. And he went to school in West Virginia. He went to college in West Virginia. [00:10:40] Speaker C: Which college was that? [00:10:41] Speaker B: Marshall University. [00:10:43] Speaker C: Did he. [00:10:43] Speaker B: That's in Huntington, West Virginia. [00:10:45] Speaker C: Son of a gun. And he's from Long Beach, New York. [00:10:49] Speaker B: Right. I don't know how in the world he ended up in West Virginia, but I do know that he went to school there. [00:10:55] Speaker C: Okay, let's now check and see how old he is. On this very day, March 14, Billy Crystal is a lot of people laughing at many of his routines, including that video he made as Sammy Davis, Jr. Remember that one? Has done some funny stuff. Anyway, he's 45 years old. Let me figure this. I think Patrick has won this one, too. He said 47. [00:11:23] Speaker B: Clean it up. [00:11:24] Speaker C: Yeah. Patrick is the sole winner. Patrick is not even familiar with american entertainers, or so he would have you believe. [00:11:35] Speaker B: I'm familiar with entertainment. [00:11:38] Speaker C: I guess you really are because you got three in a row. [00:11:41] Speaker B: Watch old movies. I like old movies. I love black and white John Wayne. [00:11:45] Speaker C: You like black and white John Wayne? Is that what you said? [00:11:49] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what I said. [00:11:50] Speaker C: What does that mean? You like black and white John Wayne? [00:11:53] Speaker B: When John Wayne was a man? [00:11:56] Speaker C: That was before the operation. No, what do you mean, you like black and white? [00:12:05] Speaker B: They colorized him. [00:12:07] Speaker C: Oh, I see. Oh, we're talking about the. [00:12:10] Speaker B: I see the old film. [00:12:12] Speaker C: Well, that's okay. [00:12:13] Speaker B: Hand made film. [00:12:15] Speaker C: As long as you like me. At some point in my career, you're. [00:12:19] Speaker B: Probably thinking that's what he sounded like after the operation. [00:12:23] Speaker C: That's what he sounded like in the color black and white. He sounded much better. Okay, how about now? Hank ketchum. Here's one that's a little more remote. Hank Ketchum is the Dennis the menace, the artist, the cartoonist, who does dennis the Menace. Wasn't he on BZ about a year and a half ago? Was he? Was David Brutnoy? Maybe? It could very well have been. I don't recall that. I just don't recall that. And I'm sick about it. Let's start with you, Mary. Hank Ketchum, cartoonist. Dennis the Menace. Let's see. I guess that's all anybody can do. He was born in Seattle, Washington. [00:13:09] Speaker D: If it'll help you, I'll say 38. [00:13:14] Speaker C: 38 for Hank Ketchum. I think Dennis the menace is older than that. He started before he was born. That's right. Debbie, what do you say? How old does Hank catch him? [00:13:29] Speaker D: 77. [00:13:31] Speaker C: 37. How much? 770-7777. Okay. And Jack, you know that Dennis, he's such a menace. I'd say he was 74. Was that why they call him Dennis the menace? Were you making humor on that? I was attempting to. I see. Because he's known as Dennis the Menace. Never mind. I see. Okay, Mark, what do you think? [00:14:06] Speaker B: I'll go with 71. [00:14:08] Speaker C: 71, okay, Tony. [00:14:12] Speaker B: Sorry about that. I had to do something. He's probably at least pushing easily. 73. [00:14:22] Speaker C: And Patrick? [00:14:25] Speaker B: Patrick will get here. I'll be good to the guy and I'll say 69. [00:14:34] Speaker C: 69, okay. Are you familiar with Dennis the Menace? Comic strip character, also television program. [00:14:44] Speaker B: Cartoon character, yes, but not the actual person. I didn't even know there was Dennis. [00:14:51] Speaker C: Did you like him better in black and white than the Sunday comic strip which is in color? [00:14:59] Speaker B: It's one of my most hated comics. [00:15:03] Speaker C: Okay, you're still. Okay. Let us check the actual age of Hank Ketchum. Is that the Dennis the menace theme? Hey, that's pretty good. Starring J. North as Dennis with Jackhart as the beaver. The actual age of Hank Ketchum is 72. So we have two winners. We have Tony, who has said 73. And we have mark down in West Virginia who said 71. And they came the closest to his actual age. And how about storming? Pardon me? [00:15:56] Speaker B: The south is starting to storm. Bill Clinton land is coming. [00:16:02] Speaker C: I see. How about Michael Cain, who talks funny also? Anyway, Michael Cain, the actor. He was also born on March 14. A lot of interesting people