Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 212

Episode 212 December 04, 2024 01:10:18
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 212
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt - Ep 212

Dec 04 2024 | 01:10:18


Show Notes

First let me say that we have added TWO new countries that have discovered the Silly. Dobryden to the Czech Republic! And for our second country there’s at least 12 different languages spoken there. I will go with what I learned was the most widely spoken: Sawubona, South Africa!

Also thanks to EVERYBODY as we have hit 250 subscribers on YT!

Let’s keep that pace and LSS and, if you are able, please support the show by joining Patreon or, if you prefer to keep me caffeinated and toasty warm, Buy Me a Coffee. Links to both are below.

The 12th month of 2024 kicks off with a deep cut from the Vault of Silliness. A DBG from December 7th, 1991. Pearl Harbor Day.

I have titled this: Scratching that Winter Itch

We begin with the much beloved DBG Theme. Joining us to play the game are the composers of said theme:

Linda Chase and Dave Currier

We add…

Mike from Marshfield

Ernie in Dorchester

Glen from Salem

Joan from Brockton

Tony producing and on the phone from MC

And Jack Harte


Bdays with all the SFX:

Larry Bird oh, but wait…

Eli Wallach

Ellen Burstyn

Johnny Bench

We jump to 12/9 for

Donny Osmond

Kirk Douglas

John Malkovich

And Beau Bridges


Santa’s sack filled with Commercials:

NH State Liquor Stores

Children’s Hospital Auction promo voiced by Peter Meade

Gold Bond w/Patrick Palladino

Silver Restaurant Supply & Equipment Company

Riopan Plus 2 w/Willard Scott

The United Way

Nunsense at the Charles Playhouse

And Parker Insignia Pens


There’s a Post-Game Call from Vivian


And since it’s the season of giving I included both the ABC and WBZ Newscasts. There’s an interesting poll that’s talked about in the ABC Broadcast.

After the news its back to Norm with A Special Show Open by Linda and Dave!

