Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 119

Episode 119 December 31, 2022 01:38:46
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 119
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 119

Dec 31 2022 | 01:38:46


Show Notes

Forgive me for being a tad late with the upload. I’m clearly suffering from a post-Christmas daze. But we are here now and ready to close out 2022 with this DBG/NNS combo from December 27th and 28th, 1995 which I have titled: Ringing in the New Year with Some Ding-Dongs.

We begin with Norm describing where Jack does his traffic reports from as well as inquiring about what the dress code is or lack thereof.

Jack offers a belated Birthday wish to Norm. Norm, who was slighted by Jack’s lack of gifts/card, runs down a list of the celebrity birthday greetings he received. One with a very clever tag line.

Mike Epstein, on the other hand, has been sending Norm cards since last February.

In addition to Jack and Mike, the rest of the Panel includes:

Arlene in Philadelphia, PA

Kevin in ME

Val in Needham

Jean from Kingston


Slim pickings on Bdays and Events:

Tovah Feldshuh

Anna Russell

Bernard Lanvin

Dr. William Howell Masters

Norm takes it to the break, and we move onto the NNS





Ruth from Buzzards Bay 

Cuts to Norm talking about Lou Gorman, then VP of the Red Sox, who would read a proclamation announcing Lizzie Murphy Day honoring a woman who played semi-pro baseball for 17 years. 

Here’s Irene talking about the old days in Lawrence and Haverhill.

Mike talking Norm’s chickens, big band leaders and music.

Mary asking about Norm’s cats.


Suddenly Norm is talking to guests. They are Lucy Johnson (aka Princess Cheyenne) and Montana, who were appearing at Matthew’s in Tyngsboro. They chat about pick-up lines, careers, teasers and more…or is it less?

At one point Lucy asks Montana to tell a story but…the tape was paused! However, we do pick up when I enter the studio and it gets a bit racy!

They took some calls:

Mark in Newton who’s made a terrible career choice

Neil from Lynn – looking for measurements

Dan in Littleton – The Origami Dropper?

John from Boston – who needs a ride to Matthew’s


Other fun:

Imagine if the traffic guy gets hit by a car?


The Homely Father

Double your money back if you don’t like the onion soup. I’ll let Norm explain that get rich quick scheme.

Happy Chattanooga Day?

A Pittsburgh radio host from KDKA, (Bob Jones?) is ghosting Norm.

Norm’s Uncle Max was assassinated in 1953 for his sharp sense of humor

The new nation of Methuen

The other new nation of Swansea

The Birthday Game Handbook

Have some Madera, my dear.

Clenched jaws

Gregorian humor

A Jack Benny Cameo

Frolicking in the woods

The Mystery of the Inner Lobe: A little known Spielberg movie

Norm’s opinions on Dean Martin

Norm speaks sultry French

Witty repartee and the rebirth of radio

And Norm is very territorial. 

Ep 119, Ringing in the New Year with some Ding-Dongs, drops into your ears in 3, 2 annnnnnnnd 1.

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