Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 163

Episode 158 November 13, 2023 00:58:39
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 163
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 163

Nov 13 2023 | 00:58:39


Show Notes

A DBG from November 16th, 1991 roars back to life with today’s episode. I have named this one: “A Pun is a Pun, of course, of course.”

Norm had just returned from taking time after Norma passed. And there’s no better way to help heal than by getting back into the fray that is the DBG.



Paul from Malden

Frank in Waltham

Bob from Sanford ME

I’m producing and on the phone from MC

And Jack Harte


Bdays w/ALL the sfx:

Burgess Meredith

Dwight Gooden


Jodie Foster

Ted Turner

Larry King

Alan Young


Bo Derek

Goldie Hawn


Marlo Thomas

And for 11/22 we have Jamie Lee Curtis

There are some extras here with Norm reading the bottom of the hour headlines & Accuwx. Plus, closing out this episode, I decided to include a partial, top hour, ABC News w/Marty McNeely, Vic Ratner and Jane Platt.

Before that though we take calls from:

Bill in Revere

And Generosa!


There are some Commercials to keep an ear out for:

Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Powder

Keep It In Your Sneaker

WBZ Boston College Football coverage promo

And Willard Scott for Riopan Plus 2


Episode 163, “A Pun is a Pun, of course, of course.” whinny’s its way to your ears in 3,2 and 1.