born on this day. Let's start with Tony on this one. How old is Michael Cain? Tony. [00:16:20] Speaker E: Michael Cain. [00:16:21] Speaker B: Is he that old? He's been in so many movies. [00:16:26] Speaker C: He's in about four movies a month. [00:16:28] Speaker B: Yeah, at least. [00:16:29] Speaker C: And never turns anything. [00:16:31] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll say he's 59. [00:16:39] Speaker C: 59. [00:16:40] Speaker B: I just can't see him as 60 yet. But that's why I said 50. [00:16:43] Speaker C: Okay, so you're still looking at this. Okay, Debbie, what do you think? [00:16:51] Speaker D: 61. [00:16:53] Speaker C: 61. Okay. And Jack. And you know, the eternal question in life is what's it all about? Alfie, that is the eternal question. You know, the answer to that 61, you're going to say the same as Debbie. Oh, okay. Yeah. You didn't realize Debbie had said that? I guess I heard it, but I think I was listening to something that was coming over one of the scanners for a second. I see. Okay, Mark, what do you say? [00:17:22] Speaker B: 58. [00:17:24] Speaker C: And Mary, 57. And Patrick. [00:17:32] Speaker B: 54. [00:17:33] Speaker C: Okay, here's the actual age of Michael Cain. Never before has the giant motion picture screen vibrated to the emotional pathos. Oh, excuse me, Michael. Michael Kane actually is 59. Exactly what Tony said. [00:18:03] Speaker B: My deductive thinking worked. I just couldn't picture him in 60. Yet. [00:18:08] Speaker C: It worked very well, as a matter of fact. He was in a movie with Rita Tushingham. You know the name of that? T u s h I n g h a m. Tushingham. Or can't be Tushingham. Rita Tushingham. He was her teacher and she wanted to learn very much, and I can't. [00:18:28] Speaker B: Educating Rita. [00:18:29] Speaker C: Educating Rita. Was that Rita Tushingham in that one, or am I just mixing up. [00:18:35] Speaker B: I just remember the title of the movie. I just don't remember anything about a Tushingham. [00:18:41] Speaker C: Well, anyway, this is Rita's birthday today. I thought that would be a tie in, having been born the same date as Michael Caine. Let's ask you, Jack. How old do you think Rita Tushingham is? Rita Tushingham. And her brother Tommy. Chicken leg Rita Tushingham. I'll take a. It would sort of be like a chicken, wouldn't it? If you want to be legged. Yeah, I suppose you're right. Yeah. So you're going to have to take a backseat to this one. We're a little behind in time. Well, I know that. [00:19:32] Speaker B: Nobody but in, though. [00:19:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm going to say 43. 43. Okay. And what do you say, Tony? [00:19:46] Speaker B: I wonder if she's the butt of many jokes growing up. [00:19:49] Speaker C: I understand she grew up in the dairy area. [00:19:54] Speaker B: Hey, I have another one I could say, but a little about a wise crack. She's 44. [00:20:08] Speaker C: I'd be glad when we get through this one. Debbie, what do you say? [00:20:13] Speaker B: Cheeky. [00:20:14] Speaker D: Now 45. [00:20:15] Speaker C: 45. Okay. And Patrick? [00:20:21] Speaker B: 42. [00:20:22] Speaker C: 42. 42. Patrick of Arlington says safari. I think there's a joke in there. Too far. I think we're boarding very close. Not already there. Mary, what do you think? [00:20:45] Speaker D: 43. [00:20:47] Speaker C: 43. [00:20:49] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:49] Speaker C: And, Mark, what do you say? [00:20:51] Speaker E: 41. [00:20:52] Speaker C: 41. I wonder if she was always the butt of jokes. Did I say that? That's the third time the word butt has been raised. Okay. Rita Tushingham is actually 50 years old today. She's older than any of you said. But the closest to what Debbie said, she said 45. Okay, so we got one from Mark, and we've got three correct answers from Patrick and two from Debbie and Tony, and one from Jack and Mary. We're rooting for you on this next one. Yeah, we don't have a correct answer from you yet, or the hoping. We're hoping, Mary, that you do, kid, or remain proud. Okay, well, let's do Kirby pocket, the little fat outfielder with the Minnesota twins, who's a great ball player, runs very nicely, hits like a demon, but that looks as much like a ball player as I do. [00:22:11] Speaker B: His name fits him, doesn't know. Kind of stocky. [00:22:18] Speaker C: That almost sounds like an old New England name. Hi, my name is Kirby Puckett. My family's on this general store up here in Prescott for about, I'd say, four or five generations. My father was Sam Paquette. Before