Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 92

Episode 92 June 24, 2022 01:29:19
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 92
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 92

Jun 24 2022 | 01:29:19


Show Notes

So happy to have you back for another episode of NNVoS. Episode 92 for those of you keeping track at home.

As promised, we will feature a SMQ from June 29th, 1995.

Let’s call this one: AM Gold

The usual suspects of yours truly, Ed Mullen, Jack Harte, and Norm comprise the panel.

Mike Epstein was producing.

The pregame ritual of explaining the rules is here in all its glory and is revisited later for even greater clarification.

The Categories:

Rock n’ Roll

Musical Comedy

Jazz/Big Band

And the all-new: Bible Songs and Yiddish Freylekhs

The prize package ante has been upped. Not only will you receive a Certificate of Award but a much-coveted Peepers Keyring!

Later the question arises regarding the keyring supply and what if we run out? Fear not as I put forth the best solution.

Another non-musical question is posed:

What happens if the Tobin Bridge toll takers run out of change?

This discussion was prompted by Norm giving an on-air “hello” to one of them.

The game begins a little differently as Ed and Norm give some starting questions before we take calls.

AND for RnR it will be multiple choice 70’s theme question night – get 2 out of three and move to the next round! 

If my count is correct, we took 38 calls.

And here now, for your dining and dancing pleasure, are the names:

Frank in Leicester

Ann in Marlborough

Jim from NH

Ken in his car

Lance from Dorchester

Chris from Peabody

Linda in Quincy

Deedee in W. VA

Helene in Belmont

Eddie from Attleboro

Tom in Fitchburg

Brian in Walpole

Ruth from Portland ME

David in Brookline

Mike in PA

John from Cleveland

Dennis in Beverly

Joe from Cambridge

Matt in his car

Matt from Boston 

Ladies and gents…Side B

Buddy in Belmont

Terry from Weymouth

Kevin in Lynn

Beth in MI

Frank in Dorchester

Mary from Worcester

Doug in Medford


Bob in Medford

Todd from Walpole

John in Arlington

Dieter from Maryland

John in his car

Gloria in Malden

Christian from Charlestown

Warren in Medford

Kevin from Foxborough

And Bill in Nashua NH

If the Swellness of the quiz wasn’t enough here’s some other highlights:

We break for a news update on the The Unabomber...that’s NOT included here!

The RnR HoF will be open Labor Day weekend – our caller from Cleveland was not a fan of the building.

We get the briefest snippet of a Jordan’s Furniture commercial and then we hear the end of Norm reading all about PowerVites and PowerMate. It’s another classic with Norm advising, “Call the number and ask them what it was I said.” And in a funny turn of events, one of our callers asks Norm about the number!

There’s a lovely resort town in the Appalachian Mountains where they take great care of you with clean sheets and feeding you five times a day.

A request for Linda Chase to do a SMQ theme.

Norm gives us his impression of “the guy with the muscles in his throat” - Vaughn Monroe.

Did you know that 4 Certificates of Award is equal to a PhD?

And Norm reads a Vermont Teddy Bear commercial that was done with full accompaniment by ‘The Bunch of Hairy Guys.’

Episode 92, AM Gold – a SMQ from June 29th, 1995 is in the cassette deck. Pressing play in 3, 2 and 1.


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