Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 126

Episode 126 February 18, 2023 01:40:23
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 126
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 126

Feb 18 2023 | 01:40:23


Show Notes

A NNS from February 17th, 1996 graces the airwaves again with this episode. Because of the subject matter I have titled it: Help Wanted, Guidance Given!

We get a nice Show open and Norm teases the upcoming guests.

First will be Brandon Toropov – a Job Search Expert – His Book: “303 Off-the-Wall Ways to Get a Job.” He doles out resumé suggestions, advice and a whole lot of other strategies!

Later we talk with ‘Mr. Scholarship’ Dan Cassidy – Pres. and founder of the National Scholarship Research Service. Back then, 2.7B $ in financial aid went unclaimed!

Callers for Brandon:

Christine from Abbington

A Caller from Canada



And Fred

Before we get to Dan Cassidy, Norm does some sports and talks up Sunday night’s guest which was to be Rupert Holmes, writer, composer, singer and multi-Tony award winner. His latest project that was airing on AMC was a series titled: Remember WENN

Now it’s time for Mr. Scholarship. Dan talks about the many different criteria that can lead you to get a scholarship and provides a ton of info! Some reference books that were mentioned were: For Undergrads…The Scholarship Book, The Worldwide Graduate Scholarship Directory for Masters, PhD and post-doctorate and The Worldwide College Scholarship Directory for foreign students studying in this country or a student from the U.S. looking to study abroad.

Callers for Dan:

Chris in NH

Jeremy from Cambridge

Beth in Easton which jumps to Side B

Joanne in Boston

Virginia from Hyde Park

Mary in Marshfield

Glen from Danvers

Mark in Taunton

Carol from Quincy

And Dawn in Medford

Norm does a quick station ID and we hear Jack Harte with a snowy traffic report sponsored by N.E. Car Stereos Rockin’ President’s Sale!

Bonus time:

The tape concludes with more Norm, but we walk it back to December 28th, 1995?



A Birthday Girl who’s turning 14

Anne from N. Reading

And an unnamed caller

Jack returns with just a sponsor read for the Christmas Tree Shoppes and we close with Kristin from Dorchester and yet another unnamed caller.

Episode 126, “Help Wanted, Guidance Given!” benefits your ears…now.


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