Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 167

Episode 167 December 12, 2023 01:40:46
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 167
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness with Tony Nesbitt
Norm Nathan's Vault of Silliness - Ep 167

Dec 12 2023 | 01:40:46


Show Notes

Not one but TWO very silly DBG’s lay ahead here on Episode 167. Both from the weekend of December 9th and 10th, 1995. Based on the wacky discussions that took place throughout I have titled this:

“Shake Well Before Listening.”

Game #1 features the following cast:

Jack Harte

Ed LeClair


Ellen in Peabody

Forrest from Woonsocket, RI

And Dorothy in NY


The Bdays:

Kirk Douglas

Dick Van Patten

Beau Bridges

Dick Butkus

Douglas Fairbanks Jr.

John Malkovich

Donny Osmond

And Joan Armatrading


Game #2 stars:

Ken Newman in traffic

Ed LeClair

Marie in Quincy

Betty in Louisville KY

Kevin from Boston

And Jim in Lowell


And the Bdays:

Dorothy Lamour

Harold Gould

Susan Dey

Kenneth Branagh

Gloria Loring


Teri Garr

Brenda Lee

And John Kerry


Ep 167, Shake Well Before Listening, bubbles it’s way to your ears in 3, 2 and 1.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: It's not one, but two very silly, dumb birthday games lay ahead here on episode 167, both from the weekend of December 9 and 1019 95. Based on the wacky discussions that took place throughout, I have titled this shake well before listening. Game number one features the following cast Jack Hart, Ed Leclaire, Dave Ellen in Peabody Forest from Wound Socket, Rhode island and Dorothy in New York. The birthdays Kirk Douglas, Dick Van Patton, Bo Bridges, Dick Butkis, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. John Malkovich, Donnie Osmond and Joan Armitrayden. Game number two stars Ken Newman, Ed Leclaire, Marie in Quincy, Betty in Louisville, Kentucky, Kevin from Boston and Jim in Lowell. End the birthdays Dorothy Lamore, Harold Gould, Susan Day, Kenneth Branagh, Gloria Loring. And then they jump to December 11 for Terry Gar, Brenda Lee, and John Kerry. Episode 167, shake well before listening bubbles its way to your ears in three, two, and one. [00:01:21] Speaker B: No trespassing. I think we understood that meant we're to keep out of there. And then it would say, police take notice. We never quite understood that, and I guess I'm not quite sure how effective that is. I realize what that means now. You mustn't go through here. Just keep off our land. And if there are police walking about, would you just notice? See? Look around, see if there's anybody breaking that, if they're trespassing. Thank you just so very much. We used to enter contests where they would say, in case of a tie, aptus of thought or something, the winner would have to show more aptness of thought. I forget the way they phrased it. But anyway, why am I talking like this when we're onto the dumb birthday game? Let's see who's going to be playing with us. First of all, of course, we have. The lovely Jack Hart is back with us. Hello, lovely Jack Hart. Hello. [00:02:21] Speaker C: And post no bills. [00:02:23] Speaker B: Post no bills was another one we never understood. Post no bills. [00:02:26] Speaker C: I haven't put a bill in the mail in years. [00:02:28] Speaker B: I know that. What was the other one on my list? They say you'd enter a contest in case there was a tie. Originality and aptness of thought. I guess that would win. And I never understood. What is this aptness of thought stuff? It sounded like a polka band. But they have all those terms. And it's funny how we fall back on the same terms today. We have a lot of the similar terms. Name one. [00:03:01] Speaker C: Let me think. Well, there's nothing I can think of offhand because I wasn't prepared to think. But, yes, I do understand that on. [00:03:12] Speaker B: Television they do a lot of that. They always say. They go into a commercial and they say, we'll be back, right back. So stay with us. Stay with us. That's another phrase that bothers me. Stay with us. I want to say, up your nose, fella. I don't like to be ordered around. I'm not going to stay with you. I was planning to, but don't. There's a new phrase now for that. Now is in the next segment. We're going to have a woman who has had intercourse with her father's uncle's dog. You won't want to miss this. That's the next line. You won't want to miss this. [00:03:51] Speaker C: We've got film. When I was in grammar school. [00:03:54] Speaker B: No, they don't need film. They do it live right on camera. [00:03:57] Speaker C: On tv and have the mother come in and weep. But when I was a kid in grammar school, catholic paroghial grammar school, they would teach us all these prayers, but they wouldn't tell us what any of the words meant of thy whom, Jesus. What does this mean? And, oh, don't ask questions. [00:04:17] Speaker B: And we still don't know. And when I went, there were still in public schools. You did the morning prayer. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not do what I shall not want. A leader. But there was one phrase in there always filled me with horror, was, yea, though I walk through the valley of death. And I thought, today it sounds like. [00:04:43] Speaker C: It starts out with a. [00:04:49] Speaker B: Through the valley of death. Anybody want to dance? Yeah. It sounds like a Steven Spielberg movie, doesn't it? Yeah. The valley of death. [00:04:58] Speaker C: Of death. [00:04:59] Speaker B: Yay. Yes. Valley of death part two. Wahoo. [00:05:03] Speaker C: Though I be burned with flames. [00:05:07] Speaker B: And the other one I didn't understand was my cup runneth over. I didn't know what cup they were referring to. I always thought it was like maybe your head was something. I don't know. [00:05:18] Speaker C: And wouldn't you think to stop pouring after a while? [00:05:21] Speaker B: The pledge of allegiance. I'm not ridiculing any of these things, but when you're a kid, they don't mean anything to you. I pledge allegiance. I don't think we understood what the word allegiance means. [00:05:34] Speaker C: I thought it was, I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States. [00:05:39] Speaker B: But it's funny how kids get things mixed up. I remember switching from that to the Jack Armstrong show he used to have. The theme was one was ever shall our team be champions, known throughout the land. And I never understood it for that. I listened to the Jack Armstrong show for years. I thought it was. And shall our team be champions? Or something like that. [00:06:07] Speaker C: Well, that's like, what's that song, silent night, round John Virgin. [00:06:11] Speaker B: I'm thinking, who is this guy who's round John Virgin? Okay, here he is. He's a little fat guy. That's right. And he's never had a woman. That's who we're talking know. Okay. Anyway, Ed Leclaire is also here, too. I thought by this time you'd have walked out of the studio, Ed. [00:06:30] Speaker D: No, but here, you know, shake well before serving is one of those phrases that I've always been confused by. Does that mean if I shake it poorly, I can't serve, like, the salad. [00:06:40] Speaker C: Dressing palsy before you can? [00:06:44] Speaker B: That's right. Drink it and then jump up and down a lot. Sometimes some people respond that way, but there are a lot of those. You wonder, who was the first person to come up with that, like, do not talk to the operator while the coach is in motion. Somebody must have sat down and thought, how can we keep people from Yakin to the driver of this here bus? [00:07:06] Speaker C: Well, you know, one of my favorite ones is know you can call up and you get the automated voice if you want to check on your balance and your credit cards and stuff. So I called a Mastercard number, and it tells me my balance and my last payment and my shoe size and such. And then at the end it says, the preceding balance may not reflect charges not posted to your account. Well, how do we know if it does or it doesn't? [00:07:35] Speaker B: Well, it's like that silver leg dodge thing and a lot of car commercials where they ramble on, and I guess they're covering the law, but they're saying all kinds of things that nobody understands. [00:07:46] Speaker C: Well, essentially, what they're saying in those disclaimers is that what we've just said in the ad has nothing to do with the cart that we're going to try and sell. [00:07:54] Speaker B: That's true. And there are a lot of things here involved that may not really keep the price as low as what we're suggesting. [00:08:02] Speaker C: Suggested retail. [00:08:04] Speaker B: Suggested retail price. [00:08:06] Speaker C: That's right, Price. [00:08:07] Speaker B: However, I happen to be one of those kind of dealers who just socks them to you, fella. [00:08:12] Speaker C: I can't take advice. [00:08:15] Speaker B: Oh, golly jeekers. Maybe some people on the panel will have some of those. Let's go with Dave. Dave. Yodel them. [00:08:22] Speaker C: That'd be nice. [00:08:24] Speaker B: Dave, what do you think? [00:08:28] Speaker D: That's one. [00:08:29] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what I never understood that phrase. [00:08:32] Speaker B: That's a common phrase. [00:08:33] Speaker E: Don't understand it now? [00:08:34] Speaker B: Yeah. No, I was just wondering if there's any phrases that you grew up with or things that you hear now that have become cliches because they're said over and over again and nobody knows how to say it differently. [00:08:46] Speaker C: Magazines will be sold after the train leaves the station. [00:08:49] Speaker E: How about. I beg your pardon? What's that mean? [00:08:53] Speaker B: Well, yeah, I beg you to forgive me for whatever that is. I suppose that's followed by, I know I kicked you, but that's you in the shins. And I beg your pardon, but that's the way I am. [00:09:06] Speaker C: But that phrase is oftentimes uttered by the person who is being offended. Someone will say, why would you wear socks like that? I beg your. [00:09:19] Speaker B: Apologizing to you. That's true. That's true. Hey, let's go to Ellen, who is in the beautiful city of Peabody. Yes. [00:09:27] Speaker E: Good morning. [00:09:27] Speaker B: Good morning, Ellen. [00:09:28] Speaker F: Good morning, Norm. [00:09:29] Speaker B: Have you played the game with us before? [00:09:31] Speaker F: No, never. [00:09:32] Speaker B: This is the first. We better be especially gentle and kind to Ellen. Have you come across any phrases that you wondered about when you were a kid? [00:09:43] Speaker F: Yes. The one I always wondered about was when, for instance, I would be at a drive up bank and I would make a request. And if the teller would not have heard me correctly, instead of saying, excuse me, I didn't hear you, she would say, please. [00:10:02] Speaker B: What does that mean? [00:10:05] Speaker G: That's the only one I can think of. [00:10:07] Speaker B: A lot of times when you thank somebody at a bank or a grocery store someplace, they don't call them grocery stores. They have markets and stuff. You say, thank you so much. And they say, sometimes they don't say anything. They say, or, no problem. I went through the no problem thing the other day. That's another expression that bothers me. I wish they'd just say, you're welcome. It was my pleasure, or something. [00:10:35] Speaker F: Yes. How about when you offer someone a drink, and instead of just refusing, they say, no, I'm fine, thank you. [00:10:43] Speaker B: What does that mean? I'm sober and I don't want to get. Or you offer somebody a cigarette, which I haven't done since I started smoking, which is a lot of years now, and they'd say, no, thank you, I don't smoke. Well, I don't ask for at the time. Now, I'm pleased that they don't smoke. But at the time, I wasn't interested in their habits like that. I either say yes or