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Whoo, boy. [00:00:01] Speaker B: Last week's episode got 245 Views. Thank you for the love and let's keep that going. And, you know, I think this may just do that. A dumb birthday game from November 16, 1991 Roars back to life with today's episode. I have named this one. A pun is a pun, of course. Of course. Norm had returned from taking time after normapast, and there's no better way to help heal than by getting back into the fray. That is the dumb birthday game. The players, Mike, who sounds a lot like Jimmy, from Winthrop, Paul from Malden, Frank and Waltham, Bob from Sanford, Maine. Both of those guys are first timers. I'm producing and on the phone from Master Control and Jackhart, the birthdays with all the sound effects, Burgess Meredith, Dwight Gooden. Then we move to November 19 with Jody Foster, Ted Turner, Larry King and Alan Young. And then we go to 1120, Bo Derek, Goldie Hawn. Moving on to November 21, Marlowe Thomas. And for November 22, we have Jamie Lee Curtis. There are some extras here with Norm reading the bottom hour headlines and AccuWeather. Plus, closing out the episode, I decided to include a partial top hour, ABC News with Marty McNeilly, Vic Ratner and Jane Platt. Before that, though, we take calls from Bill and Rivera and Generosa. There are some commercials to keep an ear out for triple action gold bond medicated powder. Keep it in your sneaker, a WBZ Boston college football coverage promo with Gil Santos, including the awful tagline, your big time football station and Willard Scott for Riopan Plus Two. Please support the show by clicking that Patreon link below. Episode 163 A pun as a pun, of course. Of course Winnies its way to your ears in three, two and one. [00:02:06] Speaker C: It makes me shiver. [00:02:16] Speaker D: You don't need skill. You don't have to be a brain. You just call Norm to play the dumb Birthday game. [00:02:23] Speaker C: Lay the dumb, dumb birthday game. [00:02:30] Speaker A: Okay, we have an interesting group of panels, people on the panel, to play just that game where we mention the names of people having birthdays, not only today, because there aren't too many well known people born on November 16, but a number of them born throughout the coming week who have birthdays during the coming week. So we'll get to those. Let's, I guess. Mike, you made the first cut. [00:02:53] Speaker C: How do you do, sir? [00:02:54] Speaker A: How do you do? It's nice to talk to you again. Apparently Tony Nesbitt had mercy on you and said, hey, OK, you can play. [00:03:03] Speaker C: It was a tough battle. It was uphill all the way. [00:03:05] Speaker A: Norm, I imagine you probably paid plenty under the table, eh? Okay. Also, we have Paul, who is in Malden. How you doing, Paul? [00:03:15] Speaker C: Paul's fine, Norm. How are you doing? [00:03:17] Speaker A: Good, thank you. [00:03:17] Speaker C: Nice to have you back. [00:03:18] Speaker A: Thanks so much. I appreciate that. And Frank, who is in Waltham. Hi, Frank. [00:03:23] Speaker C: Hi, Norm. How you doing? [00:03:24] Speaker A: Good. Is this your first time with this? [00:03:26] Speaker C: It sure is. [00:03:27] Speaker A: Hey, well, welcome. It's nice to have you with us. [00:03:29] Speaker C: Okay. [00:03:29] Speaker A: And we'll bring in Bob, who's down Maine. How you doing, Bob? [00:03:33] Speaker C: Pretty good. [00:03:34] Speaker A: Where in Maine are you? [00:03:35] Speaker C: Sanford. [00:03:36] Speaker A: In Sanford, Maine. Okay. This is your first crack at this, isn't it? [00:03:39] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:03:40] Speaker C: I don't even know what my own birthday is. [00:03:43] Speaker A: You don't have any idea. Maybe we'll make that part of the quiz and we'll do that later. [00:03:49] Speaker E: Thank you. [00:03:50] Speaker A: Okay. And of course, we have Tony. Hello. And Tony Nesbitt, our producer, who is a regular on the birthday game. We also have Jack Hart, WBZ, 24 hours traffic network person. Hello. Okay. We have some interesting birthdays today, too. He's giggling already. Did I miss something hilarious that was said or is this just kind of an automatic giggle you have? [00:04:19] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:04:21] Speaker A: I thought I heard something humorous. I thought maybe it had something to do with somebody pressing up against your navel. Just kind of automatically set off a giggle. See, now that wasn't even funny. And you're giggling with that, too. I don't know. It was kind of humorous. [00:04:40] Speaker C: They make great Christmas gifts. Navel pressers. [00:04:42] Speaker A: Yes. I have bad feelings. I got some navel jelly once. I have bad feelings about this entire program. Okay, here's the first birthday. Here are some people born on this very day, November 16. Burgess Meredith, the actor. Remember, he was also part of the. He's part of the Rocky series. He was his trainer. Remember, Rocky's trainer, Penguin Burgess Meredith. He was also Penguin. [00:05:11] Speaker C: That's right. [00:05:11] Speaker A: Penguin in Batman. Batman. Batman. That's a Batman. Batman. Anyway, Mike, how old would you say Burgess Meredith is today? [00:05:25] Speaker C: I'll go one higher and say 77 so that Jack can't say. That's the spirit. [00:05:31] Speaker A: I really appreciate that, Mike. You're a decent human being. What do you think, Paul? How old is Burgess Meredith? [00:05:38] Speaker C: Well, he's a lot older than 77. I'm going to say 88. [00:05:42] Speaker A: 80. Okay. And I suppose, Frank, you want to say 99. [00:05:48] Speaker C: I'm not going to go up. No, he's in between. I'd say he's about 78. [00:05:54] Speaker A: 78, okay. And, Bob, what do you think? [00:05:57] Speaker C: Well, I'm going to go the under. [00:05:58] Speaker E: I'm going to go. [00:05:59] Speaker C: 75. [00:06:00] Speaker A: 75. Okay, Tony, what do you think? [00:06:02] Speaker C: I'm not going to say it either. I'll say 81. [00:06:07] Speaker A: 80. Okay. What do you think, Jack? Off, in the looks of them, 311. [00:06:13] Speaker C: That's the spirit. Yeah. [00:06:19] Speaker A: Somebody said he has terrible trouble remembering his lines. [00:06:22] Speaker E: Now, Jack must have watched him on the expressway. [00:06:25] Speaker C: Pardon? Jack must have watched him on the expressway. [00:06:28] Speaker A: Yes. I would say that he was 82, 80. Okay, now let's check the birth records of his birthplace. And I can't tell you where that was, but we will notify as soon as we notify next of Ken. Is this not appropriate? Is this not appropriate for the Burgess Meredith? Okay, the actual age of Burgess Meredith today is 83. Jack said 82, and so he came the closest. Tony was not far off with 81, but Jack won that first round. Thank you. He's 83 years old today. [00:07:20] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:07:21] Speaker A: Okay, how about the pitcher, Dwight Gooden? Dwight Gooden was born on November 16. Also, let's start with Jack on it. How old are you supposed he plays for? [00:07:35] Speaker C: Mets. [00:07:35] Speaker A: The Mets? Is it the Mets? [00:07:39] Speaker C: Yeah, it is. Norm. It's the Mets. [00:07:41] Speaker A: It's the Mets that just came. [00:07:43] Speaker C: No argument from anybody, okay? [00:07:47] Speaker A: You'll get no argument from me. How old would you say Dwight Gooden? And the fact that he plays for the Mets at least narrows it. He's somewhere between 17 and 42. I honestly couldn't tell you. He's one of Those people that you can't really tell his age. I have a feeling you're not a baseball fan, are you? You never even heard of him and you're using that as a cover? [00:08:16] Speaker C: He uses top pollen for a cover? Yeah. [00:08:24] Speaker A: Let's see. Let me just flip a curren here. I would say that he's 33. Okay, 33. What do you think, Tony? [00:08:38] Speaker C: Come on, knuckles. Let me see. I'll toss this one over the plate. [00:08:46] Speaker A: Don't encourage him, Jack, for God's sakes, please. Every time you giggle, he does ten more minutes. Maybe we can just get him to go home. I did have a bad feeling about this, and I was right. And I have a feeling I'm out in left field with my. [00:09:04] Speaker C: Oh, shut up. [00:09:06] Speaker A: Shut up. How old is he, Tony? [00:09:08] Speaker C: I said I'll throw this one over the plate. [00:09:10] Speaker A: All right? [00:09:11] Speaker C: He's 28. [00:09:12] Speaker A: Hey, that's right, 28. [00:09:13] Speaker C: You're not even in the ballpark. Okay. [00:09:19] Speaker A: Bob, what do you say? [00:09:20] Speaker C: Norm is sickened by. [00:09:22] Speaker A: I am. I'm nauseated. [00:09:26] Speaker E: Bob goes 26. [00:09:28] Speaker A: 26. Okay, Frank, what do you say? [00:09:32] Speaker C: I guess he's about 29. [00:09:34] Speaker A: 29, Paul. [00:09:36] Speaker C: I'll say 34. [00:09:38] Speaker A: And Mike, I'll say 30. 