him was Austin Paquette. My name is Kirby Paquette. That's kind of a whole new look on the guy, doesn't it? I'm the fat guy. Plays baseball. Kirby packet. People wonder how I can run so fast being such a fat little guy, you know? Anyway, so much of that. [00:23:03] Speaker B: Oh, are you going to tell us why he runs so fast? [00:23:05] Speaker C: I was really into the story, I know it. If I could think of a smart answer. You guys are the smart answer. Guys, you give me one, especially a tasteless one, which would be awful nice right now. Burritos. Burritos. Start with. Let's see who we start with this time. Let's start with you, Jack. How old is Kirby packet? Kirby. Kirby packet? I'd have to say, without knowing who he is, that he was maybe about 32. 32 years old. Okay. That's awful good guess. That's no clue. I'm going to say that about every guest that comes in. [00:24:00] Speaker B: Now, Tony, now you've confused me. [00:24:04] Speaker C: How old is Kirby packet? Still playing baseball? [00:24:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:08] Speaker C: Oh, you know that. [00:24:09] Speaker B: Okay, 30. [00:24:15] Speaker C: Okay. And Debbie? [00:24:18] Speaker D: 34. [00:24:21] Speaker C: 34. Does Debbie have the cutest little voice? [00:24:23] Speaker B: I was thinking the same thing. [00:24:25] Speaker C: Were you thinking the same? [00:24:26] Speaker B: I feel better already. [00:24:27] Speaker C: Yeah, that's really nice. That's right, Debbie, you're helping Tony clear out his sinuses. [00:24:35] Speaker B: That's a pretty picture. [00:24:37] Speaker C: Yes. Yeah, I know. Maybe I should have painted a more romantic image than that. I don't know. Is it all knowing that the named Kirby packet cleaning out the soynesses is always an awful noise thing there when you plow in the back? 40. Can't do that with stuffed up sinuses. I don't even know what the hell I'm talking about here, anyway, Patrick, here's another guy who's got an accent. Yeah, Patrick Kirby. Puckett. [00:25:12] Speaker B: Kirby. Whatever his name is. [00:25:14] Speaker C: Puckett. It's Kirby Puckett. [00:25:16] Speaker B: Puckett. [00:25:16] Speaker C: Puckett. P U c K E. You're like you say, 27. [00:25:30] Speaker B: 37 without the hedge. [00:25:36] Speaker C: 37. Okay. And what do you think, Mary? [00:25:42] Speaker D: What ball club did you say he played for? [00:25:45] Speaker C: Will that help you determine the age better? [00:25:49] Speaker D: Look more interesting. [00:25:51] Speaker C: Okay. The Minneapolis or the Minnesota twins, who actually play in Bloomington in Minnesota? Well, she knows the average age of each team. I see. Okay, that's right. I'll say 2627-2626 okay. And, Mac, if you lived up here, you know, that's what they'd call you. They'd say, here's Mac. He just come up from West Virginia, so be glad you don't live up here. [00:26:20] Speaker B: I was in basic training this summer for the Army National Guard and had a friend who was from Boston who said my name that way. Mac, who was in my platoon. Yeah, I used to ask him to say my name all the time. I love that. [00:26:34] Speaker C: I've often kidded. My father used to say my name, that mine is Naman. He used to call me Naman. Hey, Naman, when are you going to clean up your room? [00:26:48] Speaker B: I can't picture your father anyone telling you to clean up your room. [00:26:52] Speaker C: He did, actually. I was very neat. I just was trying to think of a word to say with a New England accent, and I don't know why that word. [00:27:01] Speaker B: Naman, who was neat. Okay, talk about Naman. [00:27:05] Speaker C: How about this one instead? Naman. You can't borrow the car again because you don't know how to pack, especially if you go on to West Virginia. What am I ranting and raving for? Mark, how old do you think of Kirby Parker as now that you've had a lot of time to think it over? [00:27:30] Speaker B: Well, Tony steals all my answers, so I'm going to go with it anyway. 