no, or go, I don't smoke usually. That was the beginning of it, I think. I have a feeling I'm one of those people now. No, I don't smoke now. I gave it up in 1812 because of. I was traveling on a troop train across with the Civil War, and they go on and on, that kind of stuff. We're all of one mind, aren't we? We're all a bunch of silly poochs. Okay, there's Forrest, who's in Woundsocket, Rhode island, which is the silly capital of all of New England. [00:11:40] Speaker C: When you live in a town with. [00:11:41] Speaker B: A name like wound socket, yeah, you would be woundsocket. How you doing, Forrest? [00:11:45] Speaker E: Oh, good. Thank you, Norm. [00:11:46] Speaker B: Oh, good. This is your first crack at this, isn't it? Son of a. We get a whole lot of newcomers. That's very nice. Well, we welcome you. Do you have any little phrases or little gripes or things that bother you? [00:11:58] Speaker E: Actually, yes. You reminded me of one when I used to smoke. Someone would ask me, do you have an extra cigarette? And I'd think I smoked two. There are 18 in the pack, no extra. [00:12:09] Speaker B: I've got them timed out because I have to finish the entire pack by the next day at 11:00 a.m. And, no, I don't have any. [00:12:19] Speaker C: That's not a spare in the pack. [00:12:20] Speaker E: But the thing I had in mind was when people say, I could care less. [00:12:26] Speaker B: Yeah, that's a tricky one. [00:12:28] Speaker E: It has always bothered me since I could speak, I couldn't care less is the phrase that should be said, I could care less. That always bothers me. [00:12:35] Speaker B: Yeah, there was another one, something about somebody being, some of their problems going, not through the cracks. What do they sound as an expression? Go. [00:12:49] Speaker C: Falling through the cracks. [00:12:50] Speaker B: He's falling through the cracks. Well, that seems to make sense now that I think of it. But at the time, first time I heard that, it didn't make sense. Forget I brought that up, because there's a guy named Letterer. We have to have him on the show once again. He lives up in New Hampshire. He was a teacher at, I think, Concord Academy, and he's written tons of books on funny phrase. He's the one I first heard say this. I don't know whether he invented this was how come we drive on the parkway and park on the driveway, something like that. But he has tons and tons like that. Very funny guy, but he would be a great addition to this thing. Except, you know what? If he were on, he'd usurp the entire conversation. Be pitiful. It's Dorothy, who's up in New York. Hi, Dorothy. [00:13:40] Speaker G: How are you doing? Norm? [00:13:42] Speaker B: You want to clear your throat and try that again. Hold on. [00:13:45] Speaker G: How are you doing, Norm? Does that sound sort of robotic? [00:13:50] Speaker B: No, it's a little robotic. But it was nice, it was smooth, it was well done. [00:13:55] Speaker C: And, hey, this is the 90s. [00:13:57] Speaker B: That's right. These are the. You're obviously a 90s kind of. [00:14:00] Speaker G: But I have to ask you a question. How old do you figure that the person would now be who came out originally with never trust anyone over 30? [00:14:10] Speaker B: How old would the person have to be who said that? [00:14:12] Speaker G: The person who came up with that originally, how old do you suppose he would now be? [00:14:16] Speaker C: I think he was like 28. [00:14:18] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. I never trust anybody. [00:14:21] Speaker G: How many years ago? It was when we first started to hear that? [00:14:25] Speaker C: 67, I think. [00:14:25] Speaker B: Yeah, it was around the late 60s. That's right. [00:14:28] Speaker C: Through the hippie year of the summer of love. The big hippie year. [00:14:33] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. And I remember at the time, I was 32, the way my wife said I was born in 25, 35, 45. No, I was closer to 40, I guess. I was doing an all night jazz show, and I thought I was pretty hip. Our audience, most of the time, we're young people, college age kids, and then suddenly the hippie movement broke out, and they trust anybody over 30. But it's kind of funny. They're probably all insurance salesmen now anyway, probably. [00:15:02] Speaker G: Before we get started, could I please say thank you to three callers tonight? [00:15:07] Speaker B: To three callers. [00:15:08] Speaker G: Three of your callers, I thought were really worth the price of admission. And then some. [00:15:13] Speaker B: Okay, sure. [00:15:14] Speaker G: One was Rob. [00:15:16] Speaker B: Oh, Rob from Boston. Yes. [00:15:18] Speaker G: And Gray Fox. [00:15:19] Speaker B: Oh, gray fox. Fine vocalist. [00:15:21] Speaker G: And Frank about the model at. And back to model a. Oh, yeah. [00:15:25] Speaker B: Here'S a guy knows all about that. He was. And I thought we had a whole lot of interesting people called know fasting. Didn't you think so? [00:15:35] Speaker D: We had the yodeler. [00:15:36] Speaker B: That's right. That Ingenbor, my friend Ingebore, who put on the oddling, the master yodeler lady. And then we had the guy from that other radio station. Now that he's gone, I don't see any reason to repeat the call letters. We're not that generous. [00:15:52] Speaker G: But when he did first speak, it did sound a little bit like Jack, more at the beginning than during the conversation. [00:15:59] Speaker B: You suppose at the beginning he was imitating Jack. Then he'd forgotten he was supposed to be imitating him. And he talked in his real voice, because I suspect a lot of people want to sound like Jack because I think he's a role model. They're a broadcaster. They don't admit that because they don't want to see. [00:16:16] Speaker G: I do triple takes when I hear some of Jack's offbeat commercials. Where does he get all these weird ideas? [00:16:27] Speaker B: Where do you get them, Jack? [00:16:28] Speaker C: Well, you know, I sit here alone in the middle of the night, and you tell me, do you think I'd get weird ideas? And that's just the commercials you're hearing. [00:16:37] Speaker D: Yeah, because I've heard a commercial, too that sounds a lot like Jack. It's for a travel agent. I think it's a travel agency or one of the tourist boards or something. And it sounds a lot like you. And it's someone making fun of the whole idea of the car commercials, where they talk under their breath and say all these little things very quickly so you can understand them. And I thought it was you for a long time. And I guess I'm asking you now if that is you, Jack. [00:16:59] Speaker C: Travel agent? [00:17:00] Speaker B: I don't think so. Okay, well, you do one where you sound like a pornographic photographer. I don't know where I get that image, but when you see it, it's like I can see you twisting your mustache around. [00:17:16] Speaker C: I see. Just a little bit more off the shoulder. [00:17:22] Speaker B: That's right. Don't worry about it, honey. Your mother will never see these pictures. You know what I'm saying, sweetheart? Anyway, I think it's time to get to the dumb birthday game. And I think, not a moment too soon. Today is the birthday of Kirk Douglas, and we're talking. Oh, my goodness. He'll be so pleased at that reaction. It's December 9, of course, Saturday. And Kirk Douglas, who's an interesting guy, he always mentions what his real name was, elisa's birth name. I guess his real name is Kirk Douglas, not least, anyway. Esor Danielevich Demsky, who was born in Amsterdam, New York. I thought, sir, he was born in Europe, but I think his folks were. When. In any event, actor, author of lonely other brave and lust for life. He's written a couple of books, been in a ton of movies. The thing I envy most about him is that little dimple in his chin. I used to sit around with my little finger stuck to my chin, hoping it would bore a hole there and I'd look like that. It never happened. Tell you the truth, all it did was wipe out four of my front bottom teeth. However, they are in the form of a bridge now, and I can still whistle Dixie. I don't know what I'm saying. Sometimes I say things that even embarrass me, so tell me to shut up. It's okay. Anyway, Kirk Douglas. Dave, how old do you think he is today? [00:19:03] Speaker E: 78. [00:19:04] Speaker B: 78, okay. What do you think, Alan? [00:19:07] Speaker F: I think Kirk Douglas is 79. [00:19:11] Speaker B: Okay, 79. And Forest, my first guess would have been 78. [00:19:17] Speaker E: I think we'll go with 73. [00:19:20] Speaker B: There's a guy on tv. You say 73. Anyway, there's a guy on television, Forest Sawyer. Forrest Sawyer. That's right. That's the first time I'd heard that. I know a man named Forrester, which is his first name. That's an interesting name. Anyway, Dorothy, what do you think? How old is Kirk Douglas? [00:19:49] Speaker G: Dave said 78. Right? [00:19:51] Speaker B: Dave said 78. [00:19:53] Speaker G: That's correct. If he knew what he was talking about. Let's say 78. [00:19:57] Speaker B: 78, okay. Jack, what do you say? 81. 81. And, Ed? [00:20:06] Speaker D: 81. [00:20:08] Speaker B: 81 also. Okay. Actually, Kirk Douglas is the same age. Alan said 79. But you're all pretty close. Very close. Well, it's hard to picture when you see so many movies of Kirk Douglas where he's kind of a swashbucker and a great muscular kind of guy and playing older roles now, which is to his credit for doing that. And I think he's a fine actor. He's fun to watch and say. So are his kids. Michael Douglas, is there another Douglas? [00:20:48] Speaker C: I think a couple of them have tried it kind of thing. [00:20:51] Speaker B: But Michael's the only one who's been really successful. And he's been really successful. Yeah. Okay. Dick Van Patton also has a birthday today. Dick Van Patton. Let me see what I can tell you about Dick Van Patton. Of course, eight is enough, Mama. He was born in Richmond Hill, New York, on December 9. And what year and how old would that make him now, Dick Van Patton, let's start with you, Ed. What do you say? [00:21:21] Speaker D: 61. [00:21:22] Speaker B: 61, okay. And Jack, was he and Mama when he was a little kid. [00:21:31] Speaker C: I remember Mama. [00:21:33] Speaker B: Was it just his mama? Is that what that means? I remember Mama played the part of a teenager. Yeah. [00:21:41] Speaker C: Kind of a high pitched voice. And his voice never changed. [00:21:46] Speaker B: He does some kind of a commercial, an infomercial one now. And I keep thinking, why is he doing that? It's like when June Allison started doing the depends commercial. The grown up diapers for people with overactive bladders. Old people. Because I remember her and loving her so dearly when she was a young lady with that sweet voice of hers. And now she's peddling that kind of stuff. Well, what the heck. [00:22:19] Speaker C: Let's see. [00:22:19] Speaker B: He also did. I'm sorry, I forgot you were. Excuse me for avoiding you. Oh, no. [00:22:24] Speaker C: I'm just sort of thinking out loud here. He was also on the new Dick Van Dyke show in the mid 70s. [00:22:35] Speaker B: Really? Yeah. [00:22:36] Speaker C: The show didn't last very long. It was Dick Van Dyke doing a show out of Arizona was the premise. And like the producer guy. [00:22:44] Speaker B: Oh, yes. [00:22:44] Speaker C: I always kind of nervous and such. [00:22:50] Speaker B: He's got to be 68. 