Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 127

Episode 127 February 25, 2023 01:30:51
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 127
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 127

Feb 25 2023 | 01:30:51


Show Notes

Welcome back to the Vault of Silliness, or should I say Vault of Clippiness? Yes, the clipping at the end of the episodes continues and the powers that be are fighting the good fight to resolve it properly. Buuuuut for now we have agreed to try a little trickery. A bit of video voodoo. Some audio abracadabra.

What is it? Well thank you just so darn much for asking!

I will add around 30 seconds of silence at the end of each show. The hope is that it will now clip off the added silence and my wonderfully entertaining close to each show will be heard in its entirety.

I’m sure some of you are saying, “He should add the silence at the start of his close.”


Let us venture back to February 25th, 1996 for a NNS show I have titled: Wolves at the Studio Door.

We have three guests all of whom will be speaking about the wolf.

Guest 1

Fred Keating from Loki (prn Lo-keye) Clan Wolf Refuge in Conway, NH – A shelter for wolf hybrids – wolves mixed with a domesticated dog. He provides excellent info on wolves and their abilities, explains all that his Refuge does and what started him on this journey.

Guest 2

Paul Saffron from the North American Wolf Foundation and Wolf Hollow in Ipswich, MA. At the time he had seventeen, 100% pure British Columbian Timberwolves – and they were howling in the background! He tells us about the horribly senseless and cruel ways the wolf was treated and exterminated in the past and how governments are trying to right those wrongs. And, of course, he talks about his Foundation, his experiences, and the presentations he and his wife, Joanie, do at Wolf Hollow.

Guest 3

Rick McIntyre – Author of ‘War Against the Wolf.’ He adds even more perspective on the anti-wolf mindset of the time and now, thankfully, a change in attitudes and philosophy about the wolf and its importance in the environment.

We do take some calls with Rick:

Joe from Quincy

Paul Saffron returns to speak with Rick

Jim in Georgetown

John from MI

Barbara in Brookline

Pauline from Westborough

Bruce in Boston

And Pat from Plainville


Episode 127, Wolves at the Studio Door, howls it’s way to your ears, now.

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