Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 156

Episode 152 October 03, 2023 01:45:38
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 156
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 156

Oct 03 2023 | 01:45:38


Show Notes

As we still comb through September’s tapes, we arrive at a NNS from 9/22 & 23, 1996.

The title selected is The Bungalow Cruisin’ Cabbie.

Lots of calls fill our time in this one:

Deena from Branford Ontario


Winnie in Ottawa

Helene from Belmont

Kay in Dorchester 


Mark from Newton

Frank in Boston

Norma from the N. End


Eugene from Ohio

Robert from Everett


Wolfie, again

Katie in Malden 


John from CT

And ‘Dave Maynard’s’ Ruth  


Other seaworthy silliness:

Norm back from his cruise and is sick of talking about it. BUT, you will hear a little more about it anyway.

The Reach Around

Sonja and Sarah are named after their grandparents

Bob Hope was sexy?

Dorothy Lamour

Some Tennis players have nice legs and some do not

Norm tells his double date story without a defroster in the winter and he had to stick his head out the window to see where he was going!

Diplomatically speaking

Movie Credits

Norm and I spend some quality airtime together.

Steven Wright was going to be our guest and would be calling in!

There’s a gavel stuck in my rib cage…I need to see The Law Doctors!

Norm tells the heartwarming story of his annual physical.

The Daily number and my cholesterol…Good Lord, the lottery goes on and on!

Norm and I discuss our heavy gambling losses

I tell the story of getting to pet and feed a tiger at the KRF courtesy of the now infamous Bhagavan Antle!

Norm is behind in his mail again.

And we have pallets of good junk to send out.

Norm said that WBZ was selling a photo book with WBZ personalities in it and HE was not included! I mean…even Lovell Dyett was in it!