30. Okay. Now let's figure out Dwight Gooden's age. Oh, is this ever appropriate. So far we're doing well. [00:09:53] Speaker C: We'll just get a nice ball pox. You don't have to be a good sport to play one. [00:10:04] Speaker A: I think if we covered all the bases. Everybody shut up. Okay. The actual Dwight Gooden is 27. Okay. Tony said 28 and Bob said 26. So they are the two winners of this round. Okay, thank you very much. Slammed on that one. He's never going to stop. He's never going to stop. [00:10:33] Speaker C: Slammed, slammed. [00:10:34] Speaker A: He's thinking of a grand slam. No, he doesn't know baseball name. He stopped it. If I was on the ball for things like that, then I would. On the ball for things. [00:10:47] Speaker C: I think I'm nauseated now. [00:10:50] Speaker A: Could we play next week? Could we play without this with the traffic guy? [00:10:54] Speaker C: I think I'm having a heart attack. [00:10:57] Speaker A: That's not a baseball term. That's not funny. [00:11:00] Speaker C: Heart attack, I guess. [00:11:02] Speaker A: Okay. Oh, I see. [00:11:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:05] Speaker A: Okay, let's go to the 19th. Which would be when? That's Tuesday. That's next Tuesday. Okay. Get some birthdays on that day, including Jody Foster, who's directed her very first movie. First time she's directed. Let's ask Frank and Walton. How old will Jody Foster be on next Tuesday, the 19th? [00:11:31] Speaker C: She's going to be. She's gonna be. She's getting older all the time. She's gonna be 30. [00:11:40] Speaker A: 30. Okay. [00:11:41] Speaker C: Since birth. She was getting older all the time. [00:11:44] Speaker A: What do you think? [00:11:45] Speaker C: I think 32. [00:11:47] Speaker A: 32. Okay. And Paul? [00:11:49] Speaker C: 29. [00:11:50] Speaker A: Mike? [00:11:53] Speaker C: 31. [00:11:55] Speaker A: Jack? I'm going to go with 30, I think. Okay. Same as Frank. [00:12:00] Speaker C: Where do you go, Jack? [00:12:01] Speaker A: Tony? [00:12:02] Speaker C: I'm going to go with 31. Where to go, Mike? [00:12:05] Speaker A: 31, the same as Mike. Okay, here's the answer. Here's how old Jody Foster will be. [00:12:11] Speaker C: Your own idea. Don't you like the drums? Drowned about. [00:12:15] Speaker A: Okay. Jody Foster will be 29, which is. [00:12:19] Speaker C: What Paul said. [00:12:23] Speaker A: 29 years old on the 19th. And that's also the birthday of Ted Turner. I don't think anybody has to describe who Ted Turner is, so we'll ask Tony to take the first shot at that. How old is Ted Turner? [00:12:37] Speaker C: Never heard of him. [00:12:38] Speaker A: Just Tony, just make a guess. Okay. Ted Turner, Tina's older brother. Nobody even laughed at that. Jack, does that give you a clue? [00:12:54] Speaker C: He's 50. [00:13:19] Speaker A: Okay, here's the answer. Ted Turner's age. [00:13:22] Speaker C: I was trying to find an explosion because of his TNT. [00:13:27] Speaker A: That would have bombed. [00:13:30] Speaker C: Okay, Ted Turner, you look so pained in there. [00:13:33] Speaker A: Some of these jokes are really. Maybe it's just a week, I don't know. But some of these jokes are just. Well, anyway, let's check the Ted Turner age. Ted Turner will be, at least on the 19th, will be 53, which is what Frank said. We got winners. Almost everybody has won one except you, Mike. And I know you're a top notcher and you'll come through, but there's one win by Paul, Frank, Bob, Tony and Jack. And they're orchestras. Okay. Also, next Tuesday the 19th, is the birthday of Larry King. And I hate to mention his name because he may be on the air right this very moment, and he probably would never mention my birthday on his program, but I happen to be a bigger person than he is. Thank you just so much. Okay, let's start with Mike on this one. How old will Larry King be next Tuesday the 19th? [00:14:36] Speaker C: 65. [00:14:37] Speaker A: 65, okay. And what do you think, Paul? [00:14:42] Speaker C: I'm going to say 57. [00:14:44] Speaker A: 57. Frank? [00:14:46] Speaker C: 63. [00:14:47] Speaker A: Bob? [00:14:50] Speaker C: 62. [00:14:51] Speaker A: 62. Tony? [00:14:54] Speaker C: 59. [00:14:55] Speaker A: 59. And Jack? 61. 61. Okay. Let's see what little bit of music or what Tony's come up with. [00:15:05] Speaker C: I'm trying to find some kind of. [00:15:07] Speaker A: Something from the King and I or something. [00:15:09] Speaker C: Well, no, almost something royal, possibly the way to put it, but I really can't find anything that quickly, so we'll have to settle for this. This is as royal as I can get right now. Okay. [00:15:25] Speaker A: Sure. Sounds royal to me. [00:15:26] Speaker C: Yeah. Like a souped up guillotine effect. [00:15:30] Speaker A: That was nice. That was really wonderful. [00:15:31] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:15:33] Speaker A: Okay, Larry King, actually, next Tuesday the 19th will be 56 years old, which means that Paul, who said 57 was the closest. [00:15:44] Speaker C: I'm tired of Paul winning. I really am. [00:15:46] Speaker A: I know. [00:15:46] Speaker C: Haven't won in a good month. [00:15:50] Speaker A: Yeah. You know who else is having a birthday? Mr. Ed's owner, Alan Young. You have to look at, because Mr. Ed is on reruns. So you'll have to look at that. Try to remember when that came out. And add a few years to the reruns. Yeah, add a few years to the rerun. They've invented color films. And then. [00:16:14] Speaker C: Oh, wow. [00:16:17] Speaker A: You know what always bothered me about Mr. Ed? Since I have a horse myself. There's a horse that's in a stall inside the same area where Alan King is doing his bookkeeping and all his work. And obviously, the horse is not like my horse. I mean, you keep a horse in a stall for any length of time, man, you're not going to have it in your own work room. Well, I understand his work stinks. I beg your pardon? I understand his work. No, I heard you. [00:16:52] Speaker C: Come on, quit stalling wise. [00:16:59] Speaker A: I'm not stalling. Not one bit. Unbridled humor, that's the main thing. Let's put a halter to all this anyway. Okay, Alan Young. Let's see. Let's start with Jack. How old will Alan Young be next Tuesday? 