Wrapping it all up is a heartwarming call from Hal in NY


Ep 212, Scratching that Winter Itch, flakes its way to your ears…now.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] First, let me say that we have added two new countries that have discovered the silly dobr den to the Czech Republic and for our second country there's at least 12 different languages spoken there. I will go with what I learned was the most widely spoken Sawubona to South Africa. [00:00:22] Also thanks to everybody as we have hit 250 subscribers on YouTube. [00:00:30] Let's keep that pace and like subscribe and share. And if you're able, please support the show by joining Patreon. Or if you prefer to keep me caffeinated and toasty warm on these cold winter nights, buy me a coffee. Links to both are below. The 12th month of 2024 kicks off with a deep cut from the vault of silliness. A dumb birthday game. From December 7, 1991, Pearl Harbor Day. I have titled this Scratching that winter Itch. We begin with the much beloved Dumb Birthday Game theme. Joining us to play the game are the composers of said theme, Linda Chase and Dave Currier. We add Mike from Marshfield, who sounds a lot like Jimmy from Winthrop. Ernie the laughing hyena in Dorchester. Glenn from Salem. Joan from Brockton, a first timer I'm producing and on the phone from Master Control. And Jack Hart in Traffic. The birthdays with all the sound effects. Larry Bird. Oh, but wait. Eli Wallach, Ellen Burston, Johnny Bench. And then we jump to December 9th for Donny Osmond, Kirk Douglas, John Malovich and Bo Bridges. Santa's sack is filled with commercials. The New Hampshire State Liquor Stores. A crazy children's hospital auction promo voiced by Peter Mead, Gold Bond with Patrick Palladino. Silver Restaurant Supply and Equipment Company. That's a new one. I know. Ryo Pan plus two with Willard Scott, the United Way Nonsense at the Charles Playhouse. And another new one, Parker Insignia Pens. This is a weird commercial and it's incomplete because the tape ran out, but you'll see what I mean. There's a post game call from Vivian, and since it's the season of giving, I included both the ABC and WBZ newscasts. There's an interesting poll that's talked about in the ABC broadcast. After the news, it's back to Norm and a special show opened by Linda and Dave. Wrapping it all up is a heartwarming call from Hal in New York. Episode 212, scratching that winter itch flakes its way to your ears. Now, Birthday game. [00:03:02] You don't need skill. You don't have to be a brain. You just call Norm to play the dumb birthday game. Play the dumb, dumb birthday game. [00:03:17] Okay, that's what we're gonna do right now. We're gonna play the Dumb Birthday game. And the folks you just heard who recorded that swell theme that's envied by probably every. Every talk person in the entire world gonna play with us. Linda. Linda Chase. Hi, Linda. It is dumb, isn't it? The game. The game is really stupid. No, the song is really nice. And we have your partner, Dave Currier. Hello there. Hello. And that's kind of nice to have the authors, the composers of that epic being part of all of this. Idosensual. It'll make your underwear squirm. I don't know who said that, but show him the door. [00:03:56] Okay. Here's Mike, who's out in Marshfield. Hi, Mike. Well, hi, old sport. I'm in very honored company tonight. You are. You're in a very, very rich company. I'll say this. All these themes that you've got now, Norm, have definitely made you the class act of the 38 states. That's right. [00:04:16] You can just see there are guys who do talk shows all over the country listening to this stuff and they're saying, I don't know. I mean, the guy was a threat before. But with these themes, we might just as well go off the air. Norm, I get calls all the time. People call me and say, how well do you know Norm Nathan? What's his in? How does he get this stuff? I say, hey, look, I can't help you. [00:04:37] That's the way. Play it cool. Real cool. Okay? We also have Ernie, who's in Dorchester playing the game with us today. Hi, Ernie. Hi, Norm. Hello. You sound like you're reading that, and I know you're not because this is strictly an ad lib, swell off the top of the head kind of program. Is this the first time you played the game with us? I believe so. You don't know because you lead a busy life and you can't remember. But we're delighted to have you, Ernie, in any case. And thank you very much for being part of this. Merry Christmas, Norm. Merry Christmas to you, Ernie. Here's Glenn, who's up in Salem. Hi, Glenn. Hey, Norm. How you doing? I'm doing pretty good, thanks. Hey, when's that soundtrack yours gonna be available on CD through the famous 800 number. [00:05:20] It's advertised? That's right. It's not available in any stores. It can only be purchased by calling the number on your screen right now. Can you see the number there? No, I'm gonna have to put my glasses back on. Okay, then just call that number. Operators are Standing by. Thank you. Here's Joan. Who's in there? Brockton. Hi, Joan. Hi, Norm. How are you? I'm just fine, thank you. Is this your first shot at this? [00:05:44] Yes, it is. Senate will be kind to you. We'll be gentle. Okay. Do you recognize me, Norm? [00:05:51] Hold on. Sit right where you are. Let me look right at you. Well, you listen to me several times every night. [00:05:59] I listen to you several times every night? Yes. Joan. Joan Cantwell. [00:06:04] Oh, are you really Joan Cantwell from the Golden Bond Gold Bond commercial? From the Gold Bomb commercial? Are you really? You're not. You're not the same person. You're making that up, aren't you? No, but I had a great idea. What's that? Why don't you call Joan sometime? I tell you the truth, I get enough of her on the commercial, which I can't stand. And what I'm trying to do is get them to cancel that whole thing. I don't think the sales department is happy with that, but anyway. Well, maybe some of Joan's friends will call in and let us know if the rash is still there or not. That's right, too. Yeah, if it's still itchy and yuck. [00:06:47] Okay. Hey, and Tony's with us, too. Tony? Our producer, Tony Nesbitt. Hold on a second. I'm putting it back in my sneaker one minute. Putting what back in your sneaker? Wherever. I got to keep that. Okay. Just a. As long as you don't raise your foot above eye level, because that's when it gets really ugly. Yeah. Okay. Can you plug. There he is. Do we have. Okay, we have Jack Hart. Hello? Hi, Jack. I was supposed to say something about. This portion of the program featuring you is brought to you by the American Carrot Institute. [00:07:21] Tony said the word carrot would drive you into gales of laughter, and I have no reason. I have no knowledge why that is. [00:07:28] Is this an in joke? Yes, it is. I think it is. Yeah. It is an engine. Yeah. [00:07:34] And even I don't know what that means anyway. But it's nice to have you with us, Jack. Well, it's nice to have you. [00:07:40] And I just wanted to ask Joan if her rash was still bubbly and scabbard crusted. [00:07:49] No longer irritating. [00:07:52] No longer irritating. [00:07:54] Now, wait a minute. It does sound like her. [00:07:57] It really does say that. No longer irritating. You say that again. It's no longer irritating. No, Joan. Oh, God. That's her. That's her. [00:08:05] She's an in for the company. Well, she wants to know if she's not then. If the real Joan Cadwell can't make it because of the itch. That's just overpowering. [00:08:16] We can fall upon you that nobody will know the difference. It's only irritating on my eyes and ears. [00:08:25] That's true. Okay. [00:08:27] Yes, Is Chuck with us tonight? Chuck? Yes, from Stake, Maine. [00:08:33] Oh, no, no. We got rid of Chuck, I guess, right in the middle of the game last time. That's right. I hope he's listening. [00:08:40] I imagine he must be listening because the entire world is listening. When you do a program at 3:15 in the morning, you expect the entire world to be listening. [00:08:50] No, the nice thing about doing it is now is the entire world isn't listening. And you hope the boss especially isn't listening, because this whole program would take a whole new turn if you were. I'm sorry, Norm, What'd you say? I wasn't listening. [00:09:08] Was that what we're in for? For the next few minutes. Okay. Anyway, today. I mentioned Larry bird's birthday today. 