The Big Apple Weekend contest voiced by Gil Santos

Jack spot for Headline News

Subscribe to TV Guide and get a Baby Boombox voiced by Ed Donahue

Norm read for VT Teddy Bear

Ep 156, The Bungalow Cruisin’ Cabbie, motors its way to your ears…now.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: As we still comb through September's tapes, we arrive at a Norm Nathan show from September 22 and 23rd of 1996. The title selected is the Bungalow Cruising Cabby. Lots of calls fill our time in this one. Dina from Brantford, Ontario. Peggy Winnie in Ottawa. The one and only helene from Belmont. K in Dorchester. She wanted to sing a song from a movie and it would only take a minute. Norm's response is priceless. Wolfie who claims to have driven JFK Jr. And Carolyn Bessette to Logan from the Ritz Carlton in Boston. Mark from Newton, who thinks of Norm as a big brother. Frank in Boston with some song lyrics. Norma from the North End knows a little bit of it and she sings ruth with some lyrics about building a bungalow for two. Could it be the Bamboo Tree song? Eugene from Ohio, who plays about 30 seconds of it on the old phonograph. Robert from Everett. Oh, Wolfie's back. Let's cleanse the palate with this one. Back talking about JFK Jr and Bessette in his cap, and he was full of it. Norm's daughter Sarah confirmed that Junior was not in Boston when he said he picked them up. Wolfie reveals his diabolical plan to exact revenge on Sarah. Kate and Malden unhappy with Robert and defends Norm because she loves him. Joan John from Connecticut and Dave Maynard's. Ruth talking about seeing a self esteem group, Billboard, where Norm would be singing with the Bob Batshelder band. Now Norm begins to say what he was going to sing, but the tape ends well. Friends, stick around and let your ears be graced with that wonderful rendition in our post show wrap up Other Seaworthy Silliness. Norm back from his cruise and sick of talking about it, but you will hear a little more about it anyway. The reach around. Sonya and Sarah are named after their grandparents. Bob Hope was sexy Dorothy Lamore. Some tennis players have nice legs and some do not. Norm tells his double date story without a defrostor in the winter, and he had to stick his head out the window to see where he was going, diplomatically speaking. Movie credits. Norm and I spend some quality airtime together. Stephen Wright was going to be our guest and would be calling in. There's a gavel stuck in my ribcage. I need to go see the Law doctors. Norm tells the heartwarming story of his annual physical. The daily number in my cholesterol and good Lord, the lottery goes on and on. Norm and I discuss our heavy gambling losses. I tell the story of getting to Pet and feed a tiger at the King Richard's Fair, courtesy of the now infamous Bhagavan Antel. Norm is behind in his mail again, kinda like I'm behind in these shows and we have pallets of good junk to send out. Norm said that WBZ was selling a photo book with WBZ personalities in it and he was not included. I mean, even Lavelle diet was in it. Commercials. The Big Apple Weekend contest, voiced by Gil Santos. Jack Hart with a spot for Headline News, TV Guide and their great baby boombox, voiced by Ed Donahue and a Norm read for the Vermont teddy bear. Episode 156 The Bungalow Cruising. Cabby Motors its way to your ears now. [00:03:35] Speaker B: Weekend night he's beyond compare and so, Devonaire, he shines so bright. [00:03:53] Speaker C: You'Re on BZ 103. Oh, please don't turn that dial. [00:04:06] Speaker B: He makes me smile. [00:04:30] Speaker C: Yes, hello. This is the enormous show. We'll be around for a little bit, an hour and a half or so and we'll open the lines right this very moment, right before your very ears and take calls on whatever subject you'd like to talk about. Okay? This is very informal. No guests or anything tonight except you and that's you sound like I'm just reaching puberty. But anyway, I'd love to hear from you. The area code is six one seven and the phone number is two 5410 30 which I think is a real cool phone number. You bet. Steve Adams is our producer. We'll be around just till 01:00, so this would be a good time to call because all the lines are open at this very, very moment. Let me check a couple of things for you. Maybe three of the road pictures. There was the road to Zanzibar, the road to Morocco the road to Utopia the road to Rio, the road to Bali and the road to Hong Kong. And that's my analysis of everything. Anyway, we doing good. [00:05:40] Speaker B: How are? [00:05:41] Speaker C: Good. Good, thank you. Really cool. Good. [00:05:44] Speaker B: Yeah. How was your vacation? [00:05:47] Speaker C: Vacation was nice. Yeah. I don't know. I'm kind of getting sick of talking about it, but oh, really? No, I was nice. [00:05:55] Speaker B: Brought it up. [00:05:57] Speaker C: Yeah. No, it was nice. That was the cruise. I went on a cruise. I went a cruise to Bermuda. [00:06:02] Speaker B: Really? [00:06:03] Speaker C: Oh, yes. A cruise to Bermuda. It was very nice. No, I didn't get tanned. I know that. Isn't that awful? I should have. I spent a lot of time in my stateroom. I think that's what you call those rooms on a ship. [00:06:19] Speaker B: That would be correct. [00:06:20] Speaker C: Or a cabin would be correct, too, also, I suppose. And spent a lot of time reading and stuff. Well, I read a book on Jack Benny written by Jack Benny and his daughter, Joan Benny. A book called Sunday Night at Seven. I've had it around for a few years. It came out in 1960. His daughter Joan. Did I say? Kennedy Benny? Jack? Yeah. Joan. Benny, his daughter. After Jack Benny died, she found a big manuscript written by her father which I guess he intended to publish one day but never quite finished. So she finished the book for him. And so the book is credited to both. But it's quite fascinating. There have been a number of books on him, but this seemed to be, I think, probably the best. And I know because I happen to be a Jag Benny fan. [00:07:17] Speaker B: Did you ever meet him? [00:07:18] Speaker C: No, I never met him. Never met him at all. But aside from that, I'm repeating a lot of what I said yesterday, but we left Bermuda a day early because of Hurricane Hortents. [00:07:31] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:07:31] Speaker C: So we were floating around on the ocean there, getting away from a hortent for an extra day. And a lot of these shipboard activities, especially by the end of a trip, are not what you'd call really thrilling. Shuffleboard, I guess. I didn't even see shuffleboard, but they do a lot of bingo stuff. Super Bingo. Everybody in the theater for super bingo. Plus, I was mentioning they had did you win anything? No, I didn't play. There was a lot of gambling because once you get out to sea, you're kind of under your own jurisdiction, so there's a lot of that. I didn't gamble either, because I happen to be a cheap person and I hate to lose. Thank you. [00:08:13] Speaker B: I wouldn't have lost. [00:08:14] Speaker C: Also, they had one other thing that I didn't take part in. I can tell you all the things I didn't take part in. One was taking your napkin, your big, delicious, lovely looking cloth napkin and making little animals out of them. I didn't go for that demonstration either. [00:08:32] Speaker B: You had to make an animal. [00:08:34] Speaker C: Yeah. We had some waiters that were incredible. One in particular. You could take a napkin and make a giraffe out of it or a rat eating drinking out of a bowl of water. I don't know what practical use you could put any of this, too, but he was very good at it. [00:08:49] Speaker B: It's nice shipboard entertainment. [00:08:51] Speaker C: It is. Especially when the hurricane is chasing you and you're getting away and you're just out at sea. It seems like forever. [00:08:57] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, I think we had the tail end of something here tonight. I had winds whipping through here and rain pouring down. It was unbelievable for about 20 or 30 minutes. [00:09:10] Speaker C: Really? Yeah. We have had a lot of rain earlier in the week, and it's supposed to have quite a good deal of rain off and on overnight and into tomorrow morning anyway. But anyway, that's kind of good. Although it's really not good. It doesn't help anything. The rain should come during. You notice I'm stuttering a lot. I think it's you. [00:09:31] Speaker B: Oh, you think so? Yeah, I think you but you know what? I love weather. [00:09:35] Speaker C: You love weather? [00:09:36] Speaker B: Yeah, I think weather's good. I like the change of the seasons. And I could never live in a place like Florida where it's just, like, sunny and warm all the time. Right. I love weather. I love the change of the seasons. I always mark my calendar. It's time for fall now. [00:09:53] Speaker C: It is fall now. [00:09:54] Speaker B: Yes. We come into the fall first day yesterday. [00:09:57] Speaker C: That is absolutely correct, Deanny. You win whatever it is we're offering. What do you do when I forget. Tell me the town you live in up there in Canada. [00:10:05] Speaker B: I live in Brantford. [00:10:07] Speaker C: Oh, yeah? And you do what? [00:10:09] Speaker B: Well, you know what. They're taking my radio station away from me. [00:10:15] Speaker C: How is that? I'm being oh, were you on radio up in Canada? [00:10:21] Speaker B: On the air Monday to Friday, and they're taking it away. [00:10:26] Speaker C: Why is that? [00:10:26] Speaker B: Last week. [00:10:28] Speaker C: Why? [00:10:30] Speaker B: It's a cable thing or whatever they call it a CRTC thing. [00:10:36] Speaker C: This is radio, not television. [00:10:38] Speaker B: Then radio. [00:10:38] Speaker C: Yeah. What kind of a program did you do? [00:10:42] Speaker B: I just did how would you say it? Like Good Morning America. [00:10:50] Speaker C: You did kind of a news talk thing. [00:10:54] Speaker B: No, I see. It was just on every. [00:11:01] Speaker C: That'S that's what it had in common with Good Morning America. Same as Good Morning America was on every day. [00:11:09] Speaker B: Yeah, but we got some problems now, and so they're taking me off the air. They're canceling me, if you can believe it. I think we should start a campaign to keep Dina on the air. But small town. [00:11:26] Speaker C: So does that kill your whole career then, in broadcasting forever and all? [00:11:30] Speaker B: Well, I don't think so. [00:11:33] Speaker C: Well, I certainly hope not, because although I've never heard you, Dean, I can say honestly that I feel you probably have enriched the Canadian airwaves with your style, your sense of humor and your great intelligence. I feel that. And never having seen you and you'd be 50% right. Okay. We won't even probe into what I'd be wrong with. I'm sorry about that. You're going to miss it, I bet you. You probably never got paid anyway, did you? [00:12:02] Speaker B: I got I got paid. [00:12:04] Speaker C: Oh, you did? Oh, that's why they have to cut you out. Your finances are a little well, you. [00:12:11] Speaker B: Know, budgets and the government and all that stuff. [00:12:15] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm sorry, Dean. Is there anything I can do for you? Because I'm a terribly big, powerful man in broadcasting here in the United States. [00:12:23] Speaker B: I'm not going to be down and out, though. I'm going to have a nice job typing. [00:12:30] Speaker C: That's no substitute for being a radio star. [00:12:33] Speaker B: I know. Wouldn't you know it, though, eh? [00:12:36] Speaker C: I love the way you talk. You talk really funny. You said you're not going to be down in Oot, eh? [00:12:41] Speaker B: You talk funny. Really? [00:12:44] Speaker C: No, you talk funny now. I don't talk funny. I talk really swell. [00:12:48] Speaker B: How do you think I talk funny? [00:12:50] Speaker C: Well, you said you're not going to be down in Oot. [00:12:53] Speaker B: I said out. [00:12:54] Speaker C: No, you said closer to Oot. [00:12:57] Speaker B: I don't think so. [00:13:00] Speaker C: Be damned if I want to spend the next hour arguing with you about that. I've stretched this conversation very far because I think you sound great. [00:13:09] Speaker B: And you were speaking of Dorothy Lamore before. [00:13:11] Speaker C: Yes. [00:13:12] Speaker B: And you said I don't know if many people remember her. Well, I do, because I grew up on classic films and I thought she was great. [00:13:23] Speaker C: Well, I suppose she really wasn't great. She was not a great actress, and I never thought she was a great beauty. [00:13:29] Speaker B: She was hilaire and all those Bob Hope and Crosby films. [00:13:34] Speaker C: Yeah. She fit in. She had a nice, relaxed kind of way of performing and all that and stuff. And they would talk about her sarong and they would get a girl. That's right. Well, she said she didn't wear the sarong in as many movies as people seem to think. [00:13:50] Speaker B: She didn't. [00:13:51] Speaker C: No, but I thought she was kind of an average I'm sorry that she's gone. But she was an average kind of actress, and she was attractive, but mean. She was no Michelle Pfeiffer. [00:14:04] Speaker B: She was no Anne Margaret. [00:14:06] Speaker C: Ann Margaret's a very attractive lady. [00:14:08] Speaker B: Is she? [00:14:09] Speaker C: Yes. I think we better go, because if we say, I'm much longer, I'm going to start talking to you in an obscene kind of way, and I know you would hate that. [00:14:21] Speaker B: Well, that's okay. But do you remember the movie that she did without Bing Crosby, that she did with Bob Hope