Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 68

Episode 68 January 07, 2022 01:38:20
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 68
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 68

Jan 07 2022 | 01:38:20


Show Notes

Hello and Happy New Year to all of you.

Before I give you the details of today’s broadcast let me take a moment to wish Norm a belated Happy Birthday. He would have turned 95 back on December 20th.

Thank you for your patience as I convalesced from the Covidronacroninator. I’m feeling much better and Norm Nathan’s Vault of Silliness is ready to kick off 2022 with…the episode I was in the middle of writing and editing that was to air back on December, 17th.

This originally aired on December 16th, and I believe the 17th of 1995. There’s some miscellaneous content too but I believe it was all from the same weekend.

I have titled it: The Cockamamie Christmas Punch His Lights Out Show.

Have fun listening to find out why.

There’s so much going on here…


We begin with a Jack Harte holiday celebrations traffic report and then on to the Show Open.

Norm gives the line-up of guests coming up that weekend including Nancy Sinatra. I do hope that interview is here in the Vault somewhere as it was not included on this tape.

Norm mentions he will be filling in for David Brudnoy from 7p – midnight on Christmas Night! ANNNNND he will in for Neil Chayet on New Year’s Eve beginning at 9 and will be on all through the night! 


The always entertaining Helene from Belmont



We drive on over to our next subject: The dedication of the Ted Williams Tunnel.

This leads to a discussion of other celebs who’ve had things named after them and I reveal what my choice is if the powers that be wanted to name something after moi.

Now hang on as now the fun really begins as Norm and I talk about a magical night when this completely ad-libbed, off-the-cuff, perfectly timed production took place: The Toilet Dedication!

After that there’s a brief, partial call that turns us on.


Norm tells a story of scraping ice off a windshield during a double date.

There’s a recollection of when Ed Mullen (the SMQuizMaster) proposed to his girlfriend on the air.

We then take a call from Jeff who just may have pulled the taffeta over our eyes.

And now comes Norm’s rant about David Brudnoy’s quarterly Libertarian Panel Show, which, by the way, David would always dedicate to Norm.

Back to the calls!

Johnny in Boston who was recently on the Jerry Springer Show doing his Psychic Elvis act.

Bob from Framingham who’s celebrating his 1st wedding anniversary

Fred on the line talking about Mason Adams and we get Norm’s fantastic impression.

An upcut call with Margarite talking about Norm’s Mom and Dad.

Side B: 

Starts right off with a caller named Joan

Then a very brief call with Jeff who must’ve asked about Robert from Everett because we drop in some Robert laughs. 

Another quick call from one of our regulars, Kristin from Dorchester. Norm asks her to do the Station ID and she delivers.

June with some talk about Jack Harte, Moneen Daly, Ed Leclair and his fiancé Elizabeth and Little Baby Snoogle-Fleejer?

The Libertarian Panel talk returns and Norm’s riled up again!

Leuellen closes out the calls here as we move to one of our ‘Game Guests,’ Jeff Pinsker. We get to have some fun as he and the callers play one of his latest games.

Kathy in Lynn

Mary in Quincy

Leeanne from Blackstone

Paul from Somerville

Faye in Somerville

Wally from Brockton


We hear yet another Norm Show Open courtesy of Dave Currier and Linda Chase.

More Calls and guests!

Fred…talking all sorts of stuff including some relationship trouble

Sally in Plymouth – Her cat was on HBO’s Tales from the Crypt. Sally calls him Kitty but his union card reads Gypsy Ford.

Arlene…tells Norm about a WBZ co-worker’s crazy dream?!

Now we cut to…

Guests Lucy ‘Princess Cheyenne’ Johnson with another lovely lady, Montana who dance at a club in Tyngsboro called ‘Matthew’s’

Robert from Everett calls with some memories and he and Norm and the guests have a completely NORMAL conversation.

Norm mentions Lili St. Cyr whose act was getting dressed on stage!

Norm has some high PRAISE for Robert as it seems he was trying to cut down on drinking and smoking and now makes more sense when he calls.

Kevin from Bellingham

Mark in Framingham in need of love advice

And we close with Bob from Marblehead with a story and then the conversation gets deep and philosophical.

Episode 68 - The Cockamamie Christmas Punch His Lights Out Show – FINALLY, begins now!


Email the show: [email protected]







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