30. [00:27:33] Speaker C: 30. Okay, let's get the age of Kirby pocket as we listen to. Take me out to the ball game, I'll bet you. [00:27:44] Speaker B: Give us your invitation. [00:27:45] Speaker C: Normally, Tony Nesbitt is the fellow who, of course, makes these programs a little more exciting by adding his special sound touches. And I just had a feeling it was going to be this. [00:28:00] Speaker B: Come on, give us your invitation. Kirby. [00:28:03] Speaker C: Packet. St. [00:28:04] Speaker B: Peanuts here. [00:28:06] Speaker C: Oh, hot dogs here. Jared. Socks. Yeah. [00:28:16] Speaker B: Book? [00:28:16] Speaker C: Here. Okay. Anyway, the actual age of Kirby Puckett is 31. And I was sent. Tony and Mark both said 30 and Jack said 32, so we had three winners that time. Okay, so what do we got? We got Mark with two, we got Patrick with three, Debbie with two, and Tony and Jack both with. No, no, Tony has three. That's right. He's tied with you trying to rip me off. Yeah. [00:29:00] Speaker B: But, Mary, there must be irish blood in them. [00:29:07] Speaker C: Try to rip people off? You mean. Is that irish blood? Oh, I see. But you're tied with Tony, so we have to have something to resolve this thing here. And, Mary, Mary, we're still rooting for you up there in kittery, Maine. [00:29:25] Speaker D: I'm feeling my age tonight. [00:29:29] Speaker B: Hey, that sounds like a nice thing. I might come up there. Mary. [00:29:36] Speaker C: Would you rather feel my age, baby? Well. Well, Mary, I just don't know. I just don't know. Okay, we'll try one. I thought we'd try this one instead of another person. [00:29:54] Speaker B: No, not one of these things. [00:29:56] Speaker C: Yeah, I was going to give you a year. I was going to give you an event in history, and you tell me the year that you think this happened. Okay. [00:30:03] Speaker B: You know what? Yeah. [00:30:04] Speaker C: It could be fun is if you gave us the year and then we had to guess what happened. No, the answer is the first time a man went over Niagara Falls in a folding beach chair. That's the answer to the year you were thinking. [00:30:19] Speaker B: It's funny you mentioned that, because I know that year. [00:30:24] Speaker C: See if you know this year. Now, I'll start with this year. The president, Warren G. Harding. So that is a clue right there. You had to know he was president. There you go. Became the first chief executive to file an income tax report. So there are two clues there. One was the income tax. One had gone to effect, and one was Warren Harding, president. And, Mary, if you're talking about your age and stuff, I know this happened before you were born. Not long. [00:30:52] Speaker D: Not long. [00:30:54] Speaker C: Maybe not. Okay. Oh, you were born in 29. [00:30:58] Speaker D: So I'll say 1920. [00:31:01] Speaker C: 119. 21. Okay. And, Mark, what do you say? [00:31:07] Speaker B: I'm going to use 1919. [00:31:09] Speaker C: 1919, okay. And Patrick. [00:31:20] Speaker B: Later than that. [00:31:22] Speaker C: In the 2023. What? You said 19. 23. 23. [00:31:34] Speaker B: I'd love to have said torture. [00:31:37] Speaker C: Torture tree would have been nice noise. Anyway, it's the president of Warren G. Hiding. Became the first executive to file an income tax report. And we're looking for the year. Debbie, what year do you think that was? [00:31:51] Speaker D: 23. [00:31:52] Speaker C: You're going to say the same as Patrick A. Debbie. Okay, Tony, what year? [00:32:00] Speaker B: 23 sounds good. [00:32:01] Speaker C: Okay. [00:32:02] Speaker B: But no, I'll say 23. [00:32:04] Speaker C: We back to Tushingham. [00:32:06] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. [00:32:08] Speaker C: Jack, what do you say, Jack? I'll say 22. 22. Okay, let's get the actual year that President Warren G. Hiding became the first chief executive to file an income tax report. Hello, my name is Warren Gamile Harding. This is a very historic moment for me. I have in my hand. Can you hear that? My income tax report. I got Snakey. Pinkus is my lawyer, who my accountant who prepared this. And we're trying to cheat every way we know. Thank you very much. I will file this with my law firm, which is called teapot Dome and scandal. That was a little political statement there. They. Warren Harding was. [00:33:16] Speaker B: Explain that, will you? [00:33:17] Speaker C: Yeah. Warren Harding was not a bad guy, but he looked more presidential than he acted. He was kind of a stupid man and they were robbing him deaf, dumb and blind. And as a result, a teapot dome scandal happened, which had to do with oil rights and stuff. I thought it had to do with. He had this idea to take the dome of the Capitol building and put a spout and handle on it. A lot of people think that, Jack, and that's one of the fallacies and the myths of that time, but it's actually totally wrong and stupid, as has been proven by more recent research. Most recent research says people who believe that have to be thick in the head and dumb between the. Oh, I see. You see, I thought the whole scandal was that the country thought it was silly. Well, it was silly, too, of