alone? [00:14:30] Speaker C: No, I don't. [00:14:31] Speaker B: You don't? [00:14:32] Speaker C: I don't. Do you? [00:14:34] Speaker B: Yes. [00:14:35] Speaker C: And what was sorry, I couldn't give you any more outstanding reaction than just that old, but that's all I could think of offhand. Nobody ever said I was a great ad liber. No, I'd forgotten that she made other movies without either Bob Hope or name. [00:15:02] Speaker B: One without either one of those. I'd say she was in the madcap, professor. [00:15:11] Speaker C: Was that with Jerry Lewis? [00:15:13] Speaker B: No, I just made that up. [00:15:15] Speaker C: Oh, you made that up? Because I can't think of anything, either. But I know she's been pretty good. [00:15:21] Speaker B: Off the top of my head, though, don't you? [00:15:22] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, she was in a movie also called The Romance of Steel Ingots, which was an industrial film, and she just looked so great in that. [00:15:29] Speaker B: I bet. [00:15:30] Speaker C: Yeah, I made that up, too. I got to get going now. Dina, we're a couple of great. Are we are if we don't know something. That's our theory here. Make it up. Who knows? Nobody's going to check on you. [00:15:42] Speaker B: No, really. [00:15:43] Speaker C: Hey, Dina, thank you very much. It's a pleasure to hear from you. [00:15:47] Speaker B: You, too. [00:15:48] Speaker C: Take care. [00:15:48] Speaker B: Bye bye. [00:15:49] Speaker C: Bye bye. That's my friend Dina. She's a former broadcasting star who's being ripped out of her job, obviously, by people who have no conscience, whatever. It's really sick. [00:16:00] Speaker B: And she was named after Renita Bonville. [00:16:02] Speaker C: And Joan Bondell and wait a minute. She was named after Anita Bonville, wasn't it? Bonita. No bonita granville. [00:16:12] Speaker B: He named Joan after Joan Blondell. [00:16:16] Speaker C: But you're right. [00:16:17] Speaker B: It's Bonita. Bonville. Yeah. [00:16:19] Speaker C: Oh, it's Bonita Granville. [00:16:20] Speaker B: Granville. Yeah. I will get it right. [00:16:24] Speaker C: Was your father as mixed up as you apparently are? [00:16:27] Speaker B: Oh, no. He was very good on history. A lot better than I am. [00:16:32] Speaker C: Okay. [00:16:32] Speaker B: But my first sister was born on April 19, and he named her after Paul Revere, Regina Pauline. [00:16:41] Speaker C: Oh, I see. Okay. [00:16:43] Speaker B: Pardon? [00:16:43] Speaker C: I thought you only named dogs after people like that. [00:16:47] Speaker B: Oh, no, Regina is a beautiful name. [00:16:50] Speaker C: Oh, no, those are all lovely names. I'm not knocking the names, but I've never heard of any family where they've named all the kids after movie stars. [00:16:59] Speaker B: Oh, not all of them, but I mean in the middle our middle name or some part of it. Okay, but what are your two daughters names? [00:17:11] Speaker C: Sonia and Sarah. [00:17:13] Speaker B: So you kept the s's in your family? [00:17:15] Speaker C: Well, not purposely. They were named after grandparents. [00:17:19] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. That's nice. [00:17:21] Speaker C: Yeah, they were named after real people in the family. They wasn't because there were s's. [00:17:25] Speaker B: Although I know we have real people in the family, too. One of my sisters is named after my grandmother, Mary Joseph, and another one is named after my mother. She was born on Mother's Day, so my grandmother said, Name her after yourself. Her name was So. And then the only boy in the family is named after my dad, but he didn't want a junior, so he named him Paul Matthew. [00:17:51] Speaker C: I see. This is really fascinating stuff. Big. [00:17:54] Speaker B: Oh, God. I didn't mean to bore you, but when you mentioned about Dorothy Lamore, she was very nice lady. And she did say that out of the two gentlemen she worked with, she said Bob Hope was the sexiest. [00:18:09] Speaker C: She said Bob? That must be the only time anybody ever referred to Bob Hope as sexy. [00:18:14] Speaker B: Yeah, she said that he was the better of the two. Really? [00:18:18] Speaker C: Well, I mean, they asked her about. [00:18:22] Speaker B: Bing Crosby and Bob Hope and she said, which one did you think was the sexier? [00:18:28] Speaker C: And she mentioned she just she just arrived at that conclusion by looking at them and working with them. [00:18:36] Speaker B: Well, I think so. I think they were both nice. But I do think probably Bob Hope had a better disposition than Bing Crosby. [00:18:47] Speaker C: I would guess so. At least according to Bob Hope. Bing Crosby's son, who wrote that book about him. [00:18:53] Speaker B: Right. I don't believe in all that stuff either. [00:18:56] Speaker C: No, I'm sure a lot of it's exaggerated. [00:19:00] Speaker B: Right. But you had a nice day Saturday yesterday at that fair. [00:19:05] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. I was just there for a few hours in the morning, but it looked like it was a good crowd. The weather was just ideal. I don't know how much they made out of that hope. A lot. But as you know, it goes through with Children's Hospital and I think that's wonderful. [00:19:19] Speaker B: I think that Children's Hospital is a marvelous thing. [00:19:22] Speaker C: Yeah, I know. [00:19:22] Speaker B: They had Jimmy fund and things like that. [00:19:25] Speaker C: Yeah, they got a lot of stuff lowered off. A lot of nice people who contributed produce and baskets and things that would be ideal for Christmas gifts and all that. So there was a great deal of stuff to buy. [00:19:36] Speaker B: It's a labor of love. And it's for nice affair, too. [00:19:40] Speaker C: You're okay? Peggy and I'm you are bye bye. Let me go to Winnie. Is it, Winnie? Up in Canada? [00:19:50] Speaker B: Yes, it is. [00:19:51] Speaker C: Hi, Winnie. Up in Canada. What part of Canada are you in? [00:19:55] Speaker B: Outhore. [00:19:56] Speaker C: Oh, you're right. In the nation's capital. [00:19:58] Speaker B: That's right. I have spoken to you before. And around about three weeks ago, you received a telephone call from a man in a car who comes from Toronto. And he told you that any place within five minutes of Toronto was crap. To use his words. [00:20:14] Speaker C: I'm sorry, he said what? Any place within five minutes of Toronto was crap. [00:20:22] Speaker B: Of Toronto was crap. That's what he said to you, I believe, about Brantford. And I know a lady just prior to the previous one was on. Did you not ask him about Brantford? [00:20:37] Speaker C: I may very well have, because we get quite a few calls from Bradford. Is that where you are? [00:20:41] Speaker B: No, I'm in Ottawa. [00:20:43] Speaker C: I'm sorry. You just told me that. I'm so dense. [00:20:45] Speaker B: It's okay. But in today's citizen Ottawa, citizen Bradford wins the world Beauty contest regarding the blooms. They plant 500,000 flowers every year. So it must be a beautiful city. [00:21:01] Speaker C: I would guess it is. I would guess it is. I'm told that all of Ontario, the whole province, is quite lovely, but I've never been to any part of it. [00:21:11] Speaker B: You must come down. It's a beautiful province. It truly is. It has so much to give you, so do not let that call deter you. Because he said he was a lawyer to boot. That man. He's thinking of going to the United States. Do you not recall? [00:21:28] Speaker C: Yes, I sort of vaguely recall. I don't I wouldn't take any one person's word who says that says everything beyond Ottawa or Toronto is crap. I think that's got to be in a great exaggeration. [00:21:41] Speaker B: Well, I think that was a terrible thing to say. It really burnt me up. Anyway, I can assure you the province of Ontario is beautiful, as is all of Canada. And I have visited the United States, and it's just as beautiful. So that's it, Norman. [00:21:55] Speaker C: Okay, thank you. Thank you, Winnie. [00:21:58] Speaker B: Good night. [00:21:58] Speaker C: Bye bye. Now stop by participating Apple Seeds and enter to win a big Apple Weekend. Will fly you and a guest to New York for a two night stay at the Ritz Carlton. Take a thrilling aerial tour of the Big Apple with island helicopter sightseeing. Enjoy the city sights atop a double decker New York Apple tour bus and much more. Pick up an entry form at any one of the five Apple Seeds locations in Beverly, Concord, Wellesley, Westwood and Cohesive. Or send a postcard by October 1 to WBZ. Care of Big Apple Weekend. 1170 Soldiersfield Road, Boston 2134. The Apple seed. Big Apple Weekend. Only from WBZ News Radio 1030, WBZ and Boston, home of the brave and land of the free. Helene. Hi. [00:22:42] Speaker B: No, dad. [00:22:42] Speaker C: I kind of sneaked up on you that time, didn't I? Eh? Hey, I'm sounding like the Canadians now. And how you doing, Helene? [00:22:50] Speaker B: I'm doing fine. I wanted to add one bit of information about Dorothy Lamore and then ask you a question about something quite different. [00:22:59] Speaker C: Okay. [00:22:59] Speaker B: First of all, she started wearing her sarong in a film she made called Hurricane with John Hall, who is the son or related to the hall of Nordolf and hall, the authors Mutiny on the Bounty and Things Nature. And the one thing I agree with you, she was not a fine actress. She was adequate and not a great beauty, though nice looking. But she did have spectacular legs. [00:23:31] Speaker C: Do women notice other women's legs? Oh, sure, yeah. I happen to be come close. I don't want everybody to hear this because I'll just sound like kind of an old lech. Because to me, that is an intriguing part of a woman's body. If she's got great legs, even if she's ugly and has two noses, I'm willing to overlook it. I happen to be an authority in that area. But I didn't think women noticed that. [00:23:58] Speaker B: I noticed them. For example, as you know, I enjoy watching tennis, and I see some women have very lovely legs and some do not. [00:24:09] Speaker C: You think tennis players have great legs because they're so know? Because of what they do? [00:24:14] Speaker B: Steffi Graff has beautiful legs. [00:24:16] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm going to have to notice that more. I would notice it if they wore, like, sheer stockings and heels while they're playing tennis, which may be kind of rough. No, it would certainly wet some of us, our appetites for looking, but it certainly wouldn't help their game at all. No, but then again, if their opponent was dressed the same way, then they'd be on equal, as we say, on a level playing field. I think that's the current thing. I was talking with one of my kids the other day. We were talking about expressions, current expressions. One was, it's not acceptable. Have you noticed how many people are starting to use that? We were going to go into an agreement with some country or other, but the kind of plan that they offered or the agreement they said they would go along with was not acceptable. I've heard every diplomat in the world use that phrase. And there was a phrase I remember Jack Kennedy came out with I'm glad I brought that up because I can't think. Anyway, you're going to ask me a question? We're getting far afield. [00:25:29] Speaker B: It's acceptable. It's something I use frequently and have for a long time. I think it's a good word. [00:25:35] Speaker C: No, there's nothing wrong with these words. They fit. It's just that one person picks it up and then everybody uses the same phrase over and over again because they can't seem to come up with one of their own. See, you probably invented the whole thing, so that's different. [00:25:50] Speaker B: Of course, I did start trends all the time. [00:25:56] Speaker C: Now, you're going to ask me a question. [00:25:58] Speaker B: You said I won't go into detail because we're not political, but I know that Sarah your daughter Sarah's working for a candidate. Yes, I know which one. [00:26:10] Speaker C: Okay. [00:26:12] Speaker B: I'd like to drop her a line and I just don't know if she has an H on the end of her name. [00:26:17] Speaker C: Yes, she does. She spells it the old fashioned way. [00:26:20] Speaker B: S-A-R-A-H-I know that she probably doesn't need my advice. [00:26:25] Speaker C: No, I think she would get a kick out of hearing from you because she met you. [00:26:29] Speaker B: Yes. At the party. [00:26:30] Speaker C: That's right. No, she'd love to hear from you, and I would love to say, who? She's the press secretary, too. But it seems like it's unfair to. [00:26:40] Speaker B: The you don't need to well, it'd. [00:26:42] Speaker C: Be unfair to the candidate he's running against because we're kind of giving him an edge in that sense. [00:26:49] Speaker B: I know the one she's working for. That's why I want to get in touch with her. [00:26:53] Speaker C: Well, that would be great. Okay. You can write directly to our house, which is where she's living now, and you can find out the address there. I don't want to go into that detail either, but I'm not. [00:27:08] Speaker B: Please send it to the studio and have it forwarded, or send it to the candidate's headquarters. [00:27:14] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, that's right. The headquarters are in Peabody on Main Street. Yeah, that's right. That would be the best idea of all. Did you have another question? Because what I want to do is because I can hold you over till after the news. You want to do that? [00:27:27] Speaker B: Yes, I'll hang on. [00:27:28] Speaker C: Okay. Hang in there, helen, who's my dear friend at Belmont. We're going to