62. Do you have a feeling he was trying to imitate the horse? I think he was and failed miserably. Tony, what do you think? Alan Young. [00:17:34] Speaker C: Alan Young, right. [00:17:35] Speaker A: Yes. [00:17:36] Speaker C: Not so young anymore. [00:17:39] Speaker A: It's kind of like a Gallup pole. [00:17:40] Speaker C: Yeah, Nate, of that one. I see. Nate? 66. [00:17:49] Speaker A: 66. [00:17:52] Speaker C: Another old show. [00:17:53] Speaker E: Route 66. [00:17:54] Speaker A: Okay, Bob, what do you say? [00:17:56] Speaker C: I think I'm going off at 61. [00:17:59] Speaker A: 61. And Frank? [00:18:01] Speaker C: 68. [00:18:02] Speaker A: Paul? [00:18:04] Speaker C: 67. [00:18:06] Speaker A: Mike? [00:18:07] Speaker C: 69. [00:18:08] Speaker A: 69. Okay, now let's. Let's check and check and see who came the closest. Hello, I'm Mr. Raya. Oh, that's beautiful. [00:18:18] Speaker C: And week, unless he has something to say. A horse is a horse. Of course, of course. And this one will talk to him as voice. His horse. You never heard of a talking horse? Well, listen to this. I am Mr. Ed. [00:19:13] Speaker A: Sounds like we should be guessing the age of Mr. Ed. But Alan Young actually will be 72. Holy years old. So the 72 years old, the Mike from Marsfield who said 69 is the closest. And that means that everybody has won at least one. And Paul has won twice. You're okay, Paul. [00:19:36] Speaker C: I know that now. The rest of the panel would know that. [00:19:39] Speaker A: Yeah, well. [00:19:42] Speaker C: And hold their horses. [00:19:45] Speaker A: Are you quite through? [00:19:47] Speaker C: Yes, I am. [00:19:48] Speaker A: Okay. He had to get that in on the tail end. [00:19:50] Speaker C: It was a photo finish. Jack had a lot. [00:19:56] Speaker A: This is all us a nightmare. Bo Derek has a birthday next Wednesday. Actually the 20th. She was born November 20. Bo Derek. So let's guess her age. Won't that be fun? That'd be real fun to guess Bo Derek's age. Boys and girls. [00:20:14] Speaker C: Stallion, will you? [00:20:16] Speaker A: No, we're off that now. We're off something. [00:20:22] Speaker C: Never mind. [00:20:23] Speaker A: Frank, how old will Bo Derek be? [00:20:26] Speaker C: This is tough. I'll say 32. [00:20:30] Speaker A: 32. Okay, Mike, what do you say? [00:20:34] Speaker C: I have to go with 36. [00:20:39] Speaker A: 36. [00:20:40] Speaker C: Okay, Paul, I'm going to say a nice even 30. [00:20:44] Speaker A: Nice even 30. And, Bob, isn't she a ten? [00:20:51] Speaker C: She wasn't ten. [00:20:53] Speaker A: That's right, she was a ten. [00:20:55] Speaker C: Now she's a 30. [00:20:56] Speaker A: Yeah, certainly not for acting. Got to be the worst actress that ever came along next to Brooke Shields. [00:21:01] Speaker C: She didn't have to. [00:21:03] Speaker A: I guess neither does Brooke. [00:21:05] Speaker E: Yeah, I'll go lower. [00:21:06] Speaker C: 29. [00:21:07] Speaker A: 29. Okay, Tony, 39. You know, you had to do that. You see? 39. Tony says 39 along with the bus size. And that's right. And that's just the right arm, matter of fact. Okay, Jack, what do you say? 38? 38. I know that that sounds obscene, too, doesn't that? The way you said that? Okay, here's the actual age of Bo Derek. I just like them young. The younger they are, the better they are. You know what I mean? Who in heaven's name was that? [00:21:54] Speaker C: It was just some woman talking about young men. I don't know. [00:22:00] Speaker A: I thought it was a man for a second. [00:22:02] Speaker C: Walter Lipschit's wife. [00:22:04] Speaker A: I see. Bo Derek will actually be 35 years old. I think Mike is the closest on that. Hold on a minute. Let me check there. Mike. And who said 36? No, he is absolutely close. Mike is like one, two in a row there. Coming from a zero, from a dead stop. Mike, you just pulled up and you're doing beautifully. Okay, how about Goldie Hahn? Her birthday is actually the 21st, which is the day after, which would be Thursday. Is that right? Yeah, Thursday. Goldie Hawn. How old would Goldie Hawn be this coming week? Let's start with Mike. [00:22:52] Speaker C: Goldie Hawn. [00:22:54] Speaker A: Goldie Hawn, yeah. [00:22:57] Speaker C: 41. [00:22:58] Speaker A: 41. Paul? [00:23:02] Speaker C: Let me see. I'm going to say 44. [00:23:11] Speaker A: And what do you think, Frank? [00:23:13] Speaker C: She was looking, but she is about 44, I think. [00:23:16] Speaker A: Okay, and Bob. [00:23:18] Speaker C: Bob will go for 45. [00:23:20] Speaker A: 45. And Tony, she looks it. [00:23:24] Speaker E: She's 45. [00:23:25] Speaker A: Looks 45. And is 40. Number? Yeah. Jack, what do you think, Jack? Oh, I tell you. Much younger than that. 43. Much younger than 45. 43. Okay, now let's check the actual age of Goldie Hawn. That's her brother, Foggy. She was also in a movie about a boat, wasn't she? What? She's overboard. Thrown overboard or something. Overboard? [00:23:54] Speaker C: That's the name of it. [00:23:55] Speaker A: Oh, overboard is the name of the movie. Okay. Goldie Hawn will be 46 on the 21st. They told you on the 21st. 46. So that would be Bob and Tony. [00:24:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:24:12] Speaker A: Okay, I got just one more. Just one more. And we have. Mike has two. [00:24:17] Speaker C: That is a tiebreaker. [00:24:18] Speaker A: And Paul has two. And Frank has one. Bob Two, Tony Two, and Jack one. So it's a tiebreaker among about three or four of you. Four. Son of a gun. This is really exciting. Maybe even five. Four. Okay, how about Milo Thomas boys'birthday next Thursday, the 21st? Also Milo Thomas. Aren't we talking about that house in Kohasset? People spent all that much money, and then they tore down. And then a caller called and said Milo Thomas knocked down two houses so she could have a better view of the ocean. Oh, that TV show. [00:25:04] Speaker C: Oh, my. [00:25:09] Speaker A: I just never get my fill of those kind of jokes. That was even worse. [00:25:16] Speaker C: Okay, no one's laughing at that. [00:25:18] Speaker A: No, I don't blame them. That shows their good taste. Let's start with Jack this time. How old is will Marlowe Thomas be? And this is our last one. Yes. She has 53. [00:25:36] Speaker C: 53. [00:25:37] Speaker A: She'll be 53, you say, Antony, what do you think? [00:25:42] Speaker C: Let's see. 51. [00:25:50] Speaker A: Bob? [00:25:51] Speaker C: Yeah, I want to go a little lower. [00:25:55] Speaker A: 47. [00:25:56] Speaker C: Okay. [00:25:56] Speaker A: Frank? [00:25:57] Speaker C: 52. [00:25:58] Speaker A: 52. And what do you think, Paul? [00:26:01] Speaker C: 54. [00:26:03] Speaker A: And Mike? [00:26:05] Speaker C: 49. [00:26:08] Speaker A: 49. Okay, here's her actual age now. Or will be her actual age, then. [00:26:14] Speaker C: 50. How about the librarian who can find these things fast? A little comment on him would be nice. [00:26:50] Speaker A: Milo Thomas, ladies and gentlemen, will be 53, which is exactly what Jack said. That makes it another two way of tie. That makes it like a five way tie. The only one who isn't in on this is Frank. Everybody else has two, actually. Two. [00:27:13] Speaker C: What else you got? What else? [00:27:14] Speaker A: I'll give you one more. [00:27:15] Speaker C: All right. Yeah. Give me a chance to make it a five way tie. [00:27:18] Speaker A: Here's somebody who's having a birthday next Friday, the 22 November. And that's Jamie Lee Curtis. Okay. Jamie specimen. Jamie Lee Curtis. Okay, we'll start with Mike. How old will Jamie Lee Curtis be then? [00:27:35] Speaker C: Jamie Lee Curtis? I don't think I even know. What was she? [00:27:37] Speaker A: Jamie Lee Curtis? [00:27:38] Speaker C: Halloween. The original Halloween. [00:27:40] Speaker A: She was also in the fish named Wanda. [00:27:43] Speaker C: Trading places. [00:27:44] Speaker A: She is trading places and she's got. [00:27:46] Speaker C: A sitcom and she looks great. Trading places. [00:27:48] Speaker A: Yeah, she does have a sitcom and she's the daughter of Tony Curtis. That doesn't probably help you at all. But Jamie Lee Curtis, tall, thin, attractive lady, very intrinsic. [00:28:03] Speaker C: Never watched television. 