68. Okay. What do you think, Dorothy? [00:23:03] Speaker G: Try 67. [00:23:06] Speaker B: I will be happy to. 67. I want to try that. [00:23:12] Speaker G: Let me know how it works. [00:23:15] Speaker B: Doesn't work at all. I'd like you to give me my money back. [00:23:19] Speaker C: And if redness persists, see a physician. [00:23:24] Speaker G: That's another phrase. Refunds gladly. [00:23:29] Speaker B: We used to have double your money back. I remember buying some onion soup when I was kind of young and I was starting to figure that out. I think the soup was about a dime a can and I thought that'd be kind of good. I'll bring it back and get twenty cents. Then I'll go to another store and get two cans, double it up. To had to do was run around town. There are a lot of stores sold it to sold that soup. But then I thought the least I can do is try it first. And I tried it and gosh darn it was just delicious. And so I never returned it. And to return the unused portion, that was what they used to say, return the unused portion. Well, I wanted to finish it. It was tasted so good down there. [00:24:15] Speaker D: With a bowl and a spoon. [00:24:16] Speaker B: Fill it together. Tried it in the know. Hold on a minute. Let me try it right know. So I wanted to go home and come back again because I know I'm not going to like it anyway. I could have been a millionaire had I had no scruples. Do you know something? There's not a bit of truth to what I just said. That was the plot of a fiber McGee and Molly radio show about a thousand years ago. But I had thought about it. I thought, what a great idea. And the plot was like that fiber McGee tried the soup, liked it and therefore lost an entire fortune. Forrest, what do you think? Dick Van Cat? How old do you think he is? [00:25:00] Speaker E: Go 69. [00:25:02] Speaker B: 69? Is that what you said? [00:25:04] Speaker D: Why don't they write shows like that anymore? [00:25:09] Speaker B: Let me think. I know. Well, that's right. There are a few funny shows now saying television. Murphy Brown, I think is kind of funny, except she gets kind of irritating. She's so antagonistic toward people that after a while you get kind of sick of that character. Although they have two reruns in the morning on one of the channels and I think two of her back to back, I think gets a little much. What's his name? The comic has a nightclub. Works his nightclub routine into the. [00:25:44] Speaker C: Oh, Jerry Seinfeld. [00:25:45] Speaker B: Yeah, I think he's got some funny characters. I think that's one of the very funny shows of all time. I like that. [00:25:51] Speaker C: Well, like shows like Fiber McGee and Molly, that was a similar kind of thing to Seinfeld in that it really didn't have any specific plot. It was just kind of people coming by and sort of telling their little. [00:26:02] Speaker B: Story and leaving a little thin line of a plot. But that wasn't the main thing. It was mostly the character developments and stuff. That's true. Seinfeld has often said this program is about nothing. And in a way, that probably makes it so much fun. Dick Van Dyke had a plot, and I think his show, the Dick Van Dyke show is funny and Mary Tyler Moore. But mostly you just got a kick out of the mean. Who could not like the Murray Murray slaughter all those characters anyway? They were funny, but it's true. If you have a bunch of funny characters, I think that's what made cheers kind of popular. You got to like the people involved about the story. [00:26:51] Speaker C: You just kind of wanted to hear their lines and such. [00:26:53] Speaker B: That's right. And you enjoyed being with them. And when the program was over, you kind of said, that's kind of tough, but I'll get a chance to meet with them again next week or whatever. Anyway, Ellen, what do you think? Dick Van Patton. [00:27:05] Speaker F: Yes, it is Dick Van Patton, not Dick Van Dyke, right. [00:27:09] Speaker B: Dick Van Patton Patton. [00:27:11] Speaker F: I would say 67. [00:27:13] Speaker B: Okay. And Dave. [00:27:16] Speaker E: Jack Hart had a good answer there. I'm going to go above them all and say 71. [00:27:21] Speaker B: Okay. Actually, Dick Van Patton is 67, Ellen and Dorothy said that. [00:27:30] Speaker C: I was thinking this was next year. [00:27:33] Speaker B: I know that. You always do, don't you? You young kids just can't wait. Okay. This is a good year, mommy. Can it be next year? When is it going to be next year, mommy? When are we getting to April? When will it be? How many more miles? You were probably that kind of a kid. [00:27:49] Speaker C: That was me. [00:27:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Ellen, you've hit two of them right on the button. [00:27:53] Speaker F: Oh, my goodness. [00:27:54] Speaker B: Can you explain yourself? Because people. We get very suspicious of people. Those were just guesses and stuff. Okay. And Dorothy has one. And how about Dina Merrill? You know Dina Merrill, who's. I think she's still married to Cliff Robertson. I'm not. She's an actress. I'll give you this clue. She's been around for some time. She's not a young woman, but I think she's still attractive. Although now that I mention it, I don't believe I've seen her for some time. [00:28:30] Speaker C: She could be old and haggard. [00:28:31] Speaker B: She could be. She could be a real wreck. Okay, we'll start with you, Forest. What do you think? Dina Merrill. Okay. I think she was from a very socially prominent family and quite wealthy when she married Cliff Robertson. Although I'm not sure. I'm not really sure about that. Jack, what do you think? [00:29:02] Speaker C: Tina Merrill? [00:29:03] Speaker B: If I'm thinking of who it is. [00:29:05] Speaker C: Then I would have to say 72. [00:29:10] Speaker B: 72. Dave, what do you think? [00:29:15] Speaker E: 68. [00:29:17] Speaker B: 68. And Ellen? [00:29:20] Speaker F: I would say 73. [00:29:22] Speaker B: 73. And Ed? [00:29:26] Speaker D: 71. [00:29:27] Speaker B: What do you think, Dorothy? [00:29:31] Speaker G: I'm going to go with Ed. 71. [00:29:34] Speaker D: All right. [00:29:36] Speaker G: I always play this game when all of you are playing it, I play it, and I'm always rooting for Ed. [00:29:43] Speaker D: Well, thank you so much. [00:29:44] Speaker B: Oh, that is really nice. As a result of not only rooting for him, but going with him, you came the closest. [00:29:51] Speaker G: I remember the time that Ed got seven out of eight. [00:29:54] Speaker D: I remember that time, too. [00:29:55] Speaker E: Very right. [00:29:56] Speaker G: And the best I've ever done was six out of eight. [00:29:59] Speaker B: Well, that's excellent. Wow. Excellent. [00:30:01] Speaker G: But seven out of eight, wow. [00:30:04] Speaker B: Well, that's hanging up in the WBZ hall of Fame. 71. So Dorothy and Ed, since she's 70, came the closest. Nobody said 69. So you both were the closest. That means Dorothy and Alan have a tie with two apiece, and Ed has one. And Bo Bridges, it's his birthday, too. Of the famous Bridges brothers and the son of Lloyd Bridges. Let's see. Of course, he was in the James Brady story. [00:30:38] Speaker C: He's playing Nixon coming up this weekend. [00:30:41] Speaker B: Oh, really? Yeah. Is he playing Nixon? [00:30:44] Speaker C: Playing Nixon and Ron Silver is Kissinger. [00:30:49] Speaker D: Where is this? [00:30:51] Speaker C: It's on one of the cable stations. I think it's a made for cable deal. [00:30:56] Speaker D: I see. [00:30:57] Speaker B: He was also in the fabulous Baker boys. And then, of course, had the very lovely Michelle Pfeiffer. Michelle Pfeiffer crawling across the piano and driving me crazy. In fact, both of richest boys were in that. Yeah, I like that. Yeah. Born in Los Angeles, California, of course. Again, the brother of. [00:31:20] Speaker C: Jeff Bridges. [00:31:21] Speaker B: Jeff. Well, that's awful. Jeff Bridges, son of Lloyd Bridges and also the son of Marietta Bridges. I made that up because I have no idea what the mother's name is. [00:31:35] Speaker F: Dorothy. [00:31:36] Speaker B: Pardon me? [00:31:37] Speaker F: Dorothy Bridges, I believe. [00:31:39] Speaker B: Is that right? [00:31:39] Speaker F: I think so. [00:31:40] Speaker B: Is this Dorothy? No, this is you. Okay. I thought maybe Dorothy would have guessed Dorothy. I don't know why I said anyway. [00:31:50] Speaker F: Longest running marriages in bridges and his wife. [00:31:58] Speaker B: I think that's very nice. No, I really do. I like long marriages. Anyway, Bo Bridges, how old would you say is Dorothy? Let's start with you. What do you think? [00:32:11] Speaker G: The old speed limit. 55. [00:32:15] Speaker B: Speed limit. 65. 55. 55. [00:32:20] Speaker G: Isn't that the old. [00:32:23] Speaker B: That's right. You are right. I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking. Ellen, what do you think? [00:32:29] Speaker F: I would say Bo Bridges is perhaps 52. [00:32:33] Speaker B: 52. And Jack. [00:32:36] Speaker C: Bo Bridges. I would say 47. [00:32:40] Speaker B: 47 and forest. [00:32:44] Speaker E: I was thinking he was more like 43. [00:32:47] Speaker B: Okay, shall we call it 43? [00:32:50] Speaker E: Maybe I'm missing a few years. [00:32:53] Speaker B: Okay, 43. And Ed. [00:32:58] Speaker D: 51. [00:33:00] Speaker B: 51. And Dave. [00:33:02] Speaker E: 54. [00:33:04] Speaker B: 54 is exactly right. Exactly right. [00:33:08] Speaker G: Way to go, Dave. [00:33:10] Speaker B: You just pushed Dorothy out of the way. She said 55, but 54 is correct. Okay, how about Dick Butkas? That's a funny name, wasn't it? Dick? But yes, it is. With one t. With one t, that's correct. Dick Butchers. Actor, former football player. He was in rich man, poor man, half Nelson. Anybody see half Nelson? What was that? [00:33:41] Speaker C: He was in a half Nelson. Or he was in a movie. [00:33:44] Speaker B: By that, I think that it just says half Nelson as though it's listed here. Like it was a movie. [00:33:49] Speaker C: It could be that he was just, like in a wrestling hold. [00:33:52] Speaker B: It could be. Maybe he was in a wrestling hold in a movie that was made for television. [00:33:57] Speaker C: Or in his living room. [00:33:59] Speaker B: Or in his living room. [00:34:01] Speaker G: Or maybe he was half man, half female, half Admiral Nelson and half lady. [00:34:06] Speaker B: Hamilton with a soundtrack by Quarterflash. I'm sorry, who's illegitimate son? [00:34:17] Speaker E: Ozzy. [00:34:18] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, Ozzy's illegitimate son. I think. If you ask me, I think Ozzy. All his sons were illegitimate in some way or other. I don't mean it the way you're thinking. Well, maybe I do. I don't know. Anyway, let's start with you, Ellen. How old do you think Dick Buckus is? [00:34:46] Speaker F: My guess would be 58. [00:34:49] Speaker B: 58. And let's see, Dave, what would you say? [00:34:54] Speaker E: 56. [00:34:55] Speaker B: 56. [00:34:57] Speaker G: And, Dorothy, I'm going to go back to 55. [00:35:03] Speaker B: Back to 55 with a good year. Just like a Michael J. Fox movie. Yeah. Ed LeClaire. What do you think? [00:35:14] Speaker D: 61. [00:35:15] Speaker B: Okay. And forest. 59. Forest is 59. Are you talking soft because people are sleeping at your house? No, you're just naturally soft spoken kind of gentlemen. Okay, Jack, what do you say? 58? 