check the news now and then we'll be back and you can give me a call, too. We'll be up here for work where news, business and sports are updated every 30 minutes. Headline news a whole day's, news every half hour. Check local cable listings for channel number. [00:27:49] Speaker B: It'S weekend night he's beyond compare and so, Devonaire he shines so bright. [00:28:07] Speaker C: You'Re on BZ 103. Oh, please don't turn that dial. [00:28:20] Speaker B: He makes me smile lord, make him show nathan show. [00:28:43] Speaker C: This is that very same show. And I'll take some calls, just a bit. We'll get back to Helene and love to talk with you, too. At two 5410 30. Area code six one seven hello. Do you get to movies at all? [00:28:58] Speaker B: I am getting very lazy. I find that I can wait until they're for rent. [00:29:04] Speaker C: Okay. [00:29:05] Speaker B: In comfort at home. And one thing about that is one always sees the original cast. [00:29:13] Speaker C: Wait a minute. One always sees there's some kind of a meaning behind what you just I. [00:29:18] Speaker B: Mean, if you go to see a play and wait too long, they sometimes don't have original cast. [00:29:23] Speaker C: Oh, I see. [00:29:24] Speaker B: But in a movie, you always get the original cast even if you wait and rent it. [00:29:29] Speaker C: I never thought of it that way. So you rent a lot of videotapes? [00:29:33] Speaker B: A lot. Because, quite honestly, they don't make many movies. I like oh, I'm sorry, fewer and fewer. And then I get terribly lazy. And I also find that as I get older, my attention span gets shorter. And as I pick something up at VideoSmith, I suddenly say, do I really want to spend 2 hours watching this? And usually the answer is know. [00:30:05] Speaker C: I find that true of even movies that come on television, like on the cables and all that kind of stuff. The SIG comes up and the name of the movie and all that kind of stuff. And it looks like a movie I'd like to see. But I have that same thought. Like that means if I start watching this thing, I really should watch the whole thing. What's the point? And that means you have to give up a couple of hours. There must be something terrible about both of us to take that attitude that we cannot sit still for, I say a good movie for not even 2 hours. The most of them don't last that long. They're an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes. [00:30:44] Speaker B: Well, nowadays they see as a matter of fact, the credits last half an hour these days. [00:30:50] Speaker C: Yeah, we were talking about that on the credits. These days they credit everybody, including the guy who brought Donuts to the set, the guy who insured the set, and. [00:31:00] Speaker B: There'S a separate frame for everyone. [00:31:03] Speaker C: Well, and the woman who, I don't know, insured the movie. It just goes on and on. And you wonder why. Here's another thing that I've often wondered about. See if you know the answer, somebody knows the answer when they give the credits at the beginning of the movie. Say it stars tom Cruise and Jeffrey Cranton and myron Ostrowitz. And it goes on. And then it says and introducing or not even introducing and then it says and Rocky Hunter as blurby Hinder or something. That's the only time they mention the character that this actor is playing. Why is that? Why do they do that? [00:31:44] Speaker B: Because it's generally not a lead. It's someone who usually plays more important parts. The part is smaller than that particular performer is accustomed to doing. And this is a rather bit of a SUP to his or her ego. [00:32:00] Speaker C: Okay, so when they say and Helene of Belmont as the Queen Mary queen Mary Mother, what they're saying to you. [00:32:11] Speaker B: Once, but not quite. [00:32:13] Speaker C: Okay, see, but what they're saying is it's not the kind of part Helene usually plays. It's a much smaller role. But if we put it this way, it seems bigger. That's the idea. [00:32:24] Speaker B: It really is. For example, I am addicted to Miss Marple on a E, even though by now I recite the lines along with the cast because I've seen all of them so often and the one they're doing now, and it's a. Problem because there's a baseball game tomorrow night in the second half of at Bertram's Hotel which I've seen so often. But Joan Greenwood, do remember her when. [00:32:53] Speaker C: She with that great voice, that great. [00:32:56] Speaker B: Deep voice, that Martha's voice. She was in Tight little island and she was in man in the White Suit and she was in Importance of Being Earnest. Many things. And she had that wonderful husky voice and she plays in this and they bill her actually not with the name of the character, but they give everybody and then at the very end and Joan Greenwood, because she is playing a. [00:33:27] Speaker C: Smaller part oh, I see you know all that. Anyway, it's always good to talk to. I want you to stay warm and dry and we'll talk to you soon. [00:33:43] Speaker B: Okay, Bob. [00:33:43] Speaker C: Take care. Bye bye. You know, that's why I said take care, dear. I think I'm getting more passionate with age. I do that with a lot of women. Most of them flinch and can't run away fast enough. Let's go to Kay in Dorchester. Hello, Kay. [00:33:59] Speaker B: Oh, hello Norm. How are you? [00:34:01] Speaker C: I'm just fine. How nice of you. [00:34:03] Speaker B: Good. I like Dari Lamore. She was nice. I saw her in jungle. Princess. Do you remember that? [00:34:11] Speaker C: No, but it sounds like the name of about twelve movies. Jungle princess, eh? [00:34:17] Speaker B: Yeah, she was in that. And she sang the native song. Do you want me sing it to you? I didn't think it'll take too long. [00:34:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I would say, and I want to put this as diplomatic as I can as please don't for God's sakes. [00:34:34] Speaker B: Why? [00:34:35] Speaker C: Because I don't think I could stand. [00:34:36] Speaker B: It only take a minute. [00:34:39] Speaker C: No. Okay, thank you very much. Two 5410 30 I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hung up. Quite that. They don't stop serving it for any 1st second. It was tough to get back to Franco American spaghetti eating cold out of a can. I tell you, after a cruise everything is so gourmet ish and stuff. Anyway. Here's Wolfie. Hello. Hello, Normie. Hello. Did you make the farm share? Yes, I did. The first few hours. I worked all night the night before, so I made it from seven when it opened till about 930 or ten. You didn't see me sleeping in my car? No, I did not. I'm sorry. I missed that spectacular sight. No, I did not see that. Guess who took the Carolyn, Bessette and he to the airport? The cab driver. Sophia Loren? No, no. Let me guess one more time. Let me see. I give up. It was me. You drove the Kennedys, Kennedy and Bessette to the airport? Yes. Did you really? Before 05:00 in the morning? Yes. Where did you pick them up? At the ribs. You're talking kind of funny, Wolf. At the ridge. Did you really? You're not making this up just to look like a hero or anything? You really did do that? No. On the way down she asked me, what do you think of John John's chances? And I says, I'm going to give Curly my vote. She says, Why do you call him Curly? Because he's got the Curly here. But I was thinking of Joe Kennedy, not John John. You're doing stick, aren't you, Wolfie? No, I'm not. I see. Okay, so you didn't pick them up. You're making that up. No, I did pick them up, yeah. When was my last working day? I worked yesterday. No, it's okay. I believe you don't have to go through all that. Did they tell you where they were going? Told me they were going to an island. Did they really tell you that? Yeah. One of the things that I do I don't care about that. Just answer my question directly because we have a lot of witnesses here on the night of no, the other question was, did they fool around in the backseat when I'm driving up to the airport? No, they did. They didn't fool around at all? No. Okay. Could you hear their conversation back there or do you have a glass? I have one of those windows that goes up and down in the bubble cab. Okay, so you could not hear their conversation? They were talking to me all the way. They were, yeah. And did they give you any indication they were on their way to get married? No, not at all. Did you suspect that they might be on their way to getting married? [00:37:37] Speaker B: No. [00:37:37] Speaker C: The only thing that I knew is that I'm a very nosy person, and when I pulled the luggage out, the name Carolyn Bessett was written on the luggage as clear as day. But up to that point, you did not know that was John F. Kennedy Jr. Nope. I see. Okay. Are they incredibly good looking people, both of them? [00:37:58] Speaker B: Yes. [00:38:00] Speaker C: Did you get turned on by Carolyn Bessette? Nice girl. Very nice girl. A nice girl, eh? Okay, well, thank you very much. That's certainly something to put in your memoir. Yeah. Got any idea how much the Frankstan brought in? No, I don't know that I would like to know that, but I have not heard. And I wish to tell the people of Chelsea here, this town isn't really as bad as people have written it up in the past days. I'm glad. All right. Okay. Thank you, Wolfie. Okay, let's go to Mark and Newton. Mark, you're on WBZ. Hello. [00:38:44] Speaker B: Hi, Norm. [00:38:45] Speaker C: Hello. Hi. [00:38:46] Speaker B: Hey, I thought it was hadn't spoken to you for a while. I thought it was time to call my big brother and see what was new. [00:38:53] Speaker C: Okay. I was hoping you could tell me what's new, because I'm always interested in what's happening with you. [00:38:59] Speaker B: Yeah, well, see, that's why I do think of you as a big brother. [00:39:02] Speaker C: I don't know why, but most people think of me as their grandfather, so that's quite a compliment. [00:39:08] Speaker B: Well, you seem wise and a little bit smarter than me. [00:39:14] Speaker C: That's an optical illusion. But anyway, do you sound like you're having some problems that you like your big brother to solve? [00:39:22] Speaker B: Well, actually, something you said a couple of weeks ago I'm dragging up old news. Here something you said a couple of weeks ago. Once again, you got me thinking and reflective about life. You were talking about remember when you're talking about the impending hurricane, you're saying how as a kid you'd say, oh, boy, the hurricane is coming. [00:39:43] Speaker C: Gee, I hope the roof of our house blows up. [00:39:45] Speaker B: Wouldn't that be neat? [00:39:46] Speaker C: Yeah, that's right. When you were a kid, everything is a great adventure. Then you get older and you can't stand anything. Everything scares you, your whole attitude changes. Yeah. [00:39:55] Speaker B: And I'm standing near my car going, gee, I hope those trees don't fall on an old car. [00:40:01] Speaker C: So you'll get to have an old man's attitude already. You sound relatively quite young. How old are you, Mark? [00:40:07] Speaker B: I'm 41. [00:40:08] Speaker C: Okay. No, that's the 41 is a good age to start worrying about everything. [00:40:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:12] Speaker C: I was mentioning one time being on a double date in this old well, it was not an old car then, I guess. Well, it was even old back then, but it did not have a defrostor. And we were out on a very bad winter day where the windshield was getting all caked up with ice. There was the other couple in back and us in front. And I looked out the window. The only way I could see where we were going was sticking my head out the side window there in the driver's side, and I thought, what a great adventure this is. And I hope I'm oppressing the girls and all that. And I think back on that now, what a nutcake, man. I mean, I wouldn't go 3ft in a car like that now, but at the time, it seemed like, what a great adventure that was. [00:40:54] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I remember. The more the salt would cake up on the windshield, I think, boy, this is like pioneer wagon days. [00:41:01] Speaker C: I know. Boy, what a deal. And true about hurricanes and everything. Boy, I hope it hits us directly. Socks right into our house. I'd love to see those trees come down. What a great adventure. And now a little windstorm, and I'm worried about it. What happened to our sense of adventure? It does go by the time you're probably about 35, I think, maybe even younger than that. [00:41:25] Speaker B: I understand what my father was going through now, and I think it's in direct proportion to how much of the bills one starts becoming responsible for. [00:41:34] Speaker C: That's right when you have to pay the bill to correct the hole in the roof because of a tree falling on it and the shingles being pulled off. Suddenly it's not a great adventure anymore. [00:41:47] Speaker B: No. My kids thought it was really neat when the power went out a couple of weeks ago. Of course, I couldn't get any work done, and I was cursing, and they thought, this is great. Can we plug in the flashlight? Well, no, it wouldn't work, really. [00:41:58] Speaker C: That's I know. Put the fireplace, if you got a fireplace, getting that going, getting candles lit. It all seems so terribly romantic again, until you get to be about 35, and then it's not terribly romantic anymore. [00:42:12] Speaker B: No. [00:42:13] Speaker C: It's too bad we can't retain that sense of adventure throughout our lives. [00:42:17] Speaker B: And that's where I was reflective. I was trying to figure out at what point it stopped being romantic