35. Okay. We don't have to go through that, because I already. It was my only one I was going to get tonight. Give everybody one for that one. That's right. Everybody gets. Everybody gets one on that. Larry Bird is 35 years old today. He was born on Pearl Harbor Day. Son of a guy must be some kind of a funny joke. There is that tall guy, Pearl Harbor, Bird, Bird. I don't know. It sounds like it's going to bomb. [00:09:44] Obviously, that is not the humor that we were looking for. [00:09:49] Goldbaum. Goldbaum. [00:09:52] Eli Wallach. He was born December 7th. Remember the actor, Eli Wallach? Okay, let's start with him. Do you remember him? Why is he. No, he's. No, he's still alive. This isn't the dead Birthday game yet. No, no, it isn't. No. Should we run out of live people? Dead, dead, dead. [00:10:10] Okay, we got to work on a new song for that one. That's right, too, in case we ever need that. [00:10:18] There's some days where there are not interesting people born unless they, you know, even. Well, my birthday, for example, is December 20th. [00:10:29] And the only person born on that day that I'm aware of that's of any name is Harvey Firestone of the Firestone Tire. And he's dead? [00:10:39] Yeah, he retired. [00:10:44] Okay, Mike, how old is. How old is he? Eli Wallach. [00:10:54] I've got to say 78. And what do you think, Ernie? [00:10:58] I'm going to have to say 72. Why do you have to say that? Is there somebody there with a knife at your neck? [00:11:06] You say 72 manna, you die. [00:11:10] Okay, we'll put you down for 72. Glenn, what do you think I'm going to raise anyone and say 73. 73. Okay, Joan? I say 74. 74. [00:11:22] Okay. Tony? [00:11:24] 87. 87, yeah. Okay, Jack? 79. 79. And of course in carat years, that's 106. [00:11:40] And Linda, what do you think? 78. 78 says Linda. Just because no one took it yet. I have no idea. No, actually Mike said 78, but that's okay, we can have more. Maybe she's not listening either. Yeah, 87, that's his IQ. I lost track. No, 78, you're not. No, Tony said 87. I don't know. I lost my place here and I don't even care. Linda's supersede trying to write the dead birthday grand journal and David Curry. What do you think? Well, it's got to be about Linda's age. 81. [00:12:13] David's going to be looking for a new partner. [00:12:16] That's right. The musical group Linda's league just broke up. Okay. The actual age of Eli Wallach is attested to by official birth records in his hometown of Methuen, Massachusetts, which I just made up would be. Let's see how old he actually. [00:12:39] Uh huh. Okay, how do you follow that? He's actually 76 years old. Okay, let's see who comes the closest. Actually, Mike, who said 78, and Linda, who said 78, and Joan who said 74. Both are within two years. [00:13:02] The kids really are enthusiastic about that. Eli Wallach, 76 years old. How about Ellen Burstyn, the actress? [00:13:09] Start with the Dave, how about you going first on this one? How old is Ellen Burstyn? Oh, I'd say the big 46. The big 46. And what do you think, Linda? 49. 49. Okay. Jack 48. 48. [00:13:29] And Tony? 48. Same as the Jack. That's right. Yeah. Okay, Joan, what do you think? I'll say 54. [00:13:40] Does sound like Joan Cantwell though, doesn't she? It does. [00:13:44] I hope that wasn't an insult or anything. No, and I think if Joan Cantwell were alive today, she would have said 54. Also because she scratched herself. Yeah, she scratched herself to death. [00:13:55] She's in that book that we were learning about before, how they really died, which is kind of fun reading, especially for this time of night. Yeah. [00:14:11] Glenn up in Salem, what do you think? [00:14:14] Oh, your favorite wrestling reporter is going to say 57. 57. What's the guy in the scanner think? Jack? Yeah, that's right. That's Jack. Scanner there. Yes. He thinks that. That she's. She's Route 63 years old now. You already said 48. Oh, well, I was answering for the guy in the scanner. Oh, I see. Oh, that's right. I see. Okay, let's. [00:14:39] That was a meaningless. That was a meaningless conversation, wasn't it? Ernie, what do you say? [00:14:45] I'm gonna have to say 48, too, because I think Jack was right on with that. With that guess or with that. That was Jack. No, Jack said 48. That's right. I'm gonna have to go with Jack and Mike and say 48. Okay. What do you think, Mike? [00:15:02] 51. 51. [00:15:05] Okay, let's find out how old Ellen Burstyn actually is today. [00:15:11] Ellen Burstyn actually is 59. [00:15:14] Oh, my goodness. A lot older than a lot of you said. However, very, very close to what Glenn said. He said 57. So Glenn has won this round. [00:15:29] Very nice. Very nice, Glenn. And you're still modest and everything. It hasn't gone to your head yet? Not yet. If I get one more, though, we're going to have to watch out. Okay, Johnny Bench, great catcher. Is he in the hall of Fame yet? Oh, yes, he is. Okay. He went in the same year with Yaz. Okay. That's right. Johnny Bench. Okay, let's start with you, Glenn. Since you won the last round, how old is Johnny Bench today? [00:15:56] He is 47. 47. [00:16:01] Okay. And Ernie, what do you think? [00:16:05] I don't really have a clue what I have to. [00:16:09] I'll have to say 53. [00:16:12] And Mike, I'll say the big five zero. [00:16:17] And what do you think, Joan? [00:16:20] I'll say 49. 49. Yeah. Okay, Tony, I'm gonna have to sit on this. [00:16:29] Sit on this. Johnny Bench. [00:16:32] 50. [00:16:33] Make sure the Krylon paint is dry. [00:16:37] 53. I'll say 53. Also 53. Okay. Same as what Ernie said. And Jack, I know this might be a real batty answer. It might not even be in the ballpark, but 53. [00:16:53] Did you say 57? Yeah. Okay, see, I don't care. I try to. I try to slice away all that junky humor and just get right to the heart. All those foul jokes. [00:17:10] You're out. [00:17:15] He did strike out, didn't he? [00:17:18] Now you're really. You're starting to reach now. [00:17:22] Okay? That's quote end of Linda. What do you think? You think this whole thing is stupid? That's what you think. She's a big swinger, you know. [00:17:33] Back to the minors after that joke. [00:17:36] You're Ben, how am I going to top that? I can't. 51 and. Must be some kind of a line you can use with the word plate. I've been trying. [00:17:49] I've been thinking of that now. [00:17:54] Dave, what do you think? [00:17:56] 55. 55. Okay. Let's find out how old Johnny Bench actually is. [00:18:12] This is in tribute to the nutty fans waiting. [00:18:17] Tickets. [00:18:19] Peanuts, Pistachios. I have the sudden urge for a hot dog. [00:18:26] Bring back your beer with it, would you? Yeah, I like the wow, wow, wow. [00:18:31] They say stuff like, hey, popcorn. Yeah. Get to be nice. Yeah. Hey, ice cold Coca Cola Kia. Anyway, Johnny, I can dispense with this. [00:18:45] Johnny Bedge is actually 44 years old today. I believe Glenn came the closest with 47. He's a youngster. [00:18:54] No. Yeah, 47 was the closest. He is. He's just a kid. 44. [00:19:00] He's just a babe in the woods. Glenn has. Glenn has won twice around. That's very, very good. I want to. I'm gonna try some people who were born on the 9th on Monday. Do something. I need one. Okay. Because we have. We have some interesting people born on Monday and like Donny Osmond. Well, maybe he's not all that interesting. He may not be all that interesting. Maybe I'm overjudging him. [00:19:24] I remember seeing the Osmond brothers once with Andy Williams. [00:19:31] Did I tell you the story before? Hold on, I won't tell it. Yes, you told everybody over 38 states one time. But I'd like to hear it again. No, I had been doing an all night jazz show and playing all the kind of stuff that I really love. And then they promoted me. I thought it was a demotion. They thought it was a promotion to daytime so I could get a bigger audience. They seemed to think more people were awake during the day than during the night. [00:19:56] And I remember thinking, now that I can play my jazz, I'll play what the station normally plays. This was another station. A little bit of rock and roll. No, it wasn't. It wasn't. No, it was. The star attraction was Andy Williams and the Osmond brothers. Remember when they had the little tiny Osmond used to come out at the end? Jimmy, the little kid, whatever. He's probably a drug addict or something. Maybe he's not. I'm just joking. Can't Danny Bonaduce have a TV show? And that was the most boring evening. And I thought, if this is what being on radio, daytime is like, I don't think I'm going to like this at all. I mean, I Think Andy Williams is a pleasant voice, but he doesn't have. But there's not the kind of guts there that gives you goose pimples. Euthanasia time. You don't get goose pimples listening to Donny Osmond sing either. [00:20:45] Okay. No, but you get something else sometimes. Nausea. [00:20:49] Thank you. A rash. I think it's a rash. I think I'd rather pulse needles in my eyes than listen to him. I think I'd rather listen to the commercial. Hold on, guys. Let's get out. He made a comeback, you know, Norm. No, let's get. Well, I know, but. Yeah, and he. We've got to start figuring the ages of Donny Osmond, so I think we're. I agree with you, Norm. Watching Donny Osmond and Marie is like eating cold SpaghettiOs out of a can. [00:21:17] Wow, Joan, you know something? What? I not only want Linda, I want you, too. [00:21:22] And if that doesn't fit your stomach with nausea, I don't know what does. Hey, have you tried cold Hormel chili? I just had that the other night. Ooh. Ooh. Okay, let me. Let me start with. Let's start with Dave this time. Donny Osmond. How old is. Will he be on Monday? Oh, I'd say 36. 