58. Okay, here comes the answer. This is the thrilling moment. Oh, boy. This is breath holding time in orange, New Jersey. And we'll have a hell of a time. Anyway, I don't know. Everything reminds me of a song. Dick Buckus is 53 years old today. I think Dorothy said 55. Yay. [00:36:02] Speaker D: Go, Dorothy. [00:36:02] Speaker G: I told you that was a good year. [00:36:04] Speaker B: Yeah, nobody said 52 or 54. So that's yours. Dorothy, you have now moved into the lead with three correct answers. I'm sorry? [00:36:18] Speaker G: I said I feel as if I'm at Aqueduct or Belmont. [00:36:22] Speaker B: Oh, I see. We get it. We understand. Okay, let's see. How about Douglas Fearbanks Jr. I didn't think he was still around 1000. Well, you're the closest. He's actually 1003. [00:36:49] Speaker G: Is he really still alive? [00:36:50] Speaker B: Yes, he is. I double check because I have this book which is published way ahead of time. By the time we get around to the birthdays, they could be gone. But he's also listed. Let me just see here. Yeah, he's also listed. Maybe he's not. Yeah, no, he's listed on the Associated Press wire, which sends out daily birthday announcements and stuff. [00:37:20] Speaker G: Because the last time I played, you asked about Dr. Jonas Salt, and we all guessed his age. And then later on, somebody called in and said he had died. [00:37:31] Speaker B: That's right, he had died. Well, he had just died fairly recently. Okay, but Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Is still alive. At least the Associated Press doesn't say that he's not. If they don't say he's not, then you betcha. Anyway, actor, businessman. He was in the prisoner of was. I wonder if that was a silent movie. It sounds like state secret. Another one of the great winning movies that nobody's ever heard of. It's probably some 95 year old guy listening, saying, these kids today, they have no respect for my generation. That was a clue there, wasn't it? I didn't mean to give that. Who was married to Mary Pickford? [00:38:23] Speaker C: Yeah, because the pick fair was the pick fair. [00:38:25] Speaker B: That's right. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Mary Pickford. [00:38:28] Speaker H: Pick fair. [00:38:28] Speaker G: But that was his father, wasn't it? Or was it he? [00:38:32] Speaker B: We're talking Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Don't. [00:38:34] Speaker G: But I mean, which one, senior or junior? Who was married to Mary Bankford? [00:38:41] Speaker B: I think this one. Yes, I believe so. I believe. [00:38:48] Speaker G: Probably so. [00:38:50] Speaker D: We'll get a flood of phone calls at 04:00 anyway. People correcting us if we're wrong. [00:38:58] Speaker B: If we're wrong, I hope you won't call us. Just keep it to yourself. Don't make me look stupid. [00:39:03] Speaker C: Sit at home and stew. [00:39:05] Speaker B: Okay, let's see. Dave, let's start with you. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. 89. 80. Okay. And Ellen. [00:39:15] Speaker F: Oh, goodness. [00:39:18] Speaker B: Goodness has nothing to do with it, sweetheart. 84. That was a may west line. What did she say? She said something. Goodness, that's a lovely house you have. Or something. Or lovely card, piece of jewelry, lovely watch or lovely bracelet. She said goodness had nothing to do with it. [00:39:42] Speaker G: Right. [00:39:44] Speaker B: Very good. Aren't we a bunch of smart folks? Forest, how old do you think Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Is? [00:39:51] Speaker E: He's 87. [00:39:52] Speaker B: 80. Dorothy. [00:39:57] Speaker G: He didn't ever play the piano, but I'll say 88. [00:40:03] Speaker B: You're sounding more and more like Jack Hart. [00:40:08] Speaker G: It's what I said. Disgusting, isn't it? [00:40:11] Speaker B: Oh, don't say that, please. [00:40:13] Speaker G: No, the last time I was on, remember, I had him actually engaged to Monin. I was jumping the gun. [00:40:22] Speaker B: Oh, yes, that's right. We talked about. [00:40:27] Speaker G: The fact that the f word had been mentioned. Well, I referred to her as his female friend. That's ff. [00:40:39] Speaker C: Yeah, but since then it's become official. [00:40:42] Speaker G: Oh, splendid. [00:40:44] Speaker B: Oh, you are engaged now. [00:40:46] Speaker G: I've been waiting for both of you. [00:40:48] Speaker C: Oh, well, thank you very much. [00:40:50] Speaker B: That is so sweet. [00:40:51] Speaker G: Very happy. [00:40:53] Speaker B: That is so nice. Anyway, how old do you think Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Is? It's kind of anticlimactic after all of that. [00:41:01] Speaker C: Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play? [00:41:07] Speaker B: Oh, me? [00:41:09] Speaker C: I'd say, let me see. Bob Hope is 92. So he's going to be 94. [00:41:18] Speaker B: 94. Okay. Ed, what do you think? [00:41:20] Speaker D: 91. [00:41:22] Speaker B: 91, okay. He's actually 86 80. What's that? [00:41:30] Speaker G: Forest. Got it. [00:41:31] Speaker B: Forest at 87. Are you keeping score, too? [00:41:34] Speaker G: I always do. [00:41:36] Speaker B: Is that right? That's funny. [00:41:38] Speaker G: Should be my collection of dumb birthday games. [00:41:42] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, here. Because they're posted here. Most of them are posted only for about a week. But if there's something special that's happened. We do put them up in the WBC hall of fame up on the 34th floor. [00:41:57] Speaker G: And the lovely Marilyn Guerrell, Nick frames them. [00:42:02] Speaker B: Yes, she does work up there in her spare time. That's true. You know all the innards, don't you? [00:42:08] Speaker G: This year I want to know whether or not she actually exists. Or is she like Betty Crocker? [00:42:14] Speaker B: Is she like Betty Crocker? No, she's not like Betty Crocker. Or Angel Mimer or Uncle Ben. [00:42:22] Speaker G: There is a real honesty. [00:42:23] Speaker B: God, Marilyn Geraldik must be okay. [00:42:28] Speaker G: I don't want to believe. [00:42:29] Speaker B: No, I just don't want to say more than that. Because. [00:42:35] Speaker G: Really not on the payroll. She's being paid under the Table or something. [00:42:40] Speaker B: I don't care to discuss this any further. Is it okay with you? [00:42:45] Speaker G: We don't want the IRS to find out. Right. [00:42:49] Speaker B: How about John Malkovich? It's kind of interesting. If he had entered movies back in the 30s, his name would probably be John Mall or something like that. But it's kind of a nice era, I think, where people keep their original names. John Malkovich, the killing fields, the sheltering sky. He's been in a ton of movies. He was in the. Can you think of other movies? Been in some great. Other great movies. One movie he played a blind man. [00:43:24] Speaker D: Well, he was also in of mice and men. He was in the movie version of that. And then he was in the movie Empire of the sun, the Steven Spielberg movie a number of years ago. [00:43:34] Speaker F: He was a blind man in places in the heart with Sally Field. [00:43:37] Speaker B: Oh, that's right. Yeah, he was splendid in that. [00:43:40] Speaker F: And he played the wouldbe assassin in a movie with Clint Eastwood. [00:43:44] Speaker E: Yeah, fantastic in that. [00:43:46] Speaker D: In the line of fire. [00:43:47] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. And he was one with Meryl Streep. Wasn't it a costume movie, was that? No. [00:44:02] Speaker D: Dangerous liaison. [00:44:03] Speaker G: Dangerous liaison. [00:44:04] Speaker B: Dangerous liaison. That's right. [00:44:06] Speaker D: That he was in. [00:44:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:44:09] Speaker E: An Annie Lennox movie video. A music video. [00:44:13] Speaker D: Oh, really? [00:44:13] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:44:15] Speaker B: What kind of a music video? [00:44:17] Speaker E: On MTV. Annie Lennox walking on broken glass. [00:44:22] Speaker B: Really? [00:44:22] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:44:23] Speaker B: Now, what was she doing? Was he singing? [00:44:26] Speaker E: It was part of a big scenery thing, and it was kind of like dressed up like dangerous liaisons. Andy Lennox and Andy. [00:44:34] Speaker B: Okay, John Malkovich. Ed, start with you. What do you think? I think I can write a whole full song based upon that little. [00:44:45] Speaker D: Oh, my. [00:44:46] Speaker B: It'll be the. Yeah. [00:44:48] Speaker C: Of the 90s. [00:44:49] Speaker D: Yeah. I'm just going to say 51. [00:44:56] Speaker B: Okay. Otherwise, what would you say? You'd say a whole lot more than that. Yes. Jack, what do you think? 44. 44. Okay. Dorothy. [00:45:15] Speaker G: How many years ago was when he did dangerously? [00:45:18] Speaker B: I thought, I don't know, four or five. [00:45:25] Speaker G: It's hard to tell with all the makeup. [00:45:29] Speaker C: Well, why don't you wipe it off? [00:45:31] Speaker B: What's that? [00:45:32] Speaker G: I'll say 40. [00:45:33] Speaker B: 40. Forrest, what do you think? [00:45:36] Speaker E: I think it's 43. [00:45:37] Speaker B: 43. Ellen? I think 41 and Dave go in. [00:45:43] Speaker E: Between them all and say 42. [00:45:45] Speaker B: 42 is exactly right. That's right. I guess we have a leader. And Dorothy has three correct answers. But Ellen and Dave now have two apiece and one apiece from Forrest and Ed. Jack. Jack, who usually has a great night. Yeah, it's pitiful. [00:46:09] Speaker C: I'm sitting here naked, and we're just. [00:46:12] Speaker B: Looking at you with disgust. We're thinking, is this the guy that did so well? My God, look at how stupid. [00:46:20] Speaker C: I'm going to go home and put on my hair shirt. And flail myself. [00:46:25] Speaker B: Okay, here's the final one. This is Donnie Osmond. Yeah. [00:46:32] Speaker D: All right. [00:46:33] Speaker B: Now, what is it? He's here in Boston now. [00:46:35] Speaker D: He's going to be in Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. [00:46:38] Speaker B: Oh, that's right. [00:46:39] Speaker D: Big musical extravaganza at the Wang center. [00:46:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:46:42] Speaker D: Coming up in January, I think. [00:46:44] Speaker B: And of course, he's the Donna and Marie team. Donnie and Marie. [00:46:48] Speaker D: He was the one that was a little bit rock and roll. [00:46:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. That's Joseph. Amazing tactical train coat. [00:46:55] Speaker F: Would it be totally out of line to mention that I've been keeping score and that actually three of us are tied because for Dick Van Patton, Dorothy actually said 68, and it turned out to be 67, but it was given to her. [00:47:11] Speaker B: Wait a minute. I'm sorry. Dorothy said 67. That's correct. [00:47:15] Speaker F: No, actually, Dorothy said 68. If you listen to the tape. [00:47:18] Speaker G: No, I both said 67. [00:47:21] Speaker D: No, Dorothy did say 67. [00:47:23] Speaker B: Yeah. No, because I wouldn't have remembered that, except I write down these things soon as you say them, and otherwise I would never remember beyond that. [00:47:32] Speaker F: I'm sorry. [00:47:35] Speaker B: That's okay. You're still a cutie in my book. Okay, Donnie Osmond, let's see. Let's start with Jack, what do you think? [00:47:44] Speaker C: Donnie Osmond. [00:47:46] Speaker B: Donnie Osmond. Donnie Osmond. [00:47:53] Speaker C: How old would he be? [00:47:54] Speaker B: He's 37. 37. Okay. And, Ellen, what do you think? [00:48:03] Speaker F: I think perhaps 38. [00:48:05] Speaker B: 38. And Ed, 41. Ed says 41. And Forest. [00:48:12] Speaker E: 45. [00:48:14] Speaker B: Okay. And Dorothy, what did Forest say? Forest, at $45. [00:48:24] Speaker G: I think he's more like. I dare not say it right. 39. [00:48:32] Speaker B: No, there's no reason that you can, you see, say 39. And Jack Benny's sort of back in style again with the special. He had a name the other night. [00:48:45] Speaker C: Yeah, that was a great special. [00:48:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Dave, what do you think? [00:48:52] Speaker E: Donny Os Allen is right on the nose at 38. [00:48:56] Speaker B: Okay, 38. 38 is right on the nose. That's correct. Okay, so let's see what the final scores are then. I said Dorothy had three, but so does Ellen. Yeah. Now Ellen says had three and so did Dave. [00:49:12] Speaker G: Now it's a triple tie. [00:49:13] Speaker B: It is a triple tie. Plus, I should give you one more to break the tie. Nobody has. Has. No, Ellen has three. Okay, I'll give you one more. Let's see. How about, you know the vocalist Joan Armor trading from? She was born at St. Kitts, West Indies. I think she lives in England now, doesn't she? Yeah. Okay. Singer of album. Me, myself, I songwriter and all that kind of stuff. Armor trading. Let's start with you. Dave, what do you think? [00:49:56] Speaker E: Wow. Give it a shot with 413-141-4141 yeah. [00:50:05] Speaker B: Okay, Ellen. [00:50:08] Speaker F: I'll go with my own age of 42. [00:50:10] Speaker B: 42. What a lovely age, isn't it? Yeah, it is a lovely age. Younger than springtime Forest, what do you think? [00:50:19] Speaker E: 36. [00:50:20] Speaker B: 36 and Dorothy maybe 43. Okay. Jack, 47 and Ed, 41. 