and started being aggravating because I couldn't watch the TV. [00:42:28] Speaker C: Yeah. No, I don't know. I suppose that age limit. I think that probably varies with people. Maybe the older you are and still have that sense of adventure, maybe the more interesting you are. I don't know. [00:42:42] Speaker B: That's true. There are some people that even still want to climb Mount Everest, as we've seen recently, they're pretty adventurous. But for myself, I think I prefer to leave the well, I think I follow your model. What I'm chasing after is leaving the world sillier than I found. [00:43:02] Speaker C: Yeah, no, that part is okay. Leave the world sillier than you found it. [00:43:06] Speaker B: I think that actually normally between you leading the charge for the rest of us. I think that's actually probably a more subversive and ultimately better way to do things. [00:43:17] Speaker C: That's right. Anybody gives you a bad time, look at them in a silly way. [00:43:21] Speaker B: Yes. [00:43:22] Speaker C: Just don't treat them too seriously. And I think that's probably the worst punishment you could inflict upon them, is to look at them like, what a know. He thinks she's saying smart things. He thinks she's threatening me. He's stupid. And just give them that look, and I think you'll get them off your back. I'll do that. I'm going to talk about that on my own program. Norm nathan treats silliness, but that'll come probably in the fall season. [00:43:48] Speaker B: Okay, great. [00:43:49] Speaker C: This is the fall season, isn't? [00:43:51] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, you're right. [00:43:52] Speaker C: Okay. Take care, Mark. [00:43:53] Speaker B: You, too. [00:43:54] Speaker C: Bye bye, now. [00:43:55] Speaker B: Bye, Noah. [00:43:56] Speaker C: Here is an exclusive offer from TV Guide. Introducing the all new Am FM baby boombox. Use it in the kitchen or use it in the office, indoors or out. It's lightweight and weighs less than a pound. And best of all, TV Guide's Baby Boombox is free with your paid subscription to TV Guide. Every week, TV Guide brings you exciting interviews, in depth previews, and special features. It tells you what's in, what's out, what's good, what's bad, what's hot and what's not. Call this number now and get 52 issues of TV Guide for only four low payments of just 1199 each, plus your TV Guide baby boombox. The number is 1805 920770. That's 1805 920770. This quality Am FM radio isn't available in stores, but it's yours free with TV Guide, so order today. To order, call 1805 920770. Have your credit card ready and get your free baby boombox with your paid subscription to TV Guide. That's 1805 920770. Call now. Operators are standing by. There are just a few days left for you to take advantage of Vermont Teddy Bear's special birthday bear, Gram Frosting, priced at just $45 plus shipping. It's a terrific way to make somebody you care about feel really special on their birthday. For just a few more days. Vermont Teddy Bear is offering their 100% American made birthday bear for just $45 plus shipping. Frosting is a big 15 inch teddy bear dressed with a bow tie, party hat and a horn. A personal note from you, and it comes with an outrageous seven layer Belgian chocolate treat. They will deliver Frosting anywhere you'd like in a beautiful gift box, complete with an air hole in case you want to camp out inside the box after you get rid of the beer. That was a stupid thing to say. Sometimes I sit and chuckle and I think I'm just so darn clever until I begin thinking about what I said. Anyway, Frosting, this is really nice. And if you want to send me one or send one to our producer, Steve Adams, he just loves teddy bears. Frosting will be available for a few more days, so call a friendly beer counselor at 1808 Two Nine Bear. That's 1808 292327. Don't forget to ask about their adorable new baby bear for that lucky newborn or the get well bear to cheer up a sick friend. Call 1808. Two nine bear. Or visit Vermont Teddy Bear's website at and his RCA Bluebird Recording Orchestra. Okay, we'll take some call. Just a minute. I just want to tell you, the weather, it's important that I do that. I feel it's my duty. The WBC extended accurate forecast calls for cloudy, increasingly windy overnight. Rain at varying rates at lows 55 and during the day. On Monday. Windy and cool. Rain in the morning and then tapering off during the afternoon. Winds may gust over gale force on the coast. Temperatures holding in the clearing with diminishing winds on Monday night with lows 45 to 50. Tuesday, mixed sunshine and clouds still cool. The highs, only 64. Wednesday, mostly cloudy with a couple of showers. Possible high 64 degrees. And let's go to Frank here in Boston. Hello, Frank. Hi, Noah. How are you? Hey, I'm okay. I hope you're okay. [00:47:48] Speaker B: Yeah. I missed you at the farm stand because I know you have trouble with the guy from Everett there. [00:47:55] Speaker C: No, he wasn't even I didn't see him. Was he there? Robert from Everett? No. Somebody threatened that he would be there, and I turned cold with fear when I heard that. But I hung around anyway. He was not there by the time I left. Okay. [00:48:09] Speaker B: Well, see, you don't have to fear no more, because if I met you there, I'll have to send you the directions. But I'm going to tell you an Italian secret hole. It's called a reach around. [00:48:22] Speaker C: A reach around? Yeah. You give that to Robert, guarantee he'll. [00:48:27] Speaker B: Run screaming to Everett and you'll never hear him again. [00:48:30] Speaker C: You're a clever person, Frank. Very clever. You're okay. And it's important. [00:48:36] Speaker B: You're very good with music. You know how people give you lines of songs and you know them and you can't remember them? [00:48:44] Speaker C: I know them and can't remember them. That sounds right. Yeah. [00:48:48] Speaker B: Okay, so someone come up to me, and this is what they say. This is a song. The line that I know goes way around the corner. Boo boo. Under the bamboo tree. That's a line in the song. [00:49:02] Speaker C: I've heard it before. Yeah. Okay. I heard it before. [00:49:06] Speaker B: I don't know the name of it, and I don't know the next line. [00:49:10] Speaker C: Under the bamboo tree. [00:49:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Waiting under the bamboo tree. [00:49:15] Speaker C: I've heard that line. [00:49:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:49:17] Speaker C: Under the bamboo tree. No, I can't think of much of any of it beyond that. [00:49:22] Speaker B: Okay, so I didn't mean to dump your problem. [00:49:24] Speaker C: My problems? No, that's right. [00:49:25] Speaker B: Any of the listeners out there, I'm. [00:49:28] Speaker C: Sure somebody will know that, and I should, but I don't. And somebody knows they're welcome to call. And why do you want to know that? Is it driving you crazy? Okay, that line just pop into your head now. [00:49:42] Speaker B: You can't a friend of my son says, we could talking about old music. And she says, what's the name of the song? And she threw that line at me. [00:49:55] Speaker C: And give me that line once more. [00:49:57] Speaker B: The line goes where? On a corner, boo, boo. Don't ask me what that means. Under the bamboo tree. [00:50:07] Speaker C: Okay, now, I just have no idea about that. [00:50:10] Speaker B: You're waiting for somebody under the bamboo tree, and I don't know the name of the song. And the next line, under the bamboo tree, whatever comes after that, that's the key that will give you the name of the song. [00:50:24] Speaker C: Okay, so the name of the song is not under the Bamboo tree then? [00:50:28] Speaker B: No, that's the classic line in the song. [00:50:31] Speaker C: Somebody out there will remember it. I hope. Yeah. Gee, it'd be awful if we couldn't think of the whole song. Maybe that lady who wanted to sing that other song to us, maybe she knows and she'll call back and sing the entire song to us. [00:50:43] Speaker B: Well, I don't want the entire song. [00:50:46] Speaker C: Hold on a minute. I think we have the answer already, Frank. I'm really excited about that. No, Norma who's out on the north end. Apparently you know the song. Norma. [00:50:56] Speaker B: Yeah. Hello? Can you hear me? Hello? [00:51:01] Speaker C: Yeah, go right ahead, Norma. [00:51:03] Speaker B: Oh, okay. I like you, you like me. We like both the same. I'd like to say this very day, I'd like to change your name. And then it goes on the bamboo tree is the chorus is in the chorus. [00:51:21] Speaker C: Can you do a couple of lines of the chorus? [00:51:23] Speaker B: I don't remember at all. I'm as bad as he is. [00:51:26] Speaker C: No, I remember because I remember the song under the bamboo tree. [00:51:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:51:30] Speaker C: Do you remember the lines that Frank was giving with a blonde? Because I don't remember that part at all. [00:51:35] Speaker B: No. Hi, Norm. Do you remember I remember about 70 years ago as a kid, I used to sing a song that said I'll build a bungalow big enough for two. Do you remember that song? [00:51:51] Speaker C: Do you know any lyrics besides that? [00:51:54] Speaker B: Pardon? [00:51:55] Speaker C: Do you know any other words from that song? [00:51:57] Speaker B: Yeah, it goes I'll build a bungalow big enough for two big enough for two, my darling big enough for two and when we're married happy we'll be underneath the bamboo underneath the bamboo tree. [00:52:14] Speaker C: That sounds like the song, doesn't it? The bamboo tree thing? I do remember that song. Yeah. [00:52:19] Speaker B: And I think it was probably left over from World War I because that was the time when the architects were building that's when they coined bungalow and they were building bungalow. [00:52:31] Speaker C: That's right. When I was a little kid, that's what people would say, one day I'll have our own bungalow. [00:52:38] Speaker B: I really think that might be the song because it does mention Underneath the bamboo Tree, happy will be you know something, Ruth? [00:52:45] Speaker C: I'll bet you're right. [00:52:47] Speaker B: I hope so. [00:52:49] Speaker C: Okay. It sounds right. Anyway, thank you very much. [00:52:52] Speaker B: You're welcome. [00:52:53] Speaker C: Good to talk with you. Bye bye. Okay, let's go to Eugene, who is out in Ohio. Hi, Eugene. Good evening, Norm. Good evening to you, sir. Nice program, kid. Nice program, kid. I haven't been called a kid. It sounds so good. I like that. Thank you. Well, I'm about the same age you are. Okay. Norm, I happen to have a record on the bamboo tree. Okay. You have the stereo there nearby. Did you want to play it on the phone? Yeah, just about a half a minute of it. Half a minute would be good. Yeah, we can't really play anything beyond a half a minute. I know that. I got a cold, so I can't talk too well. But I happened to hear the program and I got the record out. Okay, good. I'll pray for you. Okay. I like to say this very day I like to change your name cause I love you and love you through. [00:54:01] Speaker B: And if you love me one limpus one. [00:54:14] Speaker C: That'S great, Eugene. You're very nice to go through all that trouble. I appreciate it. Okay. Bye bye. Bye bye. [00:54:19] Speaker B: Nathan show just makes me glow each weekend night he's beyond compare and so, Devonaire he shines so bright. [00:54:43] Speaker C: You'Re on BZ 103. Oh, please don't turn that dial. [00:54:56] Speaker B: He makes me smile you. [00:55:24] Speaker C: And I'm damn proud of it. I don't care what you're thinking. Do you understand what I'm saying? That was acting. Anyway, the time is nine minutes after midnight. The temperature is 54 degrees. It's a cool night, man. But if there's anything we kids like better than being cool. Then I can't think of what it is. I'm really excited about our guest tonight. He'll be calling in sometime, probably during the next hour. His name is Stephen Wright. He's my favorite comedian, at least one of my favorite comedians. Hold on a minute while I get all this. Well, information stephen Wright is performing. He'll be performing at the Offium Theater in Boston on the 4 October. That's a week from tonight. Yeah, next Friday night he's in Chicago and he'll be calling after his show. Stephen Wright, who's done a he's been the voice on animated cartoons, live action movies, been on a ton of talk shows, including just about every one of them, david Letterman and Jay Leno. And he's somewhere around here. And I've been a fan of his for a very long time. And he's been on with us a couple of times. I keep every time I want to quote him, I quote the same lines because I think they're kind of funny. I went into a store to buy some batteries, but they weren't included, so I had to buy them again. I went walking with a friend of mine who's in radio and we went under a bridge and I couldn't hear him anymore. Can you, Tony, think of some more Stephen Wright lines? I think of the same ones. I do have a new favorite. I've seen this in print also. I'm addicted to placebos, so if I gave them up, what would it matter? What are the things that why don't you take a microphone? Can you do that? I don't mean take a microphone. I mean literally, I don't mean take a microphone. You can take it home with you. Yeah, that'd be nice. Yes. I love the way his mind works. It all kind of twisted around to take a line like the placebo thing or any of that stuff. Most of us would never think of coming up with lines like that. But he's obvious he was born with some kind of a strange kind of