36. What do you think, Linda? 32. [00:21:45] And Jack, 34. 34. [00:21:49] Okay. What do you think, Tony? 33. 33. Yeah, I see. [00:21:56] Joan, what do you say? [00:21:59] Norm, can you hold. Hold on a second. It's time for another application of gold. [00:22:08] You do that. What about every 15 minutes? Don't you just love it. Love it so much? One can every 15 minutes. A sprinkle a day keeps the odor away. [00:22:18] No, no. Odor is the. Put in your sneaker, this is it stuff. [00:22:23] Joan, what do you say? I think I already said that, didn't I? Joan, what do you think? I'll say 30. 30. Okay. And Glenn, I like Tony's answer. 33. 33. [00:22:37] And Ernie? [00:22:40] Well, I don't think anybody took 35, so I think I'll go with 35. Fair enough, big guy. Mike, what do you. What do you think? [00:22:50] I'll have to say 36. Okay, now let's. Same as what David just said. Good answer. Okay, we don't have to listen to any of it, do we? No, we. I won't threaten you with that. Okay, Donny Osmond, I think this game is getting out of hand anyway. Donny Osmond's actual age. On Monday the 9th will be. [00:23:19] And they called it. [00:23:24] Okay, Donnie, I think we get the general drift. Of the feeling about. If he were listening now, can you imagine the blow to his pride and everything? [00:23:36] Listen, he would be jealous. Listen, at least they talked about me is probably what he would say. Donny Osmond actually will be 33. Yeah. Which means that Tony and Glenn both hit it. Glenn has got three out of four so far. I can go home now. I've got. I have my one. I'm satisfied. [00:23:58] As a matter of fact, let's see the score now. Mike has one and Glenn has three. And having won, Joan, Tony and Linda, Jack, David and Ernie. Great personalities. Yeah, you're a bunch of losers. Complete newses. [00:24:16] Okay. Monday is also the birthday of the guy with the dimple in his chin and who talks with clenched teeth. The actor Kirk Douglas. Kirk Douglas, that's right. Kirk Douglas is my name. Do I get a point for guessing a description? No, you get nothing. Nothing but a look of scorn for holding up the game. A free can of Gold Bomb. [00:24:38] You're never going to forget that. Are you going to keep it in your sneaker for a good measure? [00:24:44] No wonder they don't cancel. Look at all the free publicity they got. [00:24:48] The fact that it's negative doesn't seem to bother them at all. But what the heck. Okay, let's start with. Let's see. We'll start with Mike on this one. Kirk Douglas, how old would you say he will be Monday? I'll say the big seven zero. The big seven zero. Okay. Ernie, what do you think? I'll go with 78. [00:25:06] Okay. And Glenn? Three out of four so far. Glenn, what do you think? 77. 77. And Joan? [00:25:17] 75. I thought you were putting in your sneaker there. No, I've already. I've already put the ball bomb on. There's no irritation. There's no irritation at all. It's just sitting. [00:25:33] The game is irritating a little. On your radio, Tony, what do you say? How old is Kurt? Will Kurt Douglas be 70? 76. 76. Oh, Jack. [00:25:49] I knew Jack would say that. Didn't you know? But I thought it was going to be. Let me try again. 76. That's his spirit. [00:26:00] Jack, what do you say? 74. 74. And Linda. [00:26:07] What a laugh. [00:26:11] Jack, isn't there an accident you have to be in about now? What's that? Isn't there an accident you should be in about now? [00:26:18] In or at. No, I just had one. Either or. No, they hold up. All the. All the cars on the road stop during the dumb birthday game. So nothing is happening until afterwards. [00:26:29] Anyway, they're off to the side of the road, laughing at us. Okay. Linda, what do you think? How old is he? 72. 72. And Dave? 68. 68. Okay. Now it's time to check and see how old he actually will be. [00:26:46] Tony said 76. And so now he's tying this song in with Kirk Douglas, which otherwise has no relevancy. [00:26:54] None whatsoever. But then again, what do you play for Kirk Douglas? I was trying to think of a movie and maybe get it down. [00:27:02] Okay. Actually, think of a movie he was in. Isn't that awful? Saturn 3 was the only movie I can think of. Okay. Actually, Kirk Douglas will be 75, which is what Jones said. [00:27:18] The gold bomb worked. [00:27:21] Okay. All right. Let's try. Try this one. John Malkovich. Yeah. Who was an Amadeus who was in Amadeus. [00:27:31] No, he wasn't in Amadeus. Dangerous Liaison. Dangerous Liaison. I know. It was one of those foreign names, something like. He was also where he placed in the heart. Yes. He played a blind, blind, blind man. Was that Sally Fields? Yeah. Yeah. He's a fine actor. I didn't see him in the Dangerous Liaison. He didn't look that sexy. Did he do to you? Because he. I thought it was kind of boring, but, yeah. I hope he didn't look that sexy to you, Norm. No, but I couldn't understand why women seem to be falling all over him. He's a rich actor. [00:28:07] Oh, that might be for his money. I don't know. This is some other movie too. I can't remember what it was making. Mr. Right. Oh, that was good. [00:28:15] Some other really big one. Yeah. Okay. John Malkovich. [00:28:20] It's kind of interesting. You have a feeling if he were an actor, like in the 30s or 40s, he would have changed his name to something, and nobody had names like Malkovich. I don't know why I brought that up, but I happen to be a boring person, so what the heck. Hey, I want to start with you, Joan. How old is John Malkovich? How old would he be on Monday? Malcolm Malkovich. Okay. [00:28:44] Are you okay, Joan? [00:28:48] Yeah, just you. Joan, I'm asking you how old John Malkovich will be Monday. Oh, brother. I'll say, gee. I'll say 48. [00:28:59] Oh, gee. 48, you'll say, Gee. How about 43? You want to make it 43? Yeah. I'd rather make it 43. Okay. I never let guys give a second opinion, but you sound kind of cute. So what? I'm a celebrity too. That's right. Too. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. [00:29:15] You're Joan Cantwell. Sound alike some celebrity Status? [00:29:21] Okay, Tony, what do you say? [00:29:25] 40? 44. Okay. [00:29:32] David, what do you think? 44. Sounds good to me. Sounds good to you, too, Linder. What do you say, Linder? A 42. [00:29:42] What kind of an accent was that? I don't know. [00:29:48] Jack Hart. What do you say? I think it's more like 34. More like 34. Okay. [00:29:54] And Glenn, the ever popular. 41. [00:30:00] I'm sorry, 31. 41. 41. And Ernie? [00:30:07] I'll try 38. 38. Okay. We're just closing in on it. The magic number. Okay, Mike, what do you say? I'll say I'm gonna pee my pants. [00:30:20] I would like the 38 states listening now to hear me say, I think that John Malkovich is 39. Wow. I just knew he was going to say that, didn't you? [00:30:34] Does that mean that I have to, you know, do my thing? [00:30:43] 39. 39. [00:30:48] I'm so, you know, you see. So sick of this. Rochester, is that enough? That's enough. I think I'm getting. I think I'm getting nauseous. Okay. The actual age, you see, of John. I want to do this so much that in the future you'll never ever say 39 again. Even if we think the guy's 39, we'll try to say it again. You won't say 39. We need a drum roll. That's right. 