41. The answer is she's 45. Let's see if we've broken the tie. I think we have. Dorothy said 43 and Jack said 47. So you're both two years off. So you both tied. And nobody went. Anybody closer? [00:50:58] Speaker G: What did Ed say? [00:50:59] Speaker D: I said 41. [00:51:01] Speaker B: Ed said 41. Yes. So he's a little bit off. No. So I would say that the winner then is all in all, is Dorothy, who has. All right, Dorothy, who won that and has four. So hang in there. [00:51:12] Speaker G: I'm really glad that Jack got on the board. [00:51:14] Speaker B: What's that? [00:51:15] Speaker G: I'm really glad that Jack got on the board. [00:51:17] Speaker B: Yes, he really did. Yeah. [00:51:19] Speaker G: And tell Monin that I'm very happy. [00:51:22] Speaker B: Well, what a nice person you are, Dorothy. Okay, hold on and talk to Ed, and he'll take your name and address so we can get the know, tasteless, tacky prizes out to you. [00:51:32] Speaker G: Okay, thank you so much. [00:51:34] Speaker B: Okay, and anybody else, by the way, who was one of the past hasn't gotten anything yet. Hang in there. I promise. I've been a little behind, but we've been getting stuff out. Dave, thank you very much. [00:51:45] Speaker E: Thanks. A. [00:51:48] Speaker B: Mean I clipped them off too soon. We're getting a little tight with the news now, but I appreciate him being with us. And I appreciate you, too, Alan. [00:51:55] Speaker F: Thank you so much. [00:51:56] Speaker I: Norm. [00:51:56] Speaker B: Thanks a lot. And Forrest, thanks very much for being with us. [00:52:01] Speaker E: Thank you, Norm. Thanks, everybody. [00:52:02] Speaker B: And of course, I thank and thank you. Jack, is what? You know how deeply I feel about your participation. Thank you very much. Okay. WBz 24 hours traffic guy. That's what he's known at. [00:52:17] Speaker H: That's my official title. [00:52:18] Speaker B: Yeah, the 24 hours WBZ 24 hours traffic guy. [00:52:22] Speaker H: I have a little plaque on the desk here that says that. [00:52:25] Speaker B: And I know you have a t shirt that says that. That's given out to all you traffic guys. [00:52:32] Speaker H: A t shirt and baseball hats and pins. [00:52:37] Speaker B: She said we can make a buck out of that. Why don't we go into production? That doesn't sound like an adventure. We could include those in the WBZ gift shop and the trinket shop and the junk jewelry shop. They're all three separate shops, of course, but they're connected. One common corridor. [00:52:57] Speaker H: You could even give them away for prizes on the dumb birthday. [00:53:00] Speaker B: Yeah, well, we have a lot of tours through WBc broadcast city, this 72 story building here. A lot of people love to take the tour and we have a coterie of smartly uniformed ushers and ushertes. Is an usherette a small usher or is that a female usher? [00:53:20] Speaker H: Is it even really a word? I don't think I've ever even heard that. [00:53:24] Speaker B: Maybe you haven't. Maybe I just made it up. Maybe that's why. I don't know what it means. [00:53:28] Speaker H: If it is a word. I'm sure it's a female usher. [00:53:30] Speaker B: A female usher would be an usherette. I like to think usher is a non sexist kind of name, though. No gender implied. Therefore an usherette would be a tiny one. We could have tiny ones to conduct children, schoolchildren through our. Forget about it. [00:53:46] Speaker H: Little elves. [00:53:47] Speaker B: Yeah, little tiny elves with little turned up shoes and funny little hats with bells hanging from them and stuff. Perfect. [00:53:57] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:53:57] Speaker B: You would be able to tell them from the management here because they're dressed that way all the time. Anyway, I don't remember what I was talking about. Just as well. I was just thinking about when we got, when people are going through the tour, they always love to take some souvenir back. And so we take them into the gifted souvenir shop and we could sell some of those pins that you're talking about. Little things here, maybe in the shape. I know that we have fudge in the shape of a lot of on the air personalities. We have like the Gary Lapierre little thing, a life sized statue of Gary Lapierre actually looking like he's reading the news carved out of a pecan fudge. [00:54:42] Speaker H: That must be just a sight to behold. [00:54:45] Speaker B: That's right. People don't even want know. They don't spoil it by eating it or anything like that because what am I talking about? [00:54:52] Speaker H: Anybody know they put it out in their front lawns? [00:54:56] Speaker B: That's right, a Santa Claus. If you look very closely at the face it looks like David Brudnoy. We don't sell too many of those. So however, I don't know why that is. I notice you're being strangely silent. I know when I go off on these tangents nobody wants to follow me there and I don't blame you anyway. Of course we have Ed Leclaire, who's a top producer here, is going to be playing the game with us. You're excited about this. I know I am. [00:55:28] Speaker D: I'm very excited about it. And I'm thinking if we're going to be doing the 24 hours traffic paraphernalia, we should do bumper stickers as well. [00:55:36] Speaker B: Yeah, bumper stickers. [00:55:38] Speaker D: People would put it on their cars as they're driving. It would remind them of the wonderful job that Ken is constantly doing for us here. [00:55:46] Speaker B: Now, are you thinking of any specific sayings on these bumper. I see. That may be why we don't have bumper stickers. Our entire creative, just blank ones. [00:55:58] Speaker D: It's a very ethereal. [00:55:59] Speaker B: Your message goes here, we can put that on there and just people can write in whatever they want on the bumper stickers. Okay. [00:56:07] Speaker D: Just give them some marking pins to go along with the bumper sticker. [00:56:12] Speaker B: And we have a cookbook, incidentally, which is kind of interesting. A WBZ cookbook. It says just ten minutes of the norm Nathan show gives you enough nutrition and helpful substance as much as 3 hours of Charles Lacadera. [00:56:31] Speaker D: That's right. [00:56:31] Speaker B: And Matt Siegel. Yeah, combined. Yeah, combined. That's right. It's much less filling. Just a little bit of us. You'd have to listen to 4 hours of them to get the same ingredients that you can get in ten minutes. [00:56:44] Speaker H: Here and now with zero fat. [00:56:48] Speaker B: With zero. Well, I don't know about that part. With lots of fat. That's the only drawback. Oh, golly gee. Because I hate to just go on with the game now. We're just having so much fun. But let's bring in Marie. And Quincy is one of the members of the panel. Hello, Marie. [00:57:05] Speaker I: Hi, gnome. How are you? I'm still stuck on the asherette thing. I'm trying to figure out whether Asherette really is a word. [00:57:13] Speaker B: I'll tell you what. Keep talking. I'm going to look it up. [00:57:16] Speaker D: I think it is a word myself. [00:57:18] Speaker B: I've got the WBZ. Or is it a female? That's right. I never hadn't thought of it until this moment. [00:57:26] Speaker H: Isn't it like a group of showgirls? [00:57:28] Speaker B: That's right. That's right. It might be a singing group. Here it is. Ushered. A woman or girl? Usher. As in a theater. It says no longer a common term. See, that's why we don't know. Because if we're a common term, we probably would know. I would think it still could be used as a small usher. I don't see any reason why. [00:57:58] Speaker H: The usherettes in the wizard of Oz, for instance. [00:58:01] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. The ushertes walking along the yellow brick road and stuff. [00:58:07] Speaker I: I'm really fanned by it. [00:58:10] Speaker B: I'm glad because I know that you're a fighting feminist and stuff. And so am I. Was just. [00:58:17] Speaker D: Yeah, there was a story, I think, by Edgar Allan Poe about the house of the Ushertes. [00:58:23] Speaker B: That's right. Well, it was the house of Usher and I know you know that, but he did write a sequel. And I'm glad that you're literate enough to have discovered that that was a smaller house. Next, the house of the srts. That's right. And I think it was habitated by just little small female ushers, right. [00:58:44] Speaker D: With their little flashlights. [00:58:47] Speaker B: Little tiny uniforms, the little stripe going down the side of their pants and everything was very short. Little stripe, little bow tie. Can hardly see it. You had to stick your nose right in their cleft of their chin in order. [00:59:06] Speaker I: He had to see the movie. I'm just watching right now, too. That's really scary. [00:59:10] Speaker B: What is? [00:59:10] Speaker I: The movie the people under the stairs. It's one of those horror movies where people actually live under the stairs. [00:59:19] Speaker B: They live, well, could fit under the stairs. The horror movies that I love are those ones where they find a whole bunch of kids are in a haunted house or something like that and they never think about leaving. They keep running in and out of doors and stuff in different rooms and down the basement, and there's always these weird people following them, ready with knives to kill them, and they never think about, hey, go out the door and get out of here. Let's go up to the attic. [00:59:53] Speaker H: They have to really search to find kids who aren't smart enough to run outside. [00:59:58] Speaker B: That's right. They get in those movies, they audition kids. That's right. They give them an iq test and if they flunk totally and miserably, they can be in the movie. [01:00:07] Speaker I: Is that what happens when you lose this game? Is that where you go? Those people in those movies, that's the. [01:00:13] Speaker H: Big secret behind it. It's really just a recruiting thing to try to get people into bad horror movies. [01:00:20] Speaker I: That's why I gave a fake name. [01:00:25] Speaker B: Well, if you win, then we'll send you a fake prize. But we do that anyway. Okay, we have Betty, who's in Louisville, Kentucky. Hi, Betty. [01:00:33] Speaker G: Hi, Norm. [01:00:34] Speaker B: Do you have silly people in Louisville, Kentucky, too, there on the Ohio river also? [01:00:38] Speaker G: Oh, yeah. We're freezing, though. It's colder than you are. It's seven degrees here. [01:00:43] Speaker B: It's seven in Louisville. Yeah. When we think of my old Kentucky home, we always think of it kind of warm and stuff. Does it usually get that cold? [01:00:52] Speaker G: No, it doesn't. [01:00:54] Speaker B: Son of a gun. I guess that's the cold weather. Maybe that's heading this way. Or maybe not. [01:00:58] Speaker G: Warm up next week, I think. [01:01:01] Speaker B: I'm sorry, was that in English, what you just said? [01:01:06] Speaker G: I said, it's supposed to warm up next week. [01:01:09] Speaker B: I got that. It's supposed to warm up next week. I'll translate. Okay, Betty. No, that's fine. [01:01:18] Speaker G: I sit here in my bed every night and listen to you and Ed and Ken and Mike and Jack, and I will laugh out loud like a sister. [01:01:29] Speaker B: I understood. I think the first half of that. [01:01:32] Speaker D: I think she's going to laugh out loud, is what she's saying. [01:01:34] Speaker G: I sit here in my bed and listen