brain. And he comes up with these lovely, lovely things. And when you hear them, you say, I wish I thought of that. That is really funny. It's fun to talk to him on the phone, too, because it's like hello? Yeah. Oh, hi, Tony, nice to hear from you. I remember because he's from around here and one time I went to Emerson, right? Did he go to Emerson? But I remember seeing him at one of the clubs around here and I actually paid money to go in. And you understand anybody who's in broadcasting who actually pays money because we're the biggest bunch of that's right. Chicken freeloaders in the world. No, I mean, that's pay. What is that? What do you mean? I have to pay from WBZ. What do you mean? Yeah, what is this? I'll mention his name, it'll be worth twice the price of the ticket for you. But anyway, I brought one of my daughters and who's a big fan of his also. And I just loved it. I just loved them. It was called a Paradise Club, I guess up. It's still called the paradise. Is it still the paradise? It's still there. I don't know if they changed. I don't know. They've had so many changes in clubs like FM radio stations. They were here for a moment or two, and then they go and I just thought it was great. But anyway, he called up one night, I looked at the touch screen where you guys list who's on and it said line two or something, stephen Wright. And I thought, oh, sure. Oh, yeah. But as soon as you say hello to him, you hear that I can't imitate him. But you know it's stephen Wright. There's no question. We've had a few people who've called, but what was the supposed wrestler? Macho man. Oh, macho man. Yeah. And Sid. You think it was that was not Macho Man? Because I still I'm not sure about I mean, it's fun whether it's him or not. It's fun because he sounds just like him. But I haven't had a chance to go to a match and say, randy, Norm, Nathan and have him hit me in the head. Anyway, I guess that's about it. Later on, of course, we'll play the Numb birthday game. I don't know that that's kind of a big thing, but I thought we might do that. I thought we'd try to keep up the hilarity of the David Brudnoy Show too because he sets a pace of wild comedy and humor especially when he's talking to his Libertarian candidates and stuff. Did you hear that show? No. Yeah, we had the presidential candidate well, he's talking about having Mount again next week. Did he? I thought I heard him say that. Well, there's some kind of function next tomorrow. It's actually a function tomorrow. Yeah. And you can hear that's about as political as we'll get on hall or something like that. He just loves his libertarians. I think that's really nice. As long as it keeps him off the streets and he doesn't get into trouble, I think that's nice. No, I like David Brene for many things, but I don't buy his politics and I certainly don't buy his libertarian views, which don't make any sense at all. Thank you very much. Stuff you do agree with. But yes, I remember it was 19 six. He said something that I agreed with. Right. Can you imagine David Breadner fans listening to me now? They're now throwing their radio up against the toilet walls or something. The toilet walls? Toilet walls. I don't know what that means. The bathroom walls? Or are they actually causing the radios into the toilet? They might be dropping them into the toilet. This Nathan, you can't trust him. He sounds like he's a friendly guy. Then he lets loose with this kind of filled with venom. He's filled with venom and vicious. That's right. Let's take a break for a commercial. I thought that'd be kind of it'll clear that Norm Nathan Show first in the hearts of our countrymen. I don't know. I have no idea what that means. Anyway, let me do the law doctors because I got a gavel stuck in your rib cage. Yes, I can see it. And the part that's sticking out is the handle. So the heavy part, the mallet must be right in your ribcage. It is. I'd go to the law doctors, okay? Oh, yeah, I would. I wasn't sure who I should see. The law doctors. That's pretty obvious, isn't it? Yeah. What seemed to be I must tell you, this is kind of personal. I probably shouldn't mention this on the air, but I pour my guts out. I've got nobody to talk to at all. My daughter is very busy working, so I don't see her as much. Anyway, I love this honesty stuff. Yeah, go on. I went for a checkup today. I thought every now and then we should go for a physical checkup. I think that's kind of good. And the doctor was a young woman. I don't know how old she was. She's only been practicing not too long, and she's very pretty. And I thought it would be kind of embarrassing. But one of my daughters said that this medical firm there was one that she goes to, and they're women doctors. So I thought, Well, I'm certainly not going to be sexist just because it's a woman doctor. I will go to a woman doctor. Turned out to be a young, pretty lady. Anyway, she knows her stuff, and she was very good. And I didn't really get embarrassed. Hardly. Just every now and then, everything well, anything enlarged? Anything shrinking, anything. I'm in the midst of taking a bunch of tests and things. And I tell you, she's so pretty. I hope the tests go on forever. You're just going to show up and say, can I have another cholesterol screening, please? Take some more blood. Take anything, but just be kind to me. Be nice to me and look at me fondly. I know this is terribly sexist to say this. I mean, why should you feel that way about but I think most women would rather go to a woman doctor and most men would feel more comfortable with a male. I don't think there's anything sexist about that at all. Okay. Anyway, she seemed to know her stuff quite a lot. And I kept thinking, she hasn't been practicing too long. So she hasn't had the experience of looking at maybe ailments. I have to spot them right off. But then I thought, but she hasn't been out of medical school and internship all that long. So she knows all the newest stuff. That's right. So she may have discovered a disease and I may be the first to. Have it or she'll look at something and say, oh, I've seen that plenty of times. No, doesn't even mention it to you. He doesn't have to worry about that, he'll get used to it. When we get through this, maybe I'll mention her name but I don't know whether that's can you mention your test and the problems you have? Oh, be quiet. Massachusetts daily lottery number and I hope she's listening because she might play the lottery numbers and if she does maybe she'll warm up to me. Dr. Honey, I'm getting deeper into this. Forget I said that. The daily lottery number was 7058-7053. You won't believe that you have it. That's my cholesterol count. Okay. Mass Millions game, 511, 1526, 36 and 46. The bonus number 16. The big game, 825-3537 and 48. Any winners? And the big money ball number eight. This thing is the big money ball number. Is that what they call that? That's what it says, big money ball number. And the estimated jackpot is up to 15 million. I don't even understand half these things. That's that new game with the other states. Oh, that's a big game. Yeah, right. Isn't that the new one with Massachusetts and some other states involved? That's to tie it in with a powerball. Not to tie it in but kind of compete with the powerball. The New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. The tristate pick 3775. The pick 46137. The five card cash game, 211, 1728, 29 plus King which stands for King. Yes. New Hampshire is a cash lotto. I'm going to be watching like when I go home, I'll watch Letterman that I taped and I'll purposely turn the show on right after the news just to hear the lottery numbers. You're a lunatic, you know that? Well, Connecticut, call me crazy. You're crazy. Thank you. Connecticut Daily was five one six and the Connecticut play, 46144. And the Connecticut lotto hiring. I'm not even saying anything and I'm winded. The Connecticut lotto was 911, 1223, 26 and 31. No first price winning tickets there either. The next jankpot estimated to be worth 11 million. So that's worth quite a little bit. Too bad that daily millions, it goes from a million if you get the six numbers. If you have five numbers you get 5000. Is there something wrong with that? Isn't there? Figure if you had five numbers maybe, I don't know. I just wanted 50,000. But they can't work it that way. I don't know. I don't gamble, you know that. I'm too cheap to lose. I once went to Suffolk Downs mainly to look at the horses because I have one. I brought my youngest daughter whose horse it was and I lost $8 that day and I haven't quit whining about it since then. And Sarah, my young daughter, she says, Daddy, you're going to still keep talking about that? That was like about 15 years ago. 15, that's all it was? Well, ten years ago. Wow. I don't think I've ever I've been to Suffolk Downs, never bet on a horse, as far as I know, not that I know of. Somebody who owns one of the horses says, come on over and we'll show you around the barns and back, and you can look at the animals. And I thought, that'd be kind of fun. So then, of course, then you end up going out to see how the animals you looked at do and sometimes you go crazy and you bet money. $8. You lost $8 I lost that afternoon. I went to the dog track once and actually bet on it. I didn't like that, though. I don't care for that whole bunch of little skinny greyhounds. It was a company party that I worked for and went to it, and I think I lost $6 that day. And that was the last time I've ever been there. The last time I was there was decades and decades ago. And they'd march the dogs out with the handlers, and they put recorded march music, martial music on the PA system, and these people would lead out these little skinny dogs. And I thought, it's got to be the silliest thing. I love to see people walking them around who've saved them. They think they're gentle and they're adorable. Dogs racing them? I wouldn't do that. No, they're sweet. They're sweet dogs. And it's unfortunate that if they don't win, that's about the end of their life unless somebody adopts them. I think it's very cruel. And what's the word about not mating them? They mate them in order. They try to breed as many as they can so they can have a fighting chance at having a winning one, and then they discard them. There's something wrong with that. There really is. No, I think it's very cruel, and I don't buy greyhound racing at all. I just don't buy that. And the race ends in about, like, 50 seconds. They don't run much longer than that. You blink and the thing is over, and they're chasing this mechanical the whole thing is innate. Swifty. There goes swifty. Do we have Wonderland Advertising on the station? Maybe? Yeah. Or one of the other greyhound tracks. Yeah. I'm changing my name. Okay. Here's the WBZ extended accurate weather forecast. Saturday will turn out windy and warm overnight, mostly cloudy, breezy at times, lows 54, which is what it is right now. Saturday, windy and warm, clouds and occasional sunshine. Highs 72 to 76. So the temperature has gone up a bit at night. Cloudy periods of rain and a thunderstorm low 62. Sunday, cloudy with a shower early, then becoming partly sunny and breezy, high 72. Monday, intervals of clouds and sun with a shower. Possible high, temperatures 70. We have some interesting people that you've lined up, Mr. Tony, there for the weekend, because we have a game on Saturday night. All new game. A new game by Lois Berger called Great American Puzzle. Fact. Well, that's where it's out of. Origins is the name of the game. Oh, Origins. Okay. And how does that work? Do you know? Offhand you've got all the information right there, even questions. Yeah. I see. Okay. Well, we'll talk about that tomorrow anyway. Yeah. And of course, games to give away to winners, as always. Excellent. Excellent. Okay. And then also Saturday night or Sunday morning about 01:00, dr. Bhagavan. Antel. Antel. Yep. One of the performers. Oh, is this the guy from The King's? Richards fair. Yeah, the mix up last week, we've got a number. We'll call and wake him up. And he's also tied in with a group called the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species, which spells tigers. Which spells tigers is what he's interested in, and saving the tigers. So that should be interesting. Did I tell about my experience, then last week you were down at King Richard's Fair? Sure, yeah. And I saw the show, of course, which is called The Tale of the Tiger. And after the show experience of a lifetime, I got to go on the stage and feed a tiger. Really? Yes. Put your hands out. Let me see. You still got all your fingers. Yes, I do. So you're okay? Yes, I do. Okay. About a two year old tiger. The doctor there had him, and he says, Just scratch him on the head. So I'm scratching him on the head, and he says, okay, take the bottle. So now I've got the bottle, and here I am feeding this magnificent beast milk. They are beautiful animals. They are beautiful, but I don't know. I had no fear about it at all. They're my favorite animal. I have, like, collector plates and posters and T shirts and sweatshirts. It's kind of a sickness, but this was a dream come true. And photographs, too. Now, how did you happen to get picked? Oh, well, because he's going to be on the show, and I called and arranged things like, hey, is it possible to go back and meet some of the tigers? Okay. Yeah. The public isn't allowed to do anything like that. There was a line of people, I guess I didn't see this, but my cousin told me, waiting to get on the stage and say, oh, look, we can all pet the tiger, but you pulled your weight. What did you call us, leeches or something