30. The actual age. Wait, we did. Drumroll. Hold on. How about some violin music, John? That's right. We should play a little Jack Benny. John Malkovich's actual age is. [00:31:35] My wrists are getting tired. That is a live drummer, isn't it? If you stop with the drums, I'll stop with my Jag Benny imitations. That's a those, Rob. Okay. [00:31:45] John Malkovich actually will be 38, which is what Ernie said. Yeah, 38. Yeah. All right. [00:31:54] He does look a lot old. [00:31:58] He looks a lot older than that. Sickening. How much older he looks than that. He looks older. But I thought he was younger. He looks older. But you thought he was younger. Well, I guess the right age, but I really. At first, I changed it because everyone else went way up and I was going to say. Listen, you won. Don't try to explain yourself. I know he's. Ernie won this round. That he's whimpering. I've got to fight his way out of it. I'll take your point if you don't want it. He's whimpering. Okay? That means the only two people. When you're a winner, you know, it's got to gloat. A little bit, you know. No, that's okay. Is that what you call gloating? Okay. Actually, only Jack Hart and Dave Currier are the only two who have not won anything. [00:32:46] They have a little asterisk next to their name at the bottom of the Caribbean. [00:32:51] That's right. [00:32:53] Okay, here's the last one. This is the animated. But Norm, we can give him a Tootsie Roll or something, can't we? No, we can't. [00:33:03] Yeah, see, you see what a sore head this person is? [00:33:07] Okay, Bo Bridges, who is the. [00:33:12] Bo is the. I'm sorry, that's his fat. No, that's right. He's the little fat guy. [00:33:19] What's his brother's personal friend? Jeff. [00:33:24] Jeff is the good one. And Lloyd is the dad. And Lloyd is the dad. See Hunt. Okay, Bo Bridges. [00:33:32] How old is the little fat ugly one? [00:33:36] I'm always surprised to find that he is older than Jeff. Thank you for that hint. Because he looks younger, doesn't he? Maybe because he's short and fat and ugly looking. No, it's really a family you could envy. Their acting ability is something special. There he is now. [00:33:53] Okay, let's start with that dog needs a flea dip with Golb. [00:33:59] You're never going to stop that, are you, Joan? [00:34:02] Let's start with Mike. Mike from Marshfield. How old is Bo Bridges? How old will he be on Monday the 9th? I don't know. [00:34:11] Okay, I'll just put IDK there for I don't know. You want to take a guess? Anyway, I'll do a big four zero. [00:34:21] A four zero. Okay. [00:34:24] And Ernie, I'm gonna take a big jump there and go. I'm gonna say it's 46. 46. Okay, Glenn, what do you think? I'll go with 44. [00:34:37] And Joan, I'll say 42. [00:34:43] And let's see, Tony, 45. [00:34:48] What do you think, Jack? 43. [00:34:52] Hmm. [00:34:53] Okay, Linda, we can tell you really had to think about that one for a while. Yeah, 44. 44. [00:35:01] Okay. What do you say, Dave? He's 45. 45 years old, I think. Okay, well, okay, fair enough. Let me ask him now. [00:35:16] What was that watch that movie they made with Michelle Pfeiffer? They were the. The musicians. [00:35:22] The Fabulous Baker. Oh, wasn't that was a great movie? I love that because it had Michelle Pfeiffer on it. [00:35:30] The Bridges. [00:35:34] Anyway, that's like a. It's really a bridge to another. We're burning a lot of bridges here. [00:35:41] I don't want to burn any bridges. I just said. Yeah, shut up. Both of you. Sorry, Joan. Okay. I didn't mean to steal your line. Give me a little of that stuff there. You didn't steal Joan's line. No, that was my line. Oh, that's. Linda. What's my line? [00:35:59] Okay, the actual age. I hate to bust into this clever repartee that just. Just flooding our eardrums. The actual age of this. Does this have significance? Yeah, Sea hunt. Oh, sea hunt. Oh, yeah. [00:36:19] Oh, this is your type of music. [00:36:22] And we went to the mountain and looked up. [00:36:27] I'm so young. [00:36:30] Okay, the actual age of Beau Bridges is 50. Wow. [00:36:36] 50. That's it. I'm jumping off the bridge. I didn't get it right. He looks pretty good for 50 for a short, fat, ugly guy. [00:36:47] Oh, sure. I know women like you. Linda, if he walked into this room this moment, you'd probably be ripping his clothes off in seconds. Sure, sure. [00:36:57] Or he'd be ripping your clothes off. I know something like that would happen. I'm jumping over the bridge. I didn't get that one either. [00:37:06] I think we should put David. We should fix David up with Joan and we'll call him Courier and hives. [00:37:17] Give the man a point for that one. That was very good. Yeah, but of course, you're not doing anything. You don't have to mc this swirl game. Yeah, you can just sit around. You can sit around during the whole game, make wrong guesses, but think of clever lines. What else you got to do? Sure. That was very good. Okay. Actually, so the winner of all of this is Glenn, who got three, Ernie got two who won this last one, and Joan got two. Oh, Ernie, he said 46. Okay. [00:37:53] They just love your. You can name your ticket to any job in the country right now. You're riding high. And the publicity. Well, being in the learner circle again, I must say. Norm. Yeah. Did I. Did I say Ernie? It's actually Glenn who won the whole game. Oh, I'll have to step aside then, I guess. Yeah, you won the last out of my circle. You won this round, but Glenn actually won the whole business. [00:38:19] I love the dancing girl taking them away. [00:38:26] So let me. Let me thank all of you. Mike, thanks very much for being part of this. Thank you for having me, sir. It was my pleasure. It was my pleasure, too, big guy. And Jack Hart, what a delight you are. Now get out of here. Okay. [00:38:44] And he's gone now all the cars can pull back on the road now. The Jack's back to work. [00:38:49] And Tony, thank you very much. [00:38:53] Listen, no problem. Okay? I just clicked Tony off Because he's getting to be wise and. [00:39:01] Joan, thank you very much. Thank you, Norm. But what kind of prize do I get for holding on the phone for an hour? A very big phone bill, which you will really love. Okay. I hope you're not going to say any more disparaging remarks about my commercials now. No, I won't, Joan. As a matter of fact, I was thinking, when you get your phone bill. Yeah. Perhaps you can autograph it and give it to the channel to auction. Oh, well, it'll bring in big. Do they have any prizes that go up that high? I know they have the cars, but I don't know, I guess if they have any that are that valuable there. Oh, yeah, they'll. Oh, sure, they'll make a special premium. Probably. [00:39:41] Probably in 1812 hope chest. They have a lot of that kind of artistic things. I don't even know what I'm talking about. They'll even list it in the TV Guide where they give. Where they put down all the good things. [00:39:53] That's right too. Yeah, they'll have. This will be a special night. Anyway. Thanks, Joan. [00:39:58] I think she hung up on me. I'm the only talk toast who have people hang up on him. [00:40:05] Everybody else tries to get rid of them, they try to get rid of me. I can't understand this. Hey, Glenn. Hold on a second. Ernie, thank you very much. And thank you, Norman. [00:40:17] And a happy goodnight from us all, your loyal fans. Okay. [00:40:23] I hate people that suck up to you like that, don't you? [00:40:28] Thank you very much, Linda and Dave. I really appreciate having you both here. Thanks for having us on the game. It was great. Thank you very much. And your payment, of course, is 19 more thief songs reprecation. You got it. [00:40:41] Okay, thanks a lot. And any. Did I. Did you have. We still have Glenn here. Oh, no. Yeah. No. The reason I wanted you to talk to Tony, so you give me your name and address and stuff so we can send some tacky prize out to you which you'll probably hate and probably end up in the Salvation army box at your local box. Always treasure coming from you, Norm. Oh, Glenn, Glenn, Glenn. That was such a nice thing to say. Hey, I'm your wrestling reporter. I gotta be good to you. Okay? Okay. Here's Tony. He'll take the information for you. Take care. Okay. This has been the exciting dumber at the game. Kids, this is Barbara for the New Hampshire State Liquor Commission. Now that it's December, I'm sure you're as busy as I am with all your holiday activities, but I wanted to take a moment to remind you that when you're out shopping, be sure to stop at a New Hampshire State liquor outlet or wine specialty store. The Spread the Holiday Cheer Sale is going on now through December 8th, and it's a great time to pick up some wine or spirits to give as gifts or to stock up for your holiday get togethers. During the Spread the Holiday Cheer Sale, the New Hampshire State Liquor Outlet and wine specialty stores have all your favorite brands on sale. There are liquor outlet and wine specialty stores conveniently located throughout New Hampshire. Many stores are open on Sundays and all of them except Visa, MasterCard and American Express. For the latest sale