to you all every night and just laugh by myself. [01:01:40] Speaker B: And laugh by myself. She said, okay. [01:01:43] Speaker G: You can't hear me. [01:01:45] Speaker B: No, I can hear you. It's translating what you're saying. Sometimes it gets a little muddled, but you sound adorable. And the fact that you sit there in your bed listening and laughing, I think is a pretty picture. And I'm delighted and flattered, and so are Ed and Ken, and Kevin is in Boston, so we probably won't be able to understand him, either. How you doing, Kevin? [01:02:10] Speaker E: Good morning. I really enjoy your program as well. I think you will be able to understand me, I think. Sound like Marsha Clark. [01:02:21] Speaker B: What are you trying. You're doing a Marsha Clark imitation? Is that what that is? Is that what you said? No. Guys have imitated her. That would be kind of interesting. Yeah. You know how these female impersonators. How they come out dressed as what you're talking about. Then I'll get out with it. All right. But I was just. No, this had nothing to do with you. I wasn't accusing you of anything. [01:02:51] Speaker E: I'm just kidding. It's a joke. [01:02:55] Speaker B: Okay. But what I was going to suggest is female impersonators, when they're doing a show, generally come out dressed as Liza Minnelli. It's funny. We came up with the same Barbara Streisand, all that kind of stuff. Nobody's come out as Marcia Clark yet. And yet she was very well known. I suppose they haven't come out as a lot of people. [01:03:18] Speaker H: They have to wait until Marsha Clark cuts her first album. [01:03:21] Speaker B: That's right. [01:03:22] Speaker H: Then they'll come out. [01:03:23] Speaker B: That's right. Till you just can't come out there, I suppose, and know. Recite courtroom jargon. Yeah. [01:03:29] Speaker D: That album will be out of. [01:03:32] Speaker E: Go on tour with Bob Dylan and then that should make a statement. [01:03:38] Speaker B: I don't know what statement that is. [01:03:41] Speaker D: But I look forward to that tour. By all means. [01:03:44] Speaker B: Okay. [01:03:45] Speaker D: I think your album's going to be coming out on Polygram sometime in February. [01:03:50] Speaker B: Okay, we have Jim and Lowell. Hi, Jim. You want to join this funny crew? [01:03:57] Speaker E: I'll go in. As long as they let me sing back up on the. [01:04:01] Speaker D: Okay. [01:04:01] Speaker B: Okay, it's a deal. Hold on a minute while I check. [01:04:05] Speaker E: How about I fought the law? Yeah. [01:04:09] Speaker B: Excellent. [01:04:10] Speaker D: Jim can be one of the clarkettes. [01:04:12] Speaker H: I fought the law and I won. [01:04:13] Speaker B: That can be OJ. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to be serious and play the dumb birthday game. I was just joking when I said, don't let's be serious because grown up people are serious and they're not much fun. Okay, I'll give you the names of people born on this date, tell you a little something about them. Yes, sir. And then you tell me how old you think they are. This one is talking about Bob Hope, as we were. She was part of the road pictures with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. Dorothy Lamore, they used to make jokes about her. Sirong. There must be a joke in the word sirong somehow. That so wrong. It's good to see you. Now, that's not where the joke is at all. No. [01:05:03] Speaker D: So wrong. It's right. [01:05:05] Speaker B: Could be that. That could be where the joke is, but I don't think so. Actress, singer? What's that? Please. [01:05:12] Speaker I: That's just the wrong answer. [01:05:13] Speaker B: That's the wrong answer. That's excellent. Excellent. [01:05:17] Speaker I: I'm trying. [01:05:18] Speaker B: Anyway, she was in the road pictures, wrote to Singapore and wrote to a whole lot of places. She was in a movie called the Hurricane and some really good looking guy. And all I can remember is there was a hurricane came up and. [01:05:33] Speaker H: Hence the name. [01:05:35] Speaker B: Hence the name. And it was winds. You watch the winds. The winds should have been the starring performer. [01:05:42] Speaker E: Were they in an apartment building? [01:05:45] Speaker B: No, they were out in some tropical island, as I recall. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong movie. Maybe I ought not to think of that movie at all. Martin Millman. Hey, listen, Dorothy Lamore. Marie. How old do you think she is? I don't know. [01:06:02] Speaker I: I thought she was dead. So that's really scary now. [01:06:07] Speaker B: No, she just took a nap, that's all. Just. There was a little nap. [01:06:11] Speaker I: Oh, my God. [01:06:13] Speaker B: It sounds like that Klein. Robert Klein. Did you see the Robert Klein special on HBO? Oh, no. He's one of the absolutely funniest guys in the world. He. Billy Crystal. There are a handful of people that just make me mean. I'm sitting there about 01:00 in the morning at home watching this thing and giggling like a fool. But he was talking about in jewish ceremonies the deceased is buried almost immediately. So they suggest to old people, don't even take a nap because they'll have to bury you before they realize you're only sleeping. Anyway, he does a whole routine on that, which sounds. What's that? [01:06:58] Speaker I: Is that going to give me a clue? [01:07:00] Speaker B: No, nothing gives you a clue. I run off on flights of tangents. Is that a phrase? [01:07:07] Speaker E: It is now, yeah. [01:07:08] Speaker B: I think Dorothy and Lamore was in a movie called that flights of tangents starring a sarong. What do you think, Marie? How old is Dorothy Lamore? [01:07:18] Speaker I: I'm going to say 87 then. [01:07:21] Speaker B: 87 then. But if she were dead, you would have downgraded it, would you? [01:07:26] Speaker H: But how old is she now? [01:07:28] Speaker B: That's right. Betty, what do you think? [01:07:32] Speaker G: I think she's 79. [01:07:35] Speaker B: 79. [01:07:36] Speaker E: Okay, Kevin, I'll go with 70. [01:07:41] Speaker B: 70. All right, Jim, what do you say? [01:07:45] Speaker E: I'm going to go with the big 80. [01:07:48] Speaker B: 80. Okay. And Ed. [01:07:51] Speaker D: 81. [01:07:52] Speaker B: 81 says Ed. [01:07:54] Speaker H: And Ken, I'll go with 81, too. All right, Ken, jumping on the 81 bandwagon. [01:07:59] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay, well, that's a good bandwagon because Dorothy Moore is 81. Hey, so, Ed and Ken, I get a letter from somebody. They don't ever sign their name, but you can tell by their printing with a crayon that it's the same person. And whenever you guys win, I'm being accused of stacking it. And the whole thing is a scam. I think the last letter said a scam so that you guys could win so I don't have to send anything out. And I keep saying the kind of stuff we send out is no big deal. I mean, if we were giving a car like an Aston Martin with the full year supply of gasoline, I might think about cheating. But the kind of stuff that we sent out as prizes, I think a lot of it's kind of fun stuff. But anyway, it's not a scam. And these guys are not given answers or anything. Everybody's in the same boat. I mean, that would defeat the whole purpose of this thing, right? [01:09:03] Speaker D: The fun isn't guessing. Anyway, it's fun for myself, certainly. Just to take a stab at it, see how close I get. [01:09:12] Speaker B: There you go. Okay, so anyway, you guys are the winners this time. And Harold Gould, the actor Harold Gould, who was in Rhoda under one. We've done a ton of movies. Born in Connecticut, New York, where we can be heard. I was going to say we can be heard on station W. Dell, W-C-D-Y-F-G but actually we can be heard on WBZ because we get up to that area. Harold Gould, how old do you think he is? [01:09:40] Speaker H: Ken, who is he. [01:09:47] Speaker B: Was. He was Rhoda's father on the Mary Tyler Moore show and also on the know. Okay. When she broke off to do her own show. [01:09:58] Speaker H: Okay, let's see. [01:09:59] Speaker E: Was he in the sting? [01:10:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Was he in the sting? He also in the sting? Yeah. He's been in a lot of things. I just can't think of other names. [01:10:09] Speaker H: I'll say 75. [01:10:11] Speaker B: 75. Ed, what do you think? [01:10:15] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm going to say 75 as well. [01:10:19] Speaker B: You're going to say 75. Is this the way it's going to be all the way through? [01:10:22] Speaker D: Well, I don't know. [01:10:25] Speaker B: Okay. If I can't get a more definitive answer, then I'll take that. Jim. Harold goo. What do you think. [01:10:35] Speaker E: He was in the sting and he had white hair. [01:10:40] Speaker B: Yes. And a mustache. That's right. [01:10:43] Speaker E: And that's 72. So I'm going to say, like, he's 78. [01:10:48] Speaker B: 78, okay. And Kevin? [01:10:50] Speaker E: Yeah. I was going to guess 78 as well. I think it's around target there. 78. 79. I'll go with 79. [01:11:03] Speaker B: Okay. What would you go with, Betty? [01:11:06] Speaker G: I'll say 79 also. [01:11:08] Speaker B: 79 also. And Marie? [01:11:11] Speaker I: I'm going to go with 81. [01:11:13] Speaker B: Eighty's younger than any of you have guessed. He's 72. He's only 72. He does look older, doesn't he? Yeah. Now look at me. You know that on December 20, I turned 70. I can't believe that I'm not going to have anything more to do with me. I don't believe in hanging around with old guys. But. You mean he's only two years. He's only two years older than I am. How come I look so young and have a body of well tempered steel boys? Green, crooked smile, broad shoulders, slim waist. And he looks like an old poop breeding. He plays bad genes. He has bad genes and I have great genes. As you know, my mother is Raquel Welch. [01:12:06] Speaker E: Well, then you must be 39. [01:12:09] Speaker H: You know, she had kids at a very young age. Raquel. [01:12:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I know. [01:12:14] Speaker D: Negative age. [01:12:16] Speaker B: Anyway. [01:12:16] Speaker H: She was even born. [01:12:17] Speaker B: I'm going to get another letter from this guy because both of you are the closest. You said 75 again and you both got tied with two apiece. Wow. And if that is not a scam. [01:12:29] Speaker H: It seems like a conspiracy. [01:12:31] Speaker B: It does seem that way. It would seem so. I think the conspiracy is aimed at me. I think you guys get together ahead of time and plot anyway. Pardon me. [01:12:42] Speaker D: I was going to say, yeah, I called up Ken. I said, ken, let's guess the same thing all the time. [01:12:46] Speaker H: And those letters are really from me. That's why there's no name. [01:12:54] Speaker B: It's kind of funny, because I noticed that there was an inscription on the top of the letterhead that said 24 hours traffic guy. And I thought you were not hiding your tracks too well, fella. Okay, Susan Day, the actress. I guess she was a model at one time. She was in a partridge family as a young kid and then became a grown up lawyer in LA. Law and love and war. I don't know that. Is that a tv show? Maybe a one time shot or something. [01:13:24] Speaker H: Like a series, but I don't know. [01:13:26] Speaker B: Love and that sounds too much action packed in just for one time. If it's going to be all about love and war, that too many things. There should be a miniseries. [01:13:36] Speaker H: Pretty heavy. [01:13:37] Speaker E: That was a tv series, if I remember correctly. That was a tv series. And I can't remember the fellow. She was married to this guy on the show, but I can't remember which one it is, what his name is. [01:13:51] Speaker B: But the fact that you brought it up shows a good inquisitive mind, and we appreciate that in our troops. She was born in