on the media? I didn't call you Leeches. I called you freeloaders. Freeloaders, yes. And Sunday night we have Bob Hernandez, who was one of the first yes, he was game people we've ever had on with his Geographics and the history quizzes and all that. Geographics pastimes. Pastimes was the history one, and he had several others, and he's got one called Significant. He's been on with that. And we'll be giving away games to winners of that one as well. So that'll be the weekend. Looks, I'd say it's promising. I've received speaking of games, two games back from Ups that were sent out. I should have the names there. Too bad I remember one. Okay, if anybody has not received a game that they have won, they should have gotten it by now. Julia Judy in Wilmington at an incorrect address. And then there's a gentleman in the I'll get it to you. Maybe you can mention it on the air sometime. Okay? And I know that I've been very bad with the dumb birthday game things and answering mail in general. I just have not done anything, and it's piled up over three or four weeks and it's really awful. I'll never get you've been saying this for three or four weeks. I know it I meant to get caught up this past week and I just never did. I feel just so bad. Maybe next week, because the week after you're going to be in a little extra time. You won't have time then. That's right. Bob Brawley is on vacation at that point. Is he? Well, you're in your regular time next week, the following week, was it the 11th or something? Something like that. Columbus Day weekend. Okay. Anyway, we can take some calls now if anybody would like to give us a call at two 5410 30. The area code is six, one seven. Whatever may be on your mind, we'd love to talk with you about it. But first, watch this. Talk to this guy because I can't stand him and I think you know that. You know who it is. Yeah. Hi, Robert. Tony. Yes, sir. He's a nice man, isn't he? Oh, shut up. Just get on with oh, me or Norm? No, the both of you work very well together. Well, that's true. That part is true. That is true. See, now you're lying to me. What did I say? That was a lie. Of course. We work very well together and, you know, you don't, but you do. I called for a simple reason. You know what this guy's talking about? Not yet. Not yet. No, not give me a break. Give me a break. Come on. First time you don't hang up. Tony always lets me on. You hang up on me, Mr. Norm Nathan? Of course I do. Because you're an idiot. I know, but that takes one to no. Oh, you're going to pull that. There's an original it what is it you wanted, Robert? Well, the Boston Garden, they're offering all these beautiful things. They're giving away auction and everything. Well, they're not giving anything away. They had an auction there this past night. I'm going to go to the flea market tomorrow. You're going, tony, is there a flea market? Yeah, on Broadway Street. Can I speak a little bit, please? Go ahead. I'm your guest. No, you're not. You're just a drag, but go ahead. Okay, I'm not in drag tonight. Oh, jeez. Tonight? Not tonight, Robert. Tony. Yes? They offered seriously now. Some man wanted to buy the rats from the Garden, boston Garden. And he says, we couldn't find them. Did they move over to the new no, no, they're not in the new place. The rats now, I'm talking about they lived there for years. Yeah. Norman, jump in. It's your they didn't they didn't move over to the Fleet Center. The rent was too high. Oh, the rat. You're funny. You are. He's got a sense of uh huh. Norman, one more, and then then you can do anything you want to me. I don't care. The man wanted to buy a block of ice for $300 from the garden. Time he got home, it melted. Now, what would a man do with a block of ice? Put it in his freezer, take his fridge and say, hey, I just bought a block of ice here from the ice rink. Of course, I don't think you're too crazy about me. I'm going to go buy a brick tomorrow. Are you going to really go down $16 for a brick? But obviously they haven't torn the building. Are they selling bricks down there? I think so. Would you pick one up for me? If it's not more than fifty cents. No, it's about $16, I believe. Oh, 16. Now, they haven't torn the building down, so I don't know if they give you a certificate of authenticity that says, when we tear it down, please come and pick up your brick. Yeah, that's right. It says here they have an estimated $500,000 worth of bricks and brick abrac from the building. And among them, I don't know whether these have been auctioned off yet. The auction was this past Friday night. Yeah. So apparently they got rid of all the stuff. The garden organ. The organ at the garden, the one that John Carly used to play. A collection of items from the usher's room, including a half gallon of whiskey and a card table with an ace and king stuck to the bottom with gum stuck to the bottom of the card table. So they not only drank, but they cheated. Cheated a trash can with elegant Boston Garden stenciled on the side. Oh, that would have been nice. Bruins jerseys, championship banners, retired number banners. Two unused tickets to an election eve rally for John F. Kennedy in 1960. I remember that. That's very good. Ringling brothers circus trapeze. Of course. The Ringling Brothers Circus was there. In fact, that's coming in. And that'll be in the Fleet Center this time. Norman, you're rolling tonight. Now you're rolling. Please memorize and talk about this all night long, please, about the Boston Garden. It is good. At the flea market, those have, like, broken sticks. I'm hoping to get maybe just pick up a sign that says, no smoking. At least I know it came from the Garden. If I had the room and the money, it would have been great to buy the Zamboni. The Zamboni. And it says here it was one of the more practical purchases friday night in the Garden's memorabilia auction during which this is the ice scraping machine for people don't know what the Zamboni is. Ice scraping machine used in the Boston Garden, of course. And they had about 2000 people there checking out things and buying stuff. And I guess the proceeds go to 70% goes to the Children of the Celtics and the Boston the Brooms and everything. And 30% goes to the auction house. Okay. Did I give you my message right? I believe that was right. You too nice gentlemen, you. I get so many callers on it. Tony, nice talk. And Norm nathan. You're still my best friend. No, I'm not, but thank you. Want me to hang up on you with that? No, I want to hang up. Please. Good night, Robert. Yeah, budy. Good night, Robert. Good night. He did hang up. That's great. Okay. Two 5410 30. Area code six one seven. As we mentioned, we'll be talking with Stephen Wright sometime I don't know, next hour or something like that. Yeah, he was doing a show in Chicago. So after his show and when he gets back to the hotel, he'll call. Okay, so that'll be fun. Should we talk to Wolfie? Why not? Let's get all the bad blood out right at the beginning. I cleanse the palate now. Yeah. How you doing, Wolfie? Hello there, Normie. Hello there wolf there. The last time I called, I made a boo boo. A big boo boo. What was that? Well, I said I had John John and Caroline Bethette in my cab. Yes, you did. And we questioned that. In fact, my daughter called to ask a penetrated question. Try to make me a fabricator. Are you a fabricator? Did you really have them in your cab? Who I had see, I looked at the luggage well, we're backing down now. And who I really had was a girl called Carolyn Bissette. Her name was B-I-S-S-E-T-E. Opposed to Carolyn Bessette. Which is Bessete? Yeah. What about the guy? You said you had both. I don't know who the guy was. The guy was myron oyskowitz who had no relation at all. He was but I know one thing. He gave me a double strawbuck for a $10 Fear. He's a cab driver's person. Now, see, here's what happened that week. This is just before the wedding. He said he picked up these two people. He looked at the luggage and realized that was John Kennedy and his wife. His wife to be. And I said, I don't know. What were they doing in Boston? He lives in New York. He is at headquarters in Washington, I guess, where he publishes the magazine. I thought that would be a great story if what Wolfie said was true that he picked them up in his cab. But I questioned it. Then my youngest daughter, who was a newspaper reporter who can ask more penetrating questions says, that can't be. He wasn't here. It couldn't be. And then, as I recall, you called back, you were not on the air at that time, and you were very angry at both of us for questioning your veracity. And now you're backing down from the story. No, I'm not backing down. I'm just telling that you assume and you take and break the word assume down. And what does it mean? Make an ass out of you and out of me, right. All right. Now, let me give you my revenge on Sarah, okay? This is my daughter. Right. You're not going to talk to her dad and take out revenge on her. I'm on her side. Well, you're on her side? Yes. Here is what I'm going to do. There is a horse running at Suffolk. Oh, come please. Oh, Wolfie, don't give us any more of your tips, for God's sake. I'm going to give you a tip. The name of a horse, believe it or not now, Believe this or not, is Knock Him Down Sarah. Yeah. And every time that horse runs, I'm going to bet against it. Okay, I got to go. We'll see. But see, he's still against my daughter for saying that couldn't have happened. And he just said it didn't happen. But he still is antagonistic about the whole thing. Read the story that I handed you, okay? It says, perhaps you've never heard of an R B band called the Bellevue Cadillac. You could call them the band who missed the gig of a lifetime. Bellevue Cadillac was approached about playing a wedding for an unnamed celebrity for a hefty salary and post wedding publicity beyond their dreams. But they already were booked to play a wedding in Kingston, Massachusetts that day. And that's how Bellevue Cadillac this sounds like the other side of the oh, the rest of the story. The rest of the story. Yeah. That's how Bellevue Cadillac missed out. Playing for the wedding of John F. Kennedy and Carolyn Bessette. Guitarist Doug Bell says they didn't find out whose wedding it was till the news reports came out Sunday. He says the news rocked a lot of the guys in the bands when we found out, but he added, there's not much you can do about it. That must have just driven them crazy. Oh, sorry. We're booked. We have a wedding door. I'm sorry. All of a sudden, you open up the paper like they're doing a wedding down. I mean, they were committed to the wedding. Yeah, and they couldn't I mean, even though the money was probably much better than the other wedding. You can't just back out on someone like that. No, you really can't. They were very nice to keep the gig. Katie in Malden. Hi. You're on WBZ. I'm sorry, Katie, it's hard to hear you. Can you oh, that's the radio that we're listening to. Katie in Malden, are you there? [01:25:33] Speaker B: Yes, I am. [01:25:34] Speaker C: Okay. Did you turn your radio down? [01:25:38] Speaker B: Hi, I just want to call because that guy before Wolfie really got on my nerves because there's nobody that you call my Norm Nathan a jerk. [01:25:47] Speaker C: Who's that? Was that Robert? Did he call me a jerk? No, she said wolfie. Oh, Wolfie called me a jerk. Did he really do that? [01:25:53] Speaker B: Yes, he called you a jerk. [01:25:56] Speaker C: Oh, that's Robert from Everett. I didn't hear him say called him an idiot. No, I called him an idiot. I don't think he called me an idiot. And then he said, Takes one to no. It takes one to no. Oh, I see. Okay, well, thank you. [01:26:09] Speaker B: Really good on my nerves. [01:26:10] Speaker C: Thank you. Thank you for defending me, Katie, but. [01:26:13] Speaker B: You'Re just such a sweetheart, and when I'm up this late, you just make my whole night. [01:26:20] Speaker C: I appreciate that, but you can't blame him for getting angry at me. After all the names I've called him, he's probably justified. [01:26:26] Speaker B: Well, he is a jerk. [01:26:33] Speaker C: You sounded like you were speechless there for a while. [01:26:36] Speaker B: No, he is a jerk. [01:26:37] Speaker C: So hey, so if I call him a jerk, I'm not really calling him names. I'm just identifying him specifically, speaking the truth. I see. Okay. [01:26:46] Speaker B: You're laying out the line. [01:26:48] Speaker C: Okay, Katie, I appreciate that very much. Thanks a whole lot. [01:26:51] Speaker B: Have a good night, Norm. [01:26:52] Speaker C: You, too, Katie. [01:26:53] Speaker B: Bye bye. [01:26:54] Speaker C: Bye bye. There's a lady who reasons with great intelligence joan. Hi, Joan. You're on WBZ. Hello, Joan. [01:27:04] Speaker B: Hi, Norman. I called to apologize for last week, sir. [01:27:09] Speaker C: What did you do that was off on you? [01:27:11] Speaker B: Because I was holding on the line and you were playing the birthday game. [01:27:15] Speaker C: And what did you do? [01:27:17] Speaker B: And I wasn't there. [01:27:18] Speaker C: Oh, I see. Okay. [01:27:19] Speaker B: I just called to say hello and tell you what a great young man took over your place when you were on vacation. [01:27:29] Speaker C: That was Jordan Rich. That's right. He's an old friend of mine. I was pleased that the station picked him to sit in. And also, Dave Maynard sat in one night, too. I'm very pleased with that. [01:27:43] Speaker B: The old days. [01:27:44] Speaker C: Yeah, he's an old guy, and he was around here during the very old days. They try to get rid of the old blood, and they put us new kids in since