course. [00:34:04] Speaker B: I think they're doing this on Mari Povich on Monday. [00:34:09] Speaker C: Mari Povich. I can hardly wait for that. These are sexy mothers whose daughters are ashamed of them for being so sexy. Isn't that one of the world's great problems right now? [00:34:22] Speaker B: When was this on? Did I miss it? [00:34:24] Speaker C: No, I saw the promo. It's coming on Monday if you want to watch it. I think it's a VCR. 03:00 Monday on WBZ TV, which is not ashamed to carry anything. What basically boils down to good looking mothers of funny looking daughters. Well, I don't know. The daughters may be okay. I think what the thing is, is the show attractive women is scantily clad, which always gets you a good rating. [00:34:54] Speaker B: I'll be watching. [00:34:55] Speaker C: See what mean. Okay, let's see. We're talking about the actual. The year in which President Warren G. Harding became the first chief executive to file an income tax report. And that year was. [00:35:09] Speaker B: I already played the. [00:35:10] Speaker C: Oh, you already did that, didn't you? That's right. [00:35:12] Speaker B: I'm sorry. [00:35:13] Speaker C: Was 1923. Was correct. And so Patrick, Debbie and Tony all got it correct, which means that Patrick has now four Tony has four. And there's a tie there again. [00:35:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:35:29] Speaker C: Okay. Why don't I give you one more name or something? Just be between you, Patrick, and you, Tony. Okay. [00:35:37] Speaker B: Can I say hello to Tony? [00:35:39] Speaker C: No, you can't. Can I say hello to Tony? That's such a plaintive, little sad voice that said, tony, I'm irish. [00:35:49] Speaker B: Happy St. Patty's day. See, he's trying to buy me off. I'm not trying to buy you off, Tony. [00:35:57] Speaker C: Would you like to guess the age of somebody, you guys? Or would you like another historical event? [00:36:03] Speaker B: Patrick, what do you think? I'd go for historical event. [00:36:07] Speaker C: Historical event. What do you say? [00:36:09] Speaker B: I'd go for a birthday. [00:36:14] Speaker C: Well, you know what? Ask the name of somebody in history. The age of somebody in history. Yeah, I could do that. There you go. [00:36:23] Speaker B: That sounds good. [00:36:24] Speaker C: Okay. The year that a historical person, a well known person, was born. Now, a dead person. We don't guess dead people very often. Okay, this was on March 14. And you tell me the year, March 14, that Albert Einstein was born. He was born in Ulm, Germany. [00:36:49] Speaker B: Come on. [00:36:50] Speaker C: Okay, Albert Einstein. Okay, there's your thing. When was Albert Einstein born? What was the year? And I'll ask you, Patrick. [00:36:59] Speaker B: Oh, that's not fair. [00:37:01] Speaker C: All right, I'll ask you first, Tony. [00:37:03] Speaker B: Yeah, that sounds better. [00:37:05] Speaker C: Well, why would that know? You're going to guess if neither one of you know. It's pretty even. No matter who starts first. Let me ask you. [00:37:16] Speaker B: No, this weekend. Come on, give me a break. [00:37:19] Speaker C: Okay, Patrick, what year was Albert Einstein born? [00:37:29] Speaker B: 16. Four. Seven. [00:37:34] Speaker C: What did you say? 16. Yeah. Albert Einstein. When was he born? [00:37:44] Speaker B: 1880. [00:37:45] Speaker C: 718. 87. [00:37:48] Speaker B: You say the nearest one two wins, right? [00:37:52] Speaker C: That's correct. [00:37:53] Speaker B: Great. [00:37:53] Speaker C: Okay, Tony, what do you think? When was Albert Einstein born? [00:37:57] Speaker B: E equals Mc. He was born for Jesus, by the way. [00:38:00] Speaker C: What's that? He was born before Jesus. [00:38:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:38:08] Speaker C: And Tony said e equals Mc squared, which is very hip. That's the formula that was proven to be accurate by the explosion of the atom. And we're not going to both talk at the same time, Patrick, I hope anyway. What did you say, Patrick? [00:38:26] Speaker B: I'll say 18. I'm sorry. What did Patrick say? [00:38:31] Speaker C: He said 1887. [00:38:33] Speaker B: He said 1880. 718. 80. [00:38:38] Speaker C: 918. 