45. [00:28:07] Speaker A: You never watch television or go to the movies or do anything? [00:28:11] Speaker C: Very rarely. I listen to the Norm Nathan Show. [00:28:14] Speaker A: Well, see, that alone is an education in itself. And, Paul, what do you think? How old will Jamie Lee Curtis be next Friday? [00:28:23] Speaker C: I'm going to say 33. 33. [00:28:28] Speaker A: Okay. What do you think, Frank? [00:28:30] Speaker C: 31. [00:28:32] Speaker A: Bob? [00:28:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm going to go for 38. [00:28:35] Speaker A: Tony? [00:28:37] Speaker C: 37. [00:28:40] Speaker A: 37. Okay. Jack? 42. 42 probably is. Okay, here's Jamie Lee Curtis's actual age is checked against the birth record. That was kind of a scream from. [00:28:54] Speaker C: HalloWeen because they used to call the Scream Queen. [00:28:57] Speaker A: Did they really? Jamie Lee Curtis did cockamamie movies like that. [00:29:01] Speaker C: Oh, tons of them. [00:29:03] Speaker A: No kidding. I thought she was a class act. [00:29:04] Speaker C: I thought that was her mother, Janet Lee. [00:29:07] Speaker A: Yeah, that's right. Janet Lee. [00:29:09] Speaker C: And she did a lot of them, too. [00:29:11] Speaker A: Okay, Jamie Lee Curtis, next Friday the 22nd, will be 33 years old. [00:29:17] Speaker C: Wow. [00:29:18] Speaker A: And that's what Paul said. [00:29:19] Speaker C: He's a youngster. [00:29:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:29:21] Speaker C: See? Paul wins again. [00:29:23] Speaker A: Paul wins. Yes, sir. Paul has got three wins there, so he breaks the tie. Paul, you must be just thrilled. [00:29:29] Speaker C: Right down to your darn happy John. [00:29:31] Speaker A: I would think you would be just so darn happy. [00:29:33] Speaker C: Now, my favorite part is always when they. Tony must be frowning in the back. [00:29:39] Speaker A: He's leading the kids here in the team campaign. As they carry you out on their. [00:29:44] Speaker C: Shoulders and into the dump. That's right. [00:29:47] Speaker A: Or drop you from the window of the 20th story here at WBZ Broadcast City. So hang in there, Paul. And Sonny will take your name and address. That's right. And we'll get a lousy prize out to you that you'll be ashamed of and be sickened by. But we'll send you something. [00:30:05] Speaker C: Anything from you, Norm, is worth. [00:30:07] Speaker A: It's probably gold. It's probably gold. I understand how you feel, Mike. I thank you very much for playing with us, Norm. [00:30:13] Speaker C: Jeannie and I wanted to thank you so much. We just used those tickets to the Bay Tower that we got from the last time I played the birthday game. We wanted to thank you so much. It was a great experience, and we just wanted to tell you how grateful we were. Who the hell did we give tickets with? [00:30:35] Speaker A: Some as classy as that? [00:30:36] Speaker C: Those were the greatest tickets. Yeah, the dinner for two at the Bay Tower. [00:30:42] Speaker A: The Bay Tower Luncheonette. [00:30:43] Speaker C: That was really great. I never got anything like that. [00:30:47] Speaker A: And after the ride around the city and your special horse and wagon and all of that, and breakfast at the Ritz Carlton Hotel the next morning. And then a trip, a day trip to Paris. [00:31:04] Speaker C: Anyway, was he dressed in his birthday suit? [00:31:08] Speaker A: I think we'll move on. [00:31:09] Speaker C: I bet he was dreaming a genie, though. [00:31:11] Speaker A: Anyway, thanks a lot, Mike. [00:31:12] Speaker C: ThanK you. Good night, Mike. [00:31:13] Speaker A: Thank you. And let's see, we're holding on to Paul Frank, thank you. Thank you very much. [00:31:19] Speaker C: Well, no, I came in last, but I had a good time. [00:31:22] Speaker A: Okay, I'm glad. [00:31:23] Speaker C: All right, take care. [00:31:24] Speaker A: Bye bye. [00:31:28] Speaker E: I had a great time, though. [00:31:30] Speaker A: Who's this? Bob. [00:31:31] Speaker C: This is Bob. [00:31:31] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:31:32] Speaker A: Oh, Bob, thank you very much for calling. [00:31:33] Speaker C: Thank you very much. [00:31:34] Speaker A: I appreciate hearing from you. [00:31:35] Speaker E: Okay, bye bye. [00:31:36] Speaker A: Thank you. Okay. That's Bob from Sanford, Maine. And, Jack, it was wonderful having you aboard, your giggles and your orchestra for our late evening dining, dancing and listening. [00:31:47] Speaker C: Pleasure at the Baytower. [00:31:50] Speaker A: That's right. We'll call upon you in about a half hour. We'll skip this. Local stations. Local stations. We're going to skip the update and the traffic report for this half hour. Okay. The next one will be after 04:00. [00:32:04] Speaker F: All right. [00:32:05] Speaker A: Okay. Thank you. Thank you very much. Okay. And thank you very much also. [00:32:09] Speaker C: Tony, talk to you. Trying to. I'm bringing myself down as one of the common people who call in normal. Talk to you tomorrow. [00:32:20] Speaker A: I see. Even though you're in the next room, we still got to do almost an hour and a half of programming. [00:32:25] Speaker C: I know. I won't talk to you. All right, fair enough. [00:32:27] Speaker A: I won't talk to you either. Bye bye. Bye. Okay, Paul. And hang in there in his address. [00:32:34] Speaker C: Have a good one. [00:32:34] Speaker A: You, too. Take care now. Okay. It's 21 minutes before 04:00. You're at WBZ, home of the Brave and land of the free. Thank you. Now again, one of our favorites, Joan. [00:32:47] Speaker F: Cantwell of Brockton, Massachusetts, is telling us about her skin problems. [00:32:51] Speaker D: I had developed a skin rash and the rash was red, itchy, very uncomfortable. At its worst, it was painful. It was very irritating. [00:33:03] Speaker F: But Joan Cantwell got relief using triple action gold Bond medicated powder. [00:33:08] Speaker D: The gold Bond powder has a nice clean feel to it. There's a cooling sensation at the end of the day. Area that was irritating in the morning is no longer irritating. [00:33:18] Speaker F: Gold Bond's triple action is like three great powders in one. It has the absorbing action of powder, the medicating action of a proven itch fighter, and the drying action of zinc oxide. That's triple action gold bond. [00:33:32] Speaker D: It's gone, completely gone. The itching in the area of the rash was taken care of. It doesn't itch anymore. I don't use any other powder but gold bomb. [00:33:42] Speaker F: Try triple action Gold bond medicated powder. Use only as directed. Available at CVS, today's neighborhood drugstore. I don't have corns or bunions, but. [00:33:51] Speaker A: It feels like there's a fire inside my sneakers. My feet feel hot, sticky and sore, and they smell as bad as they feel. [00:33:59] Speaker F: Use keep it in your sneaker. It relieves sore burning feet. Stops odors, too. [00:34:04] Speaker A: What is it? [00:34:05] Speaker F: Keep it in your sneaker is a specially formulated powder for common foot problems like yours. It starts in seconds to put out the fire. You feel its special ingredients working to cool and soothe your feet. That's terrific. That's not all. Keep it in your sneaker helps break the cycle of friction, sweating and discomfort. [00:34:22] Speaker A: How? [00:34:23] Speaker F: Your feet are loaded with sweat glands friction causes more sweating. Excess moisture can cause problems, even athletes foot fungi. [00:34:30] Speaker A: What's keep it in your sneaker do. [00:34:32] Speaker F: Helps break the cycle by reducing friction, then by drying out excess moisture. [00:34:37] Speaker A: How long does it work? [00:34:38] Speaker F: As long as you're working out, just shake it in your socks and sneakers and on your feet. [00:34:43] Speaker A: Feels great. [00:34:44] Speaker F: I'll use it every day. Keep it in your