then, which I find is refreshing and a look toward the future. Because you know something, Joan? [01:27:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:27:57] Speaker C: I'm a 90s kind of guy. You're cool. I am. I'm cool, I'm hip. I know where it's at. Nowhere. It's at. Right, sir. [01:28:08] Speaker B: I also heard that you had your picture taken. [01:28:11] Speaker C: Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. There were five or six of us who were in a photo session about a week or so ago. So they'll be out, probably ready to go, probably by the end of October or middle of October, something. [01:28:25] Speaker B: Okay, I'll call you then. [01:28:27] Speaker C: Thank you. Thank you, Joan. [01:28:29] Speaker B: Bye. [01:28:29] Speaker C: I noticed. Have you kept all the people who've requested your picture no. Over the past 17 months that you haven't been sending them out. No, I have. So everyone stand by, because by the end of October yeah. Sold out of pictures. When I say that they'll be ready, they're ready. Then they can write it again. I just can't keep records of all of that. And you know what else I found out? You know, at the farm stand, they were selling this booklet with pictures of the BZ staff. I was the only one who was not in that booklet. I don't know. I'm not whimpering. I'm kind of glad. It was kind of a seven, eight or ten page the anniversary anniversary thing. Yeah, because the 75th anniversary, that one. And all the people who work here now, and some of the stars of yesteryear. And all that kind of stuff. Lavelle wasn't in it either way. No, Lavelle was in it. Yes, he was. Yes, he was. Everybody was in it. I didn't see this booklet then because Kaim Pippick was in it. Oh, come on. Roskell was in it, too. Roskell mimic was in it. From the mimic and Pippick show. From the mimic and pippic. Hold on a minute. There's more on the air. No, we just got a call from Stephen Wright. We're going to give him a buz back. He's out in Chicago and he's coming to the Orpheum to do a show in another week, next Friday. Next Friday night. So we'll call him back right after the 01:00 news so we can then talk in an uninterrupted way. And if you'd like to take part in the Dumb birthday game, give a call to Tom Howie at this same number. Six one seven is the area code. Two 5410 30. And say I'd like to get maybe I could compete so I could get one of your junkie prize. Yes, stuff like that. It'd be good. Remember, I told you before, you send the stuff out. Even I know you're behind and all that. Tell me so I can give you all the stuff that we have backed up, too. We have a lot of junk. We get junk. That's wonderful. It's good junk. It's different from the junk. Well, it's just a lot of junk. A lot of junk. A lot of junk. We'll have to put it in a box to send the house. No more envelopes. There's so much junk, we're going to be sending it in crates. Oh, that's wonderful. That's wonderful. The Red Sox won. I know. It doesn't really matter anymore. Well, they're beating the Yankees. It still matters. I guess so. Seven to five. They've been getting some good crowds out there as soon they did this past night. I don't know what the attendance was, but I know the night before when they had to beat the Yankees every game in the Series and Baltimore had to lose everyone in order. I mean, the chances of them surviving were really like nonexistent. And yet they got something like 32,000 people out of Fenway Park to watch them. There's something magical about the Red Sox and the Yankees playing together anyhow and anyway, the Red Sox did win it seven to five. If you'd like to know about any other scores at all, just give me a call. What about the Bruins? I do not have that. I don't know. Shall we make up a score? They won the board of two. They won 17 to one. If we're going to make up a score, let's make up a really good one. Okay. We can take some calls if you'd like to call and say hello and, how are you doing and, what's new and how's the family? Hey, how are you doing? What's new? How's the family? I don't care to disclose that. Six one seven is the area code to Boston. Two 5410, 32, 5410, 30. And that's about the size of that. Chuck Woolery had bypass surgery, quadruple bypass surgery. I love the way he does that. I mean, Love Connection could be a chintzy program. So then what happened after that? Well, then we went and he threw up in the car over me because we'd had a bad supper at a club. But he does it well. He does it with a sense of humor and very sharp. Chuck Woolery. That's the Love Connection show. And apparently he's in good condition following quadruple bypass surgery. The 56 year old learned of his heart condition after a routine checkup. He's on Family, the Family Channel, also doing some stuff there as well on cable talk. One thing called home and family. And he underwent the operation this past Monday at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. A spokesperson for the show said the operation was success in Woolery. Could be out in three to four days. Anyway, apparently he's doing okay, and I'm glad to hear that. He's one of the few hosts of that kind of a show that I think is really something special. He's okay. Okay. Let's go to John in Connecticut. John, hi. You're on WBZ. Hello. Yes. [01:33:36] Speaker B: John. [01:33:36] Speaker C: You're on WBZ. [01:33:37] Speaker B: Yes. Hi, Uncle Norm. [01:33:38] Speaker C: How are you? Fine. How are you doing, John? I'm doing fine. Good. It's funny you should mention the Chuck Woolery. I don't know if you listen to that Howard guy, but one of his callers got on the air and the Chuck Show and was faking that he was Chuck Woolery and made a fool out of himself. It was just unbelievable. And they had Rick Dees on, and it was kind of vulgar and disgusting that they were making a gig out of his open heart surgery. Well, if you're talking about the Howard that I'm thinking you're talking about, or Howie, I guess, as he's called affectionately, in distorted circles, it sounds pretty much like the typical kind of stuff. The guy I mean, I guess it's okay that. They can do it, but how they get away with it? And it just isn't funny. How long is this going to last? How long is what going to last? His program? [01:34:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:34:54] Speaker C: The vulgarity of it. Making fun of other people's misery and pain. As long as he gets a good rating and he gets people to read his newspaper column, it'll go on. No, I'm sorry, Uncle Norm. No, I meant the Howie from oh, you're talking Howard Stern and I'm criticizing this other Howie because it sounded a little like maybe. Okay, now with that Howard Stern, I don't understand why you listen to them anyway. It seems to me you outgrow that kind of humor. Once you turn the age of twelve or 13, I think you've outgrown them. So what were you doing listening to them? John? That's a bad reflection on you. Well, I don't know that you can make that judgment upon me, but I think that's a stretch for you. But you do, in a way, have a valid point that I was listening to him and I guess I can pick and choose. Maybe. Is that well well, no. This other guy that I mentioned, I should have known that you were talking about it because you're calling from Connecticut and the station he's on does not reach Connecticut, so I should have known better than that. And I apologize for all those remarks I made ahead of time. Sort of. I semi apologize. He can be distasteful. Very distasteful, too. But Howard Stern is a disgrace to the whole business. And the awful thing is well, I won't say what the awful thing is, but he's under contract. The Westinghouse and us and CBS and our whole company, and IMAS both are but IMAS is much higher caliber and much more intelligent, humor kind of guy. [01:36:43] Speaker B: Right? Yeah. [01:36:43] Speaker C: IMESS has his own niche. He has all the politicians and the people from, I guess, the networks and I guess he should be around with and I don't think he's as vulgar as that. Oh, no. Nobody's as vulgar as that other person whose name we shouldn't even be mentioning. Well, that's why I was surprised that you would mention the full name. Well, maybe. Yeah, right. Exactly. Because I was hinting it was somebody else and I just wanted to correct that. And it was not who I thought it was. I should have guessed it was this guy. Anyway, I got to go, John, because we have news coming up. Okay, let's take a couple of call source. Is there a billboard? Really? A regular billboard? Well, by the side of the road. One of those big billboards? [01:37:36] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what I saw. [01:37:38] Speaker C: Oh, isn't that interesting? I hadn't seen that. That's the self esteem group is having a function along with the Bob Batchelder band and Frank F. Rouge. [01:37:51] Speaker B: That's his name. His name was up there, too. [01:37:53] Speaker C: Yeah, and spelled wrong, I bet. No, maybe not, but anyway, it's at Wonderland Ballroom. It's a week from October. October? What's? A week from Saturday? Okay. [01:38:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:38:07] Speaker C: Today is the. [01:38:10] Speaker B: 29Th. [01:38:13] Speaker C: 20 Eigth. [01:38:14] Speaker B: Okay, wait a minute. Today is Sunday. So it's the 29th. [01:38:18] Speaker C: No, today is Saturday. I think it's women. Let me pull up my calendar. You think I would know that, wouldn't you? [01:38:28] Speaker B: No, I think it's the fifth. [01:38:29] Speaker C: But anyway, one of the things that I'm going to be doing let's see. Okay, we're really moving this show along in a rapid clip. 20 Eigth. And next Saturday would be the fifth. [01:38:45] Speaker B: Right. [01:38:46] Speaker C: I guess that's it. Next Saturday. Wonderland Ballroom. Through the afternoon. No, it's an afternoon thing because otherwise I really couldn't make it because I got to be here at night. Well and I'm going to be singing with a band. [01:39:00] Speaker B: You're kidding. [01:39:03] Speaker C: That sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? [01:39:05] Speaker B: No, it isn't ridiculous. [01:39:06] Speaker C: No, when I say that, that's an exaggeration. What is happening is I'm going to be doing one song. I wanted to be there and everything, but I wanted to do something different than just stand up there and say, hi, everybody. Are you senior citizens? Let's all do the line dance. So I took a Cole Porter song. [01:39:28] Speaker A: Called you're the Top. But before we get to that, I'm sorry that the Stephen Wright interview was not included on this tape. But there's no better consolation than the one and only Norm Nathan and the Bob Batchelder Band. Hit it, boys. [01:39:43] Speaker D: Words poetic. I'm so pathetic that I always have found it best, instead of getting them off my chest, to let them rest unexpressed. I hate parading my serenading, and I'll probably miss a bar, but if this IDD is not so pretty. At least you'll know how great you are. [01:40:10] Speaker C: You're great. You're great. [01:40:15] Speaker D: You're the top. You're the self esteem group. You're the top. You're a BZ news scoop. You're the band. You're wonderland. You're melsourmet. You're bloomingdale. You're the freedom trail. You're popping ray. You're the top. You're a Jewish deli. You're the top. You are Smuckers jelly. I'm just a broadcaster. A near disaster, a malarcrop. But they'd have baby at the bottom. You're the top. Adorable person you're the top. You're a Christmas eggnog you're the top. A Joanne hot dog you're a mouse deer sam Adams beer a Bruins gold you're the top field figure scully square the totem pole you're divine a Julia child dinner. You outshine any megabucks winner. I'm a rush hour traffic. My false graphic a fluff. Maybe I'm the bottom, but you're the top. You're the top. The cyclone at Revere Beach. You're the top. A James. [01:42:10] Speaker C: Michael. Curly. [01:42:11] Speaker D: Speech. Your Bozo the Clown. Charlie Brown. Noah's Arm. You're the Boston Pops saxmos Chops. You're Fenway Park. You're the top, you are noel Coward You're the top. You're antorio's old Howard you're the swarm boats in summer bash elder's drummer Dizzy's Bot but if, baby, I'm the bottom you're the top, damn it, you're the top you're the hybrid Yale game you're the top. You are my old flame your films and Macy blues by basi a ten speed bike your fan hall Celtics basketball your lettings on the bike you're the top. The drive of Buddy Rich you're the top. A genuine Salem witch I'm a band singer, a humdinger and now about to stop because, baby, if I'm the bottom you're the top. [01:43:41] Speaker B: Thank you. [01:43:59] Speaker A: And it is always great to hear that it just may become an annual event here at the Vault of Silliness. Closing said vault indefinitely. Leaving this world a little sillier than we found it. Four. Knock them down, Sarah. Suffolk Downs, wonderland park, swifty the Rabbit jordan Rich, dave Maynard, hurricane Hortense bermuda jack Benny, joan Benny napkin animals hyam, pippic roscal mimic and the mimic and Pippick show obscene talk. My Favorite Brunette frosting the Birthday Bear, the Romance of Steel ingots Bonita Granville joan blondell velveeta Cheese? I don't know. Rocky hunter as blurby highfinder the big money ball number stephen wright, david Brudnoy and the libertarian panel throwing radios off the toilet walls the law doctors the king richards fair, bellevue, cadillac, stephen adams, jack hart and the stuttering dense not a great ad liber but still damn proud to be norm Nathan. Norm nathan. I'm Tony Nesbitt.

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