89. What, are you giving up already? [00:38:44] Speaker B: No. Kwan. [00:38:45] Speaker C: What did you say, Tony? Won. Okay. [00:38:49] Speaker B: 1889. [00:38:50] Speaker C: I said 1889. That's right. And squared. And Patrick said e equals 1887. Okay, now, here's the actual year in which Albert Einstein was born was 1879. That means that Patrick said 1887. So he was a little bit closer and I'm afraid that not. I'm afraid Patrick has won. [00:39:55] Speaker B: Hey. [00:39:56] Speaker C: Yeah? See if Tom's preserve us on St. Patty's Day, too. Okay? That is just Sedara. Nice, Patrick. [00:40:17] Speaker B: I don't believe it. [00:40:18] Speaker C: Congratulations to you. You won. [00:40:21] Speaker B: It's like a dream. I've listened to these quizzes for two years nearly, and tonight's the first night I get on and I win. [00:40:33] Speaker C: I imagine you'll be writing a lot of letters to your relatives in Ireland boasting of your achievement. [00:40:41] Speaker B: This is brilliant. [00:40:44] Speaker C: You've set history. And the dumb birthday game, Patrick. So hang on just a minute. I want to thank a lot of people for playing the game with us, including you. [00:40:53] Speaker B: Can I say something? All the contestants, hi and happy St. Patrick's day to you and happy life. And be good. [00:41:05] Speaker C: Patrick, you're getting to be a drag. Shut up. [00:41:08] Speaker B: Okay. [00:41:10] Speaker C: Mary, thank you very much for playing the game, and I appreciate having you with us. [00:41:13] Speaker D: It was fun. [00:41:14] Speaker B: Noah, did she have a nice personality tonight? [00:41:16] Speaker C: She has a nice personality. [00:41:18] Speaker B: No score, but a nice personality. [00:41:20] Speaker C: Okay. And Mark, thank you very much for playing the game with us all the way down there at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. [00:41:26] Speaker B: I really had a good time. I enjoyed it. [00:41:28] Speaker C: Well, we enjoyed having you. Thanks a lot. [00:41:30] Speaker B: All righty. [00:41:31] Speaker C: Okay. And I just ought to make an item in the Harper's ferry journal. Patrick? Yes, thank you. Oh, no, you hang on there, because we got to get your name and address. Your full name and address. Debbie. All the bestie. And thank you very much. You did very well. [00:41:47] Speaker D: Thanks. It was fun. [00:41:48] Speaker C: No, you're okay. How do you do in school? You do pretty well. [00:41:52] Speaker D: I don't go to school anymore. [00:41:54] Speaker C: Oh, you don't go to school? Because I had a feeling if you did, you'd be just so darn bright. [00:41:59] Speaker D: I'm the one at the answering service. [00:42:01] Speaker C: Oh, that's right. What hours do you answer? Do you work on that at. She's the girl that says hello. [00:42:10] Speaker D: Well, I've been working during the day, and I'm going to be on my way there in 3 hours. [00:42:18] Speaker C: You'll do the very early stuff. Well, not the very early. That'll be 07:00 almost at that point. Okay. I thank you very much for playing the game with us, and I hope you'll call us again soon. [00:42:29] Speaker D: Thanks. [00:42:30] Speaker C: Thank you, Debbie. [00:42:31] Speaker D: Thanks. [00:42:32] Speaker C: Bye bye. And, Jack, of course, always a pleasure. We'll talk with you in a few minutes when you update us on all the light traffic stuff, which is terribly important to many people. Yes, indeed. Name one. It was important to me. Well, that's true. Take care, Jack and Tony. Thank you very. You're going to hang up on weekly ritual. [00:42:55] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:42:56] Speaker C: Okay. He's going to hang up on me. That's really so nice. Now I hang up on him, but it's too late because he's already. And Patrick, I turn you over to Tony. He's going to take your name and address and we'll send you something. Yeah, we're going to send you a tacky prize. First of all, let me just say this. We're going to send you a tacky prize from the WBZ tacky gift shop. It'll be a prize that you'll probably hate. And you'll wonder why you've spent all this effort trying to win a game in which the prize is sown. [00:43:23] Speaker B: All this effort is worth it. Just listen to you now. [00:43:26] Speaker C: Okay? Tell me what you want to say now. [00:43:27] Speaker B: I want to say, listen, it's a patty's day. Any people that is out there, listen. [00:43:32] Speaker C: I think you wished us all marches walk. [00:43:36] Speaker B: It's a Saints day. No trouble. [00:43:39] Speaker C: Well, that's a good message. [00:43:40] Speaker B: It's a Saints day. No trouble. [00:43:43] Speaker C: Okay, very good, Patrick. [00:43:45] Speaker B: God bless. And happy St. Patrick's day to you all. [00:43:47] Speaker C: Happy St. Patrick's day to you, too, Patrick. [00:43:49] Speaker B: God bless. [00:43:50] Speaker C: God bless you. God bless you. Take him. Please take him away