Peakin, Illinois. [01:14:01] Speaker D: Peakin. [01:14:03] Speaker B: P-E-K-I-N-I guess that's why you pronounce it peak in Illinois. Okay. [01:14:07] Speaker H: That's where those peak and raviolis come from that you get at chinese food places. [01:14:12] Speaker B: And you know what? [01:14:12] Speaker D: A peak and duck. [01:14:14] Speaker B: Yeah, I was thinking of a small dog, a peak. And east, the full size dog is a peaking and the little one is a Pecanese, which could be an way everything blends together in the program. [01:14:29] Speaker H: It comes full circle. [01:14:31] Speaker B: Okay. Susan day. Kevin, what do you think? [01:14:35] Speaker E: Actually, I think about. God. 44. [01:14:41] Speaker B: 44. Okay. And Marie? [01:14:48] Speaker I: 43. [01:14:49] Speaker B: 43. And Ken. [01:14:54] Speaker H: Say 37. [01:14:56] Speaker B: And what do you think, Betty? [01:15:01] Speaker G: 42. [01:15:02] Speaker B: I'm sorry, how much? [01:15:04] Speaker G: 42. [01:15:05] Speaker B: 42. Okay. [01:15:07] Speaker E: Jim, I used to watch the Partridge family and I was about eight. She must have been 15. So I'm going to say without giving up my age, 45. [01:15:20] Speaker B: Okay. I won't even figure because I don't want to embarrass you. [01:15:24] Speaker E: That's very kind of you, Ed, what do you think? [01:15:29] Speaker D: 39. [01:15:30] Speaker B: 39. I'll just mark that down. [01:15:40] Speaker E: Since we had Dorothy Lamore, can I do my bing Crosby? [01:15:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:15:45] Speaker E: Well, I'm going to take a little drink of minute bad orange juice. How about that? [01:15:50] Speaker B: That's very good. Yeah, very good. [01:15:53] Speaker E: We're trying. [01:15:54] Speaker B: Oh, that's excellent. Excellent. [01:15:56] Speaker E: Here's to you, Dorothy. [01:16:00] Speaker B: Okay. While you're doing that, maybe I can do my Bob hope. Hi, this is Bob. Pepsid Hope saying, oh no, Bob army ranked hope saying that if you use Pepsidon in general you won't have to take out your teeth in private, Susan. Anyway, Susan day is 43 and that's exactly what Marie said. [01:16:27] Speaker I: Hey, I got one right. [01:16:31] Speaker B: Well, this is only the third round. Here's the fourth round. Okay, coming right your way for your dining, dancing and listening. The actor Kenneth Branagh. I've never known how to pronounce his name. Fortunately Associated Press has got a guide to that. It says. [01:16:58] Speaker I: Kenneth Branagh married to Emma Thompson. [01:17:01] Speaker D: Oh yeah. [01:17:03] Speaker B: Okay, let's see. I can't tell you more about that. He's been in a number of movies. Usually I kind of think of a real quality actor when I think of Kenneth Branagh. Sounds like some kind of a vocal exercise, doesn't it? Or maybe what you say to the says brawla while he's sticking stuff in your mouth. Maybe it's not. It was just a wild guess. It's probably got nothing to do with that. Anyway. Do you know any of the movies Kenneth brawl has been in? [01:17:33] Speaker H: Frankenstein. [01:17:35] Speaker B: Frankenstein. [01:17:37] Speaker D: Dead again. [01:17:39] Speaker B: With Robert De Niro. That's right. Dead again. [01:17:42] Speaker D: Yeah, with Emma Thompson. Frankenstein. I liked Frankenstein. [01:17:46] Speaker H: I thought it was good too. It was weird seeing Robert De Niro as the monster though. [01:17:52] Speaker B: Oh, I know, I can tell. [01:17:55] Speaker E: He made a Shakespeare movie with his wife too, right? Henry V, a couple of them, as you like it with us, I think. [01:18:03] Speaker I: So much to do. [01:18:04] Speaker D: It was much to do about nothing. He also did. [01:18:06] Speaker E: There you go. [01:18:07] Speaker D: And I think he's going to be doing Hamlet pretty soon. [01:18:10] Speaker I: Yeah. [01:18:12] Speaker B: Okay. I guess we know who Kenneth Bronhei is. [01:18:16] Speaker D: Yes, we do. [01:18:17] Speaker B: That's good. I'm glad that they'd be able to fit all that together. Let's see. Let's start with Jim. How old do you think he is? [01:18:24] Speaker E: Well, Kenneth Braghaw, 39. [01:18:34] Speaker B: Oh, don't do that to me again. Okay. [01:18:39] Speaker E: I'm serious. [01:18:41] Speaker B: Okay, we'll let it go with that because you're serious. Otherwise, well, never am I. Ed, what do you think? [01:18:48] Speaker D: 43. [01:18:49] Speaker B: Okay, 43. And Demarie. [01:18:56] Speaker I: Oh God, he's right around the same age. 34. [01:18:59] Speaker B: 34. All right. And Kevin. [01:19:04] Speaker E: I'm actually not familiar with who he is, but I'll go with 40. [01:19:10] Speaker B: All right. And Ken? [01:19:13] Speaker H: Yeah, I think 40. [01:19:14] Speaker B: 40. And Betty? [01:19:16] Speaker G: 38. [01:19:18] Speaker B: I'm sorry, 48 or 38? [01:19:19] Speaker G: 38. [01:19:20] Speaker B: 38. Okay. He is. Kenneth Branagh is actually 35. So I think Marie. Marie said 34. Nobody said 36. So it's now a three way tie. Ed, Ken and the lovely Marie. [01:19:40] Speaker I: Well, it's still fixed, I'm sure. [01:19:47] Speaker D: Okay, we're going to let you get just close enough, Marie. [01:19:50] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. And then wipe you out on the last round. If you guys do that, I'll never talk to you again. [01:19:56] Speaker I: But then again, I've never heard of them. I know that I'm right. [01:20:02] Speaker B: Okay, how about the Gloria Loring? She was married to Alan Thicke at one point, was she not? She was a singer. [01:20:09] Speaker I: Days of our lives. [01:20:11] Speaker B: Days of our lives. Yes. Her birth name was Chandler. No, no, that was the character she played on Days of our lives. I said. Yeah, Liz Chandler Demera. [01:20:27] Speaker H: That would have been quite a coincidence, though. [01:20:28] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. We're going to change the name, your character name to your birth name. Therefore, the name will be Zelda Moskowitch. But anyway, that's Gloria Laurie. She's born in New York City. She looks like a Manhattan chick, doesn't she's kind of hip. Well, maybe not. I don't know. Anyway, she was married to Alan thick at one point. They've been divorced for some time. [01:20:57] Speaker D: Oh, what a shame. [01:20:58] Speaker B: Pardon me? What a shame. [01:21:00] Speaker H: He was so unusual in Hollywood to have that happen. [01:21:03] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. It happens probably in only nine out of ten marriages at the very most, and usually not until the second month of marriage. [01:21:12] Speaker D: Now, who is Liz Chandler? [01:21:17] Speaker B: Liz Chandler. [01:21:18] Speaker D: Liz Chandler. [01:21:19] Speaker B: Okay. [01:21:20] Speaker I: For a long time on that show. [01:21:22] Speaker B: What's that? [01:21:23] Speaker I: She's been gone for a long time on that show. She has been on there for years. [01:21:28] Speaker D: Okay. [01:21:28] Speaker B: I don't know what she's been doing lately. [01:21:30] Speaker I: I know that, but, yeah, she has. [01:21:33] Speaker B: Usually what happens to older actresses is when they stop doing regular shows and stuff, they end up on these infomercials. [01:21:42] Speaker D: Selling something for their. [01:21:44] Speaker B: To clear up acne or pimples on their knees or something. [01:21:48] Speaker H: Psychic network, totally be gone. [01:21:51] Speaker B: Yeah, that kind of stuff. That's right. You sort of fade into that, and then I think maybe you do an exercise thing, like a thigh master stuff, or those little things you sit on, and then you do the pimple remover stuff. [01:22:10] Speaker H: Yeah, I think they reserve the psychic network for those who have really hit rock bottom. [01:22:16] Speaker B: Oh, the psychic network. That's right. Yeah. That's usually their question of psychic. Will I be able to do a pebble remover infomercial? Get back in the showbiz. Okay. Marie, Gloria, Lori, how old would you say she is? [01:22:32] Speaker I: Thank God, 50. [01:22:37] Speaker B: 50. Okay. Betty? [01:22:41] Speaker G: 37. How much 37. [01:22:44] Speaker B: 37. Okay. Kevin? [01:22:48] Speaker E: I would say 47. [01:22:50] Speaker B: 47. [01:22:51] Speaker E: And Jim, I have no idea. I'm going to split the difference and go with 40. [01:23:02] Speaker B: Okay. Ed. [01:23:04] Speaker D: Maybe 53. [01:23:06] Speaker B: All right. And Ken? [01:23:08] Speaker H: 45. [01:23:10] Speaker B: Okay. The answer is 49. And that would mean that Marie wins that one, because she said 50 now. Yeah, that's right. They're going to get the letters, they're going to cross out the staff's names, and they're going to write in, marie. [01:23:32] Speaker I: Apparently, I have no life. I know all these people's ages, okay? [01:23:36] Speaker B: But you have burst out into the lead with the three correct answers. [01:23:41] Speaker E: Now it sounds from my phone like she's talking from inside the studio. [01:23:48] Speaker B: No, she's not. Marie, stop touching me there. Now I'll get a letter about that remark. [01:23:56] Speaker I: I'm going to write it now. I have my pencil in my hand. [01:24:01] Speaker B: Okay. If it comes scrawled at pencil, I'll know who it's from. We'll go to Monday, December 11, because that seems to be just about the end of the people that we would know who are still alive, also, because that's one of the qualifications. Monday the 11th is the birthday of Terry Gar, who's a fine actress. She's a lot of fun. She looks neurotic. She's always on the David Letterman show looking nervous. [01:24:31] Speaker H: I was just going to say. I mean, she does David Letterman probably more than any other thing ever. [01:24:36] Speaker B: He's obviously a big fan of hers. And she sits there kind of like she's wound up in knots and is afraid to say anything. She's a very attractive lady and a fine actress in her own right. There's another expression that I hate. Why do people say that? [01:24:53] Speaker H: In somebody else's right? [01:24:54] Speaker B: Yeah. What does that mean? Exactly? And he's a good singer in his own right, but in somebody else's right. He really sucks. I don't know what that means. Terry Gar. Anyway, she was in. I'll get a letter about that one. Also my pencil again. She was in young Frankenstein. Young Frankenstein, yeah. She was excellent in that. [01:25:22] Speaker I: Mr. [01:25:23] Speaker E: Mom. [01:25:23] Speaker B: Mr. Mom. Yeah. And also Tootsie, which was one of my favorite movies, the one with Dustin Hoffman. She was in the black stallion. [01:25:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:25:34] Speaker B: Was she in that? I don't remember saying that. She's been in a ton of movies, though. And Terry Gar. Anyway, you all know who she is. She's from Lakewood, Ohio, and here she is. Come on and meet everybody. Terry Garlic. Even for a Norm Nathan program, I think we're batting like a 1001 on the silly machine. The meters just popping over. [01:26:06] Speaker H: Oh, you got a silly machine. There must be a new addition to the studio. [01:26:12] Speaker E: The silly machine. [01:26:13] Speaker B: The silly machine, yes, that's right. [01:26:15] Speaker D: The new piece of engineering equipment. [01:26:18] Speaker H: It sounds like something from, like, Willy Wonk and the chocolate. [01:26:22] Speaker B: It was just a question of either getting a silly machine or a new coffee machine for the cafeteria. And so you know which way they would go. Right. Okay. Let's start with you, Ken. Terry, Gar, how old would you say she is? She will be on Monday. [01:26:38] Speaker H: I'd say 49. [01:26:43] Speaker B: 49, okay. What do you think, Ed? [01:26:46] Speaker D: 53. [01:26:49] Speaker B: 53. [01:26:50] Speaker D: 53. [01:26:51] Speaker B: Okay. And Jim. [01:26:55] Speaker E: I'd say I'm going to go 49. [01:26:59] Speaker B: Okay. People must think we're all sitting in the same room with funny hats on. Funny little party hats and blowing funny noises and stuff. [01:27:07] Speaker G: We are. [01:27:08] Speaker I: Oh, no, that's my other room. I'm sorry. [01:27:11] Speaker B: That's right. Kevin, how old would you say, Terry Garrett? Garrett. [01:27:18] Speaker E: 47. [01:27:19] Speaker B: 47. Okay. Betty? [01:27:24] Speaker G: 45. [01:27:25] Speaker B: 45. And Marie with the pencil. [01:27:31] Speaker I: I'm going to pencil her in at 44. [01:27:34] Speaker B: Okay. That's the way she picks up a cue like that. [01:27:37] Speaker E: She's. [01:27:38] Speaker B: Okay. This fell. [01:27:39] Speaker G: Yeah. [01:27:41] Speaker B: Terry guy's 46. 