sneaker powder. Relieve sore burning feet. Stops odors, too. Use only as directed. Available at all Brooks drugstores. [00:34:52] Speaker A: Okay, we have some open lines now and we'll talk about most anything you'd care to talk about. We'll check the headlines and see what's doing and the weather, and then we'll take some phone calls. Two 5410 30. Whatever is on your mind would be okay with me. My name is Norm Nathan and nice to have you aboard here at WBZ Old Sport. [00:35:13] Speaker G: WBZ Boston, the only radio station to provide stock market reports from the floor of the exchange. Business News Every hour, every business day from WBZ AM 1030. [00:35:29] Speaker A: Here's what's happening. Witnesses say it's a tragedy that never should have happened. The collapse of a motel roof in Salisbury that killed two people and injured three others came during a renovation project in which most of the second floor, including inside support beams and walls, had been removed, with only some exterior two by fours holding up the heavy roof. William Cotter, who's a member of the anti abortion group Operation Rescue, has been sentenced to two and a half years in the House of Correction. He was convicted in Middlesex court, violating a restraining order and contempt as a result of trying to block access to two clinics in Brookline in August. Governor Wells administration has revised upwards its estimates of state revenue collections for fiscal 1992. However, it says most of the extra cash has already been used up in spending by human services programs and by cities and towns. Senator Ted Kennedy says he's glad the compromise unemployment benefits measure has been passed by the Senate and signed by the president, but Senator Kennedy says it's only a stopgap and does not do the job that is needed. Louisiana election officials are expecting a record voter turnout of up to 75% when ballotors take to the polls today. Meantime, gubernatorial candidates David Duke and former Governor Edwin Edwards spent their final campaign day this past day launching and fending off ugly charges. Analysts say the Dow Jones Industrial Average is 120 point dive and the last hour of yesterday's trading suggests Americans are more pessimistic about the economy than previously thought. The Dow's plunge is the fifth largest in history, and those are some of the things happening in the news. We'll have a complete check on the news and details and all that in about 16 minutes at 04:00. And you're tuned to the news station WBZ AM 1030, where you'll find out what's going on whenever you tune in 24 hours a day. Right here to WBZ. [00:37:53] Speaker C: Touchdown right. Catch. Clarence Cannon. First play of the game from Austin Collins. Fourth and goal, the pitch to Dukes. Turning wide to the right. He's going to turn the corner and drive it in. Touchdown. Mitchell in motion, right to left. Straight back to throw is Foley. Rolls right, now, looks now. Fires. End zone. Wide open. Touchdown. [00:38:09] Speaker G: Today, Boston College travels to Syracuse to take on the Orange men. Hi, this is Gil Santos. Join Peter Cronin and me today at 1120 airtime, noon kickoff for Boston College at Syracuse this afternoon right here on your big time football station, WBZ AM 1030. [00:38:25] Speaker A: The WBZ. We have some, again, some open lines two, 5410 30. Our area code is six one seven, the WBZ, accurate. The forecast from Roy Galant calls for clouds and a shower early, then windy, with some sunshine. In the afternoon, the high temperatures, about 54. At night, mainly clear, windy, cold. Lows 26 to 30. Sunday, some sun, windy and cold. Highs 38. Monday, lots of sunshine. Highs about 40. And on Tuesday, rather cloudy with high temperatures getting up to about 45 degrees. And that's the way things shape up. 14 minutes before 04:00. 14 before four is. Bill. Who's in that revere? Hi. Good morning, Bill. [00:39:14] Speaker E: Well, good morning, Norm. [00:39:17] Speaker A: Hi. [00:39:18] Speaker E: I think I can hear you fine. Sure. [00:39:20] Speaker A: Well, I can hear you, too, so that'll make things easier. [00:39:23] Speaker E: Well, now, or even I want to say I'm terribly sorry about your wife. [00:39:27] Speaker A: Thank you very much. I appreciate you saying that, Bill. Thank you. [00:39:30] Speaker E: Okay. I wanted to ask you about last night on Channel 25. There was a Michael Jackson video on. [00:39:43] Speaker A: Yes. [00:39:43] Speaker C: Did you happen to see that? [00:39:45] Speaker A: No, I did not. I've heard a lot about it, but I did not get to see it. [00:39:48] Speaker E: Well, I watched the whole thing, and I've been a Michael Jackson fan for about 25 years. [00:39:56] Speaker C: I guess ever since he was just a little kid. [00:40:00] Speaker E: I beg your pardon? [00:40:01] Speaker A: I said, ever since he was just a little kid. [00:40:03] Speaker E: Yeah, since he came out with I want you back. Well, the whole Jackson Five did that song, right? And when he went out on his own, I thought it was wonderful. He has a great voice and a terrific entertainer, and what he's done with himself is fine. I just thought that what he did last night is what he's been doing for a long time. A lot of people expressed a lot of shock. And the thing was, I just thought it was kind of uncalled for. The shock, I mean. [00:40:42] Speaker A: You mean what he did or the fact that people were shocked by it? What he did was, this is, you're talking about the black and white. Black and white which debuted, it says most callers were upset by Jackson grabbing his crotch. One caller in Tacoma, Washington, said Jackson's bumping and grinding is ridiculous. A New York disc jockey summed up a feeling in his city. I don't know. They say they summed up the feeling. I don't know whether anybody took a survey of people in New York, but it says this disc jockey said, people think he's crazy, feeling himself and all. They think he's lost his mind. And the story goes on to say many parents thought the video should not have been shown right after the Simpsons when many kids were watching. Others didn't like the violent ending to the video where Jackson goes berserk, smashing car windows in a storefront window. Again, I didn't see it. So I take your word. [00:41:38] Speaker E: Were you aware that today he came out with an. [00:41:43] Speaker A: No, no, I'm not aware. I didn't get to see that. [00:41:46] Speaker E: Well, he was, he came out with an apology, but the whole thing. Know, what comes up in my mind is that he's been grabbing his crotch for really. And Sammy Davis Jr. Before he died, was on tour with Liza and Frank. And he went on and he did a song called Bad, I'm Bad, I'm Bad, so bad, you know. [00:42:12] Speaker A: You're talking about Sammy Davis or Michael Jackson. [00:42:14] Speaker E: Sammy DaViS Jr. Yeah. And he did the same thing on stage. Of course, this was all adults. And he grabbed his crotch and he went, oh. And then later on he said, michael Jackson is the only person that I know in my 62 years of show business, ladies and gentlemen, that could do a thing like that and get away with it. So Sammy was admiring Michael. He says he hasn't even scratched the surface of what he can do in the future, et cetera. Anyway, Michael Jackson came on and did the same thing he did in his last video, which was thriller, I guess. Thriller. And then he did bad and he did the same thing in thrIller. He turned into a monster in Thriller, as a matter of fact. [00:42:58] Speaker A: Oh, he sure did. [00:43:01] Speaker E: And in bed there was street gangs and there was lots of violence. And last night was just dangerous. This is a new album called Dangerous. And he did the same thing all over again. And now people are screaming and poor Michael came out today with an apology, and he's cutting