information, call toll free 1-800-543-4664. The New Hampshire State Liquor Outlet and wine specialty stores spread the Holiday Cheer Sale. Don't miss it. [00:42:27] Peter. Yes, Steve. What's so funny? Dave Maynard's doing another auction for Children's Hospital this Sunday at the Emerald Square Mall in North Alle. [00:42:36] Now, no one would let Dave be an auctioneer. Come on. Well, he's done it before. He's a pushover. There are going to be some great things. It's this Sunday. You got to be there. Great place to do your Christmas shopping and help children. The possibilities are endless. Maynard, an auctioneer, what kind of stuff is he giving away? He gives things away. Look at the things that he's going to have. There's a list in front of us. Mink earmuffs, a week in Killington, television set, many other things. Basketballs autographed by Celtics players and coaches. It'll be fabulous. And he's a pushover. He's such an easy touch. It's amazing. Now you gotta be wrong. This is too good. No, this Sunday, December 8th, and it's gonna be a good time. Emerald Square Mall in North Attleboro. You'll have a great time. You have to be there to bid. And it's all for WBZ Children's Hospital Fund. Join Dave Maynard 1:00 Sunday at Emerald Square in North Attleboro. Help Dave clean house, get a great bargain and help the WBZ Children's Hospital fund. Time is 11 minutes before 4:00. And here's the WBZ AccuWeather forecast from Jim Kosak who says overnight, well, pretty much like it is now. With the temperatures about where they are right now outside our WBZ Studios, it's 24 degrees. 24. [00:43:50] And the outlook for today Saturday, partly the mostly cloudy and breezy. It could flurry or sprinkle during the morning causing some slippery spots with the temperature below freezing. During the afternoon, nothing more than a brief sprinkle. Then with the temperatures getting up to about 40 degrees. [00:44:09] Saturday Night Clearing and breezy lows near 30. [00:44:13] On Sunday, partly cloudy to sunny, highs in the mid 40s. [00:44:19] Monday Cloudy, there is a chance of showers with high temperatures well up in the up in the not well up in the 50s, but about 50 to 55. And Tuesday, starting off damp, then clearing and windy with high temperatures about 45 degrees. [00:44:36] And in Boston it's 24 degrees right now. Right now being 10 before 4. [00:44:54] And watch out, here it comes. Patrick Palladino Jr. Of Winchester, Massachusetts is telling us about his skin problems. My rash was red and blotchy. It was itching and it would be very uncomfortable just to stand and work. It was sore and very irritated. But Patrick Palladino got relief using Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated powder. And then I came across Gold Bond powder and that seemed to help right away. When you put it on, it's cool, it's comfortable. The tingling effect was very soothing. Gold Bond's Triple action is like three grape powders in one. It has the absorbing action of powder, the medicating action of a proven itch fighter and the drying action of zinc oxide. That's Triple Action Gold Bond. And when I put on the Gold Bond powder, I get relief almost immediately. The itching goes away quite rapidly. And it's one of the few products that you can buy that I can buy that I get an instant gratification from. It works that fast for me. Try Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Powder. Use only as directed. Available at CVS Today's neighborhood Drugstore. I don't have corns or bunions, but when I wear sneakers, my feet feel terrible. Hot, sweaty, burning, sore, and they smell as bad as they feel. There's a simple solution. Keep it in your sneaker. What do you mean keep it in your sneaker? A specially formulated powder for common foot problems like yours. It starts in seconds to put out that fiery feeling and stop odors too. It cools and soothes and relieves with its special ingredients. That's terrific. That's not all. Keep it in your sneaker helps break the cycle of friction, sweating and discomfort. How? Your feet are loaded with sweat glands. Friction causes more sweating. That excess moisture can cause real problems, even promote athletes foot fungi. Watch. Keep it in your sneaker too. Breaks the cycle first by reducing friction, then by drying out excess moisture. Does this stuff quit after a few minutes? No way. Just shake it on Your socks and sneakers and on your feet. It keeps working while you're working out. Hey, my feet feel great. I'm using this every day. Keep it in your sneaker powder. Relieve sore burning feet. Stops odors too. Use only as directed. Available at all brooks drugstores. [00:47:04] Okay, 254-1030 is our phone number. The area code is 617. We'll take calls again. We have some open lines. The time is eight minutes before 4:00. Tony Nesbitt, our producer. My name is Norm Nathan. And glad to have you with us. And glad to have Vivianne. Hey. Hi, Vivian. Hi, Norm. Hey, after that those morbid stories John was telling, it was great to hear the new group of the Nathan comedians. How can we go about hiring you guys? [00:47:36] I guess just dangling gold in front of our face. [00:47:41] Oh, God. I really let into that, didn't I? I wasn't even. Yeah, see, you're turning out to be a comedian. Hire yourself, Vivian. No, I never compete with these guys. [00:47:52] Oh, my God. I got a stomach ache from Raffin. Oh, that's nice. That is very nice. [00:47:58] You know, you tell me what. I don't really remember where I was from. Pearl Harbour asked because I was kind of young, but I do remember my mother. I think we were sitting at the table and my mother yelled and started crying. [00:48:16] Yeah, that's right. I think all she was thinking of was that she had two boys the age of being taken. Yeah, I know. That was what went through an awful lot of adults. I think kids look upon, especially if you were very young, you look upon at that time, seems to me we looked upon war as a great adventure. It didn't seem ominous at all. I mean, we just had no concept of what it meant. It just. It was. Life was going to be a little different. And when you were a kid, you look for something to be a little different. So it didn't seem so bad. But the adults understood the impact of all of what it meant. And they were the ones who obviously who just broke down and thought about their kids going on the service and all the ugliness that was to follow. Yeah, but I remember hearing and I mentioned in the auditorium at the Fairfield Whitney School in Everett, that's when I was in the 10th grade. [00:49:09] And they put the radio on loud and sent it through the PA system. And during the speech, we thought, that is Roosevelt's day and infamy speech. What a great adventure this is. It seemed, you know, wow. [00:49:24] So anyway, I'm sure that's what you thought at the time. Yeah. [00:49:30] I'd like to invite any people who are listening to a great Christmas fair at the First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain. And where in Jamaica Plain is? On the corner of center and Myrtle Street. Okay. Center is the main street, isn't it? Okay. Center and Myrtle Street. It's the biggest and best church in Jamaica Plain. [00:49:52] Anybody wants to dispute that, well, you can't. Great. Seals beer. It goes on from nine o'clock tomorrow morning until three in the afternoon. Okay, let's get. We must get the days right. You talking Saturday now? Saturday. So you're talking this morning? Yeah. Nine o'clock until when? Till three in the afternoon. Okay. All day this coming day? Yeah. From 9 to 11 you can get a full breakfast and then after that you can come in and you can get corn chowder or. And Dave Meenat's always saying, ah, that Conchada isn't the greatest. They don't make it right, but it's the greatest. Okay, tell me the name of the church again. First Baptist Church of Jamaica Plain. Okay. [00:50:35] And you name it. You can find it there at that Christmas fair. [00:50:39] Now that's a great place because we have a church, a Congregational church in my town that has these Christmas fairs also. And a lot of. I know, and I'm sure this is the case with the First Baptist of the Church of Jamaica Plain and other church fairs in the. That women, maybe men too, I suppose, knit all kinds of sweaters and hand a lot of handcrafted personal things. So they're one of a kind. In many cases, you just can't buy any place. That's right. And they're lovely. They make up lovely gifts. And usually the prices are much less than what they would be if you went into a store. I hate to take business away from stores because I know they're suffering