46. Listen to those. Listen to those shrieks and everything. So we have a few winners. Two winners, actually, because Betty said 45, so she was one year under and Kevin said 47. One year over. Both within one year for age. [01:28:07] Speaker G: I get them right when I'm not playing. [01:28:12] Speaker E: I took my hat off for this one. I deserve this. [01:28:16] Speaker B: Okay. [01:28:17] Speaker E: I haven't hit one and I'm getting my typewriter. [01:28:21] Speaker B: Maybe. Maybe you'll get this one, too. Brenda Lee. Let me see what I can tell you about Brenda Lee. Brenda Lee. Brenda Lee. Remember Brenda Lee rocking around the Christmas tree? Yeah. Brenda Lee, rocking around the Christmas tree. Peggy Lee. Molly B. It was during Bobby D or something. [01:28:41] Speaker D: Did those karate movies, too. [01:28:43] Speaker H: That was Brandon Lee. [01:28:44] Speaker B: That's right. Brandon Lee. And before that was Bruce and. Bruce Lee. Brenda may tarpley. Did you know that? Tarpley. [01:29:03] Speaker E: Copley. [01:29:04] Speaker D: Like Copley Square. [01:29:05] Speaker B: No. T with a T. Topley, Tarpley. T-A-R Tarpley. P-L-E-Y. Tarpley. [01:29:11] Speaker D: So, nothing like Copley Square. [01:29:13] Speaker B: Nothing like it at all. Not even close. No. There may be a square like that. Like in Atlanta, Georgia, which is where she was born. Nothing up here. No. [01:29:22] Speaker E: All right. [01:29:22] Speaker B: Okay. She's a singer, of course. And one of her songs was. I'm sorry, is that. I'm sorry. [01:29:30] Speaker E: So sorry. [01:29:31] Speaker B: Is that the one? [01:29:32] Speaker H: I think from a commercial. [01:29:34] Speaker E: Francis. [01:29:36] Speaker B: Oh, no. Connie Francis was who's sorry now? But they both specialized in sorry songs and sang them in a sorry kind of manner, as I recall. [01:29:46] Speaker E: Ended up in a sorry kind of way. [01:29:49] Speaker B: I think so, yes. [01:29:50] Speaker H: And then they went home and played that card game. Sorry. [01:29:53] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:29:54] Speaker D: And then war a Sauron. [01:29:57] Speaker B: It's Sauron. No matter what we do with that, it's not going to come out right. [01:30:03] Speaker D: Okay. [01:30:05] Speaker B: All alone mi was also another one. [01:30:07] Speaker D: Of her songs, rocking around the Christmas tree. She did someone. [01:30:11] Speaker B: I don't know. Yeah, that was her. Still rocking around. [01:30:14] Speaker I: What year was that? [01:30:15] Speaker B: No, I don't have details about any of this business, apparently. [01:30:22] Speaker E: I'm not going to give up any information, but let me tell you, she was not of age when she recorded that. [01:30:30] Speaker B: Which one? Either way. Oh, rocking around Christmas tree. She was just a little bit of a kid. I don't want to say a little bit of a kid. Are there big bits? Probably a complete kid. [01:30:41] Speaker H: All the bits intact. [01:30:42] Speaker D: Or a cadet. [01:30:46] Speaker E: Went on to become a whole person. [01:30:48] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right, too. If a nasty person is a cad, would a small nasty person be a cadet? [01:30:59] Speaker H: Only if they joined the army or Navy. [01:31:02] Speaker B: That sounds like one of those lines from the Conan O'Brien show where the guy comes out with the. In the year 2000. Oh, yeah, in the year 2000. Then they do a little one liner there. [01:31:15] Speaker E: And if that person should pass on, they do what they call a Cadbury. [01:31:23] Speaker B: In the year 2000. Okay, Brenda Lee. Let's see. Let's start off with. Who have we not started off with? We start off with you before, Betty. [01:31:39] Speaker G: No. [01:31:40] Speaker B: Okay. Let's start off with you then, for Brenda Lee. You don't sound too warm on the idea. [01:31:46] Speaker G: No. [01:31:46] Speaker B: Okay. [01:31:47] Speaker G: 45. [01:31:48] Speaker B: 45. Okay. And let's see. Jim, what do you think? [01:31:53] Speaker E: I think Brenda Lee is 55 years old. [01:32:00] Speaker B: Okay. And Betty. No, we just asked Betty. [01:32:05] Speaker E: Kevin, 53. [01:32:09] Speaker B: Marie? [01:32:11] Speaker I: I have no idea who she really is. 63. [01:32:17] Speaker B: 63. You said you have no idea who she really is. You mean like this alter ego? [01:32:24] Speaker I: Here we go. Examine my psyche. [01:32:27] Speaker B: Yeah, you know what she is like and stuff. [01:32:31] Speaker I: Sang the song already. [01:32:33] Speaker B: But I wondered whether you're thinking in terms of her real self, her id and all that kind of psyche and stuff. [01:32:41] Speaker I: Well, she used to be. No, never mind reincarnation or anything. [01:32:50] Speaker B: But anyway, you're saying 63 is the answer you're giving. [01:32:53] Speaker I: Just as close as I can get. [01:32:55] Speaker B: Okay. Kevin, Kenra, what do you think? [01:33:01] Speaker H: I think I'll go with 60, I guess. [01:33:04] Speaker B: Okay. And Ed? [01:33:05] Speaker D: 48. [01:33:07] Speaker B: Ed says 48. Actually, she's 51, so I believe that Kevin. See, Kevin said 53. Ed was close with 48. But that's three years away. [01:33:24] Speaker D: Right. [01:33:25] Speaker B: And Kevin's only two years away, so that's a sold. Winning. You're sneaking up there. I got one more. And if you get this one, Kevin, then you're tied with Marie, who has three. [01:33:39] Speaker E: And I thought I was really good on h's. That's the surprising thing. But anyway, go with it. [01:33:44] Speaker B: I suppose you would be if we paraded them right before you. You could look at them and check the pimples on their face and stuff. Senator Kerry of Massachusetts. Us senator. [01:33:55] Speaker D: Oh, is he having a birthday? [01:33:57] Speaker B: Yes, his birthday is Monday. Yes. He was born December 11 in Denver, Colorado. [01:34:05] Speaker D: Oh, really? [01:34:09] Speaker B: He grew up here. But there must be an interesting story how he happened to get born in Denver. Hold on a. I'm just putting on the sheet the actual age, which you will now guess. Let's see. Let's start with you, Ken. What do you think? [01:34:35] Speaker H: That's a tough one. I'll say 55, I guess. [01:34:42] Speaker B: 55. Okay. And Ed? [01:34:44] Speaker D: 47. [01:34:46] Speaker B: What do you think, Jim? [01:34:48] Speaker E: Can I waste a guess? [01:34:50] Speaker B: Can you waste a guess? Okay, how do you do that? [01:34:54] Speaker E: Since the traffic reporter is with us, I'd like to say 76 and ASM Jackhardt. [01:35:02] Speaker B: Okay, I'm sorry. I'll be quiet. That's the spirit. Okay. That's the one you wasted. Now you got a real one. I never heard of. I never heard anybody phrase it quite that way. [01:35:18] Speaker E: Figured. You know, I wanted to hear a nice little Jack Hart. He does a good Jack Hart. [01:35:24] Speaker B: John Kerry, or Ken. [01:35:29] Speaker H: Actually, I am Jack Hart. I work for the rest of the days of the week, too. [01:35:33] Speaker E: Now, the letters will come. I'm going to say 49. [01:35:38] Speaker B: Okay. And Kevin, it's a tough one. [01:35:42] Speaker E: I know. His present wife is slightly older than he is. Valgo with 48. [01:35:49] Speaker B: All right. And Betty? [01:35:52] Speaker G: 53. [01:35:54] Speaker B: 53. Okay. And what do you think, Marie? [01:35:57] Speaker I: He's married to the Hines woman, right? [01:36:00] Speaker B: That's correct. [01:36:02] Speaker I: The milestone. 51. [01:36:06] Speaker B: 51. Okay. He'll be 52. So I believe Marie and Betty, then both. Marie said 51, one year off, and Betty said 53, which is one year the other way. And that's it. Yeah. [01:36:25] Speaker E: Marie. [01:36:26] Speaker B: So Marie has got four correct answers and just walks away with this thing. And anyway, Betty has two, and so does Kevin, Ed and Ken. And Jim was so close, you could hardly put a thin page of paper there between. What am I saying? I don't know. Okay, so you win the junkie prizes, Marie. [01:36:56] Speaker I: Oh, well, now I'm depressed. [01:36:58] Speaker D: But you don't have to be in the movie. [01:37:01] Speaker I: Oh, who's going to start it, though. [01:37:05] Speaker D: Oh, I don't know. [01:37:06] Speaker E: Michael Landon and I was a teenage. [01:37:09] Speaker I: Oh, yeah, I have to look at that word when I get off the phone. [01:37:16] Speaker B: Anyway, I want to thank all those of you for providing the kind of excitement and fun that we all enjoy just the darn much. The thing that always amazes me is the number of letters I get and comments from people saying they get a kick out of the dumb birthday game. And you think anything that's on between three and 04:00 a.m. There's nobody there. [01:37:38] Speaker H: It's either this or a psychic network. [01:37:40] Speaker B: Oh, I know, that's true, that's true. [01:37:42] Speaker I: But you have to pay for that. The 1900 number. [01:37:46] Speaker B: Yeah, but unless you're watching it on. [01:37:48] Speaker H: Tv, watch the free infomercial. [01:37:50] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right, the free infomercial with. [01:37:53] Speaker D: But this you don't have. [01:37:54] Speaker B: Diane Warwick, Dionne Warwick, and that other lady who smiles a lot gets such a big kick out of norm, can. [01:38:01] Speaker E: I say one thing before I go? [01:38:02] Speaker B: Absolutely. Thank you. [01:38:04] Speaker E: So. Darn. [01:38:08] Speaker B: Did you do the Bing crossing imitation? Yeah. So those are two. You get the beginnings of a nightclub. [01:38:16] Speaker E: Here we go. [01:38:17] Speaker H: I can do a judge ito impression. [01:38:19] Speaker B: Oh, I'd love to hear aw Ito. [01:38:24] Speaker A: So close to hearing Ken's impersonation. But the tape ran out before we could make a judgment if it was guilty or not guilty. Oh, boy, these jokes deserve punishment. Like subscribe and share. And please support the show over on Patreon. Give what you can. Thanks to those who are already patrons, next year's distribution was covered, and there was still enough left to make, albeit a small, donation, to the Berkeley College of Music in Norm's memory. I will be contacting them soon to take care of that. Closing the vault and leaving this world a little sillier than we found it for phrases that have become cliches, that fantastic pokeband aptness of thought, not being prepared to think, not asking questions. Dancing through the valley of death. [01:39:18] Speaker B: Yay. [01:39:19] Speaker A: Cups running over. Jack Armstrong. Good old round John Virgin shaking well before serving. Rambling disclaimers. Civil War troop trains filled with silly pooks, extra cigarettes. Richard Letterer, pitifully usurping the conversation. Cleft chins, whistling Dixie, losing the possibility of earning a soup fortune. Ozzy Nelson's illegitimate son, half Nelson. Pick Fair touring all 72 stories of WBZ broadcast City, the classic horror movie, the usherettes under the seats, dead or napping flights of tangents. Zelda Moskowich, tad in cadets, Ken Newman, Ed Leclaire, Jack Hart and the man whose show was always nutrition for the ears. Norm Nathan, I'm Tony Nesbitt.

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