the last four minutes of the video out so that nobody will ever see it again. [00:43:22] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I did hear about that. How long does the video last? It was about nine or ten minutes. [00:43:26] Speaker E: About nine minutes, I suppose. I think it was eleven. But he turned into a panther, and a panther actually went into this dark alley and turned into Michael. And somebody else said that today that Michael Jackson was the best dancer since Fred Astaire. [00:43:52] Speaker C: Anyway. [00:43:56] Speaker A: I kind of prejudice in the sense that one of my daughters, who I adore, loves Michael Jackson same as you do. So it's hard for me to say anything against him. I figure if she likes him, he. [00:44:07] Speaker E: Must be, you know, Norm, he's been doing the same thing for so long, and now he came out with this new video, and people are screaming and I can't understand a thing about it. I wonder if anybody else has anything to say about it. [00:44:25] Speaker A: Okay, we welcome their calls. If they'd care to call us at two. 5410 30. To add their comment. I think that would be kind of nice. And also, I appreciate you bringing it up, because Michael Jackson still has a tremendous way of getting notoriety and publicity, I suppose. And I have a feeling this is not going to hurt anything. [00:44:45] Speaker E: One other thing about Michael Jackson is that people have brought up a lot of negative feelings about him because he is friendly with young people. Like, he had that little boy. I don't remember his name, but he was a little boy. He was on a television show, and Michael took him to the Academy Awards, et cetera. And now he's hanging out with Macaulay Culkin and a bunch of other kids. And I think that Michael, at 33, looks like he's 18. [00:45:17] Speaker A: Don't you think he looks very young? Why would people object because he's with young people? [00:45:23] Speaker E: I don't know. That's another thought that I want to throw out there and see what people have. [00:45:29] Speaker A: Do they think he's a grown man, he ought to go with people his own age, or do they object to. [00:45:33] Speaker E: Well, I heard catering talk about him, and Brooke Shields is a lovely young girl, and she says that he feels very comfortable with young people, and he's a kid at heart, et cetera. But he is 33 years old. But I think that Michael Jackson will never grow up. I've always thought that he was wonderful. And if you'll ever hear him someday, you can sit down and listen to one of his albums or two of his albums. Listen to him sing. Ben, it was so wonderful. And his voice. He's still a youngster as far as I'm concerned. And he makes me feel young and I'm in my 50s. [00:46:10] Speaker A: Okay. Because I think we have the video of his thriller at home. Somebody in my family bought that at that time. [00:46:18] Speaker E: I remember the largest selling album in history. And Bad and Dangerous is not going to even approach it. I think Bad came up very short of it. And I think Dangerous is not even going to do as well as bad. But I feel bad about that because I think that dangerous is probably going to be a great album. But I think last night's video was fabulous. And I think that the end of it was terrific. And all the people that were objecting to it were just being silly because he's been doing that for a long, long time. And this is a lot of things that this is what he does and that's what made him popular to begin with. [00:47:00] Speaker A: Okay, I appreciate. [00:47:01] Speaker C: All right. [00:47:02] Speaker A: Thanks a million, Bill. [00:47:03] Speaker C: You take care. [00:47:03] Speaker A: You too. [00:47:04] Speaker C: Bye, now. [00:47:04] Speaker A: Bye bye now. Okay. If you want to add some comments to that, it would be good to hear from you. I appreciate hearing from you. [00:47:10] Speaker C: Two. [00:47:11] Speaker A: 5410 30. Area code six one seven. Hey, good morning, Generos. I bet I know where you're going to be in about 3 hours. [00:47:17] Speaker H: How did you know? What are you, Clairvoyant? [00:47:21] Speaker A: I'm my what? Clairvoyant. [00:47:23] Speaker H: Yeah. [00:47:24] Speaker A: Yes, I am. I'm clairvoyant. Also, the fact that. I know. I guess you really are on the staff of WBZ and you're going to be at that breakfast this morning. [00:47:35] Speaker H: Yes, I am. That's what I wanted to announce that to the world. [00:47:40] Speaker A: Okay. We have been talking about that earlier but it runs from seven until noon at Lombardos and Randolph today. And if people are wondering where Lombardos is, it's exit five a five A off Route 128. And what we're talking about is second annual WBZ radio old fashioned pancake breakfast to benefit the West End House Boys and Girls Club of Alston, Brighton. And for $3, which is the total cost, all you can eat. And big success last year too. And I expect that maybe this year there may be even more people. I don't know whether 3000 people or something who showed up last year was a tremendous amount of people. Yeah. [00:48:22] Speaker H: Gosh, by the time we leave the house, about 630. And by the time we get there, there are plenty of hundreds of people there. It's a great take in enough of Michael John Jackson, whatever his name is. I have to throw this out because it's been on my mind, I was wondering what they take so many polls of different things. Norman, how about the ages of the people, the group ages of the people that are voting for this. What's his name down there? [00:48:53] Speaker A: David Duke. [00:48:54] Speaker H: Yeah. I can't even say. [00:48:58] Speaker A: I would imagine. Makes me kind of ill also. But I would suspect somewhere along the polls that there probably are breakdowns. I haven't seen them, but I'm sure there are breakdowns on male female age groups and all of that. [00:49:12] Speaker H: Yeah, they have to be. And I was thinking. [00:49:15] Speaker A: I'm sorry, what do you mean they have to be a certain age? How old do you think people are? The bulk of a support? [00:49:23] Speaker H: I would say between 21 and 25, because I don't think they're thinking properly. If they are thinking, it's along the bizarre lines. I can't understand anyone with his background even thinking of running for. [00:49:41] Speaker A: It's nice of you to excuse older people, but older people have biases and bigots and all of that, too, and would vote for David Duke. I can see some crusty old saying, what's wrong with the Ku Klux Klan? He's got some good ideas. I can see a lot of old people voting for him, too. I don't think it's just young people. I don't know what the breakdown is, but I suspect he's got a solid audience and a solid voting group with older people. [00:50:13] Speaker H: Well, that's my guess. Yeah. But you know, another poll will be taken and that's going to be very interesting. I'm going to look forward to that. Listen, old sport. [00:50:23] Speaker A: Yes? [00:50:24] Speaker H: Keep your chin up. [00:50:26] Speaker A: Hey, thanks a lot. I appreciate that. I appreciate your communications and all and sympathy cards. I appreciate that. I felt funny about coming back so soon and I felt. No, I'm acting kind of giddy and it doesn't reflect how I feel deep down. But I did want to thank you and so many people who expressed their sympathy. I really can't begin to thank you enough. There were so many, I couldn't believe it. [00:50:54] Speaker H: Now listen, darling, I think that's the best thing for you to do, is to just get in there and keep pitching because that's what your better, I think. [00:51:03] Speaker A: So both our daughters, well, one went back to work over the weekend, the other goes back soon by Monday. And I find that hanging around and thinking too much about these things just drives you