this year. But these church fairs are great for getting Christmas presents on Friday. And we've kind of thought the weather might harm it. Yeah. But boy, the people were lined up outside the church from about 8 o'clock in the morning until they opened at 9. Okay. And this is the last day of it. Then today, this is the last day. Okay, I'm glad to know about that, Vivian. It's the greatest. And I sent you a package in the mail. I saw it and I hadn't opened it as yet. I will, and I hope you'll appreciate it. Whatever you send. I really appreciate it. I've got your cards and messages and all of that, and I was very grateful for that, Vivian. You're okay. And I look forward to seeing that each time I get on the air. I guess I want to thank people for so many cars, which is the reason I hadn't gotten to opening what you sent. I saw it there and almost became inundated with cards and nice messages and letters that people have been sending. I'm sure you have, and I'm very grateful for that because that's helped. And I've tried to answer as many as I can. I'm trying to answer all of them, and it's just. It's getting kind of weary. Don't try that. People aren't looking for that. Well, I know that. But some people have enclosed so many messages and memories of normal involved in things that I didn't even know she was involved in. In some cases, the letters have been so interesting that I just feel compelled to thank people. And for that, well, I thank you very much, Vivian. [00:52:52] She was something special. And I keep learning more about her, actually, from a lot of these letters. She's been involved in a little helping people doing various things that I was not even aware of. And anyway, those. Basically, those make up the letters. And they've been a great comfort to me over the past few weeks. And I really appreciate them a lot. And you keep them because they'll remain a comfort to you. [00:53:16] Okay. [00:53:17] Hey, Vivian, good luck on the First Baptist Church of Jamaica Plain, Corner center and Myrtle Streets. And I'll be there. Okay? I know you will. You're always talking about people helping people. That's you. Oh, well, I. Have fun doing it. Have a happy Christmas. Vivian, good to talk with you. I'm a very, very happy Christmas. Thanks, Amelia. And tell Tony to have a merry Christmas. And everyone else out there. Hey, Tony. Have a happy Christmas and be quiet about it. Leave Tony alone. Okay, I will. Bye. Bye, Vivian. Bye. Bye, dear. Very nice lady. The place to be December 7th through the 10th is Silver Restaurant Supply and Equipment Company in Chelsea. For four days only, they're having a giant garage sale. Huge savings on commercial brand glassware, dinnerware, pots and pans and more. You can save up to 75% off manufacturer's suggested retail prices. Get cases of wine glasses, beer mugs and highball glasses from only $3.50 a dozen must be bought by the case. The time is now to stock up for those holiday parties. They also have a large selection of Cardinal gift box glassware. Makes a great Christmas gift. Silver Restaurant supply and equipment Company supplies some of the country's leading restaurants and hotel chains. So you know you're buying from the best, discontinued items, surplus items, all at unbelievable prices. Restaurant owners and the general public are invited to the sale. For more, call 617-884-8700. Silver Restaurant Supply and Equipment Company 100 Pearl Street, Chelsea. Special sale hours Saturday, 9 to 5, Sunday noon to 5, and Monday and Tuesday 8 to 5. Don't miss it. [00:54:56] No matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, Trust wbz, Boston's news station for the latest news, weather and traffic every 15 minutes. [00:55:12] From ABC News, I'm Marty McNeely. President Bush is in Hawaii for today's observance of the 50th anniversary of Japan's attack on Pearl harbor, and Mr. Bush says he's approaching the event as a day of healing. ABC's Vic Ratner has more on the President's visit in this report from Honolulu. The President bounded down the steps of Air Air Force One as he arrived here in Hawaii to greet an old friend, one of the crewmen of the submarine which rescued Navy Ensign George Bush from the Pacific Ocean after his plane was shot down in 1944. The president will only be in Hawaii for 19 hours, but he'll participate in three different ceremonies to mark the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. While he's here, Mr. Bush has said he wants it to be a day of healing, but many Pearl harbor veterans have told me these last few days they're not interested in improved relations with Japan. Vic Ratner, ABC News, with the president in Honolulu. A new opinion poll conducted by ABC News and the Japanese network NHK shows that Americans and Japanese regard each other with mixed emotions. The poll, involving over 2,000 adults, suggests that wartime scars have faded, but economic competition has opened new wounds. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus three and a half percent. More news after this. Hey, Willard Scott here. And whenever there's spicy food on the menu, I see heartburn in the forecast. And I'm not the only one. And too bad those folks don't know about Rye Pan 2. Let's hear from Marie from New Orleans, Louisiana. Willard I try to be careful about what I eat. I'm supposed to stay away from salt, but when I see Cajun food, I'm not going to say no. So I eat it. I get heartburn, and it's, well, it's right here like a big blowtorch right in my stomach. It just is this terrible pressure and burning, and that's when I need to take something. Marie sounds like you could use the antacid that I always tell my friends about Ryapan plus two. Hey, it's got this special formula that starts to fight stomach acid as fast as you can say blackened red fish. Willard, does this stuff have salt in it? Because I'm supposed to stay away from salt. Ryapan plus 2 is sodium free. Good news if you're trying to watch out for salt. That sounds pretty good and it tastes good, too. So, Marie, bon appetit. And get yourself some rye pan two and use only as directed, either madder, cherry flavor, liquid or tablets. [00:57:38] Day six of the William Kennedy Smith rape trial is coming up. Yesterday, Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy and his son Patrick spent some time in the witness chair. ABC's Catherine Cowery has more on the story from West Palm Beach. Patrick Kennedy followed his father, Ted Kennedy, to the stand and gave his version of the night's events. Elements of his story are very different than his father's testimony. The senator testified he went to bed after saying goodnight to Patrick, but Patrick saw him later. Did you see anyone on the lawn as you walked up there? [00:58:09] Yes. [00:58:11] Who did you see on the lawn? I saw my father. His testimony created a great deal of confusion. Catherine Cowdery, ABC News, West Palm Beach. Lawmakers from both parties are calling for a unified approach to stimulate the nation's economy. Republicans are again calling for a cut in the capital gains tax rate. Democrats say tax cuts for middle income wage earners would stimulate retail sales. The government reported Friday that the nation's workforce declined by another quarter of a million jobs last month, the steepest drop in the last eight months. We asked economist Gordon Pye about the ripple effect. The problem is that when somebody gets laid off, they're somebody else's customer. And when they don't have money to spend on the products they've been buying, that's going to affect the whole economy, really. And that's exactly what's been happening. Former hostage Alan Steen is expected to return to the United States today headed for Detroit. That leaves just one more ex hostage, Terry Anderson, at the American Military Hospital in Wiesbaden, Germany. Authorities in Raleigh, North Carolina, say three people were killed today when a TV station's helicopter crashed. One other person was hurt in the incident. The chopper was returning to the station from a high school football game when it went down. Court documents in Torrance, California, indicate a heart specialist who treated college basketball star Hank Gathers before he collapsed on the court and died has agreed to pay his family $1 million. He's the first of 13 defendants to settle in a multimillion dollar wrongful death lawsuit this is ABC News. [00:59:49] I don't want to go to school. Mommy, everybody's mean. [00:59:54] I hate school. It's stupid. For this bright six year old, the ABCs have never been as simple as ABC. Where do you go when you can't read or write like the other