quickly, Tony. Okay, we'll take your call now, too, on any subject you may like. Two 5410 30, area code six one seven. [00:44:04] Speaker F: People in New England know a lot about the weather, and people who know a lot about the weather know to listen to WBZ Am 1030 every ten minutes. WBZ gives you the most accurate, up to date weather information available. So whether you're on your way to work or on your way to play, get your weather forecast from WBZ AM 1030. You're never more than ten minutes away from the latest AccuWeather forecast on New England's news and information station, WBZ AM 1030. [00:44:35] Speaker C: Okay, we're going to do the weather because it's about seven minutes before 04:00. Norm Nathan here, by the way. You wondering who this was? Norm Nathan. Just jot it down and remember it forever. Thank you. Anyway, the five day WBZ accuweather forecast with Roy gallant calls for very similar weather over the next five days right through Tuesday with daytime temperatures in the mid 30s, nighttime temperatures in the about 17. It is 18 degrees right now. So this is the way nights are going to be over the next several days and mid 30s. With fairly windy right through the next several days, fair amount of sunshine, no storms predicted, no rain or snow or anything, just the same kind of weather. Remember what it was like this past day. Or if you've forgotten, pay attention to the weather on Saturday. Make a copy in your mind. And that's the way it's going to be right through Tuesday. Thank you. [00:45:39] Speaker D: You're kidding. [00:45:40] Speaker C: No, I'm not. It would seem like it should start to get a little bit warmer now because, I mean, today is already March 14 and next Friday is the first day of spring. But right up to a few days before spring, it can remain cold. Maybe it'll warm up after that. But anyway, I think I've milked the weather long enough. We'll get on with it. Okay. We have lots of open lines now, so this would be a good time to call. Two 5410 30, area code six, one seven, whatever. Maybe you would like to talk about. We would love to talk with you about it. Okay. I'm just checking a lot of interesting little unimportant items in the news, but kind of interesting. Oh, this is the day they do farm aid. This is farmaid five. Whole lot of people raising funds in a concert to help the farmers. Anyway, let's see. One of the questions is, does farm aid actually help farmers? Willie Nelson says it does because he's been very much a part of all of this. He says it brings attention to the financial problems that farmers face. But Texas agriculture commissioner Rick Perry says while publicity is important, when the occasional party is over, we should realize that a strong agriculture industry will not be created by donations. Farm aid supporters don't like Perry referring to the concert as a party. One supporter says Perry's description is kind of insulting. He says Perry has just lost touch with reality. Sitting in his plush office overlooking the Capitol, the Texas Capitol in Austin, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellon Camp, dozens of others will take part in Farm aid. Five this coming day in Texas Stadium, which is just outside Dallas, which is why the Texas agriculture commissioner was the one who made the comments. Roseanne Arnold will host the benefit. Tom, her husband Tom and Roseanne, formerly Barr. Tom and Roseanne Arnold host the benefit aimed at raising money for the nation's farmers. Paul Simon will be there, Richard Marks, Ricky Van Shelton. And it lasts how long? They're about 80 performers. So that just goes on and on. Okay, coming up to about three before four. Look who's on the line. Why, it's Wolfie. [00:48:30] Speaker E: Hello, Normie. [00:48:32] Speaker C: You have a cold, too, haven't you? [00:48:34] Speaker E: Have I got a beauty. I've been here. I've been dumping Benadryl and tonin and demijamp and you name it, and I've been popping it. [00:48:49] Speaker C: Well, you just have to rest and let it get through your system as I tell all my patients. [00:48:55] Speaker E: You're a doctor now? [00:48:56] Speaker C: Yes, I am. I'm a doctor. That's why all the ladies who come to the teen cantina are asked to strip and not feel self conscious about it at all. Because I am a doctor. [00:49:07] Speaker B: Yes. [00:49:07] Speaker E: Corned beef and cabbage. I used to run the newspaper stand there at Albion. He's on the corner of Neilander, Washington. Today, corned beef and cabbage is about eight and a half bucks a plate, right? [00:49:22] Speaker C: I don't know. I haven't bought any lately. Yeah, in a restaurant. [00:49:28] Speaker E: I remember when you could go in and get a plate of corned beef and cabbage and a beer. Cost you a buck and a corner. [00:49:35] Speaker C: You have a lot of memories of the good old days, don't you, Wolfie? [00:49:39] Speaker E: The good old. [00:49:40] Speaker C: I'm sorry. They're gone. Wolfie. [00:49:43] Speaker E: The man wants to bet me five to one. I'll go. Clinton, go ahead. [00:49:50] Speaker C: Okay. He's going for Bush. He says Bush will probably win. [00:49:55] Speaker E: Do you know the word masochist? [00:49:58] Speaker C: The word masochist? Yes, I do know the word. [00:50:02] Speaker E: Well, you put that man in for four more years and everybody in this country becomes masochist. [00:50:11] Speaker C: Well, I would think that those who want to put him in for four more years are already masochistic. I'm just trying to refine what you're saying. [00:50:20] Speaker E: Just tell me one thing. [00:50:22] Speaker C: Yes, ma'am. [00:50:24] Speaker E: On those bounce checks those guys did? [00:50:27] Speaker C: Yes. [00:50:27] Speaker E: Nobody paid any fines on them. They had to pay the money back. [00:50:32] Speaker C: Yes, but they don't have a fine or anything? No, it's interest free and all of that. Fine free? [00:50:40] Speaker E: Yeah, but they paid the money back, right? The bank? [00:50:44] Speaker C: Well, I guess eventually maybe they did. I don't know. Maybe not. I don't know. I'll check that out. I don't understand the whole mechanism of that. I should know that because I'm a talk host, but I don't really know how that works. [00:50:58] Speaker E: I missed your birthday party somewhere. I took two pills and I slept through it. Give me one that you had. [00:51:07] Speaker C: How did Japan call moments after it ended? How did that happen? Is that just a coincidence in some way? [00:51:12] Speaker E: I don't know. Yeah, give me one then. Let me see if I know who it was. [00:51:16] Speaker C: I don't think so, because we're coming up the news now, Wolfie. And I'm sorry that we missed you, but I hope you're feeling a whole lot better very soon. God love you, God bless you and happy St. Patrick's day. We're coming up to 04:00 here at WBZ. Not a moment. The news is coming on, and not a moment too soon. I was waving a flag at ABC, hoping they'd start at a little bit early. Tony Nesbitt is our producer. I'm Norm Nathan. Two 5410 30. Do give me a call and we'll talk after the news. [00:51:51] Speaker F: You're never more than ten minutes away from the latest WBZ accuweather forecast exclusively on New England's news and information station WBZ Boston. [00:52:08] Speaker A: Well, wasn't that a jolly good time? Before we go, let's find out who's hiring. [00:52:15] Speaker G: Are you looking for a new job? You don't have to look far. Your uncle is hiring. I mean your Uncle Sam. The federal government. A government job is a good job. You get fair pay, steady work, great benefits. And right now your uncle is hiring over 20,000 people a month in many occupations and trades. For more information on how to get a federal job, subscribe to the Federal Jobs Digest. It worked for me. The Federal Jobs Digest is a privately published newspaper that tells you about thousands of immediate civil service openings. These include jobs without tests. In your area, you see exactly how to apply for each job. A six issue subscription costs $29. Money back. If you're not satisfied to subscribe to the federal jobs Digest by credit card or CoD, call now 1805 four three, 8000. Again. 1805 four three 8000. Your uncle is hiring. Join the family. [00:53:17] Speaker A: Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it. For Les Brown and his band of renown. What's it all about, Alfie? All the prescottle main puckets. Clearing out one sinuses. Plowing the back 40. Parking the car while wearing your shots after you got off your hus. But you can't find your khakis because they're in your pair of khakis. Norm's main Boston accent. Feeling my age. Sneaky pinkus teapot dome and scandal shattered myths thick in the head and dumb between the ears. Sexy moms whose daughters hate them for being so sexy. Setting the VCR. The E equals MC squared. [00:54:06] Speaker C: Poca. [00:54:06] Speaker A: The atomic cloud. Poca. The Harper's fairy journal. The WBZ. Tacky gift shop. Farmaid dimey tap. Corned beef and cabbage. The good old days. Jack Hart. And the nominee, Nathan person. I'm St. Tony. Despite.

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