right up a wall. [00:51:16] Speaker H: It certainly does. No, keeping busy is the best panacea. Incidentally, you have two lovely daughters. I think they're wonderful. [00:51:25] Speaker A: Have you met them? [00:51:25] Speaker H: Both of course I was there. [00:51:29] Speaker A: Were you at the funeral? [00:51:30] Speaker H: Yes, I was. [00:51:32] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. They did tell me that you were there. I'm sorry. The thing that I feel badly about is there were so many good people there, and I really didn't get a chance to even to see a lot of people. [00:51:44] Speaker H: I know it. [00:51:45] Speaker A: They had a guest book, obviously, where people assign their names and all, and I just got a copy of that, or the book itself about a day or so ago, and I started looking through the names, and I know not everybody who was there had a chance to sign because there were people on the parking lot. The place was jammed. [00:52:02] Speaker H: It was a great tribute to Norma, believe me. [00:52:05] Speaker A: I was looking through the names and one of the people I saw, it was like our entire past had come up to Danvers, up to the funeral home. It was people who I remember with great fondness, but who I just couldn't imagine who would have taken time out to come, but who did and who were there. And I'm really grateful for that. [00:52:25] Speaker H: And why not? You have to pay respect and love to people that you care for. [00:52:31] Speaker A: Yeah, well, that was really nice. It sustained us through some, well, terrible moments, and the terrible moments still exist, but thanks to all of that, it's really helped a great deal. [00:52:42] Speaker H: No, I just want to say that the priest that gave the eulogy, he is really great. And I went up and spoke to him afterwards and I told him that I really enjoyed the eulogy very much. [00:52:54] Speaker A: Oh, that's nice. I've got to mention his name. It's Father Richard J. Schmerrick. [00:53:00] Speaker H: Yes. [00:53:01] Speaker A: Dick Schmerrick is an old, as I mentioned, is an old family friend. His first church was St. Agnes in Middleton when he first was ordained. And we just became friendly because he liked jazz and a whole lot of things that had nothing to do with religion. But we've been close all through the years, and Norma loved them, and I do, and he's loved the family, and we thought it'd be nice. He's the pastor at St. Column Kills in Brighton. He just got to be pastor. It's like my son finally made pastor, so I'm very proud of him. [00:53:32] Speaker H: Well, he's a very nice gentleman and he was very good with this. I'll sign off. Hope to see you soon, lovey. [00:53:38] Speaker A: Have a great time at the pancake breakfast. [00:53:40] Speaker H: Thank you. I'm going to miss you. [00:53:41] Speaker A: Thanks a lot. [00:53:42] Speaker H: Bye bye. [00:53:43] Speaker A: Bye bye. Generosa. Hey, let's see what else is going on, kids. [00:53:50] Speaker G: WBZ Boston committed to bringing you the latest news and information every 15 minutes only on Boston's news station, WBZ AM 1030. [00:54:14] Speaker A: News. [00:54:14] Speaker G: I'm Marty McNeely. Millions of jobless Americans could be getting their extended unemployment benefit checks before Thanksgiving. President Bush signed the over $5 billion legislation last night that provides additional help to unemployed workers whose original 26 weeks of financial aid had run out. ABC's vic Ratner has more on the story. [00:54:35] Speaker I: The president signed the measure into law at Camp David after it was sent by Carr from the Capitol. Final passage came after senators agreed to make the benefits more generous. In some cases, the measure signed by the President would provide up to 20 additional weeks of unemployment checks for those who've exhausted their regular benefits. Finance Committee Chairman Lloyd Benson told us here at the Capitol that the package will cost about five and a half billion dollars. Approval came after months of political sniping over rising unemployment totals and two earlier efforts by Democrats which were blocked by the president. Vic Ratner, ABC News, at the Capitol. [00:55:15] Speaker G: More news after this. [00:55:16] Speaker F: Hey, Willard Scott here. And whenever there's spicy food on the menu, I see heartburn in the forecast. And I'm not the only one. And too bad those folks don't know about Ryapan plus two. Let's hear from Marie from New Orleans, Louisiana. [00:55:30] Speaker D: WILLARD I try to be careful about what I eat. I'm supposed to stay away from salt, but when I see Cajun food, I'm not going to say no. So I eat it, I get heartburn and it's right here like a big blowtorch right in my stomach. It just is terrible pressure and burning, and that's when I need to take something. [00:55:46] Speaker F: Marie sounds like you could use the ant acid that I always tell my friends about. RIOPAN plus two. Hey, it's got this special formula that starts to fight stomach acid as fast as you can say black and redfish. [00:55:58] Speaker D: WILLARD does this stuff have salt in it? Because I'm supposed to stay away from salt. [00:56:02] Speaker F: RYAPAN plus two is sodium free. Good news. If you're trying to watch out for. [00:56:06] Speaker D: Salt, that sounds pretty good. [00:56:08] Speaker F: And it tastes good, too. [00:56:09] Speaker C: So. [00:56:09] Speaker F: Marie Bona petite and get yourself some Ryapan plus two. And use only as directed either man or cherry flavor liquid or tablets. [00:56:19] Speaker G: Louisiana's gubernatorial runoff election starts in a few hours as voters head to the polls to decide whether former Governor Edwin Edwards or David Duke, the ex CU Klux Klan leader, will run the state. TED ShErmer of a group called Recall 92 says no matter who wins, there will be a recall attempt. [00:56:38] Speaker C: Recall 92 It'll clear that taste out of your mouth and it'll remove that individual who just got elected governor. [00:56:43] Speaker G: Election officials say they expect about 75% of Louisiana's over 2 million registered voters will cast ballots today. The four month securities fraud trial of former Lincoln Savings and loan chief Charles Keating is in the final stages. The jury's scheduled to begin deliberations next week. ABC's Jane Platt was on hand as closing arguments were heard yesterday. [00:57:06] Speaker D: Charles Keating's attorney, Stephen Neal, told the jury that prosecutors failed to prove Keating sanctioned the fraudulent sale of junk bonds. Neal says there is only speculation Charlie. [00:57:17] Speaker A: Keating didn't know and didn't influence what was said or not said in connection with any of these transactions. Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think. [00:57:25] Speaker B: About including the news? I've toyed with the idea of doing separate posts with old newscast and or making them subscriber only bonus material. I'm open to suggestions. For now, though, let's close the vault. And I know we left the world a little sillier than we found it with this show. Four naval pressers. They make a great Christmas gift. Oh, my. Batman, the Penguin, Rocky, 311. That's the spirit. Nauseating. Baseball puns. Getting older all the time. Mr. Ed. Horse puns. That girl. Wonderful. Music of yesteryear. Goldie Hawn, Jamie Lee Curtis, WBZ Broadcast City. The Bay Tower Room. [00:58:11] Speaker A: Giggles. [00:58:11] Speaker B: Triple action. Goldbaugnd medicated powder. Keep it in your sneaker. Lombardos Pancake breakfast. Father Richard Smeric, St. Column killing Brighton Ryopan. Plus two, Willard Scott, Marty McNeilly, Vic Ratner, Jane Platt, EBC Radio News. Norman Nathan, Jack Hart and the Clairvoyant One, Norm Nathan. I'm punny. I mean, Tony Nesbitt.

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