kids? He got help at a center for learning disabilities. They got help from the United Way. All because the United Way got help from you. The United Way. It brings out the best in all of us. A public service of the Advertising Council for the ABC Information network. I'm Artie McNeely. I'm Darrell Gould, WBZ News. Massachusetts Director of Employment Nils Nordberg says he's happy the state's unemployment rate has dropped for the second month in a row. But he says a jobless rate of 8.5% still is not good. He says there'll be no sustained improvement until things turn around. On the national scene, the attorney for Henry Meinholz, the convicted killer of 13 year old Melissa Benoit of Kingston, says Meinholz is being harassed by other inmates. Inmates and should be incarcerated in a more secure setting if he's not removed to safer quarters. Says attorney Jack Atwood, he should at least be protected by plexiglass to keep other inmates from throwing unpleasant stuff at him. Moody's Investor Service says the Massachusetts credit rating remains at BAA as the state prepares to issue $350 million in new general obligation bonds next week. However. However, Moody's does note there have been a few bright spots in the state's continuing financial struggle. Now let's check the 5 day WBZ AccuWeather forecast from meteorologist Jim Kosak. Thank you, Darrell. We'll be looking at a variably cloudy sky overnight with a low of 23 at daybreak. Then for Saturday, partly to mostly cloudy and breezy. It may flurry or sprinkle during the morning with the temperature below freezing. Watch for slippery spots. Then nothing more than a brief sprinkle during the afternoon. High temperature near 40 degrees. The sky will clear out Saturday night and it's going to turn breezy. Low of 30 degrees on Sunday, sunny to partly cloudy, high 45. Now the long range for Monday, rather cloudy with the chance of showers arriving. High 50 to 55 Tuesday. May start off damp with some leftover rain. Otherwise partial clearing and windy. High 45. I'm WBZ AccuWeather meteorologist Jim Kosak. Temperature right now, Jim, and you haven't asked me, but I think it's only fair to tell you it's 24 degrees here in Boston, 24 degrees. A nice morning for bundling, you know. You know, butt bundling, Big Jack? Oh, I certainly do. That's what they used to do during the colonial days when it got real cold. You just held on to somebody you liked a whole lot and held each other for body heat. And I don't know why that custom went out. Probably didn't go up. No, no. It's probably being practiced right at this very moment someplace. Unfortunately. We have radiators now. Yeah. [01:02:46] Whoever set up and invented central heating ought to get his ears cut off. Should be ashamed of himself. Publicly pillared. Publicly pillared. This is the publicly pillared. That sounds like a Spiro Agnew alliteration line. That's good. Good. Anyway, this is the WBZ 24 hour traffic network. And here's our traffic reporter, publicly pillared and his orchestra. Yeah, thank you very much. There's nothing going on, isn't it? You want to just wind it up right with that? Oh, well, there's a couple of things going on, Norm. We do have work crews over on the Gilmore Bridge to watch out for. They're between Charlestown and Cambridge and they should be there, oh, for about another hour and a half, two hours. So watch out for them northbound on the expressway. Things picking up just a bit as they are on the lower deck of Route 93 and the Tobin Bridge heading into the city. Outside of the city, routes 128 and 495. No problems. I'm Jack Hart, WBZ 24 hour traffic network. Don't miss Nonsense, the musical comedy hit the Boston Globe calls hilarious. Now in its final weeks at the Charles Playhouse through January 5th, only let us take this chance to say, have a happy holiday. [01:04:01] From Norm Nathan to you here on wbz, we hope this year you see all your dreams come true. [01:04:26] Oh, thank you very much. I hope all your dreams do come true. I hope they even turn out to be better than you dreamed them to. Thank you. Okay, 2, 5, 4, 10, 30, our area code 617 won't be around here till just till 5. So this is our last hour. If you've been thinking about calling and you haven't done that, this would be a good time to do that. Because later on you'll say, oh, it's too late. He's not even on the air now. Why didn't I not call that dear boy? Anyway, let's go to Hal in New York. Hi, how you doing, Hal? Oh, just a little comment. Okay. I've been sitting here and had the Most delightful hour in the past year. You know, the past hour been real delightful because when you came on the air with your stupid birthday game, not dumb birthday game, but stupid birthday game, I shut off WBZ and I went to KDKA in Pittsburgh. Oh, my goodness. And I really enjoyed that talk show host. So I just shut off you. And I'm not ever going to turn you on again as long as you run those stupid ads. Oh, I. Oh, I see. You were insulting me. I thought you were praising me. I misread you. [01:05:42] I'm cringing. I'm cringing. No, you don't have to cringe. But, boy, some of the things you do, you do really are boring. Oh, I'm sorry. You said you were boring. I did say that. Yes, I did. And I have to agree with you sometimes. Okay, what are some of the boring things you think we ought to change? Will you bring that damn fat slob that Joan Cantwell even into your birthday game? How do you know she's a fat slob? I can tell by her tone of voice. Oh, I see. I've known a lot of fat slobs. In my eyes, you can tell just by the voice that they're fat slobs. Yep. But I said what I wanted to say. That's it, huh? [01:06:30] Oh, he said, I'll leave him alone. Put away the tars and feathers. Put away that. Now, don't do that. Don't do that. I mean, he has a right to his opinion, even if it is stupid. [01:06:44] No, when he said, it's kind of funny. When he said, why am I laughing? I've just been taking over the coals. When he said, I enjoyed the past hour, I thought, he met us. [01:06:56] He enjoyed the past hour because he wasn't listening to us, apparently. [01:07:01] That makes me feel just so darn sad. Anyway, you're tuned to wbz. My name is Norm Nathan. Let me say it softly. I'm afraid to say it too loud now. I'll be back in a minute. Okay. 2, 5, 4, 10, 30, area code 617. [01:07:19] Excuse me, but I couldn't help noticing your writing. Oh, I was just scribbling a note to myself. You're very social, aren't you? Well, I've been told that I'm. And you have idealistic goals, too. You can see all that in my handwriting. Oh, yes, and one more thing. You appreciate quality. Where'd you see that? You're using a Parker insignia pen, aren't you? Of course, I wouldn't think of writing with anything else. I Know what you mean. I write with the new Parker insignia pen myself. I like the craftsmanship, the technology, the design. Hey, maybe we should have dinner and compare our writing styles. You smooth talker, you. I was worried we were gonna miss out on a 76. That's the spirit. But all ended well on that one. And how about Norm's Andy Williams Osmond's story? And then Norm with the IDK reference, years ahead of his time with that one. Next week, expect a jam packed episode of All Things Norm. For this week, though, let's close the vault and leave this world a little sillier than we found it. 4. The Czech Republic, South Africa. The American Carrot Institute. Chuck from Steak, Maine. The Dead, Dead, Dead Birthday game. Linda's League. The hilarious and entertaining Read how they really Died. Accuweather Scratching oneself to death. Baseball puns. Cold SpaghettiOs and Hormel chili. Puppy love. Cleft chins, 76 trombones. Rashy radios. Jack Benny Nausea. Looking older but thinking they're younger. Little fat ugly ones. Courier and Hives. Slippery spots. The Nathan Comedians. The First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plains. Public pillorying Telling by the tone of the voice. New Hampshire State Liquor Stores. Children's Hospital. The United Way, Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Powder Silver. Restaurant Supply and Equipment Company in Chelsea, Mass. Rio Pan Plus Two Nonsense. The Charles Playhouse. Parker Insignia pens. Peter Mead, Joan Cantwell, Jim Cosette, Marty McNeely, Linda Chase, Dave Currier, Daryl Gould, Jack Scanner Hart. And the man getting his roasted peanuts. Hiya, Norm Nathan. I'm Tony Nesbitt. Boy, some of the things you do, you do really are boring. Oh, I'm sorry. You said you were boring. I did say that. Yes, I did. And I have to agree with.

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